Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Emma
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Emma Amme

Member Seen 6 mos ago

So school is out for me now, finally. And thus I am back to RPing. I’ve seen a few different RPs that look good, but are either already full, or have progressed way past being able to join in. So I’m contemplating starting up and GMing a casual, Or possibly advanced RP. The question is what should the setting/story/plot be? So I’m looking for general interest, a poll if you will. Tell me your thoughts on the following, or maybe even throw in what kind of RP you’ve been craving.

Medieval fantasy world: personally I’m always ready and willing to join a good medieval fantasy world RP, I just struggle to find an actual plot to the RP. Like I could give you an amazing setting, but don’t exactly know what the story behind it would be.

Waterworld-ish Setting: Again I have a fully written out setting, and world. But no specific plot. Ideas include
- a mismatched crew hired to look for the legendary land.
- a ship goes down, and the only survivor are some slaves, who now have their freedom if they don’t get found out.
- a floating city...

Cursed reincarnation thing: I've tried this RP before, it revolves around 6 people who have been reincarnating since ancient Greece times. They were sacrificed in a ritual in ancient Greece, which is their originally time. But due to the ritual, they became kind of immortal. They have basically lived and died thousands of times, reincarnated as different people throughout time and place, but with all their memories in tact. The idea for this particular plot, would be that they have reincarnated into 2000-2010? And want to end what they perceive as a curse, by meeting up, and blah blah. Idk

Game of Thrones: so this is not my original idea, But I've participated twice in this RP before. I can’t remember who originally thought it up, or who was GMing, and I’m too lazy to search through my past posts from like years ago to find it. Anyway the plot is that the heirs from each great house are sent to live as wards of the king, in the effort to negate war, keep the peace and promote good Relationships among the young nobles. This is an AU of game of thrones as it would take place like two generation after the shows timeline, but minus the ending with Danny’s death, and Bran becoming king. Instead Dany didn’t go nuts, and she and Jon married taking the throne together, without massacring Kings Landing. Anyway we would play as the wards.

Modern world with secret witches/magic: So this would be similar to things like “Charmed”, “The vampire diaries“, “Harry Potter”, “the order”, “lost girl”, “The Magicians“, and “chilling adventures of Sabrina”. Basically witches live among us unknown to regular Mundane humans. You could play as a human, or witch. The plot could be centered around a school, or town. Idk

Sky High: like the movie about the superhero high school. I haven’t RPed as a teenage character in a long time so this sounds fun.

Link to Poll
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Emma
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Emma Amme

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Nothing? Really? :(
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Kuro
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Kuro ʟɪᴠᴇ ᴡɪᴛʜ ʜᴏɴᴏʀ / ᴅɪᴇ ᴡɪᴛʜ ɢʟᴏʀʏ

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Nothing? Really? :(

I already have my hands full with RPs but I just wanted to step in to say that it's Christmas time, so not a lot of people are going to be active. Plus, the thread's only been up for a day, so I'd say to give it some more time. Maybe bump it or advertise it in RPGO or the status bar.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by LogantheCat
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LogantheCat Definitely very / dangerous

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I like the medieval or the secret magic ones. Curse I'd be fine with too if more people prefer that one.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Jerkchicken
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Nah let's go with Dances with Jet skis aka the water world setting.

1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by sassy1085
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sassy1085 The Queen of Sassy

Member Seen 1 mo ago

I like to do Modern world with secret witches/magic or Sky High RP
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by role model
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role model Drunk With Odd Memory, High On Knowledge

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Do you like crime dramas?

Also, X-Men. Or, criminal X-Men, lol

No seriously, I like mafia roles. But, it could be anything. I've been involved in stories where the boss of all the bosses was in that spot because he possessed gold his grandfather handed down to him, and the gold was spun by an evil god. So, bending the realm of realism can be very seducing.

As far as X-Men go, I'm good with that and Punisher.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Emma
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Emma Amme

Member Seen 6 mos ago

@role model I love x-men! I’ve never seen the punisher though. Also I don’t think I’ve watched a crime drama before, if we are talking mafia related tv shows. I do love tv shows like, Leverage, The Mentalist, SVU, and criminal minds. But those are more crime fighting shows.

Anyway I’ve never played or GMed a x-men themed RP. The closest RP I’ve done with similarities to x-men was a tomorrow people RP, which was amazing. So it does sound like it would be very interesting. But I have no idea what the plot would be, outside your basic mutants living and learning at X-Mansion.

Criminal x-men is a new idea to me. It looks like there is a bit of interest in the initial RP ideas of the opening post, but if it fizzles out and others are more interesting in x-men, I would be into it. Would you want to be GM?
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by role model
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role model Drunk With Odd Memory, High On Knowledge

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

No, I don't want to be a GM. hmm...

X-Men ideas included but are not limited to: attack from Gods, death of character(s) and hunt why, mutant affairs with public and government, team ups (with Avengers or singles), monsters attacking overseas, etc. That's a few I can think of.

And also, what I mean is about criminal stuff is regular household with spouses, or what it may be.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by BiffleChump
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

I like the idea of both the Cursed Reincarnation-story and the Water World-ish setting.
On what to choose... hm. Cursed Reincarnation is something I really like as a story, but it can require a lot of preparation and detail to get right. You say that your Water World-ish-setting has been written in some detail, so whichever you feel more prepared for.

One way to have the Cursed Reincarnation-story be all *extra spicy and interesting*, is to have to had the sacrifices have been given immortal lives to fulfill some task, and that through the millennia, they might have forgotten their original goal, and that they must rediscover themselves in order to reach closure for their cursed state?
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Starboard Watch
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Starboard Watch Jolly Tar

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Waterworld one sounds rather interesting to me.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Emma
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Emma Amme

Member Seen 6 mos ago

So after reviewing the poll, and what everyone has said, I think I’m gonna go with creating a Waterworld RP. For those of you that mentioned your interest in the Waterworld RP I will link you to the OOC when I create it.

