”You are weary from your travels, but mesmerized at the sight of Draydon, the ‘Ruby City’. A vast metropolis of myth and legend, with a colored history of both glory and infamy. Like so many throughout the pages of history, you came here seeking fortune and perhaps repute. But you soon discover that there is more to Draydon than even the legends could reveal, and that this majestic city is facing dark days on the coming horizon.
You will face danger, trial, and decision, and you will be forced to prove your fortitude and wisdom. For it is the coming days that will divide the weak from the strong.”
Hello and welcome!
An avid fan of the Forgotten Realms D&D franchise, I bring to you “Champions of Draydon”! A fantasy D&D questing type role play with a determinable plot outcome. (I.E player decisions influence the story line and flow of the RP.)
Our story is set in the fictional city state of Draydon. A port city loosely inspired by Kirkwall from Dragon Age II and fourteenth century Prague. Players have a multiple options of character paths to take, and various guilds that can be joined. There are six playable races; Human, Dwarf, Moon Elf, Wood Elf, Drow, or Aasimar. There are three primary classes (Warrior, Rogue, Mage) and a total of twelve specialties (Weapon&Shield, Barbarian, Reaver, Spellsword, Assassin, Thief, Arcane Archer, Bard, Elemental Mage, Blood Mage, Illusionist, Conjurer)
Players can choose to weather the RP alone or form parties which will be "catalogued" in the OP. Parties can be edited, disbanded, or formed anytime throughout the RP. This feature is moreso for organization and is not exactly something I will be dictator-like about. Still though, order and organization is nice.
Some quests and story arcs will be related while others are completely independent of the main flow of the RP plot. As stated prior, this RP is set in the Forgotten Realms franchise universe, and lore and worldly rules will apply in full. FEAR NOT! Unfamiliarity with Forgotten Realms will not handicap you from becoming involved with and enjoying this role play in full. Links will be provided for minor material, and I am here to answer any questions without hesitation.
Please note this thread is primarily for interest gathering, Q&A, and open discussion. I intend to have the official RP thread released by this Thursday.
Questions, suggestions, and concerns; vent them all to me!
An avid fan of the Forgotten Realms D&D franchise, I bring to you “Champions of Draydon”! A fantasy D&D questing type role play with a determinable plot outcome. (I.E player decisions influence the story line and flow of the RP.)
Our story is set in the fictional city state of Draydon. A port city loosely inspired by Kirkwall from Dragon Age II and fourteenth century Prague. Players have a multiple options of character paths to take, and various guilds that can be joined. There are six playable races; Human, Dwarf, Moon Elf, Wood Elf, Drow, or Aasimar. There are three primary classes (Warrior, Rogue, Mage) and a total of twelve specialties (Weapon&Shield, Barbarian, Reaver, Spellsword, Assassin, Thief, Arcane Archer, Bard, Elemental Mage, Blood Mage, Illusionist, Conjurer)
Players can choose to weather the RP alone or form parties which will be "catalogued" in the OP. Parties can be edited, disbanded, or formed anytime throughout the RP. This feature is moreso for organization and is not exactly something I will be dictator-like about. Still though, order and organization is nice.
Some quests and story arcs will be related while others are completely independent of the main flow of the RP plot. As stated prior, this RP is set in the Forgotten Realms franchise universe, and lore and worldly rules will apply in full. FEAR NOT! Unfamiliarity with Forgotten Realms will not handicap you from becoming involved with and enjoying this role play in full. Links will be provided for minor material, and I am here to answer any questions without hesitation.
Please note this thread is primarily for interest gathering, Q&A, and open discussion. I intend to have the official RP thread released by this Thursday.
Questions, suggestions, and concerns; vent them all to me!
Those who would feel the heat of battle and raise their weapon to bloody their foe. Warriors are broken into four classes; Weapon&Shield, Barbarian, Reaver, and Spellsword. Weapon&Shield fighters typically pair a sturdy shield with a weapon of choice, be it a longsword, shortsword, mace, or hand axe. Their physical strength, battle prowess, and stamina are typically well balanced, making for a well all around fighter. Barbarians rely on brute force to punish their foe with heavy attacks, typically they wield battle axes, warhammers, or broadswords. However they usually have limited stamina due to the amount of energy put into their attacks, and after a short while will be forced into defensive stances while recovering their stamina. Reavers are unique types of fighters that rely on rage and frenzy tactics. Harnessing their rage, reavers turn their pain from wounds and their combat exhaustion into a burning flame of hate to drive them into frenzies of endless attacks. Many reaver types are known to be mentally unstable or even psychotic, and douse themselves in the blood of fallen foes. Despite their punishing offense, the wreckless fighting style of reavers leaves them vulnerable defensively, and a skilled opponent can capably fell a lone reaver. Reavers typically wield two-handed weapons or dual wield shorter one-handed weapons such as maces, short swords, and hand axes. And then there are spellswords. Spellswords typically wield enchanted weapons or a single weapon and use their free hand for casting. Most spellswords typically only use supporting magics such as healing, words, runes, and minor illusions. Though some do wield stronger spells. Spellswords are well balanced against magic and non-magic foes however are vulnerable to heavier class warriors and more adept magical enemies.
Clandestine and crafty, foxes and weasels in and out of battle. Rogues are divided into four classes; Thief, Assassin, Bard, and Arcane Archer. Thieves are known for their deft hands and light step, as well as their charisma. While not the best candidate for intense battle, thieves are ideal for infiltration, espionage, and... theft! Assassins share many of the same abilities as thieves, though are not nearly as adept at certain skills such a pickpocketing and other forms of non-lethal espionage. However they are better suited to combat, albeit as support and not direct assault. Assassins can attack from the shadows or lacerate foes from the flank or rear. Arcane Archers are ranger-types who primarily focus on archery and the use of enchantments. Arcane Archers typically use enchantment and rune magics, such as placing runes as traps while retreating and peppering foes with enchanted arrows. And then there are bards, evasive light footed fighters who make use of illusions and minor enchantments to dazzle and disorient their foes, be it to escape or deliver a killing blow.
Those who harness the forces of magic, mages are treated in a diversity of fashions across Faehrûn. Various societies and cultures of all races have different outlooks and opinions in regards to mages. Of course, the types of magic one delves in also is determinant in how they are viewed by society. There are four playable mage classes I this RP; Elemental Mage, Blood Mage, Illusionist, and Conjurer. While all mages can summon on the forces of nature and the elements with proper tutelage and training, elemental mages specifically specialize in element based magics. The four elements of magic being fire, wind, water, and earth. These mages have adept knowledge in more advanced elemental spells and can manipulate the elements around them with ease and mastery. Blood mages typically have diverse magical talent, their powers ranging from element based spells to illusions. The key to blood mages’ power is their use of life energy, or blood, to fuel their power. Few blood mages dare draw upon their own life force, and instead leech away energy from living beings around them. Blood mages are among the most feared of magic users in Faehrûn, and rightfully so. Blood magic has held a sordid history over Faehrûn, and there are many tales of blood mages sacrificing friends, family, or even entire settlements to further their power. Those who dabble in blood magic are marking themselves as pariahs for life. In truth anyone may touch into blood magic, but those who focus all their time and study on it are what you could call true blood mages. And then there are the illusionists. Those who specialize in illusions can use this magic as to disorient and stagger an opponent. Erecting an imaginary wall or summoning forth a contingent of soldiers who are naught but enchanted smoke. Or creating an apparition of one who is not there. Illusion mages are fine as combat support and can even aid in combat with non-illusionary spells. And finally there are conjurers, mages who specialize in summoning rituals and can conjure forth allies from other plains, be they spectral, spiritual, or demonic even. Conjurers can also bind spirits and lesser entities to an extent. Like blood mages, conjurers in general are looked upon with distrust and even terror due to their capabilities.
