Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by CollectorOfMyst
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Vaal’s Turn | Init: 18

HP 7/7 + 3 | Status: None

He wasn't in the mood to slay them. Which felt odd for some reason. Like... something instinctual. That did give him an idea. A shot in the dark with the woman there, but worth trying.

He gave his quarterstaff a crack on the ground, to draw attention. "HALT!" He barked out in draconic. He hoped he appeared as something with authority to them. He'd thrust a claw out to them angrily, and then towards the buildings. "WHAT ARE YOU FOOLS DOING! Chasing the scale-less hatclings like you just hatched from your own eggs last night! Scare the cretin off and be done with it! She shall be someone elses problem! Get the loot! Grab the Shinies!"

The kobolds hesitate momentarily, looking at each other with confused expressions. Why is this white-dressed kobold ordering them about? A few of them lower their daggers and slings, heads cocked, looking at you. Then one of them bangs his chest and replies, "We given orders! Kill big ones, catch little ones! You no order us!"

The kobold inhaled. Well, it seems the kobolds aren't as slavish as he remembered them. As he remembered him? That last thought caused the kobold some hesitation, and he frowned. He looked to the group of kobolds. Counting them off. Noting their weapons. He even noted the family that had ran passed. And the woman with a bloodied spear.

Eight to three were not odds he enjoyed. They'd surround them, and kill them. And if the daggers didn't do the trick, the Slings certainly will. Hopefully the others see this. And are willing to try and flip the odds.

"A pitty then," The kobold responded to the group in draconic. "I'd rather avoid a dance of blood with kin. But I do have my word to keep."

With that he pulled the door open and kicked some rubble behind it to help hold it open. He ducked behind the door for cover from the slings and called out to the other two. This time in common with his slurred accent "Come! To me! Cassandra inside! Shield Maiden, To me! If they surround you, I can not say it will end well!" Hopefully a bottle neck would help resolve some problems. And if they decide to run after easier pray... well they'd just be shot in the back.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by CollectorOfMyst
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Cassandra’s Turn | Init: 18

HP 9/9 | Status: None

The woman's head whips around, only momentarily landing on Vaal before turning back to her more pressing engagement - one kobold is surely as bad as eight. Cassandra looks down at Vaal before stepping out further into the street, her shield in front of her, raised to cover her body. Then the red gemstone at the tip of her staff flares with fire, brightly illuminating her face for a second, before it streaks off towards the nearest kobold... and strikes it in the heart. It falls down, its scaly skin charred black; and there is a moment of surprise among the other kobolds.

"Vaal is in my employ, ma'am." she says, not fifteen feet away from the skirmish. "You have nothing to fear from him. Besides, one kobold is surely better than seven."

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by CollectorOfMyst
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Swift Family x 4 | Init: 15

Linan Swift | Healthy
Cuth Swift | Bloodied
Tarya Swift | Healthy
Arthus Swift | Healthy

The woman looks at Cassandra for what seems to be a long time, before she calls into the darkness. "Cuth! Take the children into that building!"

There is a shuffle, as the three family members reappear, and the man, presumably Cuth, limps over towards Vaal, ushering over the two children. He glances over fearfully in the direction of the larger group, where Linan steps away from the kobolds, triggering two opportunity attacks!

The first kobold manages to swipe at the back of her leg and draws blood. She takes 3 piercing damage. The woman cries out, but it causes her to buckle forwards, and so the second kobold misses her. Linan approaches Cassandra and turns once more to face the group - though now, there is a pseudo shield wall protecting her family. The woman takes a deep breath, preparing herself to avoid whatever comes her way.

The hoofbeats have gotten louder.

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Eleven
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Eleven things are strange

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Rhaeyla's Turn | Init: 13

HP 10/10 +3 | Status: None

As if aware of the direness of the situation, Lucian needed no urging to race toward the burning city. It was difficult not to be overwhelmed with everything -- the rubble, the fire, the smoke, the loud beating of wings -- but Rhaeyla knew what she must do first. Still, she couldn’t help but peer through the windows of houses and buildings, looking for an old, familiar face as they followed the clips of words, grunts, and screams in the distance.

"Are you doing okay, Caw?" Rhaeyla asked, craning her neck as much as she could to look at her friend. She moved as though to look up but thought better of it. In case he'd needed comforting, and much to her benefit as well, she spoke as though she was certain that everything will be alright. "We'll go and save them as quickly as we can and then find somewhere safe to hide."

