Avatar of Midorimacchi
  • Last Seen: 2 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: andy
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 328 (0.08 / day)
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    1. Midorimacchi 11 yrs ago


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i've been rping since 2007 and i started off on the quizilla forums and was also a member of the old guild as andy. i stick to 1x1's with my bff @azalea and i don't do group rps (▰˘◡˘▰)

Most Recent Posts

In Vampirates 6 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay

For it being the dead of night, Mariemaia was surprised to find the local tavern with it's lights on and a steady flow of customers coming in and out of the entrance. Nothing in particular stuck out to her that told her that Jecht was here, but honestly, where else would he be? He had been dead set on drinking and according to the random two or three people that they had talked to on the way here, this tavern was the only one in town. " Looks like we're here Charlie!" She exclaimed happily, turning to the man on her side. " Why would they put the tavern so far from the dock I wonder! It took us a while to get here, it almost felt like years!" She laughed to herself, knowing that she was just being overdramatic. The actual walk over had probably taken 15 minutes at the most. " Anyway, we better go in. The tavern is still standing now, but if Jecht gets his hands on more alcohol, it might be much longer!!" She was eager to find Jecht and make sure he was okay.
In Vampirates 6 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay

Jecht Rutella
Protettore Rousseau
Cepheus Ross
Videl Caballero
Nemesis Bellatrix
Mariemaia Dupree
Charlie Jugen
Raphael Sohma

Dromena Fantine
Célestin Barthelemy
Regulus Voyd
Remus Ruelle
Romulus Ruelle
Kakeru Yamamoto

Diego Cortez
Julius Mercier
In Vampirates 6 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Day 7 [After Battle]

Tori's pants catch on fire due to Gwendolyn's flamelion and Tori cries for her to stop. Surprisingly, Gwendolyn uses a watersprite to stop the lion, but says that it wasn't because she wanted to save him or anything. She is then whisked away back to her ship. Noticing that most of the battles were done, Tori runs down to the supply room to look for Trixxtal, only to find Videl on the floor.

After capturing Trixxtal, Fenrir and his wolfpack retreats back to their ship. Jecht, injured from his fight (as well as his previous ones with Valerio) is moments away fro collapsing and calls for Mariemaia to take note of casualties, damage, and to steer towards land. Jecht passes out him his room, but not before vowing to apologize to Trixxtal for worrying about him.

Cepheus, Charlie and Nemesis go down to the supply room to check on Video and Trixxtal, only to find Videl gravely hurt and Tori crying next to him, and Trixxtal missing.

Mariemaia steers the ship for a few minutes, but then notices that her favorite crew members are missing. She hands the ship over to some rando and goes off to find them. She finds the group in the supply deck were Tori is crying and Videl is bleeding.

Tori clings to Cepheus as he cries, revealing that Trixxtal has been kidnapped. The crew doubt that but Videl wakes up and backs up Tori, saying that he saw them run off with the first mate himself. Charlie declares that they are all dead when Jecht hears the news. Nemesis gets a healing salve for Videl's shoulder as the other crew members fight over who would be the one to tell Jecht.

Videl doesn't want to because he says that Jecht is scarier than a bull. Tori pleads that he doesn't want to tell Jecht either. Charlie says that he would probably start crying. Cepheus says that Jecht would drink him dry and then throw him overboard if he tells him. The boys say that they're gonna go clean the ship and Cepheus is going to find Tori some pants. Only Nemesis and Mariemaia are left but Mariemaia tells Nemesis that she will tell Jecht alone.

However, Mariamaia sees this as a blessing in disguise. Not Trixxtal being taken but that she would now have the opportunity to comfort him in his time as need over the loss of his FRIEND. She freaks out on her way to his cabin but steels herself to tell him about her feelings. She is momentarily hesitant to tell Jecht because he looks <i>terrible</i> but he would be even more angry if she waited. She reports the casualties and damage to Jecht, beating around the bush, until she blurts out that Trixxtal is gone.

Jecht is ENRAGED and accuses Mariemaia of lying. Even though he is wounded, he rushes out to the dock and yells for Trixxtal to show himself. His emotions cause lightning to rip apart the ship and eventually he even starts to throw lightning at the ship in anger. He screams his apologies to Trixxtal, though they fall on deaf ears.

Cepheus, Charlie, Nemesis, Mariemaia, Tori and Videl all hide out in the crows nest in order to avoid Jecht's fury. They all comment on how love can drive someone crazy and eventually Jecht tires himself out. Mariemaia rushes to his side in worry and Jecht finally accepts that Trixxtal is gone. He tells her that he wants to go into town, most likely to drink and wallow in self pity, but Mariemaia pleads for him to rest instead. He fights with her, telling her that she can't tell him what to do, but in a last ditch effort she says that it would "be what Trixxtal wanted". Jecht blows up on her, saying that she doesn't know what Trixxtal would want. He goes back to his cabin with the help of other crew members.

