Hidden 11 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Midorimacchi
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Midorimacchi Nico ❤ Nico

Member Seen 2 mos ago


Valor felt nothing but despair as Azure turned him down, again, and the bright smile that he once had slipped right off his face. Hearing the one person he cherished the most decline his offer to spend time together hurt him, but he quickly recovered. There was no use in listening to a band that he didn't even like, right? They could just find some other activity to do together! He was eager to hear whatever Azure had to say next, but Mr.Madore came in and cut them off. " Okay!" He piped up, his smile coming back, " We'll talk after class!" Listening to Azure, Valor went to his seat, which was in the same row as Azure's horizontally, but two desks away, and slammed the two tickets down on the desk of Arik Mizuki, who had the misfortune of being seated between Valor and Azure. " Here, you can have these." Valor said. There was no use for him to have tickets to a band that Azure didn't like. Any band like that was not worth Valor's time, free tickets or not.

Mizuki brightened up and accepted the tickets, " Aw thanks man, my chick loves this band! This'll totally make up for the fight we had this morning!"

"Uh huh," Valor commented, only half listening to his basketball teammate as he went into detail about his fight with his girlfriend, already in his 'Azure-stalking-zone' and was staring at him intently from over Mizuki's shoulder.

There was a tiny sliver of hope in his heart that it was only these few students that they had encountered that were crazy instead of the entire school, but as they walked into their math class, Rodrigo knew that he had been shooting his hopes too high. The whole classroom was in disarray, people were sitting on desks, singing showtunes, playing musical instruments, there was even a kid full on painting at his desk, easel and all. Rodrigo was violently reminded of the show that was on T.V back home, Jlee or something, where all the students went around singing and expressing themselves through the power of song. He had thought that that stuff only happened in television shows, and yet, here it was. Angel really wasn't lying when he said this place was...different.

" Ethan I want to leave." Rodrigo said, watching the two strange students from before take their seats. Suddenly they didn't seem so strange anymore, in comparison to their other classmates.

An older man approached them, a prettyboy with brown flawless hair, and he greeted them. " Hello! I'm your teacher, Protettore Rousseau! You two are the transfer students, correct? Your files say that you come from far away, you both speak English I hope?" Rodrigo nodded and Protettore clapped his hands, " Great! Ven texted me and said that he gave you guys the tour! This will be your math class, but I guarantee that it won't be like any that you've had before, ahaha. Please take your seats, any seats you want! Class will begin soon, so please get yourselves situated." He left them to return to the front of his class, only to pull out his phone and begin texting someone.

Rodrigo felt really confused. Were all highschools like this? This laid back? He looked back to the class to try to find an empty seat, and the only two available were one by a meek blonde kid with his nose in his notebook, drawing some kind of cartoons -- sudden flashbacks to his anime filled room, Rodrigo shook them off -- and one by the kid from earlier, with the horns. " Wow, we're spoiled for choice...." He said sarcastically.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Azalea
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Azalea ♥anime trash♥

Member Seen 11 mos ago

~~ ETHAN ~~

"It looks like one of us has to sit next to that kid with the horns today..."he said frowning, and suddenly clapped his hand on Rodrigo's shoulder. He laughed nervously. "Thank you for taking one for the team, Rodrigo, you are the greatest brother in the world."he thanked with a smile. He left Rodrigo's side and passed the desk by the crazy students from earlier, instead heading towards the kid with the notebook; who looked normal compared to everyone else, and took a seat next to him and another blond boy.

~~ HIBIRD ~~

Hibird sat atop of his desk, mindlessly knitting a jacket for the young master while monitoring the room. Hibird scowled, eyes narrowing as the scumbags from Glamour obnoxiously entered the room. It was bad enough that Jecht's unworthy boyfriend was shamelessly flirting with every girl in class, but now Trixxtal's lackeys had arrived. Heaven help him, Lucifel was once again mouthing off about hell and calling everybody foolish mortals while Cepheus unsurprisingly was copying the math homework like the dishonorable bastard he was. He had no idea how those faithless losers managed to get so many dates. He still had no why Jecht, his brother in all but blood, adored the blond heathen who Hibird had no doubt would eventually betray him.

Two new faces entered the room and Hibird set down his yarn, but kept the needles in his hands as he glared at the strangers. He would need to immediately conduct a background check on them in order to ensure that they were not assassins after the young master. Luckily, Kyoya did not have this class right now, so he could safely interrogate them without worrying for the young master. One sat in between him and that fool Minato who dared be assigned as Kyoya's roommate instead of him. At least this new student did not sit next to the Glamour members.

"Who are you? And who was that with you?"he demanded, and the blond looked startled at the sudden address.

"Oh, uh Ethan. Ethan Smith." the new student answered, suddenly looking at Hibird warily. "And that is my brother, Rodrigo."

"Really now?" Hibird asked, a hint of skepticism in his tone, looking towards the black haired boy who looked nothing like the blond in front of him, "Well, Ethan, I have much I need to speak to you about. And you will answer my questions otherwise we will have *problems*."


He really did feel guilty when he saw Valor's happy smile disappear because of what he said, but the more Valor stared at him, the more that guilt was replaced with irritation. Couldn't Valor stare at something else, anything else, besides him? Seiryuu tried his best to ignore him and concentrate on the lesson, but to his horror, Mr. Madore spoke up the dreaded words:

Ok, you all will be working in pairs for today's exercise, choose your partners...

He groaned and did not bother getting out of his seat, knowing that Valor would be over to his side in his flash and not allow anyone else to be Seiryuu's partner.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Midorimacchi
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Midorimacchi Nico ❤ Nico

Member Seen 2 mos ago

" You bastard..." Rodrigo muttered, watching as Ethan walked to his seat, on the SAFE side of the classroom, leaving Rodrigo to take his seat next to the weirdos. That is...if he could even GET to his seat. His desk was forgotten and abandoned, drowning in a sea of lovestuck girls, all trying to climb over one another to get to the desk in the center. There, in the very middle of the room, sat a pretty blonde who was talking very loudly and obnoxiously. Rodrigo saw him greet the two weirdos from before and he let out a groan. Of course all these weird kids knew each other. They probably walked around in gangs, trying to out-weird each other with their antics. Just what kind of school was this anyway??

Deciding that standing around angrily wasn't going to get him anywhere, Rodrigo started to push himself through the crowd of gaggling girls, determined to get to his seat and cursing Ethan the whole time. Eventually, after much pushing and shoving, Rodrigo successfully made it to his desk and threw his things on it and angrily kicked the chair out. Why was everyone concerned with the guy in the middle? Why wasn't the teacher doing anything to calm the class down?? Again; What kind of school was this??!!? Luckily though, Rodrigo was seated next to the window and he turned to look through it, rather than the other direction with the weird kid with horns and his creepy French friend.

