Timestamp: After the Game
Location: The Montoya Home
The Candy King and Prince, Ramón and Cael
@Aces Away and @Grimoire Gaming
Small Ft: Rosa Montoya
Location: The Montoya Home
The Candy King and Prince, Ramón and Cael
@Aces Away and @Grimoire Gaming
Small Ft: Rosa Montoya


Once they’d finished their early dinner with the family and Mo had fixed up Stella’s makeup properly, the two best friends had split ways to depart in their separate cars, Mo needing his to bring Cael home after the game. He’d spent absolutely no time paying attention to the actual game and almost all of the time focused on his fellow Pixie, staring the bright boy down as if he could mentally communicate all he’d wanted to talk about with him since a paper appeared in his locker before the pep rally. He hadn’t talked to Stella about it, his lifelong bestie having enough on her own plate to hear him obsess over a new mystery. Besides, he was the Candy King and this was a matter of discerning hope from hoax, and he needed the help of his Prince for that before he risked putting himself out there talking to Stella or Minnie and the rest of the Candies about it. Now, with said Prince in his passenger seat as Ramón drove them back home, the smaller of the two turned down the music and asked what's been on his mind.
“Hey, how likely is it in this day and age that someone genuinely puts a note in your locker that, like, leaves you a riddle that amounts to ‘meet me at Beverly Gardens Park before the dance’? You know, and it’s not someone just fucking with you?” He asked casually, keeping his eyes on the road. “Also what was up with you tripping over your feet while cheering today? You never slip up like that.”
Cael was in the process of reaching for the volume knob at nearly the same time that Ramón did. Surprised, he pulled his hand back while his gaze darted to Mo’s face. “Wait… what?” Icy dread froze the wings of the butterflies previously fluttering in his stomach. He could feel them fall in time with the drop of his heart. “You… got one too?” Was it just some sick prank? To tease the twinks? Would someone do that to the Candies, of all people? They didn’t really make enemies, they helped people! Hell, even Cael’s exes were on good terms with him. He fished in his pocket for his own note, his palms suddenly felt sweaty.
“Too?” Ramón sighed in utter disappointment as he caught Cael pulling a paper out of his pocket in his periphery. Of course it was too good to be true, it was silly of him to even have entertained getting his hopes up. Painted nails digging into the stitching of the leather steering wheel, he glanced quickly to his best friend. “And what, dear Stix, do you think this means? Who is it? Couldn't be an ex, they all love you and I haven't had one since seventh grade.”
Rather than respond immediately, Cael sagged into the passenger seat like a deflated balloon. He was pouting, and he wasn’t too proud to hide it, especially not in front of Mo. Ramón was one of his comfort people, a twin flame and kindred spirit in this wild world of theirs. “Well, it wasn’t Jonah, I asked him already. Jem would literally never, plus he writes like a bear is chasing him. And it’s not Minnie’s writing either, my first thought was that it could be her pranking me to get back for the dare, but nah… she wouldn’t do that, it’s too mean.”
Cael sighed as he watched the houses whiz by through his window. “Was it really that noticeable? At the game?” He peered over at King Ring Pop for confirmation. One of his fellow cheerleaders, Troy, had teasingly mentioned something between routines as well, so he must have been really messy. “I was off because I was too busy thinking about this!” He scoffed, letting the note crinkle beneath his frustrated fingers.
“This, and how I wanted to talk to you about it, and how there was suddenly a themed party to plan for, and how I had just committed a crime, it’s A LOT. You know?” Cael ranted in exasperation.
Mo raised an eyebrow from the driver's seat as the cheerleader ranted beside him, glad at least that he wasn't alone in his upset mood. “Don’t be silly, I’m sure I have something in my closet for you that would work for the theme. And it was only noticeable because I was watching you, Stix. You recovered well enough each time, at least I thought,” And Jonah wouldn't dare mess with Mo and send him on some mystery hunt lest the mastermind be sent into his domain with clothes designed to fall apart at the seams. Not that Cael needed to know that part, Mo had a secret brand he made the clothes of The House under, simply labeled as such, for various reasons. Some of his best work and Mo Drama Designs would never get the recognition for it. The petite Pixie glanced down at Cael’s thin fingers grasping the paper tight, only to double take at the angle and roundness of the letters. “That…isn't the same handwriting as mine,” Mo revealed, intrigue filtering past the irritation at the forefront of his mind as he turned onto his street. “Did this person really think changing their handwriting would keep us from figuring it out the second we talked to each other? How positively dul- wait, crime? What crime? Do I have to hide a body?”
“A body? …what? Oh, fuck! Damn it! That was supposed to be a surprise!” Despite all of the nerves, stress, and hopeful delusions that were dashed into despair, Cael laughed. He was still running on a few hours of sleep and he always got giggly right before he crashed. “No, I—” He was interrupted by his own chuckling. “I bought drugs. It was my first time, and they’re called Candy too! But pleeease DON’T tell Minnie! They’re a surprise to celebrate such a successful execution of a dare. I’m so proud of her, truly.”
Cael was quick to hop out of the car as soon as Mo pulled into his spot. Attempting to reinvigorate his energy stores, he grabbed his bag from the back and skipped over to the other boy’s side with a cheeky grin. Leaning up against Mo as they walked to the front door, he gazed at his Candy King with mismatched blue and green eyes that shined with affection. “Would you reeaally hide a body for me?”
“Of course I would, what the hell do you take me for?” Mo responded without missing a beat, supporting the lanky boy's sudden weight on him with practiced ease and ignoring the warm comfort it spread throughout him much the same. Their back and forth, as always, was a chaotic and tangled mess that likely only their fellow pixie Minnie could follow easily. Speaking of… “I won’t tell her, and I’m proud of her too, don’t tell her I said that. And thanks for the heads up, as I assume I'll be looking after you two.”
“Orrr, you could join us, Dad,” Cael rolled his eyes teasingly. “Although I do like when you take care of me, hmm...”
Smiling at Cael’s comment as they entered the front door of the Montoya household, Mo ducked his head to the side to avoid the decorative pillow flying towards his face at breakneck speeds. The muffled thump from behind him told him that even after all these years entering through the front door, Cael still forgot to expect the unexpected from the rest of the family. The smallest Montoya turned to his older sister with an irritated expression that was mirrored back to him flawlessly. “Rio already got your revenge, don't get greedy.”
“Delete the photos I know you took and maybe I'll entertain that,” Rosa replied, hands on her hips as she stood in her perfectly pressed power suit. She must have been gone earlier with his father for a strategy meeting if she was still in that at almost eleven at night.
“Not a chance,” the baby of the family scoffed, grabbing Cael by the hand and slowly leading him around his sister like they were trying to pass a dangerous animal. “What a literal case of ‘you snooze you lose,’ right?”
“You better hope that Cael helps you sleep with one eye open tonight, Mónie, I swear to god,” the frustrated woman threatened through gritted teeth before turning to the red haired guest, her entire face morphing into a warmer and more inviting tone when she addressed him. “Hey kiddo, sorry about the pillow. Also try not to take it personally if I kill my little brother for his constant disrespect.”
Recovering from the sudden assault by pillow, Cael almost reflexively threw it back at Rosa. He was used to playing such childish games with Philomena. Instead, he tossed it back towards the sofa from whence it came. “What? Why?” Cael asked the eldest sister. “What’d he do?” Despite how much he enjoyed the feeling of his hand in Ramón’s, Cael pulled it back and crossed his arms over his chest with a brow raised in accusation. “What did you do, Ring Pop?”
“Don't give me that stance less than a minute after calling me dad, Stix,” Mo bitched at his meddling best friend right before putting on an expression of faux innocence, ignoring the annoyance at the loss of contact from one of the only people he liked it from. Cael, while a much newer addition than Stella, was equally as integrated into the Montoya family. Unlike Stella, he enjoyed teasing Mo by playing sides and backing up his siblings, especially if he could tell it was because Mo was being a little shit. A wide eyed, guileless gaze met mismatched green and blue when the smaller brat in the room spoke up. “I was being a good brother.”