They continued on. There was another cry, from an older woman this time, and she pressed Lucian forward, until finally, she spied some movement around the corner. In an alleyway between some buildings had been a group of reptilian creatures -- kobolds like Vaal, yet also very unlike him. Vaal was the first kobold she had gotten to know and had expected others of his kind to be as genteel. But well-mannered these kobolds were not, and Rhaeyla could see that they meant to harm her friends and the small family that they were protecting.

Rhaeyla was quick to take action, driven by impulse as always. Reaching into her rucksack, her hand fumbled inside until it found the sharp tip of a dart and pulled it out, all the while gripping tightly on the reins with the other hand. They were nearing the group locked in a fight, and there was no time to hesitate. She steeled herself, focused on the creature closest to her, threw the dart, and hoped. If nothing else, she hoped to distract them, to give the family a chance to escape.

The dart flew to its mark. The kobold, caught unaware, turned to look behind it in time for the dart to strike, right at its temple. It unceremoniously crumples to the ground, unmoving, the dart still lodged in the side of its head.

Her heart beat loudly in her chest. She had killed it.

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Vertigo
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Caw's Turn | Init: 4

HP 09/09 +3 | Status: None

Despite his best efforts, the fruit refused to stick. Caw was growing increasingly desperate, letting out a series of distressed noises; animal ones, human ones, anything that came to him.

When he heard Sebastian speak his name, he was certain a scolding was to follow. Much to his surprise, that was not the case. His voice did not sound angry, and what little Caw could catch of his face before the man turned to walk away did not look threatening. The kenku blinked, surprised, curious-- and taken aback. Sebastian would look away, for him?

Caw was so preoccupied by his act of kindness, that he almost missed another one. Rhayela had walked up to him, offering him a smile and a solution. Caw nodded slowly, carefully placing his fruit next to hers. He gave it a few gentle pats as if to make up for his transgression towards it, then turned to his friend.

"Good now," he informed her, then continued, more to convince himself than her: "Don't worry about it."

Easy enough a task, it turned out. Soon enough, they had much more pressing matters to worry about.

It started with columns of smoke, rising from a town in the distance. Greenrest; their destination. Smoke heralded fire, a warning to turn the other way and keep a distance - yet Cassandra did not heed it. For reasons unknown, she spurred her horse into a gallop towards the city.

And then the real trouble began.

A loud, booming sound followed another, then another, then another, as if multiple thunderstorms had all roared out their wrath at once. For a brief moment, something blotted out the sun. When Caw saw lightning pour from the monster's mouth, he could not help but think it fitting. The enormous blue monster was thunder made manifest. He'd read of them, creatures like this one, and wondered what it might be to soar the skies like they did. Now, he didn't even dare wonder.

Caw shrunk where he stood, regarding the creature with equal parts awe and fear. Seeing a dragon was a dream come true; seeing it this close was a waking nightmare.

He was ready to turn tail.

But before he could get far, Sebastian's words brought him to a halt. Not his title, nor his family name - but the two simple words that rung in his ears long after the man was done talking.

'Help me'.

Sebastian had helped him many a time. It was only right that he repaid him in kind.

Caw stepped up to the noble, trying to stand tall like him. Considering his diminutive size, the effect wasn't quite the same. For once, he was glad to borrow someone else's voice; his own would've likely trembled. "Help," he promised.

But... how? What could he do? What could any of them do?

Hearing Rhayela call out to him shook Caw from his thoughts. He turned just in time to see her make towards Sebastian's horse - the only one they had left now. She must've had a plan of some sort. Whatever it was, it was more than Caw had - so he scurried after her. He found his place on the horse's back, holding on for dear life as it dashed towards the city.

As the rushing wind filled Caw's eyes with smoke and his ears with a high howl, he lost track of time. The ride felt endless, yet it ended too fast. He'd held on so as to not be flung off for an eternity, but he'd only had a moment to prepare for what was to come. None of it made sense. He was scared.

The voice he managed to breathe out was not, and for that, he was eternally thankful. "Perfect!" The squeal of a lady admiring a golden ring was not a voice entirely fit for the occasion, but it was much better an answer than a scared squawk. Rhayela was kind, he knew. If she caught wind of his distress, she'd be worried. There was already plenty to be worried about everywhere around them.