Second period always made Minato nervous. If Trixxtal and his little cronies making ruckus wasn't bad enough, Hibrid constantly breathing down his neck was. Even when he wasn't actively threatening him, or even looking at him, the boy never failed to make Minato feel uneasy. Just his presence alone was enough to send a chill racing down his spine. Of course, the fear that Hibird imposed on him was nothing compared to the body trembling, teeth rattling, heart racing nervousness that Kyoya brought about, but Minto could certainly do without it on a daily basis. Everyday he lived with the fear that today was going to be the day that Hibird finally decided that he wasn't worthy enough of being Kyoya's roommate and kill him, dumping his body in a ditch only to be found years later when he and Kyoya were out of the country. It wasn't even a matter of "if" by this point, simply "when".

The light haired blonde sighed woefully at his depressing thoughts and colored in the rest of his protagonist's hair with his pencil, ignoring the rest of the commotion happening in class. He didn't even look up when someone sat in the empty seat next to him, thinking that it was just another student who abruptly decided to move seats ( Mr.Protettore was all about free will and allowed people to change their seating arrangement whenever they felt like it. But this backfired when it caused a 'Hunger Games" like competition between Trixxtal's admirers about who was going to get the seats closest to him. Minato's desk was two places behind Trixxtal, so he hadn't been challenged to battle yet, but there was always a possibility - yet another reason why he hated coming to class.) But when Hibird started to talk to the new person, something he rarely did unless he was threatening them, Minato dared to glance up.

And suddenly everything stopped.

This new kid - Minato knew that he was new because he had never seen this guy before, and if he had he would have definitely remembered him- was the PERFECT clone of his most favorite video game character of all time; Cloudy Striffle from the Last Daydream series. Minato's jaw dropped and he had to quickly look away or else he would attract Hibird's attention, hanging his head so his hair covered his face as he internally began to freak out. He had seen one or two people around school that looked like his favorite anime characters, walking down the hall or eating food in the lunchhall, but none of them had ever looked as close as this guy.

Minato was overwhelmed with the powerful urge to say something, or introduce himself, or try to make friends with the Cloudy-look-alike, but unfortunately, Hibird was already making conversation and if Minato interrupted him, it would be like staring death straight in the face. So instead, Minato tried to keep his cool and his eyes on his paper as the bell rang and class begun.

Valor was up and out of his seat even before Mr.Madore could finish his sentence, dashing towards Azure's desk as if there was someone else who would beat him to it. But before he could slam his hand on Azure's desk and childishly announce that Azure had already been claimed as his partner, he was blindsided by a flash of blue and a cold, steel like grip wrapped around his wrist, pulling him back.

" Why don't we partner up today, Valor?" Belisario suggested calmly, " I'm sure that Seiryuu has had enough of you today." His words were as sharp as ice and they pierced through Valor's fragile heart like daggers. There was a moment where he was going to try to convince his group leader to let him partner up with Azure, but arguing with Belisario was like repeatedly walking into a brick wall - it was going to get him nowhere. Defeated, Valor slumped his shoulders and allowed Belisario to pull him away from Seiryuu's desk and over to his own that was in the front of the class.

Mizuki, who was somehow oblivious to everything that was going on, simply laughed and turned to Seiryuu, " Ahahaha, they're really fuckin' weird right? It's almost like Valor's in love with you! Ahahaha! Hey! Wanna partner up?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Azalea
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Azalea ♥anime trash♥

Member Seen 11 mos ago


He was bored. Hibird was not in this class so he had nobody to talk to and Minato did not have this class either so Kyoya did not even have anybody to torment. At least that would have passed the time. His teacher had begun some kind of lecture, Kyoya had no idea what it was about because he was not listening, instead he stared blankly at his notebook. "Damn, I forgot my pencil..."he muttered to himself, annoyed at his mistake. He could care less about taking notes, but Kyoya could at least draw or something to pass the time.

"Uh, problems...? Er, I don't mind answering questions." he answered with a nervous laugh, wondering if this sudden interrogation was some sort of divine punishment for making Rodrigo sit next to the weird kids.

"How old are you? Where were you born? What is your purpose for attending this academy? If you are here to harm the young master, you will not leave this room unharmed." his new classmate fired question after question and Ethan felt overwhelmed, especially by the odd statement at the end. Was this guy threatening him? Stalking him, even?! Ethan did not expect an interrogation like this and he did not want to blow their cover on the first day of school. He put on a smile and patted the blond kid on the shoulder, activating his power to see his memories, feel his emotions, and...unfortunately, take on part of his personality. He winced slightly as the rush of recent memories and emotions filled his brain at rapid speed.

"You need to chill the fuck out, dude."he responded with sudden anger, learning that the boy's name was Hibari Sanada but preferred Hibird, and that he was very protective of his adoptive brother Kyoya Sanada. Hibird!Ethan could respect that; he felt the same about his own adoptive brother. Anybody who dared to lay a finger on Rodrigo or look at him the wrong way would end up thrown into a dumpster like the trash they were, preferably in a body bag. "I'm just an ordinary seventeen year old kid who decided to come to school here with my brother, for this school's music course.", he lied through his teeth, "I don't give a damn about this young master, whoever he is, but I'm the one who will have a problem with you if you try to harm to my brother."

"What the fuck did you just say? Are you talking back to me?!"he growled angrily, shoving the hand off of his shoulder. How dare this Ethan kid threaten him back, while he was threatening him first?! Hibird did not respond at first because he was caught off guard by the guy's sudden personality change. He had thought he was a weakling who would be a pushover like Minato, but no, Ethan thought he was apparently hot shit who could take him on in a fight! He glared and was ready to punch this stupid new kid in the face, when all of a sudden, Ethan whipped around and started heading towards the other side of the classroom, aggressively pushing people out of his way.

"AHAHA! Look, Hellhound Cepheus, Vampire Trixxtal is seducing the fine women of this classroom once again. Mortals cannot resist the charms of dark creatures, like him and us. Hurry and join me on the throne, so we may observe and stand by in case he requires our demonic wings." he heard Lucifel talking to him just as he finished the last of the notes, and Cepheus grinned.

"Alright alright, I'll sit next to you. But I don't think he needs a wingman right now. The ladies look like they want him."he laughed as he stood up and went next to Lucifel, both sitting on what his friend called the throne, but it was really just his desk. "Wow, they're pretty rowdy right now!"he commented amused, seeing how the girls were literally pushing and shoving in order to sit next to his best friend. And as if the heavens wanted to prove his statement right, out of nowhere Cepheus felt a pain in his face as a girl accidently elbowed him in the head. Because he was sharing a seat with Lucifel, he did not have a lot of space on the desk, and Cepheus fell off. Thankfully, someone broke his fall.

"OW!"he cried out, rubbing his cheek before turning to see that he had fallen against some kid he had never seen before, who was sitting in the desk by the window. But before he could say anything, somebody started yelling at him.

"How dare you fall on my brother, you scumbag?" a blond kid shoved his way past the desks and girls, reaching the other side of the classroom at impressive speed. He grabbed Cepheus by the shirt and he gave him a look that oddly gave him a sense of deja vu. "You are not worthy to even breathe the same air as him!" Ah thats why, Hibird had said the exact same thing to Cepheus whenever he got to close to Kyoya or a member of Captivating Captains. How weird.

"Awww, man it was an accident!"he replied, giving him an unconcerned grin.

"Apologize or I will throw you out of the window."the guy threatened, but Cepheus just laughed and turned to the black haired kid.

"Haha, I'm sorry dude! I didn't mean to fall on you, I got hit in the face and lost my balance." the same grin still on the relaxed boy's face.


At first he thought that Ethan was cowardly and running away from him, but to his surprise he actually went to go yell at one of the Glamour scumbags for falling on his brother. Maybe this kid was not so bad after all. The rage he felt towards the blond slowly started to be replaced with respect. He acted just like he would if one of those idiots fell on top of his friends or the young master! It was as if Ethan had some sort of sixth sense about his brothe-

"Young master!"he suddenly gasped out loud, and he turned to Minato, who he had ignored today in favor of interrogating the new kid. He didn't say a word to him, but Hibird suddenly swiped the pencil the boy had been using and wordlessly got up from his seat. Hibird dashed out of the classroom, pencil in hand, heading towards Kyoya's classroom because he had a feeling that the young master was in need of a writing utensil.


"H-he's not in love with me!"he denied quickly, almost like he felt flustered, "And yes. Let's partner up."

Relieved that he would have a reprieve from Valor for the moment, Seiryuu did not dare even spare a glance at said blond right now. "The assignment is fairly easy. You can go first." he said, but everything was easy to Seiriyuu. One partner would do a vocal exercise while the other would observe and critique. Then they switched roles. Seiryuu felt unenthusiastic about the work and hoped that this class would go by fast.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Midorimacchi
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Midorimacchi Nico ❤ Nico

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Minato was just as surprised as Hibird when the new guy's personality suddenly changed. Either this guy was stupid or had a death wish. He had never seen someone stand up to Hibird like that and it only made Minato more interested in him. Was he going to be like Cloudy when he faced off against Sephibroth in their last encounter? Could this new student be like the protagonist of his comic and stand up and defeat the big bad?? Was someone finally going to knock Hibird down a few pegs like he deserved???

Minato couldn't help but watch the clash between the two blondes in interest and was ready to scoot out of the way if a fight broke out. But once more, to his surprise, the CloudyClone backed off and retreated into the pile of girls in the center of the class to save his brother from the Glamour gang. "How cool..." He sighed in admiration, liking the new guy more with every passing second. He didn't even care when Hibird snagged his pencil and rested his head in his hands instead, sighing dreamily at CloudyClone.

Rodrigo was content with just tuning out from the commotion of the room and stare out the window until class was over and he could leave, but of course, this whacked world wasn't going to make things easy. The chatter from the girls and his distance from Ethan made it so that he didn't hear his and Hibird's argument, so he had no clue about what was going on, but he certainly felt someone fall on top of him. " Augh, what the fuck?!" Rodrigo shouted in anger, too high strung to put up with anyone else's bullshit today and ready to punch someone's lights out until Ethan broke through the crowd, looking like he was ready to do it for him. As Ethan began to threaten the weirdo who fell on him, Rodrigo could only guess what had happened. Usually Ethan was more in check with his powers and wouldn't have done this only minutes into their first class, so there must have been a good reason. But whatever that reason was, it was now Rodrigo's job to calm him down.

Taking a quick look around, Rodrigo was painfully aware that all eyes were on them, except for the damn teacher, and he nervously swallowed. " Uh...it's no problem, don't worry about it." He said in reply to the guy's apology, hoping that now that that was done, Ethan would drop the issue and they could move on, hopefully with class. But again, nothing was that easy in this world apparently, and before Ethan could do anything, a hand clasped his shoulder and forcefully spun him around, bringing him face to face with the loud blonde from earlier. Great.... Rodrigo groaned. If this angry Ethan laid a finger on this guy, both him and Rodrigo would become public enemy number one and two to the entire female population. Please don't do anything stupid! he pleaded mentally.

It was true that he didn't care enough to learn everyone's names in his classes, but Trixxtal was sure that he had never seen the guy threatening Cepheus in class before, which meant that he was new. So not only was he a new kid, but he obviously didn't understand how this school worked and it was Trixxtal's job to teach him. " Excuse me, what do you think you're doing?" He asked in his most authoritative tone he could muster, forcing the new kid to take his hands off Cepheus and face him. With a quick glance he sized him up and came to the conclusion that he was wayyyy better looking than this new guy. Which was good. Trixxtal was only ever intimidated by guys who looked better than him and seeing that this new guy was a 7/10 at most, he felt no fear staring him down, no matter how shitty his personality was. " I'll have you know that if you ever lay a hand on me or my friends again, you'll deeply regret it, mon cher." He could hear the girls around him swooning and Trixxtal thought to himself that he should play the bad boy more often. Girls love that kind of thing.

" Not only will you have to answer to me, but also my own demonic prince! Lucifel! If you please, warn this lowly human of your dark powers!" He laughed smoothly, backing up to allow Lucifel to take his place. Trixxtal was too pretty to be involved with physical altercations and left it to his friends to be his bodyguards.

" Do you believe in true loveeeee?" Valor asked dreamily, earning him a deep sigh. It was too early in the day to deal with this bullshit, Belisario told himself. He would literally pay Valor any amount of money if he shut up about his little crush, atleast until their assignment was done. He couldn't afford to fail this class all because he decided to be nice and spare Seiryuu the annoyance.

" Yes Valor, I believe in true love. The love between you and Seiryu-"


"-Azure, is definitely one for the history books. Now please focus on the exercise." He spoke as if he was talking to a child, which in this case wasn't too far off. When Valor didn't answer he assumed that the message had gotten through and Valor was going through the notes he had to sing, but within the next minute the illusion was broken.

" If I took a picture of him without him knowing, that isn't considered stalking right?"

Belisario banged his head against the desk in hopes that it would give him a swift death.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Azalea
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Azalea ♥anime trash♥

Member Seen 11 mos ago


Ethan felt satisfied at the apology, pacified by how idiotic Cepheus seemed that he figured the moron could not have possibly threatened his precious brother. But then he opened his big mouth.

Trixxtal. Hibird absolutely despised this person and it was passed onto Ethan for the moment.

“You think I’m afraid of some freak with fake horns on his head?!” he lashed out as the one named Lucifel walked in front of him. He gazed at Ethan with absolute conviction, but Ethan saw it only as arrogance, and that infuriated the blond. Lucifel smirked and looked at him like he was below him, which did nothing to quell the rage he inherited from Hibird.

“Ohohoho! These horns are the source of my DARK MAGIC and you should fear them.”

Ethan snorted and extended his arm, grabbing the horns and forcefully yanking them off of the boy’s head. He frowned and stared at them, seeing nothing out of the ordinary about them, so he threw them back at Lucifel. “They look like some ordinary headband from a costume shop!” he declared, but Lucifel did not seem fazed at all by his declaration or actions.

