【Tanaka, Amélie - Raijin】

~"C'mon, put down the book - life's happening outside."~
Name: Amélie Tanaka, also known as Raijin - nicknamed so for her spontaneous nature and bright blonde hair
Class: Average Human
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Member of: Third Year + Track Club + Tennis Club
Height: 5'5''
Weight: 120 lbs
Build: Athletic, well-toned
Eyes: Emerald
Hair: Blonde
Sociable * Stubborn * Protective * Insensitive
Sexuality: Bisexual; hasn't quite yet figured out that she likes girls romantically as well, though she finds them attractive.
Personality: One need not spend a long time with Amélie to realize exactly how she earned her nickname. Those closest to her liken her to lightning for a reason; she's unpredictable, spontaneous and
quick, here one moment, gone the next. Bold and sociable, she has no problem inserting herself into the presence of others - sometimes to their chagrin - and striking up a conversation as if she's known them her entire life. Needless to say, there aren't many in the school who haven't heard of her, whether they like it or not. Now, whether she's unaware that her behaviour can be a bother to some people, or whether she realizes it and simply doesn't care is anyone's guess. When it comes to her, either option is quite viable.
With that said, though she knows a lot of people and never fails to offer them a smile and a wave when passing them by, whether she's
actually friends with them is debatable. If asked, she would say she is - after all, she enjoys spending time with them and talking with them. Therein, though, lies the problem; for all her love of talking, Amélie isn't very good at listening - at least, beyond a superficial level. That is to say, though she is sympathetic, she isn't very
empathetic and therefore doesn't really understand others' emotions. She's bad at comforting people, in particular - she has a tendency to inadvertently dismiss the presented problem, pretend not to notice or change the topic - or, if unable to avoid it, force a solution based more on logic than feelings. Anything to make the problem go away before she remembers her own issues or says something wrong and makes things worse. Due to this, most of her bonds, while maybe enjoyable on a surface level, tend to be shallow. She doesn't
really know anyone, and no one
really knows her.
Perhaps partly due to the above, Amélie always tries to make sure everyone is having a good time, and will quickly latch onto sad-looking people and make it her sworn duty to get them to smile. Also, while bad at comforting people, she isn't necessarily bad at
helping them in all cases. If presented with a problem that can have a physical solution, such as someone being bullied or injured, things are quite different; Amélie makes sure to do her utmost to help, sometimes with a little
too much vigor. Protective to a fault, she sees herself as dependable and has no problem walking up to someone twice her size to demand they stop bothering her friend. Truth be told, Amélie is reckless in general, and absolutely lives for adrenaline - to a point that long times without make her antsy. While her excitability - particularly when combined with her athletic prowess - mean she has energy to spare, it also means that she gets bored of things easily. Never leave her in charge of a mundane task; she will either do it sloppily or find a way to "spice things up" while doing it - which is code for disaster. Finally, she is extremely competitive, though she keeps a positive mood no matter the result. Just... don't be surprised if she's way more passionate about a perceived rivalry than you are.
Habits: - When nervous or forced to stay stationary for too long, she starts to show various signs of discomfort. Most often, she'll start to tap her foot, constantly change her weight from one leg to another or, if able, even jog in place.
- Will start to hum or talk to herself if she's left in silence for too long and there's no one else to speak to. Music works, as well. The louder, the better.
- Laughs a lot. Be it chuckles, giggles or just small chirping sounds of amusement, her speech is dotted with them - particularly when she's excited.
- Sometimes, though rarely, inserts French words or exclamations into her speech. Sometimes they come by accident, such as when surprised or shocked, but other times she does it on purpose, since it amuses some of her fellow students. She doesn't mind being the funny foreigner, after all.
Hobbies: - Running
- Swimming
- Tennis
- Collecting stamps
- Hiking
Fears:- Silence - when there are no sounds to block them out, her thoughts get unbearably loud
- Something happening to her father or grandfather
- Being alone
Likes: - Adrenaline
- Winning
- Steaks
- Surprises
- Competition
Dislikes: - Supernatural things or people believing in them (this borders on a fear, but not a debilitating one)
- Chores
- Sweet things
- Being ignored
- Boredom
- Reading
AttributesStrength: Average
Vitality: Average
Mobility: Forte
Intelligence: Average
Supernatural: Weakness
Skills: - Move your body | From a very young age, Amélie has always been moving. She is agile and flexible and knows her own limits and strengths when it comes to physical exertion.
- Breathe in, breathe out | due to many of her hobbies (namely, running and swimming) depending on proper oxygen management and breathing technique, she is very good at controlling her oxygen intake and energy output. She can hold her breath for a respectable amount of time, as well.
- Not quite a medic, but! | Scrapes aren't uncommon for her, and she's seen a few even more serious injuries being sustained by her fellow athletes. She's by no means an expert, but she's studied a thing or two when it comes to nutrition and first aid - topics that only interested her due to their close correlation with her success in fields that interest her.
Equipment: - Tennis racket - for tennis practice
- Water bottle - considering how much she exerts herself, she'd be dead by now if she didn't always hang on to at least one
Your Story Thus Far: Amélie was born in Lyon, France, to a Japanese father and a French mother, though she took after the latter quite heavily as far as appearances went - a fact that must've made the couple's eventual divorce even harder for her father. Amélie herself was young enough not to remember much of it, and her father never did seem eager to share their reasons. Either way, from there on out, it was up to her father to raise her alone - a somewhat daunting task, as Amélie was never an easy child. She was energetic to a fault, and seemed to love getting into trouble. It was only once she grew old enough to somewhat understand that her behaviour was making her father sad that she tried to control it - to a degree, anyway.
Then, towards the end of elementary school, Amélie's father made the decision to return to Japan. His mother was in poor health, and after such a long time spent overseas, he started to miss his home country. So when Amélie started middle school, she did so in a new country, in a new language, with people she did not know. A no doubt scary concept to many - but absolutely exhilarating to Amélie. She embraced the new 'adventure', as she called it, with open arms, both literal and figurative.
Only, her enthusiasm was one-sided. To her new classmates, she came across as... too much, in many ways. Too bright, too loud, too brazen; every step she took to try and befriend people, they took backwards to avoid her, unsure what to do. After all, they didn't even share a language.
It was a tough spot for her, yet she refused to talk about her troubles to her family. Her father had always been the type to bottle up his problems and try to keep up a strong, positive front for her - now, it was her turn to return the favor. He had enough on his plate, having to worry about his mother's health. The least he needed was to think that he'd caused her discomfort by moving here. As for her grandparents, well... they were kind, if eccentric. Very superstitious, they had decorated the house with all sorts of 'wards' against 'ghosts' and 'spirits' and whatnot, and quite frankly, Amélie was afraid they'd think she was cursed or something if she told them about her problems. Not to mention, they didn't share a language either.
Luckily for Amélie, she was born stubborn as a bull - and eventually, after months upon months of relentlessly trying to make friends, her labor bore fruit; after trying to brute force friendship onto half the school, she finally got a friend. A friend that was a bit reserved about her still, and who had trouble understanding her - but a friend was a friend was a friend. She wasn't picky. From there, things picked up for her. She started to learn Japanese quite fast, and with someone already associating with her, others started to dare venture closer to this strange foreigner as well. She got closer to her grandparents as well, enjoying their stories and especially their cooking. A little stereotypical, perhaps, but true enough.
Then, one day, her grandmother passed away - and even her father, always so positive and unaffected by grief, threatened to break down. Unsure what to do, Amélie tried to offer him comfort - by saying that she was sure her spirit would stay to watch over them. Wrong move. All she ended up doing was making her father and grandfather both even more superstitious - to a point that on more than one occasion, they swore they'd seen her haunt the hallways. Startled by what she'd caused, Amélie was too afraid to try and console the two (and subsequently, anyone else) again, out of fear of making things worse.
Today, things are slowly looking up. Her grandfather still has an obsession with his dead wife's supposed spirit, and her father is still trying his best to keep everything together - but at the very least, they aren't alone anymore. A year or so ago, other relatives that worried for the two men's mental health managed to convince the whole family to move over to Jitsuryoku-jima, where the rest of their extended family lived. A seemingly peaceful island with fresh air aplenty, they hoped it to be the perfect environment for rehabilitation.
If only they knew.Relationships: - 💜 Hase, Saki (bestie! If anyone out there knows about Amélie's tendency not to talk about her problems, it's this girl.)
- 😈 Minamoto Katsu (rival, or so she's declared. There can only be one bully-fighting, blonde exchange student in this school!)
- 💛 Kamei Azume (cute, cute, cute, she must get this cutie out of her shell! Honestly, Amélie's friendship is probably one-sided, since she's more a bother for the poor girl.)
- 👿 Tanimoto, Orochi (gah, a perv! And one that's hit on her friends, no less! Must be fought at all costs.)
- ♨️ Murai Chikako (occult club... stuff like that isn't real, so it can't be good for her. Ahh.)
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