Sex Pistol
Blaire Williams
◆ Human ◆ Female ◆ 26 ◆ 174.5 cm ◆ 58 kg ◆ Outlaw

// A P P E A R A N C E \\
Blaire’s body is a representation of what kind of life she’s led up until now. The ink on her body forever a work in progress as her story has yet to be completed. Each tattoo is meticulously catered to each impactful experience she’s had. There are none that are as trivial as keeping score of how many bodies she’s pilled up along the way or where she comes from, instead they’re more on where she’s going and who she met along the way. Years of being on the run and always a name in multiple dead pools has kept her body nimble and fit. While she doesn’t have any overly muscular arms or legs, she does manage to maintain a lean stomach and impressive flexibility. Her hair is tucked back into a neat ponytail with a few strands hanging from the front, while the sides are kept shaven.
Her wardrobe could be best described as neo punk militant. Her jacket is that of the leather variety studded out into sections. She wears a white top that wraps down all the way down past her buttocks that also reveals her midriff above. Her pants are camo with the sides cut out near the thigh, held together by a black belt with holster attachments and almost cybernetic looking combat boots. Beyond that she wears a single golden ear piece around the edge of her right ear. She almost prides herself on retaining her human look without any of these worldly implants.
Her wardrobe could be best described as neo punk militant. Her jacket is that of the leather variety studded out into sections. She wears a white top that wraps down all the way down past her buttocks that also reveals her midriff above. Her pants are camo with the sides cut out near the thigh, held together by a black belt with holster attachments and almost cybernetic looking combat boots. Beyond that she wears a single golden ear piece around the edge of her right ear. She almost prides herself on retaining her human look without any of these worldly implants.
// P E R S O N A L I T Y \\
Abrasive, Domineering, just an overall bitch are some of the adjectives used to describe Blaire. To be honest it wasn’t her fault she turned out this way, she was just a product of her environment and there was nothing that could thrive but negative emotions. Blaire relies on herself, always has and always will, her tough exterior is what helped her survive for so long while on the run. While she might lack tact, she will never give you the run around. Trust has become a commodity in the current climate of militaristic empires and space thievery and she’s running short. While not one that readily trusts she isn’t one to be trusted either, her need for freedom and self-preservation overrides all even if that means coning those she loves.
As an outlaw she’s good at what she does a con artist, cheat, and a pro in espionage. These were all traits she learned and perfected in order to shed the skin of the caged animal from her past. Blaire is the girl who grew up in squalor and poverty and built herself into a woman who does whatever she wants, obeys no-one and is constrained by nothing. Blaire will never ever be caught, restrained, controlled, dependent – or prohibited from doing something. And if she wants to have something, she will have it. Blaire is also very private, hard to read and unpredictable. She’s mysterious and has a certain aloofness when it comes to her privacy. Privacy is something she was denied a lot as a kid and is indispensable to protect both her freedom and her safety.
Generally, for much of her life, Blaire has been a loner. She just doesn’t need company and can function perfectly well living alone, though she has nothing against having friendships within limits. She’s a hardened criminal that grew up in a violent and harsh environment and can evidence a rather nasty temper. When pushed Blaire can be remarkably devious, manipulative and brutal. Her plans are crafty and cunning and employ the strengths and weaknesses of her opponents against them. Even though the list runs short on positives qualities, they are in fact still there. Over the past few years having been involved with the crew and the Captain specifically, has allowed her to open up more and toe the line of hero instead of villain. Adamant against the changes happening within her and displaying her inner weaknesses has been hard to adjust to but pleasant for the rest of the crew as she was a feral animal at the beginning.
As an outlaw she’s good at what she does a con artist, cheat, and a pro in espionage. These were all traits she learned and perfected in order to shed the skin of the caged animal from her past. Blaire is the girl who grew up in squalor and poverty and built herself into a woman who does whatever she wants, obeys no-one and is constrained by nothing. Blaire will never ever be caught, restrained, controlled, dependent – or prohibited from doing something. And if she wants to have something, she will have it. Blaire is also very private, hard to read and unpredictable. She’s mysterious and has a certain aloofness when it comes to her privacy. Privacy is something she was denied a lot as a kid and is indispensable to protect both her freedom and her safety.