Mariemaia and Nemesis offer to look after Tori while the guys try to fix up the ship. Unfortunately, they are out of supplies and need to get some from the town. Tori also needs pants. Nemesis and Mariemaia convince Tori that it's time that they teach him how to steal. The FlyingDeath docks at the port and Jecht goes off to drink, but not before telling Charlie that he wanted the ship to be in PERFECT condition by the time he returns. The rest of the crew, little Tori included, also went into town, but decided to break into some buildings to look for wood and clothes. As they teach Tori about stealth, each member reminisces about how Jecht taught them, usually by using violence and intimidation.

They manage to break into the building, which happened to be a workspace. Glad to find the materials they were looking for, Mariemaia suddenly comes up with a plan to split up into groups. She secretly wants to find Jecht to make sure he's okay but she'll never admit it outloud. Videl is in charge of carrying the wood back to the ship. Nemesis and Cepheus are to help Tori steal some pants, and her and Charlie will look for Jecht. They each agree and go their separate ways.

BACK ON THE SKULLKRAKEN Romulus suffered dangerous injuries from Videl, including a broken arm and leg. Gwendolyn uses her magic to set the bones back in place. Remus feels as if he failed his brother and is too busy sulking to seek help for his jaw. Kakeru then offers him a pain relief potion. Meanwhile, Fenrir, Dromena, Nicolao and Kakeru are in the cells, observing their unconscious captive. Fenrir asks why they have a captive in the first place and Kakeru reveals that he wants to use him as a bargaining chip, since he is the First Mate of that ship. Being reminded of his failure angers Fenrir and he wants to go back to kick Jecht's ass, but Kakeru convinces him otherwise by reminding him of the Dragon Spheres. They all agree to drop their captive back at NeverIsland. Fenrir searches Trixxtal's body for anything valuable and finds the pocketwatch that Jecht gave him. He takes the watch and returns to his quarters.
Twenty minutes after Lavelle's arrival and her reassuring words, Diomira was released from her shift. The threat in the castle was long over and all the additional royal Protectors were let off until their next shift. Queen Bellona had yet to wake up and didn't seem in a rush to do so, so Diomira felt comfortable leaving her in Lavelle's care. She bid farewell to the sleeping Queen and Lavelle as she and Flaery left, but as soon as she got out the door, she quickly made her way to the holding cells. She could feel Flaery's disapproving gaze burn into her back, no doubt guessing where she was going, but Diomira didn't care. If she wasn't too late, there still might be time for her to say her goodbyes to Noem before his sentence.

Even though he was her coworker, because of their huge age difference and his closer age to her children, she had seen him and treated him like a son. Though not in the condescending way of course. Noem was a Protector and on the same level as her. She admired and praised his skills at such a young age and saw a lot of her younger self in him. But she couldn't stop herself from bringing him homemade food when he looked like he was overworking himself, or buying him presents for the holidays. She even invited him over to her house for some celebrations over the years and her family had treated him like one of their own. There was still a professionalism aspect to their relationship, but she still couldn't stop thinking of his as another son. And now she was on her way to say goodbye to him for the last time, and there was nothing she could do to stop it.

Tears welled up in her eyes as she made her way through the hallways of the castle. A part of her hoped that she was too late so she could remember Noem the last time she had seen him, happy and free. But the other part knew that if she didn't pay her respects and be there for him, probably when no one else would, it would haunt her forever. Noem hadn't spoken much about his past, but she was aware that he had had a troubled past and no family. He must be so alone and cold in that cell...she thought, causing her to move a little faster, despite the tears. I should have atleast brought him some food...She told herself, turning the corner, and stopping dead in her tracks.

Before her stood Noem, alive and well, and outside his cell without cuffs or chains. Instantly she brightened up, assuming that King Belzeneff had shown him mercy and lifted his sentence, and stepped forward, " Noem! I'm so glad to see you well! I was so worried that I would be late. But here you are, free!" She was too overjoyed to see him alive at first to question why he was free, but as she took a better look at him, she could tell something was...off. He was the same man, wearing the same clothes she had seen him in last, but something still felt different. As if he had a different kind of aura. His expression seemed uneasy and his voice nervous, something a free man wouldn't have. Suddenly, her gut twisted as her mind raced through the possibilities. " You...you are free, right?" She asked hopefully, though unsurely. " His majesty must have lifted your sentence and you're on your way back to see the Queen. Come, I'll walk with you." She held out her hand, smiling a little less genuinely as before.
♫ shino ♫

Coincidentally, Katamari showed up right after Shino stopped talking, opening the grand library doors like a magnificent superhero. " M-Mari!" Shino smiled, his hand flying to clutch the space above his heart. To him, Katamari was like a superhero. He had enough confidence to even challenge that of Lovi and a voice that was as beautiful as Kyoya. If Kyoya Legacy and Lovi Sky ever had a child, Shino was a hundred percent certain that it would be Katamari. As he was silently praising his friend in his mind, Ichiro explained to Katamari what had happened.

Shino's green eyes sparkled in admiration as Katamari worked his magic on the wounded man. Shino had always desperately wished that he knew healing spells back in the SEES team, but that was always Katamari's specialty while Shino did nothing but stay in the dorm, supporting the team as they fought shadows, risking their lives.

Five minutes later, Katamari was done with his healing and immediately laid down on the floor. Quickly, Shino grabbed a magazine off one of the racks and rushed to Katamari's side, using the magazine as a half-assed fan to help his friend cool off. " I-Is he gonna l-live, Ichiro?" He asked the exorcist worriedly, his voice shaking almost as much as his body was. It was almost comical how vastly different he and Katamari were.