Those who would feel the heat of battle and raise their weapon to bloody their foe. Warriors are broken into four classes; Weapon&Shield, Barbarian, Reaver, and Spellsword. Weapon&Shield fighters typically pair a sturdy shield with a weapon of choice, be it a longsword, shortsword, mace, or hand axe. Their physical strength, battle prowess, and stamina are typically well balanced, making for a well all around fighter. Barbarians rely on brute force to punish their foe with heavy attacks, typically they wield battle axes, warhammers, or broadswords. However they usually have limited stamina due to the amount of energy put into their attacks, and after a short while will be forced into defensive stances while recovering their stamina. Reavers are unique types of fighters that rely on rage and frenzy tactics. Harnessing their rage, reavers turn their pain from wounds and their combat exhaustion into a burning flame of hate to drive them into frenzies of endless attacks. Many reaver types are known to be mentally unstable or even psychotic, and douse themselves in the blood of fallen foes. Despite their punishing offense, the wreckless fighting style of reavers leaves them vulnerable defensively, and a skilled opponent can capably fell a lone reaver. Reavers typically wield two-handed weapons or dual wield shorter one-handed weapons such as maces, short swords, and hand axes. And then there are spellswords. Spellswords typically wield enchanted weapons or a single weapon and use their free hand for casting. Most spellswords typically only use supporting magics such as healing, words, runes, and minor illusions. Though some do wield stronger spells. Spellswords are well balanced against magic and non-magic foes however are vulnerable to heavier class warriors and more adept magical enemies.
Clandestine and crafty, foxes and weasels in and out of battle. Rogues are divided into four classes; Thief, Assassin, Bard, and Arcane Archer. Thieves are known for their deft hands and light step, as well as their charisma. While not the best candidate for intense battle, thieves are ideal for infiltration, espionage, and... theft! Assassins share many of the same abilities as thieves, though are not nearly as adept at certain skills such a pickpocketing and other forms of non-lethal espionage. However they are better suited to combat, albeit as support and not direct assault. Assassins can attack from the shadows or lacerate foes from the flank or rear. Arcane Archers are ranger-types who primarily focus on archery and the use of enchantments. Arcane Archers typically use enchantment and rune magics, such as placing runes as traps while retreating and peppering foes with enchanted arrows. And then there are bards, evasive light footed fighters who make use of illusions and minor enchantments to dazzle and disorient their foes, be it to escape or deliver a killing blow.
Those who harness the forces of magic, mages are treated in a diversity of fashions across Faehrûn. Various societies and cultures of all races have different outlooks and opinions in regards to mages. Of course, the types of magic one delves in also is determinant in how they are viewed by society. There are four playable mage classes I this RP; Elemental Mage, Blood Mage, Illusionist, and Conjurer. While all mages can summon on the forces of nature and the elements with proper tutelage and training, elemental mages specifically specialize in element based magics. The four elements of magic being fire, wind, water, and earth. These mages have adept knowledge in more advanced elemental spells and can manipulate the elements around them with ease and mastery. Blood mages typically have diverse magical talent, their powers ranging from element based spells to illusions. The key to blood mages’ power is their use of life energy, or blood, to fuel their power. Few blood mages dare draw upon their own life force, and instead leech away energy from living beings around them. Blood mages are among the most feared of magic users in Faehrûn, and rightfully so. Blood magic has held a sordid history over Faehrûn, and there are many tales of blood mages sacrificing friends, family, or even entire settlements to further their power. Those who dabble in blood magic are marking themselves as pariahs for life. In truth anyone may touch into blood magic, but those who focus all their time and study on it are what you could call true blood mages. And then there are the illusionists. Those who specialize in illusions can use this magic as to disorient and stagger an opponent. Erecting an imaginary wall or summoning forth a contingent of soldiers who are naught but enchanted smoke. Or creating an apparition of one who is not there. Illusion mages are fine as combat support and can even aid in combat with non-illusionary spells. And finally there are conjurers, mages who specialize in summoning rituals and can conjure forth allies from other plains, be they spectral, spiritual, or demonic even. Conjurers can also bind spirits and lesser entities to an extent. Like blood mages, conjurers in general are looked upon with distrust and even terror due to their capabilities.
Proud, fair skinned, and ambitious, the Illuskan humans of the Sword Coast rule the city of Draydon as the majority race. The city does however have a small population of Calmishites, caramel skinned humans from across the Sea of Swords, hailing from the desert kingdom of Calimshan. Over two thirds of the city population is of Illuskan human descent.
Calm, noble in spirit, and proud of their ancient history and culture, Wood Elves (or the Ortel-quessir to their kin) are among the most common of the elven races, spread enmasse across Faerûn. Quick, cunning, and dexterous, wood elves are fine hunters and their prowess as archers is legendary. Like most elf folk, they also have a natural aptitude for magic, and wood elves as arcane archers and mages is practically cliche. Despite their natural aversion to enclosed cities and complex civil structure, many wood elves live and function amongst humans, referred to by their forest bread kin as “city elves”. Draydon has a large wood elf population, who are diverse in their talents and crafts.
The dwarves of Faerûn are fierce, hardy, and proud as a mountain. Some might even call them haughty. Dwarves are known to be fierce warriors despite their small stature, and are often sought after as mercenaries or personal vanguard by the humans of Faerûn. Aside from their prowess as fighters, dwarves are also skilled as miners, smiths, inventors, and even sailors. Dwarves are also shrewd in nature and quick thinkers, and make for fine merchants as well. Dwarves typically shy from magic, and dwarf mages are beyond uncommon, as dwarves do not trust magic.
The Drow, or night elves, are typically mistrusted or even outright hated for their dark, sadistic society and outlooks and their cruel religious rites and teachings. Slender, athletic, and swift, Drow are typically gray or black skinned with piercing red eyes and either silver, snow white, or black hair. Slightly shorter than wood elves, the Drow are remarkable as swordsmen and are fine archers as well. Drow however can make keen mages, and their society is heavily structured around magic, particularly blood magic, conjugation, and shadow magic. Few Drow live in Draydon, and those who do are viewed with suspicion and fear.
Tall, slender, elegant, and attractive to the eye, moon elves (or Teu-tel-quessir) are descendants of half-blood elves from centuries past. This explains why unlike other elven races moon elves are taller and more akin to humans. Though stronger and broader in build than other elven races, they lack the speed and endurance of pure blood elves, as well as the sharp eyes and natural magical aptitude. Also called “high elves”, moon elves are more sociable and open with human society, and intermingle quite well with the human folk of Faerûn. Draydon has a noteworthy populace of moon elves.
Aasimar are humans who are descended of celestial beings of good, virtue, and moral nobility. Aasimar in a sense could be considered demigods of a sort, bearing rhe blood of an angel or good spirit of a non-mortal plane. Aasimar are powerful beings, their lifespan breaching far past a century. They are resilient against the elements of this earth and magic alike, although they are just as vulnerable as any to physical damages. A sword to an Aasimar’s heart would kill them as easily as any mortal creature. Despite being born of good nature and virtue, not all Aasimar are good hearted noble beings. An evil or corrupted Aasimar can prove a walking nightmare should they prove powerful enough. Aasimar in general are both respected and feared, and many do not trust them. Aasimar are easy to identify, due to obvious traits. All Aasimar are notably taller than humans and walk proudly towering over those around them. They typically have bright glowing eyes of various colors, from solid white to bright green. And skin that could vary from sickly gray to emerald green or a light blue even.
Due to their planetouched blood of heavenly realms, Aasimar have some connection with realms beyond the world, and often have dreams and visions from spiritual and heavenly planes. Unfortunately, many Aasimar are also tormented by nightmares and evil visions from demons and evil spirits that wish to corrupt them.
