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Zeroth Post
T h e H a u n t i n g o f . . .
| C | R | E | S | T | W | O | O | D |
| H | O | L | L | O | W |

| ◼ G M: Lord Wraith | ◼ G E N R E: Superhuman, Modern Fantasy, School, Slice of Life | ◼ T Y P E: Linear with Sandbox Elements |

P R E M I S E:

"He who would learn to fly one day must first learn to stand and walk and run and climb and dance; one cannot fly into flying."
~Friedrich Nietzsche

Situated along the Eastern Coast of the United States between Hampton and Portsmouth, Crestwood Hollow is a small New Hampshire city originally founded in the year of 1652, shortly before the infamous Witch Trials. Settled in the fertile Orlaith Valley, the city is home to a largely rural area. Boasting a very fruitful agricultural industry, the city's largest export is the Golden Delicious Apple.

Beyond the valley lies densely populated forests of oak, maple and cherry trees. This contributes to several lumber mills in the area that provide a secondary industry to the city. A quiet town, Crestwood Hollow has rarely seen a spike in crime although rates have been on a steady rise of recent months. Nothing, however, has been severe enough to prompt an immediate response from the city's police department or mayoral office.

With summer coming to an end, school is around the corner for many of Crestwood Hollow's youth. The majority of these students will be attending Mather Memorial High School, the largest secondary school in the city which collects the graduates from several elementary schools. Mather Memorial is known for several pioneering programs as it strives to encourage students to involve themselves with the world around them instead of the screen in front of them.

Among these programs is an exclusive study group starting this fall run by recent staff addition, Jonas Lehrer. A former heavily accredited university professor, having taught at such institutes as the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Jonas has brought his keen mind and generous ambition to Mather Memorial. Hand-picking a group of students, Jonas aims to help them find their focus in life, developing a social conscience and setting them on a path to a career they'll succeed in. The students themselves were seemingly chosen at random, but that simply couldn't be farther from the truth. Each student was handpicked by Jonas himself, though on what basis no one can actually be certain.

Only time will tell if he truly has their best interests at heart.

G M N E W S & A N N O U N C E M E N T S:

W E E K L Y D I S C U S S I O N:

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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
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Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

S E T T I N G:

C R E S T W O O D H O L L O W || E S T . 1 6 8 4 :
Situated along the Eastern Coast of the United States between Hampton and Portsmouth, Crestwood Hollow is a small New Hampshire city originally founded in the year of 1684, shortly before the infamous Witch Trials. Settled in the fertile Orlaith Valley, the city is home to a largely rural area, boasting a very fruitful agricultural industry. The largest export of the city is the Golden Delicious Apple. Beyond the valley lies densely populated forests of oak, maple and cherry trees. This contributes to several lumber mills in the area that provide a secondary industry to the city.

To the North of the Orlaith Valley is the Great Bay Lake. From the Lake, the River Shannon flows South before turning East towards the valley and continuing through the city. The downtown of Crestwood Hollow is split by the river with one street travelling East on the Northside of the river, while on the Southside the road only goes West. Located every few blocks is a draw bridge that both connects the city and separates it when the need arises for a ship travels upstream. Towering buildings look down on the river ranging from hotels to banks, to professional firms and apartment complexes. The Northern side of the city is known for being rougher than its Southern Sister. The 'Beau' half of Crestwood Hollow is home to the Mather Park, in the middle of which is an ancient white oak known only as the Hanging Tree. The Southern half of the city, the 'Belle,' is newer than the Beau and is home to several more residential areas than the North. The further south one travels in Crestwood Hollow, the more construction they seem to encounter as the city is continuously expanded to accommodate new subdivisions.

Towards the eastern edge of the city, the Shannon empties into the Atlantic Ocean, flowing through the Crestwood Port before it is swept away by the tides of the Atlantic. Due to its location within the Orlaith, Crestwood Hollow has very few visits via train and does most of its imports through truck and ship. As such, the Port is often a thriving hub of life with new ships visiting each day. Several fisheries dot the piers but have fallen upon hard times in later years due to over-fishing in the Atlantic. Numerous recreational boats fill the docks and full warehouses litter the boardwalks.