♫ ichiro&shino ♫

Ichiro explained the situation to Katamari as he healed him, hoping his words wouldn't disturb the healing process. When Katamari finished and went to the floor, Ichiro went to Subaru's side, double checking his wounds. He carefully removed the ofuda from Subaru's neck and saw that the cut was closed. There was a scar there and it wasn't completely all the way healed, but it looked a lot better then it did before. " Yes," He answered Shino's wimpy question, his hard eyes moving from Subaru to Shino, making the other jump. " You can still detect other persona users, yes?" Shino meekly nodded and looked away, unable to hold his gaze. Ichiro brushed it off, " Look around the area. If Akito is out and about, Mizuki and Kieran will be too."

" W-who a-are-"

" It doesn't matter. Do as I say." He demanded, his glare hardening.

Shino almost wet himself under Ichiro's intense stare, but he closed his eyes and pretended he wasn't looking at him, " O-O-O-Okay." Still continuing to fan Katamari, Shino began to concentrate, looking for the aura of any other users around the area. Off in the distance, he could faintly feel the presence of four people. He only knew one of them well; Kyoya Legacy. " I can feel Kyoya, and three other people. I don't know who the others are." He said, not stuttering for once. When it came to Kyoya Legacy and the possibility of danger, Shino got his shit together. That was why he used to be such a good support user back in high school.

Shino opened his eyes just in time to see Ichiro approach him and grab him by the shirt, pulling him up. " W-w-w-w--" He stuttered, holding his hands up defensively, wincing when his back hit the wall. Ichiro's grip tightened on his shirt and Shino let out another cry. What had he done wrong?!

" Tell me where they are." Ichiro growled in irrational anger. Actually, he hadn't meant to come off as so angry, but he didn't want another close shave with Kyoya that he had with Subaru. And plus, he never really like Shino anyway, so he liked to make the kid cry once in a while.

Shino's heart was going in overtime as his mind tried to figure out what was going on. " W-w-w-w, Ichi-chi-chiro, l-l-let m-m-m-me go," he whined, the tears already welling in his eyes. His eyes darted from Ichiro to Katamari in panic, but quickly closed his eyes before Ichiro did something else. " U-uh, t-t-t-t-t-they're in the monorail station!" He blurted out like word vomit.

Ichiro released him and Shino sunk to the floor, his hand grabbing his heart. He was alive! Thank God! Ichiro quickly unzipped his jacket and threw it at Shino, " Give this to Subaru when he wakes up, his shirt will be all bloody." He ordered, putting his spare ofudas in his pants pocket and opened the library doors. " Take care Katamari." And then he left.

Still a bit ruffled, Shino crawled over to Katamari and picked up his forgotten magazine and began to fan him with it, shaking even more than before. He was going to ask Katamari why Ichiro hated him so much, but a shuffling from the table made him stop. He looked up to see that the wounded man, apparently named Subaru, sit up. " U-um, Katamari, h-he's awake..."

♫ gabriel ♫

" Takes your damn hands off of my wife, you bastard."

Gabriel turned to look at the source of the voice, but it was in vain because he was met with a fist. The force of the punch sent him flying backwards into the air, his world going upside down. This wasn't the first time Gabriel had been hit like this, so he could only prepare himself to either hit the wall or the ground. But to his surprise, he didn't hit a wall, but was caught by something. " What?" he questioned, opening his eyes to find a beautiful person standing above him. Before he realized what was going on, the man faded and another one approached him, this one being Kyoya Legacy. " What's going on?" He asked, holding his head. His brain was still jumbled from Kieran's falcon punch and it took a few seconds before he could put it all together.

With Kyoya's aid, he got to his feet and rubbed his nose, hoping it was bleeding. He hated blood. " What? Oh, them? They're assassins..." He trailed off, remembering what he had been saying before getting punched. " And that woman, she is the mother of my child!!" He smiled to himself. Now that his five year search was over, it felt like a weight had been lifted from his shoulders.

♫ mizuki ♫

Mizuki blinked. She too didn't know what was going on. One minute, the blonde guy was telling her that she was the mother of his child, and then he was flying through the air the next. Turning to Kieran, she scowled, " Kieran, what the fuck is going on!" She demanded as if he had all the answers because she as sure as hell didn't. " He said some bullshit about having a kid and the past and France and-holy shit!" She gasped. Now that she thought about it, she had been in France a few years ago, visiting Emi. While she was there, she and her sister got into a car accident. Emi only got a scratch on her arm but Mizuki's head hit the dashboard and suffered a concussion. Her memories after that were fuzzy and unclear, so it was entirely possible for this guy to tell the truth!

" Oh fuck no!" She pushed Kieran out of the way and ran over to where Gabriel landed. She even pushed Kyoya out of the way and grabbed Gabriel by the shirt, pushing him against the wall that he would've landed on, " You! What were you saying about France?"

♫ gabriel&mizuki ♫

Gabriel smiled as he was pushed against the wall. He didn't remember Tristen's mother being so forceful, but he had to admit, he liked it. " We met at a party in France, don't you remember, mon chéri? We had hot, passionate sex on top of a table in the upstairs bedroom!" He said loud enough and clear enough so that Kieran could hear.

