Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by bullethope


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The day, like the sky, was bright and sunny. Creatures and Species of all sorts excited buzzed around the perimeter of the Preparatory. Much to Willow's distaste, the sun was high in the sky. Sunglasses shielding her eyes from the rays, she stepped off the bus. "This is a school?" She mused to herself. The building was beautiful and structured like a castle. She strained her head ring to listen to a couple of faeries yards away from her. "Celebration of the new year! And you're dressed like that?" One said. Willow looked down at herself and groaned slightly. She was dressed simply with jeans, skinny at her ankles, and a large blouse flowing around her. At the moment she thanked any Lord that she packed nicer clothes for later tonight. "Let the freak show began," she said to herself before moving through the crowd, avoiding any physical contact.


Drakon flit effortlessly through the air. The heat felt warm against his scales and he hummed in appreciation. Today's weather was perfect for his journey, one he enjoyed taking every year. He landed slowly, aware of his surroundings. His tail flicked behind him as his underbelly hit the ground and he started out for a minute. Most dragons refused to be seen so close up, but he liked humans more than he should. After a moment of peace, his spine cracked and shifted into it was a third of it's original size. Drake stood, cracking his new limbs and joints. He grinned at some bystanders, nodding and appreciating the attention. "How are you Erik?" He called to a nervous looking banshee. All he got in return was a shriek to which he flinched and laughed. "Of course, should have know." He stated in a playful manner before heading towards the commons.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BeautifulNightmare


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

It was odd, to say the very least, to finally be stepping off the bus that brought a rather sizable group of supernaturals to Purgatory Prep. Needless to say, the young lycanthrope with raven locks and piercing blue eyes was shocked that it was so ordinary looking. Of course, Beau knew that they were trying to blend this in, but a castle? That was rather expected. Still, he grinned, adjusting his black leather jacket to sit properly on his strong arms, and left it opened to show his plain white tee. His jeans were a bit baggy, and on his feet were a pair of black work boots. He looked ordinary, but he noted that almost everyone did.

"Look over there, that one is definitely on the list." One female spoke to another

"He is smoking. We'll get to know him soon." The other said as they walked past him, arm in arm. They waved to him and he smirked. They were hot, but they seemed easy, and Beau was hoping for a challenge here. Soon, at his side was a rather well built blond guy with bright green eyes. A friend he made on the bus, and a lycanthrope like himself.

"You weren't kidding whe. You said you were a lady killer." He said and Beau chuckled, looking about, his luggage slung over his shoulder effortlessly. It was in a rather large duffel as well as a backpack.

"Alex, wait until you see me in action." Beau said, elbowing his companion as they headed into the building. Beau couldn't be bothered at all with the actual structure, as he now had his eyes scanning the girls. One stood out to him, beautiful blonde hair, amazing blue eyes. She was so... humanistic that it was a bit shocking. He had already seen two faeries showing their wings off, and plenty of succubi batting their lashes to the weaker minded men. However, this one he couldn't place a species to her aside from human.

"Know anything on her?" Beau asked Alex. Alex was a returning student, so perhaps she was too.

"Nah man, but good eye. She's hot." Alex commented as they headed towards the dorms where Beau found out that he was sharing with Alex. The seven hour bus ride was rather good for gathering information. "But, we need to get you settled in before the festival tonight. Plenty of tail to chase there."

Beau smiled at that. "Sounds good to me."


Another year was coming underway, and this she knew. Her normally ice blue eyes were a shade of deep sapphire, and her chestnut locks were down and curled. Ryan was prepared for the day, and that night. She was in a black dress that hugged her form and fell to just below her mid thigh, and her black pumps adding some height to her. She had arrived the day prior to everyone else, as per her attendance agreement she had to see the headmaster for evaluation. He knew how dangerous hybrids of her nature could be, and how if they tipped one way over another it could cause havoc.

She sighed, walking out to the courtyard to see if one of the few people she liked was here yet. A seer whom she had been helping translate old demon language for. She found him under a tree near where a dragon had just landed and she rolled her eyes. Placing a hand on the lanky boy who was scribbling symbols into a journal furiously, she could feel the temperature difference between them from his shoulder.

"Hello, Ryan." He greeted, barely looking at her, or the page even.

"You still amaze me, Salazar." She commented, "Blind, yet sees. And writes. Why are you out here anyway? I thought you didn't leave your room aside from classes."

"You should know." He said to her, and she looked away, "You were helping me translate my visions."

His hand went to her shoulder where a brand in the old demon language. It translated to 'Demonic Angel.' It was something she tried to hide, and she was glad the fabric of her dress did just that. No one knew about that of her, but she also knew how rare her types were. "Anyway, Salazar, did you spend all summer here?" She asked, moving his hand.

