Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Midorimacchi
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Midorimacchi Nico ❤ Nico

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" Ah, Ethan, there you are!" Angel chirped, suddenly materializing behind the blonde and gracefully plucked the Spaghetti-O can from his grasp, holding it up in the light so he could read the label. " Another can of this? This can't be good for you, surely. How about some healthy food sometime?" He smiled and placed the can on the counter, " Anyway, I have to talk to you about something. I've already collected Rodrigo downstairs, so please follow me."

Once downstairs in the backroom of the drugshop, Angel opened the door and was greeted by Seraphim and Rodrigo, who were talking about something. When he cleared his throat, they both stopped and turned their attention to him. " Please sit Ethan, this can get quite long..." He walked to the front of the table and placed a stack of papers on it and then signaled Seraphim to turn off the light. There was a beat of silence until the overhead projector rumbled to life and projected an image onto the adjacent blank wall. It was an image of a three tier trophy, encrusted with diamond shaped hearts and statues of angels raising their arms high into the sky. It was rather beautiful and Rodrigo couldn't help but think that they were going to be ordered to steal it, which would be terrible because it looked expensive and something like that was most likely in a museum. A heavily guarded museum.

" This is called an UwaPri trophy," he used a laser pointer to circle around it, " It's very valuable and holds many different powers, depending on who owns it. It can unlock hidden powers deep within one's soul and has been used many times in the past to decide the winners of wars. Sadly, the last one to possess it mistreated it and it was lost to the world." He picked up two sheets of paper from the stack and slid them towards Ethan and Rodrigo, " But, it has been found, after all this time, and I need you to bring it to me."

Rodrigo looked down at the piece of paper and was confused, " Okay, but this is a flyer for a singing contest. What does that have to do with anything?"

Angel sighed deeply and the projector switched to the next slide. " Those who found it have no idea what power it holds and are using it as a regular trophy, a reward for winning that singing contest. I need you and Ethan to infiltrate the school and win that trophy."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Azalea
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Azalea ♥anime trash♥

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"Aah!"he cried, surprised at Angel's sudden appearance. As his boss pried the can of spaghetti-o's from his grasp he tried his best not to look disappointed and merely smiled at him. "Yes..."he agreed as his eyes followed the can, before looking back to Angel once he requested him to follow.

"Oh!"he exclaimed, now understanding why he took away his food. "Alright."

Ethan took a seat next to Rodrigo once he got downstairs, and he listened intently to the presentation. Once he heard their job, however, Ethan had a terrified expression on his face.

"We...we have to w-win a singing contest?" he stammered, nervously setting down the flyer. The large amount of sparkles, stars, hearts, and flamboyantly dressed reigning champions in the picture used was giving Ethan a bad feeling. He sighed and looked back to the projected image of the UwaPri trophy. "Oh man, this contest looks like its for pop idols. I'm going to die of embarrassment, are you sure we can't just steal it?"he begged Angel, though he knew in his heart that Angel would have given them different orders if there was a better way.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Midorimacchi
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Midorimacchi Nico ❤ Nico

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" Stealing it would cause too much commotion." Angel replied smoothly, " And you're right, this is an idol contest. Not only do you have to sing, but you need to dance and sell yourself like an idol. But don't worry, I will assist you with that." He offered, which was the only comfort he could give Ethan. Turning back to the projector, he switched to the next slide that had the six members of LEGENDS standing happily together. " These are the reigning champions. They are called LEGENDS and they've been winning the UwaPri award for the past three years straight. The leader of the group is namedBelizano Faize Black, who goes by his stage name Fai." On the projector, it showed Fai standing in the center, striking a fabulous pose. Beside him were all of his stats, such as his age, height, weight, and vocal ranges. Inwardly, Angel cringed because this was the famous ancestor of his precious King Belzeneff and when he was regarded as a mighty warrior on Wiz, he pranced around in ridiculous clothing with his band in this world. He was just glad that the only information he had of this world was on LEGENDS and he didn't have to see whatever monstrosities Belzeneff and Bellerophon had become.

" There will be six groups participating in the UwaPri contest, and it will be your jobs to join the groups. The chance of one of you winning will be greater if you each join a different team, but your goal is still ultimately the same; To win the trophy. At the end of each day, report to me with your 'daily report'." Seraphim placed down two watches on the table, one red and blue. " These watches will allow us to speak with each other, and you two can also communicate with each other with them. Now," He shut the projector off and pulled two vials of pink liquid out of his shirt pocket, " These will help you sing. Just take a sip each time you have to perform and it will make you be able to sing like a professional. The effects only last an hour, but that should give you enough time for the performance."

Rodrigo took the vial offered to him and looked it over cautiously, " But what about the dancing? You said that we would have to dance!"

Angel laughed, " That, I cannot help you on, but maybe one of your new teammates would be so grateful as to help you out?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Azalea
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Azalea ♥anime trash♥

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Ethan groaned and muttered under his breath, "Well at least we aren't being sent to the shadow realm again." However, he felt relieved at Angel's reassurance that he would help them.

Gazing at the slides of LEGENDS brought back his earlier pain because the group personified everything he wanted to avoid in this mission. He suddenly felt extremely grateful that he could take on other's personalities because he really did not think he would be able to be an ideal idol on his own. The only problem was actually finding the right person to steal from.

Listening to Angel's instructions, Ethan warily grabbed the vial and watch, wondering if their modified vocals would be enough to make a group want to recruit them. "Would we even be recruited by anyone if we cannot dance?"he asked with a frown, then glanced at the liquid and thought for a moment. "Well...I suppose the vocals would be more important since dancing can just be taught...how many times can we drink this, is there a limit? Do we have to wait a certain amount of time after the hour is done before taking another sip?"he questioned.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Midorimacchi
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Midorimacchi Nico ❤ Nico

Member Seen 2 mos ago

" There is no limit and you can take sip after sip for however long you want. But do keep in mind, these vials are the only two I have, so leave enough for the final performance." Angel frowned, looking over to Rodrigo, wondering why he wasn't asking any good questions like Ethan was. It was true that he could just make more of the vocal serum and give it to them if it ever wore out, but taking too much of it could have...unfortunate consequences. Which was why the vials were so small; so they couldn't overdose. Of course, he wasn't going to tell Ethan and Rodrigo that, or else they would never agree to this, so he kept it to himself. Instead, he stood up and Seraphim flicked the lights back on, " There are a few more things that I have to tell you. This school that you're going to, it's going to be in a different dimension then our own."