Mizuki's face paled. Jesus, this guy wasn't lying. She remembered the party and all, but she couldn't remember the other half of the story at all. But still. " Ugh!" With her grip still tight on Gabriel's shirt, she threw him to the floor and grabbed his long hair, pulling his head up by his golden strands, only to forcefully bang it against the concrete. " Fuck you! You're--you're lying! I would've remembered doing it with someone as disgusting as you!" But even though she was saying these words, the horrible feeling that he was right still lingered. But Mizuki wasn't ready to be a mother! Especially not with someone like this guy. He already looked like he was going to pass out. What a pussy! Even Kieran could withstand her violent attacks.


Demetri is the son of Demetrios Lutece, and is the second to last regeneration. He was "born" outside of the Main City, but once he reached his early twenties he was allowed to return. His father is the current adviser to the King so Demetri was given a large house to live in, which is coincidentally right next to the Mancini Mannor. This caused him to have a good relationship with Valyn and Valiant and their children. He became best friends with their son Valente and was one of the first ones to find out about his powers. He was also the one who helped create a distraction at the party to help Valente escape after turning the Prince of Demons into a duck. After that, his father Demetrios punished him by sending him to the North to work in the Labor Camps there.
Kyuubee was too afraid to undo the spell incase the twins tried to attack him once he let them free, and was more than happy to let them be someone else's problem. But to his dismay, Cordelia began to recite a spell that would undo his and he felt his heart drop. Between the tough choice of staying there and letting the twins rip into him, and fleeing, the latter seemed much more desirable. The curse lifted and he could see that Belvedere was already gearing up to lunge at him, even with Bellarino hanging off his arms, and that was enough for him. " Wow, look at the time, I must get going." He quickly made a spell that would transport him into Bellerophon's locked room and executed it before he had to deal with the terrible twosome. The twins were still outside the door, that much he could hear, but they lacked the power to enter the locked room, so he was safe....for now.

" Let this be a lesson to me, " He sighed, sitting down next to the unconscious prince, " I should've known the worst possible situation would happen to me." He could only hope that the twins would forget all about this incident by the time he saw them next.

Unfortunately for Kyuubee, Belvedere forgave as rarely as he forgot. He was still cursing his name long after Kyuubee left, seething in anger. " I can't believe that fucking stupid animal messed this up. How dare he trap US in the same trap as him," He spat out, looking over at Belisario. " And you, " He sneered at Cordelia, " You couldn't even protect us from this stupid trap, you fat bitch? What use are you if a fucking animal could out smart you?"

" Hey! It's not her fault! If you hadn't been chasing me none of us would have gotten caught in this trap in the first place!" He heard Belisario pipe up. The mere fact that Belisario thought that he could speak back to him like that made Belvedere's anger flare up even more and he was seconds away from lunging at him and slapping all that confidence out of him. But at that very moment Madiana came rounding the corner, carrying a dish in each hand that were stacked with sandwiches. " Prince Belvedere! I made the sandwiches just like you asked! I even made enough for Prince Bellarino as well!"

For a second Belisario actually thought Belvedere was going to kill him, and if it hadn't been for Madiana's sudden appearance, he would have. But the need to speak up and defend Cordelia had been too strong that he couldn't just sit by and watch him degrade her. He watched apprehensively as Belvedere's murderous expression changed into passive indifference as Madiana got closer and Belisario had never been so happy that Belvedere's little emotional games with his Protectors existed until now. He over heard Belvedere persuade Bellarino to eat with him, and with a bated breath, he watched as the twins left with their Protectors. Their obsession with the flower had been replaced with anger towards Kyuubee and the flower laid forgotten on the floor. He picked it up triumphantly, " They forgot it!" He beamed at Cordelia showing her the flower. " Sorry about Belvedere," He frowned, thinking back to all the horrible things he said about her before, " He says a lot of mean things to others without thinking about their feelings. You aren't useless, anyone could have fallen in that trap!"

From a distance, Belisario saw Belladon approaching, his signature scowl in place. " I saw Madiana earlier. I take it that she reunited with Belvedere?" He asked Cordelia, but Belisario nodded anyway. Belladon's cold gaze shifted to him and a moment of awkward silence passed before Belladon decided to speak up, " Valis is in the infirmary. The castle is no longer under lock down, so you can be on your way." He said matter-o-factly and began to walk away, " Come Cordelia, I have a lot to do."

Watching as they left, Belisario as finally left alone. He wasn't sure how getting some ice cream with Valis had ended up with him being pseudo-tortured by Belvedere and Bellarino and had left him as the sole protector of Bellerophon's precious flower, but he doubted anyone on Wiz was having a worse of a day as him.

