Name: Eno Indarys, the Rogue Finger
Race: Dunmer
Age: 40
Birthsign: The Serpent
Family Origins: Necrom, Morrowind

Standing at an average 5’8’’, at first glance Eno does not make a striking impression. With most of his body hidden underneath baggy robes, and his head clean shaven, he would likely be assumed to be a monk, which, while true, would be a gross understatement. On a closer look, one can realize that despite a strong jaw, an aquiline nose with wide nostrils, and an awfully prominent brow ridge, Eno’s face has been purposefully shaped to be inconspicuous; even the haughty, arrogant look on his face acts as not much more than a distraction for his ritually clipped ears, unnaturally colored eyes, and discolored skin. He is pale for a Dunmer, so off-color that he could pass as a (sickly) man in a passing glance, and his eyes are a cloudy blue, rather than the natural red of his race. There are merely two holes where his ears should be, with barely visible tattoos covering the scar lines. Yet the oddities only start here.
When unclothed, with his disproportionately broad shoulders, long, thick arms, and large, yet graceful, almost feminine hands, Eno sports a build that would not be out of place amongst the most skilled swimmers of Tamriel, or an anatomist’s wettest dreams. His back is well defined, corded with multiple, visible ridges of muscles, and the triangular, flat shape of his torso only lends to size it up further. While he looks less muscular from the front, thanks to a thin layer of fat covering his abs, the shape of his muscles and firmness of his skin still make it obvious that he is in peak physical shape. Were someone to spot him in the nude, they would quickly notice that Eno’s body is entirely absent of physical hair; his arms, legs, eyebrows, and even his crotch are free of even the loneliest tuft. However, thanks to him covering most of his lower torso, arms and lower legs in enchanted bandages, just how unblemished his body is stays unseen to even those who get intimate with him.
Although Eno likes not attracting undue attention, he still considers himself part of the New Temple, and thus has to make himself known, even if only to ‘those in the know’, and dresses so. The hem and sleeves of his robes have a thread of gold embroidered through them, signifying purity and affluence, while a large ritual dagger is stuffed through the sash wrapped around his waist, standing right above his groin with the sheath pointing down, signifying virility, power and prudence. While he claims he wears the white cowl wrapped around his head to signify clearness of mind, this is a lie; it is actually a multipurpose garment, enchanted as to keep magick intrusions into his mind, while also acting as a hood for colder climates, a towel for warmer ones, and, when necessary, a form of concealment for his lack of ears.
Just as he keeps his ‘true personality’ hidden underneath falsifying layers, Eno keeps his vital assets disguised the same way. He wears a chainmail vest underneath his robes, but this piece of protection doubles as a ruse, given that his robes are enchanted as to not yield to blades. He visibly wears many paper charms wrapped around his clothes, yet these are in fact simple disguises compared to the enchanted bandages that cover many portions of his body. The lines around his ears seem like scar tissue, yet they are in fact Daedric charms tattooed to amplify his hearing. He claims his eyes are discolored because of cataracts, yet in fact, they have been injected with an alchemical substance to make him able to see in the dark, like the Khajiit, albeit the permanence of the effect has led to him avoiding bright lights whenever possible, and a trademark squint.
Personality: Outwardly, Eno is stereotypical – in typical Dunmer fashion, he’s callous, constantly unimpressed with, and equally dismissive of, others, their concerns, and their customs. While not proud of being Dunmer (for there is nothing to be proud of being superior by birth), he still knows that his race is also a reason for him being above others, and often views other races with pity, a pity which can pave way to slight and (still dismissive) admiration if he ever comes across someone who is capable, but isn’t Dunmer. In fashion typical to Eno, all of this is true, yet also a façade. Eno is not merely dismissive of other races; he is equally dismissive of Dunmer and their accomplishments, and simply shows it in a different fashion. He knows that one of the best ways to know someone is to frustrate them, and hides behind the classic Dunmer stereotypes to get to that point as quickly as possible, after which he rates his subjects.
