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Hidden 11 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Midorimacchi
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Midorimacchi Nico ❤ Nico

Member Seen 2 mos ago


Day 1

After receiving a letter from his long lost brother, Jecht and Trixxtal decide to visit him and his family in Italy. However once arriving to the small port town, they find it completely ransacked looted, most likely from fellow pirates. The home of Trixxtal's brother is empty of all except his young son Protettore, someone who Trixxtal didn't even know existed.

Once they speak with the young vampire, they discover that a band of pirates did raid the city, but they were supernatural beings who took Protettore's parents as hostages. Trixxtal convinces Jecht that they must go and recover his kidnapped brother and sister-in-law and bring them back to Tori.

While Trixxtal brings Tori back to the FlyingDeath, Jecht goes searching through the town for any clues. He finds a wizard in a bar and gets him drunk, just so he could trick him into giving him a magical item that would be able to find Trixxtal's brother. He receives a golden hook that will lead them to NeverIsland, the place where the infamous pirates keep their hostages.

Jecht offers his bed for Trixxtal to sleep in OH HOHO

But they are interrupted by a crew member telling them about a disturbance on the deck of the ship. Both of them go up to check it out, only to find the entire crew knocked out and a blonde wizard standing there. The wizard is Valerio Mancini and he is on the search for his brother Valente, a wanted outlaw on their home planet, and after tracking down the remnants of his magic, brought him to the FlyingDeath. He knocks out Trixxtal and then he and Jecht begin to fight.

During the fight Valerio is attacked by Dave, a random but loyal parrot who was apparently on Jecht's side and helps him fend off Valerio's attacks. Valerio and Jecht continue to fight over the hook until Valerio places a paralyzing spell on Jecht and demands what the hook does and where he got it. Valerio is right about to torture Jecht for the information until Tori stops him.

In a surprising turn of events, Tori actually does manage to stop him with a headbutt, and a mysterious dark force that whisks Valerio away, without the hook. Now out of danger, Jecht passes out due to his wounds.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Midorimacchi
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Midorimacchi Nico ❤ Nico

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Day 2

The next night, Trixxtal asks Tori how he got the wizard to leave, but he doesn't know either. Sending Tori to sleep, Trixxtal goes out to try to find more information. Jecht wakes up around the same time.

Instead of actually doing anything useful though, Trixxtal is just cleaning some jewels that they had looted from a passing ship. But once Jecht appears, he tries to get him to go back to bed to rest and so his wounds would have a chance to heal. BUT Jecht takes this the wrong way and an argument ensues. ("Quit with that sassy attitude" / " A dark mass of shadows won't always be there to save us!" / WE NEED TO GET STRONGER)

BUT THEN Cepheus shows up, aka Trixxtal's WORST enemy, and offers Jecht his blood, only worsening Trixxtal's shitty mood. He throws the golden hook back in Jecht's face and tells him to go back to his "precious Cepheus".

Jecht gets even more angry (" I don't know why I bothered to look for you. In fact, I'm glad you weren't there when I woke up! This is all your fault!" " I'm like this because of you; I am hurt because of you!") An angry Trixxtal throws the jewels off of the ship and into the water, and Jecht makes baby Tori go and retrieve them from the bottom of the ocean because he is heartless.

The other crew members are doing their own thing. Videl is working out, Nemesis asks him to help her train, and Charlie sets off to find Tori after Jecht orders him to.

Back in his private quarters, Cepheus chides Jecht for being so unreasonable to Trixxtal, but gives his blood to Jecht anyone to help with his recovery. After a little more teasing from the Hellhound, Jecht is finally able to get some sleep.

After Jecht leaves in a huff, Trixxtal goes back to his room to rest. He finds Charlie at the front of the door, and thinking that he is there to play with his nephew, he sends them off together, unbeknownst to him that he is practically sending Tori off to his doom. He goes inside his room and angsts about Jecht, thinking about how much he hates him, but how he really loves him too.

On deck, Charlie explains to poor, young Tori that he is to retrieve the jewels from the bottom of the sea. Unfortunately for the both of them, Tori does not know how to swim. Rather than face Jecht during this sensitive time, Charlie goes off to find help, mainly the rest of his crewmates for help. He enlists the help of Mariemaia, who was once a captain of a ship herself before Jecht sunk it, thus she knew how to swim. Memories from that day were brought back to her and she reminisces about how she fell in love with Jecht that day, and planned to confess in the near future. In the meantime, she decides that tossing Tori overboard while tied to a rope was THE BEST OPTION.