Before he could answer, a few Incubi, new ones at that, came over. "Looky here boys, a beautiful girl with an ugly guy. Babe, you know you can roll with us." The apparent head of the group said, and her eyes flashed a hot color.

"I wouldn't if I were you." Salazar warned, but the guy scoffed. However, a few of the students who had been attending the school previously stopped.

Alex and Beau even stopped at the sight. "She is hot." Beau agreed, "Too hot for him."

Alex ahook his head, "Ryan is one being you don't want to cross paths with. She might look beautiful, but she is also a mystery. She makes damn sure to keep herself shut off from people. Salazar is the only one we have ever seen her around."

Ryan's chuckle caused their attention to turn. "Babe? I have a name, and even if Salazar was my boyfriend, I'm still way out of your league." She said, stepping forward. "Demon wannabe."

The last part she whispered before her hand began glowing, and she placed her index finger to his forehead, watching the skin burn and him fall unconscious. "Let's go, Salazar." She said, and Salazar got up and followed her, his blind eyes down on the ground.

Beau looked to Alex. "Is that guy okay?"

"He is just unconscious. He'll be alright, but just steer clear of her. All of us do, like I said." Alex said as they continued on towards their dorm.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by bullethope


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Willow walked quietly amoungst others. Three months ago if you told her such creatures existed she would've asked you to visit a doctor. But she was. A monster and all. Her fangs scraped against her lips- she was hungry, she had been hungry for days but she refused to feed. Despite being a vampire, she was still human. At night, when she'd lay there by herself, she could swear that her heart was still beating. Shaking her blonde hair, she wrapped her arms around herself, wanting to disappear.

Her ears perked at the sound of two males talking. Slowly she glanced around before spotting two a long ways from her. Her keen eyesight showed just how attractive they both were, but from their conversation, she didn't want a thing with either of them. She wanted in this hell and then out.

The dormitory was in her sight and she felt relieved until someone bumped into her. The smell of herbs and odd objects filled her nose, which meant one thing. An inexperienced Caster.

She turned sharply, her fangs extending in view. "Watch it witch."

The girl's eyes widened and she backed away, "Chill sucker, it was an accident."

Willow pulled the sunglasses from her face, sure her eyes were black from hunger. "I don't care."

She turned without another word, moving briskly into the building I'm front of her. All she knew was her room number, 112. Her eyes viewed the numbers from down the hall, from her spot when she realized she was at the very end. "You've got to be kidding me."

Once in her room, she unlocked the dorm to see her roommate wasn't there. She set her things down on the bed before shutting the door to change.

She picked out a dress that reflected her mood. It was blood red with lace sleeves and corset top, curving against her body. Her hair was curled and flowing past the middle the of her back. The only thing she adored about becoming a monster was the fact that it enhanced her appearance. She slipped on red pumps to show off her legs. The time was almost up for her to finish getting ready, so she hurried to the bathroom. There, she thickened her red lipstick on her lips and added a bit more mascara before being satisfied with how she looked.
Drakon was around the sit of the girl of fire. Students knew her by Flame- he remembered when she first started attending, the amount of males wagging their tails for her pretty face. But she was an angry soul. He chuckled slightly when he noticed two of his friends walking by.

"Alex! Beau!" He called, jogging past the girl with flames and the seer. He turned around to face them while jogging to take a look at the girl, before smiling and turning back around.

When he caught up with the two he winked. "Welcome back fellas, it's good to be home, eh?" He asked cheekily.

Drake was known around the campus for being everyone's friend. Drakon, the dragon was viscous and blood thirsty, so any time he was human he made up for it.

He paused to look at Rae an ice faerie. "I hope your summer wasn't too hot Rae!" He called out with a smile, waving.

His bags were light gassing his shoulders, causing him pace around easily. His slacks and nice shirt would do him well for the celebration, he was sure. But looking around at those already dressed, he smirked. The girls were luring the guys and the guys were following happily. "Welcome to the beginning," he mused to himself, smiling and waving at those he knew around him as they headed towards the dorm. "Let the celebration begin."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BeautifulNightmare


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Beau looked over to Drake and gave a grin. "Long time no see. It is great to be back. Especially after being gone a year, I didn't think it would change so much." He said. He had been gone for his.pack's Alpha selection process, and the headmaster had understood that. Still, Beau watched as the girl walked off with the rather odd boy. Ryan.

Alex chuckled, "Flame is starting fires already. I don't think anyone could tame her beast."

Beau noticed Drake checking her out and it sparked an idea. "Drake, why not chase after her? Obviously fire is her element, and you are a dragon." He proposed. "Who better to tame a fire beast than a dragon?"

Alex gave Beau a look as the three took off.towards their dorms. "That is suicide. No one knows how Salazar got in her good graces, but he did."

Beau just gave a smirk. "Well, Alex, let's have a wager going then. I bet Drake here could get with her before you could get with anyone." He teased and Alex sparked an idea.

