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    1. Xiga 11 yrs ago


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I'll be honest, I forgot about the guild for a while.
In the chaos that ensued, the Netixel decided to see what she could snatch. Tables had been toppled and much of the ware was on the ground or in now unattended crates. She knew the direction to the vendor she was looking for, and specifically where the 'nades and wire she was after. So with almost a practiced waltz through the haze and chaos, she managed to make her way to the former stall. Once there' however, things became trickier.

"YOU THERE!" the scawny voice of the elderly that tended the stall. Looking straight at her, the man was small and gray, scaley and had a absurd looking toothy maw and glassess slightly too large for his face. "I know your face, Netixel SCUM. Get you'r filthy paws off my shit!"
The cock of a shotgun and Feraî immediately jerked to the side, quickly snapping out her hand, and jerked it from the grip of the man. Tossing it behind her she simultaneously pointed her gun at the mans head, and fired next to him - A warning shot.

She looked at him sternly, nodding to the loot, indicating that he had no choice in the matter. The man nodded in surrender and fell back. Feraî immediately got to the right box for the wire - a class AA wire of conduction, a illegal tool mostly sold to poachers to keep large beasts at bay with the electrisity that could go through these wires.

They also happened to be a great binding rope and an exellent tool of torture to get information off her bounties.

Next up was the crate of flash'nades she was looking for. The combination between a regular flash grenade and a pepper-spray bomb laced with a temporary neurotoxin that paralized the inhaler was genious. The effects: painful on the exposed but non-leathal. A great neutralizer for the un-masked. But where was the damned box?

More shooting could be heard from afar, but it was definitely coming closer. From the west end she could hear the shouts of the enraged salesmen picking up as well. They were being funneled... She would have to find the 'nade quickly or else she'd get stuck in it aswell. Having never pointed away her gun from the elderly salesman, she tapped quickly on her coms which then spoke mechanically for her;
["The K/ON 'nades. Which box."]
A crooked finger pointed to slightly behind of her, and as she opened, htere they were. The beauties that had helped her captured oh so many people, and neutralize so many situations.
She grabbed a couple and attatched them to her back pouch and two to the belt. As she was reaching for the fifth, a stray shot hit her wing joint and she silently shouted out in pain. Annoyed, but alerted none the less, she stood up and left, with swift steps torwards the bay, back to her ship.

Surprisingly there was little to no-one there and as she got in she looked admidst the chaos that she was about to leave behind and thought:

It was fun while it lasted, Orgon. But then again, shitholes like this arent meant to last.
An angry beep at her side and the rest was over. Yet another crook needed to be captured for them sweet cash. She grabbed the small portable console and eyed the text written. Simple terms, intermediate level target, big bucks. With a few quick taps she sent the text back to her middle-hand, Mr.S. (reads as mistr-ess) a person which she hated but needed desperately to stay in business.

Since her earlier adventures had struck against some extra powerful people in the system, she'd gotten in trouble with the supposed laws. The branch which was responsible for pay-out had since refused to work with her so so she had found herself Mr.S who had been more than willing to help. On one condition, ofcourse. THere was always conditions.

The netixel smiled to herself when she thought about that first encounter as she prepped her ship for take off. Things needed to be done, and she knew that the race was on. Whomever got to this General character would be the victor and would get the hefty sum reward, perhaps even an extra credit in rep.
[Ready for take-off, my queen] the ship spoke to her, and Feraî smirked, then waved her hand in a sweeping motion over the control pannel, checked her safety and then took off.

Not too much later she arrived at the Outer Oregon system, more precisely at the black market.The black market was a plethora of people of all kinds and places. Evil faces eyed her as she walked up to the nearest man, and pointed at her ship, a fellow she'd hired before to watch over it. A coin toss and a deathreat later, he agreed to do the service once more, and off she went to stock up. Blasting gel for her rifles, some grenades perhaps, and she was curious what she could find at the market regarding tracking.

She headed down the corridors of the station eyeing the people around her. Aside from the usual evil faces, and sketchy deals she spotted from a mile away, something about this day felt off. An unusual amount of people turned their head to follow her path, something that was commonplace elsewhere due to her large wings and golden crested horns. But here in the heart of the misfits and crooks, the ammount was unnerving. Had someone placed a bounty on her? No.. The people looking for slightly too long to be bounty-hunters like herself.

As she continued to head towards the place for the gadget - the first item on the list - she started noticing more inconsistencies. Weapons that were commonplace by guards and authorities seemed to be unusually abundant. Groups that didn't naturally form seemed to be speckled around the -

A large explosion threw her to the ground. Without hesitation she grabbed her guns, and took cover for further potential threats. Leaning against the wall she saw that the suspicious figures now had uncloaked themselves and were in fact a part of a authority raid on the station.