Poor baby Tori held on to the rope for dear life as they lowered him into the sea. Encouragements of " Just kick your arms and legs until you stay afloat!" and " The rope around your chest will stop you from drowning!" did nothing to stop him from drowning or learning how to swim and he begins to panic. Cepheus, who had just finished off fighting off some unruly crewmembers, over sees this and rushes over to help before Tori dies from their stupidity. He dives into the water and saves Tori from a watery grave. While he is there, he turns into his Hound mode and helps Tori collect all the missing jewels. Before finishing, Cepheus discovers a small sphere hidden in the water trees. Little does he know that this is a DragonSphere (3). He brings it on deck.

Elsewhere, on the SKULLKRACKEN, the ship that took Tori's parents, Regulus taunts them as he feeds them blood. On the same ship, Fenrir, the SKULLKRACKEN's werewolf Captain uses a magical mirror to summon Milton, the "spacewitch" who would be able to help him revive Freya, his late human lover.

Milton instructs Fenrir that in order to bring Freya back to life, he needs the blood of all the magical creatures i.e vampires, fairies, dragons, werewolves etc. Once they retrieved those things, the ritual will happen on Samhain, the 31st of October (less than a year away in their time) and that in order for Freya to live after the ritual they need a body. But to get a souless body, they must summon Koryuu, the master of the DragonSpheres who grants wishes to anyone who collects them all. Milton gives Fenrir a radar and a scouter to help him find the spheres.

After bidding farewell to the spacewitch, Fenrir calls upon his first mate Fantine for advice. He explains the situation to her and in return she tells him that this sounds like a bad fairy tale. But in the end she agrees that this was their best chance to achieve Fenrir's goal of bringing Freya back. She tries out the scouter and discovers a sphere in the west.

They pack the magical items away and Fenrir tells Fontine to rest, as they would be arriving at NeverIsland the next day. NeverIsland was Fenrir's enchanted Island that relocated every few days and only Fenrir knew it's location at all times. They will deposit their prisoners there as they collect the rest of the Dragon Spheres and wait for Samhain.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Midorimacchi
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Midorimacchi Nico ❤ Nico

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Day 3-6

SKULLKRACKEN: Fenrir returns to NeverIsland and drops off Alexandre and Gianna with Akasha, the overseer of the island. Another one of Fenrir's pack joins the crew, a strong beta named Nicolao. With a fresh restock of supplies, they head off to find the furthest Dragon Sphere.

FLYINGDEATH: Trixxtal and Jecht continue to ignore each other. Trixxtal goes out of his way to stay away from Jecht and he does the same.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Midorimacchi
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Midorimacchi Nico ❤ Nico

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Day 7

After days of sailing, Celestin, a beta from Fenrir's pack, sees the FlyingDeath off in the distance and alerts the Captain. Making the decision that it would be best for them to raid the ship and take their supplies, Fenrir changes course to the FlyingDeath. As everyone prepares to attack, Fenrir offhandedly uses the radar to test it out, in to his surprise, a DragonSphere was close. Close enough that it was a safe bet that it was on the ship they were about to attack. With a new goal in mind, Fenrir gives out orders to his crew. The brothers Remus and Romulus will go for the supplies with the help of Kakeru, and the rest will cause a distraction so no one notices. Fenrir has a personal mission to the Captain of the ship.

Back on the FlyingDeath Jecht and Trixxtal are STILL ignoring one another. Trixxtal hides away in the lower levels while Jecht is on deck and vise versa, all so they don't have to see each other. On this day, Trixxtal is in the supply room with Videl, talking about Spain. Jecht, on the other hand, is in his cabin with Cepheus, having just fed from him. Cepheus suggests to Jecht that they get a healer on board, but Jecht brushes him off. Jecht returns to the deck in time to see the SKULLKRACKEN approaching. He is still recovering from his battle with Valerio, but he is ready for another fight and warns the crew about the upcoming attack via a signal formed by his own electricity.

The SKULLKRACKEN successfully reaches the FlyingDeath and Jecht greets them with a daunting smile. Immediately Fantine realizes that these are not regular humans, but vampires instead. Fenrir is surprised, but not phased, and continues with the attack.

individual fights

♥♥ Cepheus vs Regulus

Cepheus goes into his dog form and attacks Regulus as he comes on board. In return Regulus transforms into his demon form and is disgusted about being touched by a worthless human. Cepheus isn't here to play games and starts kicking Regulus' ass because he is worried about Tori and wants to find him as soon as possible.