M A T H E R M E M O R I A L H I G H S C H O O L || E S T . 1 9 4 7 :
Mather Memorial High School is Crestwood Hollow's largest secondary school in the city which collects the graduates from several of the city's more populated elementary schools. One of the oldest buildings in all of Crestwood Hollow, Mather Memorial was originally the city's courthouse when it was built in 1654, before being transformed into a county jail for nearly a decade, spanning from 1802 until nearly 1869.

Unfortunately, a fire brought down part of the building, resulting in numerous convicts being unleashed on the unsuspecting city proper. Opting not to rebuild a jail in the middle of the town, the building sat empty for nearly thirty years until a young architect wanting to make a name for himself opted to propose the structure be revitalized and renewed as a school. In 1902, the school opened its doors under the original name of Mather Memorial Highschool before being rechristened as Eastern Crestwood Secondary School in the late nineties only to have the name reverted in the early 2000s.

Due to the long-standing history of the school, it comes as no surprise that many of the locals consider the building to be haunted. One of the most prominent local urban legends says that the large oak standing in the school's front courtyard was the very tree used to hang the men and women found to be witches during the Witch Trials. As Mather Memorial sits on the edge of Mather Park, this tree is the same white oak referred to as the Hanging Tree.

Due to its history, the building does show it's age. This is especially prominent in its tall architecture with a looming main entrance that casts a shadow on the stairs before it. The inside of the school is often stuffy, the air carrying a heavy musty odour that perforates every hallway. The original gymnasium has been transformed into an auditorium while an addition in the nineties added a proper gymnasium onto the school's west side. Outside this expansion are several basketball courts leading to track surrounding a multi-use field. This field is used for a variety of sports, and when an event is held, temporary bleachers can be erected on either side of the area.

The athletics facility is not the only recent addition to the school. Several portable units line the back of the school, added during the late nineties to increase teachable areas; however, most of these are used as storage currently. A technology wing was added to the east side of the school in the early 2000s. This wing includes state of the art computer labs along with woodworking, welding facilities and even an auto shop. These facilities line the bottom of the wing; however, the upper floor of the wing adds several new science classrooms and lecture rooms rendering the portables as mentioned earlier null and void. At the rear of the main building is the cafeteria which looks down onto the park which shares the school's namesake. To encourage students to get outside on their lunch breaks, a balcony including an outside seating area was added to the cafeteria in 2013.

Like most secondary schools across North America, Mather Memorial offers a wide variety of teachables to its students outside of the mandatory core subjects. Additionally, education is supplied in three levels of learning to ensure no student is left behind. This includes an essentials level for students who intend to go directly into the workplace after high school, an applied level for students who wish to attend community college and an academic level for students aiming to attend university. Some courses have no specified level and are open to all students, but others require the student to have particular prerequisites before they can enroll. Courses such as these often lead to graduates return to Mather Memorial for a fifth year, or as it commonly referred to as, a 'Victory Lap.'
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
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Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

M A G I C:

Known by many names across numerous cultures, magic is an invisible arcane force which flows through all living creatures and things across the entire globe. Magic first occurred on Earth after the event known as 'The Joining' when a convergence of domains brought beings and creatures of an unknown origin into the same plane of existence. This brought the beings known as 'Witches' to Earth and along with them the source of their powers; magic.

All magic requires either a conduit or a familiar to be cast and a price to be paid. A spell must be cast through a conduit or familiar the same way either must be used to imbue a potion with its magical essence. Despite the use of a conduit or familiar, there are still further requirements for casting magic. Potion based spells require ingredients and careful preparation methods, other spells may require incantations or rituals before being performed. Some may require specific movements during the casting of the spell making the caster dance or move their hands in a particular manner. Others still may require all of the above in some capacity. Any of the above may also simply be a focusing method by the caster and may not be universally applicable

The price of magic varies from individual to individual and act to act. It's most easily seen in the Draoi where their pursuit of arcane knowledge causes their bodies to rapidly deteriorate. However, the price is not always paid by the individual directly and instead may be paid in the loss of a loved one. Payment will always be taken in full, but may also be pre-paid in the form of sacrifice or ritual.

