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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Xiga


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Name: Feraî Amkar
Age: 31 earth years
Race: Netixel - A smaller humanoid with wide feathered wings, four horns and a griffin like tail. The feet are clawed like that of a dragonian/dragonborn(D&D) and their hands are three fingered one thumbed, equipped with sharp claws. Their face has a line of feathers lining the eyes (on the cheekbones) and on the nose ridge, fading in to the hair. Gray-skinned, usually very dark and in some cases black and yellow speckles on the face and horns.
Genetics: Natural - She did go through 3 treatments, which enhanced her capabilities during a rage. However she's not fully a newtype.
Appearance: Feraî is a small being. Her skin is brighter than that of the common Netixel,a fair ashy gray, and her eyes are a bright-nearly white yellow color. Her wings are a specklede bright gray- to darker gray color, as well as her tail-feathers. And her facial feathers are only slightly darker than her skin-tone. Her hair is tied back in to dreads, and her horns are long, however the right main one is broken. Her lean body has been marred in her short time of life and she has many scars, burns and marks from a troubled past. She carries herself with pride, and while she doesnt have tattoos, the brilliant golden speckles on her horns, face,hands and tail-tip make her a notable figure. Ominous yet vibrant.


Important items: A necklace - A tied ring with the engraving "Grievance lost", given to her by a former lover and fiancé.
An adorned dagger - Green sapphire pommel and black blade with silver markings of smithing. The hilt wrapped in purple stained leather.
Weapons: The adorned dagger held on a leg strap, two laser pistols by her waist through chest holsters, one sword by her hip belt, and one plasmasphere(extendable) (her favourite melee tool) and a long distance sniper-rifle both attached to a back-strap.
Physical Abilities: Agile, Swift, yet still able to take a beating. She has high endurance and nimbleness. She can see in the dark, yet her weakness lies in daylight as her sensitive eyes take on too much light and in her muteness.
Her silence is golden, but also a blade to her life, as deals seldom are brokered with those unable to communicate clearly.
Feraî’s incredible tolerance for pain and her ability to stay cool in heated situations makes her the optimal Assassin. However, her temper, once aggravated is what leads her to get in to sticky situations.

Psionic Powers: No psionic powers.


Personality: She's cold, but proud. Feraî has been through a lot, and she is a pure survivor. When emotion overcomes her, it’s expressed in anger or violence rather than sobbing or apathy. In heated situations however, she appears to have calculated her movements beforehand, and she's a tough nut to break. Rarely has anyone ever come to call her a friend, and she has rarely ever considered another of equal worth enough to be considered friend. Perhaps this is a result of being a vagabond for so long, and in the profession of murder.

When on her own, and with time on her hands, she meditates. It seems contradictory for an explosive personality to be able to be seated in silence, but then again what sound could the mute one make? Better learn to like it, and appreciate the voices of her own mind.

Background: Feraî is the typically rumoured Netixel. Thievish, grim, and loud in action. Or so to speak, as she’s a mute, one of the reason she's been badly hurt multiple times in her past, mostly done to her by her own kind.

Born in the Netixel clan of Akren, in the temperate landscapes she was fostered to become a hunter, a warrior. However, the harsh treatment and exclusiveness made her turn isolated. This, not uncommon for netixels, made life harsh and her inability to communicate clearly made her choose to leave those lands.

Since then she’s been a vagabond, taking on jobs she can get in the shadier parts of towns, and slowly she built up a reputation as a most effective and entrusted assassin and thief. There was barely any place which Feraî couldn’t access, no person she couldn’t execute, and rarely any missions she declined.

A few times, she’s gotten in over her head. But still she’s completed her task, and then demanded double as the risk wasn’t fully disclosed by the employee. If they declined, she’d go after them too. It was such a case that landed her in one of the worse prisons she's experienced.