Generally, for much of her life, Blaire has been a loner. She just doesn’t need company and can function perfectly well living alone, though she has nothing against having friendships within limits. She’s a hardened criminal that grew up in a violent and harsh environment and can evidence a rather nasty temper. When pushed Blaire can be remarkably devious, manipulative and brutal. Her plans are crafty and cunning and employ the strengths and weaknesses of her opponents against them. Even though the list runs short on positives qualities, they are in fact still there. Over the past few years having been involved with the crew and the Captain specifically, has allowed her to open up more and toe the line of hero instead of villain. Adamant against the changes happening within her and displaying her inner weaknesses has been hard to adjust to but pleasant for the rest of the crew as she was a feral animal at the beginning.
// H I S T O R Y \\
A chilled glass sat nearly empty on a soggy napkin near the edge of the table. Tattooed fingers wrapped around and emptied whatever ichor was left inside leaving just a clump of ice. As her head came into focus one could see Blaire reaching for another credit from her studded jacket pocket whilst flagging over the barkeep to top her off once more. She had a quiet life one that wound down into nights like these where she drank her stress away and tried to spend more money than she could make sitting there. It was…nice if you could say even that and so this continued week in and week out every time the crew had down time. But things were not always this peaceful and easy for the outlaw known as Blaire Williams, no, instead it had a much more tumultuous start.
There’s no real beginning to Blaire’s story nor any evidence of where she came from or who her parents were. Instead all that can be determined from her past starts at the foot of concrete steps leading to the front door of a little orphanage known as Placid Waters. Placid waters were a less than desirable institution tucked away in the recesses of some far off planet written off as a waste of time and resources. With no guidelines or moral structure, they were free to do as they please, unchecked power like that would soon go to their heads. The infrastructure was more reminiscent of a prison than an actual orphanage, there was a head mother who in turn had an army of sisters to do her bidding. The sisters barely cared for any of the children there as far as avoiding them whenever they ran into any form of accident.
This sense of apathy led to a multitude of illnesses and deformities within the children there, some developed bowed legs others became susceptible to rickets and other just straight up died to whatever illness they succumbed to without any hope of medication. The images of bodies constantly carried out and later burned in a pyre left both sight and smell imprinted on the minds of the youths. Food was another metric in which they were shorted. The children were given three meals a day every six hours and if you missed one for your weekly shower than you wouldn’t be able to eat for another twelve hours. The meals consisted of whatever food was leftover from the sisters and head mother, not only did they get the scraps, but they only had five minutes to eat whatever was there before having it taken from them. This created ‘stuffers’ children who shoved all their food into their clothes in order to eat it later.
So why did the kids never rally against their oppressors? Well one they were small children who most often not were emaciated in health and two, the reason why the orphanage earned its name. You see in this run-down planet left to rot after severe nuclear warfare, these ghettos were surrounded by the runoff that contained toxic water from the height of the war. The water that ran through the orphanage was used by the head mother to act as a suppressant to the children. The constant exposure to the water had left them placid or docile unable to see what was happening. Everyone except Blaire, Blaire had saw what the sisters were up to as they never drank the water themselves. To get by she mastered the sleight of hand ability and was able to switch her cup out with one that was already empty.
While she bided her time, she acted the role of model slave despite planning her escape over years of planning. Slowly but surely, she weened off a few children and had made them accomplices in her rebellion having earned their trust. Little by little she gained the trust of the head mother and would snitch on any kids or sisters acting out of term, but this was all a guise so she could siphon technology and small resources she could use to aid in their space. Eventually, through years of servitude she was finally ready to enact her plan. The tools she had accumulated over time went to aid in the construction of a device to purify the placid waters plaguing the children. With a fresh water source, the children were finally free of their mental chains and able to grow into healthy bodies. Of course, the sisters were the first line of defense and noticed the sudden change. Hoping to outsmart them they tested the water to confirm their suspicions, however the water they drank was not the purified water but that of the placid waters. Becoming docile and without way to carry their findings to their head mother, the kids only furthered their agenda.