Due to its nature, magic has a wide variety of applications. They've been categorized into the following:

A L C H E M Y:
Alchemy is primarily concerned with the transformation of one material into another. Through this process, Magni are able to create potions, elixirs and other concoctions. Though almost all Magni use alchemy, Draoi are often considered to hold a mastery above other users. This is because alchemy is often a non-Magni's first foray into the world of the arcane. Basic alchemy can be performed by combining magical ingredients that react without the use of a conduit or familiar.

C H A R M S:
Charms are spells that alter perception or allow for influence over others.

C U R E S:
Cures are restorative spells meant to heal and soothe wounds.

C U R S E S:
Curses are dehabilitating spells and are often lethal.

E N C H A N T M E N T S:
An enchantment is the act of applying magical properties to an item or object. This can be accomplished using several different techniques but most commonly through the inscription of runes.

H E X E S:
Hexes are the most common type of spell and the first almost all Magni learn. They range in complexity, some requirely little more than a flick of the wrist to cast while others require complex incantations and specific gestures to prepare. Hexes are generally offensive in nature, although they don't always need to be used in that manner. For example, a basic fireball hex may also be used to light a campfire or a blast of light could instead be sustained to illuminate a dark corridor.

R U N E S:
A rune is an inscribed magical symbol. They can be used for a variety of purposes.

S U M M O N S:
A Summons is a type of spell that conjures an object or being to the caster.

W A R D S:
Wards are protective spells.

R U L E S O F M A G I C:

Magic always comes with a price.
The price must be paid in full.
The price will vary from person to person or act to act.
The ultimate price is your life.
Magic must be cast through a conduit or familiar.
Magic can not be cast using another's conduit or familiar.
All conduits must be comprised of precious metal.
All conduits must hold sentimental value.
A familiar can take any form, but its default state should be an extension of its master.
A familiar must remain loyal to its master unless its master deems it free.
A familiar shall not take the form of a human.

A D D I T I O N A L I N F O R M A T I O N:

C O N D U I T S:
A conduit is the name given to any object a Magni chooses to wield in order to cast magic. Conduits have two requirements, firstly they must be made of a precious metal. Extensive research has found that the more conductive the metal, the better it channels magic making silver and gold some of the highest sought after materials for conduits. The second rule is that the wielder must have an attachment or sentimental value towards the conduit. Often they are heirlooms passed along by parents although this isn't a fast and hard rule.

The most common conduits tend to be objects that are either worn or easily directed. Rings and wands are among the preferred objects for conduits. A Magni doesn't need to use the same conduit their entire life and can perform a bonding ritual with a new conduit to replace a destroyed or lost one. Likewise, conduits can be re-cast into new objects. A ring could be melted and forged into a necklace or knife. Some Magni bond with multiple conduits, the greatest advantage to this technique is the avoidance of being disarmed in a duel however it does nothing to increase spell potency.

D O P P E L G Ä N G E R:
A doppelgänger or fetch, is the unnatural duplication of another human being. These doppelgängers are created when a Familiar breaks their most sacred rule and transforms into human form. By doing this, the Familiar, either intentionally or unintentionally, creates a 'life link' between that human and their self. This life link causes the former Familiar to siphon the human's life force into themselves until eventually they die and the doppelgänger replaces them entirely.

This process, however, strips the Familiar of their natural attributes, turning them human in the process and while it grants them the ability to self-sustain, it also comes at the cost of becoming mortal. It should be noted, that no matter the human's original abilities, the doppelgänger does not inherit them. A Familiar turning into a Jager won't gain the Jäger's abilities nor will it gain a Hexenbrut's magical capabilities.