What are some plots/settings/stories you would be interested in seeing within the RP?

Waterworld Inspiration
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Starboard Watch
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Starboard Watch Jolly Tar

Member Seen 2 mos ago

So after reviewing the poll, and what everyone has said, I think I’m gonna go with creating a Waterworld RP. For those of you that mentioned your interest in the Waterworld RP I will link you to the OOC when I create it.

What are some plots/settings/stories you would be interested in seeing within the RP?

Waterworld Inspiration

Island chain kingdom faces threat from pirates. Our characters are conscripted into our island's defense forces and are forced to go on an adventure to find the source of the threat.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Chiro


Member Seen 24 days ago

What are some plots/settings/stories you would be interested in seeing within the RP?

Although I wasn't part of the initial poll, playing a Waterworld game interests me, and I did have and idea or two

I found this video on youtube


Long story short, it's about the Smokers being stupid villains in how they waste their valuable fuel (and just about everything else) in raiding (thanks to them) ever-dwindling populace of survivors, and would have been much more successful in using their (relatively) advanced engineering and industrial base as peaceful traders.

So, what if the Smokers (or their equivalent) in this game were originally benevolent gardeners and fishermen, until Deacon (or his equivalent) took over and turned them into the self-destructive pirates we know?

I also had some ideas for more realistic mutations for the Mariner's kind.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Emma
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Emma Amme

Member Seen 6 mos ago

I also had some ideas for more realistic mutations for the Mariner's kind.

Would love to hear more about this!

EDIT:: btw that video was absolutely perfect! lol


I also love how y'all are knowledgeable about the Waterworld movie and cannon lore. This will be a Waterworld-esque RP, so somethings will not be included, for instance gasoline is not a thing in this world, as drilling for crude oil is basically impossible. Things like guns/bullets are also incredibly rare, because of what it takes to make and use them. Mariner kind though not realistic, are going to be a thing because a little fantasy in an RP is always fun. I will also be using elements from the anime gargantua the verdurous planet. Keep the ideas and suggestions flowing, I love seeing them, and they are helping me put the OOC together.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Chiro


Member Seen 24 days ago

<Snipped quote by Chiro>

Would love to hear more about this!

EDIT:: btw that video was absolutely perfect! lol


I also love how y'all are knowledgeable about the Waterworld movie and cannon lore. This will be a Waterworld-esque RP, so somethings will not be included, for instance gasoline is not a thing in this world, as drilling for crude oil is basically impossible. Things like guns/bullets are also incredibly rare, because of what it takes to make and use them. Mariner kind though not realistic, are going to be a thing because a little fantasy in an RP is always fun. I will also be using elements from the anime gargantua the verdurous planet. Keep the ideas and suggestions flowing, I love seeing them, and they are helping me put the OOC together.

All right.

So the mariners, or whatever we're gonna call them, I was thinking would be more like partially aquatic mammals similar to polar bears, sea otters or (if we want to go all the way) seals. They can't breathe underwater, but can hold their breath for a long time thanks to their diving adapted lungs. They can also close their ears and nostrils at will to avoid water getting in (Mariner ears might be abnormally small and they use scarves and similar headwear to hide them). They have more body fat and incredibly thick skin to regulate their inner temperatures. Mariner feet have webs between the toes (and might be longer, broader and flatter than human feet, forcing them to wear big shoes similar to those found in Kingdom Hearts and other Square games). Their fingers are however normal, allowing them to grab and throw objects without trouble (and are very good at throwing underwater)

I Haven't planned anything regarding Mariner culture and society (if they even have them), but I think they'd consider "mutant" to be an offensive slur.


Well, there are still plenty of fuel options, ethanol, vegetable oil, that kind of stuff. We could also have "Sparkies", who have (re-)mastered electricity instead of combustion.

Also, what sort of anime elements did you have in mind? The Mariners do have aquatically adapted ears, so it would be easy to explain kemonomimi direction.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Jerkchicken
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Does that mean there's gonna be anime mechs?
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Emma
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Emma Amme

Member Seen 6 mos ago

@Chiro I really like the ideas you put together for the Mariners. They make more logical sense then gils and having a whole different respiratory system.

As for the elements/tidbits I’ll be incorporating from the specific anime I mentioned. I’ll be using some of the cultural and technology stuff depicted on the show. Like floating ship cities, the farming, radio, and divers.

The idea for “sparkies” as you put it, is smart. Electricity within the larger cities of the world is still a partial thing, because of solar panels, and wind power. But anyone living in villages, tinier boat communities, or sailing alone Wouldn’t really have any electricity.

The comedic relief of idiotic sea pirates, thought great for the movie, is not exactly a part of this RPs makeup, unless you wish to make that as a character. there will be Pirates, and slavers, and groups of bad guys basically. But they will more realistic and less ridiculous then the ones in the movie.

Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Emma
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Emma Amme

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Does that mean there's gonna be anime mechs?

No mech. The little bits and pieces I’ll be taking from that particular anime are things like interlocking ship communities, scrap metal divers, And how they depicted farming, or the greenery on the ships. I was hesitant to mention anime at all, because people tend to start creating characters and associating how the world works with a more anime perspective. But this is going to be more of a realistic 350 years post apocalyptic water covered world kind of thing. If that makes any sense? So when it comes to character sheets, a well written description, or realistic digital art FC would work best, no animate photos.
I’ll be posting of the OOC later today hopefully
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Emma
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Emma Amme

Member Seen 6 mos ago

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