@Vinsmoke Goji
This guy alright, or should I make any changes?
This guy alright, or should I make any changes?

Hedoro Odei
Not really either anymore, but prefers male pronouns
Hedoro wants to be a perfect image of a hero, and he is extremely hammy about it. He overplays his acts of valor a lot, and is cocky very often, but he is equally as bombastic when it comes to bragging about his own friends and allies. He is an idealist, hungry for attention, and an almost ridiculous degree of confidence in himself and his allies. He has on numerous occasions attempted to challenge those who insult him, even if they did so in jest. He has a fiery temper, and will usually jump to conclusions - this has led him to take the most violent approach most of the time.
Despite these faults, Hedoro is extremly loyal - he will help most people at the drop of the hat, and will rearely ask questions. This, combined with his impressive skill for theatrics and kind attitude has led to him being very popular with the people he lives near, and to the point where Hedoro gets most of his meals from the various older residents in his apartment building. He stands by complete strangers, and only becomes hostile when insulted or attacked - this has led to him being very easy to manipulate and use.
This bravado and exaggeration was initially an act to seem more like a traditional hero despite his appearance, but he has since fully adopted it as his true persona.
Despite these faults, Hedoro is extremly loyal - he will help most people at the drop of the hat, and will rearely ask questions. This, combined with his impressive skill for theatrics and kind attitude has led to him being very popular with the people he lives near, and to the point where Hedoro gets most of his meals from the various older residents in his apartment building. He stands by complete strangers, and only becomes hostile when insulted or attacked - this has led to him being very easy to manipulate and use.
This bravado and exaggeration was initially an act to seem more like a traditional hero despite his appearance, but he has since fully adopted it as his true persona.
Hedoro was a child concieved from sexual assault - his father attacked his mother during a robbery, and escaped shortly after. He was inevitable caught, imprisoned, and then escaped again, leading a very succesful career in petty crime for years after. Hedoro's mother, meanwhile, was left to deal with the aftershock - and eventually the realization that she was pregnant. He was carried to term despite some slight protest from Hedoro's stepfather, and he was born with his fathers quirk. It was a very stressful first few months, but by the end of the first year, Hedoro was treated no differently from any other children. Hedoro grew up with a massive case of Helper Syndrome, and constantly sought out to help other people usually to his own or others detriment - he once spilled an entire can of paint on his parents carpet due to his lack of a skeleton, for example. His formative years were impacted heavily when his family took a vacation to America, and he saw Captain Celebrity signing autographs. The superhero offered to fly Hedoro in the sky, which completly fascinated and enthralled the boy. Little did Hedoro know, Captain Celebrity was deeply upset by having to touch someone as slimy as him, and only did so in order to hit on his mother, who quickly revealed her marital status and left the scene. It was this time in the sky that completly changed Hedoro's lifestyle, and led him on his path to herodom.
Hedoro is currently working a part time job away from home, having moved due to how upset his parents were that he dropped out. To him, it wasn't that big of a deal - he didn't get into the hero school he applied to, and he was going to be a hero, so what was the point of going to school? It's not like he needed much money anyways, just enough for rent and food. He moved place to place for a year, mostly living off odd jobs and physical labor. His favorite memory was calling an ambulance for an elderly man who was suffering heat stroke, and being called "one of the good ones." He stopped being a vagrant a few months ago, and has since performed vigilante work in the form of picking up litter, saving cats and children from trees, and helping his neighbors and friends with menial or physically intensive chores. The one time he encrountered a conveinenace store robbery, he called the cops and tackled the villain after they tried running through the back door. While an extremly minor event, this reaffirmed Hedoro's entire life choices in heroics, and is most likely the reason he was discovered by Michiko Nishiwaki (along with the gossip of old women whom he helped with interior decorating). He always visits his parents and younger siblings on weekends, and one of his neighbors demands Hedoro come by and eat some of his baked pastries.
Hedoro is extremely hopeful that he can stand out, both as a hero as well as among the team he is supposed to join. He also wants to help the Oba-chan in the apartment next door buy a new fridge, since she has been complaining about how her current one doesn't work very nice. Hedoro's biggest goal, however, is to help curb his anger issues, which have hurt many of his past relationships, particularly several of his old friends and his real father.
Hedoro is currently working a part time job away from home, having moved due to how upset his parents were that he dropped out. To him, it wasn't that big of a deal - he didn't get into the hero school he applied to, and he was going to be a hero, so what was the point of going to school? It's not like he needed much money anyways, just enough for rent and food. He moved place to place for a year, mostly living off odd jobs and physical labor. His favorite memory was calling an ambulance for an elderly man who was suffering heat stroke, and being called "one of the good ones." He stopped being a vagrant a few months ago, and has since performed vigilante work in the form of picking up litter, saving cats and children from trees, and helping his neighbors and friends with menial or physically intensive chores. The one time he encrountered a conveinenace store robbery, he called the cops and tackled the villain after they tried running through the back door. While an extremly minor event, this reaffirmed Hedoro's entire life choices in heroics, and is most likely the reason he was discovered by Michiko Nishiwaki (along with the gossip of old women whom he helped with interior decorating). He always visits his parents and younger siblings on weekends, and one of his neighbors demands Hedoro come by and eat some of his baked pastries.
Hedoro is extremely hopeful that he can stand out, both as a hero as well as among the team he is supposed to join. He also wants to help the Oba-chan in the apartment next door buy a new fridge, since she has been complaining about how her current one doesn't work very nice. Hedoro's biggest goal, however, is to help curb his anger issues, which have hurt many of his past relationships, particularly several of his old friends and his real father.
Symbiotic Sludge - Hedoro is completely composed of a heavy, sludge-like substance. Nerves and synapses are spread consistently all throughout, and veins are unnecessary due to his porous and gelatinous body. His physiology allows him to be relatively unharmed by otherwise deadly attack (a slit throat doesn't really harm him), making most physical forms of harm ineffective against him. He can regenerate very small quantities of himself over time by drinking plenty of fluids or touching parts of himself that are disconnected, and the only organs he has are his eyes and vocal cords. Other than these, he is completely liquid and can fit through extremely small openings and containers.
His quirk really shows it's worth when he is attached to another person - while his father could physically take over someone's body, Hedoro lacks the ability. He can, however, still attach himself to someone else. Instead of taking over, this allows him to use a lot more force for attacks and lifting things, since he now has a pseudo-skeleton. He essentially gives his 'wearer' superhuman strength and durability, at the cost of being heavier and pretty uncomfortable. He adds anywhere between 400 to 800 pounds to a persons lifting strength depending on the intensity and duration of physical activity, and essentially acts as armor for his hosts (he can only stop small firearm rounds at his healthiest, unharmed size).
This quirk has quite a few drawbacks though. A lack of skeleton has left Hedoro with extremely limited dexterity when he has no host, which is most of the time. He can barely keep a semi-humanoid form, and anything beyond opening doors is nearly impossible. In addition, while physical forms of harm are nearly entirely negated, environmental effects like extreme heat and cold have a far more impactful effect on Hedoro - especially air contaminants like poison/sleep gas, due to his porous body. Hedoro's intelligence is directly linked to his size - the smaller he is and the more chunks are carved out of him, the longer it takes for him to react and plan. Water quickly dilutes him, and large bodies of water can rapidly drain his intelligence, or even kill him. If he focuses he can stand on grates or other surfaces with small holes without falling through, but something breaking his concentration will cause him to drain through. While "immune" to physical damage, especially heavy amounts of slicing or blunt force will cause his body to seperate, which would inevitable put him into a coma until he is put back together or destroyed.
His quirk really shows it's worth when he is attached to another person - while his father could physically take over someone's body, Hedoro lacks the ability. He can, however, still attach himself to someone else. Instead of taking over, this allows him to use a lot more force for attacks and lifting things, since he now has a pseudo-skeleton. He essentially gives his 'wearer' superhuman strength and durability, at the cost of being heavier and pretty uncomfortable. He adds anywhere between 400 to 800 pounds to a persons lifting strength depending on the intensity and duration of physical activity, and essentially acts as armor for his hosts (he can only stop small firearm rounds at his healthiest, unharmed size).