D R A O I:
Draoi are Magni who were born human and through a life long study of magic achieved a mastery of the arcane arts. This often has a severe toll on their body, ageing them rapidly and forcing them to find ways to lengthen their own lifespan in the pursuit of knowledge. This pursuit of mystic knowledge awakens an insatiable thirst within the individual often making them dangerously unpredictable. It's not uncommon for Draoi to find themselves in competition with one another. This competition is dangerous for all those involved as Draoi will ultimately murder one another in an effort to absorb their essence, knowledge and power.

There are Draoi who allow themselves to become completely absorbed in their pursuit of power, becoming nothing more than hungry, hollow husks. These Draoi are considered to be lost causes and the destroying of one is considered a public service.

F A M I L I A R S:
Sometimes known as 'Guardian Angels' or 'Animal Guides', familiars are ancient arcane spirits which bond with some forms of Magni upon their birth. They watch over their newfound 'Master' from the first moment they draw breath, until the last. Familiars tend to favour Hexenbrut above all other forms of Magni, though it's not uncommon to find one that has been drawn to a Draoi or Venari upon either reaching their potential. Like Witches, Familiars came from another realm before the occurrence of 'The Joining'. Their true numbers are unknown but no Hexenbrut has ever been without a familiar.

When a Familiar bonds to a Magni, it absorbs part of that individual's soul. This is what allows a Magni to use a Familiar to cast magic but it comes at a great cost as well. If the Magni's familiar were to die, the pain would be near immeasurable and very few Magni survive the experience. A Magni, especially a Hexenbrut, without a Familiar is often nothing more than a shell of their former self, one barely holding on to its remaining humanity.

On the opposite side of the spectrum, due to the shared soul between Familiar and Magni, were the Magni to die it could have a devastating effect on the familiar. When a Magni passes away peacefully, their soul is content and it leaves their body to re-merge with the piece inside their Familiar. With the soul whole again, the Familiar is free to wander the Earth until it bonds with a new Master. But when a Magni dies in a manner which puts their soul in a state of turmoil, such as a violent death, their Familiar too suffers. Unable to reconstruct the soul, they are reduced to a feral state and act no different than a mindless hellion. A feral Familiar is considered very dangerous and is one of the few times Draoi, Hexenbrut and Jäger see eye to eye.

H E L L I O N:
Also known as 'Fiends' or 'Hellspawn', Hellion is an umbrella term used to describe all manner of creatures and beings. Traditionally Hellions have been seen as threats to humans and therefore persecuted or hunted by the likes of the Jäger or Venari. Throughout time Hellions have included everything from mindless beasts to semi-sentient creatures like dragons or trolls to even cursed humans in the form of lycanthropes and vampyres. Unlike Magni who require a conduit to cast magic, most forms of Hellion have natural magic which manifests in the form of abilities such as a dragon's fire breath.

H E X E N B R U T:
Roughly translated, Hexenbrut means 'Witch's Brood' and refers to the idea that the Hexenbrut are the children of witches. During the height of their history, the Hexenbrut outnumber the other members of the Magni community at a ratio of nearly three to one. Said to have originally been created due to the union between the hexemalefik Lilith and the human, Adam, the Hexenbrut have an innate, natural talent towards magic.

Magic calls to 'Children of Lilith' like fleeting whispers in the dark recesses of their minds. A Hexenbrut can feel the magic in the world around them the same one might feel the wind or a light rain upon their skin. But in order to use their abilities, they require a conduit. Unleashing magic from one's fingertips, while possible would be extremely harmful to the Hexenbrut, and repeated instances would almost certainly result in death.

J Ä G E R:
Born from the union between mortal and angel, Jäger are enhanced humans containing supernatural abilities. Unlike other types of 'Magni', Jäger aren't actually born with all of their abilities and instead inherit them upon the passing of their predecessor. As such, much of the Jäger society is built upon lineage and family is very important. While Jägers lack the ability to cast spells, they more than make up for it in sheer durability. Infamously hard to kill, Jäger are much faster, stronger and more durable than the average human and possess abilities and talents meant to counter other forms of Magni and Hellions alike. Despite this, the Jäger has an exploitable weakness in the form of Hexenbrut blood. Ingesting the blood of a Hexenbrut removes a Jäger's abilities and renders them Mundane.