“Ha! Only those with the sight can sense the power these give off.” he said with a smug face, placing the horns back on his head and for a moment Ethan wondered if he was telling the truth. He watched as Lucifel pulled a stuffed duck from behind the cape he was wearing. “Behold, the lord of darkness, my other self, Tapioco. He will deliver the judgment of the divine darkness on your mortal soul.”

As Ethan was presented the duck doll and cheesy villainlike lines, confusion was plain on his face. Nobody would willingly carry around such a stupid looking bird, making a fool of them self; if it was not actually worth something…right? Lucifel didn’t sound like he was kidding.

“Wait, are you being serious right now?” he asked bewildered, remembering all of the bullshit Angel put them through. He knew that magic was real in his world, and even if
Angel had told them nothing like that was in this universe, there was a chance he had been wrong. And that terrified Ethan. His expression turned from confused to terror and he backed away from the dark haired boy. The shock managed to return Ethan’s personality to normal earlier than usual. Or maybe it was…magic… “Y-You practice dark magic?!”

Lucifel’s eyes seemed to brighten at his response and Ethan guessed it was from the satisfaction of putting the fear of the devil in him. Ethan watched the boy begin to laugh and warily watched him pet the duck on the head. “Hahaha that’s right!” he responded cheerfully, “Fear the dark lord!”

“Hold it.”

A cold voice stopped Lucifel from throwing the duck he was about to throw. Another blond boy had arrived and he stepped between him and Lucifel, dropping a large thick book on the desk titled DA RULES. Hibird had also apparently returned to the room, scowling at the newcomer as he disdainfully followed behind him.


“Page 394.” He stated cooly, staring at the unfamiliar boy, “Of the rulebook states that there is no fighting allowed on this campus.”

Tiaro had caught that delinquent Hibird outside in the hall without a pass, worst of all running, but the criminal had earned his mercy by pointing out an even bigger crime. Apparently, there was trouble in Mr. Rousseau ‘s room and Tiaro immediately went to investigate. That did not stop him from forcing Hibird to return to the classroom, though.

“At this school,” he turned towards the blond, “We do not settle conflict with fists like undisciplined savages.” He looked at Lucifel at that last sentence, who was about to open his mouth. “Or foolish wand waving, or whatever it is you try to do with that pseudoducklord of darkness.”

With a completely straight face, he continued reciting the rulebook by memory as if it was Holy Scripture written by angels, “You will settle this dispute with a dance off.”


He was half-listening to Mizuki right now, too distracted by a sudden feeling of dread. A shiver went down his spine.




He did not want to be in here right now. He was one hundred percent sure that somebody was looking at him right now and there was no doubt in his mind that it was Valor. Seiryuu had been tempted to accept his offer earlier, but thank goodness he didn’t. He had a feeling a date with him would feel a thousand times more uncomfortable, and all Valor was doing was just staring at him from a distance.

He hated this class.

“Thank god Belisario was here…”he muttered to himself.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Midorimacchi
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Midorimacchi Nico ❤ Nico

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Things went from weird to weirder in only a matter of seconds when the horned freak took out a stuffed duck, which Rodrigo honestly thought was impossible. In all his years of working for Angel and doing his crazy missions, he had seen some things, like really seen some things. But watching a highschooler wearing plastic costume horns bring out a stuffed duck and call it his dark lord, in a completely serious tone, was something else. A whole NEW level of crazy. And what was worse was that it looked like Ethan actually believed him! He was glad that Ethan had finally snapped out of his bad mood, but felt disappointed that the blonde was falling for the weirdo's tricks. Of course the kid didn't know black magic, no matter how crazy this world seemed to be.

Thankfully, some sort of authoritative figure appeared, even if it was only the hall monitor. Maybe now things could go back to normal....

"...settle this dispute with a dance off.”

Wait, what? " A dance off???" He echoed, finally taking the chance to speak up. " What kind of bullshit is this? Who actually settles anything with a dance off? We're not in a movie you know!!"

" Actually," A voice chimed in and when Rodrigo looked up he discovered that it was Mr.Rousseau, who had seemed this dispute worthy enough to put his cell phone down for, " Here at AOA, we try to avoid conflict at all costs. Good relationships between students are what we aim for and we encourage students to take their frustrations out in different ways other than schoolyard fights. Many students here find the 'dance off' option much more productive than throwing fists." He helpfully supplied. Then, to Rodrigo's horror, he began to usher students out of their seats to push their desks out of the way until the center was clear.

" Okay guys, you know the rules. Oh! Ethan, silly me, you must not know the rules yet! A dance off lasts for two minutes. Each participant gets 30 seconds to go their dance before passing it on to the other. And then vise versa. Each participant will get two turns to show off their moves and the crowd will be the judges. Whoever gets the loudest cheers wins, and everything the two of you were fighting about gets dropped. Understand?"

After Mr.Rousseau's speech, Rodrigo heard the same annoying laugh from before and Trixxtal emerged from behind Lucifel, " I hope you've got your dancing shoes on today new boy! Lucifel here is the best dancer in Glamour! I'd like to see you try to beat him!"

Anger flared up in Rodrigo and he too stepped up from behind Ethan to get in the blonde's face, " Yeah? Well Ethan here has been dancing his whole life!! Infact, he came here on a dancing scholarship!" He didn't even know what kind of bullshit he was spitting out, but the need to beat Trixxtal was overpowering him. " Try to have your boy beat that!"

The crowd around him gasped and even Trixxtal seemed astonished at the outburst. Quickly realizing that he had let the moment get the best of him, Rodrigo turned to Ethan with an apologetic look, shrugging his shoulders, " Isn't that right brother?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Azalea
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Azalea ♥anime trash♥

Member Seen 11 mos ago

“Yes, thank you for telling them, brother.” He deadpanned, losing all hope of talking his way out of the dance off, since Rodrigo’s outburst had sealed his fate. Ethan had no idea how to dance, and it wasn’t as if he had some super skilled dancing ancestor he could magically inherit talent from within the next five seconds, so it looked like he was about to get schooled by a teenager in front of a group of more teenagers.

Ethan sighed and looked warily at Lucifel. “Uh, you can go first.” The caped boy just laughed and crossed his arms. Hopefully while Lucifel was dancing, he could try to remember some dancing Hibird did, but Ethan was not about to get his hopes up.

“Very well! For this dance off, I will show you moves from the depths of hell itself.” shouted the teenager dramatically, and with one motion, Ethan saw that Lucifel had somehow taken off his cape. Tiaro, who was apparently used to this, took out his cell phone and had an entire playlist of songs on it. Apparently Lucifel did mean what he said about hell, because what played from Tiaro’s phone was some sort of demonic orchestra music remixed into a dance song. “You cannot hope to out dance me!” bragged Lucifel as he danced, and Ethan had yet to figure out what he was going to do. Lucifel’s dance style was hip-hop, with some unique moves thrown in that Ethan was sure was meant to be in a dark ritual or something, and he could tell right away that his opponent was way better than him.

I would rather get detention or something. Why does this school do dance offs anyways? Oh yeah, the school aims for ‘good relationships’. he thought, thinking back to what Mr. Rousseau said. Wait a minute…good relationships…that’s it!