♥♥ Mariemaia & Fontine

Mariemaia had been gearing herself up all day to confess her feelings to Jecht, but before she could, the SKULLKRACKEN attacked. She begins a battle with Fontine.

♥♥ Jecht vs Fenrir

Fenrir is mildly impressed by Jecht's courage and readies for battle. But first, he tests out the scouter and tests out Jecht's POWERLEVEL. He comments about the Milton being right, but Jechts misunderstands this and thinks that he was working with the wizard who had attacked him previously. This causes Jecht to fly into an emotional rage and in his fury, he mindlessly attacks Fenrir.

♥♥ Charlie vs Celestin

It turns out that Celestin was just as reluctant to fight as Charlie was so there wasn't really a battle between the two of them. Celestin just tries to intimidate him with his claws and Charlie halfheartedly defends himself with his fists.

♥♥ Nemesis vs Nicolao

Nico, however, was very restless after being cooped up on NeverIsland for months, and was desperate for a fight. He engages in battle with Nemesis who fights him with fireballs. One hits him in the face, but not enough to do any really damage, and this just spurs him on even more. He drop kicks Nemesis and goes for her windpipe but she evades it by using an iron man move and using her fire to propel her from falling on her back. she counterattacks with more fire balls.

♥♥ Protettore vs Gwendolyn

Protettore is nervous when the crew of the SKULLKRACKEN invades their ship and tries to find Trixxtal in the supply deck, but is stopped by a girl. She is a little older than him and is a member of the enemy crew, and she threatens Tori with violence should he try to get past her. But Tori is a vampire and felt fairly confident he could take on a human girl, but as he got ready to attack, Gwendolyn summons a small flamelion and it attacks Tori's pants.

♥♥ Videl vs Remus&Romulus

Remus and Romulus rush down to the supply deck with Kakeru following close behind. Romulus excitedly bursts through the door and is surprised to find Trixxtal and Videl there waiting for them. Remus and Romulus are instructed by Kakeru to take care of Videl so they turn their attention to him. "SURRENDER YOUR SUPPLIES NOW OR PREPARE TO FIGHT!" But they vastly underestimated Videl when they lunged at him at the same time because he dodges both of them. He used to be a bullfighter after all.

Things from this point on definitely gets worse for the werewolf brothers. Videl kicks Remus' teeth in and breaks Romulus' leg with the raw power of his own thighs. In a fit of anger Remus buries his teeth in Videl's shoulder. Videl throws him off and advises Trixxtal that they should get to higher ground with more people, but is confused when he doesn't reply. It suddenly occurs to him that Trixxtal isn't there and he has just enough time to see Trixxtal in the arms of the enemy before one of the brothers went for his leg. Now fully enraged, Videl kicks Romulus' front leg and breaks it, leaving him with a broke arm and a leg. But due to the distraction, he fails to see the ofuda heading for him, and it lands right in the middle of his back. The ofuda drains him of energy and he too passes out.

♥♥ Trixxtal vs Kakeru

Trixxtal had been talking to Videl about a city of gold when the werewolves barged in. As Remus and Romulus begin their battle with Videl, Trixxtal is left to Kakeru. Kakeru pulls out some talismans from his pocket and throws them at Trixxtal. He barely manages to dodge, but due to his momentary state of surprise, he did not see the next barrage of talismans and one lands in the middle of his chest. The energy is almost instantly drained out of him and he falls to the floor. Kakeru decides to take Trixxtal as their captive and hopefully a useful bargaining chip in the future.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Midorimacchi
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Midorimacchi Nico ❤ Nico

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Day 7 [After Battle]

Tori's pants catch on fire due to Gwendolyn's flamelion and Tori cries for her to stop. Surprisingly, Gwendolyn uses a watersprite to stop the lion, but says that it wasn't because she wanted to save him or anything. She is then whisked away back to her ship. Noticing that most of the battles were done, Tori runs down to the supply room to look for Trixxtal, only to find Videl on the floor.

After capturing Trixxtal, Fenrir and his wolfpack retreats back to their ship. Jecht, injured from his fight (as well as his previous ones with Valerio) is moments away fro collapsing and calls for Mariemaia to take note of casualties, damage, and to steer towards land. Jecht passes out him his room, but not before vowing to apologize to Trixxtal for worrying about him.