Through a couple of years of torture and with the ever looming threat of execution, Feraî was one of the lucky few who were chosen to undergo one of the testing treatments for Psionic enhancement. Against her will, but according to plan, she allowed herself to undergo one or two treatments with the intent of making them believe it worked, while she figured out a plan of escape. Not too long after the third treatment was started, Feraî's plan took action as one of the other subjects reacted badly (as she'd done the first time) to the toxin and caused a ruckus.

Utilizing the distraction she was quick to execute her plan of escape, and since then she's kept on the low side until the call for blood came to her once again. Back to the contracts she went, and now she's again an established Bounty-hunter playing for both sides.

Roleplay Sample: From Pandoras Ineritance (with HeySeuss)
Having kept to herself during the ride for the most of the time, with the occasional checkup by Cutter, Daina thought about the development of the situation. It was true what they had been talking about from time to time, that their vehicle was becoming more of a target the more time they spent on it. What worried Daina the most was how to get on with her life now that she was free. She was hunted and she couldn't really trust anyone aside from the other Emergents in the same situation as her. So when they crossed into Utah, she knew that she had to bring the question up, and moved up to the others.

"When we dump the bus, is it wise to stick together, or should we split up again? Finding a vehicle for the 11 of us will definitely be difficult, and the crowd may be suspicious.." she said. Then it dawned upon her. Even if most of them could pretend not to be Emergents, Daina's talon feet, and Simon's horns and tusks were near impossible to hide. They would definitely not be able to pretend to be normal, because of their physical appearance. “Not that me and Simon won’t be suspicious anyway..”

She sighed. She was scared, like the others, and she still didn’t know what use her talons were, aside from the strong grip they provided her with. Her wound was still trying to heal, but it was slow and still hurt, and she had noticed lumps on her back. And now, she couldn’t even be guaranteed food, or some relative safety. Perhaps it had been better to stay at Nellis.

Cutter spoke up with a dry voice. “I believe that we should stick together. Daina and Simon can’t publically display themselves without being noticed, and if we ever get into a situation where we had to pretend to be normal, they would be the first ones taken out. “She paused then looked at Daina with a spark in her eye. “We could use that to our advantage. Depending on how the town looks, and if we have to take the resort of stealing another bus, they could act as an distraction, until we get what we want, and then we’d come after them.”

“A distraction!?” Daina was surprised to have even heard what she heard. To be a distraction would put her at risk, and perhaps even force her to death if unlucky! And here she had thought all the time that they were allies.

“I refuse to be a target” Simon joined her with his deep voice. “We just got out from prison and I don’t have any plans on going back any time soon.”

“Oh, no. Me neither. Nu-huh.” Daina said, frustrated and confused by the thought of being captured again. Only a few seconds earlier she had let the thought pass her that staying at Nellis was a Good idea. Now she felt the complete opposite.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by IronHeart
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by The Jest
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The Jest Professional Nice Guy

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Also, the following Crew members of Arron's crew are NPCs

"Arms", The Ship Blacksmith, Engineer, and Weapons expert

"Bones", Ship doctor, Tactician, and Scientist

"Tux", Ship Helmsman, Navigations Expert, Cook, and Brute.

There's a 4th member, "R", the Pilot and Cannon-man, but he's currently somewhere else on a mission by the Captain.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Smike


Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Lovos Armaments: Rugged, Reliable, Relentless

The following is a report on the escaped bioweapon CZ-18B3, better known as Callsign: Void. It had been leased out to the mercenary company McCulloch Security a tracker and breacher, but escaped containment the day before she was due to be shipped back to our care. CZ-18B3 is an incredibly powerful tool and is worth a great expense to recover, but will not go quietly. If it's ever found again.

McCulloch Security provided the following transcript of an interview of Void done by her McCulloch assigned handler a day before her escape.

"My call sign is Void."
"....I don't know."
"I have been operational for two (2) standard years after you rented me."
"...I have been oper-"
"I can't answer that. All memories before my reactivation are blocked from me."
"...My call sign is Void."

At this point Void became audibly agitated and readings showed heightened aggression and anxiety.