In truth, Eno is a Mer of contradictions. He views the world as a ladder to climb, and himself as a representation of a force, the Ego, that is making its way to the top. Thanks to this outlook, he is able to harbor two seemingly contradictory feelings towards a subject at the same time, via viewing them through Ego-as-is, and Ego-as-him. Eno can hate and love equally, be most wary of the ones he trusts the most, and lie and believe in his own lies very convincingly. Yet, being aware of the pattern, he often creates false principles for himself as to confuse the idiots who may be close to understanding him. This seemingly impenetrable whirlpool of opinions is not without its flaws, however. Despite one of his core tenets being ‘to be an Agent of Discord’, Eno is a creature of order, and finds it hard to find in himself a lively, individual personality, that can exist outside of his definition of rituals and obligations. Because of this, he constantly categorizes even the most trivial actions and hobbies to self-legitimize them, and seeks to keep himself busy whenever possible because of his dislike of stray thought.
Ironically, his most ‘unique’ quirks seem to be a product of the very same obligations that limits his approach of sociality. He has a fixation with odd numbers, because he thinks they are pure, and prefers to make sure that his belongings stay pure through getting rid of amounts that make them even, often through charity, which is a convenient way of gaining good graces, while also being for him a declaration of superiority. He is an awfully competitive person, but surprisingly, despite the lengths he is willing to go just to ‘win’, he does not bear personal grudges towards those who defeat him, and often stays cordial with those that have bested him – although given his obligation to never concede defeat, he often reignites the conflict when the moment seems opportune (i.e. when he is most likely to win). While he is aware of social norms, they are not an integral part of his character. When busy, he can forget them completely, and be unable to comprehend the reasons laying behind any adverse reaction to his actions.
Despite his detached nature, Eno understands how social creatures work, and has found ways to appeal to them and gain their good graces. Being a proficient dream reader, he offers them to those he finds vulnerable to personal interaction and suggestion. However, he never gives his subjects the true interpretations, instead giving them ones more convenient for himself. A constant judge of character, and most constantly a judge of his own character, Eno is a keen observer of people, and so, knows how to present himself as needed, how to walk and act with certain demeanors when necessary and can impersonate various stereotypes with mathematical precision. When amongst a group of people, he decides on, and hides, a stereotype underneath the outer ‘classic Dunmer’ personality for them to discover over prolonged contact. When necessary he changes the stereotype as befits his needs.
While almost completely a creature of logic, Eno has certain traits that he has earned by circumstance, and some that he has not been able to find any logical explanation for. No matter what, Eno is obsessed with hygiene, most importantly smells, and will seek to clean himself whenever necessary. He despises having a smell, even good ones, and often categorizes people on their odor, and can recognize people by smell alone. He also finds himself prone to episodes of solemn sadness whenever he is not keeping himself ‘busy’, and thus, despises idleness. Thanks to the ritual clipping of his ears, and the charms tattooed on to give him ‘Secret Hearing’, Eno is better at hearing things that are not directed to him, but worse at hearing things directed at him. Thus, he can sometimes unwittingly leave an absent-minded impression. One thing that Eno is prodigal at is physical action, and he finds a strange serenity in his mind whenever he has to rely on muscle memory rather than his smarts. With very strong muscle memory, he’s good at repeating his own exact movements, at the cost of looking uncannily robotic.
History: As with most living creatures, Eno’s story begins with his parents. His mother Felara, and his father Daryn, were both artists; Daryn a poet, making a living off writing dirges for the constant funerary processions that gave Necrom its name, whereas Felara was a musician, who composed the poetry written by her husband into songs. However, well into their middle ages, they had been dealing with certain problems of an artistic nature – namely, a crippling lack of inspiration. For the two, who weren’t very financially minded, and were also incredibly passionate about their life’s work, the situation was worse than a death sentence, and that led them to seeking a cure; faith, in their case. Eno would never learn of his parents’ former life as wealthy burghers – for him, just like his parents, family was found somewhere else, and that family was in the Temple.
Felara and Daryn’s relative fame and strong donations to the Temple had already attracted all sorts of positive attention to them in the hierarchy; that their child was born under the sign of the Serpent was lauded as further proof of their righteousness of faith, and there was no objection by anyone when the Temple offered to take their child in amongst their cadre of Fingers. The Fingers were a group of monks of special position within the Temple, raised from birth to replace the old Ordinators of House Indoril. Thus, reborn as a Littlefinger, Eno was baptized in Waxwater to cleanse him of all impurities, a procedure which left him bereft of all body hair and gave his skin its faded color, and marked him as one of the Fingers permanently. As a child, Eno was noted for his very result-oriented demeanor and excellence in sports and handicraft, although, according to his overseer, he was horrible at meditation, and not well liked by his peers.