“He was being a little shit,” Rosa interjected, reaching again for the same pillow Cael had tossed back while Ramón jumped behind the other pixie to use him as a human shield. “I said fifteen minutes.”
“Excuuuse you, I am not a shield. Take your lumps, you bottom.” Cael teased, attempting to side step, but Mo just followed along and stayed behind him.
“You love this bottom so you better protect him,” Mo mumbled as he continued to hide behind Cael’s form before calling back at his sister. “And I said you haven't slept for four days and I wasn't going to wake you up, not my fault you didn't set an alarm.”
“And the photos?”
“How do you even know I took any?”
“You always take photos.”
“Wow, and you still passed out with me in the room?” the youngest Montoya shook his head in disappointment from behind their guest's back. “So much poor planning on your part. Isn't mitigating risks just like this, like, a whole part of your job?”
Rosa practically roared in indignation and reared her arm all the way back with the pillow once more in her grasp. “Cael, sweetheart, duck or die with him,” and then she launched the pillow before following after it with her own body, intent to grab hold of her brother as soon as his best friend moved.
Cael didn’t immediately move, instead he reveled for a moment in the chaos that he helped foster, even if it meant taking another pillow to the chest. The Montoya siblings were an amusing distraction if nothing else, plus he liked the way Ramón got feisty when his feathers were ruffled. It was kind of hot. “Hold on, hold your fire,” he called out, letting the pillow drop with arms his raised in surrender. “I can practically feel this temporary hair dye dripping down the back of my neck, and if you get it on the pillows your mom will kill us all. Sooo… I’ma just head upstairs and shower real quick before my fitting while you two sort this out.”
The Candy Prince beamed at Mo with cherubic innocence before flicking his gaze to Rosa. He glided over to her with his dancer’s grace before planting a quick kiss on her cheek. “Please don’t hurt him, he’s too pretty, plus I need his help with stuff tonight.” After that, he scampered off upstairs with his overnight bag in tow, leaving Ramón defenseless against his rampaging older sister.
“Hurt is relative,” Rosa replied under her breath at the same time Ramón yelled, “Traitor!” at Cael’s retreating form- despite the fact that the temporary redhead had taken two pillows for him- leaving him open for his sister to pounce on him and send them both to the floor in a heap of tangled limbs until she got the upper hand. Mo was in a headlock in an instant, his legs flailing just as they had earlier with Rio but this time thud thud thudding against the hardwood floor from where the momentum had taken them off the living room rug.
“See, this doesn’t hurt? It just sucks for little brats with shit eating grins.”
“Do you see me grinning?” Mo protested from where his sister had his head pulled back a bit, his voice straining from the angle. Trying to wiggle out only made her tighten her headlock on him and he slammed an irritated fist against the floor. “Being the same height doesn’t mean you aren’t heavy, Ro, get off!”
“Delete the photos.”
“Delete the demands, I got those fair and square!”
“I’ll delete your fucking life, you little turd-”
“What is happening out there?!” Came a groggy yell from the home office, alerting both siblings to the fact that they awoke their father from where he’d passed out at his desk as per usual.
“Nothing, papá!” The siblings called at once, Rosa’s arms immediately leaving her baby brother’s neck and back of head and the older girl rolling off of her brother after a moment of dead weight, much like their older brother had done to him previously. The two siblings glared at each other from their spots on the floor for another long moment, Mo breathing a little heavier and Rosa’s lips twisted into a demanding frown. When the silence stretched a bit too long with Mo remaining stubborn, Rosa sighed and got up, thwacking Mo on the back of the head in reprimand.
“Hey!” His hands didn’t even have a chance to fly to the abused spot before she pushed his head down and gave the area a light kiss, making the youngest release a disgusted groan as he realized she purposefully got her lipstick all over the strands her kiss touched. “Well, I was going to wait to take a shower.”
“Don’t act like you weren’t already thinking about joining him, tarado (Moron),” Rosa scoffed against Ramón’s sudden indignant spluttering. The latino teen was suddenly quite red in the face at his sister’s casual callout, and she dragged him up by the collar of his jacket despite his protests and shoved him towards the stairs. “Seriously though, go have fun with your little bottom buddy, because if those pictures see the light of day, it’ll be the last time you experience anything other than death.”
“So scared of the woman who was drooling on that pillow earlier. You know it’s decorative, ri- careful!” He yelled as said pillow made its way toward his face for the third time, and this time he had to catch it instead of sidestepping lest it hit the fragile decorations adorning the ornate stand that sat against the wall of their quarter landing. “You’ll get both of us experiencing death sooner than expected if you break mamá’s figurines!”
The fearful glint in Rosa’s eyes told Mo she was already imagining the alternate universe where the glass and ceramic figurines had shattered, and he took a bit of pleasure at the dread he was sure she was experiencing. “You’re right, sorry,” She admitted, rolling her eyes at his smug grin. “You’ve earned your freedom this time, Mónie, but don’t get cocky.”
“Be more careful with your warning, I could have made plenty of jokes from that alone if I so wanted,” Mo rolled his eyes right back, another perfect mirror of motion with his sister, before tossing the pillow down to her and waving her off while heading up the second half of the stairs. “I’ll delete the pictures if you finally let me teach you how to dress. Now, I have a shower to take.” With that, he disappeared around the corner, as always never seeing the proud smirk on his sister’s face. As always, her baby brother refused to be a pushover, just as she’d helped raise him.
Meanwhile, in the upstairs bathroom, Cael had made good on his word of wanting to take a quick shower. He was already stripped down bare and in the process of rinsing the temporary dye out of his hair. Without even adding shampoo yet, the warm water ran down his shoulders in endless rivers of red. Scrub and scrub as he might, the pigmented water refused to fade to clear. Red droplets splattered the walls like a crime scene and the pink rinsate gathered in a pool around his feet. Cael pulled his hands away to reveal them stained from fingertips to palms.
“Fuck,” Cael muttered to himself, hoping that the dye wouldn’t stain the tub just as badly. Although the Montoya’s would be able to replace it without much thought, Cael’s shame would know no end if it came to that. He could already imagine the scolding his mother would give him if he caused such a mess at his own home, let alone someone else’s. “Christ, it looks like I’ve killed something...”
The sound of the bathroom door closing softly startled Cael out of his musings. He perked up as a turbulent fluttering stirred in his stomach for the umpteenth time this day. “Mo?” Cael called out from within the shower and there was no mistaking the tinge of hope coloring the inquiry. Doing his best to rinse his face clear first, the Candy boy peeked from behind the curtain.
“So… you’re not mad at me?” Cael asked with a faux pout and pleading eyes. This wouldn’t be the first time Ramón joined him in the shower, but the prospect was no less enticing. Cael’s Candilicious brain was already spinning with possibilities and scenarios. He was practically giddy, make no mistake about it. So when Ring Pop sassily pointed to the red lipstick print in his hair, Cael grinned wide enough that his own sharp dimple adorned the corner of his crooked smirk.
“I see you two managed to kiss and make up. Come on,” he opened the shower curtain a little wider in invitation. “Beware, it looks like I've committed a murder in here. Maybe we do need to hide a body…”
“You know, you’re quite lucky you’re cute or that smartass mouth might get you in more trouble,” Mo finally responded verbally to him, clothes already off and in the process of getting hung on the door hook so he could take care of them later. He stepped up and past the opening Cael had made in the curtain after setting his glasses on the sink, doing his best not to run his hand through his hair and smear the lipstick more before he could rinse it out. Mo loved makeup and color, glitter and glamor, but that all ended when it came to his hair and Rosa knew that. While he did love to dye it quite often, with it currently being a soft cotton candy pink, the particular boy did not like anything else in his hair if it could get in the way of his concentration or risk messing up his designs. He would adorn his whole body with glitter, dress up the whole nine yards, but he would not put the shiny material in his hair so it could fall like dandruff all day over his work. He also didn’t use spray-in color for much the same reason, as running his hands through his hair was a bad habit of his. He’d already had a red tint to his fingers all day from running his fingers through Cael’s hair earlier in Belmonte’s class, but that was the price of loving his pixie prince.
