✣ Name: Mana Kuroi
✣ Age: 16, 2nd Year
✣ History: Mana’s life was never labeled as “normal”, especially in her earlier years. As the daughter of a powerful Yakuza who oversaw many of the local comings and goings, it was only natural that those who found out the truth to her heritage would regard her with scorn. By choice or chance, Mana’s early life involved making several enemies, though not of her own making. The sins of her family lineage weighed heavily in her blood and one day those sins would be hers to pay.
Even so, Mana generally ignored the shady dealings of her family and committed to living a regular school life. Those that stuck close even through hardship were true family as far as she was concerned and worthy of her presence despite the risks it gave. Of course, she couldn’t ignore the Yakuza forever; indeed, it was only a matter of time before the darkness within her clan began to grow rampant and spread like wildfire.
Only Mana knows exactly how she came to obtain her Ta'ge Symbiont. Some have come to guess it was by experimental summoning on the Yakuza’s part, to bring about more power and control through means of other worldly forces. After all, the perfect vessel would be the up and coming Yakuza Princess; but in the end, these are just rumors. Who really knows what occurred in these certain events? The only one willing to share is Mana herself and only to those she deems worthy.
✣ Personality: Mana is a girl of few words. That much has been bred into her just in proximity to her family, though she’s not to the point of becoming a social recluse. She prefers to rely on actions more so than words and values the intent behind them. After all, words can hold little to no meaning, but there is no questioning the extent of one’s actions; or so Mana believes. She speaks only when needed to and only when addressed, but in Mana’s experience, getting things done is more favorable than any sort of empty talk. This dogma persists even under the influence of her Ta'ge Symbiont, though in more drastic measures. When transformed, she has a certain tendency to shoot first and ask questions later.
✣ Ta'ge Symbiont: As per all Tagers, Mana has access to powers unbefit of mortal beings. Her particular Symbiont takes the form of a monstrous gunslinger clad in crystal. Whether this form has any bearing on the being attached to Mana or something more personal has yet to be seen.
• Natural Weapons: Mana’s natural weapons come in the form of two pistols budding with magical power. Easily disposable after one shot each, they can be summoned infinitely per her convenience. So far, two types of bullets have been displayed; energy shots and crystalline-structures. Furthermore, the spikes and tentacles on her shoulders can be extended to either puncture and barrage the enemy or act as defense in providing a bristling shield and sweeping counters.
• Limit Weapon: When pushed to her limit, or when she desires to decimate her enemy, Mana will utilize her Limit Weapon, Wolve’s Bane. With a shot of her pistols each, a houndish creature appears in place of bullets and it’s not very long before a pack of them can be summoned forth. Acting almost like ghosts, these ghastly hounds seek out their target with frightening precision and unrelenting hunger before feasting on the poor fool who’ve slighted their master. Their speed is horrific to witness, as if they phase out of reality itself, and their ghostly nature make them difficult for most magic to pin down and destroy.
• Abilities: Mana’s developed an uncanny ability to slightly alter spaceto her making. More often than not, this manifests in a power to teleport freely and crossing vast distances in a single step, albeit none that exceed more than a few miles. Even so, she can teleport either her entire body or, more often than not, parts of her body if need be. She can also track down others via their shadow and scent, as well as see perfectly in complete darkness. Finally, she’s gained a resistance to near-frigid levels of intense cold and weather.
• Limit Weapon: When pushed to her limit, or when she desires to decimate her enemy, Mana will utilize her Limit Weapon, Wolve’s Bane. With a shot of her pistols each, a houndish creature appears in place of bullets and it’s not very long before a pack of them can be summoned forth. Acting almost like ghosts, these ghastly hounds seek out their target with frightening precision and unrelenting hunger before feasting on the poor fool who’ve slighted their master. Their speed is horrific to witness, as if they phase out of reality itself, and their ghostly nature make them difficult for most magic to pin down and destroy.
• Abilities: Mana’s developed an uncanny ability to slightly alter spaceto her making. More often than not, this manifests in a power to teleport freely and crossing vast distances in a single step, albeit none that exceed more than a few miles. Even so, she can teleport either her entire body or, more often than not, parts of her body if need be. She can also track down others via their shadow and scent, as well as see perfectly in complete darkness. Finally, she’s gained a resistance to near-frigid levels of intense cold and weather.
✣ Ta'ge Persona: While ordinarily quiet and almost reserved, Mana’s personality becomes slightly skewered when transformed. Communication is almost nearly impossible to make with her as she prefers to let her guns do most of the talking than anything else. Some could say she even enjoys the act of murder and gunning down her enemies, though it’s difficult to tell when she’s so close-lipped. Even so, closed-eyed observers can note the subtle body language she gives off to display her enjoyment of bloody and wretched situations, especially in combat.
✣ Hybrid Form: When sliding into her Hybrid Form, Mana’s eyes become slit like a cat’s pupils. When using her powers in this way, she gains her control over space. She’s freaked out her fair share of hapless victims by suddenly tapping them on the shoulder via an arm sprouted from a portal behind them.

✣ Theme ✣