“Your turn, if you are not afraid to compete against the prince of hell!” Lucifel said as he did one final dance move, and Ethan nervously nodded. Ethan smiled at Lucifel, who stepped back after his thirty seconds were up. “Um, well good dance.” He looked at Lucifel and stepped forward, then suddenly spread his arms out dramatically, trying to reenact the motions that a protagonist who was about to triumph over the villain in an anime would do. Everyone in this school seemed ridiculous or at least loved flamboyance, so if he wanted to survive this, he needed to act with more flair than Lucifel! “But you know what will always defeat the darkness? The power of friendship! It works in all the stories I’ve heard and all the video games I’ve played. So that’s why, I will dance with my friends, both old and new!” He cheered with projected confidence, and Ethan grabbed Rodrigo’s hands and put them on his shoulders. “Come on, everyone, join me in a conga line. Get behind my brother and join the fight with me, the hero of light, against Lucifel, prince of darkness. ” He did not know if it was against the rules, but Tiaro changed the demonic hip-hop music to conga music anyways.

“Ahaha, what a clever idea! Fitting for a hero of light!” shouted an excited Lucifel and he surprised Ethan by being the first to join his bullshit conga line. Lucifel placed his hands on Rodrigo’s shoulders, trapping him between him and Ethan, giving him no choice but to participate. “Come, Hellhound Cepheus and Vampire Trixxtal, and denizens of Hell, let us all join the battle!”

“Hell yeah sounds fun! Hey Trix, I'm gonna do it.”cheered Cepheus, who was always up for whatever his friends wanted to do, and followed behind Lucifel. Other classmates joined the conga line after Cepheus did and Ethan led them around the classroom for his entire thirty seconds, hoping everyone would just forget that he was supposed to be in a dance off.

Breaking off from the conga line after thirty seconds and letting Cepheus take a hold of the hero of light’s brother instead, Lucifel ventured ahead to the side of said hero of light, Ethan. “Ahaha, let us make a peace treaty, and combine light and dark for the last minute of our ceremony!” he suggested to Ethan as he wrapped his arm around his shoulder, his horn poking Ethan’s eye. “Ow…”the blond mumbled, rubbing his eye. “You mean, finish the dance off together? Yeah, that’s fine with me.”

Feeling triumphant for getting the hero of light to agree to his terms, Lucifel laughed and pulled Ethan out of the line. "Underworld Guardian, change it to that song."

"Fine, but I hope you know joining together means getting a draw, and the rules say you still have to drop whatever issue you had earlier." explained Tiaro, who stopped the conga music and played a new song.

A song started playing and Ethan was completely confused about what was happening anymore, but at least Lucifel looked like he had completely forgotten about their dispute from earlier. "Do you know this melody, Hero of Light?" asked Lucifel, who appeared thrilled when the melody started playing.

"Uh, not really." he mumbled, but Lucifel started dancing by himself anyways. "You know what, that's a very interesting dance. I'll just watch you from over here so I can see it properly. "

"Very well! But I will teach it to you later! Everyone should know how to dance the devil's dance!" cheered Lucifel, making Ethan wonder if they had accidently become friends. The carefree one named Cepheus randomly started dancing beside Lucifel as well. "Haha, Luce, I wanna dance too!" he said, and a lot of classmates became excited at seeing the Glamour members dance together. The class was once again thrown into chaos and people were all just dancing or watching. Tiaro said nothing because Mr. Rousseau had yet to say anything, and Ethan didn't know if the teacher actually would.

"Oh..uh, ok." he replied to Lucifel, "But only if you teach it to my brother too."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Midorimacchi
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Midorimacchi Nico ❤ Nico

Member Seen 2 mos ago

♥ ♥ ♥ RODRIGO " I can't BELIEVE you made me do that." Rodrigo groaned, facepalming at the mere memory of the dance off earlier that day. To keep the peace, he let the crazed fake horn guy show him the "devil's dance", which really just seemed like a shitty dance someone would do alone in their room where no one could see them. It was only by the good graces of a higher deity that the teacher actually got off his ass and taught the class. But after all the commotion, it turned out to only be a fifteen minute lesson. Not like he was complaining, but wasn't there more to this whole "highschool" deal? The rest of their classes were like their first period, full of weird teachers and even weirder students. Rodrigo was just glad that it was lunchtime and they had the chance to be by themselves for once. The rooftop seemed like the best location to eat. Most of the students ate in the cafeteria, or went off campus to some local restaurants. The roof wasn't closed off, like it was supposed to be, but it was empty when they got up there so it looked like their best choice. " Also, what the hell is this??" Rodrigo looked down at their lunch boxes. Unlike the kind he was used to, it was an actual box. When opened, it was divided into sections. One for rice, one for meat, and one for vegetables. The lunch lady had called it a "bento box" and Rodrigo wondered if it was an invention used only in this world. Whatever the case, it was NOT enough to be called a lunch. You could hardly fit a snadwhich in there, never mind an entire lunch! " I swear, the things we do for that guy..." He muttered under his breath, referring to their white haired landlord. Seconds after he started eating, the door to the rooftop suddenly opened. He and Ethan were sitting [[ I literally do not know how to explain this they're gonna be sitting by the silver thing with the fans on top {x} ]], facing away from the sun, so he had to look over the corner to see who it was. If it was a teacher, he and Ethan would probably get in trouble for being up here, but then again, in this crazy school, kids probably ate up here all the time. When he peeked around the wall, he almost groaned when he saw the flashy french kid from first period. " Look who it is," He whispered to Ethan, not wanting to be seen by Frenchie to avoid another confrontation. Luckily, it seemed like they had gone unnoticed by Trixxtal, who was walking to the railing and peering off into the sky. Rodrigo turned to Ethan and rolled his eyes, getting ready to gather his bento box, " C'mon we should go before he sees u--" He suddenly stopped when another student entered the rooftop and walked towards Trixxtal. " What's happening??" Rodrigo asked as if Ethan knew, setting his things back down to watch the scene. From what he could see, Trixxtal heard the new guy approach and turned around to face him, his hair sparkling in the sunlight. " Ah, mon ami, so glad that you could make it," He heard the blonde say, " I take it you got my note to meet me up here, oui?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Azalea
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Azalea ♥anime trash♥

Member Seen 11 mos ago

I can’t wait to see Trixxtal today! He thought happily, a blush on his smiling face as he thought about his boyfriend. In Jecht’s hand was a bag containing the homemade lunch he made for Trixxtal. He woke up an hour early each morning to prepare the food and he poured his heart into each meal, knowing the work was worth it every time he saw Trixxtal’s smiling face as he accepted Jecht’s food. He pressed the bag against his chest, close to his beating heart, not wanting anything to happen to the lunch as he walked through the cafeteria.

“Hey, guys!” he greeted warmly, walking up to a table sitting the Glamour group members. They returned his greetings but Jecht’s smile faltered slightly when he did not hear his beloved’s voice. “Trixxtal’s not here yet?” he asked, and Cepheus quickly answered for him.

