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I like to watch a few things here and there, hop in where I can
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by LukasVolkov
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LukasVolkov He Who Rises... Again.

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Dmitri Sokov Kadlek

Age: Nineteen

Height/Weight: 5'6"/158 lbs

Race: Varyan

Appearance: Dmitri is a small, thin young man, one would say lithe. His hair is so dark it bears a certain near red sheen, which he often keeps in a braid to keep it out of his face when studying. He keeps it long, more from not caring to trim it than the desire to wear it long. His eyes are a deep emerald green, full of intelligent curiosity and vigor, and his features delicate, far from world worn and has often been mistaken for a woman, not that he really cares. While not lanky, he has a sort of impish quality to him, and seems to never stop fidgeting be it with his hair, a pen, his books, you name it.

Thanks in no small part to his rather affluent upbringing, Dmitri has a rather prodigious wardrobe, and his mother's influence granted him a certain love for flamboyant fashions, though he prefers to admire than partake. He's not above making a good impression however, and his everyday wear is while eye catching, a simplistic set of form fitted robes over a button down shirt, silk pants, and shoes. The robe serve another purpose other than being a fetching number, within the folds is hidden an array of pockets, scabbards, pouches, and such. He hides knives, quills, pens, scrolls, books, notebooks, sketch pads, and other assorted goodies in the folds of this robe, and has continued to add to it for years ever since he was fifteen. Outside of these everyday clothes, his armor is fitted and well maintained, the pride of a smithy and seamstress.

Personality: Inquisitive to the point of maddening, to himself and everyone around him. While possessing a keen intellect, his is not a quiet sort, his mind simply can't stop working, it won't shut up. Every question that comes into his mind, must be answered. He wants a world without mystery, desiring to pull back the mask from the world around him, and he marches toward this desire with a smile on his face. He always has to solve the next puzzle essentially. His particular passion lies in the aspects of ether, he's fascinated by it and all its applications. As such he's forever experimenting, studying, and cataloging new forms of the ether he comes across and reads about. He suffers from insomia due in no small part to his rushing thought process.

Outside of his studies, he's a polite young man, a little spot spoken, but when talking to others about his passions lights up the room with his childlike enthusiasm. While he prefers to keep to himself, not that he finds people annoying, in fact he loves people, but he's not too keen on the odd looks he manages to garner when he goes into one of his rants. He's happy to join others to festivals and events and has tried to shut his mind up and just enjoy the mundane for a while.

Dmitri has a profound hate for the literate arts. To him the dreamed up fantasies of another mind only clutters the world and distracts from the important things in life. He's blunt about this odd hate in an ironic turn.

Background: Born to a family of artisans, particularly the son of successful seamstress and respected gunsmith, he's been afforded an affluent life. His mother and father both strove for him to work in their chosen field, he proved silver at both, catching on quickly but found no passion in it. The ether aspect of his parents job, how his father summoned the ether hot enough to craft weapons, armor, and tools and how his mother used basic ether manipulation to weave needles through the air. It fascinated him and he caught on quick, teaching himself from simply watching his mother. In weeks he was weaving toys and items through the air with some skill.

Curious little tyke that he was, Dmitri enjoyed sitting for hours watching his parents work, but more to take in the ether they wielded how they did it, what it took to bring it forth. Every book, scroll, word of wisdom from anyone with skill and an ear to listen, any scrap of information he could get his hands on where ether was concerned he pursued. He put his mind to other things however, physical philosophy, chemistry, etc.

Dmitri's decision to to go into the priesthood was... shocking to his parents to say the least. His family was what would call, politely religious, they paid homage to Varya because it was what one did, and he never showed interest until one day he decided to go in. Dmitri's reasons were stickily logical, if he wanted to understand ether and its applications, he'd need to understand all its forms he'd need access to them, beig in Inquesition would afford him that opportunity.

Talents/Ethereal Abilities:

Dmitri's Weapon: While his small armory of pistols, knives, and sucharen't useful, some tinkering with telekinesis led him to develop a unique sort of weapon. On his person Dmitri has ten razor sharp and irregularly proportioned shards of metal. The alloy is Dmitri's secret and the key to the paling they are affected by, when Dmitri "calls" to them they form a slender blade the size of a large dagger. He can swirl them around at blinding speeds, a feat amde possible becouase he can se in his mind at all times where each metal shard is.

Personal Seal: The golden apple of the tree of knowledge. "It's better to know and be cursed, than ignorant and blessed."

Character Relationships:

Sonya and Ivan Kadlek: his loving, yet pragmatic parents. Still maintains a healthy relationship with both and has their blessing in his endeavors.

Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Fuzzybootz
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Fuzzybootz Cake or Death

Member Seen 26 days ago

Name: Mother Faina (fa-ee-nah) Gajov
Age: 20
Race: Varyan
Height and weight: 5'7 and 156lbs
Physical description:
Mother Faina is only 20 but she carries herself in a stoic and graceful manner seemly beyond her years. She is tall, but of an average height for a Varyan woman. She would not be considered lean but her build is that of strength and muscle as is expected of any Inquisitor. Her facial features are soft and feminine which at times seems out of place on the training field. She is often misjudged by her looks. Her dark wavy locks are also out of place for a Varyan. Some say that she must be of mixed blood, but her family's strict pedigree would say otherwise. Many of her family lovingly refer to her as Varya's chosen one. She has many scares but none are highly visible.

Dont be fooled by Mother Faina's seemly quiet and reserved presence. She is fueled by a sense of loyalty, faithfulness, and dependability. She puts the needs of her Warband, sometimes at the determinant of herself, before all else. She is very organized and methodical which generally leads her to succeed at any task she undertakes. She values honesty and integrity. Even though she usually takes things very seriously, she has been known to have an offbeat sense of humor, especially in the company of her own Warband. She is a strong believer in tradition and has an unbreakable faith in Varya which can sometimes make it hard for her to see others perspectives. Mother Faina is usually uncomfortable expressing affection and emotion to others. However, her strong sense of duty and the ability to see what needs to be done in any situation usually allows her to overcome her natural reservations, and she is usually quite supporting and caring with the people that she loves. She is most likely to express her affection through actions, rather than through words.

Faina comes from a long line of clergy and Inquisitors. Boasting a lineage to some of the greatest warriors and Inquisitors in Varyan history, her family's prestige has afforded them a high level of comfort within their society. They are known for being extremely perticular about marriages and staying true to native Varyan blood.

From what she has been told Faina's parents marriage was one of convenience and breeding. It was no secret that there was no passionate love between the two, they still cared for one another. Both of them had become master inquisitors in their own right before the family began to pressure them to continue the family tradition.

Faina's mothers pregnancy was not an easy one. Constantly sick and bed ridden, many believed that she would lose the child. Little did she know that she was carring twins. Going into labor early Fainas mother would ultimately lose her life. The twins survived however.

When Faina and her brother were born it was quite clear that something was amiss. For reasons unknown she would be separated from her brother. Too young to remember him, her family has kept her brothers existence a closely guarded secret even to this day. Only those in the room that day know the secret.

Having been breed to be an Inquisitor, Faina grew up knowing exactly what was expected of her. Though she always felt like a huge part of her was missing. She thought it was just a feeling associated with never knowing her mother or Father. Her Father was a mystery to her as he never came to see her during her youth. She was told that he was too busy to see to the rearing of children. So Faina was raised by her mothers parents who were not Inquisitors but still deeply involved. However, every year on her birthday Faina would receive a letter from her father. Some times it would sing praise and others he would chastise her for not trying harder. He would always start the letter with "Vayra's chosen one"

At the appropriate age Faina entered the Red Seminary to begin her training as was expected of her. That feeling of emptiness never truly went away.

On the day of her day of Culmination, that all changed. Baring witness to her own birth she discovered exactly what was missing, her twin brother.

