Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by CollectorOfMyst
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Sebastian looks over at his sister and then back at Magdar. The dwarf nods, before walking outside. He straightens, before turning to the room at large.

"Well, our course of action is clear, then. We have to reach the keep before they close the gates."

"What about the other townsfolk?" Linan asks.

"If we come across a group, we'll bring them with us, but that's not a priority." His eyebrows meet. "There might be an entire company between here and there. We can't afford to be spotted, and if we are, we can't afford to engage."

"Coast is clear!" Magdar calls, despite having walked back to the door.

Cassandra walks over to her twin and hugs him. He whispers something in her ear, and she whispers back. The druid then looks over at Rhaeyla, Caw, Surina, Magdar and Vaal. "We... we appreciate all you've done, but truly, if you do not wish to stay, then you must go now. We have reached Greenrest; your job is complete."

Surina shakes her head. "Maybe it is, but it isn't safe, here. I would bring shame to my clan if I left you now."

Magdar reaches to his belt and takes out his axe. "And if you don't mind my saying, but there's going to be a lot of fighting tonight, inside a castle or not. That's a speciality of mine."

Cuth stands up, testing how much weight he can put on his injured leg. It seems stable. "Will we be able to keep up with you?" he says, looking at his children.

"I can carry them." Surina offers. She looks down at them with a smile - somewhat reptilian, but comforting nonetheless.

"And I'll stick with mom and pop." Magdar adds.

Eyes turn to Rhaeyla, Vaal, and Caw.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by CollectorOfMyst
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Your pieces said, and your determination renewed, you set out into the night, keeping to shadows and alleyways. There is a collective flinch every once in a while, when Magdar stumbles into a barrel, or when Vaal stubs his toe on an uneven flagstone, but you draw no attention.

Linan is leading the way, Cuth, Magdar and Cassandra on her heels. She is about to turn a corner when Magdar's hand shoots out and grabs her.

"Careful." he mutters.

He points out onto the street, where two taller figures and one shorter one are emerging from a house ahead. It could be a family but for the gleaming scimitars, one held by each of the taller two. The third has a curiously humped back, and it is carrying some sort of bag or sack with it. They pass a burning oil lamp, and their faces are illuminated for a brief moment.

A human man and an elven woman, both garbed in leather armour. Behind them is a kobold... or, as Vaal would call them, an Urd. Winged Kobold.

They do not seem to be aware of your presence but they are in your way.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Eleven
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Eleven things are strange

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Rhaeyla's Turn | Init: 22

HP 10/10 | Status: None

With children now a part of her charge, Rhaeyla became ever more vigilant, her resolve to protect her friends deepened after seeing them through their first fight. They'd survived the last encounter with minor injuries and she didn't want to risk any more than that. Moving under cover of the night would have assuaged her worries, if it weren't for the fact that a possible assailant could just as easily slink in the darkness as they did. Rhaeyla's vision wasn't impeded at night, but they were a fairly big group and she didn't know how effectively she could protect them all.

At Magdar's quiet warning, Rhaeyla instinctively pushed forward and took the lead from Linan. Ordinarily, she wouldn't have been so quick to resort to violence, but these individuals were armed and that alone was enough to set her on edge. Her thoughts flickered briefly to the lives she had taken today, the weight of the deed still hanging on her shoulders, and then to the group behind her. No, she mustn't hesitate at times like this. To protect them, she would have to do what's necessary.

Rhaeyla quickly glanced back at Cassandra and Sebastian in an attempt to convey her intentions. Then, with big but quiet strides, she lunged with her staff, targeting the human in leather armor. There was a telltale crunching that made her wince, reflexively and out of sympathy, but that also told her she had hit her mark.

She jumped back and away from the warm, yellow light of their lamp, and made sure her hood was still secured over her hair. The last thing she wanted was for the sheen of her hair to give away her position. She raised her staff defensively, ready for retaliation.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by CollectorOfMyst
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Magdar’s Turn | Init: 20

HP12/12 + 3 | Status: None

Magdar, unwilling to leave his charges, instead fit a bolt to his crossbow and took aim. The elf seems to hear this, and she steps out of the way just in time, the missile flying off into the darkness. Magdar utters a curse and resets the cord.

