Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by The Elvenqueen
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The Elvenqueen An Elven Jedi

Member Seen 4 days ago

Oh yes, the lightning-vortex only comes out when she's very angry, it'd be something she'd used a lot on Korriban back when she was an Acolyte/Inquisitor, but not so much since she joined up with Yerbol and the Qyaari because she actively tries not to let herself get that angry. But if finding out your best friend may not only be secretly plotting to murder all of you and then lying to your face about it, but that said best friend also may have had knowledge of or a direct hand in hurting the one man in the galaxy she loves more than anything isn't enough to make her that mad, I dunno what is XD
She is most certainly interested in frying both Arcann and Vaylin the next time they see them. Ya girl's out for blood now ;) XD

-Hmmm, that would be a tricky one. I think the strategic side of Revan would want them to scatter to minimize their chances of being found, but then if so...where would they all go? They'd have to go to different places/areas of Wild Space (??) cause if they were too close together then them splitting up would be kinda defunct? XD
And then how would they split them up, pairs, threes...? What about poor ol' Yerbol who's stuck without his connection to the Force until they can fix it (if they can *cries a little* D: )

-Oohhh, that's a very interesting thought. I imagine that Vitiate's end goal would probably be to beat Revan down so he can take over his body, yeah. Given all the things Revan is famous for, I'm sure he's the most suitable "host" an evil life-drainer could ask for, am I right? hahaha

-I feel like the latter is the most "in character" thought for him too, since like you say he doesn't seem too bothered by Force-blind "normal" people....just the Force sensitives and even then it's probably a case of "I can't let them get strong enough to depose me cause that would ruin my plans for world domination"?

-The saber idea is very interesting actually o: That could be a neat thing to explore, I imagine Yuno would know enough about these sabers to maybe nudge them in the direction of finding them perhaps? :)
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by RedeemedLight
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I've learned over my almost six years of marriage that you never mess with a small lady when she's mad. My wife is right around 5'2, but on the very rare occasions she gets mad (thankfully not at me!), I duck and cover and I am not ashamed whatsoever. (for reference, I'm 6'3 and was a powerlifting coach for a while...doesn't matter how big you are, just don't get in their way xD).

Gotcha on those points. A plot is coming together in my head. I'll list it below for you to review:
-The party gets together and Yuno/Revan discuss their findings regarding the True Sith. This would include Yuno's research that has extended for years regarding ways to stop Vitiate, which includes records and logs that the True Sith Masters left behind. In those logs, there's mention of three distinctly named weapons that have the ability to sever one's connection of the Force thanks to the Force-infused crystals that are embedded in the saber. The crystals can essentially act as "storage units" for Force energy, but only limited amounts. Basically you have to use all three sabers at the same time to weaken Vitiate to "normal bad guy" levels so that he can be fought with a chance to win.
-To distract Vitiate-Arcann from going after the Force users, Neta is going to suggest disrupting Empire communications and defense systems. This is where Yerbol will help Neta, seeing as he has combat experience and without the Force, he's sort of useless in Force related endeavors. I imagine that Revan would want them to have help, so he would allow two or three Heralds to accompany them.
-I don't know if you would want to have Aria and Vano team up, but would it be easier for you to have Aria, Kytra and Ethan (I'll play Ethan) to go after only one saber or all three? It might be less laborious for just one retrieval, but we learn more about the True Sith rather than abbreviated trips to all three locations. Maybe Vano, Yuno and Revan can go after the other two?
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by The Elvenqueen
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The Elvenqueen An Elven Jedi

Member Seen 4 days ago

Bwahahaha, yes exactly!! XD The "dynamite in small packages" saying is frighteningly accurate when in reference to angry tiny ladies XD

-I'm loving the sounds of this plot so far! Definitely yes to the first two points, and then at least Yerbol's got something constructive to do, poor lad. I bet this is tough on him D:
-I'm inclined to agree with splitting them into the two groups, that makes the most sense. That way they cover "the most" ground too, I imagine they aren't gonna want to screw around and risk Arcann-Vitiate finding out about said sabers and finding or intercepting them before they can get hold of them XD
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by RedeemedLight
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RedeemedLight Liberated

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hey there! So, why is it when I want to start cranking out replies, life starts to throw stuff in my way? It's the same way for you, right? xD