Kobolds were the latest addition to that list. Caw counted seven, all hostile. Their behaviour was a stark contrast to what Caw had seen of Vaal, yet it fit what he'd read of them many a year ago.

The books had not told him what to do in a situation like this.

Rhayela seemed to know. She pulled out a dart and launched it at the creatures, catching one straight in the head. It fell. Now there were six.

Ever so slowly, Caw reached for his bow. He pressed his legs tightly against the sides of the horse and kept his form low. He let out the sound of an arrow sticking into flesh as if to let Rhayela know what he was about to do, then fired.

With that, there were five.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by CollectorOfMyst
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Kobolds' Turn x 5 | Init: 20

Kobold A | Dead
Kobold B | Dead
Kobold C | Dead
Kobold D | Healthy
Kobold E | Healthy
Kobold F | Healthy
Kobold G | Healthy
Kobold H | Healthy

The group in front of them is growing steadily larger... at first, it was just a defenseless woman and her family... now, there's a veritable shield wall made up of three humans, a kenku archer somewhere out of sight, and a turncoat kobold hiding somewhere inside. Before, they had the advantage of numbers, and most of the ones they were tracking and killing were unarmed... but now that was all changing.

Three of them darted forward with their daggers; the first went for Linan, darting past her shield and scratching at her hip - beads of blood begin to form, and then spill forth profusely. Needless to say, this woman didn't look good.

Two more went for Rhaeyla - charging forward at the seemingly unarmoured and thus easily stabbed girl. Oh, were they wrong. Rhaeyla easily knocks aside the arm of the first kobold, deflecting its dagger - but her attention lingered too long, and the second one catches her in the hand.

The fourth kobold grabs a small pebble from the ground and fits it into the sling. It swings it for a few seconds, before loosing it at the most obvious threat - that being the spellcaster. Cassandra's eyes are on the kobold in front of her, her staff raised to strike at it - and so the stone catches her in the throat, all but knocking the breath out of her.

The last kobold, somewhat thinner and smaller than the rest, doesn't seem to like the odds, and so it turns and begins to run towards the city gates, intending to flee the battle altogether.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Tangletail
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Tangletail Keyboard Knight

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Vaal's Turn | Init: 18

HP 7/7 + 3 | Status: In Cover

From behind the safety of cover, Vaal had time to contemplate his life choices and muster up what little wisdom he could have of this. Was this what it was like to be a body guard? Have charges who actively sought danger? Or maybe it was simply to make the body guards earn their pay. He certainly recalled hearing stories by various adventurers while he caroused (it wasn't moping) about in taverns. About how people felt invincible when there was a man or two with a sword by their side.

Yes, that was very likely. The Kobold did not know that backup would be arriving so soon. But there was no way Cassandra could have known either. Which meant... she was the variety of heroics or suicidal stupidity. The sort who says to hell with longevity it seems. It wasn't something the Kobold detested. He found it admirable... but foolish.

The Kobold CRINGED as he witness his charge take a rock to the throat. He could already feel his eyes being lowered for allowing such harm to come under his contract. Maybe he should try being more firm with her in the future?

Though his position did also give him additional insight. It was strange, but he hardly knew a Kobold for a liar. Cunning, clever, hostile, and occasionally dumb. But rarely a liar. Even to others. It was nice to have confirmation about their plans however. As Vaal watched the cluster of humans lope their way up to him. He could see the validation.

The children looked mostly unharmed. But the adult male? Nearly dead and barely hanging on to life. So was his honorable wife, a dagger to the gut tends to do that.

But why did a blue dragon want human children of all things? They hardly made good and loyal servants, like Kobolds. A ransom... that might have been worth something - except the Kobolds had apparently burned a good deal of the City... and WEREN'T looting. And... any blue worth their weight in salt wouldn't squander their claws in a siege. It was more skillful and prestigious to simply control the merchants or politics.

Maybe the blue dragon just enjoyed collecting children. It was ridiculous to think of it like this, but maybe it just wanted children to raise. Blues did raise families, unlike the other heathenish colors. That wouldn't be too odd, the kobold supposed. Maybe the blue was down on his luck in relationships. It may be a tad offensive to its servants... but they would manage. No, that was silly. It's heartbreaking to see creatures you held so fondly die, no sensible blue would put themselves in that sort of torment.