Eventually, towards the end of his strict education, it was decided that, given his piety, strong adherence to the obligations of the Reclamations, and physical prowess, he would best perform his duties to the Temple as a Longfinger – an inquisitor of the Temple. Eno found this most appropriate, and in fact earned a name for himself as one of the more prominent and capable Longfingers. So seriously he took his occupation, that he would go on to have his ears removed, and his eyes injected with an alchemical Nighteye solution; the first not only allowed him to use prosthetic ears and disguise himself as a man when necessary, but also the ritual cauterizing was done in such a way that enhanced his eavesdropping capabilities via enchanted lettering. While some of his higher ups found his self-modifications unsightly, Eno’s devotion to being a force of the Temple was generally met with praise. It was no surprise when he was ordered to be amongst the Longfingers sent to silence a curious rumor of heresy in Blacklight, the local Fingers having failed.
Disguised as a Breton antique collector, Eno quickly came into contact with the source; a bunch of elderly Dunmer priests, offering him an original copy of the 36 Lessons of Vivec, untouched by the Thumbs of the Temple. He arrested them for the crimes of Possession of Prohibited Artifacts and Intent to Sell Prohibited Artifacts, although curiously, never turned the book in for archival. Having always had sympathy for Saint Vivec, thanks to his proficiency with the spear (Eno’s weapon of choice) and his association with Mephala, he decided to sate his curiosity; while its contents were not a shocking revelation, thanks to how regarding the impulsiveness and fickleness of the Daedra constituted an important part of their worship, it did lead him to rethink his place in the hierarchy. Throughout his life, he’d been a servant to greater powers, with no regard to himself, his Ego. He’d been wasting his life to serve the powers that be; yet the forces that he thought he’d been worshipping were forces of change, forces of Ego, not order. His faith in the Padomaic triumphed over his faith in the Temple, and so, Eno decided to serve his faith better. He would reach Heaven by Violence.
Eno started by disappearing. He falsely reported that he had found an unauthorized cult of Namira but was at risk of compromising himself, and then promptly fell off the grid, expecting his superiors to put two and two together and write him off as deceased. Leaving for Skyrim, at first Eno found himself unsure on what to do; having lived according to ritual throughout his life, he realized he did not know how to lead a life for himself. He found an answer to that quickly, by setting down his own obligations and rituals. This line of thinking would eventually evolve and make him view others’ behavior in the same vein (although obviously of a lesser sort, since theirs was one without higher purpose), and, combined with the education on Daedra he’d received in the Temple, lead to a new occupation; an interpreter of dreams. While the oddly dressed Dunmer was not well received amongst the Nords, he found the minds of the Dunmer refugees in the land very malleable; his disguise as a monk only helped create an even better disposition. He began by interpreting for workers, maids, people who were bereft of their ancestors’ loftier, prouder lives. Their rumors snuck into the minds of their employers, however, and soon enough, Eno was interpreting dreams for Nords of the wealthier classes.
His gig did not go on for very long, however, and he was discovered to be having an affair with the wife and the children of a rather influential court figure in Whiterun. Skipping town with his profits, and a young lad he’d convinced to become his manservant, he fled to Jehanna. There, he led a simpler life, preying on the constantly bickering middle class by pretending to be a writer of charms. Having learned his lesson in Whiterun, he quickly changed occupations before anyone could find out that he was a fraud, and moved to Wayrest, serving as a martial arts instructor, teaching young nobles the way of the Spear. Introducing young men and women to the art of piercing, he earned some renown fairly quick under the name of Indar Serano; although the renown came with a fair amount of infamy, which led to all his property being confiscated and him wanted when he accidentally crushed the windpipe of the Court Wizard’s son during a training session. He fled south, to Hammerfell, taking up the even simpler trade of wood carving. Carving idols, spear shafts, and love spears for those in need, he found the work satisfying, but dulling in the long term for his goal. He had to seek Violence for Heaven, and so, he began searching for great tumult. A search that led him to a ship named Kismet.