Rodrigo took a sharp breath and jumped up from his seat, " What the hell! I've had it with interdimension bullshit! It's bad enough that I still have nightmares from that stupid cat amusement park all those years ago, but now you're sending us to a new one?!" He wouldn't dare punch Angel, for a number of reasons, but he felt really damn close to doing it.

Angel kept his cool expression as he replied, " Normally I would stay away from interdimension travel, but I need this trophy Rodrigo. There is no other way than this." Collecting the UwaPri trophy could be the one thing to save Wiz from it's current state of affairs and he would much rather be there than standing in a different world, arguing with a simple boy. But his King and Bellerophon needed him, and he had to go through with this.

Rodrigo fell silent and Angel continued after a beat, " Like I was saying, it's going to be different, but not much. There could be a chance that you will encounter people that you have already met before, but the only thing that will be the same is their face." He thought back to Valerio Mancini and how it was very possible that he lived in this alternate reality. " I cannot guarantee it, but you might meet...another version of myself." He choked out, ashamed. " WHATEVER you do, do not trust him and do not mention the possibilities of other worlds to these people. The last thing we need is one of them escaping and causing havoc in the universe." His mind flashed to parallel! Belzeneff escaping and going to Wiz and how confused everyone would be. He was taking a big chance by opening the gate to that world...but he had to take it.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Azalea
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Azalea ♥anime trash♥

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Ethan froze at the new information, muttering, "Different...dimension?"

Too shocked to speak Ethan kept quiet as Rodrigo argued with Angel, listening intently to their words. Though, the mention of alternate versions of people he knew intrigued him and he wondered if it was possible to actually see a different Angel because if they were going to see him, it would probably be at the school he was sending him to. The thought of a pop idol Angel was amusing and would almost be worth getting dragged into this UwaPri Trophy mess.

"So...Will this dimension be...strange?"he asked hesitantly, unsure of how to phrase his question. "Oh...but our dimension is probably the strange one, huh? With magic and strange cats and our powers...and I think I remember a talking bird with a gun once, getting mad at us for eating eggs for breakfast...er never mind...will that dimension be normal, especially since we aren't supposed to mention the different worlds? Or is it like here, where most people don't know about that supernatural magical stuff?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Midorimacchi
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Midorimacchi Nico ❤ Nico

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" From what I understand, their world is relatively normal. From what little I've seen, their world resemble ours and the only difference are the people occupying that world. But still...it would be best for you to keep an eye out for anything out of the ordinary. Make sure to tell me anything you think is suspicious during your daily reports. It's important for me to keep data about different worlds, for future reference of course." If this alternate universe had an alternate Valente, would it be possible for him to take him out of that world and bring him back to Wiz, posing him as the real Valente? It probably wouldn't work and only confuse everyone, but if there was no other options, he wanted to leave that one open.

" Ethan, since you don't have a last name, I applied you both under the sir name 'Smith' and you will be posing as brothers. If questioned about your past, you and Rodrigo are fraternal twins who have moved to town because of AOA's music course. They have dormitories for the school so you will be staying there. You most likely will not get a room together, since you are transferring so late, but thanks to the watches, you will still be able to communicate. As for your parents, say that they are from another country and call you everynight because they're oddly protective. That is when you will be speaking with me." He brought out the watch and showed them the different buttons around the edge, " If you press this button here, it will change your words into a different language. To you and me you will be speaking English, but to anyone who might overhear your conversations, it will just sound like an unrecognizable dialect. If asked about your origins, say some European country that is less popular, like Liechtenstein or Kosovo. The other buttons will allow a holographic version of myself to appear, incase you need me to see anything, but it will only last a minute or two. Also, the red button is to talk to me, and the blue is to talk to each other." He reviewed strapping his own watch back on his wrist.

"Seraphim has already packed your bags and brought them down," He gestured to two black suitcases, which made Rodrigo loudly exclaim "WHEN THE HELL DID THEY GET THERE?!?" Again, he was ignored and Angel pulled two wallets out. " These have the current currency, your passports, identification cards, and a picture of your loving parents." He smiled and handed the wallets to them. Rodrigo immediately opened his and busted out laughing, doubling over with tears in his eyes, " Oh my God, is that you?" In the wallet picture holder was a standard family pose, with a photoshopped(or magically altered?) Ethan and Rodrigo standing infront of a very impressive older looking Angel as their father and a very convincing genderbend of Seraphim as the mother. It actually looked really good, if you didn't know their true identities, which was why Rodrigo was dying seven deaths from laughter right now. Angel though, took this in stride and fabulously flipped his hair, " I don't know what you're talking about. I look great." He sniffed.

" I must admit that I look great as well," Seraphim deadpanned from the back of the room, his face completely blank. " Wouldn't you agree, son?" This only made Rodrigo laugh harder until he almost slipped off his chair.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Azalea
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Azalea ♥anime trash♥

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Great, Ethan thought, Smith is the most obvious fake name in America. Yeah, people will absolutely believe we're from some foreign country.

He had never heard of those countries though so Ethan kept his comments to himself, for all he knew, Smith could be a legitimately common name in those European foreign countries.

By the end of Angel's instructions, Ethan felt incredibly fascinated by his new high tech watch. He saw a spy movie the other night and now Ethan would get the chance to feel like a super secret agent on a mission. His first priority was now to talk into the watch to Rodrigo when they got to school with some sort of cool code name-


Snapped out of his fantasies by Rodrigo's sudden shouting, he glanced to the suitcases and wondered if Seraphim packed any snacks. He never did get to eat breakfast...

"Thank you."he replied as Angel suddenly handed them wallets. Rodrigo then burst out laughing out of nowhere, and since Ethan had not looked inside his wallet or able to hear what Rodrigo was losing his sanity over, he felt completely lost. "Look great? Is it a picture of you two?"he asked, opening his own wallet to see what he had been looking at. He stared at the photo for a good solid minute before shutting it and looking at Rodrigo with amusement.

