Here you go, boss. I believe everything's accounted for.
Name: "CAPTAIN!" Arron Falcon
Age: He appears 18, and seems to act 15, but due to his shape-shifting ability, it's unknown if that's his real age, and what his real age is if it isn't.
Race: Unknown; Although he appears human, and is at least half-human, he seems to be a shape-shifter of some kind.
Genetics: Born a Bio-Weapon, although half-natural, as if that matters.
Important items:
A very special Flintlock designed by Arron's Blacksmith, Arms, specifically to take advantage of Arron's special ability. The eight chambers within the cylinder of the revolver was laced with very thin layers of eight different-colored sun crystals - crystallized solar flares from eight different colored stars and suns - by Arron's request. Due to not only being inside the chambers, making it difficult to make as it is, but also because said chambers are filled with bullets, these sun crystals, by their normal function, are useless. The bullets it have are of the same calibre as an ancient handgun from a lost planet's olden days. One of the bullet cylinders has a unique tip to it that is designed to fold out a thin crystal lens on both sides of the gun when that particular bullet is barrel-ready. But their function wouldn't be understood; it looks like a just a simple stylistic choice. In other words, in anyone else's hands, Helena is a useless piece of junk, a retro-relic firing pellets of lead that would barely scratch the armor of nowadays.
In reality, however, the uselessness of the gun is on purpose, a fail-safe to keep anyone else from truly using it but him. The purpose of the crystal insides of the cylinder is to color-code the bullets, the two lens serving another special purpose, to help Arron properly use his ability on it.
Physical Abilities: Competant fighter- While he may seem scrawny and weak at a glance given his teenaged appearance, His uncle taught him how to fight in the event that he had to defend himself. Moreover, he was encouraged to self-teach his undisciplined style rather than picking a more stable and known style such as Karate or Thai Kwon Do. It's more risky to fight without discipline, however the idea behind it was that it would make him feel more natural at combat than others, allow him to improvise, and generally allow him to be more unpredictable.
Where he REALLY stands out, however, is his swordplay. He became more of an expert in the way of wielding his two swords as opposed to fisticuffs, and fights with much more discipline in comparison. He wields both swords in unison, only sheathing one when he needs to draw out Helena to fire at an enemy. He keeps Teach, the bigger sword, over his head while Drake, the rapier, he keeps extended out in front of him in a position akin to the olden times of fencing, focusing on quick and precise stabs or slashes, keeping the enemy on their toes. The general idea behind it being keeping one sword doing all the work and having the bigger sword come down whenever a sword lock happens. Thanks to his Ambidexterous nature, however, Arron can switch to have Teach be the center star, his swings and stabs slower but with more strength and brute force to it, with Drake coming down whenever a surprise attack is needed. When both swords are to his side, however, the body facing the opponent, that's when he's serious about fighting. In this stance, both swords have equal focus and work together in unison, combining the speed of Drake, the Strength of Teach, and the mind of Arron.
Nimble and Agile- Putting aside IRA, Arron's natural gift is his agility due to his nimble body. While not necessarily fast in a practical sense - you won't see him winning foot races anytime soon - Arron is rather quick-footed, something less attributed to the speed of his legs and more to the speed of his mind, and how fast said mind can tell the limbs to do something. As such, the boy tends to be capable of dodging most attacks such as melee attacks from weapons. In addition, the boy has an excellent sense of balance to him, making him able to jump onto very small areas and hop off with ease.
Psionic Powers: "Internal Reality Amplifier" (or "IRA" for short, also known as "Reverse-Absorption")- The Captain's unique special ability, his trump card in the face of battle. While it's unknown what he means by "Internal Reality", the main function of it is to serve as an Amplifier. Simply put, Arron is able to discharge his own metabolic/biotic energy into any person or thing he touches by his own will, hence "Reverse-Absorption."
This ability works differently depending on what he is using it on. Because its pure energy created from biological means, it is energy that can adapt to properly amplify whoever or whatever he gives it to.
Giving his energy to a person would have their own abilities enhanced by this energy for a short amount of time. The strong ones shall be stronger, the smart ones will be smarter, the fast ones more fast, etc. Because it is simply metabolic energy, it will fade as time passes until eventually it's gone, your attributes going back to normal.
Giving it to an item, such as a battery, will make it be used as a temporary fill up, if not boost, of that item's energy. If the item in question doesn't have any energy in it, it will when he's done with it.
Giving it to a weapon, would change the quality of the weapon in hand, and provide them with special abilities for as long as he can stand the energy sapping. Drake would become denser and gain an electric touch to it, making it more durable with a sharper edge and the ability to shock things, and Teach gains a sharper green plasma edge. Much like with giving the energy to the people, Arron can't keep them like this forever and the energy would fade away after a period of time.
Helena was created with this ability in mind. Rather than giving out large amounts of energy to people, or giving it to his weapons for a period of time, Helena is capable of being enhanced and used in small bursts, the effect of the bullet fired depending on the chamber that it's fired with, the two lenses on the sides of the gun changing Arron's cognition of the bullets when seen through them, and by extension the power composition of the bullets from physical to elemental. (In other words, each bullet is 1 out of 16 different effects. Including a single healing bullet.) The downside of using this gun being that he has a bad habit of wanting to rely on luck for this gun, his own frankly insane and stupid form of making things interesting.
(For the sake of Fairness and in respect to Arron's love of luck, I shall be rolling an 8-sided die whenever I'm firing this gun.)
1. Plasma Bullet- Helena fires a blast of plasma at the opponent, no different to any other plasma guns in the galaxy.
2. Elemental Bullet- Helena fires a random element at the opponent. (If the die hits this one, the lenses unfold and a Second roll will determine which Element is fired from the gun.)
2-1. Earth Bullet- A burst of orange light shall blast from the barrel of the gun, said light will attract the stone and metal to it like a magnet and merging it into a single spherical mass of metal and rock.
2-2. Water Bullet- A burst of blue light that releases a hydrogen gas that, upon merging with the oxygen in the air around him, becomes enough water molecules to create a blast of water towards whatever it fires.
2-3. Fire Bullet- A burst of red light that, seconds after firing, combusts into a ball of flames and launches at whatever's in front of it in a straight line before exploding upon impact.
2-4. Wind Bullet- A burst of sky-blue light that explodes into a torrent of wind gusts, powerful enough to form miniature versions of tornadoes or hurricanes.
2-5. Ice Bullet- A burst of purple light that explodes into nitrogen gas, decreasing the temperature to sub-zero.
2-6. Electric Bullet- A burst of yellow light that essentially releases an electro-magnetic pulse.
2-7. & 2.8. Duds- *Click* Nothing. Arron purposely emptied out two cylinders to spice up the lucky factor of the gun, purposely giving himself a 1 out of 4 chance of failure.
3. Armor-piercing Bullet- As the name implies, it fires an energy bullet that, while lacking the calibur of regular armor-piercing rifles, is powerful enough to break through most metals. Most ship hull-level material are too strong to be broken even by this, but this can dent and perhaps even crack it, if only slightly.
4. Healing Bullet- A burst of green light that, upon impact on the body of whatever it fires against, releases a swarm of nanobots that are programmed to enter the body and heal any biological damages. In addition, the Nanobots would also be programmed to find and repair electronic damages. (Meaning they can essentially repair damages to robots.)
5. Laser Bullet- Fires a laser beam of intense light at the opponent, no different to any other laser gun in the galaxy.
6. Shockwave Bullet- Fires a ball of energy that, seconds after exposure outside the gun, explodes to produce powerful shockwaves. While this bullet isn't powerful enough to necessarily kill anyone, the shockwave produced is strong enough to blow away even heavy-duty robots or armored individuals. Perfect for crowd-control.
7 & 8. Dud- *Click* Nothing. Arron purposely emptied out two cylinders to spice up the lucky factor of the gun, purposely giving himself a 1 out of 4 chance of failure.
There are limits to this ability however. For one: The energy he discharge to objects or people are from his own metabolism and biology, his own natural energy given from food and drinks alike. As such, it is inevitable that the side-effect of using this to certain extents will be extreme enervation, exhaustion, and possibly dehydration and starvation. Too much may result in collapse, fainting, comatose, or even death. The more healthy he is, however, the more energy he can give off. The second limitation is the size of the object at hand. The energy he gives is far from unlimited, and there's only so much he can give at a time. Giving his energy to a wall would make it spread throughout the ship or building, which can be very straining to him. So the bigger the thing he's giving power to, the more difficult it is to give.
Body-alteration- Of course, his IRA ability can also be essentially used on himself, shifting and changing his form how he sees fit. However, Arron is not very fluent with the ability, and so there are limits to what he can change into. He can become other species of living organisms, but that's about it.
He can also enhance his body, make it stronger and faster by controlling and redirecting the flow of his energy. Of course, this too can lead to the same kind of exhaustion in the end.