Aasimar as a race of their own are extremely rare. There are in fact only two known Aasimar in Draydon at current; the Arch Mage of the Academy of Magii and the knight commander of the Knights of The Red Griffon.
Proud, fair skinned, and ambitious, the Illuskan humans of the Sword Coast rule the city of Draydon as the majority race. The city does however have a small population of Calmishites, caramel skinned humans from across the Sea of Swords, hailing from the desert kingdom of Calimshan. Over two thirds of the city population is of Illuskan human descent.
Calm, noble in spirit, and proud of their ancient history and culture, Wood Elves (or the Ortel-quessir to their kin) are among the most common of the elven races, spread enmasse across Faerûn. Quick, cunning, and dexterous, wood elves are fine hunters and their prowess as archers is legendary. Like most elf folk, they also have a natural aptitude for magic, and wood elves as arcane archers and mages is practically cliche. Despite their natural aversion to enclosed cities and complex civil structure, many wood elves live and function amongst humans, referred to by their forest bread kin as “city elves”. Draydon has a large wood elf population, who are diverse in their talents and crafts.
The dwarves of Faerûn are fierce, hardy, and proud as a mountain. Some might even call them haughty. Dwarves are known to be fierce warriors despite their small stature, and are often sought after as mercenaries or personal vanguard by the humans of Faerûn. Aside from their prowess as fighters, dwarves are also skilled as miners, smiths, inventors, and even sailors. Dwarves are also shrewd in nature and quick thinkers, and make for fine merchants as well. Dwarves typically shy from magic, and dwarf mages are beyond uncommon, as dwarves do not trust magic.
The Drow, or night elves, are typically mistrusted or even outright hated for their dark, sadistic society and outlooks and their cruel religious rites and teachings. Slender, athletic, and swift, Drow are typically gray or black skinned with piercing red eyes and either silver, snow white, or black hair. Slightly shorter than wood elves, the Drow are remarkable as swordsmen and are fine archers as well. Drow however can make keen mages, and their society is heavily structured around magic, particularly blood magic, conjugation, and shadow magic. Few Drow live in Draydon, and those who do are viewed with suspicion and fear.
Tall, slender, elegant, and attractive to the eye, moon elves (or Teu-tel-quessir) are descendants of half-blood elves from centuries past. This explains why unlike other elven races moon elves are taller and more akin to humans. Though stronger and broader in build than other elven races, they lack the speed and endurance of pure blood elves, as well as the sharp eyes and natural magical aptitude. Also called “high elves”, moon elves are more sociable and open with human society, and intermingle quite well with the human folk of Faerûn. Draydon has a noteworthy populace of moon elves.
Aasimar are humans who are descended of celestial beings of good, virtue, and moral nobility. Aasimar in a sense could be considered demigods of a sort, bearing rhe blood of an angel or good spirit of a non-mortal plane. Aasimar are powerful beings, their lifespan breaching far past a century. They are resilient against the elements of this earth and magic alike, although they are just as vulnerable as any to physical damages. A sword to an Aasimar’s heart would kill them as easily as any mortal creature. Despite being born of good nature and virtue, not all Aasimar are good hearted noble beings. An evil or corrupted Aasimar can prove a walking nightmare should they prove powerful enough. Aasimar in general are both respected and feared, and many do not trust them. Aasimar are easy to identify, due to obvious traits. All Aasimar are notably taller than humans and walk proudly towering over those around them. They typically have bright glowing eyes of various colors, from solid white to bright green. And skin that could vary from sickly gray to emerald green or a light blue even.
Due to their planetouched blood of heavenly realms, Aasimar have some connection with realms beyond the world, and often have dreams and visions from spiritual and heavenly planes. Unfortunately, many Aasimar are also tormented by nightmares and evil visions from demons and evil spirits that wish to corrupt them.
Aasimar as a race of their own are extremely rare. There are in fact only two known Aasimar in Draydon at current; the Arch Mage of the Academy of Magii and the knight commander of the Knights of The Red Griffon.