Speaking of spray-in color… “You’re so lucky you used my shower, mamá would kill us if she saw this much stain in the family bathroom,” Not that Cael has ever used anything other than his shower when he was over. He took in the red to pink splatters across the white tile and acrylic and didn’t even bat an eye at the pigmented massacre that now defined his shower. This was not the first time these surfaces had been splash-dyed another color and it would not be the last, but that didn’t mean he didn’t get to tease his pixie about it. Ramón slid around Cael so that he as the shorter was in front of the stream and ducked his head under the water to scrub viciously at the spot Rosa had left in his hair, continuing until his locks were thoroughly soaked in water before turning his gaze to his equally soaked companion. The water running races down Cael’s pale skin was now a light pink, staining streaks down his body like watercolor strokes, and Mo didn’t stop his gaze dropping from there, if only to make the other boy squirm a little. It really was a shame that neither of them were tops, because this boy would likely have been it for him from day one otherwise. Smirking at the other, not letting him in on his thoughts, he followed the trails back up and to Cael’s face and higher, only to see that his hair was still absolutely loaded with product despite the obvious multiple rinses.
Cael didn’t squirm or balk at Ramón’s obvious ogling. Instead, he straightened his posture and made sure his slender abdomen was flexed tight and smooth, his right arm bent upright so that his fingers delicately brushed his collarbone. Presentation was everything, even in nothing but one’s skin. The Candy boys were of one mind in that, hungry for the moment when all of their hard work succeeded in capturing another’s rapt attention. Ramón’s gaze didn’t make Cael squirm, no… it made him want to pounce.
Humming happily at Cael’s response, not even upset that his reaction was the opposite of his intention, the smaller boy reached past the taller and took a healthy pump of his shampoo from the bottle on the wall, resigning himself to having fingers stained just like Cael’s as he wordlessly stretched his arms out to reach and dropped the product onto Cael’s color-bleeding mop of hair. As he began to lather it into the other’s short mane, he couldn’t help but give his two cents as always. “Stix, sweetie, no one, not even the guinness world record holder for longest hair, ever, ever, needs this much fucking spray-in. I’m surprised you didn’t sweat this into your uniform while cheering.”
“Ugh, don’t make fun of me, just helppp,” Cael drawled out in a whiny tone. The dramatics weren’t necessary, of course, as Ramón had already begun scrubbing shampoo into his locks. Just like this morning, Cael instinctively tilted his head back to give the other boy complete and easy access to work his magic. Unlike this morning, Cael did not conceal the lecherous moan those talented fingers elicited, the sound vibrating in his throat like a purring wildcat. Letting the feeling wash over him, he felt all of the stresses of the day melt down the drain. Nothing else mattered, no notes, no meddling, no overpacked schedules… nothing but the two of them caught in this intimate moment, together. Cael might be exhausted, but not so much that he couldn’t turn to face his King with a look that foretold this shower would remain steamy long after the water ran cold.
Now both freshly cleaned and hair dried with Mo’s soft robes hugging their bodies, the two boys were back in Mo's design room with Beverly Hills High’s very own Edna Mode going to the corner opposite the one he had earlier for Stella’s dress. Sitting there on a dress form was Cael’s homecoming outfit, almost subtle in the corner until the light hit it just right. He rolled it out for his Prince and presented it with a grin just as proud as it was with Stella’s reveal. Mo did not have worries when it came to showing his friends what he made for them, completely self assured in his skill and knowledge on what would make them gasp or swoon, but that didn’t mean he didn’t also crave feedback and praise. He was an artist after all.
The lightweight collared dress shirt started off as a pale gray at the shoulders before slowly saturating to black as it reached the waist. The arms billowed gently in the soft breeze created by the ceiling fan, exposing the peasant sleeve design as well as the fabric’s lightness and breathability. It had a plunging neckline that was only held closed with three white buttons beginning just below the abdomen, the dots in stark contrast with their dark gray-to-black background, while the rest of the fabric disappeared behind a subtle cumberbund. The sash itself was mostly covered by the band of the black pleated skirt that sat over the almost sheer dress pants, the skirt designed to flow out and catch the air as Cael spun. Before his pixie had a chance to comment on it, Mo held a finger up and strolled over the switch on the secondary lights, almost having to squint under them himself as they did their best to mimic the natural light of the sun.
This exposed the best part of the design, in Mo’s humble opinion. Threaded throughout the dark fabrics like strings of liquid light was almost a whole spool of metallic rainbow strands, meaning that once it was hit by proper lighting the whole outfit practically shone and sparkled. He knew Cael preferred his pops of color, or really, mostly color, but he was also sure that this design was perfect for his fellow attention seeker. It was much more likely that people would double take at the lack of color and then their eyes would catch the shimmering secret than it was that they would be surprised at a full blown rainbow outfit. Waving proudly at the work of art, Mo dropped onto the couch next to Cael and nudged him towards it.
“Threading all that properly took days, I’ll have you know. I expect proper appreciative compensation.”
“And here I thought I already compensated you plenty,” Cael smirked in reply with a naughty glint in his eye. Jokes aside, he turned his attention to the shimmering outfit hung upon a dress form set to his own measurements. He was pretty sure that Mo kept a set of mannequins for both Stella and his Prince separate from the others, just for convenience in how much he worked on stuff for the pair alone. Even with being as integrated into the Montoya family as Cael had become, the casual indulgence in wealth and luxury was still foreign to him.
The sleepy pastel pixie approached the garment slowly, staying uncharacteristically silent as he did so. His fingers brushed along the soft fabric almost reverently, as if it were precious Himalayan cashmere that might get damaged if he was too rough. It wasn’t that he thought it was too rich for him, though he was sure that Ramón spared no expense on material costs, it was that it was valuable in ways that had no price tag.
Mo said he had spent days on the threading alone, and who knows how many more on the sketches, sourcing of fabric, making patterns, and hours spent bent over a whirring sewing machine — lost in his own little world, slaving over a passion project meant just for him. Cael’s heart swelled with emotion, he could feel his eyes getting misty. It would be stupid to cry, but he was so overtired and love drunk with the taste of Ramón still on his tongue.
Cael might still find all of the opulence a foreign concept, but he was no stranger to the hard work and dedication required to pursue perfection. He saw Mo’s commitment to his craft similarly to how he himself approached dancing. He too labored for hours, until his feet bled and his muscles ached in protest, all in the hopes of creating something beautiful. Even if only for a moment.
“It’s gorgeous, Pop. Truly, you outdid yourself…” Cael intoned fondly, his voice warbling a bit. His fingers caught the end of the pleated dress-like part of the ensemble. “Oh my god, it has a skirt! Oh, I love it so much! It’ll be so pretty when I twirl around the dance floor!”
It was like the weighted blanket of exhaustion had been lifted from Cael’s soul. He perked up, eyes sparkling with delight, and his mouth running as fast as the thoughts poured in. “Can I put it on? Like now? Is it all one piece? Probably not. Will I need help? Come help me!”
Mo was practically glowing at Cael’s praise, a red tint rising from his neck to his cheeks at the more than positive response of his Prince. The skirt had been just as much for Mo’s benefit as it had been for Cael’s, one of the Candy King’s favorite pastimes being watching the other dance and twirl and flow. It was why much of his designs for Cael used lightweight fabrics that swirled and cascaded around him like wild waves as the pixie moved. Cael had a grace and gift for dancing that he worked hard to hone that Ramón could never even hope to achieve with his two left feet. He admired that about the taller twink. He admired much about him. Following the other boy and standing up, Mo walked over and began to carefully remove the outfit from Cael’s custom dress form.
“While I do enjoy seeing you lounging around in just a robe, I did keep you in it to make getting the outfit on quicker,” Mo answered, getting the shirt off first and motioning for Cael to remove the robe from his shoulders and arms so he could begin putting it together on the model it was made for. Once he’d gotten behind the other and gotten his arm’s through the sleeves, Mo ran nimble fingers all the way out to Cael’s shoulders from his spine to make sure the fabric laid properly before circling back to the front to do up the bottom two of the three buttons before lightly tugging the fabric into place. Next he got the pants and handed them to Cael for him to get into while Mo retrieved the cumberbund. “Tuck the shirt in loosely, then it’s just this and the skirt.”