Shit! not now, i needed my gear! Feraî thought in annoyance before moving swiftly to the side, evading the main streets, now in a state of being hyper alert.

Name: Feraî Amkar
Age: 31 earth years
Race: Netixel - A smaller humanoid with wide feathered wings, four horns and a griffin like tail. The feet are clawed like that of a dragonian/dragonborn(D&D) and their hands are three fingered one thumbed, equipped with sharp claws. Their face has a line of feathers lining the eyes (on the cheekbones) and on the nose ridge, fading in to the hair. Gray-skinned, usually very dark and in some cases black and yellow speckles on the face and horns.
Genetics: Natural - She did go through 3 treatments, which enhanced her capabilities during a rage. However she's not fully a newtype.
Appearance: Feraî is a small being. Her skin is brighter than that of the common Netixel,a fair ashy gray, and her eyes are a bright-nearly white yellow color. Her wings are a specklede bright gray- to darker gray color, as well as her tail-feathers. And her facial feathers are only slightly darker than her skin-tone. Her hair is tied back in to dreads, and her horns are long, however the right main one is broken. Her lean body has been marred in her short time of life and she has many scars, burns and marks from a troubled past. She carries herself with pride, and while she doesnt have tattoos, the brilliant golden speckles on her horns, face,hands and tail-tip make her a notable figure. Ominous yet vibrant.


Important items: A necklace - A tied ring with the engraving "Grievance lost", given to her by a former lover and fiancé.
An adorned dagger - Green sapphire pommel and black blade with silver markings of smithing. The hilt wrapped in purple stained leather.
Weapons: The adorned dagger held on a leg strap, two laser pistols by her waist through chest holsters, one sword by her hip belt, and one plasmasphere(extendable) (her favourite melee tool) and a long distance sniper-rifle both attached to a back-strap.
Physical Abilities: Agile, Swift, yet still able to take a beating. She has high endurance and nimbleness. She can see in the dark, yet her weakness lies in daylight as her sensitive eyes take on too much light and in her muteness.
Her silence is golden, but also a blade to her life, as deals seldom are brokered with those unable to communicate clearly.
Feraî’s incredible tolerance for pain and her ability to stay cool in heated situations makes her the optimal Assassin. However, her temper, once aggravated is what leads her to get in to sticky situations.

Psionic Powers: No psionic powers.


Personality: She's cold, but proud. Feraî has been through a lot, and she is a pure survivor. When emotion overcomes her, it’s expressed in anger or violence rather than sobbing or apathy. In heated situations however, she appears to have calculated her movements beforehand, and she's a tough nut to break. Rarely has anyone ever come to call her a friend, and she has rarely ever considered another of equal worth enough to be considered friend. Perhaps this is a result of being a vagabond for so long, and in the profession of murder.

When on her own, and with time on her hands, she meditates. It seems contradictory for an explosive personality to be able to be seated in silence, but then again what sound could the mute one make? Better learn to like it, and appreciate the voices of her own mind.

Background: Feraî is the typically rumoured Netixel. Thievish, grim, and loud in action. Or so to speak, as she’s a mute, one of the reason she's been badly hurt multiple times in her past, mostly done to her by her own kind.

Born in the Netixel clan of Akren, in the temperate landscapes she was fostered to become a hunter, a warrior. However, the harsh treatment and exclusiveness made her turn isolated. This, not uncommon for netixels, made life harsh and her inability to communicate clearly made her choose to leave those lands.

Since then she’s been a vagabond, taking on jobs she can get in the shadier parts of towns, and slowly she built up a reputation as a most effective and entrusted assassin and thief. There was barely any place which Feraî couldn’t access, no person she couldn’t execute, and rarely any missions she declined.

A few times, she’s gotten in over her head. But still she’s completed her task, and then demanded double as the risk wasn’t fully disclosed by the employee. If they declined, she’d go after them too. It was such a case that landed her in one of the worse prisons she's experienced.

Through a couple of years of torture and with the ever looming threat of execution, Feraî was one of the lucky few who were chosen to undergo one of the testing treatments for Psionic enhancement. Against her will, but according to plan, she allowed herself to undergo one or two treatments with the intent of making them believe it worked, while she figured out a plan of escape. Not too long after the third treatment was started, Feraî's plan took action as one of the other subjects reacted badly (as she'd done the first time) to the toxin and caused a ruckus.

Utilizing the distraction she was quick to execute her plan of escape, and since then she's kept on the low side until the call for blood came to her once again. Back to the contracts she went, and now she's again an established Bounty-hunter playing for both sides.