“Oh, he told me he’d be a little late today. It won’t be long so you can sit with us and wait for him, Jecht.” He offered with a charming grin on his face as he pulled open a seat for him. Jecht nodded and was about to sit down, when Touda spoke up.

“I saw him heading for the rooftop.” He mentioned innocently, and the blinding smile on Touda’s face was full of so much kindness Jecht wouldn’t be surprised if Lucifel started making a scene about angels.

“Oh! Thanks, Touda! Since he won’t be long, I’ll just look for him there then, and we can walk back here together.” He thanked Touda, missing the way Cepheus cringed at the boy’s mention of the rooftop.


“There was no way I was going through that by myself, especially after you said I was some prodigy dancer! Let’s just agree to NEVER bring up that again.” he hissed, and then glanced down at the cafeteria meal with a frown. It was no wonder Rodrigo was looking at it with disdain. These meal portions looked like they would be perfect for a snack, not an actual lunch meal. He didn’t know if this was normal in their original world since he had no memory of attending school, but Ethan could have sworn that movies depicted high school cafeteria lunches differently than a small box. Actually, at the thought of ugly colored trays and ‘gross’ cafeteria food, maybe they didn’t have it so bad. At least the food tasted delicious, and being on the rooftop meant they didn’t have to deal with other students.

Of course he was proven wrong not even ten seconds later when he heard voices near the railing. “Oh great.” He sighed, noticing the bastard he almost got in a fight with earlier, “What’s he doing here?”

A student he didn’t recognize arrived soon after and Ethan watched the scene unfold curiously alongside Rodrigo.


Bellerophon would rather go read manga in his room, but who knew if he would ever get a chance like this again? He was only here because in anime and manga, interesting things usually happened on rooftops, so he wanted to pretend he was in a real life anime. He reluctantly reached the rooftop of the school and felt his heart begin thumping swiftly against his chest at the sight of some cherry blossom petals fluttering with the wind. Maybe his wish for this moment to be like an anime could come true after all.

He looked around nervously and saw someone waiting alone by the railings. The guy turned around and started greeting him, and Bellerophon lamely shrugged his shoulders. “Yeah.” He answered unenthusiastically, observing him with slight interest trying to recognize him. He didn’t think he’d ever seen him before. He had no idea who this person was. “So you are… Trix...Toll?” he asked uncertainly, having no idea how to pronounce that ridiculous name. Honestly, another reason Bellerophon actually showed up was because the name Trixxtal looked like the name of a main character from a manga.

“And what did you want?” he added, realizing for the first time that he actually had no idea why this guy invited him out here. He just jumped at the chance to pretend he was real anime that he didn’t think about why Trixxtal sent him the note in the first place.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Midorimacchi
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Midorimacchi Nico ❤ Nico

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Trixxtal was unfazed by Bellerophon's apparent lack of enthusiasm. He had successfully whoo'd many others who originally had no interest in him --which was ridiculous all by itself, like, have you seen him? Who wouldn't be into that?-- and Bellerophon would be no different. All he needed was some sweet talking, a little harmless persuasion, and then he'd be under his thumb just like the rest of the school. All Trixxtal needed to do was work his magic.

Putting on the charming smile that everyone seemed to love, Trixxtal leaned back against the railing and pushed his head back, running his hand through his luxurious sandy blonde hair as the cherry blossom pedals fell around him, " Ah, my dear Bellerophon," He made sure to put on his thickest accent as he stepped away from the railing to get into Bellerophon's personal space, " You and I are strangers, but I was hoping that we could...get the chance to know each other better," Any thoughts that he might of had about Jecht, his boyfriend had left his mind entirely and was replaced with the sole mission of getting the beautiful blonde before him to fall in love with him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Azalea
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Azalea ♥anime trash♥

Member Seen 11 mos ago

For a moment Bellerophon was in awe at the captivating stranger...how did he seem to summon those sakura blossoms to swirl around him just now? He didn’t know if Trixxtal somehow did it intentionally but Bellerophon wanted to learn how to do that. If only there was some cool anime theme song in the background playing somehow, his wish would have come true. Completely distracted by the petals and his anime fantasy, he didn’t notice that Trixxtal had stepped closer to him until he heard the thick accent directed at him. “Huh? What for?” he mumbled confused, caught off guard by the statement and he took a step back. Bellerophon couldn’t think of any reason as to why anyone would say that unless they were taking pity on him or were fans of his celebrity parents. Did this guy want to be his friend or something? That was the last thing he wanted! A real life friend would just waste his time and keep him from those who truly mattered to him; the figurines waiting for him on the shelf back in his dorm room.

“I don’t really see the point, the only friends I need I already have in my life.” He said bluntly, but then a fond smile appeared on his lips as he thought of some of his favorite characters. “Getting to know you would take my time away from them.” He added, thinking about all the anime he still needed to watch and all the manga he still needed to read.

“Haha you know, it really won’t be that long, it would probably be easier to just wait here with us…” said Cepheus with a small laugh, placing his hand on Jecht’s shoulder as he steered him to the seat he offered earlier. “We don’t get to talk much and it would be nice to get to know you better. You’re our bro’s boyfriend and all.”

Jecht felt bewildered by Cepheus’ insistence, but he couldn’t help but smile at the fact that Trixxtal’s best friend wanted to eat lunch with him. Jecht was normally too shy to speak to any of his boyfriends friends without Trixxtal around, so this was a good opportunity to get to know them better. “O-oh…okay!” he agreed, setting Trixxtal’s lunch down on the table as Cepheus gave another warm smile, paying Jecht absolute attention. It was alright on his nerves at first, Cepheus stuck to simple questions like how he was doing and stuffed he liked. Easy questions. But then the rest of the group started taking an interest in talking to him too, and Jecht began to sweat at the attention he was getting. He was a shy person and while Jecht could handle speaking to just one of them, he didn’t want to embarrass himself in front of all of Trixxtal’s friends, and the thought just made him feel anxious. If this continued, he would mess something up like he always did, and Fenrir wouldn’t be here to help him out! This was obviously a mistake. He needed to leave before he said something stupid.

“Ah…it’s nice talking to you guys…but um I just remembered my friends wanted me to sit with them today! I’m gonna go deliver this to Trixxtal, and then find them.” He said as he sat up, too nervous to notice Cepheus’ worried expression, “Thanks for inviting me to sit with you though!”

“Jecht,wait bro-!” Cepheus began to cry out, but Jecht already snagged the bag with Trixxtal's lunch from the table and hastily walked towards the staircase leading to the roof.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Midorimacchi
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Midorimacchi Nico ❤ Nico

Member Seen 2 mos ago

For every step Bellerophon took back, Trixxtal stepped forward, closing the gap between them. Honestly it was getting annoying, how Bellerophon was dodging his passes and playing oblivious. If Trixxtal was a better person, he would probably question his true intentions, if getting involved with Bellerophon, who had nothing in common with him and was, quite frankly, dense as hell, was worth endangering his relationship with Jecht, but sadly, Trixxtal was superficial. Bellerophon's beautiful face was enough to lead him astray from Jecht's side and Trixxtal wanted nothing more but to add the beautiful blonde before him to his personal harem.