"Why do you people keep asking stupid questions? You know what I am! I am nothing but a weapon, a loaded gun Lovos sells to fuckers like you so you can point at targets and make me slaughter them! "
"How can you expect me to be calm? Whatever I was, whatever life I had however long ago, those bastards stole it and made me a monster and now all I am to anyone is property!"

According to the transcript Void refused to speak anymore.

Name: The bioweapon is designated CZ-18B3 but uses the callsign "Void". It has also been known to use other pseudonyms in the field.
Age: The unit 39 years of age.
Race: Lupine Terran
Genetics: Psionics and cybernetics enhanced genetic bioweapon.
Appearance: Void was designed so that on the outside it would appear as nothing more than a Canis Lupus Columbianus Terranus (Terran British Columbian Wolf.) Biologically female, Void stands at 1.8 meters tall (6 feet, two inches) and is covered by a layer of black fur that stand in contrast to a pair of cold blue eyes. Void is well-built with a visible six pack and powerful muscles in its arms and legs. Scars trace crisscross through the fur on it's back, wounds sustained from a grenade on her previous assignment.

When not in the field Void is noted to prefer a black synth-leather jacket and jeans, with a pair of aviators depending on the level of light. Note: Prefer doesn't mean wears exclusively. Void knows that it's being looked for, it's likely that she has by now acquired other outfits. In combat Void wears a suit Mk. 4X Scout Armor that enhances her already augmented senses and is equipped with air filters, communication equipment, water purifiers, and other various survival equipment.

Important items: Void is licensed to pilot Stryfe-class fighters so there's a good chance it used one to make her escape.

Weapons: 1. Chimera Automatic Assault Energy Weapon:The AAEW is a close range to mid range versatile weapon that is equally suited to clearing crowds or dealing with single targets with two rates of fire. The first is fully automatic, blasts of green plasma being spat from the rotating barrels and split into individual splashes, like the pellets of a shotgun. The second mode is a charge shot that can melt through armor and flesh and even do minor damage to the hulls of ships.
2. Eminence Royal Armory Co. Huntsman Rifle: The Huntsman Scout Rifle (Figure 5 in the attached image) was orignally inteded as a ceremony or display peace, but is still nontheless a solidly functioning railgun. Void's enhanced eyesight allow her to make use of it from extreme ranges without the help of a scope.
3. Warfighter 23: Mass produced and well loved, the Warfighter serves as Void's backup weapon and tool for close in assassinations.
4. Wrist Ports: Void is equipped with payload launchers in her wrist that can cycle between varroius grenade types, monofilament nets, grappling hooks, jets of fire and even blasts of blinding acid.
5. Claws: Void's original claws have been replaced nanocarbon cutting implements that can be coated with a thin film of energy to slice steel.

Physical Abilities:1. Speed and Reflexes: The natural dexterity of a predator has been improved with genetically enhanced muscles and mind. Void is capable of holding her own in unarmed or melee combat with multiple foes and is nigh impossible to outrun.
2. Hardened Shell: Under the outer layer skin Void has a secondary shell of hardened cartilage and sinew that serves as a secondary defense against damage. It's not enough to stop a bullet by completely stop a bullet by itself, but can be a lifesaver when combined with armor.
3. Senses: Void call call upon a HUD display that overlays on top of her field of view, keeping track of ammo, targets in view, weather conditions and even show a list of objectives. It can see in thermal and infrared vision and can zoom in up to to ten times. It's capable of tracking targets by smell only, and can focus to be able to pick up the sound of heartbeats.
4. Healing: The weapon has a minor healing factor, able to recover from burns and lacerations in a few hours. But for serious or life threatening wounds it needs to consume fresh heart muscle. Humanoid works best but animal hearts will do in a pinch. The freshly oxygenated blood and cardiovascular tissue is quickly burnt and put to work repairing punctured organs, replenish lost blood and knitting back together shattered bones.

Psionic Powers:1. Warp: Void is able blink in and out of existence at will, appearing in different locations in seconds. Short jumps are of little consequence, but doing long or repeated trips will leave it lightheaded, dizzy, feeling sick and even passing out in extreme circumstances.


Personality: Under normal circumstances Void is noted to be cordial and calm, if a bit quiet. It's capable of forming strong bond of friendship or respect as well holding grudges, something demonstrated by it's treatment of the McCulloch security forces, but is programmed to always put it's own survival first. Void is biologically female and refers to itself as such and has shown attraction to both genders but it's doubtful that romantic encounters are at the top of its list of priorities. Most likely it's focused on evading capture and uncovering details of its past missions and who it was before being converted by the Bioweapons Divison.

In the field the weapon is skilled at tracking targets and dealing with hostile terrain, having specialized in dropping into the field from high altitude or low orbit and trailing quarry before taking them out. It has a preference for close quarters combat but is more than capable of engaging targets from long range if need be.

As a side note, Void is attracted to all manner of vices. Drinking, smoking, overeating, excessive sugar intake, even casual narcotics usage. This is believed to be a sort of stress relief for the bioweapon, one it can indulge in far past the limits of a normal person thanks to it's healing factor. It's not unheard of for it to go through five packs of cigarettes in a day or four cases of beer in under an hour.

Background: In it's past life Void was Security Officer Emmi "Pathfinder" Kaone, a specialist in catching industrial spies and informants for Lovos. She had joined the company at the age of 18, intending to work through college. The Terran showed a natural affinity for combat and tracking and ended up dropping out of school when offered a six figure pay check to go through Lovos's selective specialization courses. She received training in small arms, tracking, counter-espionage, first aid and surveillance and was assigned to a recovery team at the age of 21. Within a year she was leading it, stealing back secrets from rival companies and silencing sources of leaks and particularly dangerous trade rivals.

At 25 it all went wrong. A routine surveillance job turned violent when the target pulled his weapon. A shootout ensued and local law enforcement got involved. By the end of it the target, four members of law enforcement, and two Lavos personal were dead. Of the survivors, Kaone was in critical condition and her partner was later captured and sentenced to a life sentence of hard labor. When her superiors heard about the debacle they quietly arranged for her to released from custody once her condition was stabilized for use in the company's burgeoning bioweapons project.

Over the course of three years Emmi was transformed and replaced by Void, her body hardened and implanted with weapons and enhancements. Memories of her old life were suppressed and replaced with the ability to harness the power of the mind to tear holes in the field of gestalt energy that made up the universe and travel through them. It was a long, costly, and for the subject, painful process but was no doubt worth it. The end result was a unit that could live and serve for centuries assuming it avoided violent death, a lethal hunter with the ability to heal itself using it's enemies remains. All that was needed was a way to field test it.

To accomplish this and recoup some of the money spent in it's creation the unit was rented out to various people and organizations, serving across all manner of terrain for mercenaries, armies, insurgent groups and even crime syndicates looking for a way to eliminate enemies. To keep track of it's whereabouts Unit CZ-18B3 was implanted with a tracker and kill switch and was informed of the consequences of trying to flee. So it served begrudgingly and obediently.

Until a year ago. Void was contracted out to a platoon of McCulloch Security on the asteroid mining colony of Wanderer's Refuge. McCulloch had been tasked with suppressing the miner's riots and Void was being used to eliminate leaders of the uprising. The violence reached a fever pitch and the colony was in open revolt, and communications were cut for about a week. When contact was reestablished the division didn't respond to any attempts to reach them. When teams were sent to investigate the found the entire platoon dead and Void missing. There was no sign of forced entry and the only thing taken was the unit itself and it's equipment. It had stolen itself.

The kill switch was engaged and it's signal tracked to a dingy room in a filthy traveler's hostel on a nearby hub planet but all the recovery team found was the tracker wrapped in a bloodstained napkin and tossed under the bed. It's believed that Void stole or stowed away on a ship fleeing the violence in Wanderer's Refuge and had a underground surgeon remove the device. It's also expected that it will come looking for answers, sooner or later.

