Truth Bullet unlocked - Aurel Fuchs’ and Momoe Mizuno’s Account
The two claim to have been unable to sleep due to being stuck with each other. For this reason, they both claim it’s impossible for either of them to be the murderer, as they were together the whole night. Additionally, both heard a loud clanging sound during nighttime.
Chikako inserted herself into the conversation. "Wait, why couldn't it be the fish hook?" she asked. "I mean, the monokuma file says that she died from blood loss, so even a fish hook could be stabbed in and do the deed..."
"No... that's impossible," Ayu commented to correct the other girl. "Me and Hiroki checked Naomi's wound... it runs much deeper and wider than what the fish hook could do." The girl finished her argument, but wasn't yet done talking. She turned to another in the courtroom "...Momoe. You're the only one who didn't come to the crime scene. You're still hiding something," Ayu accused her. Momoe shot daggers at the smaller girl.
"How the hell would you know?"
Ayu didn't respond. Momoe groaned and pinched the area between her eyes, feeling another wave of drowsiness wash over her. She was much too prideful to let it show much beyond that point, though, and straightened her posture. In this new pose she also crossed her arms, her chin up, as if she was looking down on everyone else. "It's true I haven't played all my cards yet..." she offhandedly mentioned and was then interrupted by a loud voice.
"Spit it out already!" Taka aggressively badgered her, but let out a small yelp when Momoe's death stare had fixated on him in response.
"One more like that and you'll be the next corpse," Momoe growled at him. Taka shut his mouth, and then she continued. "I ran into Hibiki at the docks while you lot were dealing with Naomi's body. Now I dunno if it's quite what we're looking for here, but... ah, what the hell? Why don't you tell 'em, four-eyes."