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Player character's roster:

House Targaryen

House Arryn (@Ezekiel, @Jorick, @Ruby)

House Greyjoy

House Stark (@smarty0114)

House Lannister

House Hightower (@Sini)

House Saan (@Kassarock)

Lord Rhaegal Waters, Lord Confessor (@Jorick)
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Kassarock
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Kassarock W O R L D E A T E R

Member Seen 1 day ago

House Saan

House Saan is an ancient noble family hailing from the Free City of Lys and descending from the dragonlords of Old Valyria. The House has the dubious distinction of also being the progenitor of a number of successful pirate lords. During the reign of Aegon I there was the pirate King Sargosso Saan, and more recently the pirate lords of Wreckstone, Sharako Saan and his son Lysono.

Currently the House is split into two different factions on either side of Daemon Targaryen's war for the Stepstones, House Saan of Lys and House Saan of Wreckstone. House Saan of Lys is the senior of the two branches of the family and is active in the magisterial politics of the Free City of Lys and the wider Kingdom of the Three Daughters. The junior branch, House Saan of Wreckstone, are pirate lords based on the Isle of Wreckstone, and are currently a vassal of the Kingdom of the Stepstones and the Narrow Sea.

House Saan of Lys

The Lysene branch of House Saan is both the senior of the two and the more powerful, prestigious branch. Headed by Magister Samarro Saan, its members are predominantly made up of his own children, although other descendants through matrilineal line can be found in both the noble Houses of Ormollen and Haen. Samarro is a man near the height of his power, a rich and well respected trader who sits on the Conclave of Magisters which rules the Free City of Lys. He has numerous sons and grandsons to succeeded his legacy and has made shrewd political alliances with other Lysene houses like the Rogares. However, a threat to his family lies in their renegade cousin, Lysono of Wreckstone, whose actions in the War for the Stepstones have raised questions about the loyalties of House Saan as a whole and has soured relations with other members of the Triachy.
House Members:

  • Magister Samarro Saan (55), current Patriarch of House Saan and sitting Magister of the Free City of Lys. Widower.

    • Sylvarrio Saan (32), Samarro's eldest son and heir apparent, manages most of the families mercantile activities . Married to Ryella Ormollen.
      • Syaella Saan (10), daughter of Sylvarrio, twin of Syaello.
      • Syaello Saan (10), son of Sylvarrio, twin of Syaella.
      • Saera Saan (6), daughter of Sylvarrio.

    • Salloreon Saan (29), Sammarro's second son, a captain of the city watch of Lys. Married to Elaena Saan.
      • Saathos Saan (8), son of Salloreon and Elaena, nephew of Lysono.
      • Selenya Saan (5), daughter of Salloreon and Elaena, niece of Lysono.

    • Saenerys Saan (27), daughter of Sammarro. Married to Lysandro Rogare, politician and banker.

    • Syrio Saan (24), third son of Sammarro, proprietor of notable pleasure house. Bachelor.

    • Saenyx Saan (20), youngest son of Sammarro, apprentice to the Lysene alchemist guild. Bachelor.

House Saan of Wreckstone

Originally founded by Sharako Saan, a cousin of the Lysene Magister Samarro Saan, House Saan of Wreckstone is a fledgling house of Pirate Lords of the Stepstones. Until recently the house was landless after being purged from the Stepstones by the forces of the Triachy, but through allying itself with Daemon Targaryen's War for the Stepstones it has found fortune once more. Headed by the renegade and ambitious Lysono Saan, this small house represents a challenge to the status quo of Lysene politics.
House Members:

  • Elaena Saan, (27) daughter of Sharako Saan, currently resides with senior branch in Lys. Wife of Salloreon Saan.

  • Lysono Saan (25), son of Sharako Saan, pirate lord of Wreckstone. Bachelor.

  • Vysenna Saan (18), daughter of Sharako Saan. Debutante at King Daemon's court.