Roleplay Sample: The last thing Void could clearly remember was handing over a pile of stolen credits to the street surgeon she had managed to find and discretely palming the scrap of paper with the address of the operating room they were scheduled to meet in. After that it was all just a blur of blending in crowds and sinking back into the shadows, running from shady corner to back alley and eventually holing up in a scrapyard for the night under the rusted hulk of a trashed ship. Every face in the hordes of refugees looked like a agent of Lovos, all the men hanging on street corners spies tracking her. Was communication on Wanderer's Refuge still down? Oh god she hoped it was. Every moment that passed was another moment closer to her escape being discovered and the killswitch being activated.

The bioweapon closed her eyes and tried to force herself to sleep, painfully aware of the fact that the next time she woke up it could be back in the labs. Or she might just never wake up at all. With that comforting thought Void drifted off to oblivion, wrapped up in a sheet of insulating foam torn from the abandoned hulk above her.

She was up before dawn, drifting back through the alleys and shaded corners before taking a detour into the sewer system, convinced that the woman taking her early morning stroll was tailing her. The Terran emergered back into the light three streets over, right in front of the hostel. The run down building was open for business judging by the lights on inside so she could just stroll right in. But that was stupid. She needed to minimize the amount of people who saw her. Luckily there was a second option. The room she was looking for was the "penthouse", which in this case meant it had a small concrete balcony with a couple of dead plants sitting on the ledge.

She untied her boots and laced them together, hanging them around her neck as she sidled up to the dreary grey wall. No one was around at the moment, now was the time to get this done. Void pressed her hands into the concrete structure and began to climb, scrambling for quickly up the building by using the claws on her hands and feet for purchase. Within a couple minutes she was at the top, pulling herself up and over the balcony and slipping inside the apartment. The doctor wasn't there yet but that was fine. She could be productive while waited.

Void stripped off her pants and dug around the room for material, finding a discarded pen and breaking it to get access to the red ink. She marked a square roughly an inch in width and length on her inner thigh and sat down to wait, ears flat against her head. When the street surgeon arrived they didn't bother to exchange greetings, Void simply allowing him to set his stuff down and inject her with anesthesia.

Or at least let him try. The armored carapace under her skin was too tough to be pierced by the needle, the chop doc spending minutes trying with his pockmarked brow wrinkled in confusion. "Lady, what's your fur made of?" I'm not going to be able to cut through this shit!" He said annoyance. "It's not the fur, it's a-" Void cut herself there. He didn't need to know the details. Instead she just took the syringe and pricked herself in one of the few unarmored spots on her body, sinking it into the crook of her elbow and depressing the plunger. 5 milligrams of sedative potent enough to tranquilizer a horse flowed into her bloodstream but all Void felt was a sort of numbness thanks to her healing factor. She gave the doctor a thumbs up and the operation began.

The scalpel bit into the inked square and sliced away, the path of fur being cut out and tossed away. Void bit her lip as the tracker came into view, finally looking at the square of tiny circuits and wires that controlled her. "This it?" The doc asked. "That's the fucker." She confirmed. "Just grab it and pull it out." A pair of needlenose pliers gripped a wire and pulled, the killswitch being pulled away from the palette of cartilage like a piece of tape from a wall. "Done." The chop doc said, dropping it to the floor. "Bandage that before you get dressed again."

As soon as he left Void let loose a breath she didn't even know she had been holding. It was over, she was free. She could go where she wanted, do what she wanted, BE who she wanted. Lovos didn't control her anymore. What she did next was entirely up to her.

And what she did next was lazily bandage herself and root through her bag to take out a half finished bottle of whiskey, a crumple pack of cigarettes and an unopened bar of chocolate. She was going to come after Lovos sooner or later but for the time being she just wanted to relax before figuring out her game plan.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Landaus Five-One
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