Diomira turned at the sound opening and was relieved to see Lavelle enter. Making conversation was Flaery was awkward enough, but being stuck in a room alone with her was the worst. She was eager to talk with Lavelle, hoping she would relieve some tension, or atleast feel the same guilt about Noem as her. " She's been doing since Valiant came. She's been asleep for a while, but the rest will do her good. " She said, glancing at her watch. Flicking her gaze to Flaery and then back to Lavelle, she lowered her voice a little, " Lavelle, do you know when we'll start shifts again? Not that I want to leave the Queen!" She clarified quickly, " It's just...." She trailed off, looking back at Flaery again, " I want to visit Noem again before.....to see if theres anything I can do." She whispered. She highly doubted there was anything she could do or say to postpone his execution, but at the very least she wanted to speak with him one more time before it was too late.

The Knight nodded hastily to Abiel's words, glad that everything had gone to plan so far. If everything on the itinerary had gone without any interference, the Priest Symphony should be doing his part at that very moment. Without the magic restraints holding him back, he should have enough of his magical power back to stage an escape. " Good, good." He said, thinking everything over once more while he had the chance. Having Noem escape would make him and Abiel look bad in the eyes of the King, but not enough for them to be fired, or beheaded. Noem was the Queen's Protector and it would only be natural that he was stronger than the both of them. But still, the possibility of them loosing their jobs, as well as their covers still hung in the air. But this was why he was apart of the rebellion, to save others from Belzeneff's cruel rule. He knew that when he joined there would come a time where he would have to risk everything to save another. And now the time was here.

" No, there is nothing else." He finalized, hoping that Abiel was as ready as he was. " Let us head to the cell now. Priest Symphony should be finishing up."

His meeting with Belzeneff had been consisted of a lot of shouting, throwing, and overall complaining. Mostly done by Belzeneff himself of course. Actually ALL of it had been Belzeneff. Kyuberos just had the luxury of sitting there and listening to the King rant about why Bellerophon was getting visions and not him. The fact that Belzeneff cared more about who had received the prophecy rather than what the prophecy was about wasn't surprising. The King prided himself in being Oz's chosen prophet and whenever one of his children received one rather than him made him less special. Which is why incidents like this one were kept on the down low with only Belzeneff, himself, and Demostenes knowing. But this particular prophecy was different than the others in both intensity and meaning. When Kyuberos had told Belzneff about the possibility of a rebellion, the King had merely laughed. Rebellions meant close to nothing to Belzeneff, since there was no one stronger than the army he had built around himself and he was confident that nothing was going to happen.

" But Bellerophon received a vision about being stabbed." Kyuberos had pleaded to Belzeneff to understand. Even if he hadn't taken Bellerophon's warnings about the rebellion when he first heard him, he wasn't foolish enough to do nothing about it. But Belzeneff was so confident that nothing was going to happen that he dismissed Kyuberos after only a few minutes after calming down from his anger tantrum. " I'll talk to Oz about next time I see 'em," Belzeneff grumbled, which was the only reason Kyuberos agreed to leave when he was ordered out. Some clarification from Oz would help clear his thoughts, but the looming warning about corpses and destruction clouded his thoughts. Six months was a long time away, and it seemed near impossible that the castle could be overtaken at the state it was now...

The chime of his phone was enough to bring Kyuberos back to the present as he checked it, hoping that it was Kyuubee giving him an update about Bellerophon's condition. Instead, it was Judicial, the Head Executioner, asking him about Bellerophon's presence. Kyuberos remembered that with Noem's incarceration came an immediate death sentence, and with Bellerophon being an executioner, he would be the most qualified to do the job. But he was in no state to get out of bed, much less put an end to another's life, and he sent a message back to Judical, explaining Bellerophon's condition with relieving that he received a prophecy and suggested that the execution be postponed.

Admittedly, Bellerophon leaning over and kissing him out of the blue had not been apart of Trixxtal's plan when he invited the blonde up to the roof with him, but he certainly wouldn't that he hated it. If he had known that Bellerophon would be so forward, Trixxtal would have skipped the conversation and gone straight to the foreplay. He would have even escalated the kiss if he had been given the chance but then they were interrupted with the door to the rooftop opening with a loud bang.

Trixxtal was just as surprised as everyone else on the roof top when Jecht came barging in. Which he really shouldn't be, because it wasn't unusual for Jecht to be looking for him at this time to give him his daily bento. But Trixxtal had hoped that either Cepheus or one of the other Glamour members would keep him occupied, since they knew he would be meeting Bellerophon on the roof. Seeing how that plan fell through, he guessed there was nothing he could do about it now. This wouldn't be the first time a lover caught him in the arms of another, but this was the first time he was caught in school....'s rooftop....with a man. Okay, there had been (some) situations that were similar to this one, but none of them had made him feel as bad as he did now.

" Oh...Jecht... I didn't expect you here." He said calmly, trying to pass off that nothing had happened. But then Jecht began to question him, making it clear as hell that he had seen them kissing. Quickly, Trixxtal backpedaled. " No, no, no my love, what you saw was nothing. Nothing happened, right mon amie?" He turned to Bellerophon for confirmation. " It was an accident," He shrugged. If he didn't make a big thing out of it, it would make Jecht out to the one being overdramatic.