"Really I bet he could get with Ryan before you could get with that blonde." Alex said, and Beau looked to Drake. "Hey, Drake has all sorts of girls drooling over him."

Beau chuckled as they got in their dorm and began setting it up. "Well then, what are we betting?" He asked.

Alex thought. "We need to think that over and talk to Drake."


Ryan and Salazar went off down the hallway towards her dorm room, number 112. She liked being there because it was kind of isolated and safe, but this year there were so many new people coming in she was forced to take on a roommate. Salazar spoke, falling into step with her. He might have been blind, but he could see aura, and he could clearly see Ryan's. "Why do they get to you so much?"

Ryan sighed, getting closer to her door. "Beacause, the feel they are entitled to everything and anything that breathes." She answered.

"You only see that because you are one of the few that are immune to mind and allure powers. I have never met a demon like that." Salazar said, and Ryan rolled her eyes, unlocking her door and walking in. Salazar wasn't far behind her, but she looked and saw a rather beautiful blonde in the room. "A vampire... not one born either. Rare."

Ryan waved her hand a bit before she looked to the girl. "You must be my roommate. I'm Ryan, more known around these parts as Flame. If you stay out of my way, I will stay out of yours and hopefully this hell hole will be bearable." She introduced herself before she helped Salazar to her bed. He sat down, and began scribbling in his journal.

"And she is from hell." He commented. Ryan shot him a look, knowing he couldn't see it.

"I am not that kind of demon. Of the three types there are, my kind don't actually reside in hell. For a seer, you are terribly misinformed on demons." Ryan sighed, walking over to her mirror and playing with her hair.

"Why are you bothering? You hate people, yet you go to the welcoming festival." Spazar commented. The two were seriously in their own world, but Salazar addressed the other girl in the room. "Isn't she odd?"

"Salazar, I swear. I go because it is part of my attendance agreement, and I am not going out there looking like a succubs tramp. I am a demon, and we are a higher standard than they are, even if I hate being what I am." Ryan grumbled. Even though her evaluation went well, she knew how unstable she was. And it bothered her, but she continued messing with her hair, trying to make the curls perfect.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by bullethope


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Willow stared at herself in the mirror. It was odd, she was pretty before, sure, yet the transformation made her so attractive it almost pained to look at herself. An animalistic hiss escaped her mouth and she punched the porcelain wall. "Damnit," she cursed and moved away from the bathroom. Her ears perked at the sound of footsteps coming towards the end of the hall.

Her mind found one source- a seer male. She gasped as she left his mind, she didn't like the what she say. When the door open, her fangs extended and a hiss came out of her mouth. When she realized neither were human, and one day she was going to have to kill someone, she signed.

"Sorry," she started, moving from her defensive stance, "I'm still getting use to the whole monster aspect." Her eyes moved to the blind boy, "It is?" That sparked her interest.

The auburn girl was pretty- and Willow assumed that god made all the evils pretty to temp the humans. Her eye cocked at the girls introduction.

"I'm Willow, and I'm just here to make sure I don't go on a crazed blood hunt." Her smile was fake and tight as she stood awkwardly in the room. Watching Ryan, her eyes dilated as she tried to pry into her mind. She out a hand to her head, and rolled her eyes. Just her luck, she could read her roommates mind.

"I don't think she's odd,"Willow have a bitter laugh, "Who would to go to a celebration with all the monsters you were told weren't true?" She asked, to no in particular. "She may hate people, but I hate monsters."

Her attention turned to Salazar as he was scribbling in front of him. She hadn't met a seer yet, but from what she heard from a coven she lived with, they were almost never wrong. Again, she entered his mind, before sitting on her bed exhausted from the journey of his thoughts. Shaking her head,, "so when does this start?"
Drake chuckled at Beau, "It would make more sense if I was a Fire breed, unfortunately fellows, I'm an Acid kind of reptile." He knew what Beau meant nonetheless, and in way he could understand. Fire was a dragons pleasure, no matter the breed.

He watches Flame and the seer walk towards the dorm building with interest. He was handler listening to the two beside him as the entered the building themselves.

"See ya later mates," he said distractedly. The numbers were pinned up beside the doors and he walked for awhile before he said 114. "Can the trip be longer?" He questioned with a small smile.

Opening the door he say a male look up, "I'm Damien," he said with a smile. At first glance Drake couldn't tell what he was.

"Hey mate. I'm Drakon, but everyone calls me Drake." He leaned over and tried to shake Damien's hand but watched as his passed through the kids arm.

"Ghost," Damien said sheepishly, "Died about 1998. But I'm just now getting back to school. Sound stupid huh?"

Drake shook his head with a grin. "Nah, perfectly normal." He joked.