Eventually when the head mother caught wind herself it was too late, she tried to regain her grip on their strings. Instead she was met by the sisters who she had controlled for so long, Frankenstein’s monster turning on its master. With the demise of the head mother Blaire found it perfect timing to escape the orphanage that had plagued them so long. Yet the kids who she had helped no longer wanted to leave and decided to stay and run the orphanage themselves, encouraging Blaire to continue with her life on her own with promises of their own safety. Reluctant to leave, Blaire pushed onward having been used to the isolation she had turned into a blanket. This is where she started her path down becoming an outlaw. Needing shelter, money, and food she did what any vagrant would do and joined a mercenary group. The one she chose, The Space Mongrels, were the lowest of the low in the hierarchical ladder. There was no honor among thieves, and they had no moral or ethics to boot, whatever put food on the table and money in their pockets was what guided them.
Having outlived their usefulness, Blaire did what thieves do best and double crossed them, wiping out their whole company. Looting all their money and weapons she made her way off the planet on her newly acquired ship, she had finally made it to the stars she once never thought she’d reach. Over the next few years her name began to appear on headlines and a household name amongst bounty hunters and the like. Rumors swelled around her as if she were some new age cowboy turned thief, especially because she was a female. Like a blade she became sharper and deadlier, piling up charges and bodies alike. The zeros attached to her name on her bounties across law databases and black-market dead pools only increased with no plans of being caught in sight. But every star that burns to bright eventually must fizzle out. Becoming over zealous and flying too close to the sun, Blaire attempted the riskiest heist of her life, the theft of a union ship.
She didn’t really care though; the thrill of the hunt was more than enough to let her attempt it. Just a hair away from securing the union ship she was caught by several battalions of galactic police. She had no trial, her case was open and shut only leading to one thing, her execution. Ready to hang from the gallows in front of a crowd of people Blaire selfishly accepted her fate. That was until she was promptly let go and saved from the clutches of death in return for pledging her life to the captain who saved her. An unlikely alliance that continues to blossom.
There’s no real beginning to Blaire’s story nor any evidence of where she came from or who her parents were. Instead all that can be determined from her past starts at the foot of concrete steps leading to the front door of a little orphanage known as Placid Waters. Placid waters were a less than desirable institution tucked away in the recesses of some far off planet written off as a waste of time and resources. With no guidelines or moral structure, they were free to do as they please, unchecked power like that would soon go to their heads. The infrastructure was more reminiscent of a prison than an actual orphanage, there was a head mother who in turn had an army of sisters to do her bidding. The sisters barely cared for any of the children there as far as avoiding them whenever they ran into any form of accident.
This sense of apathy led to a multitude of illnesses and deformities within the children there, some developed bowed legs others became susceptible to rickets and other just straight up died to whatever illness they succumbed to without any hope of medication. The images of bodies constantly carried out and later burned in a pyre left both sight and smell imprinted on the minds of the youths. Food was another metric in which they were shorted. The children were given three meals a day every six hours and if you missed one for your weekly shower than you wouldn’t be able to eat for another twelve hours. The meals consisted of whatever food was leftover from the sisters and head mother, not only did they get the scraps, but they only had five minutes to eat whatever was there before having it taken from them. This created ‘stuffers’ children who shoved all their food into their clothes in order to eat it later.
So why did the kids never rally against their oppressors? Well one they were small children who most often not were emaciated in health and two, the reason why the orphanage earned its name. You see in this run-down planet left to rot after severe nuclear warfare, these ghettos were surrounded by the runoff that contained toxic water from the height of the war. The water that ran through the orphanage was used by the head mother to act as a suppressant to the children. The constant exposure to the water had left them placid or docile unable to see what was happening. Everyone except Blaire, Blaire had saw what the sisters were up to as they never drank the water themselves. To get by she mastered the sleight of hand ability and was able to switch her cup out with one that was already empty.
While she bided her time, she acted the role of model slave despite planning her escape over years of planning. Slowly but surely, she weened off a few children and had made them accomplices in her rebellion having earned their trust. Little by little she gained the trust of the head mother and would snitch on any kids or sisters acting out of term, but this was all a guise so she could siphon technology and small resources she could use to aid in their space. Eventually, through years of servitude she was finally ready to enact her plan. The tools she had accumulated over time went to aid in the construction of a device to purify the placid waters plaguing the children. With a fresh water source, the children were finally free of their mental chains and able to grow into healthy bodies. Of course, the sisters were the first line of defense and noticed the sudden change. Hoping to outsmart them they tested the water to confirm their suspicions, however the water they drank was not the purified water but that of the placid waters. Becoming docile and without way to carry their findings to their head mother, the kids only furthered their agenda.