Finally the little caster turned his full attention back to the brawl. His gaze slid over the kobolds whom favored their slings. To the ones in the melee. And finally settled on the one fleeing. He contemplated that one. Others may find it cowardly. That was foolish thinking.

Vaal found it smart. That kobold would live. He could carry information. Information was what won skirmishes and wars. Information about him... a turncoat who was never on their side. Information about the children who had escaped. Where they were last seen. And possibly collapsing an entire force on their heads. It was very tempting to silence that one permanently.

His gaze turned towards the Kobolds in the melee. The ones who are fighting, and killing held priority. With a deep breath, Vaal stepped out of cover for a moment. He raised the hand with the sleeve that wasn't covering his claw. He began an incantation in draconic. Frost formed at the tips of his claws and crawled up his arm. It was a down right rough shot to take, but the little kobold took it anyways. And managed it.

He fired a ray of frost, barely managing to weasel it by Linan to strike the Kobold who was targeting her and caught it at the chest. Vaal clicked his tongue when he saw the damage before he slink back into cover.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by CollectorOfMyst
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Cassandra’s Turn | Init: 18

HP 5/9 | Status: None

In watching two of the kobolds fall from unknown projectiles, Cassandra turned and granted Rhaeyla and Caw a grateful look. Then, as a kobold saw fit to chuck a rock at her throat, she staggered slightly. She did not miss the fact that the kobold directly in front of her was injured, however, and instead of hunkering down to defend herself, she swung at the kobold's skull with a loud crack!

It fell down, its eyes rolled back into its head, and she turns to her new shield-mate. "Get inside!" she hisses, her eyes wide with worry, and she begins to drag the woman somewhat forcefully towards the door.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by CollectorOfMyst
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Swift Family x 4 | Init: 15

Linan Swift | Bloodied
Cuth Swift | Bloodied
Tarya Swift | Healthy
Arthus Swift | Healthy

Linan struggles against the attempts to get her inside, determined to keep her family safe - even if it were to kill her, it seems. But as her two children move past her into the house, and Cuth approaches her, limping as he is, something seems to drain out of her, and she nods at Cassandra. She readies her spear one last time and throws it as far as she can in the direction of the fleeing kobold. It clatters uselessly against a wall and falls to the ground. She stares after it for a moment, somewhat disappointed, and then throws her husband's arm across her shoulder and helps him inside. The two of them sit down on the ground, backs against the far wall.

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Eleven
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Eleven things are strange

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Rhaeyla's Turn | Init: 13

HP 10/10 | Status: None

Despite being scraped herself, Rhaeyla was more acutely aware of everyone else getting hurt by the kobolds. Cassandra had been hit hard, and the matriarch of the family was worse for wear, bleeding from her hips. She wanted to help them, ease their pain with her touch, but it was more pertinent to rid of the source of danger as swiftly as possible.

Sebastian would be coming soon, she reminded herself. He'll take care of Cassandra. Vaal and Caw were unharmed and that much gave her some peace of mind.

After dismounting Lucian, Rhaeyla grabbed her quarterstaff, and with eyes aglow with fierce determination, she charged forward to attack the kobold whose dagger she had deflected. The small cut on her hand stung only slightly as she gripped the staff tightly, raising it above her head and swinging down at the kobold with all the might she could muster. There was a sickening crunch as the hardwood found its target, slamming the creature down to the ground.

As Rhaeyla tried to follow up with a kick to the other kobold that had cut her, she caught sight of the dead kobold's bashed-in skull and presently lost focus, allowing the kobold to easily dodge her attack.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by CollectorOfMyst
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Sebastian’s Turn | Init: 9

HP 11/11 + 3 | Status: None

Sylvanna had been running at full speed for a while now - her eyes were still wild with animalistic fear, but under Sebastian's hand she was obediently running back towards the town, her flanks heaving under him. They had passed Surina not long ago, and it was impressive how far the woman could run without needing to stop. But his mind wasn't on the dragonborn or even the dragon. No, it was on the kobolds attacking his sister and their employees.

One was running away; it had seen them, and only just begun to change their course. A dark look crossed his face. Not so fast.

He drew his sword, and as he rode past, he swung. It was a clean attack - there were two soft thumps behind him, one after the other. He pulled back on the reins, and dismounted, starting to attach his shield to his arm.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by CollectorOfMyst
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Magdar’s Turn | Init: 6

HP 12/12 + 3 | Status: None

It took Magdar all of a second to charge into the fray. The sword painted on his shield seems to be a weapon of its own; as if Tempus himself were with his servant in this very moment. But no; the true weapon was the axe in the dwarf's hand. He charged for the kobold at Rhaeyla's defence, battle cry roaring forth from his lips.

This ill-timed battle cry only alerted the kobold to its incoming attacker, however, and it leapt out of the way. Of the first attack.

The second was a different story. Wielding his axe like a bat, Magdar attacked - and it went flying.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Vertigo
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Caw's Turn | Init: 4

HP 09/09 +3 | Status: None

A lot happened in very short a time, and Caw found himself struggling to keep up with it all. He saw frost dance in his peripheral vision in the wake of Vaal's spell, and he saw Rhayela caught in combat with two kobolds - both of which met their ends soon thereafter. Magdar had reached them, he noticed; his cry was unmistakable, and the wide swing of his hammer even more so. But though Caw saw it all happen, he never did manage to react to any of it; by the time he'd processed what was happening, something else already demanded his attention.

He'd taken part in his fair share of quarrels during his time on the streets to be sure, but nothing quite like this. Not in a burning city with a dragon roaring above. Not with innocent parties caught in the crossfire. Not with a friend in danger. It was all very overwhelming for the young kenku, and he felt himself useless for it.

Then he saw it; one last kobold left standing, sling in hand. This was his chance.

Caw reached for another arrow, trying to will his hands not to shake; not from fear, not from hesitance, not from any other emotion that threatened to cloud his mind. He took aim, trying to find an angle similar to his previous shot. But... was it right to kill the last kobold, when it probably wasn't a threat on its own? He'd heard they were evil creatures, and yet though Vaal was strange at times, he didn't seem evil.

He released the arrow.

Whether it was right or wrong to kill the lone kobold, the burden was off Caw's shoulders now; his arrow whizzed past its head harmlessly. His hands had shaken after all.

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Tangletail
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Tangletail Keyboard Knight

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Just as quickly as the battle had begun, it had come to an end. Mostly.

Vaal’s stance had visibly when the battle began to come to a close. Even as Kobolds fell he gave the doorway a gentle rap with his quarterstaff to get the attention of the swift family, and gave them a wave to come on out. He allowed his eyes to drift along the children with a ponderous glaze before he turned away to join the group. He was still quite baffled about the blue dragon’s desire for the children.

Finally, there was only one opposing Kobold left. Vaal’s eyes settled on him… and he gave the other an impassive shrug. He spoke out in draconic now, and gestured for the lone survivor to make his leave. ~Perhaps… you should have just accepted my command. It is improper… to make a point with violence. I suggest you follow this one. Go. Live.~ He drawled. The accent he held, still quite apparent even in this language.

He’d stay put, keeping his gaze on the Kobold as the little creature ran for its life. And then… Vaal’s mind began to wonder once again. This time it wasn’t over the plans of the Blue. No… his eyes instead turned to settle on the corpses that laid at the party’s feet.

The proud blue kobold’s eyes began to glaze over with a distant look. For a moment, that proud shell of his cracked. Exposing some very mixed, very human emotions. Mourning. Apprehension. And Resignation. Even as he raised a claw to look over his hand. He shook his head. Rolled that claw over. Studied it. Shook his head again as the next claw came up. Eventually he crouched down, and began to search their bodies. Not for loot. But for markings. Markings of their tribes. Or perhaps their dragons.

"Huh... that one there..." he pointed to the one that had its head smashed in. His grim humor coming up to rescue him from his own thoughts. "... was quite unlucky. She is would have been seen as attractive by kobold standards. Would have been seen as... desirable. A shame."

It wasn't humorous. But it was honesty in the form of a distraction. And it was enough to pull the Kobold's own mind from dreariness. "It seems that my kin desire the human... hatchlings." The last part was said with a hint of a question. He had been searching for a proper word. "... the adults however... have been cosigned to death. I do not have the reasons."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Vertigo
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

The kobold didn't wait for Caw to gather his wits. As soon as the arrow whizzed by its head, it started to scurry away. Like a rat. Or a kenku. Or... any other living creature, fearful for its life.

Vaal spoke to it, but though Caw could've perfectly replicated every word he heard, he understood none of it. And yet, as if to test the new, foreign language on his tongue, he repeated a word at random. The last word, because he remembered it the clearest.


Whatever it meant, he liked the sound of it.

No one else moved to give chase to the fleeing kobold or indicate a will to see him do it, and so Caw did not draw another arrow.

Unsure what else was expected of him, Caw walked to retrieve the two arrows he'd shot; one from the ground, one from the chest of a now-limp kobold. As he pulled out the latter, he caught Vaal at a curious time. Caw was by no means an expert on emotion, be it displaying it or recognizing it, but the kobold seemed... different, somehow. Confused too, maybe. He was staring at a claw for a long time.

Caw walked up to him. Standing next to a creature so small was... new. Caw was used to feeling small and useless, always the one to be protected or helped - or used as a disposable fodder, as it were. But now, he felt like he was the big, strong one. He rather liked it.

"Reasons..." Caw pondered in the kobold's signature drawl as he regarded the bodies.

Then, head tilting, he turned to the sorcerer himself, trying to discern how the other was feeling over the death of his own. "Kin," he gestured at the deceased, then switched to the gentle voice of a lady. "I'm sorry."
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Tangletail
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Tangletail Keyboard Knight

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

There were still many things in this world that could surprise Vaal it seems. And this was one of them. Several kobolds from different tribes. Different clans. None of them he recognized. But the difference was enough. That dragon was grand… the kobold would begrudgenly admit. But he was young… and it did not quite appear that the dragon understood the meaning of showmanship. There was little possibility that blue would have multiple tribes serving him so far from a desert.

The second… was the Kenku. Vaal’s gaze turned lazily, to the Kenku when he began to speak. His mind had already begin to ready its self to put together sequences of broken phrases and voices to discern a meaning.

What he was not prepared for in his state of mental vulnerability were the words I am sorry. The kobold’s head jerked in surprise. His eyes widening for a moment to the surprising gentleness of the words. His mind pulled away from working out the meaning, to working out how on earth could the Kenku have…

Then his gaze followed the hand. And his eyes settled back on that grisly display of corpses. Finally the kobold let out a croak of an “Ah.”

He cleared his throat. And tried again. “Ah… that.” His tone distant as he regarded each of the corpses once more. He shook his head slowly.

“I appreciate the… concern. But it is misplaced. They are soldiers of the battlefield. They died doing their tasks. They have made their decision." He hissed in that slurring way of his.

He turned to face the Kenku. One harm hugging that staff close to his body. The other crossed over its brother. A finger tapped lightly against that wooden pole. The kobold considering something. Then seeing that there would be little harm in going further.

“Know my words for truth… they are not kin of mine. We are in fact… far… far detached. I do not have a home with them, if I did mayhaps no more. I am already an oddity. And this act makes me a traitor.“ The kobold glanced to the direction two survivors had fled. Vaal shrugged then turned to go check on Cassandra and the family they had just saved.

“I would be marked as an outcast across the sword coast. Or captured to be... well... tormented." The kobold laughed to the last part with a true mirth. Somehow finding what ever was to come to himself as some great joke. By that gleam in his eye... He probably saw it as they could do nothing else to him now. "Still... nothing to regret."

The kobold looked over his shoulders. “And you? You… are young… but have the wisdom of a scholar’s son.” The kobold looked to Sebastian with a raised brow. “...I would say he’s your adopted father… but… he seems the sort to raise a knight.” And now... Oddly a thought of the kobolds own mother came into mind. What would she think... If she saw what her son had became? That... Would be a level of shame he would rather not endure. Was she still even alive?
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Eleven
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Eleven things are strange

Member Seen 6 mos ago

With the safety of her friends guaranteed, at least from the enemy kobolds—the dragon was a mountainous presence she could not ignore—Rhaeyla finally relaxed. She'd gone to pick up the dart she had used when a sharp stinging made her almost drop it again. Ah. The cut on her hand hurt more now that there was nothing else to focus on, so promptly found something else to do. She looked around: Cassandra and the family she protected were addressing wounds; Caw and Vaal were engaged in conversation—an interesting sight that Rhaeyla would think on later, when she wasn't so distracted, because of the marked difference between the two; and Sebastian…

Sebastian's gaze slowly drifted away from the fleeing kobold, to the grey mass that is the keep. Though little more than a wide, round tower and a tall stone wall, the dragon has swooped down over it more than once. Apprehension is clear on his face, his mouth taut with worry, and in his eyes... Rhaeyla can see that he's afraid.