"Yeah, Rodrigo, they do look fabulous. We better not show the picture to any philanderers otherwise people might want to hit on Seraphim."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Midorimacchi
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Midorimacchi Nico ❤ Nico

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The thought of anyone trying to hit on Seraphim, their inexpressive and vacant Seraphim, made Rodrigo laugh harder until there were tears in his eyes and he was banging his fist against the table. Angel paused to clear his throat before continuing, speaking over Rodrigo's dying laughter, " Moving on, the gateway into this parallel universe will be open soon, so get ready to leave." He ushered both boys out of their chairs and herded them over to a white door that Rodrigo swore wasn't there before. There were many doors in Angel's shops that lead to different places, but they only ever opened for Angel himself and if Ethan or Rodrigo tried, they would just end up with a dingy storage closet. There was one particular door in Angel's room that they had specific instructions never to open, under any circumstance, and Rodrigo had always been curious as to where it lead to but never had the chance to find out. This door though, didn't look like anything special. Infact, it looked really beaten down and the wood was chipping off. Angel placed his hand in the center and placed to fingers to his forehead with the other, and began to recite a spell. Meanwhile, Seraphim handed Ethan and Rodrigo their suitcases and gave them a friendly pat on the shoulder, his way of saying goodbye.

Angel completed his spell and the door suddenly sparkled and Rodrigo could faintly hear a catchy tune playing in the background. When Angel opened the door, the other side was completely black but the music got louder. " If you step through here, you'll be teleported to the Academy's doorstep. The headmaster has been alerted of your arrival, so he should be waiting." He gave Ethan and Rodrigo his own parting smile and held the door open for them, " Remember, let me know if you run into trouble and update me daily on your progress. Your goal is to capture the trophy, but don't forget to be yourself and have fun."

Seraphim suddenly appeared again and shoved a piece of toast in each of their mouths, " You should get going, or else you'll be late for your first day of school," He said flatly and shoved them into the darkness. As soon as they were completely on the other side, Angel shut the door and the sparkles abruptly died, leaving the old rotting in it's place. He turned to Seraphim and shook his head, " I hope they succeed..." He trailed off. The fate of his homeworld rested on their shoulders and they had no clue.

They are surrounded by S P A R K L E S and glitter and they land infront of the school's gates. Their appearances have changed so they can pass off as high schoolers.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Azalea
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Azalea ♥anime trash♥

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Ethan nearly choked on the slice of toast as they traveled by darkness and sparkles, then even worse, the toast almost fell out of his mouth when an abrupt shined out of nowhere and surprised him. The blinding light faded, all he could see was sparkles, sparkles everywhere. Did his clothes just suddenly change? Is that music?

Why so much sparkles? That was the more important question he had.

Thankfully, the light vanished and Ethan found himself in front of his new school's gate. He thought that they looked like the beautiful gates you would see before entering Heaven, although, he was convinced that this idol job had potential to be his own personal Hell if he screwed up. Ethan set down his suitcase for a moment to rest his arms.

Taking the toast out of his mouth, he turned to Rodrigo with a dazed expression.

"That...that was really weird and I don't want to know why our clothes magically changed. I kind of feel dizzy right now, actually. Hey, you look...different? Not too different, but...it's like...you look younger? Like...when we first met! Yeah, that's it. Did the same thing happen to me too?"he asked, before taking a bite out of the toast.

The blond looked forward, now done with the toast, and grabbed his suitcase again.

"Well, let's go."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Midorimacchi
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Midorimacchi Nico ❤ Nico

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Rodrigo shook his head, feeling the same dizziness that Ethan was, and threw his piece of toast on the ground. All the sparkles had been too much to handle and made his head spin, he didn't even notice that they had changed clothes until Ethan pointed it out. " What the shit, you're right." He inspected the sleeve of his new clothes closely and frowned. He hated the color grey and from the looks of it, these were their new uniforms. " These are probably our uniforms," He repeated outloud and turned to Ethan, just now noticing the change to his features too, " Yeah, you look younger too! Oh man, I bet this is Angel's doing, damn him!" He cursed. He had already been through puberty once, thank you, and it was a blessing that he didn't remember any of it. The last thing he wanted to do was to go through it again!

" This looks like a place where rich kids go," Rodrigo snuffed, suddenly defensive about this whole thing. Their mission was to win the UwaPri contest, and that was what he was going to do. He wasn't here to make friends, he was here to win! (Rodrigo is America's Next Top Model)

He grabbed his suitcase and followed Ethan to the school's doors. Cherry blossoms lined the path from the gates to the front doors, making Rodrigo wonder what season they were currently in if cherry blossoms had bloomed already, but Angel did say this this universe was different from theirs, so for all he knew, cherry blossoms bloomed all year.

As they approached the front doors, a white haired man pushed one open and greeted them with a warm smile. " Hello! You must be our new transfer students! You speak English, yes?" Rodrigo nodded and the stranger held the door for them so that they could walk through with their suitcases. " You're Rodrigo Smith, correct? And this is your brother? Ethan Smith? I'm the school's headmaster, Byakko, and it'll be a pleasure having you here! I'll show you to your dorm rooms and once you settle in, I'll take you to your classes."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Azalea
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Azalea ♥anime trash♥

Member Seen 11 mos ago

~~ ETHAN ~~

"Well, at least we won't stick out too much for looking older than everyone else. It's bad enough we have to sing and dance on a stage, I don't want to get too much attention in class too."he sighed, before taking another look at the building.

"Rich kids, huh? Yeah, it kinda does feel like that, doesn't it?"he replied wit a curious tone as he glanced ; Ethan still felt excited despite Rodrigo's annoyance with the place. The building felt familiar, really, but he had no idea why a "rich people place" would make him feel this way. He started to wonder if he ever attended a high school before he lost his memory, gazing at the cherry blossoms and wondering if they were in this alternate dimension's version of Japan. He could have sworn they were supposed to be in America though, were they even in America? Well, he supposed they could have just planted some trees.

When they reached the front doors, a man with snow white hair appeared and for a split second he thought it was Angel until he realized it wasn't. "Oh, yes thank you headmaster."he replied politely as he was shook out of his thoughts.