Captains of the Wreckstone Fleet:

  • Khorane Marr, Lysono's trusted leftenant, the one captain of his father's fleet who returned to Lys after the mutiny.
  • Garin the Green, Lysono's closest companion, a young Dornish orphan of the green blood.
  • Torreo Sathmantes, dangerous and ambitious captain from a somewhat prominent Lysene house.
  • Moredo Sathmantes, younger brother of Torreo, obedient follower.
  • Left-hand Lem, Oldtown smuggler turned pirate.
  • Skullsplitter Stygg, an Ironborn raider.

Full Character sheets:

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Stormborn
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Stormborn Mother of Dragons

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Sini
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

House Hightower

Ancient and proud, House Hightower of the Hightower is the most powerful of the noble houses in the Reach. Among their illustrious lineage are kings and queens, men and women both legendary and infamous. They have often preferred trade instead of war, but are far from pacifist.

Their seat is the Hightower, located in the city of Oldtown, an impressive lighthouse fortress which features on their coat-of-arms as a stone white watchtower, crowned with fire. Their motto is "We Light the Way". Further burnishing their prestige is Vigilance, their Valyrian steel sword.

As masters over the oldest and wealthiest city of Westeros, protectors of both the Citadel and Starry Sept, and with a host of bannermen all their own, the Hightowers command pride and place. As their sky-scraping seat of power does over Oldtown, so do the Hightowers loom large over the pages of history indeed.

Recent History:

House Hightower, like their eponymous seat, has risen sky-high. Having made a name for himself as an able administrator as his Abelar’s right hand man. The brothers had quarrelled most viciously, and it was agreed that Oldtown had become too small to accommodate them both. Ser Otto duly exchanged Oldtown for King’s Landing where he did very well for himself indeed. Upon Baelon the Brave’s death in 101 AC, Ser Otto was named Hand of the King by Jaehaerys I. Otto Hightower would hold the office for nigh a decade, until his incessant dogging of Jaehaerys’ son, Viserys I, to elevate the king’s grandson above Princess Rhaenyra caused him to fall from grace. Leaving behind his Daughter Alicent, Queen since 106 AC, and a strong faction that support her son’s claim to the Iron Throne, Ser Otto returned to Oldtown to reconcile with his elder brother.

For the past two years, Abelar and Otto have patched up an uneasy peace between them. While Otto may no longer be Viserys’ Hand, he still exerts massive influence through his daughter, the Queen. Otto has adopted patience, confident his skills and personal relations to the royal house will see him restored to office. Lord Abelar believes his brother’s ambitions soar too high, and is convinced he would be better off tempering them. At the same time, he understands his brother’s pursuit of power for Otto has no lordship to call his own. He is aware of a certain parallel between himself and King Viserys. Whilst the King has been heard to say “Let Daemon play at war. It keeps him out of trouble,” Lord Abelar adapted the royal quote to fit his own brother, displaying his sarcastic sense of humour: “Let Otto play at politics. It gets him in trouble.”

Sworn Houses:

House Beesbury of Honeyholt
House Bulwer of Blackcrown
House Costayne of the Three Towers
House Cuy of Sunhouse
House Mullendore of Uplands
House Members:

  • Lord Abelar Hightower (51), also called Abe(lar) the Able or Lord Able
    • Ser Ormund, his son and heir (27)

  • Ser Bryndon Hightower (48), the foremost knight of Oldtown, also called Bryndon the Bold (or Bryndon the Bald in covert ridicule).

  • Ser Otto Hightower (46), Abelar’s youngest brother
    • Ser Barris, his eldest, deceased
    • Queen Alicent Hightower (27), wife to Viserys I. She is three-and-twenty years of age, (born 88 AC), and became Queen in 106 AC. She has already given His Grace two sons and a daughter, their children being
      • Aegon (born 107 AC), a raucous toddler
      • Helaena (109 AC), a quiet child still in swaddling
      • Aemond (110 AC), a newborn babe
    • Ser Gwayne Hightower (15), youngest of Otto's children, and already a knight of renown in spite of his young age.