She approached him, tentatively at first, unsure of what to say in spite of herself. Back in her village, many of her people would ask for her blessing when they needed help facing their fears. Would a false blessing from her help this time? It was clear to her, if nothing else, that it wasn't the dragon ever looming in the horizon that caused him dismay. But what else could leave him so shaken, if not such a creature?

"𝑰 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒌, 𝒊𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆'𝒔 𝒔𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒔 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕, 𝒊𝒕 𝒉𝒆𝒍𝒑𝒔 𝒕𝒐 𝒔𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒊𝒕 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒔," Rhaeyla spoke in Celestial for effect, but didn't pry any further. If he needed her help in anything and he asked her, she would do so in a heartbeat. "There's no harm in asking for help, right?"

The human coughs and averts his eyes. "Right. We, uhhh... we should move our horses out of sight. I think Cassie will want a few minutes. Can you give me a hand, Rhaeyla?"

"Of course!" Rhaeyla said, glad to be of service. Even if it wasn't the problem she thought she would be solving.

The horses were exhausted after the day's events and were easy enough to corral. Together, Rhaeyla and Sebastian guided them into a nearby stable; abandoned but barely damaged from the attack. They returned to the group shortly, with Rhaeyla sneaking worried glances at Sebastian every so often.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by CollectorOfMyst
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Inside the little house, Cassandra has been gently binding the wounds of the two adults with strips of cloth and a sweet-smelling tonic. The two children look on nervously, the girl holding her arms around her brother. The woman stirs, and she opens a bleary eye. She nods at Cassandra.

"Thank you, my lady." She spots Vaal entering, and for a moment, her hand twitches, as though reaching for a spear - but it relaxes in the next. "And thank you, master kobold."

Eventually, everyone sidles into the room. Linan introduces herself and her family - her husband Cuth, and her children, Tarya and Arthus. Tarya looks wary, but the boy smiles shyly and waves at Vaal.

Cassandra is standing at the window now, her eyes set on the horizon, occasionally flinching as the dragon flies overhead. Surina is just behind the door, her axe at the ready. Sebastian and Magdar are conversing in low tones in one corner of the room.

"So..." begins Cuth. "What are our plans now?"

Linan hesitates, before looking at the people around her. "I think we should make for the keep. It's not far from here."

"We will encounter resistance," Cassandra says, not moving from her post. "Not just kobolds, but men and elves, among others."

Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Tangletail
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Tangletail Keyboard Knight

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When the kobold entered the house, his gaze trailed along the room and observed the family they had just saved. They looked much better than he had initially expected. And he was also expecting the children to be crying. To his delight, they weren't. That would make the next few hours much easier. His eyes did not miss the woman's hand reaching for a weapon only to pause. The kobold smiled to that. And offered a small shrug.

"Vaal..." The kobold began with a rolling drawl. And like when the group first met... the name sounded like it was missing a significant part of it. His tone took up a glint of humor. "... will be fine. Just take care with the spear. I'd rather my allure not be damaged if I am to have an unexpected end."

His gaze then shifted over the family as introductions were made. He had expected the children to shy away from him. Kobolds aren't known for having a good reputation. And if he remembered correctly... human... kits(?)... were often told stories of various monsters and creatures. He was quite sure these kids would be told tales of kobolds to keep them from running out at night. Doubly so when the kids were attacked by kobolds... and nearly watched their father be murdered by his kin.

Yet... here he was. Taken aback when he saw the young boy give him a shy wave... and a smile. The kobold's expression went blank. Another crack in his facade had been made today. And he honestly did not know what to think of this child.

Vaal akwardly returned the wave. He turned about and said nothing as he approached Cassandra... who appeared to be staring out of the window. He glanced out himself, and looked up. His eyes met the dragon with understanding. And... a hint of envy for the flying beast.
"Ah... that. Put it out of your mind for now, darling. The most important step you can make right now... is simply the next step."
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