Commoners' Turn | Init: 19

Linan; Ally | Healthy
Cuth; Ally | Healthy
Tarya; Ally | Healthy
Arthus; Ally | Healthy

No actions taken.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Tangletail
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Tangletail Keyboard Knight

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Vaal was unsure of what had actually lead him to stay with the group. He certainly felt very little for human children. But perhaps he sympathized with the idea that these two would soon lose it all if nothing happened? Well... it wouldn't matter anyways, a band of ruffians would do little against a much larger band of ruffians. Still... he found his own feelings mixed. The kobold's vision is not impared at night, and in fact it's at the greatest. However, the random pools of light played hell with his eyes and he'd occasionally stumble over the random bit of rubble and uneven paving stone.

Eventually, they came to a group of foes. The Kobold held little insight on how to get by, and he had little care if they snuck away or attacked. And it seemed that decision was made for him. He began the preparations for a spell of frost. His target had began the process of evasive action after taking the arrow. But the wound seemed to slow him down, and allowed the Kobold to easily compensate and land his attack true. The ray of frost streaked through the air, and sent the foe toppling into an endless slumber of death.

After witnessing the effect of his own attack. The kobold retreated back a few paces to find cover.

Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by CollectorOfMyst
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Unknown Foe x 1 | Init: 15

Foe A | DEAD
Foe B | Healthy

The man lets out a hiss of pain and steps back, a spot of red foam appearing at the corner of his mouth. He makes to shout, but before he can, he is silenced with a bolt of frost. The elven woman turns to face Rhaeyla with a snarl, the darkness doing little to hide the girl from her sight. She spins her blade in her hand and falls into a stance.

She is no longer surprised by your presence.

Cassandra’s Turn | Init: 13

HP 5/9 | Status: None

Seeing the elven woman distracted, Cassandra takes the opportunity to slam the butt of her staff against the ground. Again, the ruby at its head is set aflame, and again, it darts in the direction of its target - this one the elven woman. But the elf sees the flame, and she raises her scimitar, the cantrip breaking against her steel.

Cassandra flinches, and she backs away slightly.

Kobolds x 1 | Init: 12

Winged Kobold | Healthy

The kobold takes several steps back, and from its bag pulls a rock, hefty in size. It crouches, and its wings rise up, ready to take flight.

The Urd is no longer surprised by your presence.

Surina's Turn | Init: 9

HP 14/14 +3 | Status: None

Surina, a child in each arm, backs away into the shadows.

No action taken.

Sebastian's Turn | Init: 6

HP 11/11 +3 | Status: None

Sebastian charges forward, shield in front of him, ready to block, and he swings at the elf. With inhuman grace, she dances away, as he misses by a hair.

Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Vertigo
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Caw's Turn | Init: 5

HP 09/09 | Status: None

After all that had happened, the shadows brought Caw comfort. Slinking through darkness was much more familiar a thing to him than conversing or fighting, and it required less thought besides. He had said very little while inside the house, still deep in thought over what Vaal had said. If only he'd had the words to reply. If only he'd had the voice.

The kenku pushed that thought aside and let the shadows take him. Molded by experience, his body moved on its own and quickly fell into a familiar rhythm. Every now and again, when the others weren't making unnecessary noise, he could almost pretend he was alone - and not with a party whose lives he was responsible for. He was not good with responsibility. It made him fidget.

Then, they stopped.

Magdar had seen something. Caw tiptoed over, peeking past the people bigger than him, and looked. Two strangers, associating with a kobold. But... weren't they also associating with a kobold? Not all of them were bad, he'd learnt. Perhaps Caw could have mustered up the courage to bring up that point, had the others not already sprung into action. Rhayela was the first to do so, and once her staff drew blood, there was no going back. Before Caw knew, many others had already joined the fray - and one of the two strangers lay dead.

But did he deserve death?

He had no time to think on it further. The elven woman was quick on her feet, and Rhayela was close by. If someone had to be hurt, it would not be his friend.

Caw readied an arrow. For a moment, his hands shook. But with a deep inhale, he steadied himself, killing both his breath and his doubts - and let go.

He didn't see the arrow travel through the air, but he saw it hit true. It burrowed straight between the woman's eyes, pushing her off her feet and onto the ground.

She did not get up again.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Eleven
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Eleven things are strange

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Rhaeyla's Turn | Init: 22

HP 10/10 | Status: None

With a deft display of his abilities, Vaal had finished off the man she had left bloodied. Cassandra and Sebastian attempted to attack the elven woman, but it was Caw that had succeeded. Unfortunately so, Rhaeyla thought with a frown. It was her that instigated the attack, and so it was her that had forced her gentle friend to take yet another life.

Under the cover of darkness, it was easier not to think of the rising death toll they left in their wake. Again she had to remind herself it was a necessary evil; there were little ones among them and she would see to it that they remained unharmed. And what's more, she was duty-bound to see the twins to safety in the keep. Everything they have done had been unavoidable.

No rationalizing lessened the weight that gripped at her heart, though.

There was only the winged urd left, and Rhaeyla knew what must be done. With a quick twist of her staff, she was on the offensive again. She stepped forward and raised her staff over her head just as the winged kobold reached for something in its bag, moving swiftly to leave him no time to take flight. Her arms swung down forcefully--it was a surefire hit to its head--but at the last second, she moved just a fraction to the right.

It was as though something had tugged at her. What could have been a skull-cracking strike turned into a warning blow to its shoulder.

"We just need to pass," Rhaeyla said, suddenly tired. She lowered her staff. "Leave now and we won't chase after you. Please."

Without a word, the winged kobold turned and fled.

Rhaeyla turned to the others, a conflicting mix of emotions in her expressive eyes: relief, panic, confusion. Was it right to let it flee? Should they have questioned it about the goings-on in the city?

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by CollectorOfMyst
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Member Seen 5 days ago

Magdar glares after the fleeing kobold, but there isn't any point in trying to pursue it when it takes off into the air. Time goes on without trouble, and you move forward, further into the centre of town. You've almost made it. The keep looms above you, and you can see movement atop of the walls as guards shoot arrows and drop stones. There is just one last corner... and Caw, being the quickest, is the first to turn it...

What he sees stops him in his tracks.

Between your group and the gates to the keep, a larger group has formed. Nine kobolds, and four other figures - three of medium height, and one of shorter stature. Four of the kobolds are winged, and one of them is gesticulating wildly, speaking frantically in Yipyak. The tallest of the group says something in the same draconic tongue, and three of the Urds take flight, headed in the same direction - away from the keep, to the outskirts of the city. Each carries a similar bag, full to bursting. The (presumed) man then barks an order, and the remaining kobolds begin to spread out, eyes gleaming in the dark, the remaining winged kobold flying up to a small ledge and perching there like a miniature gargoyle. For a moment, Caw is sure that the closest one has seen him, but then its eyes glide away to the next shadow.

There are five kobolds, a winged kobold (slightly injured), and four unknown foes. They don't know you're there, but they're on their guard. You do not need to fight them, but you do need to get past them. @Eleven@Vertigo@Tangletail, please roll initiative.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Vertigo
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Caw's Turn | Init: 19

HP 09/09 | Status: None

It was ironic, Caw thought. Though he could not be sure, he assumed the party chose to fight the strangers due to their association with a winged Kobold. Yet when the dust settled, it was the kobold that that escaped the scene unscathed, the contents of its sack left unquestioned.

But if so, why did the two humanoids need to die?