While Ramón turned around, Cael looked at himself in the mirror and noticed the dark circles forming under his eyes. His hair, now freshly clean and dry, was once again the pastel purple hue it had been for the past month or so — except it was now tinted a bit pink from the so-called ‘temporary’ red dye. In his own eyes, Cael looked as tired as he felt, and was almost embarrassed that Mo was not only seeing him in such a state, but had kissed him and thensome. Pushing the shame aside, Cael busied himself with trying to fasten the third button of the very low cut shirt that Ramón must’ve missed. His actions were cut short by Mo slapping his hands away from the button, scolding him to stop and that it was meant to be unbuttoned. “Oh my god, do you want everyone to think I’m a whore?”
“I want you to leave my artwork as it was envisioned, but would it be so bad if I did?” The designer snarked. Once the other had complied, Mo wrapped the cumberbund around his waist, pleats facing upwards of course, and then knelt down to help the dancer step into the skirt after grabbing it from the form. Once the two buttons had been done at the side of Cael’s hip, securing the skirt in place, Mo stepped back and smiled large and wide, dimples on full display. Cael looked absolutely elven in the most ethereal sense, and the glints from the metallic rainbow threading were as perfect as he’d envisioned. Looking one of his favorite models up and down, Mo demanded with barely constrained excitement, “Well don’t just stand there like the dress form, Stixie, let’s see that twirl!”
Cael was standing surprisingly stock still, having been stunned by Ramón’s admiration. It was always heartstopping to see his Candy King smile wide enough that his dimples showed. The fact that Mo was looking at him like that when his exhaustion made him look like a junkie fiending for his next fix was enough to make Cael look away with flushed cheeks. Mo was probably just admiring seeing his work on a warm body, it was utterly stunning, after all.
“Of course, as you wish…” Cael replied, looking around Ramón's work and dressing room to assess the space. Something so beautiful deserved something equally as special in return. Stepping off of the pedestal in front of the full body mirror, Cael began to push some of the furniture aside to make a big open space in front of the couch Mo had previously been lounging upon. Cael fetched the other boy by the wrists and guided him to stand in front of the couch.
“Wait right here. Don’t move,” he instructed before flitting off into the attached bedroom. Cael came back with his cell phone in hand, tapping the screen as he walked. He pulled up a song on Spotify, one that he had been choreographing a dance routine to for his next ballet recital. No one outside of the studio had gotten a sneak peek of Cael’s hard work, but Ramón was about to. Cael passed the phone to his fellow pixie. “Press play when I tell you to, ‘kay?”
Cael waited for a nod in confirmation before closing his eyes and pretending to settle himself. He adjusted his feet to third position and took a deep breath in as he reached his right arm forward, placing his palm against the bare skin of Ramón’s chest, which was left exposed by the robe he still wore. Cael’s eyes opened to reveal a gaze that was full of mischief rather than keen focus, just before he gently pushed the other boy back into the couch with a giggle.
For real this time, the pastel pixie gracefully made his way to the center of the space he’d cleared and began to take his starting position. Cael closed his eyes and took a few steadying breaths, letting his mind wash clean of any thoughts besides this silent space, his choreography, his audience of one, his love, his passion, and the music soon to fill this place. To fill his soul. “Play.”
The routine started in fourth position, with Cael’s left hand extended above his head. His fingers were fanned out delicately with his index finger pointed heavensward, perfectly in line with the rest of his body, all the way down to his heels. A ballet dancer’s line was foundational — the core source of all of the beauty and grace in their movements. As the song’s introductory notes pulsed from the phone’s speakers, Cael’s toes swept in alternating circles as he covered wide stretches of the space he’d cleared. Without his pointe shoes on, he felt the cool marble tiles beneath his bare, scarred and blistered feet. Everly was right earlier that day, Cael’s feet were gnarly. The first time he lost a big toenail, he had nearly thrown up and quit dancing on the spot.
Thank god he didn’t quit, this was worth it.
As the melody began to swell, Cael releve’d on the balls of his feet and twirled. The lyrics of the song began to pour in and Cael became a conduit. His torso twisted and turned in time with the music, his body fluidly speaking a language all its own. As he pirouetted, the lights above caught the threading of his waist skirt, shimmering like an oil slicked river of black diamonds. The notes of the song flicked from the tips of his fingers and toes like drops of watercolor, painting the room with love and life. Like some kind of heaven.
When the pounding baseline picked up, Cael’s choreography shifted to match the energy. He covered large swaths of space, leaping and spinning with liquid limbs. He was a hurricane of emotion and song, splashing into each corner of the room until it was full of his artwork. It was smaller than the stage Cael was used to practicing on, so he had to pull back early and modify some of the motions due to his lack of appropriate footwear, not that Ramón would notice his freestyling. Cael’s breath became heavy before the song’s midway point. He was too tired to perform it fully, nor did he want to give away all of the routine. That’s not to say he didn’t still have a surprise in store… Instead, he danced his way towards Mo’s place on the couch. He extended a hand to the boy and pulled him up into a quick twirl. Cael spun Mo around a few times before drawing him into a tight embrace.
“It’s perfect. I love it. Te amo.” Cael murmured as he pressed a kiss into the hollow of Ramón’s collarbone, revealed by the way his robe now sagged down passed his shoulder from spinning around. Standing them both up straight, Cael sighed sleepily. “Now take it off before I get all sweaty. Then it's you, me, bed, snuggles, sleep. Please.”
Cael’s routine, like much of what he did, was phenomenal and breathtaking, as well as enrapturing. Mo watched silently and intently, sparing only the briefest moments to make sure there was nothing malfunctioning with the outfit before his eyes would be more focused on the fluid grace and beauty of the dancer wearing it. This was definitely a new routine, so he gave it every ounce of respect it deserved and barely blinked throughout the sneak peek the pastel boy was gracing him with. When the lavender-turned-heliotrope haired boy pulled him from the couch and twirled him, he let out an unabashed giggle and followed willingly, never feeling his two left feet less than when Cael led him. It turned into a genuine laugh by the second spin that eventually petered off as he was pulled into the paler boy’s chest. When Cael spoke and kissed his skin, the soft gasp he released had only a small amount to do with the contact and almost everything to do with Cael speaking to him in his other first language.
Sure, of course they’d said I love you to each other before, of course he’d heard Cael speak spanish, hell he’d helped teach him most of it. Still, this was the first time he’d ever said te amo and something about hearing those words fall from his lips just before he sealed them to his suddenly overheated skin was as showstopping as the boy himself was. It felt like more and Mo couldn’t figure out why. Blush sitting on his cheeks like the sun setting on the horizon, Mo looked into Cael’s tired eyes and gave him one more wide smile.
“Te amo también, Cael Lee, (I love you too),” He doubted Cael could yet pick up the difference in meanings depending on the wording, but the response Mo had given back was reserved for a higher level of intensity than te quiero también would have been. Clearing his throat and breaking eye contact, Mo reached out and began to help Cael out of the outfit and return it to its dress form, no longer making eye contact as he perseverated over something that likely didn’t actually matter to the other. Once Cael had been returned to his own robe, Mo grabbed his hand and pulled him from his office into his bedroom where his queen size awaited them both. Truly, with all the outfits Mo had been working on lately, he was just as exhausted as his pixie Prince and more than ready to turn in for the night.
He pushed the tired cheerleader gently down onto the mattress and watched him instantly crawl up to his spot and pillow with an adoring gaze. He did his best not to collapse onto the bed immediately and instead followed Cael’s lead and crawled up to his spot from the end of the bed, tossing the covers back and making sure the other boy lifted his body enough that he could get the sheets out from under him and covering his weary body as well. Once they were both snugly beneath the soft weight, Ramón put his arm out and dropped it around his tactiley obsessive twink as Cael’s head fell against his chest, his soft hair tickling the skin it touched. He dropped a kiss to the top of Cael’s head and began to run deft fingers through the pastel strands before saying his last piece.