One feat this ability gives him is the ability to alter his own field of gravity and oxygen, making him capable of standing on things without an atmosphere like moons or ships, and breathe in space. But like everything else, it requires a constant drain on his energy, meaning he can only survive in the depths of space for a few minutes before the field breaks and, well, he meets the same fate as anybody who gets thrown out of an airlock without any protection.
Personality: If one had to describe Arron Falcon in one word, it would be...eccentric, or Odd, or simply insane. All three of these things can be associated with him in one way or another.
To start with: Arron is often seen as an incredibly optimisitc, and energized. He's often caring of his crew, and hopefully confident in their successes.
Arron has a very eccentric love for the theatrical, sometimes even over the practical. Having a fascinated love of the olden-style Pirates of yore, he has a tendency to both talk and dress like a pirate captain from the time, damn the consequences of wearing leather and cloth in an era where plasma weapons are a thing. He often uses classic pirate terminology, and invokes the pirate code... despite living in a time where 99.9% of people probably never heard of it.
"PARLEY!" "...What?" "I invoke Parley!" "...Parle-wha-I don't even...THE FUCK'S PARLEY!?" "Part of the pirate code, lad. A pirate invokes Parley, and we negotiate the trade so that we may get out of this situation fair-" Plasma laser fires his hat off his head. "...Negotiation's over, me guess." Arron runs off
Also because of his love of the theatrical, he has little to no subtlety when going for a target; his ship is HUGE and could likely be seen from a distance by any observation deck, and he doesn't care. He's confident that he and his crew would take what they want even without an element of surprise and takes a bow to their pillaging victims before running off with his crew. His love of luck and gambling goes into his usage of Helena, which he purposely randomize and even sabotages by adding two duds amidst the bullets for a fairer chance. Often times, he is singing classic pirate tunes, not caring if it's while in the middle of a mission, or simply while he's walking down a hall by himself.
Even against the odd love for theatrics, is his oddities altogether. Perhaps it's due to his abilities, or perhaps it's simply due to the constant exhaustion caused by said abilities, or maybe even a result of coping with the mental trauma of Edward's capture and execution, but either way, he thinks of things in ways normal person would think on, making him look incomprehensible and frankly bloody mad at times. (See his straw twirls and lie-detecting straw during his interview scene for example.) He never seems to call any of his crew by name, instead giving each one a one-syllable nickname based on how he sees them. He is often in a bit of a daze at times as if drunk off alcohol, once again possibly as a result of his ability's side-effects, and can sometimes speak in utter nonsense. Whether it's because of something only he seems to know or see, or because of his brain being effected from his exhaustion, we may never know. What we do know, is that because of his abilities' side effect, Arron has an insatiable hunger for food, always getting exhausted at the thought of eating some. When energetic and healthy, however, and his antics become hyper and outright comical, perhaps because it's a rare case of feeling alive in the wake of his ability exhausting him so much.
However, beneath all the antics, the childish nature and insanity, lies the makings of a leader. While he is technically uneducated, save for the basic stuff Edward Marshall taught him, like reading, writing, science, and math, Arron has experience and that experience had led him to being street smart. He can strategize plans simply from looking at the situation at hand, whatever it may be, and can think up less elaborate schemes on the fly. His charisma and intelligence has given him some pretty damn good acting skills as well, often manipulating friend and foe alike into an advantageous situation. He has also shown to have a darker side of him, often making tough choices that may very well go against his own morals for the sake of his crew. (They ARE Pirates, after all.)
Background: Arron was a bastard child born to Mary Marshall, a woman who unfortunately suffered from sickness soon after Arron's birth, and Johnathan "Johnny" Falcon, a Bio-Weapon father, who seemed to vanish the second Mary was pregnant. For a couple of years, Mary hung on and raised her child despite her own weakness until, not long after he turned 3, she succumbed to death.
Almost immediately after which, custody of Arron was taken immediately to Mary's younger brother, Edward Marshall.
One problem...Edward was a Pirate.
Not just any pirate either, As the first captain of the Typhon, Edward Marshal was a name renown among intergalactic syndicates and the police all across the empire. He himself wasn't exactly the best pirate or the best leader among the stars, but he had the charisma that led to many people from many factions and many planets to join his cause, and their personal achievements and teamwork in turn was an achievement that was given to him. From all of that, legends arose about him, saying such ridiculous feats like him stealing a crown jewel off the emperor himself.
Even so, he took in his little nephew, raising him whenever he could, teaching him the basics he needs in life, trying the best he could to be the father that Arron never had. In turn, Arron began to learn of his powerful abilities, of which Edward was shocked that he had, since he and Mary were both your standard everyday humans, meaning he must have gotten his power from his Biological father. But he could not always control his giving power, which kept leading the child into an exhaustive sickness every now and again. While he admits he is way in over his head in regards of someone how to use alien abilities, Edward attempted to train the child to control his abilities, so as to keep himself from needlessly wasting it.
In his free time, Arron read the stories Edward had of the classic pirates of a long lost planet's fables. Francis Drake, Marshall Teach, Captain Kidd, even Captain Hook from the Peter Pan stories. Drake and Teach, however, were two in particular that he showed inspiration from and admiration for. But the one he idolized most of all, was the one he lived with for most of his life. Edward was considered something of an honorable pirate; never taking from the unarmed, never taking personal treasures, (though some of his crew might behind his back if they were valuable enough) and never actively killing unless no other option was available. He gave to his crew, gave to people he felt deserved it, and kept none for himself. Arron looked up to him, and dreamed he'd be just as great a captain as him someday.
Little did he know that that day came closer than he would have wanted.
It seemed Edward's reputation as a powerful pirate associated with rebels and mafias alike earned the attention of the Arsodian Empire's 12th legion, heading by one General Isaacs, as a threat to their authority and rule. As such, they arranged a trap which Edward set off, which caused the Typhon to suffer the full wrath of the Legions, leading to Edward's capture, alongside most of his men, who weren't already killed in the battle. Arron, meanwhile, was hidden away by Edward and kept safe by a few remaining pirates who hid with him under the Captain's orders, the weapons-smith Arms, being one of them.
After the capture of Captain Edward, his remaining crew, with Arron in tow by his own will, attempted a rescue of Captain Edward and his captured men, who were all sentenced to death for their piracy crimes and for their connection with anti-government factions. (Which they have no proof of, but claim they did.) Arron and company tried their best to stop the execution, but in the end, was too late, as Edward was shot down by a firing squad right in front of Arron's eyes just before the rest issued a retreat. Needless to say, Arron was basically traumatized by watching his father figure's head leave his body like that, and the remains of Edward's crew, all six of them if you count Arron himself, left aboard what was left of the Typhon, essentially working without a captain to call their own.
Some time passed since then, but eventually Arron came out of his room, a red coat and a 1700's captain's hat in tow, he began talking like the pirates he read about and declared himself captain of this ship. While the remains of the crew were...hesitant at first let this child, clearly somewhat deranged and mental over what's happened, take the Captain's seat. However, the remaining crew concluded that Arron was simply doing this as a method of coping with the trauma he had to deal with today, and decided to humor him.
Eventually, however, it was seen that Arron did, in fact, have the leadership capabilities reminiscent of Edward's own. It seems he looked up to his uncle so much, that he observed Edward's actions while sailing the Typhon, and began teaching himself how to be as good a leader as he was. It wasn't quite the same quality back then, but it was enough to make the crew recognize him as a decent Captain of this ship.
Throughout the years, he gained experience and street smarts from exploring the many many worlds of the empire. He had successes and failures aplenty, but each one gave him better understandings of the universe and its people, and made him smarter and more strategic as a result. He gained mastery of his IRA ability, and has made himself known to several factions and fellow pirates. Eventually, with all the money and things he's pillaged from others, he hired a certain company to make a giant classic shell for his ship, and a small army of miniature robots to keep maintenance of the ship intact while being manned by just six people.
The rest is History.
Theme Song:
It was around the time he could feel the ship shake from the additional fire Victor provided, the lasers and missiles that blew a hole in the ship's exterior hull, that Arron thought maybe, just maybe, putting them into a stressful situation where they'd be looking for anything and everything to fight back against the oncoming forces that were heading their way may have been, in fact, a bit of a bad idea.
His clever smirk immediately turned to a frankly goofy look of shock as the Victor's activation of the other weaponry of the ship, plus his pilot's spinning of the ship to attack a particularly larger fighter, ramming the Typhon into it, caused the ship to shake hard enough to knock him off his chair and land right on his face. Staying there on the floor as Victor explained what was going on to the bridge. One might have thought (or hoped), with how motionless the captain was, that he was knocked out, or possibly dead, (...It could happen...) but it seems he was listening to what Victor was saying as he rose up one of his arms, pointing towards the ceiling with his face still planted on the floor almost outright cartoonishly, and began to speak.
"...And those buccaneers drown their sins in rum, the devil himself would have to call them scum." Scratch that; he sang. A muffled verse likely due to dizziness and the fact that his face was on the floor, but a verse nonetheless. Without pause, nor without pulling his face off the floor, he began to speak, once again muffled.