Because being a Dragon with a Ghost roommate was normal. He shook his head with a small smile before he started unpacking his belongings.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BeautifulNightmare


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Salazar turned his head in the direction of Willow's voice and nodded. "Actually, man, or in your case woman, turned vampire are a rare breed. Most don't survive the transition, and those who do normally don't have enough control to not get caught. Those ones are either killed by a coven or their own lack of control. Then there are others who opt out and kill themselves." He explained, "I think there is one other like you in the school."

Ryan could only roll her eyes at Salazar's explanation, but her lips turned into a smirk at Willow's remark. So she hated monsters, huh? Very interesting. Perhaps this one would have some potential. Then again, if she were at all like other vampires... Ryan just knew chaos would ensue. Especially if she was ever off kilter. Ryan personally had no fear of her mind shifting, but she also wasn't stupid. She knew how harsh it could be on her, so remaining in the middle was a must.

She sat on her bed near Salazar and began fiddling with her necklace before she answered Willow. "Soon, within the hour, they try to wait until the sun is lower for the more... light sensitive crowd." She answered, carefully thinking through the last part.

Salazar looked in Ryan's direction before looking back towards Willow's. "You two are odd." He said before continuing. "One hates monsters, one hates people."

Ryan rolled her eyes. "Well, I am heading out. Better get there before the headmaster comes looking for me. You need me to walk you back to your room, Salazar?" She asked and he nodded. They both stood, and Ryan turned to Willow before heading out. "See you later, and just a bit of warning, the incubi will be up your ass. Too pretty to pass up."

With that Ryan walked out with Salazar, heading towards room 158, his room. Once they were out, Salazar spoke. "You were oddly civil. Normally you would have at least tried to burn the person alive."

Ryan shrugged. "I can relate. Trust me, realizing you are a monster makes you hate things, but she has potential. I can see myself being civil towards her."

"What if you break? Remember last year when you-" Salazar began before Ryan cut him off.

"They recovered, but they had it coming." She said. One psychotic break and Salazar had been trying to pick her brain since, trying to figure out what happened. The girl, a rather stupid elementalist if you were to ask Ryan, had made a remark on the wrong day. Her demonic side forced through, and the girl spent three weeks in the infirmary recovering from her injuries. Once at Salazar's door, Ryan pushed him in. "You know where to find me."

He gave a nod, and soon Ryan was heading towards the festivites. Tonight would be eventful, she could already tell.


Beau and Alex didn't spend much time in their dorm, room number 134, but then again the two had an ongoing wager. Beau hated losing, he has always been rather competitive and giving him a reason to be was a little... well... it was a little stupid at times. Half the time he would stop at nothing to win, but there were times when he could put on the brakes. It was why he had been selected to be the next Alpha of his pack and why he had returned to Purgatory Prep. To learn better control.

"So, what is the lady killer going to do to woo this one?" Alex asked with a sly grin, but Beau didn't respond. He didn't have a game plan, in fact, he barely knew a thing about the girl he was going to try to woo. He needed to just feel around for now, get his grove going, but for the time being that was all he could do.

"You will see." He assured him as they began towards the festivites where students were flocking. Most of the girl population was already there. All dressed in ways to grab a man's attention, but most of them left little room for imagination. Those were too easy, Beau knew this from experience, and he also knew that they were desperate.

He continued to scan the crowd, hearing some music playing in the courtyarx. A few were dancing, others just mingling, but then there were those observing and those goofing off. Beau didn't know where to start, but soon a hand came to his shoulder.

"Long time no see."the red haired girl said, smiling, her bright green eyes alight. Sam, the succubus. "Miss me?"

"No." Beau flatly stated, and Alex gave a chuckle as she walked of, a bit mad.

"Work that charm." He teased, but soon Beau spotted Drake heading their way and waved to him. At least now they could figure something out while Beau tried to get in his zone.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by bullethope


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Willow took the information from Salazar with a nod. She had met a coven- every second spent with them, she found herself hating what she turned into even more. "So it's either kill or be killed.." She said somewhat bitterly.

The coven was so keen on killing innocents. They slaughtered humans for pure joy and believed they were the rulers of the world. Not to mention, they had this insane idea of mating. Those who tried to claim her soon found out she was harder to get than she looked. Her powers were powerful but she didn't know how to control them. Make vampires soon found out just how powerful they were when trying to mate. She didn't mind killing monsters, even if that made her a killer of her kind.

Willow's eyes shifted to Ryan, "Light Sensitive..." She laughed, shaking her head. "You know the old saying, the monsters don't come out until the dark." Standing up, she smirked slightly at the Seer, knowing he couldn't see her. "Everyone hates something." Being in the room with a demon was strange for her- she didn't hate Ryan but she knew exactly what she was.

"See you two there," she concluded, choosing to ignore the comment about her looks. Getting use to the dramatic change of her appearance was harder than she thought it would be. She needed more time to herself. When the two left a slow hiss escaped her lips and her shoulders relaxed. Relaxing into her bed she closed her eyes for a second. Being dead, she didn't need sleep or air, but the pretending of doing so made her feel normal.