" I totally agree," Rodrigo deadpanned, watching the same shitty soap opera happening before them. He thought that dramatic shit like this only happened in television but apparently anything in this world was possible. But he was lowkey getting interested in the drama too. " He's such a douchebag," he grumbled, looking over at the poor darkhaired new arrival, who he could only guess was the douchebag's boyfriend. But Ethan pointed out that the door was now open and they would be able to escape and Rodrigo nodded, " Yeah lets get out of here, I don't like where this is going," He motioned for Ethan to go but now a fourth party appeared, a bespectacled boy with a terrible expression on his face, " Jecht, what the fuck happened here? Why are you crying?" Rodrigo watched as the newest addition to the rooftop drama turned to the french d-bag with an even darker look, " What the fuck did you do to Jecht now, asshole?!"

" Great, " Rodrigo sighed, accepting that they might never leave the rooftop at this rate, and be forced to watch this terrible drama unfold. He could only hope that lunch would be over soon and force on the rooftop to go to class.

Like everyone else at the table, Petrios watched as Jecht ran off towards the rooftop. " Welp, he's dead." Petrios sighed, shaking his head. He appreciated Cepheus' efforts to keep Jecht at the table, since he did more than anyone else, but whatever happened next was all Trixxtal's fault and Petrios refused to feel guilty about it. He just hoped that everything would be PG-13 when Jecht got up there.

" It was bound to happen at one point," he rationalized, " Better now than later." He nodded his head, agreeing with himself. He didn't know why Trixxtal bothered with relationships when they would all end like this. Why say that you would commit to someone only to go back on your word? But it wasn't just Trixxtal that suffered from this mindset. With the exception of him and Touda, everyone at the table were all cheaters and deserved each other. How did he ever get dragged into their sleazy group?? As he questioned his choice in friends, a moment of silence passed.

"RIP in peace." Mizuki said, closing his eyes as he began to pray.
♫ ichiro ♫

" Akuryo Taisan!"

A thin white strip of paper flew in the air, black bold kanji written on the front. It zipped through the air with unnatural speed until it reached it's destination- smack dab on Akito's forehead. " Rin, Pyou, Tou, Sha, Kai, Jin, Retsu, Zai, Zen!" A voice cried out, the bold Japanese letters lighting up with a blue glow before electricity shot out from the seemingly harmless strip of paper, leaving Akito unconscious for the time being.

After the coast was clear, Ichiro dropped down from a random rooftop, running over to Subaru. He had been on his nightly walk during the Dark Hour, patrolling the rooftops of the city in search for shadows, when he saw two figures in the distance. Neither of them were in coffins, leading him to believe that he probably knew them, seeing that he knew the old SEES team and was currently in a new persona team. But as he got closer to the edge, Ichiro was greeted with a horrific scene. Subaru, his fellow colleague in fighting shadows, was in the arms of Akito, one of Ludwig's evil henchmen. Subaru was bleeding furiously out of his neck, no doubt the work of Akito's well known claw like weapons. In fear of Subaru's life, Ichiro whipped out an ofuda from this coat and whispered a spell on it, throwing the sheet of paper towards Akito.

Ichiro avoided stepping in Subaru's blood as he approached him the best he could, but he couldn't avoid it any longer when he got closer. Pulling another ofuda from his coat, he closed his eyes and whispered an entirely different spell, a closing spell. He brushed the paper across the slit across Subaru's neck, all the while whispering the spells of his dead ancestors. The spell wasn't powerful enough to close the wound completely, but it was better than nothing. Finishing his spell, Ichiro placed the talisman over the cut and the letters on it turned light green. At most, it would stop the bleeding.

Since it was the Dark Hour, the hospitals wouldn't be open, leaving Subaru's life in his hands. Rather then panic, Ichiro took off his jacket and placed it around Subaru, covering his blood stained shirt. Then, as gently as he could, he slid his arms under his legs and back and hoisted him up, bridal style. He had to find Katamari. He was their healer back in highschool and although they hadn't really spoke since highschool, he was the only person who could help them. Praying that Subaru and his spell would hold on for a little longer, Ichiro began his journey towards the local library, knowing that was the place to find Shino. Shino and Katamari had been pretty close in the old days, so he figured if anyone knew where Katamari was, it was him.

♫ mizuki ♫

Mizuki shared one of her rare smiles when Kieran summoned his personas. She was quite fond of the two bunny like creatures, although she would never openly admit it. With Kieran handling the blond guy, Mizuki grabbed Kyoya's hand, pulling him out of danger. If this was any other situation, she would've fainted from merely touching Kyoya's hand, but when in the face of danger, such as now, she sobered up. " Here." She took the green eared bunny off her head and handed it to Kyoya. " He'll protect you if you need it. Just let us handle this guy."

With Kyoya out of the way, Mizuki could go back to thinking straight. And that meant getting revenge. Calmly, she pulled the evoker from her jacket pocket but didn't immediately press it against her head. Instead, she stood next to Kieran and watched as the man shielded himself from his attack. Actually, now that she thought about it, this blond guy seemed...familiar? Like she had seen him somewhere before. Exactly from where, she didn't know. She didn't even know this guy's name after all!

♫ gabriel ♫

Gabriel's eyes widened as the dark haired man summoned his persona. Instead of one, this man had two; twin bunnies infarct. One went back to the girl and the other stayed with the man, making Gabriel wonder if they shared the personas. He had never heard of two people sharing a persona, but nothing was impossible!