Biggest Regret: Consciously, leaving the Temple. Eno believes that it has set him back where it could lead to him gaining even more power and influence, and respects this fault for teaching him the lessons of starting over. Subconsciously, however, he's not as above it all as he seems; it's hidden away even from him, but Eno bears resentment for the lack of vision he had as a youth, his past contentment with the positions he was given, and the enthusiasm with which he followed orders. Nothing but a glorified tool for somebody else's purpose.
Eno's Goal: A self-declared pursuer of 'Royalty', Eno claims to have great, world-shaping goals (as vague as they are) – but for that, he has to become strong enough to get to survive that stage. Eno views his body as no more than a vessel that needs to be prepared for the stormy paths he has set in mind, and as such, his current goal is to perfect his being against any sort of harm that he may come across on his journey, be it physical, mental or magical. Having received some amount of permanent body modifications in his earlier days, he may end up looking for similar options to further his prowess and progress.
Calm, Courage, Fear, Fury
-Often hailing Eno’s arrival from afar is an umbrella carried on a long, dark pole by his spear bearer, Llaran. In truth, this bell is a cover for the thin ebony tip of his spear, the blade meticulously forged from a piece of evidence from an old smuggling case, a piece that Eno kept for himself.
-Pointing down Eno’s waist is a large scabbard, in which is holstered a steel dagger meant for ritual use, with a wavy blade and a conical hilt that ends in two round halves. While useful in a pinch, Eno prefers to keep it solely as a piece of attire, and in truth, has little idea on how to use it, except as a shorter spear.
-Eno likes to show himself as vulnerable, but in truth keeps himself ready for action. He pretends to try to cover the chainmail vest that he wears under his robes, but in truth, his robes have been cut from an enchanted cloth that makes it tough like buff leather when struck, a memento from his days in Whiterun.
-A white cowl is usually wrapped around Eno’s head, seemingly to further signify his disguise as a monk. It is actually back from his days in the Temple, a shirt that has been cut to act as a headwrap. It was for wandering priests, enchanted as to resist illusion and temptation; still works the same as a cowl.
-As part of his initiation into the Longfingers, Eno’s limbs were covered with a set of bandages that bear prearranged Daedric lettering, a form of enchanting meant to ease and strengthen his muscles. Oddly, they seem to be so porous that nothing sticks to them; allowing Eno to wear them without care like skin.
Misc. Possessions:
Eno is almost always followed by his manservant, healer and spear bearer, Llaran. A young, lithe lad quite fascinated and enamored with Eno, he’s been with him through thick and thin and carries most of the provisions and comforts required to make long journeys for the both of them.
On his person, Eno carries a very small carving knife, that he uses to carve idols in his spare time, as well as carrying a satchel of coffee beans that he likes to chew on before going to sleep.
Race: Dunmer
Age: 40
Birthsign: The Serpent
Family Origins: Necrom, Morrowind

Standing at an average 5’8’’, at first glance Eno does not make a striking impression. With most of his body hidden underneath baggy robes, and his head clean shaven, he would likely be assumed to be a monk, which, while true, would be a gross understatement. On a closer look, one can realize that despite a strong jaw, an aquiline nose with wide nostrils, and an awfully prominent brow ridge, Eno’s face has been purposefully shaped to be inconspicuous; even the haughty, arrogant look on his face acts as not much more than a distraction for his ritually clipped ears, unnaturally colored eyes, and discolored skin. He is pale for a Dunmer, so off-color that he could pass as a (sickly) man in a passing glance, and his eyes are a cloudy blue, rather than the natural red of his race. There are merely two holes where his ears should be, with barely visible tattoos covering the scar lines. Yet the oddities only start here.
When unclothed, with his disproportionately broad shoulders, long, thick arms, and large, yet graceful, almost feminine hands, Eno sports a build that would not be out of place amongst the most skilled swimmers of Tamriel, or an anatomist’s wettest dreams. His back is well defined, corded with multiple, visible ridges of muscles, and the triangular, flat shape of his torso only lends to size it up further. While he looks less muscular from the front, thanks to a thin layer of fat covering his abs, the shape of his muscles and firmness of his skin still make it obvious that he is in peak physical shape. Were someone to spot him in the nude, they would quickly notice that Eno’s body is entirely absent of physical hair; his arms, legs, eyebrows, and even his crotch are free of even the loneliest tuft. However, thanks to him covering most of his lower torso, arms and lower legs in enchanted bandages, just how unblemished his body is stays unseen to even those who get intimate with him.
Although Eno likes not attracting undue attention, he still considers himself part of the New Temple, and thus has to make himself known, even if only to ‘those in the know’, and dresses so. The hem and sleeves of his robes have a thread of gold embroidered through them, signifying purity and affluence, while a large ritual dagger is stuffed through the sash wrapped around his waist, standing right above his groin with the sheath pointing down, signifying virility, power and prudence. While he claims he wears the white cowl wrapped around his head to signify clearness of mind, this is a lie; it is actually a multipurpose garment, enchanted as to keep magick intrusions into his mind, while also acting as a hood for colder climates, a towel for warmer ones, and, when necessary, a form of concealment for his lack of ears.
Just as he keeps his ‘true personality’ hidden underneath falsifying layers, Eno keeps his vital assets disguised the same way. He wears a chainmail vest underneath his robes, but this piece of protection doubles as a ruse, given that his robes are enchanted as to not yield to blades. He visibly wears many paper charms wrapped around his clothes, yet these are in fact simple disguises compared to the enchanted bandages that cover many portions of his body. The lines around his ears seem like scar tissue, yet they are in fact Daedric charms tattooed to amplify his hearing. He claims his eyes are discolored because of cataracts, yet in fact, they have been injected with an alchemical substance to make him able to see in the dark, like the Khajiit, albeit the permanence of the effect has led to him avoiding bright lights whenever possible, and a trademark squint.
Personality: Outwardly, Eno is stereotypical – in typical Dunmer fashion, he’s callous, constantly unimpressed with, and equally dismissive of, others, their concerns, and their customs. While not proud of being Dunmer (for there is nothing to be proud of being superior by birth), he still knows that his race is also a reason for him being above others, and often views other races with pity, a pity which can pave way to slight and (still dismissive) admiration if he ever comes across someone who is capable, but isn’t Dunmer. In fashion typical to Eno, all of this is true, yet also a façade. Eno is not merely dismissive of other races; he is equally dismissive of Dunmer and their accomplishments, and simply shows it in a different fashion. He knows that one of the best ways to know someone is to frustrate them, and hides behind the classic Dunmer stereotypes to get to that point as quickly as possible, after which he rates his subjects.
In truth, Eno is a Mer of contradictions. He views the world as a ladder to climb, and himself as a representation of a force, the Ego, that is making its way to the top. Thanks to this outlook, he is able to harbor two seemingly contradictory feelings towards a subject at the same time, via viewing them through Ego-as-is, and Ego-as-him. Eno can hate and love equally, be most wary of the ones he trusts the most, and lie and believe in his own lies very convincingly. Yet, being aware of the pattern, he often creates false principles for himself as to confuse the idiots who may be close to understanding him. This seemingly impenetrable whirlpool of opinions is not without its flaws, however. Despite one of his core tenets being ‘to be an Agent of Discord’, Eno is a creature of order, and finds it hard to find in himself a lively, individual personality, that can exist outside of his definition of rituals and obligations. Because of this, he constantly categorizes even the most trivial actions and hobbies to self-legitimize them, and seeks to keep himself busy whenever possible because of his dislike of stray thought.
Ironically, his most ‘unique’ quirks seem to be a product of the very same obligations that limits his approach of sociality. He has a fixation with odd numbers, because he thinks they are pure, and prefers to make sure that his belongings stay pure through getting rid of amounts that make them even, often through charity, which is a convenient way of gaining good graces, while also being for him a declaration of superiority. He is an awfully competitive person, but surprisingly, despite the lengths he is willing to go just to ‘win’, he does not bear personal grudges towards those who defeat him, and often stays cordial with those that have bested him – although given his obligation to never concede defeat, he often reignites the conflict when the moment seems opportune (i.e. when he is most likely to win). While he is aware of social norms, they are not an integral part of his character. When busy, he can forget them completely, and be unable to comprehend the reasons laying behind any adverse reaction to his actions.