“Dre’s coming to get his outfit in the morning, but after that we are figuring out this note shit, Stixie,” He frowned at the ceiling in the safety of the dark. While he was rather irritated if he was being messed with, he would be absolutely vindictive and volatile if someone was really messing with his soft hearted lover in the same way. The two thespians handled things like this very differently. “No dejaré que nadie te lastime (I won’t let anyone hurt you).”
“Hey, how likely is it in this day and age that someone genuinely puts a note in your locker that, like, leaves you a riddle that amounts to ‘meet me at Beverly Gardens Park before the dance’? You know, and it’s not someone just fucking with you?” He asked casually, keeping his eyes on the road. “Also what was up with you tripping over your feet while cheering today? You never slip up like that.”
Cael was in the process of reaching for the volume knob at nearly the same time that Ramón did. Surprised, he pulled his hand back while his gaze darted to Mo’s face. “Wait… what?” Icy dread froze the wings of the butterflies previously fluttering in his stomach. He could feel them fall in time with the drop of his heart. “You… got one too?” Was it just some sick prank? To tease the twinks? Would someone do that to the Candies, of all people? They didn’t really make enemies, they helped people! Hell, even Cael’s exes were on good terms with him. He fished in his pocket for his own note, his palms suddenly felt sweaty.
“Too?” Ramón sighed in utter disappointment as he caught Cael pulling a paper out of his pocket in his periphery. Of course it was too good to be true, it was silly of him to even have entertained getting his hopes up. Painted nails digging into the stitching of the leather steering wheel, he glanced quickly to his best friend. “And what, dear Stix, do you think this means? Who is it? Couldn't be an ex, they all love you and I haven't had one since seventh grade.”
Rather than respond immediately, Cael sagged into the passenger seat like a deflated balloon. He was pouting, and he wasn’t too proud to hide it, especially not in front of Mo. Ramón was one of his comfort people, a twin flame and kindred spirit in this wild world of theirs. “Well, it wasn’t Jonah, I asked him already. Jem would literally never, plus he writes like a bear is chasing him. And it’s not Minnie’s writing either, my first thought was that it could be her pranking me to get back for the dare, but nah… she wouldn’t do that, it’s too mean.”
Cael sighed as he watched the houses whiz by through his window. “Was it really that noticeable? At the game?” He peered over at King Ring Pop for confirmation. One of his fellow cheerleaders, Troy, had teasingly mentioned something between routines as well, so he must have been really messy. “I was off because I was too busy thinking about this!” He scoffed, letting the note crinkle beneath his frustrated fingers.
“This, and how I wanted to talk to you about it, and how there was suddenly a themed party to plan for, and how I had just committed a crime, it’s A LOT. You know?” Cael ranted in exasperation.
Mo raised an eyebrow from the driver's seat as the cheerleader ranted beside him, glad at least that he wasn't alone in his upset mood. “Don’t be silly, I’m sure I have something in my closet for you that would work for the theme. And it was only noticeable because I was watching you, Stix. You recovered well enough each time, at least I thought,” And Jonah wouldn't dare mess with Mo and send him on some mystery hunt lest the mastermind be sent into his domain with clothes designed to fall apart at the seams. Not that Cael needed to know that part, Mo had a secret brand he made the clothes of The House under, simply labeled as such, for various reasons. Some of his best work and Mo Drama Designs would never get the recognition for it. The petite Pixie glanced down at Cael’s thin fingers grasping the paper tight, only to double take at the angle and roundness of the letters. “That…isn't the same handwriting as mine,” Mo revealed, intrigue filtering past the irritation at the forefront of his mind as he turned onto his street. “Did this person really think changing their handwriting would keep us from figuring it out the second we talked to each other? How positively dul- wait, crime? What crime? Do I have to hide a body?”
“A body? …what? Oh, fuck! Damn it! That was supposed to be a surprise!” Despite all of the nerves, stress, and hopeful delusions that were dashed into despair, Cael laughed. He was still running on a few hours of sleep and he always got giggly right before he crashed. “No, I—” He was interrupted by his own chuckling. “I bought drugs. It was my first time, and they’re called Candy too! But pleeease DON’T tell Minnie! They’re a surprise to celebrate such a successful execution of a dare. I’m so proud of her, truly.”
Cael was quick to hop out of the car as soon as Mo pulled into his spot. Attempting to reinvigorate his energy stores, he grabbed his bag from the back and skipped over to the other boy’s side with a cheeky grin. Leaning up against Mo as they walked to the front door, he gazed at his Candy King with mismatched blue and green eyes that shined with affection. “Would you reeaally hide a body for me?”
“Of course I would, what the hell do you take me for?” Mo responded without missing a beat, supporting the lanky boy's sudden weight on him with practiced ease and ignoring the warm comfort it spread throughout him much the same. Their back and forth, as always, was a chaotic and tangled mess that likely only their fellow pixie Minnie could follow easily. Speaking of… “I won’t tell her, and I’m proud of her too, don’t tell her I said that. And thanks for the heads up, as I assume I'll be looking after you two.”
“Orrr, you could join us, Dad,” Cael rolled his eyes teasingly. “Although I do like when you take care of me, hmm...”
Smiling at Cael’s comment as they entered the front door of the Montoya household, Mo ducked his head to the side to avoid the decorative pillow flying towards his face at breakneck speeds. The muffled thump from behind him told him that even after all these years entering through the front door, Cael still forgot to expect the unexpected from the rest of the family. The smallest Montoya turned to his older sister with an irritated expression that was mirrored back to him flawlessly. “Rio already got your revenge, don't get greedy.”
“Delete the photos I know you took and maybe I'll entertain that,” Rosa replied, hands on her hips as she stood in her perfectly pressed power suit. She must have been gone earlier with his father for a strategy meeting if she was still in that at almost eleven at night.
“Not a chance,” the baby of the family scoffed, grabbing Cael by the hand and slowly leading him around his sister like they were trying to pass a dangerous animal. “What a literal case of ‘you snooze you lose,’ right?”
“You better hope that Cael helps you sleep with one eye open tonight, Mónie, I swear to god,” the frustrated woman threatened through gritted teeth before turning to the red haired guest, her entire face morphing into a warmer and more inviting tone when she addressed him. “Hey kiddo, sorry about the pillow. Also try not to take it personally if I kill my little brother for his constant disrespect.”
Recovering from the sudden assault by pillow, Cael almost reflexively threw it back at Rosa. He was used to playing such childish games with Philomena. Instead, he tossed it back towards the sofa from whence it came. “What? Why?” Cael asked the eldest sister. “What’d he do?” Despite how much he enjoyed the feeling of his hand in Ramón’s, Cael pulled it back and crossed his arms over his chest with a brow raised in accusation. “What did you do, Ring Pop?”
“Don't give me that stance less than a minute after calling me dad, Stix,” Mo bitched at his meddling best friend right before putting on an expression of faux innocence, ignoring the annoyance at the loss of contact from one of the only people he liked it from. Cael, while a much newer addition than Stella, was equally as integrated into the Montoya family. Unlike Stella, he enjoyed teasing Mo by playing sides and backing up his siblings, especially if he could tell it was because Mo was being a little shit. A wide eyed, guileless gaze met mismatched green and blue when the smaller brat in the room spoke up. “I was being a good brother.”
“He was being a little shit,” Rosa interjected, reaching again for the same pillow Cael had tossed back while Ramón jumped behind the other pixie to use him as a human shield. “I said fifteen minutes.”
“Excuuuse you, I am not a shield. Take your lumps, you bottom.” Cael teased, attempting to side step, but Mo just followed along and stayed behind him.
“You love this bottom so you better protect him,” Mo mumbled as he continued to hide behind Cael’s form before calling back at his sister. “And I said you haven't slept for four days and I wasn't going to wake you up, not my fault you didn't set an alarm.”
“And the photos?”