It's good things, though! My wife got a full-time job and I'm going to an interview for a position that would be...well, pretty stinking awesome. That being said, I MIGHT spit half of it up today and warn you not to peek until tomorrow when I get some time to flesh it out. How's that sound? :)
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by The Elvenqueen
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The Elvenqueen An Elven Jedi

Member Seen 4 days ago

Ughhh yep, I swear it's Murphey's law ain't it? XD Don't worry, I know exaaactly how ya feel, no rush from my end! ;)

That's great news tho, fingers crossed your interview goes well too! And if you do I promise not to peek ;) XD
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by The Elvenqueen
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The Elvenqueen An Elven Jedi

Member Seen 4 days ago

Also, I was in the process of trying to copy over the stuff from the other thread (I'm still working on that, I keep getting side-tracked hahah XD)

But... throwback to that time Ari almost killed your boy?? XD

"Nice job, Jedi. Now we're both stuck in here!" she tried to hide her wince as the wound he had given her began to protest violently to her sudden dash towards the tunnel, smirking cruelly. "Oh well, at least I get to watch you die, too."

they grew up so much *sniffs* XD
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by RedeemedLight
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RedeemedLight Liberated

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Haha, oh dear, they do grow up fast, don't they? From dueling enemies in a Sith ruin to married.

I don't know why Neta has been so chatty this time around, but as you know, sometimes characters just kinda take over and write themselves. It's good though; I've wanted to dedicate some time to explore who Neta is a person rather than get fleeting glimpses of her.

Figured that I should cut it off after Yuno's final declaration, seeing as Revan probably wants to speak XD
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by The Elvenqueen
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The Elvenqueen An Elven Jedi

Member Seen 4 days ago

Oop, I apologise for my extended silence! I caught a nasty bug that's been going around and it knocked me for a six till about 2 days ago!

I've got one other post to try and knock out today and I'll be making a start on ours, I've got an outline down already, just gotta get the time to start fleshing it out! :P Should hopefully have one for ya by Monday if not tomorrow evening before I leave for the weekend! :3
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by The Elvenqueen
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The Elvenqueen An Elven Jedi

Member Seen 4 days ago

*slides in here with a post at long last* I am immensely sorry that this one took so long! Being sick + family drama + a weekend away all piled up to get in the way of this one, next one should be far more expedient XD

This one's slightly shorter because it was very word-y and I didn't want to jump too far ahead. Ari also wanted a moment to say goodbye. I think she's trying to make ME cry too ;A; XD

Hope it's okay that I went and RNG'd a biome type for the planet Ari, Ethan and Kytra will be going to! I left off the two that Revan, Vano and Yuno will be going to so you're more than welcome to do the same for them! :P
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by RedeemedLight
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RedeemedLight Liberated

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

No worries, my friend! Between my wife getting a new job, me interviewing for another job, me going through school AND preparing for a trip out of town in two weeks, I've been less inclined to post much of anything XD

Aw, yeah, nothing good happens whatsoever when they're apart, does it? It'll be interesting to write their relationship now that they can't feel the other through their bond.

No worries there. I wanted to ask actually about progression from here. In my head, I have:
-Neta and Yerbol go to Zakuul where I plan on having them go through some MAJOR spy shenanigans. I'm talking stealth kills, elaborate parties and false identities spy-stuff. I may or may not be very excited about this xD
-Ethan, Aria and Kytra go to planet X to find the artifact.
-Revan, Yuno and Vano to planet Y to find the artifact (based on your post, there are two on one planet, right? That's fine by me, seeing as it saves us the trouble of having to write three different planets xD)

This MIGHT be our most character-driven series of posts yet, so I wanted to clarify some things first:
-What's the approximate in-thread timeline? If we were in galactic space, Neta would already have contacts, schematics and resources to tackle a job as big as this, but with hardly anything at her disposal, it's going to take some time for her and Yerbol to gather what they need for crippling a vast network. Couple this with travel time to planets X and Y along with the time it takes for each team to retrieve their artifacts, we're looking at...what, two weeks at least?
-I'm assuming that Revan would be able to give Neta at least a bit of a head start on where to go, who to contact, etc. As a former Republic soldier who didn't even know he had the Force for a while (ah the good ol days of KOTOR when you thought you weren't a legendary Jedi master and you had to chuck frag grenades to survive on Taris), I imagine that Revan would know the importance of building up non-Force related resources.
-Once everything is finished, we'll have to work out where the party will convene again. With Zakuul's communications network scrambled, Vitiate is going to be on high alert, which might mean a planetary lockdown and increased patrols in that sector of the galaxy, which would potentially endanger Odessa. What do you think?
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by The Elvenqueen
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The Elvenqueen An Elven Jedi