This quirk has quite a few drawbacks though. A lack of skeleton has left Hedoro with extremely limited dexterity when he has no host, which is most of the time. He can barely keep a semi-humanoid form, and anything beyond opening doors is nearly impossible. In addition, while physical forms of harm are nearly entirely negated, environmental effects like extreme heat and cold have a far more impactful effect on Hedoro - especially air contaminants like poison/sleep gas, due to his porous body. Hedoro's intelligence is directly linked to his size - the smaller he is and the more chunks are carved out of him, the longer it takes for him to react and plan. Water quickly dilutes him, and large bodies of water can rapidly drain his intelligence, or even kill him. If he focuses he can stand on grates or other surfaces with small holes without falling through, but something breaking his concentration will cause him to drain through. While "immune" to physical damage, especially heavy amounts of slicing or blunt force will cause his body to seperate, which would inevitable put him into a coma until he is put back together or destroyed.
Weightlifting - Hedoro is extremly dedicated to his diet and workout routine, and has rained to be exceptionally strong. Even without a skeleton, he can carry up to 150 pounds for hours at a time.
Acting - Hedoro is almost freakishly good at altering how he speaks and behaving differently. He's been the lead in almost every drama play he has been in, and despite looking like something out of the sewer, he has crushed it every time. No one has ever uncovered his true reason for wanting to become a hero.
English - Hedoro has a very firm grasp on the English language, and it is the only subject that he actually scored well in while he was still in school.
Acting - Hedoro is almost freakishly good at altering how he speaks and behaving differently. He's been the lead in almost every drama play he has been in, and despite looking like something out of the sewer, he has crushed it every time. No one has ever uncovered his true reason for wanting to become a hero.
English - Hedoro has a very firm grasp on the English language, and it is the only subject that he actually scored well in while he was still in school.
The knocking on his door occured just as Hedoro finished his 3rd set of dumbell curls. He still had quite a few exercises left in his workout today, and then he had to go out for another round of vigilantism for the night, so he was quite anxious about ending the conversation with whoever was on the otherside of the door as quick as possible. As soon as he opened it and saw the massive woman that was THE FREAKING MICHIKO NISHIWAKI, he nearly had a heart attack... y'know, if he had a heart. She was one of the big heroes in Japan! I mean, no Captain Celebrity, but still! She was on his doorstep.
It was probably his stunned silence that encouraged her to start talking, and when she finally finished her proposal, Hedoro had finally recovered enough to keep himself calmed down. "So, you decided to select the amazing Hedoro Odei as a member of your elite? A wise choice on your part, lady Nishiwaki!" She continued by providing contact information and hoping Hedoro would contact her soon with her answer. As she tried to leave, he immediatly called out "Wait, wait, wait, I accept! I accept super hard!"
She left soon after, and Hedoro immediatly got back to the workout pump. He was ecstatic - he was making some serious progress in his heroics! He was so happy, that he decided to go to his neighbor, Ms. Kashikawa, as soon as he was done working out and ask for some dumplings to celebrate. Well, if he didn't just immediatly go to his vigilante work after exercising - Mr. Kim wanted help moving his stepson's mattress into his apartment.
It was probably his stunned silence that encouraged her to start talking, and when she finally finished her proposal, Hedoro had finally recovered enough to keep himself calmed down. "So, you decided to select the amazing Hedoro Odei as a member of your elite? A wise choice on your part, lady Nishiwaki!" She continued by providing contact information and hoping Hedoro would contact her soon with her answer. As she tried to leave, he immediatly called out "Wait, wait, wait, I accept! I accept super hard!"
She left soon after, and Hedoro immediatly got back to the workout pump. He was ecstatic - he was making some serious progress in his heroics! He was so happy, that he decided to go to his neighbor, Ms. Kashikawa, as soon as he was done working out and ask for some dumplings to celebrate. Well, if he didn't just immediatly go to his vigilante work after exercising - Mr. Kim wanted help moving his stepson's mattress into his apartment.
Hedoro's favorite lift is Benchpress since it means he only needs to focus on keeping his arms and chest rigid.
His favorite Superhero is Captain Celebrity.
He can choose whether or not he stains things, but he's pretty easy to get out of fabrics.
Hedoro met his real father once while he was in prison a few years ago, and is terrified of ending up like him.
He has a penchant for really cringy catchphrases and monikers.
His favorite Superhero is Captain Celebrity.
He can choose whether or not he stains things, but he's pretty easy to get out of fabrics.
Hedoro met his real father once while he was in prison a few years ago, and is terrified of ending up like him.
He has a penchant for really cringy catchphrases and monikers.