T H E J O I N I N G:
The Joining was a union of realms that brought magic into the same plane that Earth exists on. However, the records and origins of the event are long lost to the sands of time. What is agreed upon is that the Joining nearly wiped out all life on Earth. But Earth was spared compared to the other realms that were completely destroyed when magic conjoined them into the same plane of existence.

M A G N I:
A collective term used by the magical community, the name Magni is a grouping that can refer to Draoi, Jäger, Hexenbrut or Venari. Variations are commonly heard include 'Maj' or 'mage. Some terms however such as sorcerer/sorceress or wizard are seen as more derogatory or demeaning. The term 'witch' is revered by the Hexenbrut, at least those educated in their culture and referring to oneself as a witch is seen as a major faux pas.

M U N D A N E:
A collective term used by the magical community for humans. The term 'mundane' is seen as derogatory in most uses. Derivative terms such as 'mundies' are also commonplace. The human phrase 'a case of the Mondays' is actually a misnomer of a Magni expression 'case of the Mundies' referring to a Magni having a hard time producing magic. Other terms such as 'Norms', 'Normies' have been used to refer to a human. Given the popularity of some fiction, the term 'muggle' has also been adopted by the Magni community.

V E N A R I:
The Venari are the offspring of Hexenbrut and Draoi who possess limited magical potential. This potential on its own is not enough to manifest any abilities, but through the use of amplification runes, similar to those used in enchanting, a Venari can boost their abilities and even embed specific spells onto their bodies.

Venari are considered to be a bit of a wildcard in the Magni community. Throughout history, they've aided everything from Draoi to humans to the Jäger and the Hexenbrut. Due to their dual nature, they feel no true allegiance and more often than not act in a way that is for self-gain. Once considered a rarity, Venari now make up the majority of the Magni community leading to a major loss in history and society.

W I T C H:
The 'Mothers of Magic' or 'Sisters of Lilith', witches or 'Hexemalefik' were transported to Earth during an event known only as 'The Joining'. Originally from another domain of existence, witches are powerful higher beings and considered the originators of all magic on Earth. While descriptions vary from source to source, witches are exclusively referred to as being female, however, in actuality, a witch may take any shape she chooses.

Thought to be near ageless, most of them were hunted down and killed by the Jäger though, the witches' bloodline survives on through the 'Hexenbrut'. The 'Hexenbrut' or Witch's Brood are descendants of the original witches and contain within them magical potential inherited from the ancient beings. The first Hexenbrut was said to occur when the most powerful of the Hexemalefik, Lilith, laid with the human 'Adam' and bore his children.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
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Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

R U L E S:

As the GM, I reserve the right to deny, veto or otherwise reject any character application based on any number of factors that I find make the character unfit for this roleplay. This can include player history, perceived literacy, lack of understanding of the game's concept, unruly behavior in the iCheck/OOC/Discord or towards the GM, other players or simply a generally poor attitude. Other reasons for application denial will be listed in the following rules.

All Character Sheets must be submitted to the GMs using the provided skeleton. Character Sheets that do not use the provided skeleton will be rejected and asked to comply with the set standard. Any applications must be posted in the OOC for review before being reposted in the Character Tab. No review or feedback will be provided on incomplete sheets although the GM will be happy to answer any questions about the game, its world or lore.

All characters sheets submitted will be 'Hexenbrut' and should be written to reflect such. That said, all characters will be starting off either aware or only suspicious of their true nature and/or abilities. Keep weaknesses, flaws, and limitations in mind while writing your sheet. Give them reasons that make them need a team or allies to support them. Most importantly, give your character room to grow and develop. A large part of the RP will be based on the growth and development of your characters and their abilities so keep that in mind.

Failure to adhere to any of the character creation rules will lead to rejection of the application with a citation of the broken rule(s). Critique will be given on Character Sheets which don't break any rules but aren't quite up to an acceptable standard. Please be willing to work with the GM in the event of this.