He silently followed Byakko, and before he knew it, they were in front of what he assumed was either his or Rodrigo's new dorm room.


He could hear the running footsteps and yells of his classmates, as well as the yelling of Mr. Vargas, and the thuds of dodge balls hitting everything in sight.

After getting himself purposely hit with a dodgeball, he was the first student out, and Bellerophon was now relaxing in the back corner of the gym while the game progressed without him. Sweat slid down his face as a blanket was draped around his body with only enough of his face unveiled for him to read the manga in his hands.

"Hey, King!"

Bellerophon continued staring at the page, not looking at the owner of the feminine voice as he replied in a bored tone, "Yes, Valentia?"

"Why are you wearing that blanket on your head like a turban? And it's hot in here! How can you stand it?"he heard her complain, but he didn't expect for her to reach forward and pry the blanket away from him.

He nearly dropped the book in surprise. Bellerophon frowned as he looked up at his classmate, giving her an irritated look as she stared at him with triumph, holding the blanket as if it were a trophy. He opened his mouth to speak, but she interrupted and spoke first.

"Oh don't tell me this is because of your manga, again! You're reading a story with characters wearing turbans, aren't you?"she asked with obvious disapproval.

Bellerophon's eyes lit up at the chance to speak about his manga. "Yes, it has characters living in the desert and they wear turbans. There is magic as well! I decided I needed to get into the spirit of the story by weari-"

"But it's gym class and incredibly hot in here, King! You always do this, why didn't you pick one of your sports animes to cosplay in gym glass? Look at you, you're sweating like a sinner in church and you haven't even done anything. The kids actually participating in the game are sweating less than you."she scolded, using the blanket to wipe away the sweat from his forehead. Bellerophon rolled his eyes.

"Yes, mother."he scoffed.

He wouldn't call her a friend, but Valentia was still a nice acquaintance who tried talking to him sometimes during class even if she did tend to fuss over him as if she were his mother. She continued her lecture, but by now Bellerophon was tuning her out. Now that his pleasant manga was interrupted, he let himself think about what the Headmaster told him.

~ I'm getting a new roommate, today. I wonder if he'll mind all of my anime posters, figures, manga, and box collections that I decorated the room with? ~
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Midorimacchi
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Midorimacchi Nico ❤ Nico

Member Seen 2 mos ago

" I'm sorry that you two won't be getting a room together, but these were the only two rooms available." Byakko said solemnly, taking out his MASTER KEY and opening the door. " Rodrigo, you'll be staying with Bellerophon King. He's a grade lower than you, but he's very nice and respectful! I'm sure that you two will get along great," His words were encouraging, but as the door opened wider, Rodrigo was struck with sudden fear.


Anime everywhere.

On the walls. On the desk. In the bookcase.


My roommate is a weaboo, was the first thought Rodrigo had and he turned to Byakko, hoping that this was just a joke that the headmaster was playing on him, like this was some kind of hazing ritual and after everyone had their laugh, he would be shown to his real room. But Byakko just looked at him expectantly, the same stupid smile on his face, " Aren't you going to settle in? I'll show Ethan to his room, which is just down the hall. Our dorms aren't separated by grade level, so everyone has equal rooming opportunities. I only ask that your light to be turned off at 10pm on weeknights, and atleast 3am on weekends. I also ask that the boys stay out of the girl's dorms, which are in the building next door, unless there is a teacher present. I do not condone male students spending the night in a female's dorm room, and if caught, you will both suffer the consequences; maybe even expulsion. So please, refrain from that. Now, Ethan, please follow me, your room is down the hall."

Rodrigo was still in shock by the time Ethan and Byakko left, his eyes glued on all the anime. There were posters and figurines everywhere, not to mention that the closet was full of clothes, probably costumes from the shows! Slowly, Rodrigo entered and began to unpack, his movement slow and sluggish. He didn't have much experience with...an anime lover, but if they were all like how they were shown on tv, then there was a very high chance that his roommates as an overweight, unhygienic loser who owned body pillows of anime girls in seductive poses.

He couldn't help but wonder if Ethan's roommate was any better.

" Annnnnd this is your room." He said as he opened lucky door number two, and held it open for Ethan to see. " Your roommate is a freshman named Belzeneff Rose. I must say its a strange coincidence, but we have quite a few students here whose names begin with 'Bel'. It's very strange. Maybe there was a trend going on? Anyway, he too is very nice and I don't think there will be any problems here. Please unpack and I'll send one of the teachers who are off duty right now to show you around. If you or your brother have any problems, my office is in the main building and I'm free any time." He gave a parting smile before closing the door.

To: Vencentio
Subject -> New Students

Our new students have arrived. Please come and show them around.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Azalea
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Azalea ♥anime trash♥

Member Seen 11 mos ago


To: Byakko
Subject -> RE: New students

You say there's new students? I'm on my way.

~~ ETHAN ~~

"I think you roommate likes anime, Rodrigo."he deadpanned, his eyes scanning the room and landing on the figures. One row looked like it was dedicated exclusively to figures created out of gold material and he wondered if that was real gold. So far this Bellerophon King fellow seemed like a rich kid who spent all of his allowance on merchandise.

Ethan patted Rodrigo on the back, whispering "good luck" into his ear before leaving with Byakko.


"Yeah, I've never really heard of these Bel names."he replied casually to the headmaster, stepping inside the room to get a better look. There was nothing on the walls or any type of decoration that he could see from just a quick glance. It felt...empty, and plain, almost the exact opposite of Rodrigo's room so he had no idea what to expect from his roommate. Did someone even really live here?

"Alright, thank you sir."he replied politely before the door closed behind him. He opened his suitcase and began to toss his clothes onto his bed, planning on organizing his stuff after removing everything from the suitcase. Ethan honestly had no idea how to proper unpack and he hoped that his roommate wouldn't mind the temporary mess he made.

Ten minutes later, still unsuccessful in his packing, he heard a knock on the door. He nearly tripped over one of his socks that had fallen onto the floor but he managed to walk across the room without hurting himself. When he opened the door, he met eyes with a man with a stare that made him want to crawl into his bed; this man looked like some sort of mafia member.

"Hello, you must be Ethan Smith. I'm Mr. Russello."he introduced with a friendly smile, making Ethan feel ashamed for thinking he looked scary, "I'll be showing you and your brother around the school, if you're ready of course."