“How do you even know I took any?”
“You always take photos.”
“Wow, and you still passed out with me in the room?” the youngest Montoya shook his head in disappointment from behind their guest's back. “So much poor planning on your part. Isn't mitigating risks just like this, like, a whole part of your job?”
Rosa practically roared in indignation and reared her arm all the way back with the pillow once more in her grasp. “Cael, sweetheart, duck or die with him,” and then she launched the pillow before following after it with her own body, intent to grab hold of her brother as soon as his best friend moved.
Cael didn’t immediately move, instead he reveled for a moment in the chaos that he helped foster, even if it meant taking another pillow to the chest. The Montoya siblings were an amusing distraction if nothing else, plus he liked the way Ramón got feisty when his feathers were ruffled. It was kind of hot. “Hold on, hold your fire,” he called out, letting the pillow drop with arms his raised in surrender. “I can practically feel this temporary hair dye dripping down the back of my neck, and if you get it on the pillows your mom will kill us all. Sooo… I’ma just head upstairs and shower real quick before my fitting while you two sort this out.”
The Candy Prince beamed at Mo with cherubic innocence before flicking his gaze to Rosa. He glided over to her with his dancer’s grace before planting a quick kiss on her cheek. “Please don’t hurt him, he’s too pretty, plus I need his help with stuff tonight.” After that, he scampered off upstairs with his overnight bag in tow, leaving Ramón defenseless against his rampaging older sister.
“Hurt is relative,” Rosa replied under her breath at the same time Ramón yelled, “Traitor!” at Cael’s retreating form- despite the fact that the temporary redhead had taken two pillows for him- leaving him open for his sister to pounce on him and send them both to the floor in a heap of tangled limbs until she got the upper hand. Mo was in a headlock in an instant, his legs flailing just as they had earlier with Rio but this time thud thud thudding against the hardwood floor from where the momentum had taken them off the living room rug.
“See, this doesn’t hurt? It just sucks for little brats with shit eating grins.”
“Do you see me grinning?” Mo protested from where his sister had his head pulled back a bit, his voice straining from the angle. Trying to wiggle out only made her tighten her headlock on him and he slammed an irritated fist against the floor. “Being the same height doesn’t mean you aren’t heavy, Ro, get off!”
“Delete the photos.”
“Delete the demands, I got those fair and square!”
“I’ll delete your fucking life, you little turd-”
“What is happening out there?!” Came a groggy yell from the home office, alerting both siblings to the fact that they awoke their father from where he’d passed out at his desk as per usual.
“Nothing, papá!” The siblings called at once, Rosa’s arms immediately leaving her baby brother’s neck and back of head and the older girl rolling off of her brother after a moment of dead weight, much like their older brother had done to him previously. The two siblings glared at each other from their spots on the floor for another long moment, Mo breathing a little heavier and Rosa’s lips twisted into a demanding frown. When the silence stretched a bit too long with Mo remaining stubborn, Rosa sighed and got up, thwacking Mo on the back of the head in reprimand.
“Hey!” His hands didn’t even have a chance to fly to the abused spot before she pushed his head down and gave the area a light kiss, making the youngest release a disgusted groan as he realized she purposefully got her lipstick all over the strands her kiss touched. “Well, I was going to wait to take a shower.”
“Don’t act like you weren’t already thinking about joining him, tarado (Moron),” Rosa scoffed against Ramón’s sudden indignant spluttering. The latino teen was suddenly quite red in the face at his sister’s casual callout, and she dragged him up by the collar of his jacket despite his protests and shoved him towards the stairs. “Seriously though, go have fun with your little bottom buddy, because if those pictures see the light of day, it’ll be the last time you experience anything other than death.”
“So scared of the woman who was drooling on that pillow earlier. You know it’s decorative, ri- careful!” He yelled as said pillow made its way toward his face for the third time, and this time he had to catch it instead of sidestepping lest it hit the fragile decorations adorning the ornate stand that sat against the wall of their quarter landing. “You’ll get both of us experiencing death sooner than expected if you break mamá’s figurines!”
The fearful glint in Rosa’s eyes told Mo she was already imagining the alternate universe where the glass and ceramic figurines had shattered, and he took a bit of pleasure at the dread he was sure she was experiencing. “You’re right, sorry,” She admitted, rolling her eyes at his smug grin. “You’ve earned your freedom this time, Mónie, but don’t get cocky.”
“Be more careful with your warning, I could have made plenty of jokes from that alone if I so wanted,” Mo rolled his eyes right back, another perfect mirror of motion with his sister, before tossing the pillow down to her and waving her off while heading up the second half of the stairs. “I’ll delete the pictures if you finally let me teach you how to dress. Now, I have a shower to take.” With that, he disappeared around the corner, as always never seeing the proud smirk on his sister’s face. As always, her baby brother refused to be a pushover, just as she’d helped raise him.
Meanwhile, in the upstairs bathroom, Cael had made good on his word of wanting to take a quick shower. He was already stripped down bare and in the process of rinsing the temporary dye out of his hair. Without even adding shampoo yet, the warm water ran down his shoulders in endless rivers of red. Scrub and scrub as he might, the pigmented water refused to fade to clear. Red droplets splattered the walls like a crime scene and the pink rinsate gathered in a pool around his feet. Cael pulled his hands away to reveal them stained from fingertips to palms.
“Fuck,” Cael muttered to himself, hoping that the dye wouldn’t stain the tub just as badly. Although the Montoya’s would be able to replace it without much thought, Cael’s shame would know no end if it came to that. He could already imagine the scolding his mother would give him if he caused such a mess at his own home, let alone someone else’s. “Christ, it looks like I’ve killed something...”
The sound of the bathroom door closing softly startled Cael out of his musings. He perked up as a turbulent fluttering stirred in his stomach for the umpteenth time this day. “Mo?” Cael called out from within the shower and there was no mistaking the tinge of hope coloring the inquiry. Doing his best to rinse his face clear first, the Candy boy peeked from behind the curtain.
“So… you’re not mad at me?” Cael asked with a faux pout and pleading eyes. This wouldn’t be the first time Ramón joined him in the shower, but the prospect was no less enticing. Cael’s Candilicious brain was already spinning with possibilities and scenarios. He was practically giddy, make no mistake about it. So when Ring Pop sassily pointed to the red lipstick print in his hair, Cael grinned wide enough that his own sharp dimple adorned the corner of his crooked smirk.
“I see you two managed to kiss and make up. Come on,” he opened the shower curtain a little wider in invitation. “Beware, it looks like I've committed a murder in here. Maybe we do need to hide a body…”
“You know, you’re quite lucky you’re cute or that smartass mouth might get you in more trouble,” Mo finally responded verbally to him, clothes already off and in the process of getting hung on the door hook so he could take care of them later. He stepped up and past the opening Cael had made in the curtain after setting his glasses on the sink, doing his best not to run his hand through his hair and smear the lipstick more before he could rinse it out. Mo loved makeup and color, glitter and glamor, but that all ended when it came to his hair and Rosa knew that. While he did love to dye it quite often, with it currently being a soft cotton candy pink, the particular boy did not like anything else in his hair if it could get in the way of his concentration or risk messing up his designs. He would adorn his whole body with glitter, dress up the whole nine yards, but he would not put the shiny material in his hair so it could fall like dandruff all day over his work. He also didn’t use spray-in color for much the same reason, as running his hands through his hair was a bad habit of his. He’d already had a red tint to his fingers all day from running his fingers through Cael’s hair earlier in Belmonte’s class, but that was the price of loving his pixie prince.