"...First off, welcome to the crew, happy to have an AI on board, we have talked about getting one but by Poseidon are they expensive. ...As your captain, here's your first four directives." ignoring the strangeness of this situation, his face still on the floor, he raised his right fist, and extended his index finger.
"One, your captain designation is "Link"." He said as he began counting, raising his fingers one at a time.
"Two, as the Mainframe AI you have control over the ship's mites, so be sure to help Scrap by setting the repair parameters she adds to all the mites on the ship. Three, Target only the fighters for now but not all of them, save some for Hook and Scots, and when I give the command, rain hellfire on that merchant ship. Four, give you friend Jar a message for me." He stopped his counting at four, and proceeded to wave his hand as much as he could, given his position, making hand signs as he tries his damnedest to look sophisticated despite it.
"'Thanks for the fix and the AI, greatly appreciate it, but know there's a weapon in that room you must absolutely not touch yet: it should be a giant console with a blue print shown on the monitor, can't miss it. One more thing, for future reference and with all due respect: DON'T GO BLOWING HOLES IN MY HULL, YOU 'SHOLE!!!' ...Be sure that last part is capitalized, and ends with 3 exclamation points." He finished, clenching his right hand into a fist as he screamed the last part of his message to Jar, before returning to a mock-sophisticated voice and waving his finger as if directing his messenger, despite the AI having no camera to see him do this. Afterwards, he immediately placed his right hand back on the floor, and together with his left, finally pushed the captain's face off the metallic ground, shaking his head rapidly to get his senses back in order. As he struggled to get back up, he looked at the three, Sara in particular, with a nervous smile.
"Pain, happy with how excited you seem to be, but we don't have the money for ramming materials yet, and until we do, this ship is not a bull. So please, for the love of Uranus' severed balls in the ocean of stars, don't kill us!" He told her with a nervous tense to his voice as he finishes. After which he proceeded to dust himself off, and got back on his seat, waiting for Arms to give a signal to haul them out of the merchant ship with prisoners in tow.
Also, the following Crew members of Arron's crew are NPCs
"Arms", The Ship Blacksmith, Engineer, and Weapons expert
"Bones", Ship doctor, Tactician, and Scientist
"Tux", Ship Helmsman, Navigations Expert, Cook, and Brute.
There's a 4th member, "R", the Pilot and Cannon-man, but he's currently somewhere else on a mission by the Captain.
The following is a report on the escaped bioweapon CZ-18B3, better known as Callsign: Void. It had been leased out to the mercenary company McCulloch Security a tracker and breacher, but escaped containment the day before she was due to be shipped back to our care. CZ-18B3 is an incredibly powerful tool and is worth a great expense to recover, but will not go quietly. If it's ever found again.
McCulloch Security provided the following transcript of an interview of Void done by her McCulloch assigned handler a day before her escape.
IDENTITY? "My call sign is Void." WHAT WAS YOUR NAME BEFORE YOU WERE ACTIVATED? "....I don't know." Age: HOW OLD ARE YOU? "I have been operational for two (2) standard years after you rented me." WHAT IS YOUR AGE? "...I have been oper-" HOW MANY YEARS HAVE YOU BEEN CONSCIOUS TOTAL? "I can't answer that. All memories before my reactivation are blocked from me." Race: WHAT ARE YOU? "...My call sign is Void." WHAT SPECIES ARE YOU?
At this point Void became audibly agitated and readings showed heightened aggression and anxiety.
"Why do you people keep asking stupid questions? You know what I am! I am nothing but a weapon, a loaded gun Lovos sells to fuckers like you so you can point at targets and make me slaughter them! " VOID, CALM DOWN. "How can you expect me to be calm? Whatever I was, whatever life I had however long ago, those bastards stole it and made me a monster and now all I am to anyone is property!" CZ-18B3, CALM DOWN OR YOU WILL DEACTIVATED.
According to the transcript Void refused to speak anymore.
Name: The bioweapon is designated CZ-18B3 but uses the callsign "Void". It has also been known to use other pseudonyms in the field. Age: The unit 39 years of age. Race: Lupine Terran Genetics: Psionics and cybernetics enhanced genetic bioweapon. Appearance: Void was designed so that on the outside it would appear as nothing more than a Canis Lupus Columbianus Terranus (Terran British Columbian Wolf.) Biologically female, Void stands at 1.8 meters tall (6 feet, two inches) and is covered by a layer of black fur that stand in contrast to a pair of cold blue eyes. Void is well-built with a visible six pack and powerful muscles in its arms and legs. Scars trace crisscross through the fur on it's back, wounds sustained from a grenade on her previous assignment.
When not in the field Void is noted to prefer a black synth-leather jacket and jeans, with a pair of aviators depending on the level of light. Note: Prefer doesn't mean wears exclusively. Void knows that it's being looked for, it's likely that she has by now acquired other outfits. In combat Void wears a suit Mk. 4X Scout Armor that enhances her already augmented senses and is equipped with air filters, communication equipment, water purifiers, and other various survival equipment. -------------------------
Important items: Void is licensed to pilot Stryfe-class fighters so there's a good chance it used one to make her escape.
Weapons: 1. Chimera Automatic Assault Energy Weapon:The AAEW is a close range to mid range versatile weapon that is equally suited to clearing crowds or dealing with single targets with two rates of fire. The first is fully automatic, blasts of green plasma being spat from the rotating barrels and split into individual splashes, like the pellets of a shotgun. The second mode is a charge shot that can melt through armor and flesh and even do minor damage to the hulls of ships. 2. Eminence Royal Armory Co. Huntsman Rifle: The Huntsman Scout Rifle (Figure 5 in the attached image) was orignally inteded as a ceremony or display peace, but is still nontheless a solidly functioning railgun. Void's enhanced eyesight allow her to make use of it from extreme ranges without the help of a scope. 3. Warfighter 23: Mass produced and well loved, the Warfighter serves as Void's backup weapon and tool for close in assassinations. 4. Wrist Ports: Void is equipped with payload launchers in her wrist that can cycle between varroius grenade types, monofilament nets, grappling hooks, jets of fire and even blasts of blinding acid. 5. Claws: Void's original claws have been replaced nanocarbon cutting implements that can be coated with a thin film of energy to slice steel.
Physical Abilities:1. Speed and Reflexes: The natural dexterity of a predator has been improved with genetically enhanced muscles and mind. Void is capable of holding her own in unarmed or melee combat with multiple foes and is nigh impossible to outrun. 2. Hardened Shell: Under the outer layer skin Void has a secondary shell of hardened cartilage and sinew that serves as a secondary defense against damage. It's not enough to stop a bullet by completely stop a bullet by itself, but can be a lifesaver when combined with armor. 3. Senses: Void call call upon a HUD display that overlays on top of her field of view, keeping track of ammo, targets in view, weather conditions and even show a list of objectives. It can see in thermal and infrared vision and can zoom in up to to ten times. It's capable of tracking targets by smell only, and can focus to be able to pick up the sound of heartbeats. 4. Healing: The weapon has a minor healing factor, able to recover from burns and lacerations in a few hours. But for serious or life threatening wounds it needs to consume fresh heart muscle. Humanoid works best but animal hearts will do in a pinch. The freshly oxygenated blood and cardiovascular tissue is quickly burnt and put to work repairing punctured organs, replenish lost blood and knitting back together shattered bones.
Psionic Powers:1. Warp: Void is able blink in and out of existence at will, appearing in different locations in seconds. Short jumps are of little consequence, but doing long or repeated trips will leave it lightheaded, dizzy, feeling sick and even passing out in extreme circumstances.
Personality: Under normal circumstances Void is noted to be cordial and calm, if a bit quiet. It's capable of forming strong bond of friendship or respect as well holding grudges, something demonstrated by it's treatment of the McCulloch security forces, but is programmed to always put it's own survival first. Void is biologically female and refers to itself as such and has shown attraction to both genders but it's doubtful that romantic encounters are at the top of its list of priorities. Most likely it's focused on evading capture and uncovering details of its past missions and who it was before being converted by the Bioweapons Divison.
In the field the weapon is skilled at tracking targets and dealing with hostile terrain, having specialized in dropping into the field from high altitude or low orbit and trailing quarry before taking them out. It has a preference for close quarters combat but is more than capable of engaging targets from long range if need be.
As a side note, Void is attracted to all manner of vices. Drinking, smoking, overeating, excessive sugar intake, even casual narcotics usage. This is believed to be a sort of stress relief for the bioweapon, one it can indulge in far past the limits of a normal person thanks to it's healing factor. It's not unheard of for it to go through five packs of cigarettes in a day or four cases of beer in under an hour.
Background: In it's past life Void was Security Officer Emmi "Pathfinder" Kaone, a specialist in catching industrial spies and informants for Lovos. She had joined the company at the age of 18, intending to work through college. The Terran showed a natural affinity for combat and tracking and ended up dropping out of school when offered a six figure pay check to go through Lovos's selective specialization courses. She received training in small arms, tracking, counter-espionage, first aid and surveillance and was assigned to a recovery team at the age of 21. Within a year she was leading it, stealing back secrets from rival companies and silencing sources of leaks and particularly dangerous trade rivals.