" It might seem like you have everything right now, mon amour," He grinned, reaching out to lightly stroke his fingers across his cheek, " but you don't know what you're missing un-"

" Can we get out of here now?!" Rodrigo whispered furiously to Ethan, turning away from the scene happening before them. There was only so much sappyness he could handle, and watching two guys get it on ontop of a roof was more than enough for him. But unfortunately for them, neither he or Ethan could make their escape without running into Bellerophon and Trixxtal and being seen. " I knew this guy was going to get on my nerves but this is more than I ever expected." Rodrigo grumbled under his breath, debating whether or not it was worth it was worth getting into an awkward situation than just waiting for them to leave. But before Ethan could answer, both of their heads snapped to the rooftop door that had suddenly swung open. Finally! A chance to escape!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Azalea
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Azalea ♥anime trash♥

Member Seen 11 mos ago

He may have a point, he did not have everything he needed yet...after all there were still several figures Bellerophon had yet to buy. "Yeah, I guess so..." he agreed, although they were apparently not having the same conversation. But he became slightly startled and then flustered by Trixxtal's romantic words, he even blushed when he realized just how close they were to each other.

Perhaps, Trixxtal could have succeeded in his quest if it wasn't for the fact that Bellerophon loved anime as much as he did. When Trixxtal's fingers suddenly stroked his cheek, Bellerophon's first thought was Wow...Isn't this the kind of thing that would happen to a character in a romance anime? The sakura petals are even still fluttering around him. Am I...am I experiencing a real life anime moment?! Unfortunately for Trixxtal, Bellerophon forgot he was there as soon as he compared them to anime characters.

He tuned out the rest of Trixxtal's flirting because he was distracted by his thoughts about different rooftop anime scenes. What other scenarios happened during a rooftop moment? Bellerophon immediately thought of friends eating lunch together. Well, Bellerophon had no real world friends, and unless Trixxtal handed him a bento they could not re-enact a scene like that. The bento directed his memories to girls pouring their heart out to make the hand made meals for their cherished senpai, handing the lunch to them with a blush on their face. Bellerophon then remembered that he had been reminded of a romance anime in the first place by Trixxtal, whom he had completely forgotten about and stopped listening to. He snapped out of his daydream and finally paid attention to Trixxtal, who was in the middle of saying something he didn't quite hear except for the random french word tacked at the end of the sentence.

"Sorry, I stopped listening, what were you saying?" he asked, but then became distracted again when a sakura petal carried by the wind had stuck itself onto Trixxtal's face. He was curious if those were actually real, because Bellerophon could still barely believe how they kept swirling around them like in anime, so he leaned forward to take a closer look. "Wow, these petals aren't fake...? It's happening naturally..." he mumbled to himself in awe.

But then, Bellerophon heard the door open so he turned his head to see who had come to the rooftop. That happened to be a mistake because they were already close together so when Bellerophon moved, his lips somehow accidently crashed into Trixxtal's. His mind went blank. All he could think about was that ridiculous accidental kisses like this only happened in bad fanfiction. Now all that needed to happen now was for the worst person to catch them like this, and just on cue, Bellerophon heard a voice.

"Hey, Trixxtal! Are you here-"

And at that moment Bellerophon pulled away startled and, wanting to look anywhere but at Trixxtal he turned towards who had spoken, revealing Jecht Rutella staring at them in disbelief.

He opened the door and stepped onto the rooftop, smiling as he looked around. "Hey, Trixxtal! Are you here-" he called out, only to stop midsentence when he spotted Trixxtal. Only, Trixxtal was in the middle of kissing another person.

"What...are you doing? What is going on, Trixxtal?" he asked in disbelief, his hands shaking as he pressed his bento against his chest. He looked at Trixxtal, to the random boy (who was probably one of the most beautiful people he had ever seen, which only added to Jecht's dismay), and back to Trixxtal. "You were...kissing...Why?"

He felt tears already beginning to sting his eyes. His friends had warned him that Trixxtal was unfaithful, but he didn't believe them because he trusted Trixxtal wholeheartedly. But...he could not ignore what he saw with his own eyes. He wanted to yell and scream, demanding answers, but Jecht wasn't that kind of person. He wasn't violent or confrontational and he didn't know how to deal with catching his boyfriend in a compromising position like this.

"How...how dare you, Trixxtal, how could you?! I thought you loved me!" he cried, tears streaming down his face.

"It feel like we're watching a shitty live action soap opera." Ethan said, bewildered by what he just saw. He felt sorry for whoever the dark haired guy was, but he had zero pity for the fake French accent douchebag from math class. More importantly, the two of them could finally get out of here without becoming involved in an awkward situation if they were sneaky enough to not get noticed. He had already been involved in an embarrassing situation today and he did not want to experience any more. "Anyways, they're distracted now, let's sneak out the door!" he whispered, eyeing the stairs with determination.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Midorimacchi
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Midorimacchi Nico ❤ Nico

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Admittedly, Bellerophon leaning over and kissing him out of the blue had not been apart of Trixxtal's plan when he invited the blonde up to the roof with him, but he certainly wouldn't that he hated it. If he had known that Bellerophon would be so forward, Trixxtal would have skipped the conversation and gone straight to the foreplay. He would have even escalated the kiss if he had been given the chance but then they were interrupted with the door to the rooftop opening with a loud bang.

Trixxtal was just as surprised as everyone else on the roof top when Jecht came barging in. Which he really shouldn't be, because it wasn't unusual for Jecht to be looking for him at this time to give him his daily bento. But Trixxtal had hoped that either Cepheus or one of the other Glamour members would keep him occupied, since they knew he would be meeting Bellerophon on the roof. Seeing how that plan fell through, he guessed there was nothing he could do about it now. This wouldn't be the first time a lover caught him in the arms of another, but this was the first time he was caught in school....'s rooftop....with a man. Okay, there had been (some) situations that were similar to this one, but none of them had made him feel as bad as he did now.

" Oh...Jecht... I didn't expect you here." He said calmly, trying to pass off that nothing had happened. But then Jecht began to question him, making it clear as hell that he had seen them kissing. Quickly, Trixxtal backpedaled. " No, no, no my love, what you saw was nothing. Nothing happened, right mon amie?" He turned to Bellerophon for confirmation. " It was an accident," He shrugged. If he didn't make a big thing out of it, it would make Jecht out to the one being overdramatic.

" I totally agree," Rodrigo deadpanned, watching the same shitty soap opera happening before them. He thought that dramatic shit like this only happened in television but apparently anything in this world was possible. But he was lowkey getting interested in the drama too. " He's such a douchebag," he grumbled, looking over at the poor darkhaired new arrival, who he could only guess was the douchebag's boyfriend. But Ethan pointed out that the door was now open and they would be able to escape and Rodrigo nodded, " Yeah lets get out of here, I don't like where this is going," He motioned for Ethan to go but now a fourth party appeared, a bespectacled boy with a terrible expression on his face, " Jecht, what the fuck happened here? Why are you crying?" Rodrigo watched as the newest addition to the rooftop drama turned to the french d-bag with an even darker look, " What the fuck did you do to Jecht now, asshole?!"