Her mind wandered, loosing itself in the depths of her memories. She was at peace until one moment she was remembering being bit and the look of evil in the vampires eyes as he drank her blood. An involuntary shriek bubbled in her throat causing her to sit up, shaking her head. "Pathetic." She muttered.

Deeming it was time to get going, she stood up, fixing her hair and make up once more. Waking through the crowded hall as every merged out of the dorms made her feel uncomfortable. The red lace sleeves of her dress we stretched as she pulled at them lost in thought.


While unpacking, Damien talked Drake's ear off, which he didn't mind. He was friendly and enjoyed when someone filled the silence. Glancing towards the window he realized that the sky was deeming, meaning the celebration was starting. "Wanna head out mate?" He asked, interrupting the ghost.

Damien cocked an eyebrow, "You want me to come along?" He asked uncertainly.

"Why wouldn't I?" The Dragon human asked, before he laughed. "Come on I have friends you'd find interesting."

The two ventured out of their room, upholding the conversation. Now Drake could tell Damien was ghost, where he was lively and had color, in bright lighting he seems almost transparent. When the two reached the commons, Drake's attention was caught by Beau and Alex.

He knew they were dying to discuss the bet, one he wasn't really in for. But he'd humor them. It wasn't like Flame would bother with anyone but her Seer friend.

"Boys, meet my roommate, Damien, the friendly ghost." Drake cracked with a smile, waving towards the ghost.

Damien chuckled, rolling his eyes. "Like I haven't heard that one."

Drake shrugged before turning towards the mass of people. "So, where is Beau's poor target?" He asked teasingly.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BeautifulNightmare


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Beau looked at Drake and Damien, offering a smile to the ghost boy. He wanted to make him feel welcomed, despite not normally associating with ghosts. He knew how a ghost could come in handy though, especially since Beau had a knack for trouble. Whether or not he be causing it or getting into it. His anger was his worst enemy in times like that. He soon spoke. "I don't know, but it doesn't look like Flame is here either, so why don't we go and find a good place to sit and wait."

Alex nodded a bit. "So, when is the music going to start. Dancing girls are always fun to watch. Right, Beau?"

Beau gave a devilish smirk. "They are better to dance with." He commented. Alex shot him a look before looking towards Damien.

"So, are you going to go on the prowl with us? There are plenty of girls around that are just going to beg for attention, and others who just want to have a good time." Alex aske. Beau kept his eyes peeled, looking for that blonde amongst the various girls. He could see an elemenatlist and a faerie hitting it off, playing around with the water in a nearby fountain. Next thing he saw was a group of casters, waiting it seemed like. Music was a huge part of this festival because it got everyone moving and out of their cliques.

Beau sat near one of the various bonfire pits, and noticed Alex was off chasing a rather attractive succubus. He rolled his eyes, perhaps he just didn't find them alluring anymore because he had seen one in their true form. It was not pretty, but he finally spotted her, and he got up, looking at Drake.

"Good luck, man. I have a blonde to charm." He chuckled as he approached the beautiful blonde.


Ryan was dawdling a bit, at least that was what it felt like to her as she walked towards the festivities. She had hung back a while and waited for the crowds to die out before she finally headed that way. She got there, and everyone was branching off, and she could hear the rumble of music begin. Ryan, despite coming off like a hard ass, loved to dance. A smirk came over her face, and she made her way towards the dance floor. Barely anyone was on it, but it was perfectly centered in the commons, and she got out there and started dancing.

She felt some eyes on her, but she didn't care. It got more people out there, and Ryan closed her eyes and lost herself in the beat. She brought her arms up over her head and continued to sway, but hands came to her hips from behind, and she turned to see another demon. His ram horns that were coming from his temples placed him as a cursed demon, but Ryan didn't exactly push away at first, knowing that her angelic half would try to shift for power.

"Back off." She hissed, a small bit of fire forming and the demon backed up. Ryan had decided she had enough and went to one of the fire pits, igniting it before she sat down and played with the flames. It wasn't long after that Salazar found his way to her, and she turned. He had a symbol for her, but she couldn't believe which one it was.

"Ry, I have a symbol for you." He said, and she sighed.

"It means demonic angel." She said, thinking of her own brand. "You going to stick around?" She asked him. He nodded and she relaxed a bit before looking out to the crowd.

"Where is Willow?" He asked.

"Not sure. Don't care really, but I hope she is holding her own." Ryan commented.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by bullethope


Member Offline since relaunch

Willow's head clouded with the thoughts of everyone around her, making her slightly uncomfortable. She hated being able to see into others mind, but she loved being able to manipulate people. Compulsion had become her best friend. Shaking her head of those thoughts, she stepped out in the celebration.

