
name: Ezra Hills
age: 19
bio: living out away from most the big cities, Ezra was always around pokemon. He was too poor to have televisions or toys, so as a kid he would play in the deserts with the pokemon there, far away from anyone else but the pokemon he called his friends. One day, while out by one of the nearby Levees, he witnessed his first pokemon battle. Two fairly powerful trainers battled in front of him and Ezra was enthralled. From that day on, he knew these pokemon would be his partners the way they were for those two. One summer, while away from school, Ezra managed to wrestle down and capture his first pokemon. It was a tough fight and his arm was broken but he had captured a pokemon without a single pokeball. The two became best friends.
As Ezra went on with his life, he continued to do normal teenager things, slowly it seems his dream was drifting away. Despite this, he still battled with the local trainers and was known as one of the best in his town, though that wasn't saying much. As he grew older and older, his dream seemed to fade more and more until his family surprised him with a bag of pokeballs, a pokedex and all the things he'd need to head out on his own. Ezra was touched and they allowed him to go off and be the best he could be.
starter pokemon: Vullaby (now a Mandibuzz)
job/character type: As a young man, Ezra wrote reports and papers for the local pokemon ranger regiment.
other pokemon: