Xera Shriyo
| {Character Name} |Xera Skirata
| {Age} |31
| {Species} |Echani
| {Gender} |Female
| {Force Sensitive/Alignment} |Moderate Force Sensitive. Purely Grey with a healthy respect for both the Light and Dark side of the force.
| {Appearance} |Xera is a plain looking woman of average height, with a slight, athletic build, akin to a gymnast, white hair pulled in a loose tail, and pale skin. The most striking attribute she has is the myriad of scars across her body. Her arms, hands and face bear the most, and looks as though she were attacked by some sort of animal. Her largest scar is gruesome looking rent over her milky white right eye. Her remain eye is silver tinged with icy blue and holds in its depths an intelligent curiosity. Xera often wears the classic brown robes and white clothing of the Jedi but has a specialized suit for exploration.
| {Equipment and Personal Belongings} |A protective suit fitted with light durasteel plates for general protection, gauntlets lined with clawed grips, a cloak made of environmentally resistant fibers complete with a hood and a fitted re-breather mask leaves her eyes exposed. Pouches line the belt for various tools, a slot for her lightsaber, and twin sets of knives and dual blaster pistols on her belt are secured to her belt. Across her back is a sling/holster for her rifle and songsteel blade. Her secondhand sword was a relic she claimed from the depths of a Jedi ruin on Dantooine, single edged with a comfort grip forged from songsteel, and often her go to weapon. Her rifle is a IQA-11 sniper rifle with a few special customizations, such as a grapple function and refitted butt for better comfort. Her lightsaber she carved from the wood of a tree and its crystal is cyan. Her ship is a small cruiser called the Silver Strider of which she and an old TD-46 droid pilot.
| {Physical Abilities} |Xera is acrobatic, decently strong for her size. Xera was trained and is proficient in the Soresu and Shii-Cho forms of lightsaber combat but over the years developed a disciplined but highly unpredictable, dual wielded version of Juyo when facing opponents using lightsabers and blades. She has a gift for sleight of hand.
| {Force Abilities} |Force Heal, Telekinesis, Psychokinesis, Beast Control, Psychometry. Her right eye is augmented with an enhanced version of Force Sight and is something she can't shut off.
| {Limitations} |Xera largely focuses more on the past than the future.
| {Personality} |Xera is an odd assortment of quirks and habits, focused more on her search for artifacts, ruins, and expanding her knowledge of the customs and nuances of ancient civilizations. She's an erratic thinker, her mind going a mile a minute at the best of times, a quirk she bore to throw off probes into her mind, the maelstrom is more difficult to circumvent than the tranquil pond to her thinking. She has no love for the loss of the Order as a whole as to her hypocrisy and stagnation was what was their ultimate downfall. Her years of studying various ancient civilizations and ruins dipped in the Force have granted her a unique, nihilistic view of the Force. She sees the Force as a whole as a force of nature, something without rhyme or reason that merely exists. You push it, it pushes back pure and simple. She's irked with the Jedi's over reliance on the Force, its a tool yes, but one must develop other skills to survive life's trails.
| {Place of Origin} |Born on Coruscant to wealthy scholar and Senator Mira Shieyo, she was discovered to be a force sensitive and trained as a fairly unremarkable initiate, though was noted for her skill with a lightsaber. Her training under Jedi Knight Tav Ravan were the most grueling years of her life.
| {Background} |Tav Ravan's first words to Xera when she became his padawan were: "Forget all you learned from the Master's padawan. I will try to break you. It is up to you if you rebuild yourself." And break her he did. Her training under him was grueling, mornings spent drilling in exercise and various martial arts, days studying survival, and evenings spent learning how to track, read the land, and use the Force in nature. days spent not training were dedicated to tests of survival, strength, and endurance. He'd often dump her in the middle of an uninhabited jungle and give her a mission to complete, or simply survive. He took her along with him to study ancient Jedi ruins, learn the history of the Jedi. Tav Ravan believed for a true Jedi must be exposed to the Dark side, for only then can they resist its pull, an unpopular opinion. So he took her to a swampy, sector of Kasshyyk his home planet. There she was told to enter the Shadowlands. Before venturing out into the Shadowlands, he imparted on her that the Force was not good, nor evil and that she would understand these words She learned the wisdom of his words, felt the dark side as well as the light in nature. She returned to her Master and told him yes. She was then put through the trails of becoming a Jedi Knight and passed.
Xera went on to pursue relics of the past much like her master but found a zeal for searching these ruins. Her unique ability to sense Force Echos made her able to gaze into the past through the lens of those who lived it. More often than not she found the world was shades of grey rather than black and white. She became curious about the Sith in the failing years of the Jedi Council, and more than once was thought to be falling. By the time a formal inquiry was underway, it was too late. The Republic fell and Xera was free to peruse her interests in full. Before the Jedi Temple fell she received a vision in the force, telling of holocrons stored in the depths of the Jedi Temple, ones that would lead to her to the answers she wanted.
Lightsaber in hand she went to the resttricted seqtions of the Temple. Standing in her way were Gaurdians, fellow Knights. She told them to look around, the city was burning, the Republic put to the sword, their fellows dying all around them, the Jedi had fallen. She told them to run, flee for their lives. Guarding information more ancient than the grounds they stood on, that held no prevalence was folly. She produced her lightsaber, the one she'd forged so long ago, and broke it like twigs in her grip. They stood resolute. She drew a pair of simple knives and proved to them the power of true balance then and there. She felled each one, beating them without so much as killing a single one. She'd channeed the full brunt of the Force, natural, instinct driven. Fear at the fate of her brother and sisters, anger at their folly, and the joy of freedom finally realized.
She left with a few good number of holocrons and left on her ship, never to look back. She studied the holocrons and now seeks to understand her old order's ancient enemy.