A Discord will only be created for this RP if all players are willing and able to participate within it. In the event that this is not the case, the OOC will remain the primary medium for discussion and game announcements. Any player is welcome to reach out to me through my Discord found in my signature in the event that this is easier for than using the OOC or PMs.

Absolutely no 'OOC' chatter will be tolerated in the In Character Thread. If you have a question or anything to explain there is an Out Of Character Thread provided. You have no excuse to make an 'OOC' comment in the IC and if done it will be heavily frowned upon.

Writing expectations for this roleplay are at least two (2) well-developed paragraphs as a minimum per post. Three (3) to five (5) paragraph posts, however, would be awesome so long as you're not simply chewing the scenery. Proper spelling and grammar are also expected but small mistakes here and there are understandable. Blatant offences will be called out.

This is a Character-Driven RP, and as such you are encouraged and expected to take charge of your character's subplots and storylines. This is a favourite rule of mine, and that said, there will be a heavy emphasis on collaborative activities and team building as well. The GMs will be leading the RP in the traditional sense with a driving plot and will ensure the RP keeps moving however we do want to see you develop your characters and produce your own plots. However, we don't want to see you lock your character out of interaction and focus solely on your character and their 'world'. No one enjoys watching you play with yourself, it's always better to let someone else join in on the fun.

In this RP, I realize that relationships are a part of this. While I have no problem with this, I do want it kept a specific way to avoid breaking any rules. As part of RPG's rule, mature content is forbidden on the forums. You may, however, use the standard fade-to-black technique if you desire and that will be fine, just keep it PG-13/14A (May contain: violence, coarse language and/or sexually suggestive scenes.) both leading and following up. Please use your common sense if you're going to seek a relationship within the RP. You have been warned of my expectations on this matter and should you fail to follow through you will be asked to leave the roleplay and reported for breaking site rules.

F . A . Q .:

0 0 1 || I S T H I S A N O R I G I N A L U N I V E R S E ?

Yes, it is a hard reboot and adaption of my previous original universe RPs.

0 0 2 || D O R E A L W O R L D L O C A T I O N S E X I S T ?

Simply yes, while Crestwood Hollow itself is a fictitious city, it is still set inside the very real state of New Hampshire and country known as the United States of America. Real world cities such as New York, San Francisco, all exist with no changes outside of the technological advancements made in the lore.

0 0 3 || C A N I M A K E A N O R I G I N A L C H A R A C T E R ?

Yes, in fact, that would be preferable to adapting a character originally conceived for another RP. However, there is no penalty for re-using a character and it won't slow or affect your acceptance. I just prefer fresh ideas, especially with the Hyperhuman concept.

0 0 4 || H O W M A N Y P L A Y E R S W I L L T H E R E B E ?

The aim is to gather four to six reliable players who will make up the group.

0 0 5 || W H A T K I N D O F P O W E R S C A N I U S E ?

Powers will initially be undefined. Your character will have a latent talent related to their ancestry that they may or may not be aware of. As the IC progresses and your character grows, they may begin to further develop their abilities and have a more substantial powerset based on the rules of magic in this world.

0 0 6 || C A N I U S E M A G I C ?

Initially no, however, the ultimate goal is for your character to learn to use magic. You will begin the RP either unaware or vaguely aware that there is something different about you. This will become more clear through the IC and the 'Study Group' sessions. Eventually, you will learn to control this talent and develop your magical abilities.

0 0 7 || C A N I U S E M O R E T H A N O N E C H A R A C T E R ?

No. However, in the event that your character died in the IC, you may create a replacement player provided you weren't removed from the RP.

0 0 8 || C A N M Y C H A R A C T E R B E A N A N T A G O N I S T ?

Your character should struggle with morality, after all suddenly being gifted with powers above those of mere mortals could lead to some overwhelming temptation whether to get revenge or use them for self-gain. But that said, your character should not spiral out of control, or at least the group should step in before then. The overall idea is that our characters do become heroes in the end.

0 0 9 || W H A T W I L L T H E P L O T B E L I K E ?