Despite his detached nature, Eno understands how social creatures work, and has found ways to appeal to them and gain their good graces. Being a proficient dream reader, he offers them to those he finds vulnerable to personal interaction and suggestion. However, he never gives his subjects the true interpretations, instead giving them ones more convenient for himself. A constant judge of character, and most constantly a judge of his own character, Eno is a keen observer of people, and so, knows how to present himself as needed, how to walk and act with certain demeanors when necessary and can impersonate various stereotypes with mathematical precision. When amongst a group of people, he decides on, and hides, a stereotype underneath the outer ‘classic Dunmer’ personality for them to discover over prolonged contact. When necessary he changes the stereotype as befits his needs.
While almost completely a creature of logic, Eno has certain traits that he has earned by circumstance, and some that he has not been able to find any logical explanation for. No matter what, Eno is obsessed with hygiene, most importantly smells, and will seek to clean himself whenever necessary. He despises having a smell, even good ones, and often categorizes people on their odor, and can recognize people by smell alone. He also finds himself prone to episodes of solemn sadness whenever he is not keeping himself ‘busy’, and thus, despises idleness. Thanks to the ritual clipping of his ears, and the charms tattooed on to give him ‘Secret Hearing’, Eno is better at hearing things that are not directed to him, but worse at hearing things directed at him. Thus, he can sometimes unwittingly leave an absent-minded impression. One thing that Eno is prodigal at is physical action, and he finds a strange serenity in his mind whenever he has to rely on muscle memory rather than his smarts. With very strong muscle memory, he’s good at repeating his own exact movements, at the cost of looking uncannily robotic.
History: As with most living creatures, Eno’s story begins with his parents. His mother Felara, and his father Daryn, were both artists; Daryn a poet, making a living off writing dirges for the constant funerary processions that gave Necrom its name, whereas Felara was a musician, who composed the poetry written by her husband into songs. However, well into their middle ages, they had been dealing with certain problems of an artistic nature – namely, a crippling lack of inspiration. For the two, who weren’t very financially minded, and were also incredibly passionate about their life’s work, the situation was worse than a death sentence, and that led them to seeking a cure; faith, in their case. Eno would never learn of his parents’ former life as wealthy burghers – for him, just like his parents, family was found somewhere else, and that family was in the Temple.
Felara and Daryn’s relative fame and strong donations to the Temple had already attracted all sorts of positive attention to them in the hierarchy; that their child was born under the sign of the Serpent was lauded as further proof of their righteousness of faith, and there was no objection by anyone when the Temple offered to take their child in amongst their cadre of Fingers. The Fingers were a group of monks of special position within the Temple, raised from birth to replace the old Ordinators of House Indoril. Thus, reborn as a Littlefinger, Eno was baptized in Waxwater to cleanse him of all impurities, a procedure which left him bereft of all body hair and gave his skin its faded color, and marked him as one of the Fingers permanently. As a child, Eno was noted for his very result-oriented demeanor and excellence in sports and handicraft, although, according to his overseer, he was horrible at meditation, and not well liked by his peers.
Eventually, towards the end of his strict education, it was decided that, given his piety, strong adherence to the obligations of the Reclamations, and physical prowess, he would best perform his duties to the Temple as a Longfinger – an inquisitor of the Temple. Eno found this most appropriate, and in fact earned a name for himself as one of the more prominent and capable Longfingers. So seriously he took his occupation, that he would go on to have his ears removed, and his eyes injected with an alchemical Nighteye solution; the first not only allowed him to use prosthetic ears and disguise himself as a man when necessary, but also the ritual cauterizing was done in such a way that enhanced his eavesdropping capabilities via enchanted lettering. While some of his higher ups found his self-modifications unsightly, Eno’s devotion to being a force of the Temple was generally met with praise. It was no surprise when he was ordered to be amongst the Longfingers sent to silence a curious rumor of heresy in Blacklight, the local Fingers having failed.