At 25 it all went wrong. A routine surveillance job turned violent when the target pulled his weapon. A shootout ensued and local law enforcement got involved. By the end of it the target, four members of law enforcement, and two Lavos personal were dead. Of the survivors, Kaone was in critical condition and her partner was later captured and sentenced to a life sentence of hard labor. When her superiors heard about the debacle they quietly arranged for her to released from custody once her condition was stabilized for use in the company's burgeoning bioweapons project.
Over the course of three years Emmi was transformed and replaced by Void, her body hardened and implanted with weapons and enhancements. Memories of her old life were suppressed and replaced with the ability to harness the power of the mind to tear holes in the field of gestalt energy that made up the universe and travel through them. It was a long, costly, and for the subject, painful process but was no doubt worth it. The end result was a unit that could live and serve for centuries assuming it avoided violent death, a lethal hunter with the ability to heal itself using it's enemies remains. All that was needed was a way to field test it.
To accomplish this and recoup some of the money spent in it's creation the unit was rented out to various people and organizations, serving across all manner of terrain for mercenaries, armies, insurgent groups and even crime syndicates looking for a way to eliminate enemies. To keep track of it's whereabouts Unit CZ-18B3 was implanted with a tracker and kill switch and was informed of the consequences of trying to flee. So it served begrudgingly and obediently.
Until a year ago. Void was contracted out to a platoon of McCulloch Security on the asteroid mining colony of Wanderer's Refuge. McCulloch had been tasked with suppressing the miner's riots and Void was being used to eliminate leaders of the uprising. The violence reached a fever pitch and the colony was in open revolt, and communications were cut for about a week. When contact was reestablished the division didn't respond to any attempts to reach them. When teams were sent to investigate the found the entire platoon dead and Void missing. There was no sign of forced entry and the only thing taken was the unit itself and it's equipment. It had stolen itself.
The kill switch was engaged and it's signal tracked to a dingy room in a filthy traveler's hostel on a nearby hub planet but all the recovery team found was the tracker wrapped in a bloodstained napkin and tossed under the bed. It's believed that Void stole or stowed away on a ship fleeing the violence in Wanderer's Refuge and had a underground surgeon remove the device. It's also expected that it will come looking for answers, sooner or later.
Roleplay Sample: The last thing Void could clearly remember was handing over a pile of stolen credits to the street surgeon she had managed to find and discretely palming the scrap of paper with the address of the operating room they were scheduled to meet in. After that it was all just a blur of blending in crowds and sinking back into the shadows, running from shady corner to back alley and eventually holing up in a scrapyard for the night under the rusted hulk of a trashed ship. Every face in the hordes of refugees looked like a agent of Lovos, all the men hanging on street corners spies tracking her. Was communication on Wanderer's Refuge still down? Oh god she hoped it was. Every moment that passed was another moment closer to her escape being discovered and the killswitch being activated.
The bioweapon closed her eyes and tried to force herself to sleep, painfully aware of the fact that the next time she woke up it could be back in the labs. Or she might just never wake up at all. With that comforting thought Void drifted off to oblivion, wrapped up in a sheet of insulating foam torn from the abandoned hulk above her.
She was up before dawn, drifting back through the alleys and shaded corners before taking a detour into the sewer system, convinced that the woman taking her early morning stroll was tailing her. The Terran emergered back into the light three streets over, right in front of the hostel. The run down building was open for business judging by the lights on inside so she could just stroll right in. But that was stupid. She needed to minimize the amount of people who saw her. Luckily there was a second option. The room she was looking for was the "penthouse", which in this case meant it had a small concrete balcony with a couple of dead plants sitting on the ledge.
She untied her boots and laced them together, hanging them around her neck as she sidled up to the dreary grey wall. No one was around at the moment, now was the time to get this done. Void pressed her hands into the concrete structure and began to climb, scrambling for quickly up the building by using the claws on her hands and feet for purchase. Within a couple minutes she was at the top, pulling herself up and over the balcony and slipping inside the apartment. The doctor wasn't there yet but that was fine. She could be productive while waited.
Void stripped off her pants and dug around the room for material, finding a discarded pen and breaking it to get access to the red ink. She marked a square roughly an inch in width and length on her inner thigh and sat down to wait, ears flat against her head. When the street surgeon arrived they didn't bother to exchange greetings, Void simply allowing him to set his stuff down and inject her with anesthesia.
Or at least let him try. The armored carapace under her skin was too tough to be pierced by the needle, the chop doc spending minutes trying with his pockmarked brow wrinkled in confusion. "Lady, what's your fur made of?" I'm not going to be able to cut through this shit!" He said annoyance. "It's not the fur, it's a-" Void cut herself there. He didn't need to know the details. Instead she just took the syringe and pricked herself in one of the few unarmored spots on her body, sinking it into the crook of her elbow and depressing the plunger. 5 milligrams of sedative potent enough to tranquilizer a horse flowed into her bloodstream but all Void felt was a sort of numbness thanks to her healing factor. She gave the doctor a thumbs up and the operation began.
The scalpel bit into the inked square and sliced away, the path of fur being cut out and tossed away. Void bit her lip as the tracker came into view, finally looking at the square of tiny circuits and wires that controlled her. "This it?" The doc asked. "That's the fucker." She confirmed. "Just grab it and pull it out." A pair of needlenose pliers gripped a wire and pulled, the killswitch being pulled away from the palette of cartilage like a piece of tape from a wall. "Done." The chop doc said, dropping it to the floor. "Bandage that before you get dressed again."
As soon as he left Void let loose a breath she didn't even know she had been holding. It was over, she was free. She could go where she wanted, do what she wanted, BE who she wanted. Lovos didn't control her anymore. What she did next was entirely up to her.
And what she did next was lazily bandage herself and root through her bag to take out a half finished bottle of whiskey, a crumple pack of cigarettes and an unopened bar of chocolate. She was going to come after Lovos sooner or later but for the time being she just wanted to relax before figuring out her game plan.
@The Jest@Smike Happy Andy seal of approval! Just go through it and amend any typos and errors you can before posting to the Characters tab. For you Jest, I spotted you still had Edward's head rolling in the backstory so just adjust that to fit with the firing squad (bit of overkill if they can manage that). For you Smike, I just spotted a loose BBcode in your Roleplay Sample.
After that, you're good to start rolling and introduce your characters!
For you Jest, I spotted you still had Edward's head rolling in the backstory so just adjust that to fit with the firing squad (bit of overkill if they can manage that).
Here's the long awaited profile, Patricia N. Tetra-Lira. Who's a Dragon Terran, hope you enjoy her.
Name: Patricia N. Tetra-Lira
Full Name: Patricia Noel Tetra-Lira
Age: 20
Race: Terran
Genetics: Natural Born, Newtype
Appearance: Patricia is a Dragon-Terran with Rainbow Colored scales and a silverish underbelly. She’s slightly shorter than other Dragon-Terran by about three to four inches shorter. Her wings are very beautiful and pretty, and whenever she falls asleep they dim their brightness to a darker tone but brightens back up whenever she’s awake. The two horns on her head are shaped differently to most dragon-Terrans, since it comes from her side of her head above her ears and curve upwards a bit and point directly outwards towards the front. The eye color, which are blue in color it usually wears. The tail on the other hand is oddly shorter but still pretty unique since it has a differing pattern that is on her wings, its more uniformed with the same rainbow colored scales, however.
She wears Combat Heels, which is a color of silverish blue, it makes her eyes pop a bit better. The thing she enjoys wearing is a t-shirt underneath her silverish blue leather-mesh vest, which says, Come for the Rainbow? it’s a bit ironic to say the least. Additionally, she wears a skirt made for battle with comfort in mind. This vest clips to account for her wings since they are around two inches larger. She doesn’t really mind standing out since her wings are a dead giveaway for the fact she’s a definite target.
The Combat Gear, on one hand is lightweight enough to allow her movement while being strong enough to protect her. It’s basically able to handle ballistics and beam damage. The weapons she usually wields is an heirloom weapon, which is a hi-tech plasma firing crossbow, the next weapon in her lineup is a Beam Longsword within a sword seethe, which can hold it. Additionally, she uses a Sniper Carbine, which is basically her sniper rifle of choice if she wants to snipe people from a distance. She has a single semi-automatic pistol, which is in a holster on her side. The sniper Carbine is strapped to a clip, which can be easily removed it is usually clipped on her left shoulder for easier removal, with her other hand. It takes her time to setup, however.
In addition, she has additional batteries, magazines and plasma bolts to use for her weapons she uses. It’s a pretty much a unique set up for her.
Important Items: She wears a beautifully crafted necklace by the name of the Tetra-Lira Pulsing Necklace, which was passed to her by her mother Maria. She wears it underneath her combat armor but above her civilian attire, when she is plainly relaxing from certain things. It’s a family heirloom necklace, which is priceless in value. It has a v-shaped pattern, with her birthstones in that pattern, with a beautiful central jewel called the Pulsing Radiance. She wears this necklace since she doesn’t want to disappoint her mother in anyway. It would be a horrible idea to do so.