Assorted cousins and kinsmen:
  • Ser Myles Hightower, a knightly cousin, a greedy and miserly man.
  • Ser Hobert Hightower, (41), yet another cousin, a stout, slow-moving man who is known to dabble in poisons.

more TBA
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Ruby
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Ruby No One Cares

Member Seen 27 days ago

House Arryn of the Vale

The Arryns are the oldest and purest line of Andal nobility in the Seven Kingdoms and trace their lineage back six thousand years to Ser Artys Arryn. Called the Winged Knight, Ser Artys was an Andal leader who crossed the sea from the hills of Andalos on the eastern continent to conquer Westeros. The Arryns and the Andals would eventually take every section of Westeros south of the Neck. So complete was their literal and cultural conquest that peoples living in Essos frequently refer to Westeros as the Land of the Andals. House Arryn itself kept to the Vale of Arryn instead of attempting to forge themselves a Kingdom of all Westeros. Artys Arryn's reasons for this remain lost to time. Their rule of the Vale lasted uninterrupted for six thousand years until the then Head of House Arryn bent the knee to Aegon the Conquerer.

While House Arryn knelt they kept themselves isolated and out of the larger Westeros political picture until more recent times. One of House Arryn's favorite daughters, Aemma, was wed to a Targaryen King. The members of House Arryn were split on the virtue of such a decision before the marriage, and after Aemma's death nearly every House Arryn member has agreed that Aemma's marriage was a mistake. This view has been reinforced by the Princess's outright abandonment of her Arryn blood. Never again will House Arryn offer one of their own as a puppet to the madness of House Targaryen.

While Daemon Targaryen may have married a Royce and then claimed he lost interest, the truth is much more complicated: the Vale wanted the bastard out and none made that more clear than House Arryn. Though they would not betray their own honor, it is whispered far and wide among the commonfolk that Aemma's daughter would not even be welcome in the Vale. The commonfolk gossip since the ruling Lord of the Vale and his lady wife were seemingly murdered traveling through the Riverlands. Without any sons their rule has passed to their eldest daughter, a maid of six and ten, Lady Alyssa. She is guided by her uncle, Ser Emmon Arryn.

Although it's not uncommon gossip that Ser Emmon is not Lady Alyssa's uncle but in truth her father.

Current Members
  • Alyssa Arryn, Lady of the Eyrie, Defender of the Vale, Warden of the East, a maid of six-and-ten,
    • Lady Jenn, her sister and a child of six, heir to the Vale,
    • Lord Emmon, her uncle and Castellan of the Eyrie, a man of four-and-thirty,
    • Ser Ronnel, a Knight of the Vale, recently returned from travels, a man of seven-and-twenty,
  • her late father and mother:
    • {Lord Donnel}, a bookish and shy and awkard man, murdered in the Riverlands,
    • {Lady Marcella} of House Grafton, widely considered the most beautiful woman in the Vale, murdered in the Riverlands,

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Ruby
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Ruby No One Cares

Member Seen 27 days ago

Name: Lady Celena Lannister, called The Lioness.
Age: 28
House/Affiliation: The Iron Bank of Braavos (Formerly: House Lannister of Lannisport)

None know the true story that lead a young, highborn, Lady Celena Lannister to runaway. Her parents bodies weren't even cold the first time someone thought to inquire about the location of their only child. By the time the Red Cloaks of the Lannisport City Watch started asking questions and looking for her, it was too late, the child far gone from the Sunset shores. The fates of her parents remains a haunting unsolved mystery for any nobility in the City of Sunsets. It's believed Lord Addam's eldest brother gave the assassination order when Lord Addam refused to be cowed by vague threats from the ruling Lord of House Lannister of Lannisport, Celena's own uncle.

True or not, the eldest brother's fall soon after Lord Addam's death simply cannot be an accident. There are whispers that the Lannisters of Casterly Rock even had a hand in the murders. Whether true or not, it's noteworthy Lady Celena has never spoken to another Lannister, has never helped another Lannister, and has left messages to her from Lannisters go unanswered, be it from the Lannisters of Lannisport or Casterly Rock. Most presumed her dead, or enslaved, or taken as a Salt Wife. There is recorded mention of the girl in the Summer Isles less than a year after her disappearance; a Priestess in the Temple of Love has the signature of a "Celena Lannister" in a temple roll. Some say she boarded a Swan ship and sailed to the Far East.