Roleplay Sample: From Pandoras Ineritance (with HeySeuss)
Having kept to herself during the ride for the most of the time, with the occasional checkup by Cutter, Daina thought about the development of the situation. It was true what they had been talking about from time to time, that their vehicle was becoming more of a target the more time they spent on it. What worried Daina the most was how to get on with her life now that she was free. She was hunted and she couldn't really trust anyone aside from the other Emergents in the same situation as her. So when they crossed into Utah, she knew that she had to bring the question up, and moved up to the others.

"When we dump the bus, is it wise to stick together, or should we split up again? Finding a vehicle for the 11 of us will definitely be difficult, and the crowd may be suspicious.." she said. Then it dawned upon her. Even if most of them could pretend not to be Emergents, Daina's talon feet, and Simon's horns and tusks were near impossible to hide. They would definitely not be able to pretend to be normal, because of their physical appearance. “Not that me and Simon won’t be suspicious anyway..”

She sighed. She was scared, like the others, and she still didn’t know what use her talons were, aside from the strong grip they provided her with. Her wound was still trying to heal, but it was slow and still hurt, and she had noticed lumps on her back. And now, she couldn’t even be guaranteed food, or some relative safety. Perhaps it had been better to stay at Nellis.

Cutter spoke up with a dry voice. “I believe that we should stick together. Daina and Simon can’t publically display themselves without being noticed, and if we ever get into a situation where we had to pretend to be normal, they would be the first ones taken out. “She paused then looked at Daina with a spark in her eye. “We could use that to our advantage. Depending on how the town looks, and if we have to take the resort of stealing another bus, they could act as an distraction, until we get what we want, and then we’d come after them.”

“A distraction!?” Daina was surprised to have even heard what she heard. To be a distraction would put her at risk, and perhaps even force her to death if unlucky! And here she had thought all the time that they were allies.

“I refuse to be a target” Simon joined her with his deep voice. “We just got out from prison and I don’t have any plans on going back any time soon.”

“Oh, no. Me neither. Nu-huh.” Daina said, frustrated and confused by the thought of being captured again. Only a few seconds earlier she had let the thought pass her that staying at Nellis was a Good idea. Now she felt the complete opposite.

Name: Feraî Amkar
Age: 31 earth years
Race: Netixel - A smaller humanoid with wide feathered wings, four horns and a griffin like tail. The feet are clawed like that of a dragonian/dragonborn(D&D) and their hands are three fingered one thumbed, equipped with sharp claws. Their face has a line of feathers lining the eyes (on the cheekbones) and on the nose ridge, fading in to the hair. Gray-skinned, usually very dark and in some cases black and yellow speckles on the face and horns.
Genetics: Natural - She did go through 3 treatments, which enhanced her capabilities during a rage. However she's not fully a newtype.
Appearance: Feraî is a small being. Her skin is brighter than that of the common Netixel,a fair ashy gray, and her eyes are a bright-nearly white yellow color. Her wings are a specklede bright gray- to darker gray color, as well as her tail-feathers. And her facial feathers are only slightly darker than her skin-tone. Her hair is tied back in to dreads, and her horns are long, however the right main one is broken. Her lean body has been marred in her short time of life and she has many scars, burns and marks from a troubled past. She carries herself with pride, and while she doesnt have tattoos, the brilliant golden speckles on her horns, face,hands and tail-tip make her a notable figure. Ominous yet vibrant.


Important items: A necklace - A tied ring with the engraving "Grievance lost", given to her by a former lover and fiancé.
An adorned dagger - Green sapphire pommel and black blade with silver markings of smithing. The hilt wrapped in purple stained leather.
Weapons: The adorned dagger held on a leg strap, two laser pistols by her waist through chest holsters, one sword by her hip belt, and one plasmasphere(extendable) (her favourite melee tool) and a long distance sniper-rifle both attached to a back-strap.
Physical Abilities: Agile, Swift, yet still able to take a beating. She has high endurance and nimbleness. She can see in the dark, yet her weakness lies in daylight as her sensitive eyes take on too much light and in her muteness.
Her silence is golden, but also a blade to her life, as deals seldom are brokered with those unable to communicate clearly.
Feraî’s incredible tolerance for pain and her ability to stay cool in heated situations makes her the optimal Assassin. However, her temper, once aggravated is what leads her to get in to sticky situations.

Psionic Powers: No psionic powers.