Cepheus, Charlie and Nemesis go down to the supply room to check on Video and Trixxtal, only to find Videl gravely hurt and Tori crying next to him, and Trixxtal missing.

Mariemaia steers the ship for a few minutes, but then notices that her favorite crew members are missing. She hands the ship over to some rando and goes off to find them. She finds the group in the supply deck were Tori is crying and Videl is bleeding.

Tori clings to Cepheus as he cries, revealing that Trixxtal has been kidnapped. The crew doubt that but Videl wakes up and backs up Tori, saying that he saw them run off with the first mate himself. Charlie declares that they are all dead when Jecht hears the news. Nemesis gets a healing salve for Videl's shoulder as the other crew members fight over who would be the one to tell Jecht.

Videl doesn't want to because he says that Jecht is scarier than a bull. Tori pleads that he doesn't want to tell Jecht either. Charlie says that he would probably start crying. Cepheus says that Jecht would drink him dry and then throw him overboard if he tells him. The boys say that they're gonna go clean the ship and Cepheus is going to find Tori some pants. Only Nemesis and Mariemaia are left but Mariemaia tells Nemesis that she will tell Jecht alone.

However, Mariamaia sees this as a blessing in disguise. Not Trixxtal being taken but that she would now have the opportunity to comfort him in his time as need over the loss of his FRIEND. She freaks out on her way to his cabin but steels herself to tell him about her feelings. She is momentarily hesitant to tell Jecht because he looks <i>terrible</i> but he would be even more angry if she waited. She reports the casualties and damage to Jecht, beating around the bush, until she blurts out that Trixxtal is gone.

Jecht is ENRAGED and accuses Mariemaia of lying. Even though he is wounded, he rushes out to the dock and yells for Trixxtal to show himself. His emotions cause lightning to rip apart the ship and eventually he even starts to throw lightning at the ship in anger. He screams his apologies to Trixxtal, though they fall on deaf ears.

Cepheus, Charlie, Nemesis, Mariemaia, Tori and Videl all hide out in the crows nest in order to avoid Jecht's fury. They all comment on how love can drive someone crazy and eventually Jecht tires himself out. Mariemaia rushes to his side in worry and Jecht finally accepts that Trixxtal is gone. He tells her that he wants to go into town, most likely to drink and wallow in self pity, but Mariemaia pleads for him to rest instead. He fights with her, telling her that she can't tell him what to do, but in a last ditch effort she says that it would "be what Trixxtal wanted". Jecht blows up on her, saying that she doesn't know what Trixxtal would want. He goes back to his cabin with the help of other crew members.

Mariemaia and Nemesis offer to look after Tori while the guys try to fix up the ship. Unfortunately, they are out of supplies and need to get some from the town. Tori also needs pants. Nemesis and Mariemaia convince Tori that it's time that they teach him how to steal. The FlyingDeath docks at the port and Jecht goes off to drink, but not before telling Charlie that he wanted the ship to be in PERFECT condition by the time he returns. The rest of the crew, little Tori included, also went into town, but decided to break into some buildings to look for wood and clothes. As they teach Tori about stealth, each member reminisces about how Jecht taught them, usually by using violence and intimidation.

They manage to break into the building, which happened to be a workspace. Glad to find the materials they were looking for, Mariemaia suddenly comes up with a plan to split up into groups. She secretly wants to find Jecht to make sure he's okay but she'll never admit it outloud. Videl is in charge of carrying the wood back to the ship. Nemesis and Cepheus are to help Tori steal some pants, and her and Charlie will look for Jecht. They each agree and go their separate ways.

BACK ON THE SKULLKRAKEN Romulus suffered dangerous injuries from Videl, including a broken arm and leg. Gwendolyn uses her magic to set the bones back in place. Remus feels as if he failed his brother and is too busy sulking to seek help for his jaw. Kakeru then offers him a pain relief potion. Meanwhile, Fenrir, Dromena, Nicolao and Kakeru are in the cells, observing their unconscious captive. Fenrir asks why they have a captive in the first place and Kakeru reveals that he wants to use him as a bargaining chip, since he is the First Mate of that ship. Being reminded of his failure angers Fenrir and he wants to go back to kick Jecht's ass, but Kakeru convinces him otherwise by reminding him of the Dragon Spheres. They all agree to drop their captive back at NeverIsland. Fenrir searches Trixxtal's body for anything valuable and finds the pocketwatch that Jecht gave him. He takes the watch and returns to his quarters.
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