Disguised as a Breton antique collector, Eno quickly came into contact with the source; a bunch of elderly Dunmer priests, offering him an original copy of the 36 Lessons of Vivec, untouched by the Thumbs of the Temple. He arrested them for the crimes of Possession of Prohibited Artifacts and Intent to Sell Prohibited Artifacts, although curiously, never turned the book in for archival. Having always had sympathy for Saint Vivec, thanks to his proficiency with the spear (Eno’s weapon of choice) and his association with Mephala, he decided to sate his curiosity; while its contents were not a shocking revelation, thanks to how regarding the impulsiveness and fickleness of the Daedra constituted an important part of their worship, it did lead him to rethink his place in the hierarchy. Throughout his life, he’d been a servant to greater powers, with no regard to himself, his Ego. He’d been wasting his life to serve the powers that be; yet the forces that he thought he’d been worshipping were forces of change, forces of Ego, not order. His faith in the Padomaic triumphed over his faith in the Temple, and so, Eno decided to serve his faith better. He would reach Heaven by Violence.
Eno started by disappearing. He falsely reported that he had found an unauthorized cult of Namira but was at risk of compromising himself, and then promptly fell off the grid, expecting his superiors to put two and two together and write him off as deceased. Leaving for Skyrim, at first Eno found himself unsure on what to do; having lived according to ritual throughout his life, he realized he did not know how to lead a life for himself. He found an answer to that quickly, by setting down his own obligations and rituals. This line of thinking would eventually evolve and make him view others’ behavior in the same vein (although obviously of a lesser sort, since theirs was one without higher purpose), and, combined with the education on Daedra he’d received in the Temple, lead to a new occupation; an interpreter of dreams. While the oddly dressed Dunmer was not well received amongst the Nords, he found the minds of the Dunmer refugees in the land very malleable; his disguise as a monk only helped create an even better disposition. He began by interpreting for workers, maids, people who were bereft of their ancestors’ loftier, prouder lives. Their rumors snuck into the minds of their employers, however, and soon enough, Eno was interpreting dreams for Nords of the wealthier classes.
His gig did not go on for very long, however, and he was discovered to be having an affair with the wife and the children of a rather influential court figure in Whiterun. Skipping town with his profits, and a young lad he’d convinced to become his manservant, he fled to Jehanna. There, he led a simpler life, preying on the constantly bickering middle class by pretending to be a writer of charms. Having learned his lesson in Whiterun, he quickly changed occupations before anyone could find out that he was a fraud, and moved to Wayrest, serving as a martial arts instructor, teaching young nobles the way of the Spear. Introducing young men and women to the art of piercing, he earned some renown fairly quick under the name of Indar Serano; although the renown came with a fair amount of infamy, which led to all his property being confiscated and him wanted when he accidentally crushed the windpipe of the Court Wizard’s son during a training session. He fled south, to Hammerfell, taking up the even simpler trade of wood carving. Carving idols, spear shafts, and love spears for those in need, he found the work satisfying, but dulling in the long term for his goal. He had to seek Violence for Heaven, and so, he began searching for great tumult. A search that led him to a ship named Kismet.
Biggest Regret: Consciously, leaving the Temple. Eno believes that it has set him back where it could lead to him gaining even more power and influence, and respects this fault for teaching him the lessons of starting over. Subconsciously, however, he's not as above it all as he seems; it's hidden away even from him, but Eno bears resentment for the lack of vision he had as a youth, his past contentment with the positions he was given, and the enthusiasm with which he followed orders. Nothing but a glorified tool for somebody else's purpose.
Eno's Goal: A self-declared pursuer of 'Royalty', Eno claims to have great, world-shaping goals (as vague as they are) – but for that, he has to become strong enough to get to survive that stage. Eno views his body as no more than a vessel that needs to be prepared for the stormy paths he has set in mind, and as such, his current goal is to perfect his being against any sort of harm that he may come across on his journey, be it physical, mental or magical. Having received some amount of permanent body modifications in his earlier days, he may end up looking for similar options to further his prowess and progress.
Calm, Courage, Fear, Fury
-Often hailing Eno’s arrival from afar is an umbrella carried on a long, dark pole by his spear bearer, Llaran. In truth, this bell is a cover for the thin ebony tip of his spear, the blade meticulously forged from a piece of evidence from an old smuggling case, a piece that Eno kept for himself.
-Pointing down Eno’s waist is a large scabbard, in which is holstered a steel dagger meant for ritual use, with a wavy blade and a conical hilt that ends in two round halves. While useful in a pinch, Eno prefers to keep it solely as a piece of attire, and in truth, has little idea on how to use it, except as a shorter spear.