Member Seen 4 days ago

Ahh yes, how did the interview go by the way? Have you found out yet? :D

It does not, Ari knows this and she does NOT like it one bit, no sir XD I'm looking forward to seeing how they're gonna work through it, it's definitely going to take Ari a while to get used to the lack of the bond that's for sure!

I LOOOOOVEEEE the sound of that spy stuff, oh my goodness it sounds amazing, I can't wait to read it XD
I figured that two of them would be on the same planet yeah, just to save them a little bit of time :P

-I'd agree 2 weeks seems like a reasonable timeframe, maybe 3 tops?
-Ahhh yes frag grenades, my best friends for like the entirety of the first part of KOTOR! haha I actually headcanon Revan probably still carries round a blaster and some grenades as a sort of "last resort" backup too for that very reason (and also hence why they found the blaster parts when they first landed on Odessa and they were all like "HUH?!" because connections woo :'D) so I imagine he'll be able to steer Neta and Yerbol in the right direction rather than leaving them high and dry, yeah
-Whether or not we manage to cram it in before the Final Confrontation (tm), I actually considered Revan chipping in to help Neta teach Yerbol some of the blaster stuff he knows, since I imagine the guy's picked up a fair few nifty tricks over the years, but we'll see whether it works and we've got an appropriate place to shoehorn it in XD
-I like the sound of a classic doomsday lockdown, it's been what...since Act I that we've had a proper one of those? Let's go for it, all the nostalgia! XD
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by RedeemedLight
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The interview went well, thank you! I'm still waiting to hear back for a potential second interview. We had crazy flooding last week (which was when I interviewed the first time), so that's pushed a lot of stuff back. Hoping to hear something back one way or the other. I just don't like the "not knowing" bit, you know? That's the hardest part for me when I'm highly interested in a job.

OH! That's why they found the blaster parts. That makes sense. Heh xD

Gotcha, so what we can do is probably have this string out along three weeks. The more I think about it, the more that I feel it would take a lot longer for Neta and Yerbol to do their part than our Force users. Maybe the Force users can get their stuff done quickly, then try to prepare for a strategy to take down Vitiate while Yerbol and Neta are doing their thing?

Post incoming on Monday. At a conference today. Have a great weekend!
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by The Elvenqueen
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The Elvenqueen An Elven Jedi

Member Seen 4 days ago

Oh that's good, not about the flooding obviously Haha but the first interview at least! I totally feel you, the not knowing is the worst part D: fingers crossed you hear back from them soon!

Yes, hahaha, there was method in the madness, it wasn't TOTALLY random ;) XD

All sounds good to me, I look forward to it! Have a good weekend too! :)
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by RedeemedLight
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RedeemedLight Liberated

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ah, goodness, sorry for the wait! Post is up now :)
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by The Elvenqueen
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The Elvenqueen An Elven Jedi

Member Seen 4 days ago

Hey no worries, life happens and it comes first as they say! :P

I shall get to work on something tomorrow, getting late here! haha
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by The Elvenqueen
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The Elvenqueen An Elven Jedi

Member Seen 4 days ago

Sorry this one took a while, it ended up being longer than I thought it would to write out XD

-I hope you don't mind some spoilers for the end of the Warrior arc, the game's been out long enough now so hopefully it's not an issue XD
-But I have plans for later (mwahahahahaha) so I wanted to kind of establish some of Vitiate's entrenchment into Vano's head at the end of this one so, enjoy. Up to you whether you'd like Yuno and the others to figure out some of what's up and call her out on it before the end battle, either way I can roll with it XD

-Left some opening for you to jump them forward to landing on the planets or whatever if you like, and to do some more of the spy stuff with Bol and Neta back in that portion of space

-Ari's trying her best not to be snippy, but I figure growing up with the Sith like she did she doesn't know how to teach other than "be a drill sergeant" XD
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