The question did not leave Caw, even as he resumed his position in the shadows. He did not feel entirely at ease walking in front of the group, his cowardice threatening to buckle his knees come every corner. Yet he knew he was more apt at staying hidden than the others and therefore, an ideal choice to scout ahead.

Thankfully, no danger lurked behind any of the corners they turned - until the very last one.

Caw stopped dead in his tracks. It felt as though his heart did, too. Ahead, he saw a large group consisting mostly of kobolds, including the one that had slipped away earlier. They spoke in a tongue Caw did not understand. Even so, he found himself memorizing the way the words came out, the throaty tones, the frantic speed.

Though he could not be sure, Caw feared the kobold was speaking about them and the encounter earlier. So when a few of them took flight, he shrunk down to avoid their gaze. They had bags too, he noted. If he shot one, would it burst and reveal its contents? Likely. But it would also reveal him.

He decided it was not worth it.

The rest of the kobolds spread out, scanning their surroundings with eyes aglow. One of them turned to him, and Caw's eyes widened with fear. He wanted to reach for his bow in retaliation, but his hands didn't move. He couldn't even breathe. It made sense, though; all he wanted in that moment was to be part of the wall behind him, and walls didn't breathe.

The kobold looked away, and the kenku's lungs filled with air. He was alive.

Once immediate danger had passed, Caw turned to glance behind him at the rest of the group. They were outnumbered, particularly so when it came to those who could fight. He wanted to keep being alive. He didn't want to fight. He wanted to tell as much to the others, but his face was hidden and its avian features lacked human expressiveness besides.

He raised a clawed finger in front of his beak - then turned back around and begun to move. He stuck to the shadows, hoping to sneak around the creatures in their way. And really, truly hoping the others could do the same. Armor and children did not make for quiet company.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by CollectorOfMyst
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Member Seen 5 days ago

Unknown Foe x 4 | Init: 19

Human Foe A | Healthy
Half-Elf Foe | Healthy
Human Foe B | Healthy
Halfling Foe | Healthy

Human Foe A carries a shortbow; the rest all have scimitars.

The shortest figure looked from side to side, their blade flickering like the torchlight it reflected. They motioned with a hand to their two companions. Each began to move with their blades forward in a ready stance, eyes searching the darkness. They split, moving in different directions just as the kobolds had.

The man held position, an arrow fit to the string.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Tangletail
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Tangletail Keyboard Knight

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Vaal stood straight and watched the kobold flee when the battle was overwith. He took the time to take in his features, then allowed his gaze to dip down to the fallen humans. His eyes flicked overthem, searching for details. And then finally he moved on without much of a thought. There was too little time to search them properly. But he did try to remember their dress. Every little detail comes in handy. Know your enemy after all.

He did see Caw in what appeared to be a moral dilema. Thinking on it, the kobold found it increasingly odd that something so young could kill in one moment, and then care in the next. Even more so about how a creature... without lips, and or a tail could display easily read emotions. Vaal decided it might be best to repay one favor with another later. The little ebony bird creature had tried to console him, he shall do the same when there is time.

And speaking of time. He made note of the group ahead. And the most clear plan. To try and sneak around everything. This... was going to be a rough one. But his eyes flickered about for a much safer passage. He was a kobold himself, and knew the extents of their own vision. And figured it'd be best to sneak around the edge or far outside.

"Stay low... stay out of the light... follow me..." The kobold drawled in his quietest of whispers. With that, he krept through giving the kobolds a wide birdth and keeping to the shadows.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by CollectorOfMyst
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Kobolds x 5 | Init: 15

Kobold A | Healthy
Kobold B | Healthy
Kobold C | Healthy
Kobold D | Healthy
Kobold E | Healthy

The kobolds search the darkness with their eyes, and see nothing.

Winged Kobold x 1 | Init: 14

Winged Kobold A | Bloodied

Taking something in its hand, the Urd takes flight, landing on another ledge slightly closer to where Vaal has decided to hide. There is no indication that they have seen him, however.

Cassandra's Turn | Init: 14

HP 5/9 | Status: None

Cassandra heeds Vaal's words, and sticks close.

Magdar's Turn | Init: 9

HP 12/12+3 | Status: None

Magdar begins to follow, but his foot gets caught on something, and a dull, low thud echoes through the air. He is tense for a moment, and heads swivel in that direction, but they don't know where you are, yet...

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Eleven
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Eleven things are strange

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Rhaeyla's Turn | Init: 8

HP 10/10 | Status: None

The moment she'd spotted the group ahead -- more winged kobolds among them -- Rhaeyla knew immediately that she had made a mistake. The one she had allowed to flee would know they were traveling with children, would have seen how some of them fought, would want to avenge its slain comrades. If it were to alert the others... There were countless scenarios that played in her head, but she knew better than to dwell on things that have or could happen. If she wanted to correct her mistake, she must focus on the next right thing she can do. How can she best keep the others and herself safe?

Caw, Vaal, and Cassandra were the first to push forward, sticking to the shadows, their movements deft and silent. Rhaeyla followed their cue, creeping after Magdar. They moved together in an almost synchronized manner, at least until Magdar stumbles forward one step, his foot catching on something. Her heart all but galloped out of her chest at the low noise he made, and her hand instinctively reached for the staff affixed to her back. It hadn't been too loud to have alerted everyone, but it was still a sound that echoed through the otherwise silent night.

Rhaeyla held her breath for what seemed like minutes, whole body tense and dread filling her stomach. She stayed rooted on the spot and waited, bracing for the worse. But nothing happened. Relieved, Magdar pressed forward until he reached Cassandra, and Rhaeyla followed suit, moving slightly clumsier after the scare.

Behind her, Sebastian led Surina and her charges across to the oppsite side, slinking through the shadows with nary a sound.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by CollectorOfMyst
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Member Seen 5 days ago

??? | Init: 20

As the groups go their separate ways, Caw remains at his vigil. And only he sees what happens.

From the direction of the keep, a flash of pink streaks towards one of the kobolds. It crumples silently, and Caw watches as the squat hooded figure turns towards it, surprised. Another flash, hitting one of the kobolds square in the shoulders, causing it to stagger forward. Most eyes begin to turn away from the shadows of the square to these attacks.

Upon the wall stands a figure, too far away to make out any features. But she stands ready to defend Greenrest.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Vertigo
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Caw's Turn | Init: 19

HP 09/09 | Status: None

Caw was so focused on staying hidden that he didn't even realize the group behind him had split. And, after streaks of pink burst forth from the fortress at the kobolds, his attention was entirely stolen by the source of the attacks; a figure high up on the wall, their details obstructed by distance. A mage?

Whatever they were, they seemed to be on his side. Caw welcomed it warmly. He had met far too many enemies today.

He turned back to ask if the others had seen, only to find the alley behind him dark and empty. His heart sank, and fear threatened to buckle his knees. Scared to be on his own - and eager to share what he'd seen besides - Caw was about to turn and reunite with the others. Before he could do so however, he realized how close one of the kobolds was. Separated only by a short stretch of the alley and a few crates, he feared it might wander after him should he move. Worse yet, should it find him, it might find the others too. His friends and the children and all.

He had to make sure it would not follow him. He had to... had to take it down, maybe. But if he were to fire an arrow and strike it down now, he'd be spotted for certain. Worse yet if he missed. He had to make the kobold come to him, but in a way that wasn't dangerous.

Caw pondered for a moment. It wasn't his forte; the curse of his kin tore apart each and every plan before he could even form them.

All new ones, anyhow. He remembered something he'd seen done, back when he'd lived with his flock. A way to lure targets to them - by using voices that might entice them. The voices of family, friends, loved ones. For a man, the voice of his wife; for a mother, that of her daughter. For a kobold... the voice of his kin. But he did not speak their language, and though he could repeat what he'd heard from their conversation earlier, he knew not what anything meant.