"You and your brother are juniors, right? I'm the history teacher for both juniors and seniors, so we'll see each other a lot during this school year. History is very interesting and I try to make my students feel that way as well. Humans have always done cruel things to one another, you know? War is just one example."he explained, another one of his passionate lectures of history beginning as he led his future student towards Rodrigo's dorm room.

"But, the media is just as important in war as weapons. Most conflicts are fought on at least two grounds: the battlefield and the people, via propaganda. Media has influenced the most recent wars in this country, such as the Committee on Public Information using films, cartoons, and speeches to strengthen American involvement for World War 1. The media was again used to gather support from American citizens in World War 2 by presenting Adolf Hitler as a threat to peace, and for Vietnam, the opposite occurred when negative coverage on television changed public opinion and created anti-war movements! Why, Vietnam war veterans were stereotyped after the war and called names such as "baby killers" as a result of what was being shown on television!"

"O-oh..."he heard Ethan mutter, but Vencentio merely smiled.

"I've gone on another tirade, excuse me. You'll probably hear more of my lectures during class today. Ah, here we are."he said, knocking on Rodrigo's door.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Midorimacchi
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Midorimacchi Nico ❤ Nico

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Rodrigo was scared to touch anything on his roommate's side of the room, incase he broke an action figure, but he was curious. After unpacking all of his clothes--which weren't even his favorite outfits thank you very much Seraphim-- he couldn't help but he curious about his new roommate, so he decided to investigate. There were so many figurines that he didn't know where to start, but there was a certain group of characters that caught his attention. " Are those basketball players??" He questioned, observing a figurine of a blue haired boy wearing a jersey. It read "Kukoro no Basuke" and Rodrigo didn't know what that meant in English, but it probably had something to do with basketball. Next to him was a pink haired girl with a super puffy skirt and Rodrigo was reminded of Sailor Foon, one of the only anime shows he watched while growing up. The girl's name was Swagdoka, which was weird, but Rodrigo carried on down the line of figurines. There was one called Ravioli, who was taller than anyone else on the shelf; Tawaki Souh, a blonde haired prettyboy who had an obsession with roses; Haruca who was bundled up in so much clothing that the only piece of skin showing was his face; Inuwasha, who was a half dog/ half human dude and after that Rodrigo gave up, deciding that he no longer cared. The anime world was just too strange for him and he went back to his own side, just in time for there to be a knock at his door.

He expected to Ethan to be at the door but was surprised when there was an older guy there with him. " Who're you?" He questioned, looking over the guy's punk-rock attire and automatically dismissed him for being a teacher.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Azalea
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Azalea ♥anime trash♥

Member Seen 11 mos ago

~~ ETHAN ~~

"My name is Mr. Russello and Headmaster Byakko has sent me to show you around the school. I know I don't look like it, but I'm a history teach here at AOA, and I teach both juniors and seniors, so I'll be teaching you this semester" His teacher basically repeated his introduction from earlier, and Ethan wondered if Mr. Russello was going to give more history lessons throughout their tour. "History is important-" Ah, there it is, Ethan thought, The unprompted history fun facts. "-after all, the past is full of both knowledge and mystery. Why, even the ground we stand on can be an untold stories. People could be standing on a graveyard or battefield and not even know it! This very school could be built upon the deaths of people, their blood nourishing the plants that grow here. After all, there is an old legends that cherry blossoms used to have white petals, until blood from slain corpses seeped into the ground and turned them pink. Anyways, if you're ready, let's begin the tour."
As they left the dorm, Mr. Russello thankfully stayed on subject and just spoke about the school. "The building right next to your dorm is the girl dorm. Spending the night is not allowed, but there is no harm in simply spending time with your friends, although there is a recreational room where students may spend time together. Its right over there." Ethan turned towards the building he was pointing to, and it turned out to be right across their dorm building.

He walked beside Rodrigo as the history teacher guided them into the building. "This is also the cafeteria. Byakko made sure the food is excellent quality, so hopefully they will suit your tastes." Ethan wondered if they had to pay for food, because if Angel had explained how they would get meals or even money in general, he forgot. "Hey, Rodrigo, do you think it costs money to get something to eat?"he asked discreetly, not wanting to interrupt the teacher as they walked up a staircase.

Ethan felt surprised at the sight; there was a pool table, a huge screen tv on the wall and various game appliances, bean bag chairs, couches, and other stuff. "This is a recreational room that is open to students after school and weekends. Students tend to come here to relax, relieve their boredom, or procrostinate on school work. Sometimes, parties get held here but I assure you that it is just fun dancing because alcohol is forbidden." Mr. Russello started to laugh, and it sounded like one of those soft dark laughs a villain would have. "There have been a few times students have tried to smuggle in alcohol, both here and in dorms, but they were punished accordingly. Also, sometimes, students have karaoke competitions and even non music course students like to participate. Why, there is a dance student who joined an idol group after discovering what a nice voice he had." He definitely caught Ethan's interest at the mention of an idol and he quickly asked, "Sir, who was he? And any student can be an idol and participate in the UwaPri contest even if they aren't in a music course?"

He saw the man smile at the both of them. "Oh, of course, all students should be allowed to follow their dreams. Being in the music course is not the only road to becoming an idol and many of the other courses are related to becoming a successful idol. While the main focus seems to be vocals, it takes a lot more than going on stage and singing. There is dancing during performances, wearing an outfit that will both describe who you are as well as appeal to the audience, knowing how to speak eloquently and act appropriately in front of an audience, posing and modelling for cameras, and having artistic creativity when having props on stage or a music video. Although I would not be considered an 'idol', I was the lead singer of a band before I decided to teach here, and I needed all of those attributes to succeed. If you're interested in becoming an idol, I would be glad to give you two advice, as well as many other teachers here. Your music teachers, Mr. Shirahane and Mr. Shi- Madore, sorry, are both former idols who won the UwaPri contest."