The other important item to her is a family photo of her parents, her younger sister Zephyr and herself, which she keeps in a protective film so it doesn’t age from the first time it was taken. All the Dragon-Terrans are smiling in this photo, it was taken when Patricia herself was only 12 years old.
Weapons: Archeus Hi-Tech Crossbow
The Archeus Crossbow is her hi-tech family heirloom crossbow, which can shoot plasma bolts or beam bolts out of it. It usually is pretty quick and not unwieldy to use most of the time. It’s lighter than most and usually is pretty easily to carry. It is usually kept for reserve use since it would be a painful endeavor to lose said weapon. Her father will never give her a break if she lost this weapon in any circumstance.
The Carbine Sniper, the Red Rose
The Red Rose is completely painted to be red, as if it is a rose or whenever her scales turn red to match that color specifically. It has a semi-automatic function compared to other carbines, since it was augmented by her specifically to shoot a bit more powerful blasts towards the enemies to knock them out and not kill in most cases. It is a bit odd, but she has her reasons for that specifically.
The Pistol, Valentine
Valentine is a specially crafted pistol, which can shoot charged blasts of beam energy towards a target that often requires the pistol to cool down. In terms of everything, its a bit risky to use the charged function for too long or it’ll need repairs, but it can also shoot in a semi-automatic function as long as the charged blast function is turned off.
Granvolt, Beam Longsword
Granvolt is the Beam Longsword, which Patricia wields, she doesn’t really like using anything but a beam longsword. Since she doesn’t like the weight of shortswords or knives. It is mostly because of the fact her entire family likes longswords over other melee weapons. The additional function of Granvolt is able to shoot out electricity towards a panel, which short circuits it.
Physical Abilities: Her physical abilities are slightly above the average Terran, but not to the extremes of a modtype Terran. She is flexible to a point and is very finesse focused with how her training was concerned from her father Jacob. The proper use of the Granvolt, Beam Longsword and the Archeus Hi-Tech Crossbow were rigorous training exercises in using them efficiently enough. The Crossbow Training also allowed her to be able to quickly put in another crossbow bolt in the crossbow in matter of seconds rather than minutes. Because it would be better to be always prepared and equipped for bare than being caught out.
The combat style she learned is basically the Tetra-Liran Combat Style since they enjoy using Longswords over other beam sword weaponry. It’s a bit of a stubbornness on their part the weight fits just right then a weapon that is smaller. Because of her larger wings on her body compared to other Dragon-Terrans, she is able to glide gently down to a clearing, which is safe and what not. It took much practice to be able to use this properly, which being in the military helped with that set skill in her abilities. Additionally, a strange physical ability, is when she’s scared her rainbow colored scales and wings glow very brightly usually able to blind people if they were starring directly at the sun. However, it’s effects of blindness last shorter than directly starring at the sun.
What the military drilled into her, which her parents didn’t understand or had a grip with was military grade Carbines and Pistols, which she rather shoot you from a distance than getting in close. But you’ll need to get in close to be able to defend yourself properly, which she does very well with her Beam Longsword. She has a slight birth defect compared to other dragon, which is a boon compared to other dragons, which are only able to breath fire. It’s properties are as follows, it heals injuries, wounds and can clear poison from whom is breathed on. It’s color is completely different to fire breathers, which is whitish silver that gives justifies what it is able to do. For this reason it has been nicknamed Holy Breath by certain people within the military when they found this out. They criticized her because of this, however, it turned out to be a good thing. Because all Dragons use Fire Breath to burn their enemies to a crisp.
Psionic Powers: The Psionic Powers, which Patricia wields are unique to her compared to other Newtypes. It’s also because of the extensive training she went through to stop having terrifying painful headaches because of her emotions were out of control. She is a natural born, Psionic, which took awhile for her to learn how to completely control her abilities she learned through intense training of her emotional state to keep in balance.
Reading Minds
She can read surface thoughts if she only focus on a person for a few seconds. If she wants to dig deeper within the mind of a person, which usually takes much longer. It usually gives her a slight headache since surface thoughts are easier to read and doesn’t cause pain. However, it usually takes only surface thoughts to get what they think of her or what not. But the digging deeper can usually give her insights in what makes their mind ticks, however, it’s risky for her mostly because it causes her emotions to flare up again. It’s to see if they are a bit freaked out that she can read minds. Unless they are okay with their surface thoughts being read, however, she usually asks if she could read their deeper thoughts.
Psionic Communication
Psionic Communication is alike her ability to read minds, but with a different objective in mind. She can connect with another person as if she’s talking to them via a communication device. However, it is with the use of her mind instead of that communication device to make it a perfect connection without any interference. It is very limited in how she can do it since she’ll requires the person’s name and their face to exactly psionically connect with the person in question. She used this to usually psionically communicate with anyone with any information on her missions, her emotional training, etc. However, it’s a bit hard on her to use this for a period of time, which is longer than usual communications take. Because of this she’ll require breaks or her emotions start to flare up in the most unusual of ways. Psionic Communication cannot be used in long distance calls unlike other communication devices, which means its for shortwave communication. In terms its basically for being on the same world and district of the person you want to communicate with via this power.
Rainbow Psionic Barrier
This Psionic Barrier does what all other psionic barriers do, which are psionically manifested to protect the wielder of the Psionic. It protects from certain types of weaponry, however. It takes a certain amount of focus to be able to properly alter its properties to deflect Ballistics or absorb Energy based weapons. It gives out a calming humming noise, which she can only hear and it causes a calming effect. This barrier is unique, since it pulses similar to how her scales on her body shift colors as if it is a rainbow. It is very pretty how it shifts through the color spectrum in a slow pulse and always ends up with the first color in a rainbow.
Psionic Throw
The Psionic Throw power is able to throw certain objects, which she can use to get something that is too far away as well. It’s a bit of a multilayered power for that specific effect, however, it’s primary ability is throwing objects that weigh around 200 to 300 pounds. The additionally, what it can do is able to stop three ballistic rounds but she can only throw one back to the person, which fired the round. However, these psionically charged ballistic rounds usually miss whomever fired at her. It puts an incredible strain on her if she tries to throw more ballistic rounds back in quick succession, which causes her to get highly emotional as if she didn’t go through years of emotional training.
Personality: Patricia had no emotional control, which usually effected her personality much. She always came out to be much more cocky, displeased, and constantly on a knife’s edge of fearing what was unknown to her. It didn’t help she was also calls most doctors, crazy people since they couldn’t figure out what was wrong with her. She always heard many other voices, which caused her to become scared of them. It didn’t help she always knew what her mother would say before she even said it. As if she knew her mother way too well even though her constant outbursts or fits of self-imposed shutting out everyone.
She felt a connection greater to her father, which she couldn’t really explain. It was always like he had the ability to calm her down just by giving her advice or what not. The only thing that kept her from running away from the family, you could say. He had a secret but she never told anyone, because it was too personal to him. This secret somewhat shocked her the first time she learned of it without understanding what she was listening to, ala the voices in her head. It was because he lived a double life, one as a loving father and the second as a deadly assassin. However, all these realizations of what was going on made her question what she is because these constant voices in her head, which felt like they were from multiple people.
Patricia learned a very important thing, which was later in her life that shocked her to no end. She was a natural born newtype, which was the reasons for her lack of emotional control and how she could hear surface thoughts of everyone around her. It took her emotional training to make the voices to stop, since she couldn’t quite focus with multiple people thoughts running rampant in her head. She became slightly more the opposite of what she was, into a caring individual that used her ability to psionically communicate with her parents and little sister. It calmed her when she heard their voices, which in turn made her focus on the greater goal in helping the Terran Republic win the war against their enemies.
The military caused her to be slightly cold to people and didn’t want them in her, because of the fact she’s a newtype. It was a bit of a reason of her distant behavior towards people in the military, but she decided for the greater idea to become a Bounty hunter. She had always enjoyed the freedom to do what she wanted with her abilities and tactics. It gives her the ability to focus on the now and the future instead of remembering the past. She had always been very sentimental and kind towards anyone that deserves her kindness. It doesn’t help she’s a bit of an idealist and optimist.
Patricia was born on July 6th, 553 Arsodian Era (AE) to her mother Maria Lydia Tetra-Lira and her father Jacob Ethan Tetra-Lira. The world she was born on is named Firon VIII, which is in the Core Worlds of the Terran Republic in the Anavia Galaxy. It holds if not one of the largest Psionic Research Facilities in the Terran Republic, which is called Tigris. This research facility is one of the largest buildings on the planet, which it is connected to a Spaceport in Orbit. In theory, it is one of the reasons why Terrans flock to Firon VIII to work in Tigris or the Spaceport.
Jacob and Maria’s reasons for moving to Firon VIII was the high quality of life on the world, its the best place to raise a family and had one if not the best healthcare in their eyes for their children. The only downside to this move was the fact the beautiful night sky was blocked by Tigris Psionic Research Facility. There’s many different commercials on TV showing off what Tigris does for Psi-Potent Individuals via the use of psi-rich gases or hallucinogens that induce a trance-like state. The commercials didn’t really affect the day to day life of a family gaining a newborn by the name of Patricia Noel Tetra-Lira. She was born with a breath alternating birth defect, which turned the fire breath that all Dragons use to a whitish silver breath that healed. Her mother Maria had a breath altering birth defect, which turned her breath into a greenish blue breath, which was basically super concentrated wind. It was stressful to deal with the fact this family wasn’t alike all Dragons in the Terran Republic.
Garrick Darvin Folspear kept in contact with Jacob & Maria since he was the one that helped them get a spot on Firon VIII. He was integral in smoothing over all the details with anyone that tried to start a fight with Jacob. However, he told them one specific thing if they needed anything he’ll be at the Tigris Psionic Research Facility doing what he enjoys finding a newtype, which doesn’t require psi-rich gases to control their powers. It’s a bit of a pet project of his to find this theory’d newtype but he was always busy with other projects that were more usually up his alley.
When Patricia turned exactly five years old, she started to hear strange voices in her head, as if they were all around her. They sounded distant, only two voices were the loudest, which were her parents, she didn’t understand what these where and caused her to be scared of the voices. It didn’t help she didn’t understand it at all but it did cause her to start acting out to cope with the voices in her head. She was always emotionally exhausted and physically exhausted in trying to cope with these voices in her head. Maria couldn’t understand what was going on with her daughter Patricia since she had never once had any abilities like this and couldn’t figure out what it was. Even, Jacob was stumped but decided to take her to the hospital, which helped Maria give birth to Patricia perfectly. No complications at birth, however, it couldn’t really help with that strange breath alternating birth defect since it was unique to this family. The Doctors gave Patricia different kinds of medications, since they were guessing alike the parents with what was wrong with her.
However, it made Patricia’s mood worse and called every single doctor she meets a quack since they have no idea what they are doing. It didn’t help these strange voices, were curious in why her emotional and physical states were being completely drained. She had no idea about what was happening to her since she was growing up. It was definitely obvious something was up with her but no one had a clue in how to cope with it. Her emotional states were constantly fluxing between every known emotion you could see in a child growing up. She was taking medication that dulled her senses every now and then but the voices were still there. It was tormenting for her not to understand anything about her dilemma or what she was.
Patricia was around 13 at the time, when a new addition to the family happened, it was the birth of her younger sister Zephyr Rune Tetra-Lira. She was extremely excited about this addition, since she got a little sister finally after all the years she was alive. However, it didn’t heal her relationship with her mother Maria and her father Jacob. Since they were at their wits end in how to deal with this highly emotional teenager, which was going through more emotions than a normal one. It was one of the positive emotions Patricia said basically wanting to protect her little sister anyway possible since she loves her. Jacob believed his daughter, which is why he wanted to figure out what was wrong with her and end this strained relationships now. He was excited for Zephyr’s life since she meant the world to him.
Awhile later, about three days later, Patricia asked her father about a particular question on her mind. She put it into simple words, in why do you kill people. This caused Jacob pause, and thought his cover was blown, however, he went straight with his daughter that he has to work as an Assassin to keep his family safe. He has never told his wife about his breath alternating birth defect, which he told his 13 year old daughter this day. It’s a very toxic poison, which makes him a very good assassin for hire. She basically told her father, which she will never tell him of his secret to Maria since it’s better for her not to know. This made Jacob curious and remember about what Garrick said all those years ago after Patricia was born. It was a longshot but three years later, he would have to drag Patricia basically to Tigris to meet Garrick personally.
Three years later, Patricia had an ultimatum given to her by her parents that if they don’t find out what is wrong with her they will drop her off at the nearest asylum for the mentally unstable. It’s mostly because Maria was completely drained in trying to deal with her. Jacob on the other hand knew this would be the only way to give them answers to their daughter’s condition that has been tormenting them for a long time. The place they took their daughter to find these answers was no other than Tigris, Psionic Research Facility and to Garrick Darvin Folspear. He is the top theorist in Tigris, which made many theories around newtypes that are naturally born. However, Patricia gave a usual answer that all scientists, doctors, or theorists get from her, which is a quack.
This one trip forever changed Patricia’s outlook and caused Maria to stop giving a dreadful outlook towards her older daughter. It was that Garrick gave them the answers that they wanted for so long, which caused Maria to faint completely from the ordeal. Patricia couldn’t believe it, which Garrick wasn’t a quack after all. All her troubles stemmed from the fact she was a latent newtype, which had no emotional training. She decided so she can stop the voices, which she requires emotional training and all the people at Tigris will help her every step of her way. To finally stop her constant headaches and other types of things with the quite literal lack of emotional control.
A year later, she was in the Tigris E.M.O part of the psionic research facility, which means Emotional Mental Office. This office tries to give the proper mental training, emotional training to harness the latent psionic abilities of all newtypes. Garrick was sitting across from her asking her what her state is and every single thing that an emotional trainer would ask. She gave him basically what she was feeling right now and could hear what he was thinking right at this second as well. It was pretty good to see she was taking very well to the training of her emotions. She asked him if he knew of the reason why her father Jacob went to Firon VIII other than the reasons why he came her with her mother. He told her to scan his mind to find those answers. She hesitated because she had never tried to do a deep scan of someone like ever. Garrick urged her to do it since he never properly had his mind deep scanned before, it was an interest of his.
Patricia rolled her eyes because of it but tried to deep scan his mind, which caused her intense pain in her head because it was a jumbled mess. It confused her really easily, she didn’t understand what Garrick had in his mind that caused her so much of a mental headache and caused her to cry because of it. She stopped trying to deep scan him because it was highly too painful for her. To her the lesson she was learning felt obvious in what Garrick was teaching her. She told him what she saw in his mind, in her words it was a jumbled mess.
He smiled at what she had said, because of what he always thought of certain things he talks about. However, he told her why her father truly moved to Firon VIII, it was so Jacob could finally cure his birth defect, which causes him to have poison breath. He was supposed to have a similar breath attack to Maria but something happened that caused him to breath toxic poisons. It was an oddity to his birth defect, which was needed to be researched and highly useful in studies. However, he was still working for the Black Ops Division of the Terran Republic’s Military. The research of the cure for the strange birth defect that effects the ‘rainbow’ breed of dragons or would be called the Pulsar Project. The Pulsar Project was forced to halt since they require the deadly efficiency of Jacob in assassination attempts. Therefore, that is why Jacob told his daughter basically the truth, the Pulsar Project would cure them of their birth defects and allow them to breath fire like everyone else. But the uniqueness of their birth defect in alternating their breath to do different things and be unique among the Dragons, even if the normal dragon population dislikes not normal people.
Patricia sighed, since her father was definitely distressed by something, but hearing what Garrick said definitely made her realize what that was. But she for one enjoyed being different from the other dragons in the Terran Republic. She basically told Garrick that she heals people with using her breath, it is the reason she gained some friends in school. Even if they didn’t like the fact she didn’t breath fire.
Garrick was happy to hear what she said, since he knew of the birth defect alternations for all the same dragon species, which Patricia is. The healing aspect will definitely be unique addition to the battlefield and what not. However, he knew one thing that Patricia didn’t the Black Ops Organization will be watching her progress. A Newtype, an a healer, its pretty obvious she’ll be useful for someone.
Two years later, she was approached by someone of highly import. He wanted her services to find a particular person in question that slighted him and that they are among the stars. This Terran was a tall slender white wolf, which had a scar on his face and a definite nasty grin on his face. The name he introduced himself as Grant I. Holstein, it was obvious he knew of Patricia’s abilities since he talked to Garrick. However, he told her if she does this mission she’ll be able to do anything but if she fails she’ll never get to see her family ever again.
Patricia couldn’t really read Grant as if he had an ability to negate the ability to read his surface thoughts. She sighed and looked Grant directly in his eye and asked him what does that specifically mean. It was obvious she was terrified by him, but all her training and how good she was in ‘boot camp’ definitely helped her get noticed by people.
Grant could tell she wanted to know and he told her, exactly what he meant. He told her that her family will hear of her demise somewhere in the far distant, since there is a war going on, with the Humans of another Galaxy. The look on his face showed he knew what he could do to destroy Jacob, Maria and Zephyr, which are Patricia’s family. He never takes anyone seriously but he definitely did catch an eye on Patricia. In the simplest of terms, he told her that she’ll have to become a Bounty Hunter under his supervision and if she tries anything her family’s lives will be forfeit. He has no time for people who doesn’t know about the world or in this case the galaxy.
Patricia sighed and agreed to his terms, which were a bit much for her. However, she learned very quickly Grant is one of those very big named Bounty Hunters, which wanted to give the humans hell. It was obvious, that this will be trial by fire in the biggest way. She couldn’t believed she was approached by a bounty hunter of all things.