Taking a chance, he let out a simple yapping sound he'd heard among them earlier; short, curt, like a shout to catch someone's attention - or so he hoped.

With it done, Caw withdrew into the shadow of the crate next to him, unable to see whether the Kobold had heard or cared. All he could do now was draw his rapier and wait, breath bated and heart wild with worry.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by CollectorOfMyst
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Member Seen 5 days ago

Unknown Foe x 4 | Init: 19

Human Foe A | Healthy
Half-Elf Foe | Healthy
Human Foe B | Healthy
Halfling Foe | Healthy

When the green-skinned kobold collapsed, the halfling was still for only a split second before ducking down behind a barrel, and the half-elf threw themselves across the market stall, attempting to get behind cover. The archer spun on his heels, his arrow skidding off into the night, unaware of where the attacker was hidden. The human woman, safely out of reach and not having seen the source of the commotion, called out. "What's happening?!"

The halfling began to gesticulate wildly for her to get down. She stared at them for a moment, before doing so.

Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Tangletail
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Tangletail Keyboard Knight

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Vaal's Turn | Init 17

Vaal heard the signs of panic, as he crept ever so closer towards the main street. He shifted towards the wall first, and then moved forward behind a barrel. He hunkered down. Then leaned to peer out with one amber eye. He carefully ran over his options. And... honestly did not like any of them. He began to contemplate if there was perhaps a better way into the damned keep. But most likely, if there was that would probably be in a similar circumstance. His eyes flitted over the wall, and felt elated. He spied a window. He was quite pleased. Hlal rarely ever smiled for him like so. But a quick peak immediately simmered a long burried bitterness over life. He was not certain if it was locked... but he was certain that he had nothing to pry the heavy frame open.

Hlal was laughing at him. 'Rrrrngh, Hlal shit in my eyes...' the little kobold mentally growled to himself. He could wait. He could simply do nothing and watch how everything carries out for other's with better options to work with. But, and against all sensible reason in the methodical kobold, he decided to try and make lemonaid.

The kobold took a quick moment to undo his Tabbard and flip it inside out to show the plain interior, and tie it off at his hips like a skirt. While dying a little inside, he went a bit further to dirty it with what he dared not to think of that he could find near him. Finally he peared out once more. He pointed to the kobold, muttering the syllabic rhyme of the spell. Then made a quick gesture that looked as if he was sweeping something along his hand. The effect was a quick and heavy dart of wind that whistled near the opposing kobold's head and down the alleyway. He hunkered back down and waited.

Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by CollectorOfMyst
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Member Seen 5 days ago

Kobolds x 3 | Init: 15

Kobold A | Healthy
Kobold B | DEAD
Kobold C | Healthy
Kobold D | DEAD
Kobold E | Bloodied

Kobold A, unnerved by the sudden attack, moves away from the main market.
Kobold B lies dead, their chest caved in from the magical attack.
Kobold C hears something, and they turn to face west; away from Vaal's group. They begin to move in that direction.
Kobold D hears a curse from its kin, and ventures down the wider alley. Just as they pass the barrel where Caw hides, the kenku strikes, his rapier all but skewering them (17). Caw pulls the body towards him in the shadows, one clawed hand covering the kobold's muzzle. Kobold D dies without a sound (Caw dealt a total of 10 damage).
The second bolt of pink strikes Kobold E, who had a few more seconds to react, but it is still a heavy blow. They are not long for this world.

Winged Kobold x 1 | Init: 14

Winged Kobold A | Bloodied

The Urd sees one of its kin fall, and moves behind the wall. It now has half-cover.

Cassandra and Magdar

The human and dwarf move up, though they still keep their distance from the main square. Cassandra looks between Vaal and Rhaeyla, hoping for some kind of reassurance.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by CollectorOfMyst
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Member Seen 5 days ago

Rhaeyla's Turn | Init: 8

HP 10/10 | Status: None

Rhaeyla moves up to join Cassandra and Vaal.


Sebastian, the Swifts and Surina move up further around the corner.
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