-Eno likes to show himself as vulnerable, but in truth keeps himself ready for action. He pretends to try to cover the chainmail vest that he wears under his robes, but in truth, his robes have been cut from an enchanted cloth that makes it tough like buff leather when struck, a memento from his days in Whiterun.
-A white cowl is usually wrapped around Eno’s head, seemingly to further signify his disguise as a monk. It is actually back from his days in the Temple, a shirt that has been cut to act as a headwrap. It was for wandering priests, enchanted as to resist illusion and temptation; still works the same as a cowl.
-As part of his initiation into the Longfingers, Eno’s limbs were covered with a set of bandages that bear prearranged Daedric lettering, a form of enchanting meant to ease and strengthen his muscles. Oddly, they seem to be so porous that nothing sticks to them; allowing Eno to wear them without care like skin.
Misc. Possessions:
Eno is almost always followed by his manservant, healer and spear bearer, Llaran. A young, lithe lad quite fascinated and enamored with Eno, he’s been with him through thick and thin and carries most of the provisions and comforts required to make long journeys for the both of them.
Llaran Maryon, aged 19, is formally Eno Indarys’ spear bearer and apprentice. In practice, however, his duties go little further than being his pack mule, masseuse and bed companion. Having entered Eno’s service in Windhelm, almost at the start of his journey, Llaran admits that Eno is not a gentle master; yet, given his past as a lowly servant in an East Empire Company supplier’s household, he believes that his time spent with the former Longfinger is a more fulfilling and enjoyable one.
An attractive, athletic lad with soft, gentle features despite his laborious past, he is quick to make friends with people, although that may just be his naivety. While he wishes to learn more of the spear arts and magic, as of now he practically has zero experience. Eno believes that he doesn’t have the ‘warrior nature’ to be worth actual teaching, and if someone were to get to know Llaran, they’d probably agree with Eno.
On journeys, aside from Eno’s ‘umbrella’, Llaran carries a large canvas cloth and two sturdy boxes made of lacquered wood, one holding nine potions of health restoration and cure poison, some muscle relaxant lotions, an ample amount of candlewax and three different colors of skin dyes – pale, weathered and tanned, respectively.
In the other box are three packs, one holding a dependable amount of cured meats and rice balls, the other holding clothes, perfume and soap for himself, while Eno’s pack holds spare clothes of both genders, soap, some makeup supplies, a small amount of wigs, and three pairs of ears made of hardened wax; one pair is shaped like a human’s ears, while the other two pairs are shaped like an elf’s ears.
Llaran carries a small knife, a pair of scissors, a piece of flint and a mortar and pestle on his person. While the mortar and pestle may be of use to someone who knows alchemy, Llaran does not know alchemy, and uses it solely for culinary purposes.
An attractive, athletic lad with soft, gentle features despite his laborious past, he is quick to make friends with people, although that may just be his naivety. While he wishes to learn more of the spear arts and magic, as of now he practically has zero experience. Eno believes that he doesn’t have the ‘warrior nature’ to be worth actual teaching, and if someone were to get to know Llaran, they’d probably agree with Eno.
On journeys, aside from Eno’s ‘umbrella’, Llaran carries a large canvas cloth and two sturdy boxes made of lacquered wood, one holding nine potions of health restoration and cure poison, some muscle relaxant lotions, an ample amount of candlewax and three different colors of skin dyes – pale, weathered and tanned, respectively.
In the other box are three packs, one holding a dependable amount of cured meats and rice balls, the other holding clothes, perfume and soap for himself, while Eno’s pack holds spare clothes of both genders, soap, some makeup supplies, a small amount of wigs, and three pairs of ears made of hardened wax; one pair is shaped like a human’s ears, while the other two pairs are shaped like an elf’s ears.
Llaran carries a small knife, a pair of scissors, a piece of flint and a mortar and pestle on his person. While the mortar and pestle may be of use to someone who knows alchemy, Llaran does not know alchemy, and uses it solely for culinary purposes.
On his person, Eno carries a very small carving knife, that he uses to carve idols in his spare time, as well as carrying a satchel of coffee beans that he likes to chew on before going to sleep.