She had been working under a year with Grant since she joined his bounty hunting group called the Dread Claws. It’s always a bit of a pain in the ass to deal with him but he gives her enough space to do her magic so to say. She is definitely optimistic about the whole situation, but she learned in whom she is looking to find out in question, was a general in the Arsodian Empire of Man, which defected by the name of Vincent Roa. It was obvious that Grant wanted this man, and most of the Terran Republic to since the war has been quite bloody between the two militarizes. A Stalemate is always a sour thing, even though the humans did take first blood in this war by destroying Juvia VII. She didn’t really understand why wars were so harsh but will do what Grant asked of her, even though this will be more of a trial by fire since she’s in a small craft given to her by the Dread Claws. It’s a small fighter craft, which she knew how to fly at least, since she wanted to be a fighter pilot. She knew she has to keep herself from being spotted by the authorities. Will she be able to get herself to the facility to find Vincent Roa? She’s very optimistic by this assignment but nothing is ever easy.
Theme Song:
Her Favorite Song:
Additional Information – Data Files, Subject:
”A family came in with their sixteen year old daughter to our Psionic Research Facility, my name is Garrick. I am a lead theorist on natural born psionic individuals, which might or might not exist. My theories are pretty much constantly make me realize their should be people alike this. However, the symptoms of Patricia, were a bit odd for a sixteen year old girl, which they felt incredible emotional pain. Her parents were worried about her since she is always one of the girls in school that was highly emotional to begin with. It caused me to scan her brain functions and noticed a specific thing about her that had alluded her parents for so long. She was a Psionic since her brain functions in certain areas were much higher. Let’s just say I shocked her parents and her that she was a natural born Psionic. This was pretty interesting to say the least, and the only way for her to not cause herself any pain was she had to be trained in controlling her emotions. It would take her at least two to four years be able to control her psionic abilities, which she wouldn’t be a sobbing mess. I would be there for her all the step of the way to make sure it’ll be possible for her to move on past this.”
“I will be putting this into my 99th Data File to make sure I get credit for the finding of a natural born psionic.”
“Head Theorist Garrick recording this Data File #100 for knowledge and safekeeping. If I ever fail in my keeping of a record on theories and rumors that were found out to be true. Alike, when I discovered one of the recurring people whom usually visits Tigris, The Psionic Research Facility, it was when she was 16 years old. It’s been around four years ago when she arrived to find out what was wrong with her. She’s been taking the emotion training to heart, she’s a definitely a hard worker compared to how much of a pain in the ass it is. However, we’ve been testing out her psionic abilities to see if they are much more on point than the wide range of what they were doing. It has been found out from her first visit, on top of her subsequent visits she has a total of three psionic abilities. I will give out a sparse list of said psionic powers or abilities, but it’ll be with much more detail on her own account.”
“Additionally, I must say when she first came to me terrified and wanting the voices to stop. She had never really knew that she was using her abilities on a large scale, which was picking up all sort of thoughts among everyone, without realizing it. However, her training has definitely focused this ability the most compared to certain things.”
The List:
Reading Minds – It has been a bit much for her to try to read deeper within someone’s mind, so she can only read surface to mid ranged thoughts. Her emotional control breaks down the further she reads someone’s mind.
Psionic Communication – Psionic Communication is limited since she will require your face and name before she uses Psionic Communication.
Rainbow Psionic Barrier – This barrier is the same color as her scales on her body. This is the most beautiful of psionic barriers I have ever seen.
Arrival at the Psionic Research Facility, Tigris
Tigris the Psionic Research Facility, which is one of the most prominent research facilities within the Terran Republic. It was founded to research and develop Newtypes, however, there was some theorists on the prospect of Natural Born Psionic Individuals. Patricia specifically arrived to this well known and helper in all Psionic individuals in training their abilities or figuring out their problems in question. However, Patricia kinda made her objections known to her parents because they dragged her here because of her mental stability was in question by every little thing necessary. ”Mother & Father do you have to seriously drag me to a quack on theories of Natural born Psionics?” Patricia questioned her parents, with her hand on her forehead in intense pain and crying a bit. The one thing that Patricia did want was relief from the pain and being heavily emotional about every little thing.
Her parents didn’t enjoy when their daughter clearly objected to every little thing in trying to help their daughter, Patricia. Therefore, they took it in their own hands and giving her an ultimatum to basically come here or be dragged here. Patricia agreed she wanted relief from these painful feelings, outbursts that hurts her mother Maria and father Jacob, and her younger sister Zephyr. ”Can you look on the bright side Patricia? If you complete this exact thing in terms of your examination we can find out what is wrong with you exactly. Get treatment for it and be a happier family for it.” Maria said, with a sigh. It was definitely obvious Maria was not into arguing with her daughter anymore and wanted to give up sooner rather than later. However, Maria looked over to her husband Jacob, with a slight bit annoyed feeling. ”Husband, do you know who we are meeting again? Since I keep on forgetting that. It would be nice to know whom we are meeting so we can get this done sooner than later.” Maria said, with a bit of annoyance. Maria always had troubles with names since she always had to deal with Patricia’s fits, throughout most of her young childhood.
Jacob looks at Maria and sighs at the question in particular, since he’s basically friends with the person whom they are meeting at Tigris. ”We are meeting Garrick D. Folspear. He’s the one of the head theorists on Natural Born, Psionics or Newtypes in our case. It’s obvious why he’s an up front the only person I trust the most for this. He’s been releasing research papers on said ‘naturally born, newtypes’ for sometime now.” Jacob said, with a definite knowledge on said person.
Patricia sighed at the whole explanation of Garrick, but it makes sense in why her family and Mr. Folspear is friends is because her parents are pretty much supporters of his work. ”L-Let’s get this over with then… It would be nice to finally not have these painful headaches and constantly causing trouble to my family...” Patricia said, with regret in her voice. She slowly walked towards the Psionic Research Facility’s front door, until she was close to almost falling. Because of hearing voices but usually causes her to shake a bit because of all these voices are painful to understand or what not.
Her parents in question noticed this and decided to help their daughter Patricia really quickly before she fell on the ground, which wouldn’t be good. They walked into the Psionic Research Facility together, while holding on Patricia tightly because she was definitely can’t take anymore of these voices she can here. Whatever is wrong with her, which she cannot control very well as if she was never taught to control what’s wrong with her. Maria was worried about her daughter but didn’t want to show it right now since its quite literally a pain, she’s hopeful Garrick can shed some light in this whole thing.
Inside of the Tigris, Psionic Research Facility
Garrick was standing by the front desk, since he was awaiting for his best friend Jacob, which called for his assistance because of their daughter’s specificity of what felt like side effects to psionic powers. He is 6’2 a tall Feline Terran, with distinctive marks of a Tiger of some sort, which he always wears his lab coat and stylish glasses, which specific readings of the temperature in the Research Facility at all times. He saw the door opened up and saw Jacob, the Rainbow Dragon Terran, with his wife and the one that specifically having the trouble in question because. The daughter looked like she was having intense headaches and other such symptoms of psionic abilities. ”Ah my friend Jacob, welcome welcome. To the Tigris, Psionic Research Facility. I’ve not been waiting long for your arrival with the most peculiar case of psionic trauma, since you detailed your daughter’s symptoms perfectly. It would probably be a good idea to examine her thoroughly to understand the mind’s eye so to say, a bit of a Psionic Joke.” Garrick said, with a gentle smile. He looked directly at Patricia in particular, with the definite signs of unable to control what is most basically her emotions.
Patricia rolls her eyes towards Garrick, at the stupid joke he said. ”Can you please help me… Being super emotional is making my mother really tired of dealing with me. It’s like the last chance to live a normal life, I suppose?” Patricia questioned, the last thing since she didn’t really know if she could live a normal life with being a psionic. Her emotional state worsened by making her cry even more than usual since the voices were getting jumbled with every single thing she was thinking about too. ”Please make these voices stop...” Patricia said, with a definite tiredness of the whole ordeal.
Garrick laughs slightly at Patricia rolling her beautiful blue eyes at his joke, but the seriousness of what she said, was a definite concern. He shakes his head, and looks at her parents and gave them a smile and a nod. ”Jacob and Maria, I will handle everything from here. Can you please wait in the lounge area of the Research Facility, while I take your daughter to the examination room and scan her and to see what exactly wrong with her. Since it seems like she’s suffering from not controlling her emotions.” Garrick said, with a definite professionalism about it compared to his joke from before. He takes his job seriously and he’s been wanting to find a Naturally Born, Newtype for awhile now, but the fact its been only theories and rumors for so long its been unnaturally a theory dead-end for along time. ”Before I start the examination, how long have you been dealing with the ‘voices’ you’ve been hearing? Patricia. Might help me get a better understanding of your plight.” Garrick said, with an additional thing.
