Paradicial, 7:00 pm,
Arsodus, The Wild One Bar
Arsodus, The Wild One Bar
"Beat it kid, I work alone."
"Wow, you really don't know how us bounty hunters work? Get lost."
"Oh for-- No, I'm not hunting the general, I got easier paydays than that, now fuck off!"
Ellie sighed hopelessly and twirled a lock of hair around her finger as the neon lights and wild techno rock emanated from the bar's jukebox. She leaned on the table and stared at her tablet, and General Vincent Roa's stern face stared back.
"But I don't even wanna a reward... I just want an adventure..." she said to nobody in particular. She'd come to the rougher part of town because she figured there were some cutthroat mercenaries and guns for hire who were probably going to tackle the fat bounty on the deserting general and his army. Maybe she had been a little too hopeful. Nobody wanted a starry-eyed girl to help them, even if she was good with a gun. Ellie gently touched her sidearm to make sure it was still there. That's when she caught someone's attention.
"So you're looking for someone to bring a general to justice, I hear it?" Ellie looked up and saw what looked like a space cowboy-- like there was any other way to describe it. A man who looked probably only ten years older than she was, dressed head to toe in dark combat armour with a black cape thrown over his shoulders, and a black but dandy brimmed hat on his head. He had short but messy brown hair, which he grew to his sideburns, and brown eyes glinting in the shade of his brimmed hat which he tipped toward the lady as he puffed his cigar. Ellie tilted her head as she judged the handsome rogue for herself.
"Depends, are you someone who doesn't mind a little lady such as myself tagging along for said justice?" she asked in return, gesturing to the man's get-up.
He chuckled as he in turn judged the "lil' lady". She was a blondie, but the kind with a little bit of fight in those pretty brown eyes of hers. Hair was platinum blonde and, more notably, long and past her shoulders-- would probably get in the way in a dangerous situation. And not even to start with her clothes: she was wearing a red university jersey jacket over a black tank top; at least she was wearing black cargo pants and black leather boots, but unfortunately she decided heels were a must. And the sidearm? Decent, but even the mercenary knew relying on just the one sidearm was dangerous. The little lady just screamed danger. Fortunately for both of them, the man appreciated a challenge.
"The name's Joshua McPhie, at your service m'am," he introduced himself, giving a courteous bow with hat pressed to his chest. "And who might you be?"
"Ellie Hart, a pleasure to meet you!" she replied. "So, when do we leave?" Joshua smirked at her eagerness, so he obliged her.
"Soon as you're ready."
Seraph VII, 11:30 am,
District 9, Solaire's Estate
District 9, Solaire's Estate
"Now look, gentlemen... The reward to risk is immeasurable. I believe the boy is ready, and it will prove an excellent opportunity to test his psionics." Ace played outside with the butterflies and bees that flew around in the garden as the summer sun beamed down. He giggled as he conjured tiny but harmless bubbles around the insects mid-flight.
"Solaire, I'm aware I voiced my dissatisfaction with how much we were wasting his potential, but I by no means suggested sending him into a death trap. Surely there are easier options than going after this... General Roa?" Ace stopped playing with the insects for a moment and looked over to the estate, the butterflies still trapped in the bubbles and floating around him as he looked through the window curiously at the terran staring back.
"As the boy's caretaker, you better believe nobody else in this room knows how much I'm risking on this venture better than I," the dragon said to his colleagues, still staring at the blue salamander. "And that's why I believe Ace will be more than capable of accomplishing this by himself." One of the bubbles came dangerously close to hitting the boy's tail, but he swished it away in time for it to continue unimpeded, and he continued to laugh and play. Solaire then turned away to look at his colleagues. "Don't worry, by this time in a few days, we'll be richer than the High Council. That is when our doors will really start opening wide for us, gentlemen."
Terra, 2:47 pm,
Terranova, Skydock Plaza
Terranova, Skydock Plaza
"What? Yeah, I got the core as well, relax!" Xioxas hauled a small military crate topped with shopping that he couldn't fit in his backpack, as a voice spoke through his ear piece. "Look, when I say 'groceries' I do mean 'everything' we need, okay?" Xioxas jabbed back at a mocking remark. "The sooner we have everything we need, the sooner we can get this show on the road," he added, moving a little to the left to avoid an oncoming forklift. His face then screwed up in confusion as the response came through. "Slowpoke!? Why you-- Damnit, I regret teaching you any sort of conventional vocabulary, you asshole," Xioxas began to snap, but then reduced his voice to a hissing whisper as he passed a mother lioness and her cub child. "Honestly, you're the one who insisted all of a sudden that we have to get on this-- I know, I know it's better to get a headstart on a bounty, but this is ridiculous!" Xioxas looked up a flight of stairs before heading up. "The man's guarded by what is basically an entire army, surely nobody else is crazy enough to take that one, human OR terran. You need to learn how to chill." Listening to the response, Xioxas wished he could hang up without using his hands. "Stars, I regret..." he muttered.