The best source on what happened to Celena comes from the current Sealord of Braavos: little Celena ran away to the docks of Lannisport and just happened to catch the eye of Bravoosi corsair king Enki Dumazi in port for repairs. She paid for a cabin with a small coin pouch filled with gold, but the pirate threw the coin purse over his shoulder and into the Sunset Sea, simply welcoming the child Celena aboard his ship the Death of Sorrow. It is known Dumazi was fond of men and boys, not women and girls, as such Dumazi would have seemed safe to the young Celena compared to Lannisport. At some point, it's clear little Celena is an active part of Dumazi's crew, even trained in the martial and sailing arts of piracy. She will spend an unknown amount of years upon the sea with Dumazi. At some point, Dumazi dies, though it is unknown whether or not of natural causes. Here, at the age of ten and four, Celena Lannister disappears from history, only to reappear again over ten years later in Braavos.

When she reappears it is noteworthy: to this day Celena Lannister is the only person to hold the title of First Sword of Braavos for a single night. The Sealord that appointed her was besieged on all sides from agents and rivals supported by enemies from other Free Cities, most notably Volantis. The exact number of how many people died remains a mystery, but estimates from the Iron Bank run anywhere from two hundred to five hundred bravos. While the body count that night for any one person is likely never to be known, one thing all observers agree upon is that none had a higher body count than the First Sword of Braavos that night. The bodies she buries during the Night of Broken Swords establish the foundation of power the current Sealord has enjoyed ever since.

The next week Celena disappears from Braavos, though where she goes is yet another period of pure mystery in the tale of the Lioness. There are reported sightings all over Essos, and even in some Westeros locations. The Sealord says she went to East to the Shadowlands. Betheny the Bold, a famous mummerer known as a friend to Celena, claims that the Lioness went to explore the ruins of the Rhoynar and the Valyrians, even though common knowledge says none who venture there survive. Others claim she joined with a band of explorers and set sail for Sothoryos. She either made it to Qarth, depending on who you believe, or came face to face with a Pirate King of the Basilisk Islands before heading further down the coast of Sothoryos than any other soul has and lived to tell the tale.

Whatever the truth of it Celena reappars in Braavos as an official of the Iron Bank of Braavos. She is the first Westerosi born person to be granted the rank of Keyholder in the history of the Iron Bank of Braavos. Though an important honorific in Braavosi culture, given there are anywhere from just under to just over a thousand Keyholders at any one time the true measure of rank in the Iron Bank resides in how many shares in the bank you have, which and how many of it's secret councils you sit, and how loud a voice in selecting the men and women who will lead the bank you have. Of these measures, no one but those within the Iron Bank of Braavos itself has any clue how truly influential Celena Lannister is. The official line is that she is a Keyholder, and an agent of the Iron Bank, and no more.

When the Sealord of Braavos was presented with that answer after asking about the scope of his former First Sword's involvement in the Iron Bank he laughed so hard he nearly pissed himself and immediately dismissed the Iron Bank official from his audience chamber. What is absolutely known in Westeros is that Celena had been spotted around the continent in the past three years: she was seen sparring Knights at the Golden Tooth and killed one when he became enraged at losing so swiftly to a woman and attacked Celena with real steel and murderous intent. She was a guest on at least one pleasure barge sailing along the Mander. She spoke to Orphans of the Greenblood in Dorne. She visited the Wall, and the small town around Winterfell. She spent time hunting with the infamous Sacred Circle bandit group in the Rainwood. All along and inbetween she spoke to nobles minor and high alike, merchants and innkeepers.