"Wow...er yeah, help would be nice. I would be grateful actually, we're both extremely interested in becoming idols and entering the contest with a group", Ethan forced himself to say "The only group we know about is the previous winner, LEGENDS, but not much about the others". He felt bewildered by all of the information he just received and felt like their chances of getting the trophy were even slimmer now. Angel knew what he was talking about when he said singing was not enough and something else about dancing and selling themselves as idols. He made a mental note to thank him a thousand times for the vial that would perfect their singing, but then decided not to, since he remembered that it was Angel's fault that he had to become a pop idol in the first place.

"Let's go see another building now, I'll tell you more about what I know about the idol groups since you want to enter."

"The student you asked about earlier is another junior like yourselves; Jecht Rutella. He's a part of Captivating Captains along with some of your other classmates, Kieran and Fenrir. They're a nice group of boys, I'm sure they would love to have one or both of you join. "

Ethan remembered what Angel showed them about LEGENDS and their fabulous attire would not leave his mind. Mr. Russello said that this second group was named Captivating Captains and the name of their group gave him the impression that they probably wore outfits just as fabulous as LEGENDS, if not more. He hoped that not all the groups had to be potentially embarrassing.

They reached the building next to the cafeteria and Ethan wasn't particularly interested in it; he would rather hear more about the idol groups some more. The first floor was boring administration things and the nurses office, the second floor was the library and computer lab, and the third floor was the faculty offices, headmaster's office, and teacher's lounge.

"So, this is where you may reach a teacher if you ever need one for whatever reason. Well, that is all for this building, I'll tell you about some more groups on our way to the gym."

"There is an all girl group named sis★tar but I haven't had the pleasure of teaching any of them yet because they were formed only last year. They're the underdogs because they have the least experience of all the groups, but from what I heard last year they're incredibly talented. Glamour is another idol group you could probably join, although the only members I can remember right now are Trixxtal and Cepheus. They're both excellent singers in the music course so you'll might meet them soon."

When they got to the gym, Mr. Russello pointed to the door that led to the gym but curiously did not open the door. "The gym teacher is Mr. Vargas...I would rather not disturb his class, but through this door is the basketball court." Ethan thought that he sounded as if he just wanted to avoid this Mr. Vargas person and wondered what kind of man he was. Did he even have to attend gym class? He figured he would find out when they got their schedules and took a quick glance through the little window on the door, seeing some blond boy get hit in the face with a dodge ball.

Mr. Russello then showed them the way to the changing rooms, outdoor field, and the indoor pool. "Mr. Rousseau is the swimming coach, so if you are interested in swimming just speak to him. There are many after school clubs you can join such as the swim team, basketball team, student council...there is a complete list of what you can join I will give you later, when I give you your schedule after the tour." Ethan felt a strange, sudden interest in the basketball team but he had no idea why.

As the three of them exited the gym, Mr. Russello began sharing his information on the idols again. "Sparkling Prince is nicknamed the "generation of princes" and in my opinion are composed of a unique set of students. None of them are enrolled in the music course for singing! For example, Valexander is a famous actor who is a part of theater course. Sparkling Princes won second last year, so they'll be challenging opponents besides LEGENDS. I heard their leader Belisario only invites students with special talents into the group and he can be a bit...cold," Ethan could have sworn he saw the teacher have a look of terror on his face for a second, "So I suggest only joining that group if he comes to you first. If you want to join, of course. Ahaha, anyways, the last group is named Sweet Symphony."

Once again Ethan saw a look flash in Mr. Russello's eyes except instead of horror this time it seemed like he was fond of this group. Maybe they're his favorite? he wondered, as he began to listen.

"They're still a pop group like the others, although their songs tend to have more a rock vibe. The current members are named Seiryuu, Belshazzar, Genbu, and Valis. They're pretty friendly, although I'm sure Seiryuu might need to warm up to you a bit, I think they're another group who would be glad to welcome another member. Genbu is a junior too, so he'll probably be the first one you'll meet."

Ethan's first thought was that the Headmaster was right and there was a lot of students with Bel in their name. In fact all of their classmates seemed to have strange names and their own names, Ethan Smith and Rodrigo Smith, felt out of place because they sounded so...normal. Even the teacher's had strange names! That Kieran person was the only one with a name he recognized as normal and even then it seemed uncommon and the kid probably had a whack last name just to fit in with this alternate dimension's weird naming scheme.

He ran the groups in his mind one more time glancing at Rodrigo. "So, the best ones we have a chance of joining are Captivating Captains and Sweet Symphony?"he half stated half asked.

Ethan entered the next building as he followed after Rodrigo and Mr. Russello, feeling slightly in awe at how big it seemed. There were three floors and each floor had four huge hallways. Mr. Russello explained that the first floor contained music, dance, and theater classes in the first three hallways while the fourth had a dance studio, black box, and practice rooms. The second floor contained the fashion, photography, and art classes in the first three hallways with the fourth having classrooms dedicated to electives such as speech and foreign languages and other classes that sounded boring to Ethan. Finally, the third floor held the academic classes such as math, history, science, and English.

"My classroom is over in this first hallway." He heard him say, trying his best to remember everything but certain that he had already forgotten where most of the classes were. "This is a lot of information to take in all at once, so just try to remember that your music classes will be in the first hallway of the first floor while your core subjects will all be on the third floor. Well, we are almost done with our tour! I have one last place to show you before I take you back to your dorms."

"Alright, here we are! Next to the cafeteria and across the girls dorm is the Grand Stage."

Ethan, pathetically feeling out of breath after having to walk so much and wondering how in the world their tour guide go talk so much without even seeming tired, sluggishly made his way into the last building.

"This is where all of the major performances are held. Throughout the year the theater students may hold a play you can visit, or a dance and music student may have a recital, and fashion students may hold a fashion show. This auditorium may also have assemblies you have to attend, but mostly, you'll be here for entertainment purposes. A lot of the functions are held during the school day, so if you want to treat yourself to a day off from class, attending is a fun way to do so. Lastly, this stage is also where the UwaPri contest is held at the end of the year. Any idol group has permission to use the stage for rehearsal as long as they acquire permission from a teacher, mostly due to scheduling purposes."

Ethan sighed. He felt both dread and nervous just looking at the stage; how in the world was he going to be an idol? He looked towards Rodrigo, wondering if he felt the same way.

Finally, they were done with this tour and could stop walking. Now that they were back in front of the dorm building, Mr. Russello handed them some papers Ethan felt unmotivated to look at but he assumed that they were their schedules and the club list.