Personality: She's cold, but proud. Feraî has been through a lot, and she is a pure survivor. When emotion overcomes her, it’s expressed in anger or violence rather than sobbing or apathy. In heated situations however, she appears to have calculated her movements beforehand, and she's a tough nut to break. Rarely has anyone ever come to call her a friend, and she has rarely ever considered another of equal worth enough to be considered friend. Perhaps this is a result of being a vagabond for so long, and in the profession of murder.

When on her own, and with time on her hands, she meditates. It seems contradictory for an explosive personality to be able to be seated in silence, but then again what sound could the mute one make? Better learn to like it, and appreciate the voices of her own mind.

Background: Feraî is the typically rumoured Netixel. Thievish, grim, and loud in action. Or so to speak, as she’s a mute, one of the reason she's been badly hurt multiple times in her past, mostly done to her by her own kind.

Born in the Netixel clan of Akren, in the temperate landscapes she was fostered to become a hunter, a warrior. However, the harsh treatment and exclusiveness made her turn isolated. This, not uncommon for netixels, made life harsh and her inability to communicate clearly made her choose to leave those lands.

Since then she’s been a vagabond, taking on jobs she can get in the shadier parts of towns, and slowly she built up a reputation as a most effective and entrusted assassin and thief. There was barely any place which Feraî couldn’t access, no person she couldn’t execute, and rarely any missions she declined.

A few times, she’s gotten in over her head. But still she’s completed her task, and then demanded double as the risk wasn’t fully disclosed by the employee. If they declined, she’d go after them too. It was such a case that landed her in one of the worse prisons she's experienced.

Through a couple of years of torture and with the ever looming threat of execution, Feraî was one of the lucky few who were chosen to undergo one of the testing treatments for Psionic enhancement. Against her will, but according to plan, she allowed herself to undergo one or two treatments with the intent of making them believe it worked, while she figured out a plan of escape. Not too long after the third treatment was started, Feraî's plan took action as one of the other subjects reacted badly (as she'd done the first time) to the toxin and caused a ruckus.

Utilizing the distraction she was quick to execute her plan of escape, and since then she's kept on the low side until the call for blood came to her once again. Back to the contracts she went, and now she's again an established Bounty-hunter playing for both sides.

Roleplay Sample: From Pandoras Ineritance (with HeySeuss)
Having kept to herself during the ride for the most of the time, with the occasional checkup by Cutter, Daina thought about the development of the situation. It was true what they had been talking about from time to time, that their vehicle was becoming more of a target the more time they spent on it. What worried Daina the most was how to get on with her life now that she was free. She was hunted and she couldn't really trust anyone aside from the other Emergents in the same situation as her. So when they crossed into Utah, she knew that she had to bring the question up, and moved up to the others.

"When we dump the bus, is it wise to stick together, or should we split up again? Finding a vehicle for the 11 of us will definitely be difficult, and the crowd may be suspicious.." she said. Then it dawned upon her. Even if most of them could pretend not to be Emergents, Daina's talon feet, and Simon's horns and tusks were near impossible to hide. They would definitely not be able to pretend to be normal, because of their physical appearance. “Not that me and Simon won’t be suspicious anyway..”

She sighed. She was scared, like the others, and she still didn’t know what use her talons were, aside from the strong grip they provided her with. Her wound was still trying to heal, but it was slow and still hurt, and she had noticed lumps on her back. And now, she couldn’t even be guaranteed food, or some relative safety. Perhaps it had been better to stay at Nellis.

Cutter spoke up with a dry voice. “I believe that we should stick together. Daina and Simon can’t publically display themselves without being noticed, and if we ever get into a situation where we had to pretend to be normal, they would be the first ones taken out. “She paused then looked at Daina with a spark in her eye. “We could use that to our advantage. Depending on how the town looks, and if we have to take the resort of stealing another bus, they could act as an distraction, until we get what we want, and then we’d come after them.”

“A distraction!?” Daina was surprised to have even heard what she heard. To be a distraction would put her at risk, and perhaps even force her to death if unlucky! And here she had thought all the time that they were allies.

“I refuse to be a target” Simon joined her with his deep voice. “We just got out from prison and I don’t have any plans on going back any time soon.”

“Oh, no. Me neither. Nu-huh.” Daina said, frustrated and confused by the thought of being captured again. Only a few seconds earlier she had let the thought pass her that staying at Nellis was a Good idea. Now she felt the complete opposite.
Agreed. I love you guys even though I am often absent as of late v__v you seem to be very understanding and driven! And I like this a lot!
I should still post. But im wonderig if i should do the same intro as last or just.. Improv. BTW if you ever need me to post, send me a pm :0
Is it me, youre waiting forrr~~?
Im out, kill Tikki or whatever you want with her.
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