Her parents nod and slowly walk Patricia towards Garrick, who’s definitely a kind and gentle man, however, Maria sighed at the question he asked towards Patricia. ”Patricia’s been dealing with this all of her life and she’s only 16 years old right now. However, this is the first time she had said please make them stop. Probably because she can’t handle it anymore, she was curious in what it meant and what not.” Maria said, with a distinct knowledge of how long her daughter been dealing with it. She didn’t really have any choice in not speaking up on the matter since she’s been wanting to deal with something else than this.
Patricia heard her mother speak for her, which always annoyed her in specific. ”I-I can speak for myself mom. But its true, however, I’ve been dealing with this for all sixteen years I’ve been alive… Researched my symptoms online and tried to treat it but it didn’t work… until he remembered you Garrick.” Patricia said, with a frustrated tone to her voice towards her mother. She held Garrick’s hand and definitely looked up at him basically hopeful he could help her.
Garrick looked at Maria and then down to Patricia and smiled gently when Patricia held her hand. He knew if he couldn’t find out what was wrong with her. The mother specifically will probably outright disown her own daughter or put her in a mental institution, however, what they said specifically intrigued his curiosity some more. He helped Patricia away from her parents specifically and took her to the Tigris, Psionic Research Facility’s primary examination room, which had more advanced newtype technology. This can distinguish between drug induced Newtypes or Natural Born, Newtypes; however, the latter part is basically based on theories of what the Terran Scientists and theorists created about Naturally Born Newtypes. ”Please lay down on the Radial Psionic Scanning Device. It will scan your brain to see if you are induced via drugs or are a natural born Newtype, however, there’s a bit of a marginal error of 0.115%.” Garrick said, with a slim hope the diagnose will point to the theory being true unless he’ll keep on searching after this failure in finding a Natural Born, Newtype.
Patricia couldn’t help to be a bit scared at the whole deal of being on a device that will scan her brain, to see if she’s a natural born or treated Newtype. The name was a bit strange to say the least to her, since it made little sense but the marginal error of 0.115% scared her more. ”I-Is this device safe? Will it fry my brain if it gets that error or is that for detection of what I am? Even though this is my last choice, it wouldn’t be good to become a vegetable after all the trouble…” Patricia said, with a tone of fear of the Radial Psionic Scanning Device in question. Her emotional state was definitely in the stance of fear and she couldn’t stop herself shaking because of the device’s error chance.
Garrick looks seriously at Patricia, which the first time in his history he had never got a question like that before. It was always obvious the Terran Republic definitely test all their scientific products to make sure they won’t do anything like that but to reassure the scared child at this point. ”This is only going to scan your brain and not do anything terribly like damage it. Its just trying to find out something I’ve been wanting to know for along time if my and every single person in the Terran Republic’s Science Division been wanting to know. If the Theories of Naturally Born, Newtypes are feasible. I know the exact treatment for a Psionic like yourself, and that’s controlling your emotions so they don’t go out of control. Since all psionics need that training, even with the Gas Induced Newtypes. Oh yeah, one more thing can you completely relax on the Radial Psionic Scanning Device, which requires you to sleep, it’s a bit of a boring process.” Garrick said, with a reassuring smile towards Patricia. He was hopeful that helped her in getting on the device, so the scanning can begin. But the data will take awhile to fully show up, since its a long process.
Patricia looks directly at Garrick, when he said the reason why he wanted her on the scanning device and she sighed. Not really enjoying the fact she’ll be helping out a person who wants to prove a long time theory true after all this time. But she couldn’t help but feel tired in trying to not fall over via fainting and since the process and the treatment will probably take along time nonetheless. ”I-I am a bit tired… so I will do what you ask, since all this definitely doesn’t help… complaining about things. So I’ll humor your curiosity, Garrick.” Patricia said, with a slight yawn. She walked up to the Radial Psionic Scanning Device, and laid down on the said device, her rainbow colored scales on her wings shined brightly but slowly dimmed. The one thing she felt for the Psionic Scanning Device in question was very comfortable for any kind of Terran in the Terran Republic, like it changes itself for whomever gets on it. She felt like she was sleeping on her bed at home, which made her easily fall asleep.
The Radial Psionic Scanning Device started its long process of scanning Patricia’s brain, and the complete scan would take around two entire hours of time to fully scan. He got her parents, after Patricia went to sleep, he wanted them to be in the Radial Psionic Scanning Device Room when the results came up in two hours. They chatted away, while Patricia slept on the device, however, she could hear voices still while in her dreams it was painful, however, she never knew what this was exactly.
The Radial Psionic Scanning Device’s Results
The scanning device, finally showed the results of the deep scan it went through on Patricia. ”Can you please wake up your daughter and tell her the scan is finished. I have the results right here. I want to read them to you since I haven’t looked them over yet. Since Psionics can read minds.” Garrick said, with anticipation on his face since he should’ve read the results. But he wanted to be precautions. It’s only for the safety of not ruining it for Patricia if she hears his surface thoughts.
Maria walked up to her daughter and gently woke her up and sighed gently. ”Patricia, can you please wake up, Garrick got the results. And he’s a bit cautious for some odd reason.” Maria said, with a bit of an odd look towards Garrick. Their friend had never been this cautious in his life, he’s always very up front about every single thing he says and does no matter what. It irked her that he would want to announce something when their daughter awake. She just shrugs her shoulders, however, since Jacob knows him the best.
Patricia, slowly opens her blue eyes and slowly gets up by what she heard her mother had said. She glances directly at Garrick a bit since her father told him he never is cautious around Psionics, but for some odd reason he’s being guarded this time around. ”U-Um, Garrick why are you being so guarded? My father told you are always constantly thinking about things near other newtypes.” Patricia said, with a slight wondering about it.
Garrick smiled in seeing Patricia awake and he looked over the results and to his amazement, was his wait was finally over. Even though, it’ll be a pretty hard sell to tell Maria and Jacob their daughter is the Natural Born, Newtype he has been searching for. The best way to get her to control her abilities would be through Emotional Training, which will take a long time around two to three years, or longer but as long as she gets the basics of training her emotions, she’ll finally be able to control the rampant psionic energy she’s been expanding in hearing every single person’s thoughts for all these years. ”I am here to announce something very spectacular, the voices you’ve been hearing for all these years, are actually thoughts. You’ve been mostly reading surface thoughts, however, which is why they are emotionally draining to you. You have the symptoms of being a Natural Born, Newtype. With training you will be able to control your abilities to be more precise and able to close off the voices you’ve been hearing. Even though this training is emotion based, so you will become slightly less able to empathize with people but its a better alternative than constantly being drugged in a comatose state unable to do anything.” Garrick said, with a seriousness to the alternative her mother specifically wants.
Patricia was utterly speechless, when she heard what she’s been hearing for all this time, they were actually surface thoughts of many, many people around her. The specific thing that was shocking was she gave Garrick what he specifically wanted for all this time now a Natural Born, Newtype. She had a specific understanding about her problems now, but doesn’t knew why no one told her this before, its like they feared the unknown of someone not being controlled by a very addictive substance using their powers willy nilly. It took her a few moments after her complete speechless to figure out the words she wanted to say to Garrick. With what he said, however, specifically want her mother wanted since Maria has been a bit trying to figure out ways to get rid of her daughter via making sure she doesn’t outburst anymore. However, this entire thing was over her parents heads now. ”U-Umm, this is a bit of a big shock to my system, the whole thing I have been dealing with was because I couldn’t keep a hold on my emotions. In turn would make my newtype abilities to go out of control since I was basically naturally born with these abilities… I want to be still with my family, even if they do get on my nerves from time to time. And I get on theirs, It’ll be nice to feel somewhat normal for once. I don’t care how long the treatment procedure is as long as my suffering and outbursts no longer bother my family.” Patricia said, with tears coming down her face. She didn’t want to hurt her family anymore than she has.
Her parents were utterly in shock, however, with what was spoken between Garrick and Patricia. It was a bit too much for Maria, which caused her to faint in the over excitement of learning your daughter is a Natural Born, Newtype of all this time you should have went to Garrick much sooner to squish the emotional roller coaster, that Patricia is. Jacob, on the other hand caught his wife before she fell completely on the ground and just sighed. ”Thank you my dear friend Garrick, you’ve always had our backs. I will definitely endorse your book on finding out there are naturally born, Newtypes out there. But please can you stop making my wife faint, because she’s absolutely happy that Patricia will be normal enough to live on in our home. Since she’s the only person in the whole house that wanted to kick out Patricia, but her younger sister Zephyr only wanted for her older sister to find out what is wrong.” Jacob said, with rolling his eyes. He’s definitely happy that will cause Maria and Patricia’s relationship to be patched up at least. It’ll probably take a few years on that patching up, since emotion training is a long arduous process.
Sorry guys, just dealing with university and life stuff, I'll be making up my IC post tomorrow and reviewing your app @Landaus Five-One. Once again, sorry for the delay!
As a small aside, I wanted to include a battle sequence in space at the end of my post but I'm rather tired and sick writing this so I had to call it there. Want to do it justice when I'm feeling better. Hope you all enjoy it still :)