Skills/ Abilities:
Really Good Memory- Faina has a knack for remembering the details. Being highly organized and detail oriented remembering names, dates, and event details comes very easy to her.
Can Spot a lie- Though not fool proof, Faina is really adept at reading body language. However, she is unlikely to say anything unless it effects the Warband in any direct or dangerous way.
Gravity Manipulation: Note: this all rudimentary and I am assuming that some laws of physics don’t apply due to it being a magical world.
1.Can alter the gravity field of herself and objects. This allows herself and objects to appear heavier or lighter. Note this does not actually change mass, but the force pushing or pulling on it. For example think of the moon and earth. The gravitational pull/ push is different and thus we appear heavy on earth and light on the moon. Some manifestations of this ability are, increased agility, and strength. Objects seem to slowly float away or become so heavy they can’t be moved. A limitation is that she and objects are only effected as long she is concentrating on them. For now the object will stop being effected immediately, but as she gets stronger, the longer it will take the effect to fade. However it will eventually fade.
2.She can manipulate the direction in which gravity will push or pull in relation to herself. This assumes that she is the center of gravity and that mass is very important. For example if she pushes against an object (this includes people) and she has more mass than it, than it will be pushed way from her. If she has less mass than it, she is pushed away from it. If they have the same mass then both be pushed away from each other. If she pulls on an object and it has less mass than her it will be drawn to her. If she pulls on object that has more mass than her, she will be pulled toward it.
Paling + Aegisbearer: Using her manipulation abilities Faina pushes out her gravity field to create a dark pearlescent purple dome that basically repels anything with mass away from it. When she uses this ability alone it is her Paling. She can increase its ability to cover a group of people so long each person is chained together, skin to skin, to Faina. Both of these abilities consume a lot Ether. The latter will practically drain her and the longer she holds it the higher the risk of losing consciousness, or even worse, death.


Ethereal connection to her twin brother: starting on the day she was given her vision, every now and then Faina will experience extreme anger and hate that she knows is not her own.

Catalyst: A ring that once belonged to her mother.

Person emblem: ( Fieldless) a cross moline argent surmounted by a rose proper.

Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Lovejoy
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Lovejoy turn on the stove

Member Seen 4 mos ago

@LukasVolkov Hey Lukas! Thanks for posting a CS.

I need to review it with you to change a few things in order to make your character better fit with the pre-established lore and all that. Would you mind joining our discord? I've been using our server to onboard all of the new folks and get them and their characters up to speed with the RP.

Here's the link: discord.gg/q4XzV3f
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by LukasVolkov
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LukasVolkov He Who Rises... Again.

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Sounds good I'll join in the morning since my computer doesn't jive well with Discord so I have to use my phone and I'm in a place where I can't use my phone. Anyway, thanks I can't wait to get this underway.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by DotCom

DotCom probably sarcastic

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

TY @vietmyke for letting me borrow your CS layout!

Also, this image is very much not mine and I take no credit for it, that goes here, to the best of my knowledge.


Banou Adiah

A Savage Turned Patriot, Eager to Serve the Land that Saved Her

Age: 18
Height/Weight: 5'4", 125 lbs
Race: Varyan, Ice Piratean - just don't call her Godless

With pale gray eyes called, by turns, 'piercing' and 'unsettling' (or just 'haunting' if the mood is right), Banou is easy to overlook but difficult to forget. Her thick, dark hair is nearly always braided and twisted into a neat, no-nonsense bun, and her armor covers most, but not all, off the tattoos marking her body. The war paint itself was tattooed onto her skin as a young child, a process no doubt as barbaric as the people who birthed her. Fortunately, Banou isn't the type to dwell overmuch on the past, particularly her own, and so does her best to pretend the marks are little more than a sign of how far she's come in her time serving Varya.

Personality: Patriotic | Reserved | Selfless | Loyal
For as long as she can remember (she does not count what little comes from those dark years on the plains), Banou has been happiest when she's working. Granted, it would take a close friend or confidant, of which very few exist, to distinguish a happy Banou from an angry Banou, or a desolate Banou, or a sleeping Banou. She is a soldier first and last, and if she feels she has a greater need to prove her loyalty to the empire than her more blood-worthy countrymen, well, it could only make her stronger -- like near everything else she does.


Woe to those who attempt to draw shady lines between her childhood as one of the godless people on the plains. Banou has abandoned that life and title as cleanly as it abandoned her. Though she is slow to anger in most things, you'll find a quick and dangerous enemy beneath insinuations that Banou would do anything less than die for the Empire who has raised her.

As far as she's concerned, Banou's life began when she was five years old. On that day, she remembers vividly emerging from a ceaseless dark and cold into the unyielding, unforgiving, and yet ever-steady arms of the Varyan Empire. On that day, an Imperial scouting party met its quarry - a small and vicious band of Ice Pirates - and saw fit to rescue one lone survivor.