Sticking out like a sore thumb, she groaned.

Everyone seemed to know who to hang out with and who to be with. Yet she only knew two people, who she couldn't see.

She moved close to the celebration, observing others. It seemed like fun but she didn't get herself involved as she sat down by a fire.

"Hello good looking!" One called to her, and her eyes meet him.

"Come here," she said, her voice thick as her compulsion worked. He moved to her, his eyes dilated. "You are going to walk away and never have the urge to speak to me again. You always will treat women with respect." The command echoed in the boys head and he nodded in a trance, walking away.

Smirking to herself, she liked compulsion. It was the only thing she did though. Running a hand through her hair, she started observing the others dancing and chit chatting.


Damien smirked slightly, shaking his head. As a ghost in the human world, he heard a lot of weird stuff. But he understand that here, bets and games were still a part of living. "Of course I'm game," he said after a moment to Alex.

His eyes scanned the crowd, looking for someone who he found interesting. And he did- a witch would was wearing something skimpy, but was attractive nonetheless. He nodded at the boys before gliding alway.

Drake chuckled and shrugged, he wasn't exactly worried about where she was. His roommate was going to be a good friend, he mused. As they moved to the pit, he began looking around.That was only he watched her move to the dance floor, a brace soul.

All eyes were glued to her as she swayed and danced to the music. For someone so uptight and harsh, she let herself go for a moment. It was an interesting thing to watch. One, where the dragon enjoyed it. But as time went on someone ruined the fun and groped her without permission. A demon male of course. He rolled his eyes, but stood.

She walked near a fire, and from distance, she watched as she played with the flame. He smiled, shaking his head as he approached her. Salazar beat him to it but he continues on.

He didn't want to see pushy, but it was odd, he felt nervous.

"Hello," Drake said with a small smile. "What you do is amazing." He said referring to her fire playing. "I'm Drakon."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BeautifulNightmare


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Beau couldn't help the chuckle that formed in his throat at the sight he had seen. So the blonde was a vampire. This would make this bet interesting. Despite the main goal of this school being to promote unity and understanding amongst supernatural races, there were still a few fueds that would boil down to race. Vampires and lycanthropes. Angels and demons. Casters and... well, casters had problems with everyone it seemed, though it was more rooted towards demons, vampires, and succubi/incubi.

Still, Beau had known better when he had come to the school than to come unprepared, so he wore a ring made of white gold that held vervain inside to prevent compulsion, at least his mother said it would. He had finally gotten to the bonfire where she was sitting and sat down beaide her, making sure not to be too close though. He knew better than to invade the space of those you were uncertain about, and though he may not have always been the most polite, he knew that you could never underestimate what others were capable of.

Still, he looked towards the girl and gave a charming grin. "Very nice to see you aren't afrain to defend yourself." He complimented before offering his hand to her, "I'm Beau, and I would like to welcome you to Purgatory Prep."

Most girls.around here knew his game, so perhaps changing it up a bit would be a surprise to all. So he waited for her to shake his hand and introduce herself, and to be honest, he felt like a fool. However, Drake had the one up on him, Flame had been in attendance at the school before, this girl had not. So he needed to figure her out.


Ryan's mind drifted briefly as the silence fell over her and Salazar. This year did not feel right in the slightest to her, and the fact that Salazar had seen the symbol she had been branded with made her wonder. She was old, so old in fact that she.could recall the beginning of this school and she was only just now attending because up until a.couple of hears ago, her dual personalities had remained dormant. Why they had awoken when they did, she could barely comprehend.

Still, a voice broght her back, and she looked up, allowing herself to stop playing with the fire before she looked to him. He had complimented her, and yet she had known this one wasn't new. "Thanks." She said, slowly.

Salazar spoke up, "Don't mind her. She is rather anti-social."

Ryan rolled her eyes. "Yeah." His name was interesting. A dragon. Oh, this guy was not smart, but then again, she had made a point to hide the fact she was part angel from everyone.

"A dragon, I see." She began. "My name is Ryan. What brings you over here?"

Most knew to tread lightly with her, knowing that she could be a straight up bitch if they weren't careful. But this one, he was being polite, and it was odd.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by bullethope


Member Offline since relaunch

Willow sat by herself in peace. She was only here because the celebration was a must- not here by choice. Being enclosed with such... creatures made her skin crawl. She wasn't one of them, nor would she even act like she was. Her human instincts, though dulled by her predator and animalistic thoughts, were still there. Thinking back to what Salazar said to her in the room, she figured she'd be one of the made that opted themselves out of this miserable life. And she was okay with that.

The spot she chosen, she liked, purely for the fact that she was alone. Until a body sat beside her. One that flamed her nostrils with a smell she wasn't familiar with. Then she remembered what it was- something she was told to stay away from while staying with coven. He was a trapped but his wolf, something she could relate to. But knowing this school, she was sure that he enjoyed it.