The plot will follow a group of students who are being taught to embrace their Hyperhuman nature and learn to use their abilities. The group will ideally bond and grow together eventually leaving the classroom behind to protect their home from both others like them and forces no one has ever seen before.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
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Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

@Junkmail, @Hillan, @GhostMami, @TootsiePop, @FallenReaper, @The Elvenqueen, @Tackytaff, @Lionhearted, @sassy1085 & @CleanBreeze

The OOC is still under some work but there should be enough of the essential information here for everyone to get to work on their characters. Let me know if you guys have any questions about the game and I will happily answer them.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Hillan
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Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

Member Seen 9 days ago

This looks like fake news.

Luckily for you, that's all I read.

1x Like Like 1x Thank Thank
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
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Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

This looks like fake news.

Luckily for you, that's all I read.


I know you better than that!

You don't read!
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by JunkMail
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JunkMail Shitpost Supreme

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1x Thank Thank
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 33 min ago

Here! *comes crashing in through a window*
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by JunkMail
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JunkMail Shitpost Supreme

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Well my dude I've sent you my sheet so just lmk if anything needs changing.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
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Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Well my dude I've sent you my sheet so just lmk if anything needs changing.

The only thing I'd be careful with is having too much established knowledge of the supernatural going into the RP. Ideally, the class will be learning together. Other than that, it's a good sheet and I'm happy to bring Kayla on board.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by JunkMail
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JunkMail Shitpost Supreme

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Made a few tweaks to her history to reflect that she’s a noob.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
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Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

@JunkMail Perfect! Feel free to drop her in the character tab.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Tackytaff
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
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Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

All looks good to me! Accepted!
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lionhearted
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Just finished reading through the OOC and this looks like it's going to be a really fun one! :) The ideas and lore are very, very compelling! I do have a few questions though regarding some of it, that I may or may not have looked over. If I did, I apologize!

1) I was just curious about Mather Memorial's student body. Is it like your average high school with the different cliques and whatnot? I feel like ever since 13 Reasons Why was released, there's been a broader spectrum of the different levels of bullying that exist in schools xD

2) To confirm, Hexenbruts are capable of having multiple conduits through conjoining rituals with their desired objects, yes? I know you briefly mentioned something regarding spell potency, and I was wondering if multiple conduits would limit the spell potency for some Hexenbruts. Or would different conduits suggest different potencies?

I think those are the only two questions I actually have :o

But if I have further questions I'll be sure to post them! :)
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
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Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Just finished reading through the OOC and this looks like it's going to be a really fun one! :) The ideas and lore are very, very compelling! I do have a few questions though regarding some of it, that I may or may not have looked over. If I did, I apologize!

1) I was just curious about Mather Memorial's student body. Is it like your average high school with the different cliques and whatnot? I feel like ever since 13 Reasons Why was released, there's been a broader spectrum of the different levels of bullying that exist in schools xD

2) To confirm, Hexenbruts are capable of having multiple conduits through conjoining rituals with their desired objects, yes? I know you briefly mentioned something regarding spell potency, and I was wondering if multiple conduits would limit the spell potency for some Hexenbruts. Or would different conduits suggest different potencies?

I think those are the only two questions I actually have :o

But if I have further questions I'll be sure to post them! :)

The answer to your first question is really on us to develop in the IC. I went with my character falling into the jock path but we can make the cliques and niches as broad or simplified as we want to make them.

As for the second question. You can definitely have multiple conduits but while some metals channel magic better than others it's more a degree of control and ease compared to potency. The power of a spell is related to the price paid, not the metal it's passed through.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Berlin
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
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Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

@Berlin Sheet looks good! Welcome aboard!

Question all accepted and interested players? Do you want relationship sheets?
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by JunkMail
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JunkMail Shitpost Supreme

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Your mom - physical relationship - im your dad now, kiddo.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 33 min ago

@Berlin Sheet looks good! Welcome aboard!

Question all accepted and interested players? Do you want relationship sheets?

I honestly think they might be fun and show how each character feels about those they meet. But that's me.
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