Celena has spent much of the last year in travel. A stop at Braavos confirmed by the Iron Bank itself, then a confirmed spotting in Andalos where she apparently retrieved Ser Ronnel Arryn. She was last seen arriving at Gulltown with a small fleet of Braavosi built warships flying the banner of House Arryn. She owns a modified swan ship built in the Summer Isles, though none know it's appearance or name or current anchorage. It is believed to fly Braavosi flags or the banner of the Iron Bank itself. It's typical captain is a Braavosi that is said to owe Celena his life, going under the alias Noho Varvo, believed a former member of Enki Dumazi's crew. Myrish spymasters suspect the vessel to be anchored somewhere in Westeros, likely hidden among the Fingers.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Jorick
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Jorick Magnificent Bastard

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Lord Rhaegel Waters
Age: 28
House/Affiliation: Lord Confessor and Master of Whisperers to King Viserys I Targaryen

Appearance: Art by LeafOfSteel on Deviantart.

Biography: While Rhaegel's father was never positively identified, his heritage is written clear for any with eyes to see. Even in the cradle, the silver hair and purple eyes made it clear that his dark-haired tavern wench mother, a young woman named Ella, had made the child with someone of Valyrian blood. He was born on Dragonstone, and there his status as one born of dragonseed made it simpler for his mother to raise him as a single mother. The men who had laid with her in the time Rhaegel might have been conceived were courteous enough to see that the boy's needs were met and that he got at least a rudimentary education from the maester of Dragonstone, though none stepped forward to claim him directly. Thus Rhaegel live in relative comfort, helping do some work on ships at the docks out of interest rather than need, until Ella died of a pox when he was ten years old. Two of the three men who had been helping his mother out with money came and found Rhaegel a few days later, and they presented him with a variety of options for what could be done, none of which included the silver-haired and purple-eyed men taking direct responsibility for him. Rhaegel made his choice with his deceased mother in mind, and so he was sent by ship to the Citadel with a sack of coin and two letters of recommendation in order to learn the healing arts and fight diseases like those that took his mother's life.

After getting situated in the Citadel, Rhaegel made fine progress in forging his maester's chain. His first link, silver for medicine and healing, took him a year and a half. The second silver link took just a year. The following year he forged two silver links and made good progress on one of black iron for learning to work with ravens. Over the course of eight years, Rhaegel managed to forge a particularly strange chain compared to his fellows: where others spread their focus between a few differing fields of study, Rhaegel was relentless in the pursuit of knowledge regarding the workings of the human body and how to heal all manner of ills. As a man of eighteen years, he left the Citadel with a chain made of eleven silver links and just four of other metals. He never swore the maester's vow, in large part because the archmaesters decided that he needed to learn more of other subjects before he would be worthy of the title, but Rhaegel did not truly care to become a maester. He'd long ago abandoned that burning desire to become a healer, turning instead toward a desire for knowledge for its own sake, and he had learned all the Citadel had to teach in the area he cared about.

It took him only a month to find someone, a minor lord of the Reach, who was willing to let Rhaegel delve into the studies that would have stripped him of the status of maester had he bothered to achieve it. The lord was very paranoid and saw enemies all around, so Rhaegel got to work stripping every last secret from anyone the lord suspected of treachery. He learned a lot from his living subjects, both in matters of anatomy and the nefarious doings of the rich and powerful. It turned out to be very simple to make someone tell the truth, but much harder to make them tell and believe an alternative truth more to Rhaegel's liking. He manipulated some of them into earning death for supposedly plotting against the lord who employed him, and the grateful lord in turn allowed him to carry out the sentence in his own way. He learned many fascinating things about the inner workings of a living body, but his subjects lacked the vision and brilliance to see him as anything more than a butcher.

Rhaegel's quick elevation in status began soon after he reached his twentieth nameday. A traveling merchant had caught the ire of the lord for not bringing any fine Dornish wine, which of course made him some kind of assassin in need of an aggressive push toward confession. In truth, it turned out that the merchant was party to a murderous plot, but against one Lord Tarly rather than the unimportant lord who employed Rhaegel, and his bags actually contained the bottle of poison that was meant for the hands of the would-be assassin. It was quite simple to arrange for transportation to Horn Hill with prisoner in tow, especially after Rhaegel's poor employer passed in his sleep the same night the merchant was caught. The merchant had been carrying a variety of medicinal herbs intended for sale to maesters, and a hefty does of wolf's bane in the lord's mulled wine was more than enough to stop his heart. The actual maester of the small holdfast, a man who despised Rhaegel for what he viewed as a dark perversion of the healing arts, ruled the death a matter of natural causes due to old age.

Lord Tarly proved to be quite grateful for Rhaegel's services, and he was invited to watch the beheading of the merchant and the three known co-conspirators. Rather than keeping him around, Lord Tarly sent him on to King's Landing with a glowing letter of recommendation in hand, telling King Viserys of his service and imploring the Lord Confessor of the time to take Rhaegel on as one of the crown's confessors. Upon arrival and being seen during one of the king's public audience sessions, Rhaegel received the gratitude of the crown for his efforts made to save the life of a loyal lord and a royal appointment as a confessor. The elderly Lord Confessor and Master of Whisperers turned out to be rather terrible at his job, leaving all the hard work to his underlings, but the newest confessor was content to work in the shadows for a while. Holding to the constraints imposed by a lord whose mind was not addled with paranoia was something of a challenge, but Rhaegel enjoyed the puzzles posed to him by those limitations. What is the best way to break a knight's will without spilling any blood? How can one make a hardened cutthroat confess his crimes but leave him living by the end of it? Is it possible to make a lord break down and tell his darkest secrets without harming a single hair on his head?

Rhaegel solved all of those problems and more, and he quickly became the confessor most trusted to handle difficult prisoners. He was castigated once for botching a questioning by planting false truths in the prisoner's mind, but that was all it took for him to accept a new constraint: seek only the actual truth, not whatever version of truth would be the most exciting. He worked diligently in the dungeons for four years, slowly acquiring more and more responsibilities as the elderly Lord Confessor crept toward the grave. By the time the old man retired in order to die in his own land rather than King's Landing, Rhaegel was the Lord Confessor and Master of Whisperers in all but name, and his predecessor acknowledged that by telling King Viserys that there was no man better suited to take on the titles and the seat on the Small Council. The king took that advice to heart, and in 109 AC Rhaegel was appointed to the Small Council and given land in the Crownlands and a separate title in order to make him a full lord rather than a mere lord in name by way of his seat on the council. He declined the offer to establish a lordly house of his own making, instead wishing to keep the bastard name of Waters until such time as he found a suitable wife and married into her family name, which the king graciously allowed.

In two years as Lord Confessor and Master of Whisperers, Lord Rhaegel Waters has made his presence felt across Westeros and beyond. With his hands fully on the reins he was able to revitalize the crumbling spy network his predecessor had left him, expanding it in the realms governed by the Iron Throne in the first year and then finding contacts in Dorne and Essos in the second. The confessors have been whipped into shape, quite literally in one case, to the point that now Rhaegel only gets his own hands dirty because he wants to rather than because he cannot trust his underlings to do a proper job. With the machinery of spying and torture now running smoothly, Rhaegel has turned his eye toward a somewhat less bloody matter: the search for a suitable wife who has enough fortitude to not faint at the sight his work. It is a rather different challenge than those he has faced thus far, but he looks forward to overcoming it all the same.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

House Grazadan of New Ghis

Recent History: Many say that the Ghiscari are a broken and decadent people, playing at the glories of Empire while not lifting a finger to make good on their claims of superiority. Those people have not been to New Ghis, where the spirit of the Old Empire still beats strong. Founded by more martial Ghiscari disgusted by the increasing sloth of their brethren, New Ghis is the most dynamic of the cities of Slaver's Bay, able to deal with Astapor, Yunkai, and even Mereen as equals despite its relative youth. And behind this dynamism is House Grazdan, which presents itself as the descendants of the Imperial Line of Old Ghis, whether by blood or by achievement.