Banou's memories of her time before the Empire are few and fragmented, sharp and cold as shattered ice. She speaks very little of it, but in her dreams, she catches glimpses of who was, who her people were -- had been -- before her rescue. She does not speak of these dreams, or of who she was before. She does not remember, and does not want to.

It has been her life's goal ever since to prove her undying loyalty to her rescuing nation. And perhaps also to herself.

Because her earliest memories were of her own freedom at the end of a sword, Banou had never seen anything for her future but becoming a soldier. Her childhood was spent drifting between families and estates, usually as a stablehand, once as a very short-lived kitchen girl. She was conscripted by age ten, two years earlier than most children, if only by virtue of her utterly relentless need to prove her own aptitude for fighting.

And she was talented. Even in her earliest years of training, her strength, speed, and endurance marked her as a future commander, though in truth, she had no real desire to lead. She was perfectly happy working her way through the ranks until she was sixteen and taken to be personal bodyguard of the Sixth Dominion. Banou was skeptical for a time after learning the old woman had ruled over T'sarae, but Banou's former Captain Commander assured her even this could be of service to the Empire, and it was all Banou had needed to pour herself into it.

Her loyalty only redoubled on learning the old woman, a noted historian of sorts, meant to travel to the untamed east. Banou said nothing of it herself, but somewhere deep inside she suddenly understood she had been training her whole life for this moment.

Never again would a fellow soldier, or anyone, assume Banou shared anything more than bad blood with the people who had raised, and just as quickly abandoned her.

Talents/Ethereal Abilities:
  • Combat - If Banou wasn't the strongest or fastest soldier in her class, she was undoubtedly the most resilient. She is far from fearless, but nonetheless exudes unflappable calm on the battlefield, and is generally able to think a few steps ahead of her opponent. She's skilled with a number of weapons, both ranged and close combat, but her ice spear is her favorite, and she is deadly with a bow.
  • Ether'd Combat - She's no inquisitor, but years of practice and an indomitable will have made Banou slightly more gifted than the average soldier in manipulating her shallow store of ether. When in battle, she is somewhat stronger, and significantly faster, than her stature would have you believe. She also once staved off what would have been a killing blow with a paling that left her unconscious for two days. When she is not in battle, she practices smuggled secrets from the Seminary itself (or so she's been told) to keep her ether abilities sharp.
  • Cold-Blooded - Banou maintains a stubborn, and not entirely unsubstantiated, belief that she can handle cold better than the average Varyan. Whether this is true, or she's just stoic and willful enough to make herself and everyone around her believe it is yet unclear.
  • Luck - Alright, so it's hardly a talent, but Banou does have an uncanny way of just...knowing things. She considers herself competent, intuitive, 'not fucking blind', and sometimes, yes, even lucky.

Personal Seal:
A crescent moon over two hounds. Or something like this.

Character Relationships: [WIP]
- Mother Yonah, Sixth Dominion of the Divine Order
- Mother Yonah's handmaid, probably
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Skull
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Skull The Hollow Shovel Knight

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lovejoy
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Lovejoy turn on the stove

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Hey all.

Was looking through some old folders and found the first ever post of the previous iteration of the RP. It's an interesting read and shows some of the differences and similarities between the two different RPs. Check it out if you want! :p

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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Lovejoy
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Lovejoy turn on the stove

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Warband Goliath's Rescue (2/15/21 )

It is the beginning of our journey eastward when during a war meeting aboard the Karamzina the high command explain to us that there are three marooned Varyan arks situated ahead of us, further into the narrow corridor between the two glaciers. Inquisitors Galahad, Ziotea, Ragnar, Tatiana, Viveca and Oren volunteer to go on a scouting mission to find any survivors. Mother Yonah, a high-ranking member of the Divine Order, elects her bodyguard, Banou, to accompany them.

The inquisitors of Phoenix, Leviathan and Banou of the Secular Army commandeer the Sword of Dawn, a state of the art ether racer owned by Father Ilya, and journey toward the crashed arks.