"Those are the main buildings, but there are various areas outdoors where students enjoy hanging out, I'm sure you'll see after school once everyone is out of class. Well, if you have no more questions, I'll let you two go back to your dorms and get ready for class. If you decide to head to class early, here are some permission slips to be outside until the current class period ends, which ends in about fifteen minutes. Well it was nice meeting you two and I'll see you later today in history."

Ethan accepted the hall pass and muttered a tired but polite goodbye before he laid his head against Rodrigo's shoulder. "Ugh...I'm tired, Rodrigo be my pillow for the next few minutes."he mumbled. "I already don't feel like going to class. Why did Angel have to send us to high school?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Midorimacchi
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Midorimacchi Nico ❤ Nico

Member Seen 2 mos ago

" Dunno," Rodrigo sighed, looking over his schedule as Ethan rested on his shoulder, " Probably because we don't remember our own highschool experience, so this is his fucked up way for making up for it?" He crumpled up the schedule and stuffed it in his pocket, nudging his shoulder to wake Ethan up, " C'mon, we might as well go back to our dorms and get ready...for class." He felt weird just saying it. He was a 24 year old man stuck in highschool, with nothing but teenagers, and Rodrigo could already tell that this was going to be exhausting.

x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x -x
Bing, bong, bing ~ 1st period has ended.
Students have 5 minutes of personal time before moving on to their next class.
x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x -

The sun was warm against his back and he could feel the sweat trickle down his face, but Valor continued running his laps, easily passing by a group of attractive girls. Since he had football practice after school, the track coach let him train in the mornings during the girl's track team practice. With such a busy schedule, he had to decide which club to attend on certain days, but ultimately basketball and swimming had most of his attention, since he was the captain of both and would most likely loose his position if he missed too many days. But track was fun too, and he enjoyed running and feeling the wind on his face. Plus, the girls were nice too.

He came to a stop after passing the finish line and jogged over to the water bench for a cold bottle of water. In the distance, he heard the bell ring, signaling the end of first period, and he wondered what his precious Azure was doing right then. Maybe collecting his books to go to the next class? Stopping at the water fountain for a quick drink? If so, Valor hurriedly opened the bottle and gulped it down, excited that he and his beloved where sharing in the same experiences even when they were apart.

" Valor! There you are!" He heard from behind him and he stopped chugging down the water, turning to give a warm smile to the girl, the girl's track team captain, approaching him. " It's good to see you at practice today! You've been missing out on the last few sessions." Her tone was light and friendly, and wasn't judgmental at all.

" Ah, yeah, my first period teacher kept getting mad at me for skipping all the time." He laughed lightly as he grabbed his towel off the bench to wipe off the sweat. " But my grades are back to normal now, so I can afford a few more absences."

" Oh! Well, that's good. I've missed seeing you around here..." Suddenly realizing what she said, her face turned pink, " U-um, not like that! I-I mean we've all missed you, the rest of the team...I mean." She stuttered, Valor's sunny smile not faltering once.

" Well I have to get to class now! Mr. Madore isn't so lenient on absences unfortunately." He started to gather his sports bag off the bench but the Captain stopped him, " Wait! I have something to ask you real quick!"

Valor continued to pack his things, but stayed in place, " What is it?"

" Uh, well, there is this concert happening this weekend, and I know you have a busy schedule and all, but if you have the time...would you like to go?" She produced two tickets and held them out to him. Valor's eyes lit up and he excitedly took them, " Oh wow! These are for me?! Are you sure?"

" Yeah! We can-"

" Oh wow, this is great! I was trying to find a reason to hang out with Azure this weekend, and this is perfect! There is no way he can turn down a free concert!" His cheeks turned pink at the thought of Seiryuu actually enjoying spending time with him. " This is amazing Emily, thank you so much! I owe you BIG time!" He hugged her tightly, but pulled away seconds later, still too excited over the tickets and he carefully tucked them away in his bag. " See you tomorrow! Thanks again!" He waved as he ran off towards the academic building, leaving the track captain stunned in silence, wondering what had just happened.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Azalea
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Azalea ♥anime trash♥

Member Seen 11 mos ago

~~ ETHAN ~~

He lifted his head off of Rodrigo's shoulder and nodded, following him into the dormitory. "Do you wanna stop by my room first, so you know where it is?"he asked.

x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x -x
Bing, bong, bing ~ 1st period has ended.
Students have 5 minutes of personal time before moving on to their next class.
*x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x -


Seriyuu kept his face blank as he walked into vocal lessons and sat in the back row. He had nothing against Mr. Madore, but he dreaded this next class. That obsessive stalker Valor would be there and probably stare at him all period trying to coax a conversation out of him. Even worse, the class immediately after vocal lessons was PE and he still had to deal with Valor trying to get his attention. Two classes in a row with Valor today, three if he counted lunch, what an absolute nuisance.

He took out his notebook and opened to an already used page. Seiryuu stared at the words deep in thought and paid no attention as students began filling the room, adding a few words while crossing out others. ~ Hm...perhaps Belshazzar will have a solo at this moment? Or maybe Vallis' voice would fit better...Perhaps some more guitar at this moment? Violin? Piano?...We can all do a dance move together, there...What about our outfits...he thought, scribbling diligently in his planner. ~

Maybe I should find a manager for our group? he contemplated as he continued to work out details for the next Sweet Symphony practice.

~~ ETHAN ~~

As the two of them exited the dormitory, now armed with their school supplies, the blond looked up at his friend. "Wow, I can't wait for math!"he cheered sarcastically, walking with Rodrigo towards the academic building. A pair of students were walking in front of them now, and Ethan couldn't help but overhear their conversation, mostly because one of them was so loud. And he was wearing...a cape? And was that horns on his head? It looked like cosplay, what if that kid was Rodrigo's anime loving roommate?

"Hellhound Cepheus! You walk as if you head towards your demise, but fear not, for I have written the sacred scripture Mr. Rousseau left for us to decipher. You may have a glimpse of my dark arts notes and transfer them into your own library. Ahahaha, we shall transfer them later tonight at the feast, when the serpent shikigami brings his offerings of pizza!"the caped student preached, and the other student just reacted casually to his strange words.