House Grazadan was founded by Grazdan the Renewer, who claimed to be the descendant of a survivor of Old Valyria's purge of the original bloodlines of Old Ghis. Before making this claim, however, he was a son of a Mereenese aristocrat who preferred fighting above lounging and commanding free men to slave soldiers. Eventually, Grazdan tired of the decadent ways of Mereen, and left for the island that New Ghis would be founded on with many among Mereen's elite who shared the same sentiments. Once the city was founded, martially-inclined Ghiscari from Astapor and Yunkai would later follow, putting themselves under Grazadan's command in order to refound the glories of the Ghiscari Empire.

But it was not just aristocrats seeking nostalgia that followed, but also pirates, mercenaries, and of course, slaves. New Ghis quickly became infamous for its raids on the Summer Islands, the Qartheen, and even other Ghiscari when the leadership can get away with it. Over time, even ships from Volantis were preyed on, although only when the New Ghiscari can get away with it. And New Ghis grew rich as well as resented.

Now, New Ghis reigns under a new King, Grazadan the Chainbringer, so-called because of his participation in slave raids and campaigns of conquest in his youth, where several cities and outposts on the mainland were forced to acknowledge the rule of New Ghis. But the Chainbringer desires more - His brethren in the Slaver Cities do not acknowledge the need to reform the Ghiscari Empire, and they must be made to.

And no cost will be too high.

Family Members:

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Shizuochan
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

House Drahar of Myr

House Drahar is an ancient family from the Free City of Myr, their blood distilled from the adventuring conquerors of the Valyrian Freehold and the Rhoynars both. While in time they too would make sizeable fortunes as merchants -- as any proper Myrish family of note should -- they prospered, firstly, as pirate hunters of great skill and renown. During Aegon I’s reign there was Vaeqaro Drahar, ‘Dancing Flame of the Sea’, and in more recent times, Craghas Drahar, ’Crabfeeder’, whose staking of over a hundred pirates upon the Stepstones’ beaches was a feat as worthy of the family name as any other.

Currently, the House Drahar sails through dire straits. The defeat and death of Prince-Admiral Craghas Crabfeeder by Daemon Targaryen’s blade has vastly lowered the Drahar name in the estimation of the Triarchy’s Magisters, and a name is no small matter. House Drahar’s good fortune relies not only on a favorable outcome in the conflicts against Daemon Targaryen but, indeed, that the victory is leveraged in no small part by their deeds. Craghas Drahar was first among them, but fresher blood must prove the stronger if House Drahar is to thrive or, rather, survive.
House Members:

  • Magister Dareon Drahar (57), patriarch of House Drahar and a Magister of the Triarchy. Last in esteem amongst the conclave, often mocked. Married to Taena Ostel.

    • Taena Ostel (49), first -- and only -- wife of Dareon Drahar. A pleasure-dancer who became something more than a bedwarming companion with honeyed words, clever tongue and a shrewd mind. Her body has grown bloated and plodding, but her tongue remains nimble, and her mind possessed of a muscular prowess.
      • Craghas Drahar (29, Deceased). Crabfeeder. Eldest son. Former Prince-Admiral. Commanded the armies of the Triarchy. Brutally defeated and humiliated many times in battle by the likes of Daemon Targaryen and Corlys Velaryon before meeting his end at the hands of the former. Feeding the crabs.
      • Aeraro Drahar (28). Failure. Eldest (living) son and heir. Captains the war galley ‘Moonglow Maiden’ -- formerly named ‘Crab, Upturned’ and ‘Ship’ -- with questionable efficacy. Bachelor.
      • Nila Drahar (25). Artisan. Eldest daughter. Found a certain fame carving immaculate figures of the seven. Moved onto more abstract creations with middling success. Married to her craft, and not much else.
      • Lererah Drahar (24). Hedonist. Daughter. An outspoken drunk (and outspoken sober) and glutton gifted in her ability to commune with merchants. Does her best to sell Nila’s more… unpalatable creations. Married to Jaqono Bahin, eldest son of Magister Baresso Bahin, and Prince-Admiral of Myr.
      • Adarano Drahar (18). Clever. Youngest son, and favorite of Taena. Aspiring sellsword of some promise, constantly manipulated by Dareon and Taena into comfortable houseguard duties. Finessed his way onto the crew of the Moonglow Maiden, unbeknownst to father and mother, in a questionable demonstration of his cleverness. Bachelor.