Speaking of spray-in color… “You’re so lucky you used my shower, mamá would kill us if she saw this much stain in the family bathroom,” Not that Cael has ever used anything other than his shower when he was over. He took in the red to pink splatters across the white tile and acrylic and didn’t even bat an eye at the pigmented massacre that now defined his shower. This was not the first time these surfaces had been splash-dyed another color and it would not be the last, but that didn’t mean he didn’t get to tease his pixie about it. Ramón slid around Cael so that he as the shorter was in front of the stream and ducked his head under the water to scrub viciously at the spot Rosa had left in his hair, continuing until his locks were thoroughly soaked in water before turning his gaze to his equally soaked companion. The water running races down Cael’s pale skin was now a light pink, staining streaks down his body like watercolor strokes, and Mo didn’t stop his gaze dropping from there, if only to make the other boy squirm a little. It really was a shame that neither of them were tops, because this boy would likely have been it for him from day one otherwise. Smirking at the other, not letting him in on his thoughts, he followed the trails back up and to Cael’s face and higher, only to see that his hair was still absolutely loaded with product despite the obvious multiple rinses.
Cael didn’t squirm or balk at Ramón’s obvious ogling. Instead, he straightened his posture and made sure his slender abdomen was flexed tight and smooth, his right arm bent upright so that his fingers delicately brushed his collarbone. Presentation was everything, even in nothing but one’s skin. The Candy boys were of one mind in that, hungry for the moment when all of their hard work succeeded in capturing another’s rapt attention. Ramón’s gaze didn’t make Cael squirm, no… it made him want to pounce.
Humming happily at Cael’s response, not even upset that his reaction was the opposite of his intention, the smaller boy reached past the taller and took a healthy pump of his shampoo from the bottle on the wall, resigning himself to having fingers stained just like Cael’s as he wordlessly stretched his arms out to reach and dropped the product onto Cael’s color-bleeding mop of hair. As he began to lather it into the other’s short mane, he couldn’t help but give his two cents as always. “Stix, sweetie, no one, not even the guinness world record holder for longest hair, ever, ever, needs this much fucking spray-in. I’m surprised you didn’t sweat this into your uniform while cheering.”
“Ugh, don’t make fun of me, just helppp,” Cael drawled out in a whiny tone. The dramatics weren’t necessary, of course, as Ramón had already begun scrubbing shampoo into his locks. Just like this morning, Cael instinctively tilted his head back to give the other boy complete and easy access to work his magic. Unlike this morning, Cael did not conceal the lecherous moan those talented fingers elicited, the sound vibrating in his throat like a purring wildcat. Letting the feeling wash over him, he felt all of the stresses of the day melt down the drain. Nothing else mattered, no notes, no meddling, no overpacked schedules… nothing but the two of them caught in this intimate moment, together. Cael might be exhausted, but not so much that he couldn’t turn to face his King with a look that foretold this shower would remain steamy long after the water ran cold.
Now both freshly cleaned and hair dried with Mo’s soft robes hugging their bodies, the two boys were back in Mo's design room with Beverly Hills High’s very own Edna Mode going to the corner opposite the one he had earlier for Stella’s dress. Sitting there on a dress form was Cael’s homecoming outfit, almost subtle in the corner until the light hit it just right. He rolled it out for his Prince and presented it with a grin just as proud as it was with Stella’s reveal. Mo did not have worries when it came to showing his friends what he made for them, completely self assured in his skill and knowledge on what would make them gasp or swoon, but that didn’t mean he didn’t also crave feedback and praise. He was an artist after all.
The lightweight collared dress shirt started off as a pale gray at the shoulders before slowly saturating to black as it reached the waist. The arms billowed gently in the soft breeze created by the ceiling fan, exposing the peasant sleeve design as well as the fabric’s lightness and breathability. It had a plunging neckline that was only held closed with three white buttons beginning just below the abdomen, the dots in stark contrast with their dark gray-to-black background, while the rest of the fabric disappeared behind a subtle cumberbund. The sash itself was mostly covered by the band of the black pleated skirt that sat over the almost sheer dress pants, the skirt designed to flow out and catch the air as Cael spun. Before his pixie had a chance to comment on it, Mo held a finger up and strolled over the switch on the secondary lights, almost having to squint under them himself as they did their best to mimic the natural light of the sun.
This exposed the best part of the design, in Mo’s humble opinion. Threaded throughout the dark fabrics like strings of liquid light was almost a whole spool of metallic rainbow strands, meaning that once it was hit by proper lighting the whole outfit practically shone and sparkled. He knew Cael preferred his pops of color, or really, mostly color, but he was also sure that this design was perfect for his fellow attention seeker. It was much more likely that people would double take at the lack of color and then their eyes would catch the shimmering secret than it was that they would be surprised at a full blown rainbow outfit. Waving proudly at the work of art, Mo dropped onto the couch next to Cael and nudged him towards it.
“Threading all that properly took days, I’ll have you know. I expect proper appreciative compensation.”
“And here I thought I already compensated you plenty,” Cael smirked in reply with a naughty glint in his eye. Jokes aside, he turned his attention to the shimmering outfit hung upon a dress form set to his own measurements. He was pretty sure that Mo kept a set of mannequins for both Stella and his Prince separate from the others, just for convenience in how much he worked on stuff for the pair alone. Even with being as integrated into the Montoya family as Cael had become, the casual indulgence in wealth and luxury was still foreign to him.
The sleepy pastel pixie approached the garment slowly, staying uncharacteristically silent as he did so. His fingers brushed along the soft fabric almost reverently, as if it were precious Himalayan cashmere that might get damaged if he was too rough. It wasn’t that he thought it was too rich for him, though he was sure that Ramón spared no expense on material costs, it was that it was valuable in ways that had no price tag.
Mo said he had spent days on the threading alone, and who knows how many more on the sketches, sourcing of fabric, making patterns, and hours spent bent over a whirring sewing machine — lost in his own little world, slaving over a passion project meant just for him. Cael’s heart swelled with emotion, he could feel his eyes getting misty. It would be stupid to cry, but he was so overtired and love drunk with the taste of Ramón still on his tongue.
Cael might still find all of the opulence a foreign concept, but he was no stranger to the hard work and dedication required to pursue perfection. He saw Mo’s commitment to his craft similarly to how he himself approached dancing. He too labored for hours, until his feet bled and his muscles ached in protest, all in the hopes of creating something beautiful. Even if only for a moment.
“It’s gorgeous, Pop. Truly, you outdid yourself…” Cael intoned fondly, his voice warbling a bit. His fingers caught the end of the pleated dress-like part of the ensemble. “Oh my god, it has a skirt! Oh, I love it so much! It’ll be so pretty when I twirl around the dance floor!”
It was like the weighted blanket of exhaustion had been lifted from Cael’s soul. He perked up, eyes sparkling with delight, and his mouth running as fast as the thoughts poured in. “Can I put it on? Like now? Is it all one piece? Probably not. Will I need help? Come help me!”
Mo was practically glowing at Cael’s praise, a red tint rising from his neck to his cheeks at the more than positive response of his Prince. The skirt had been just as much for Mo’s benefit as it had been for Cael’s, one of the Candy King’s favorite pastimes being watching the other dance and twirl and flow. It was why much of his designs for Cael used lightweight fabrics that swirled and cascaded around him like wild waves as the pixie moved. Cael had a grace and gift for dancing that he worked hard to hone that Ramón could never even hope to achieve with his two left feet. He admired that about the taller twink. He admired much about him. Following the other boy and standing up, Mo walked over and began to carefully remove the outfit from Cael’s custom dress form.
“While I do enjoy seeing you lounging around in just a robe, I did keep you in it to make getting the outfit on quicker,” Mo answered, getting the shirt off first and motioning for Cael to remove the robe from his shoulders and arms so he could begin putting it together on the model it was made for. Once he’d gotten behind the other and gotten his arm’s through the sleeves, Mo ran nimble fingers all the way out to Cael’s shoulders from his spine to make sure the fabric laid properly before circling back to the front to do up the bottom two of the three buttons before lightly tugging the fabric into place. Next he got the pants and handed them to Cael for him to get into while Mo retrieved the cumberbund. “Tuck the shirt in loosely, then it’s just this and the skirt.”