Eventually when the head mother caught wind herself it was too late, she tried to regain her grip on their strings. Instead she was met by the sisters who she had controlled for so long, Frankenstein’s monster turning on its master. With the demise of the head mother Blaire found it perfect timing to escape the orphanage that had plagued them so long. Yet the kids who she had helped no longer wanted to leave and decided to stay and run the orphanage themselves, encouraging Blaire to continue with her life on her own with promises of their own safety. Reluctant to leave, Blaire pushed onward having been used to the isolation she had turned into a blanket. This is where she started her path down becoming an outlaw. Needing shelter, money, and food she did what any vagrant would do and joined a mercenary group. The one she chose, The Space Mongrels, were the lowest of the low in the hierarchical ladder. There was no honor among thieves, and they had no moral or ethics to boot, whatever put food on the table and money in their pockets was what guided them.
Having outlived their usefulness, Blaire did what thieves do best and double crossed them, wiping out their whole company. Looting all their money and weapons she made her way off the planet on her newly acquired ship, she had finally made it to the stars she once never thought she’d reach. Over the next few years her name began to appear on headlines and a household name amongst bounty hunters and the like. Rumors swelled around her as if she were some new age cowboy turned thief, especially because she was a female. Like a blade she became sharper and deadlier, piling up charges and bodies alike. The zeros attached to her name on her bounties across law databases and black-market dead pools only increased with no plans of being caught in sight. But every star that burns to bright eventually must fizzle out. Becoming over zealous and flying too close to the sun, Blaire attempted the riskiest heist of her life, the theft of a union ship.
She didn’t really care though; the thrill of the hunt was more than enough to let her attempt it. Just a hair away from securing the union ship she was caught by several battalions of galactic police. She had no trial, her case was open and shut only leading to one thing, her execution. Ready to hang from the gallows in front of a crowd of people Blaire selfishly accepted her fate. That was until she was promptly let go and saved from the clutches of death in return for pledging her life to the captain who saved her. An unlikely alliance that continues to blossom.
// W E A P O N S & E Q U I P M E N T \\
Trigger Ring – a seemingly harmless obsidian colored ring can be seen worn on each ring finger. What makes these rings a weapon are what they’re attached to. In order to further her title as fastest gun alive Blaire needs a little insurance. Reinforced wire is threaded from a small hole in both rings that feed down her body and coil around the trigger guard and handle of her pistols. The wires are loose as to not entangle or ensnare with anything around her, upon pressing a button on her ring the wires become taut and pull the guns into her hands without having to reach down. The wire is not always attached but will attach themselves once she makes initial contact with her pistols priming it for scenarios as needed. Otherwise she relies on her natural speed.
Sex Pistols – At first glance it looks as though Blaire is carrying rather basic and low-grade pistols in her arsenal. However much like an animal mutates in order to survive their environment, so do her weapons. The trick to her pistols is solely dependent on the type of cartridge of ammunition or barrel attachment she equips to her pistol. Upon utilizing one of several magazines the gun begins to transform seemingly deconstructing from the base model and reconstructing into a completely new pistol in both ability and design. If she were to equip a barrel attachment to shoot grenades, sex pistols would lengthen the size of the barrel and create a space for a drum like attachment similar in design to a revolver chamber. Thus, allowing her to shoot off multiple (up to 12) rounds from each gun. Not only can she use two of the same attachments/ammo but she can also mix and match. After detachment the gun will revert to her normal pistol that shoot military standard munition of the present year.
Mercury Rounds – with this magazine, Blaire can equip her gun with bullets created from mercury. The gun transforms into a pistol that allows for the mercury to become solid at the standard pressure and temperature of whichever location she is in. Once fired and hit, the bullet changes back to its liquid form. This round has special poisonous effects in addition to becoming a good conductor of electricity.
Electric Rounds – If equipped Sex pistols will fork in two along the barrel creating an empty space between the top and bottom sections. Both sections form metallic coils that run parallel from each other from top and bottom. Once she squeezes the trigger, electrons are conducted through the wires and condensed to create electric blasts/rounds. Paired with the mercury rounds the combo can prove to be quite electric.