Her blue eyes turned to his, with an expressionless face. Beau, she thought. From the looks she was getting, she figured he was a wanted man on campus. "I've got to do something to ward off the creepy guys." She stated, before looking at his hand and bluntly ignoring it. Not to be rude, well maybe a little, but honestly in the pure fact that she didn't know him.

"Willow." Was all she introduced herself as. She stood from the fire site, fixing her dress as it hiked up while she was seated. Beau was attractive, she wasn't going to deny it. He has strong facial features and was built in the right places, but it still didn't ease the fact that he was a creature.

"If you don't mind me, I'm going to dance." She said, looking at him for a moment, before turning towards the floor. The crowd made her slightly uneasy with her senses heightened. But you continued until she found a spot she was comfortable in, and began dancing.
Drake chuckled at Salazar, "Good to know mate." Before seating himself at a respectful distance. He didn't want to make anyone comfortable. Smiling he watched the demon girl finish with the flames and held his hands up. Don't stop on my account, it's interesting to watch."

He nodded when she figured he was a dragon. It wasn't hard, his name, after all literally meant dragon. Plus, being the only dragon at the school, most knew of him. But he didn't mind, he was the first dragon a lot of people have seen, so he was use to the questions.

"Well Ryan," he said politely, "I figured anyone who could threaten others with a flick of her head, yet starts the celebration dancing like that, isn't as anti-social as it seems."

He began looking around, the area she choose over looked everything. So she liked watching, he thought to himself. His eyes wondered to a blonde leaving Beau, and he couldn't help the small small before moving on with scenery.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BeautifulNightmare


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Beau got a name. Willow was her name, and though she didn't accept his outstretched hand, he managed togather a general idea of her already. She wasn't very sociable, or at least she wasn't being that way now, and she didn't enjoy unwanted attention. She would be a challenge, but a chase would be good for Beau, considering the fact he hadn't had the opportunity to do so in a while. His last year away from the school had been spent being evaluated, along with the other "pups" of the pack. He had been chosen to be the next Alpha, and his brother, Xavier, hated it.

And speaking of the devil, Beau watched as his older brother walked to the dancefloor with a faerie girl in a skimpy dress. If you thought sex appeal was bad in the human world, imagine with supernatural creatures that had senses that were practically on crack. This welcoming ceremony almost always turned into a night of one night stands and regrets, but the staff never did anything to stop it. They always made sure no one died, but a sex fueled bender was going to ensue.

Beau stood and made his way out to the dancefloor, keeping a careful eye on Willow, as if a mother bear watching her cub. A bad analogy, I know, but he had to protect her, and make sure he was the only one who was going to get his foot in door. He was glad that the music was easy to move to, and soon he bumped into a girl, and it just so happened to be the girl Alex was dancing with. He gave his friend a smirk before Beau moved more towards a crowd, but soon the song switched to a slower beat.

He walked over to Willow, who was barely two yards away, and gave a charming smile. "Care to dance? You may not like me, but dancing alone to a slow song is a bit silly." He said to her, offering her his hand. He knew it was a stretch, but he was going to try anyway.


Ryan looked over to Drakon as he observed her area. By nature, her angelic half loved to observe, but it was something she couldn't help. She liked to observe. It didn't give much insight as to who she was, but as she watched the dancefloor, she smirked to herself. She has essentially started that.

Ryan turned to Drake, "Quiet the contrary." She pointed out. "Get all eyes on you to hide in plain sight. Demons have been practicing that for years." She said to him, and Salazar piped up again.

"But Ryan is a very different demon, if you haven't noticed. Like, she hates everything pretty much, and most demons thrive on deceiving the world into liking them." He explained, and Ryan looked away.

She looked to Drake when the song changed. "Wanna dance?" She asked him as she stood up. Salazar.looked directly at her, seeing her aura burning bright. She was different, but he watched as she began walking towards the dancefloor.

Salazar looked towards Drake, and spoke. "Be careful. She isn't stable, not like she wants people to believe she is." He warned before getting up and navigating towards his dorm.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by bullethope


Member Offline since relaunch

Willow could feel eyes on her but she paid no attention to it. For once she let go, letting her mind at ease. It was a constant battle, predator thoughts fighting against what was left of humanistic side. It also didn't help that though she was powerful, she was still a newborn, and everything was so vivid to her. The thoughts always crammed into herself merely just walking beside something thinking or using compulsion to get her way, left her with emptiness towards the end of the day. But now, while moving to the best, she forgot.

One of her more pronounced memories from her human life included her brother. She was twin, and though opposite genders, they had similar characteristics. They were running around, him pretending to be a monster and her a victim. She squealed and cried in excitement of the game, but when her brother finally caught her, he leaned down to tell her, "I'll never let the monsters get to you".

But they did, and they turned her into one.

Immediately as the thought crossed her mind, she paused in her movements. If her heart was working, the best would be spastic with pain, she was sure. Her eyes scanned the crowd. The sexual tension was heavy, and it made her want to gag at the different creatures luring others into their traps. But when she heard a voice, she turned.

It was Beau, and she rolled her eyes at his gesture. "Don't you give up?" She asked, her eyebrow raising, not caring for an answer. Her eyes studied his face then his hand while she was in thought. She wasn't exactly sure what made her place her hand in his, but she did, moving slightly closer to him for the song. "One." She agreed as she started moving to the song.


Drake nodding slowly, absorbing the information about demons tactics. "In plain sight," he mused, chuckling slightly, "I suppose most of us do that. Contort ourselves to fit an image of normalcy." He stated. He hardly even thought about it that way, but now that he did, realized that it was a way of life for them. Hiding in sight.

His attention didn't turn from Ryan, even as the Seer spoke. His eyes just stayed on her, watching her. She was an interesting person, one that he never thought of before, but she certainly spiked his curiosity. "She most certainly is different mate." He commented with a small grin.

"A dance with a pretty girl?" He said rather than questioned, "Who could pass the offer up." Standing up, he stretched, his back popping. The only downfall of shifting shapes was he at times didn't know how to handle the differences between his human and dragon joints. His eyes followed Ryan as he continued on without even looking back.

Like she knew he'd be on her heels.

Drake smiled to himself and glanced at Salazar this time, as he spoke. He knew the seer meant well and he took the advice. "I'm always careful, especially while playing with flames." He said somewhat jokingly before jogging after the auburn girl.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BeautifulNightmare


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

And there it was. A yes. Willow had no idea what she had just done for his ego, but he didn't think of his pride when she took his hand. He just gave a smile and placed his hands at her waist. "Giving up isn't in my nature." He commented, and he looked at her eyes, resisting the urge to look into them the way that he had with dozens of others. Willow was definitely not going to fall for it, but her eyes were so bright and stunning he couldn't help it. His hands didn't even rry to move from her waist because he was just so enthralled by the light in her eyes.

She was beautiful, like all vampires, but her eyes retained something he had never seen. Humanity. Around the school, very few races held any form of humanity. Lycanthropes did because they were shifters essentially, and the elementalists did. Other races that did were so few that he wasn't sure about. Like angels, but no angel had ever attended the school, not unless they were fallen angels, and they were a demented sort. And almost no one saw them.

He snapped himself from his thoughts, realizing that he had been staring into her deep sapphire eyes. "Sorry," he found himself apologizing. "Your eyes are just... they're very different."

Beau was suddenly feeling something he hadn't felt in a long time. Nervousness. Shit... and he was trying his hardest to remain cool, but at the same time it was difficult. He wasn't blessed like his father with a mind that had been pierced so much he found a way to fend off mind reading. And he wasn't like his brother who could tell. He was just a strong leader with a silver tongue, and he was a strategy oriented person. It was why he was chosen to be Alpha.

He gave a disarming smile, trying to get his nerves to calm. "So, where are you from?"


Ryan sighed, and she turned to Drake, and she placed his hands on her waist and began swaying to the beat with him. "Don't mind Sal, he sometimes forgets that people are capable of forming opinions on their own. He's one of the most brilliant minds I have ever met, but he is stupid at the same time. He's like my brother, so I protect him."

Why she was explaining this to him, she had no clue, but she felt the need to, and out of the corner of her eye, she caught sight of Willow dancing with Beau. Wow. This was just begging for disaster. Ryan looked back to Drake, he once sapphire eyes returning to their normal cool shade of ice blue-grey. It was normal for her eyes to change colors, and she was glad that Salazar was blind and couldn't catch on to why. He had commented on her aura more than once, but he wrote it off because she was an elemental demon.

The song had a good beat, and when she saw the demon from earlier, she brought herself closer to Drake, not something she would have normally done, but with her mind so ready to shift and it being a demon, she had to keep herself preoccupied. Then she realized, for a dragon, Drake didn't have the fire smell to him. It was different. "So, dragon, huh? What kind, because you certainly aren't a fire one. Normally I can smell it a mile away, but you don't have that scent."

Being so in tune with an element, especially fire, Ryan was able to guess the elements of other creatures who fell into elemental typing. It was odd. But a voice came. "So, a demon will give a dragon a chance, but not another demon? That is odd."

It was the demon boy from earlier, and Ryan didn't bother with him. Until he touched her shoulder where her brand was, and she sent a surge of fire behind her, and he backed off. Still, she could feel him there and smiled to Drake. It was a sight that went rather unseen, and the song came to an end. "Well, it was nice dancing with you, but if you'll excuse me, I am needed elsewhere."

She walked off, heading back towards her spot and she began playing with the flames again, making them burn brighter.
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