He was brought out of his thoughts when the guy, apparently called Kieran, ordered his persona to attack. Large ice particles appeared around the persona and flew towards him. Bracing himself, Gabriel pulled his evoker from his pocket and quickly pressed it against his head, pulling the trigger. To avoid confusion, his evoker was painted bright pink while his actual gun was black. There was no way he ever wanted to confuse his evoker for his gun. Once the trigger was pulled, Gabriel felt something within him unlock and his soul opened, his persona emerging from it. A long bodied unicorn appeared, it's fur the color of a rainbow and a horn placed in the middle of it's forehead, and it giggled happily, unaware of the current situation.

" Defend!" Gabriel ordered. Rainicorn, his rainbow persona, wrapped it's long body around Gabriel, creating a dome around him, protecting him from the relentless ice attack. After the ice faded, Rainicorn unwrapped itself, sending Gabriel a happy smile. Since Gabriel was older then the dorm persona users, he could keep his persona out for a longer period of time without having to constantly summon it with the evoker. " Rainicorn, att-!" He was cut off when his persona let out a terrible screech, her multi colored blood splattering against the pavement, making Gabriel wince. Before him stood a sharp toothed, red haired man, digging his equally red chainsaw into Rainicorn's body. " W-what?" he stuttered, surprised by the man's sudden appearance. He looked human for the most part, excluding the shark-like teeth in his mouth, but Gabriel knew that he wasn't.

♫ mizuki ♫

" This is pay back," Mizuki smirked, twirling her evoker around her finger, sending Gabriel a smug look, " for touching my beautiful hair." She gave her persona a hard glance and he smiled back at her, forcing his chainsaw into the unicorn's body even more. The poor persona cried out in pain and tried to get away, but Mizuki's persona had the heel of his stiletto pierced through the unicorn's tail, keeping it grounded. The blond guy was obviously feeling the effects of his persona being hurt in such away and this gave Mizuki more confidence. She walked past Kieran and and walked over to Gabriel, kicking his gun out of his hands. He was already on his knees, clutching his heart, and Mizuki laughed gleefully, her persona following her example.

She knew that Akito had warned her not to make an enemy of Kyoya and simply hold off Gabriel, but this bastard had tried to kill her! She simply could sit back and let him go! Especially not after touching her hair! Crouching down, Mizuki grabbed the disregarded gun and cocked it back, pressing it against the space between Gabriel's eyes, " Lets see how you like being shot at." Her finger stroked the trigger and she was ready to press it until-

" IT'S YOU!"

Caught off guard, Mizuki lowered the gun, " What?" It was as if the man was reborn, the pain from before seemed to have disappeared and there was determination in his eyes. Behind them, Gabriel's persona disappeared and with it, Mizuki's demon faded as well.

" It's you! You're the mother of my child!!"

Mizuki blinked. What?

♫ gabriel ♫

Gabriel knew he had seen her somewhere before! And it wasn't until she was within an arms length from him did he recognize her! She was Tristen's mother! There was no denying it! Her hair was a different color then five years ago, but she could've dyed it! And her personality had done a total 180 since the party all those years ago, but people change all the time. Yes. This girl was defiantly the woman he had been searching for all this time!

" It's me! Don't you remember me? Sure, I changed a little since the last time, but don't you remember me?" He took Mizuki by the shoulders and shook her, as if it would help her remember. " Don't you remember all those years ago in France?"

♫ shino ♫

Shino had just finished cleaning the blood from his nose when there was a knock at the door, making him jump. It was the Dark Hour and everyone he worked with where in the shape of a coffin right now, which meant there were only a few select people who could be on the other side of the door. Carefully, Shino made his way through the darkened room to the tall wooden door, hesitating before opening the door. He had been expecting someone from highschool, since they were the only ones who were awake during the Dark Hour and knew he worked at the library, but what he hadn't been expecting was Ichiro carrying a man with one of Ichiro's talismans wrapped around his neck.

" Um." Shino frowned, confused about this whole situation, " Ah, er, Ichiro...hi?" He stumbled over his words, shuffling his feet, trying to avoid looking at the bleeding man in his arms. Why was Ichiro here with a man bleeding to death? It wasn't like Shino could help them!

" I need to find Katamari." Ichiro explained, pushing past Shino. He kicked one of the desks people used to study on, making all the books that had been on it fall to the ground, and carefully laid Subaru on top of it. He pulled another ofuda from his pocket and repeated the sealing spell, placing it over the first fading talisman.

Shino awkwardly stood behind him, biting his fingernails worriedly. " K-Katamari? W-w-why do you need him?" He could see the man's blood drip off his neck and onto the floor, making Shino feel sick. Ichiro didn't answer his question and said, " Shino! Just tell me where he is! This isn't the time to be fooling around!"