Kiss this – Another unique feature of Sex Pistols is the ability to fuse her pistols together. Since the base guns can be altered so heavily, she discovered a feature in which she can attach the two weapons together either side to side or front to back. Depending on the alignment the pistols can turn into a pseudo assault rifle with range and increased stopping power or a pseudo shotgun with more force and scatter shot ability. The fusion not only ties together the gun but also homogenizes the magazine and barrels she attaches. For instance, if she used an incendiary round and a gelling attachment, she could effectively create rounds of napalm.
Some other attachments
Ammo – How does Blaire not manage to run out of ammo? Well inside of her studded vest are rows and rows of holstered clips of ammo. All she needs to do is reach inside her jacket to retrieve resupply. In addition to her normal array of 19mm rounds she has all her specialty rounds as listed above.
Sex Pistols – At first glance it looks as though Blaire is carrying rather basic and low-grade pistols in her arsenal. However much like an animal mutates in order to survive their environment, so do her weapons. The trick to her pistols is solely dependent on the type of cartridge of ammunition or barrel attachment she equips to her pistol. Upon utilizing one of several magazines the gun begins to transform seemingly deconstructing from the base model and reconstructing into a completely new pistol in both ability and design. If she were to equip a barrel attachment to shoot grenades, sex pistols would lengthen the size of the barrel and create a space for a drum like attachment similar in design to a revolver chamber. Thus, allowing her to shoot off multiple (up to 12) rounds from each gun. Not only can she use two of the same attachments/ammo but she can also mix and match. After detachment the gun will revert to her normal pistol that shoot military standard munition of the present year.
Mercury Rounds – with this magazine, Blaire can equip her gun with bullets created from mercury. The gun transforms into a pistol that allows for the mercury to become solid at the standard pressure and temperature of whichever location she is in. Once fired and hit, the bullet changes back to its liquid form. This round has special poisonous effects in addition to becoming a good conductor of electricity.
Electric Rounds – If equipped Sex pistols will fork in two along the barrel creating an empty space between the top and bottom sections. Both sections form metallic coils that run parallel from each other from top and bottom. Once she squeezes the trigger, electrons are conducted through the wires and condensed to create electric blasts/rounds. Paired with the mercury rounds the combo can prove to be quite electric.
Kiss this – Another unique feature of Sex Pistols is the ability to fuse her pistols together. Since the base guns can be altered so heavily, she discovered a feature in which she can attach the two weapons together either side to side or front to back. Depending on the alignment the pistols can turn into a pseudo assault rifle with range and increased stopping power or a pseudo shotgun with more force and scatter shot ability. The fusion not only ties together the gun but also homogenizes the magazine and barrels she attaches. For instance, if she used an incendiary round and a gelling attachment, she could effectively create rounds of napalm.
Some other attachments
- Cryo Round
- Corrosive
- Adhesive
- Gravity wells
- Ricochet
- Thermal seeking
- Gauss
- Tracking
Ammo – How does Blaire not manage to run out of ammo? Well inside of her studded vest are rows and rows of holstered clips of ammo. All she needs to do is reach inside her jacket to retrieve resupply. In addition to her normal array of 19mm rounds she has all her specialty rounds as listed above.
// S P E C I A L T Y \\
Blaire’s specialty is that of a futuristic cowboy, there’s nothing in her outlaw wheelhouse that can’t be used to a benefit. She’s an expert marksman, the fastest hand in several galaxies, a professional con artist and skilled in disappearing. As far as weapons she has proficiency in most if not all firearms that are current tech or older models whether they be military or black market.
// O T H E R \\
In order to not be left defenseless without her guns, Blaire took it upon herself to pay a hefty sum of credits in order to have a variation of martial arts uploaded to her brain. In addition to a cocktail of lethal marital arts she also asked to be able to muscularly mimic the movements of contortionist and acrobats in order to fully utilize her flexibility and lean body almost like a cat.
As far as weaknesses go she is pure human meat sack and susceptible to sickness and life threatening injury as she has no cybernetic enhancement that would prevent otherwise.
As far as weaknesses go she is pure human meat sack and susceptible to sickness and life threatening injury as she has no cybernetic enhancement that would prevent otherwise.