
Gender: Male
Race: Half elf, half human
Appearance: Setariél's skin has the clarity, flawlessness and smoothness of a young man in his early twenties, but it is pale like the full moon and won't change no matter how much time he'd spent in the desert of Sweym Sma. His eyes have become devoid of any other color except the bright red of fresh blood and so have his lips. His hair almost reaches down to the middle of his back and usually is combed with love to detail. In general it can be said that he tries to keep himself clean and in order just like it would be expected from someone of his, well, former standing. His ears are pointy, but obviously not enough for a pure-blooded elf. Being over a head taller than either the average elf or the average human, appearing well-fed and very muscular he's also an intimidatingly big, easy to recognize fellow.
Birthplace: Linmark
Status or nobility ?: He's a noble, but barely receives any support from his family anymore due to certain events in his biography.
Knack for magic or fighting prowess: Setariél has been trained in the way of a knight, but probably without the holy fuzz other nations would make around this job. He can wear heavy armor with ease and handle both one- and two-handed swords, but his enormous bulk -- while giving him tremendous strength -- doesn't allow for fast movements or much trickery. Magic has not been part of his training, even though his sword and armor have been imbued to enhance their durability.
Personality: Setariél is a calm being, getting him enraged can be considered a minor achievement in most situations. Due to his noble background he is surprisingly well educated, but he doesn't try to let this hang out. On the contrary: He has almost been conditioned to be modest. However, since he has been banned by his family, the first cracks have begun to appear. A lot of internal frustration has piled up and poking him there repeatedly might result in a anything but modest outburst. Also he has started to invest coins into lots of beer and other beverages in order to try and dilute his pain. He's intelligent and values loyalty, but becoming true friends with him has become a lot more difficult. Setariél has started to distrust foreigners by default -- they have to prove to him that they don't have any harmful intent.
Biography: Setariél was born into an old and quite reknown family of nobles in the capital city of Linmark. Being one of three childs born in pretty much the same generation he was not the only one to receive the attention of his parents, but nonetheless he did not have to fear any kind of shortcomings on the material side of things. However there also was no lack of demands put on the young boy.
His family is much into local and regional politics, has money to an amount that could be considered fairly abundant and certainly does not lack influence, but also has a reputation to defend. Therefore his education was pushed from early on not only in order to shape him into a viable successor for the family's business, but also to excel over the average countryman of his age in many other areas such as literature, mathematics and last but not least physical exercise and fighting skills in particular. It is safe to say that this kind of approach did see considerable successes, but also it was quite incompatible with the expectations and hopes most young men, including him, have for their life.
Producing a lot of internal friction with regard to the rest of his family Setariél did keep quiet towards the public though. Just as it was expected of him he tried to stay away from any kind of snob-like behavior and to mix with the average people as far as his general standing allowed for. A family needed fresh blood from time to time and his one followed the tradition of being open towards less or even not noble individuals marrying with their members. That was... if those individuals met the criteria put up by the elders.
Setariél's interests did not exactly follow suit with those criteria though. He started to have feelings for a woman his parents, having much more experience, would clearly have turned against. Knowing this right from the beginning, he also prevented them knowing about her right from the beginning. That was until that damned night when they met in bed and she revealed the true nature about her attractivity: She bit him, sucked out some of his blood and left behind the curse.
The vampirism triggered a quite violent reaction inside Setariél's body. His appearance changed from blonde hair, brown eyes and ordinary complexion to the red-white 'monster' he seems to be now, but only on the outside. On the inside his personality remained unchanged, so while he clearly felt the newborn urge for blood he refused to let go of it against each and everyone. Managing this requirement alone probably would have been rather difficult, but the worst part of the damage done was that now his relationship could no longer remain hidden.
Outraged about what had happened the family's council had to decide what to do now. One of the three current sons having been turned ? The delicate control system having failed to utterily ? The thought of this becoming public was intolerable, but successfully hiding Setaríél from now on for all of time was equally unimaginable. A less embarrassing cover story was invented, one about a vampire having intruded Setariél's manor while he had been on vacation. It worked, but only while also demonstrating that there was no way back for Setariél. His vampiric component could not be allowed to intoxicate the bloodline, nor could he be allowed to roam around in Linmark freely despite him claiming to have things under control.
The solution was to banish him, to put him as far away from Linmark as Linmark's authority reached. It would be up to each of the other nations to decide on their own what to do with new inhabitants of this kind, assuming that Setariél would dare to live in the open in the first place. Contact would remain, but what his parents certainly won't tell him is that they have their fingers on the trigger that activates an assassination contract... Just in case they should get the impression that things are about to spin out of control irrecoverably.
Shortly after him leaving Linmark the vision set in, guiding him to the holy kingdom. He's not sure what to make out of the strange words, it could also be that his new condition also includes him slowly becoming crazy, but... Currently this is the only aim he has. And he is doing his best to reach his destination without getting arrested or so.