Shortly before reaching their destination, a blast of ether comes from deeper in the corridor ahead and causes an explosion on the glacier wall, leading to a massive icefall that threatens to bury the Sword of Dawn. Banou hastily converts the ether racer into its underwater form and prepares to submerge in order to avoid the falling ice, but before the upper deck canopy can close shut a shard of ice collides with the racer and sends it tumbling underwater. Banou is thrown from the ark and into the unnatural cold depths, which begins to sap at her life energy. Viveca dives out of the racer after her and manages to reach Banou and bring her out of the water in time. Banou sustains some injuries, but surprisingly, the water didn't kill her like it would most non-inquisitors. The Sword of Dawn then emerges from the water and the group reconvenes and begins to plan their next move.

Elsewhere, three arks- the Kyselica, the Veles, and the Svarog have been marooned next to a glacier after they were caught within a cataclysmic ice fall that occurred during the First Armada's advance through the corridor. Rather than spend time and resources helping free them from the ice, the Armada proceeded eastward without them, and thus the crew of the three arks, which includes several members of Warband Goliath, were left to free themselves and rejoin the Armada when they were able.

This did not happen.

Not long after they were marooned, the survivors began to be terrorized by an unknown race of bestial humanoids, which they named the Icekin. The Icekin were intelligent warriors, nothing like the demons or creatures that prowl the frontiers of the continent, and attacked wave after wave, slowly diminishing the number of survivors and their supplies as the months went on. Finally, in the third month of this brutal attrition campaign, the members of Warband Goliath and the men under their command are at a precipice. Their Protector, Mother Faina, has exhausted the last of their Omestrian ether stock, and her own ether pool is running dangerously low. She has been continuously keeping a low-powered aegis over the survivor's camp to keep them from freezing, but the warband has come to terms with the fact that sh can longer hold the protective veil after this day, and that once the aegis dies, they will too.

At that moment, they hear the strange song that fills the air just before an icekin attack, and sure enough, a legion of icekin arrive and garrison themselves atop the glacier, looking down on the survivors. They send a first wave of attackers, including a massive winged icehound. The tired, weakened survivors repel the attack, but not with some heavy losses. Father Taerlach, the Goliath warleader of Goliath, takes on the icehound himself, and with the help of Captain Fyodor, the leader of the few-remaining Secular Army survivors, he manages to take down the monstrous creature. However, he suffers mortal injuries and falls into the dark freezing water. He is about to die from exposure to the unnatural cold when Fyodor saves him by jumping in himself.

Elsewhere, Mother Faina and Father Solim are trying to keep the aegis from disappearing when they find themselves facing off against a strange creature, a knight made of pure ice. The two exhausted inquisitors fight against the knight but the creature is too powerful and overpowers Father Solim after it slams him into the hard floor, shattering his bones. It begins to crush his throat, but just after Solim goes unconscious, he unwittingly summons his projection magic, which allows him to momentarily leave his body as an "ether ghost". Also having the ability to sense ether and the sources of where that ether is coming from, he discovers that the knight is being controlled by what appears to be a Lanostran peasant girl, who is, miraculously, also controlling all of the icekin. The girl is being accompanied by a mysterious Omestrian woman, who is somehow maintaining a small aegis around them. The ability to summon and maintain an aegis is top-level magic accessible only to the Red Seminary, and thus this comes as a shock to Father Solim, because this woman is no inquisitor.

Furthermore, the two mysterious figures are standing in front of a strange, foreign silver craft.

Suddenly, a loud explosion resonates from the survivor's camp, and in an instant the Lanostran girl falls to the ground screaming and writhing in pain. Her Omestrian companion then picks up the girl and retreats into the silver ship , turns on the engines, and speeds away. Before she does however, she orders the girl to command the icekin legion to attack.

Father Solim returns to his own body, and finds that the room they were in has been completely decimated. The steel walls and foundations have collapsed in on themselves, as though some impossible force pulled them inward, and along with the destruction he finds the ice knight shattered in pieces on the ground. It is then that he discovers Mother Faina lying motionless next to him, the color from her Varyan eyes gone, her hair turning white, and her cheeks beginning to sink into themselves. She used up all of her ether to cast her own deadly gravity-based magic to save his life, and if she doesn't get help soon, she will die.

At that moment, the rest of the warband arrives. The aegis is gone, and frost begins to slowly envelop the room. They must decide what to do next before the ice claims them once and for all.
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