Shino yelped and bit his nail even harder, his eyes going anywhere but meeting with Ichiro's intense gaze. " H-h-he was gonna c-c-come over and walk me h-h-h-h-home." His fingers shook as he spoke, finally deciding that the floor was the best thing to keep his eyes on, " H-he should be here...any minute." His voice got quieter as he spoke until it was barely a whisper.
In Vampirates 9 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Day 7

After days of sailing, Celestin, a beta from Fenrir's pack, sees the FlyingDeath off in the distance and alerts the Captain. Making the decision that it would be best for them to raid the ship and take their supplies, Fenrir changes course to the FlyingDeath. As everyone prepares to attack, Fenrir offhandedly uses the radar to test it out, in to his surprise, a DragonSphere was close. Close enough that it was a safe bet that it was on the ship they were about to attack. With a new goal in mind, Fenrir gives out orders to his crew. The brothers Remus and Romulus will go for the supplies with the help of Kakeru, and the rest will cause a distraction so no one notices. Fenrir has a personal mission to the Captain of the ship.

Back on the FlyingDeath Jecht and Trixxtal are STILL ignoring one another. Trixxtal hides away in the lower levels while Jecht is on deck and vise versa, all so they don't have to see each other. On this day, Trixxtal is in the supply room with Videl, talking about Spain. Jecht, on the other hand, is in his cabin with Cepheus, having just fed from him. Cepheus suggests to Jecht that they get a healer on board, but Jecht brushes him off. Jecht returns to the deck in time to see the SKULLKRACKEN approaching. He is still recovering from his battle with Valerio, but he is ready for another fight and warns the crew about the upcoming attack via a signal formed by his own electricity.

The SKULLKRACKEN successfully reaches the FlyingDeath and Jecht greets them with a daunting smile. Immediately Fantine realizes that these are not regular humans, but vampires instead. Fenrir is surprised, but not phased, and continues with the attack.

individual fights

♥♥ Cepheus vs Regulus

Cepheus goes into his dog form and attacks Regulus as he comes on board. In return Regulus transforms into his demon form and is disgusted about being touched by a worthless human. Cepheus isn't here to play games and starts kicking Regulus' ass because he is worried about Tori and wants to find him as soon as possible.

♥♥ Mariemaia & Fontine

Mariemaia had been gearing herself up all day to confess her feelings to Jecht, but before she could, the SKULLKRACKEN attacked. She begins a battle with Fontine.

♥♥ Jecht vs Fenrir

Fenrir is mildly impressed by Jecht's courage and readies for battle. But first, he tests out the scouter and tests out Jecht's POWERLEVEL. He comments about the Milton being right, but Jechts misunderstands this and thinks that he was working with the wizard who had attacked him previously. This causes Jecht to fly into an emotional rage and in his fury, he mindlessly attacks Fenrir.

♥♥ Charlie vs Celestin

It turns out that Celestin was just as reluctant to fight as Charlie was so there wasn't really a battle between the two of them. Celestin just tries to intimidate him with his claws and Charlie halfheartedly defends himself with his fists.

♥♥ Nemesis vs Nicolao

Nico, however, was very restless after being cooped up on NeverIsland for months, and was desperate for a fight. He engages in battle with Nemesis who fights him with fireballs. One hits him in the face, but not enough to do any really damage, and this just spurs him on even more. He drop kicks Nemesis and goes for her windpipe but she evades it by using an iron man move and using her fire to propel her from falling on her back. she counterattacks with more fire balls.

♥♥ Protettore vs Gwendolyn

Protettore is nervous when the crew of the SKULLKRACKEN invades their ship and tries to find Trixxtal in the supply deck, but is stopped by a girl. She is a little older than him and is a member of the enemy crew, and she threatens Tori with violence should he try to get past her. But Tori is a vampire and felt fairly confident he could take on a human girl, but as he got ready to attack, Gwendolyn summons a small flamelion and it attacks Tori's pants.

♥♥ Videl vs Remus&Romulus

Remus and Romulus rush down to the supply deck with Kakeru following close behind. Romulus excitedly bursts through the door and is surprised to find Trixxtal and Videl there waiting for them. Remus and Romulus are instructed by Kakeru to take care of Videl so they turn their attention to him. "SURRENDER YOUR SUPPLIES NOW OR PREPARE TO FIGHT!" But they vastly underestimated Videl when they lunged at him at the same time because he dodges both of them. He used to be a bullfighter after all.

Things from this point on definitely gets worse for the werewolf brothers. Videl kicks Remus' teeth in and breaks Romulus' leg with the raw power of his own thighs. In a fit of anger Remus buries his teeth in Videl's shoulder. Videl throws him off and advises Trixxtal that they should get to higher ground with more people, but is confused when he doesn't reply. It suddenly occurs to him that Trixxtal isn't there and he has just enough time to see Trixxtal in the arms of the enemy before one of the brothers went for his leg. Now fully enraged, Videl kicks Romulus' front leg and breaks it, leaving him with a broke arm and a leg. But due to the distraction, he fails to see the ofuda heading for him, and it lands right in the middle of his back. The ofuda drains him of energy and he too passes out.

♥♥ Trixxtal vs Kakeru

Trixxtal had been talking to Videl about a city of gold when the werewolves barged in. As Remus and Romulus begin their battle with Videl, Trixxtal is left to Kakeru. Kakeru pulls out some talismans from his pocket and throws them at Trixxtal. He barely manages to dodge, but due to his momentary state of surprise, he did not see the next barrage of talismans and one lands in the middle of his chest. The energy is almost instantly drained out of him and he falls to the floor. Kakeru decides to take Trixxtal as their captive and hopefully a useful bargaining chip in the future.
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