    • Joresso (34). Formerly an Unsullied of some ill-wrought name before given a new one. Has grown quite fat in his capacity as captain of the house guard. May still be the finest spearman in Myr.

Crew of the Moonglow Maiden:

  • Doniphos the Quarrel, first of the three foremost warriors aboard the Moonglow Maiden. Has grown complacent in his martial prowess, preferring instead to tinker with his Myrish crossbow. Lunatic.
  • Waera Reyaan, second of three. Braavosi, exiled. Lover of courtesans, water-dancer, and prolific duelist in the nighttime. Sadist.
  • Varan, third of three. First mate. Wields an arakh and boasts of the braids held at his satchel, which he claims belongs to a group of khals easily defeated. Liar.
  • Horos. Hapless deckhand. Mistreated.
Character Sheets:

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Danvers
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Danvers boo

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House Tyrell traces its ancestry to Garth Greenhand, the legendary first king of the Reach who made the land bloom. They, along with many other houses in the reach, claim descent from his line, though theirs is through the females of the family. For over a thousand years, the Greenhand’s sons and grandsons ruled the Reach as House Gardener. The offshoots of his daughters grew into vast and powerful houses in their own right. Except for House Tyrell. They instead chose to serve the Gardeners for centuries, as stewards of Highgarden and the daily affairs of the Reach.

Then King Mern, the last Gardener King of The Reach, joined forces with Loren Lannister to face the then King Aegon who had landed in Westeros. At the Field of Fire, Aegon burned their armies and Mern himself was killed. Until the maesters sorted out the entail amongst Merns cousins, Harlen the steward was acting lord at Highgarden. He, looking to ensure peace, yielded Highgarden and its lands to King Aegon. The King accepted the proposal and to show his gratitude, entitled Harlen to Highgarden, making the Tyrells his Wardens of the South and choosing them over many older & greater families in the Reach.

It has been one hundred years since then and the Tyrells have successfully cared for the Reach and its people, as they did for centuries before. However many houses, including the Florents, can boast a greater claim to Highgarden, and still see the Tyrells as little more than upjumped stewards. That said, the Tyrells are well-liked amongst the common folk, providing bountiful harvests for much of Westeros and commanding a formidable army. The Tyrells have been seemingly loyal to the Targaryean dynasty since Aegon's reign, Lord Martyn, and his wife Lady Fossoway, even serving as master of coin for King Jaehaerys. The two (although it really was Florences doing) proved extremely able and with their help the Seven Kingdoms prospered, King Jaehaerys being able to use the extra gold to expend his project of roads; which includes the roseroad and kingsroad to name a few.

House Members:

  • Lord Matthos Tyrell (50, born 61 AC)
    • Lady Elinor Tyrell née Rowan (46, born 65 AC), his wife
    • Garrett Tyrell (born 82 AC), his eldest son, deceased
    • Ser Leyton Tyrell (27, born 84 AC), member of the Kingsguard, nicknamed The Blushing Rose
    • Leyla Tyrell (19, born 92 AC), his eldest daughter
    • Alester Tyrell (16, born 95 AC), heir to Highgarden
  • Ser Rycherd Tyrell (49, born 62 AC), second son of Lord Martyn & Lady Florence.
    • Maerie Merryweather (43, born 68 AC), his wife
    • Arthur Flowers (23, born 88 AC). Raised by his mother & little known to his father. Currently working as a sellsword somewhere in Essos.
    • Multiple other legitimate children - including 4 daughters & 2 sons.
  • Lady Florence Tyrell, née Fossoway (70, born 41 AC) wife of the former Lord Martyn Tyrell

House members

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by NecroKnight
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