" Great, " Rodrigo sighed, accepting that they might never leave the rooftop at this rate, and be forced to watch this terrible drama unfold. He could only hope that lunch would be over soon and force on the rooftop to go to class.

Like everyone else at the table, Petrios watched as Jecht ran off towards the rooftop. " Welp, he's dead." Petrios sighed, shaking his head. He appreciated Cepheus' efforts to keep Jecht at the table, since he did more than anyone else, but whatever happened next was all Trixxtal's fault and Petrios refused to feel guilty about it. He just hoped that everything would be PG-13 when Jecht got up there.

" It was bound to happen at one point," he rationalized, " Better now than later." He nodded his head, agreeing with himself. He didn't know why Trixxtal bothered with relationships when they would all end like this. Why say that you would commit to someone only to go back on your word? But it wasn't just Trixxtal that suffered from this mindset. With the exception of him and Touda, everyone at the table were all cheaters and deserved each other. How did he ever get dragged into their sleazy group?? As he questioned his choice in friends, a moment of silence passed.

"RIP in peace." Mizuki said, closing his eyes as he began to pray.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Azalea
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Azalea ♥anime trash♥

Member Seen 11 mos ago

He was not deaf to rumors about Trixxtal’s infidelity, not everything could be filtered from his ears, but Jecht ignored the painful words. Gossip often blossomed into ridiculous exaggerated stories so without proof right in front of him, Jecht avoided confronting Trixxtal about it. He had faith in his beloved, but the sight of his love kissing a beautiful man right in front of him made Jecht wonder if his friends were right to question his relationship with Trixxtal.

However, a ray of hope suddenly dawned on Jecht as Trixxtal’s words began to reach him. He still felt hurt and could not help his tears, but his boyfriend claimed it was all a misunderstanding. Jecht desperately hope it was the truth. “R-really, it was an accident?” he whimpered, sniffling as he looked to Trixxtal. “So you still love me?” he sobbed, wiping his tears on his sleeve. “You’re not leaving me for him?” he accused, glancing at the other boy.

As if completely oblivious to the lover’s quarrel between him and Trixxtal, the boy unhelpfully didn’t even respond to confirm or deny Trixxtal’s earlier statement and instead uttered the completely random question:

“Is that a homemade bento?”

Content to simply stay to the side and hope both boys forgot he was there; Bellerophon avoided the awkward situation by losing himself to his thoughts and wished he was in his room watching anime instead. He didn’t understand why their accidental kiss seemed to upset the random boy so much. In fact, Bellerophon felt he should be the one crying over the kiss, Trixxtal being the last person he would ever want to give his first kiss to. Or any person, really, because there was no point since the only interest he would ever have are anime characters that were not real.

But then, Bellerophon eyed the object the newcomer carried and his one track mind once again struck.

“Is that a homemade bento?” he asked the dark haired boy, amazed that he had met somebody who actually made one. Bellerophon’s first conclusion was maybe he was interested in anime too! The container looked clearly different that the school brand, from this distance Bellerophon could see the hand drawn hearts decorated on it.

“Er...Y-yes?” the boy answered him confused and Bellerophon looked at him in awe.

“Amazing!” he beamed, smiling at him. But then Bellerophon remembered that the bento boy was crying, and wondered if he had been rejected by his senpai. Maybe that was why he couldn’t stop crying. “Did you make it for someone?” he spoke gently, because if it was true, in Bellerophon’s opinion a crush rejecting a bento made with the protagonist’s heart and soul was one of the most heartbreaking things ever in high school anime.

Maybe Jecht would have believed Trixxtal if he and the boy explained things. But instead, the explanation was dodged. He had no idea why the boy avoided the question, but the only thing that made sense to Jecht was he was maybe trying to hide the truth by distracting him. He felt anxious at the thought of Trixxtal lying to him about kissing, or maybe he had done even more. “Yes, for my boyfriend…” he wept, his finger shakily pointed at Trixxtal as he resisted the temptation to toss away the food he made for him. The thought of him not being able to give the bento to Trixxtal earlier, because his boyfriend was too busy kissing the blond guy made the tears return with full force.

“Huh? I thought you had been rejected…You’re his boyfriend?” asked the befuddled blond, who looked back and forth between Jecht and Trixxtal.

“A-apparently not!” he cried, misunderstanding Bellerophon’s tactless words. Jecht did not want to deal with this anymore; he could not handle situations like this. He wished Fenrir was here to support him. And like an angel answering his prayer, Jecht heard the voice of his best friend and felt relieved that Fenrir had suddenly arrived.

“Fenrir, I saw…I saw those two k-kissing!” he sobbed, quickly latching onto Fenrir as he arrived, “Trixxtal said it was an accident, but I…I don’t know what to believe anymore!”

At the arrival of a fourth person Ethan too resigned to his fate alongside Rodrigo. Unless they could jump off the roof, they would be forced to continue watching these over dramatic teenagers for the rest of the lunch period. “Hopefully a fight doesn’t start…” he sighed, the memory of the prefect barging into the classroom with the giant rule book suddenly returning to him, “Er, or would it be another dance off?” Ethan wondered not for the first time today if this was how high school worked in their home world and if so, underestimated how weird school could be.

“So was it really an accident or is the douchebag just lying to that poor guy? I couldn’t tell.” he asked Rodrigo, figuring they might as well talk about the ridiculous situation they were watching. Ethan himself couldn’t tell what really happened with that kiss but he did think it was incredible coincidentally timed for it to happen right as the douchebag’s boyfriend appeared. “And I don’t even know what that other blond guy is talking about.”


Cepheus contemplated his failure to successfully distract Jecht. He didn’t expect those two to last long anyways, but Cepheus prided himself in winning games, and this was a gamble he lost. He sighed; he really disliked losing any challenge. “Maybe there’s some way to salvage things? I can go after him and if he’s caught just tell Jecht that Trixxtal wanted to do something romantic for him, and he was just practicing on…whoever is there on the roof with him.” He suggested half-heartedly, giving up on the idea quickly. “Or not, haha, that will never work! Yup, looks like he is screwed.”

“What’s wrong with Trixxtal and Jecht?” Touda curiously asked, and it was Lucifel who responded.

“Vampire Trixxtal is enchanted by the beauty of one of hell’s denizens, and if he is found drinking his blood, his relationship will be in turmoil as the heart of his beloved breaks!” he boomed, petting Tapioco on the head as he spoke.

Touda simply nodded at the explanation, getting from the words that Jecht might not like someone Trixxtal was hanging out with. “Oh, ok! I’ll set aside an extra pizza slice for Trixxtal then. Jecht too.” He concluded, pizza being his solution to most problems.

The three joined the moment of silence, and Touda joined in with Mizuki’s prayer.
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