While Ramón turned around, Cael looked at himself in the mirror and noticed the dark circles forming under his eyes. His hair, now freshly clean and dry, was once again the pastel purple hue it had been for the past month or so — except it was now tinted a bit pink from the so-called ‘temporary’ red dye. In his own eyes, Cael looked as tired as he felt, and was almost embarrassed that Mo was not only seeing him in such a state, but had kissed him and thensome. Pushing the shame aside, Cael busied himself with trying to fasten the third button of the very low cut shirt that Ramón must’ve missed. His actions were cut short by Mo slapping his hands away from the button, scolding him to stop and that it was meant to be unbuttoned. “Oh my god, do you want everyone to think I’m a whore?”
“I want you to leave my artwork as it was envisioned, but would it be so bad if I did?” The designer snarked. Once the other had complied, Mo wrapped the cumberbund around his waist, pleats facing upwards of course, and then knelt down to help the dancer step into the skirt after grabbing it from the form. Once the two buttons had been done at the side of Cael’s hip, securing the skirt in place, Mo stepped back and smiled large and wide, dimples on full display. Cael looked absolutely elven in the most ethereal sense, and the glints from the metallic rainbow threading were as perfect as he’d envisioned. Looking one of his favorite models up and down, Mo demanded with barely constrained excitement, “Well don’t just stand there like the dress form, Stixie, let’s see that twirl!”
Cael was standing surprisingly stock still, having been stunned by Ramón’s admiration. It was always heartstopping to see his Candy King smile wide enough that his dimples showed. The fact that Mo was looking at him like that when his exhaustion made him look like a junkie fiending for his next fix was enough to make Cael look away with flushed cheeks. Mo was probably just admiring seeing his work on a warm body, it was utterly stunning, after all.
“Of course, as you wish…” Cael replied, looking around Ramón's work and dressing room to assess the space. Something so beautiful deserved something equally as special in return. Stepping off of the pedestal in front of the full body mirror, Cael began to push some of the furniture aside to make a big open space in front of the couch Mo had previously been lounging upon. Cael fetched the other boy by the wrists and guided him to stand in front of the couch.
“Wait right here. Don’t move,” he instructed before flitting off into the attached bedroom. Cael came back with his cell phone in hand, tapping the screen as he walked. He pulled up a song on Spotify, one that he had been choreographing a dance routine to for his next ballet recital. No one outside of the studio had gotten a sneak peek of Cael’s hard work, but Ramón was about to. Cael passed the phone to his fellow pixie. “Press play when I tell you to, ‘kay?”
Cael waited for a nod in confirmation before closing his eyes and pretending to settle himself. He adjusted his feet to third position and took a deep breath in as he reached his right arm forward, placing his palm against the bare skin of Ramón’s chest, which was left exposed by the robe he still wore. Cael’s eyes opened to reveal a gaze that was full of mischief rather than keen focus, just before he gently pushed the other boy back into the couch with a giggle.
For real this time, the pastel pixie gracefully made his way to the center of the space he’d cleared and began to take his starting position. Cael closed his eyes and took a few steadying breaths, letting his mind wash clean of any thoughts besides this silent space, his choreography, his audience of one, his love, his passion, and the music soon to fill this place. To fill his soul. “Play.”
The routine started in fourth position, with Cael’s left hand extended above his head. His fingers were fanned out delicately with his index finger pointed heavensward, perfectly in line with the rest of his body, all the way down to his heels. A ballet dancer’s line was foundational — the core source of all of the beauty and grace in their movements. As the song’s introductory notes pulsed from the phone’s speakers, Cael’s toes swept in alternating circles as he covered wide stretches of the space he’d cleared. Without his pointe shoes on, he felt the cool marble tiles beneath his bare, scarred and blistered feet. Everly was right earlier that day, Cael’s feet were gnarly. The first time he lost a big toenail, he had nearly thrown up and quit dancing on the spot.
Thank god he didn’t quit, this was worth it.
As the melody began to swell, Cael releve’d on the balls of his feet and twirled. The lyrics of the song began to pour in and Cael became a conduit. His torso twisted and turned in time with the music, his body fluidly speaking a language all its own. As he pirouetted, the lights above caught the threading of his waist skirt, shimmering like an oil slicked river of black diamonds. The notes of the song flicked from the tips of his fingers and toes like drops of watercolor, painting the room with love and life. Like some kind of heaven.
When the pounding baseline picked up, Cael’s choreography shifted to match the energy. He covered large swaths of space, leaping and spinning with liquid limbs. He was a hurricane of emotion and song, splashing into each corner of the room until it was full of his artwork. It was smaller than the stage Cael was used to practicing on, so he had to pull back early and modify some of the motions due to his lack of appropriate footwear, not that Ramón would notice his freestyling. Cael’s breath became heavy before the song’s midway point. He was too tired to perform it fully, nor did he want to give away all of the routine. That’s not to say he didn’t still have a surprise in store… Instead, he danced his way towards Mo’s place on the couch. He extended a hand to the boy and pulled him up into a quick twirl. Cael spun Mo around a few times before drawing him into a tight embrace.
“It’s perfect. I love it. Te amo.” Cael murmured as he pressed a kiss into the hollow of Ramón’s collarbone, revealed by the way his robe now sagged down passed his shoulder from spinning around. Standing them both up straight, Cael sighed sleepily. “Now take it off before I get all sweaty. Then it's you, me, bed, snuggles, sleep. Please.”
Cael’s routine, like much of what he did, was phenomenal and breathtaking, as well as enrapturing. Mo watched silently and intently, sparing only the briefest moments to make sure there was nothing malfunctioning with the outfit before his eyes would be more focused on the fluid grace and beauty of the dancer wearing it. This was definitely a new routine, so he gave it every ounce of respect it deserved and barely blinked throughout the sneak peek the pastel boy was gracing him with. When the lavender-turned-heliotrope haired boy pulled him from the couch and twirled him, he let out an unabashed giggle and followed willingly, never feeling his two left feet less than when Cael led him. It turned into a genuine laugh by the second spin that eventually petered off as he was pulled into the paler boy’s chest. When Cael spoke and kissed his skin, the soft gasp he released had only a small amount to do with the contact and almost everything to do with Cael speaking to him in his other first language.
Sure, of course they’d said I love you to each other before, of course he’d heard Cael speak spanish, hell he’d helped teach him most of it. Still, this was the first time he’d ever said te amo and something about hearing those words fall from his lips just before he sealed them to his suddenly overheated skin was as showstopping as the boy himself was. It felt like more and Mo couldn’t figure out why. Blush sitting on his cheeks like the sun setting on the horizon, Mo looked into Cael’s tired eyes and gave him one more wide smile.
“Te amo también, Cael Lee, (I love you too),” He doubted Cael could yet pick up the difference in meanings depending on the wording, but the response Mo had given back was reserved for a higher level of intensity than te quiero también would have been. Clearing his throat and breaking eye contact, Mo reached out and began to help Cael out of the outfit and return it to its dress form, no longer making eye contact as he perseverated over something that likely didn’t actually matter to the other. Once Cael had been returned to his own robe, Mo grabbed his hand and pulled him from his office into his bedroom where his queen size awaited them both. Truly, with all the outfits Mo had been working on lately, he was just as exhausted as his pixie Prince and more than ready to turn in for the night.
He pushed the tired cheerleader gently down onto the mattress and watched him instantly crawl up to his spot and pillow with an adoring gaze. He did his best not to collapse onto the bed immediately and instead followed Cael’s lead and crawled up to his spot from the end of the bed, tossing the covers back and making sure the other boy lifted his body enough that he could get the sheets out from under him and covering his weary body as well. Once they were both snugly beneath the soft weight, Ramón put his arm out and dropped it around his tactiley obsessive twink as Cael’s head fell against his chest, his soft hair tickling the skin it touched. He dropped a kiss to the top of Cael’s head and began to run deft fingers through the pastel strands before saying his last piece.
“Dre’s coming to get his outfit in the morning, but after that we are figuring out this note shit, Stixie,” He frowned at the ceiling in the safety of the dark. While he was rather irritated if he was being messed with, he would be absolutely vindictive and volatile if someone was really messing with his soft hearted lover in the same way. The two thespians handled things like this very differently. “No dejaré que nadie te lastime (I won’t let anyone hurt you).”