"Just kill me now."

Name: Subject A-6-9 or "Six Nine"
Gender: Male
American, technically.
Height: 5'7
Feet and inches
145 Lbs
Fashion Sense:
Given his entire life has been spent in an asylum, he doesn't have a particularly developed taste in fashion. Shortly after leaving the asylum however, he managed to get himself some clothing after breaking into an abandoned goodwill. All he managed to find that fit was a tight pair of black jeans, and a white button up shirt that loosely drapes around thin his frame.
Distinguishing Features:
A tattoo of the numbers "Six Nine" under his left eye.
Pick three and answer in character.
-You're fighting a worthy opponent who you're about to defeat, then they forsake their humanity and give up their self just to beat you, how do you react?
"Seems like a waste... Can't really kill me one way or the other... I don't know, I guess I'd just keep doing what I'm doing."
-A good friend of yours abandons you and everyone they know in the pursuit of strength, how do you feel?
"Haven't really had any good friends, so more power to them I guess."
-Someone you have romantic interest enters a relationship with someone else, what do you do?
"Wish them the best."
-How do you feel about explosions?
"They hurt, but it's a faster death than most, so I don't mind them too much."
-You lost a fight, what are you going to do about it?
"To put it bluntly, when I go down, I don't stay there."
-Where do you go when you die?
"Right fucking back here."
-What's your worst nightmare?
"Going back to those labs and hospitals and doctors and shit."
-Do you believe in karma?
"No, if karma was real I'd get to stay dead."
-Can evil people be rehabilitated?
"They don't deserve the chance."
-Are you a bad person?
"I'm not sure yet... I guess we'll see."
-You're fighting a worthy opponent who you're about to defeat, then they forsake their humanity and give up their self just to beat you, how do you react?
"Seems like a waste... Can't really kill me one way or the other... I don't know, I guess I'd just keep doing what I'm doing."
-A good friend of yours abandons you and everyone they know in the pursuit of strength, how do you feel?
"Haven't really had any good friends, so more power to them I guess."
-Someone you have romantic interest enters a relationship with someone else, what do you do?
"Wish them the best."
-How do you feel about explosions?
"They hurt, but it's a faster death than most, so I don't mind them too much."
-You lost a fight, what are you going to do about it?
"To put it bluntly, when I go down, I don't stay there."
-Where do you go when you die?
"Right fucking back here."
-What's your worst nightmare?
"Going back to those labs and hospitals and doctors and shit."
-Do you believe in karma?
"No, if karma was real I'd get to stay dead."
-Can evil people be rehabilitated?
"They don't deserve the chance."
-Are you a bad person?
"I'm not sure yet... I guess we'll see."
According to all official records, Subject A-6-9 was a stillborn, buried by a grieving family, and nearly forgotten in the minutia of day to day life.
However in reality, he has been an invaluable instrument to the agencies and governments that wished to research and experiment upon individuals with strange and supernatural abilities. His entire life has consisted of being researched and experimented upon, primarily by being killed in every possible way the researchers in the numerous facilities he's been held in could imagine. However, after some time, his primary use was acting as a live test for various weapons, medicines, protective gear, etc.
Most recently, he had been transferred to Redrum Asylum to conduct live tests on a specialized hazmat suit intended to protect individuals from an asylum resident's ability to create an aggressive form of flesh-eating bacteria.
Resurrection - Six-Nine possesses extreme regenerative abilities that trigger upon death or fatal injury. His regenerative ability is so extreme he can regrow lost limbs, and even regenerate from being turned into literal meat patties.
Resuscitation - Undiscovered
Black Ghost - Unidiscovered
The clothing on his back.
From a young age, Six-Nine has observed a dark particulate that surrounds him, along with a dark figure that will from time to time appear in the corners of his vision. However, neither of these phenomena seem to be observable by anyone but him.
Here he Is! Let me know if I need to rework anything!