"Wow dude, you'll really let me copy your math homework later? Thanks Lucifel, you're a life saver."the other boy replied normally.

Ethan raised his brows and looked at Rodrigo with a dreadful expression, wondering if this was literally Hell that Angel had dropped them into. "Are they our classmates?"he whispered, hoping that they were discussing a different math class. "He said the name of our math teacher..."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Midorimacchi
Avatar of Midorimacchi

Midorimacchi Nico ❤ Nico

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Valor tried not to run to class, having just ran laps in track practice, but he was so excited to get to second period that his feet couldn't help but carry him faster. He had been late to school that morning and had failed to see Azure before school started, so second period would be the first time seeing him that day. He sprinted towards the main building, accidentally pushing past two students. " Sorry!!" He called back, unwilling to stop and apologize properly. Bu het had been so busy apologizing to those two that he didn't see the other pair just infront of them and physically crashed into one of them. " Sorry! Sorry! I didn't see you!" He jumped to his feet, helping the other guy up, who turned out to be Cepheus from the group Glamour. Beside him was Lucifel and Valor felt a cold shiver run down his spine. " Like I said I'm sorry, really sorry! Please don't curse me!" He didn't know if Lucifel participated in dark magic or not, but it honestly wouldn't surprise him if he did. Once making sure Cephues was okay, he apologized again and set off to class, hoping to still have some free time to talk to Azure before Mr.Madore started his lesson.

His class was on the first floor so Valor didn't have to worry about running up stairs to reach his class quickly. He swiftly opened the door to Mr.Madore's class, almost tripping over himself as he ran towards Azure's desk where he was writing in his notebook. What a great student! " Go...Good morning! Azure..." He panted, rubbing his face with his hands to wipe of the sweat. He then reached into his bag and took out the tickets that Emily had given him, showing them to Azure. " Do you wanna go to a concert with me? It's this weekend! I mean, I don't know if you're busy or not, but if you are I can get us some new ones for another day. Maybe for a band you really like???" He asked hopefully.

Rodrigo spotted the two strange guys infront of them around the same time Ethan did. And yep, yep, those were horns on his head. " I fucking hate this school already." Rodrigo said, looking at the cape. " I really hope not," he answered Ethan, sharing the same fears that they were going to share a class together. Just then, a blonde guy bumped into him, muttering a half assed apology before moving on. " Hey you fucking asshat, learn some fucking manners!" Rodrigo yelled at him, but was ignored when the same rude blonde guy ran into the "Hellhound Cepheus." They started to talk about curses and other shit and Rodrigo felt like turning back and returning to their own Earth. " I swear, everyone here is insane!"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Azalea
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Azalea ♥anime trash♥

Member Seen 11 mos ago


As Cepheus walked with Lucifel, he suddenly felt himself pushed into the ground. "Huh???"he mumbled confused, dazed as he heard somebody apologize. The head of blond hair almost made him think it had been Trixxtal, but as he was helped up he saw that it was Valor Summers. "Oh! It's okay, I'm alright."he reassured, but Valor wasn't looking at him anymore, and was instead staring at Lucifel with fear in his eyes. Lucifel, noticing the blond's terror clear on his face, merely laughed darkly and crossed his arms.

"Ohohoho! You fear my powers, as you should, mortal. But worry not, you did not strike my companion purposely and have begged for forgiveness, so no curses shall haunt you for this incident."

Cepheus just laughed it off, completely used to Lucifel by now, "Yeah Valor, it's fine really."

As Valor ran off after apologizing a few more times, Cepheus patted Lucifel on the back. "You really do know how to scare off people, you know?"he chuckled, and Lucifel merely smirked as the two of them continued walking. "Thank you, my brother! I am glad that the mortals recognize my fearsome abilities, ahahaha!!!"

~~ ETHAN ~~

"Are you alright, Rodrigo?"he asked grumpily after they were so rudely shoved away by some blond guy. Then again, maybe it was a blessing the guy did not stop to speak with them, because what if he was as crazy as the two in front of them were?! "Is it too late to try and convince Angel to let us just steal the trophy?"he muttered under his breath. Oh, was Ethan going to give him a detailed report later today; it was the perfect chance to rant to their boss about this insane mission he had given to them.

To Ethan's horror, when they finally reached their math class, the two students walked inside the room. "Oh no."he groaned, checking their paper to see if they were really stuck with those two weirdos as classmates. "Dammit."he cursed, confirming that it was indeed the correct classroom.


Seiryuu shut his notebook, knowing that he would not be able to get anymore work done now that Valor had arrived. He sighed, wishing his friends had this class with him so he could talk to them instead, but excluding Belshazzar they were all in lower grades and he wouldn't see Belshazzar until PE.

"And I actually had an excellent start to my day this morning. Good morning."he choked out the greeting coldly, then frowned at the panting blond. "Valor, you look like you're about to die. Sit down before you pass out on my desk, not that I care or anything, but the last thing I need to deal with is you causing me trouble." But Valor did not sit down, and instead showed him two tickets. "What? Tickets?"

Seiryuu was curious, but didn't want to look curious in front of Valor, so tried to discreetly read what was on the tickets without looking directly at them. He didn't know anything about who was playing, nor did bands interest him, but the seats looked decent at least. How much money was spent on the tickets? Seiryuu was not rich and someone spending so much money to hear what was probably a boring band made no sense to him. The other blond certainly knew his weakness though; Seiryuu felt hesitant in turning down a free, normally expensive event. But not hesitant enough. "Honestly, Valor, with all that creepy stalking you do of me, shouldn't you know that I don't like participating in pointless things."he replied, feeling guilty that he sounded so rude to Valor all the time, but he reminded himself that Valor deserved it for being so persistently annoying. "It sounds like a waste of time and money. Especially for a band I don't care about, so I'm going to have to decline."

But like always Seiryuu did not have it in him to be completely mean to Valor, so he added, "Sorry, Valor. And I may be in the music course and an idol group, but I'm not very interested in bands. However, I-"

The bell rang, interrupting what he had been about to say. "Oh, never mind. We should focus on class."he told him as Mr. Madore entered the room, greeting the students and shortly beginning the lesson.
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