The History of the Galaxy
It is the 110th Year of the Second Republican Era, also known as the 38th Year of the Third Republican Era. The age is referred to by historians and the few followers of the Abrahamic faiths left in the galaxy as 2929 AD.
Ever since the Great Galactic War destroyed the Nine Principalities that governed all 72 of humanity's planets, the Republic of Arkad, born from the ashes of the Arkadi Admiralty, became the staple of human development. Standing against it was the Marshalate of Barkus, a power that rose after conquering various planets in part to spread the Brihadian Revolution and to defend its interests from the influence of Arkad. With the Marshalate of Barkus' destruction at the hands of reformists, the Third Republican Era began. The Republic of Arkad would become the galaxy's cultural hegemon, but other powers such as Barkus would still exist to fight its influence. Without a true ideological enemy, Arkad fell into cultural stagnation. Its economy and military are some of the strongest in the galaxy, yet its population grew corrupted by the stagnant social landscape. Many countries siding with Arkad during what was called the Troubles also fell into this trap, consumed by decay. One of these countries is our very own homeland, the Republic of Dzhalus, situated on the far reaches of the Galactic East, on the furthest fringes of the Rauntsui Region, a cluster of five stars each with their own nations.
Fearing the collapse of Dzhalus due to the growing indolence of the people and the corruption in government, as well as the renewed faith in the Brihadian System, discontented youths formed the Dzhali Nationalist Worker and Student Party, who, for the past seven years, has been gaining support from the populace. The Blackcoats, an organisation within the Dzhali Armed Forces adhering to the DNWSP's beliefs, began to grow in number as well. This was thanks to many officers, especially a general named Arnold Fliess. He lead the armed forces in their clash against Brihadian rebels when, two years ago, they gathered a sizeable force in the city of Kobaril in the province of the same name. This province bordered Marlevai, the southernmost city in the Capital Region. Within three months, the rebel strongholds fell one by one. For a moment, he worked as the superior of one of the DNWSP's founders, Larus Basil. He was convinced that the DNWSP would not only drain Brihadian manpower through their economics, but also improve the Republic as a whole. Therefore, he spoke with his employee, and would eventually become an official member of the Party.
In the year following Fliess' joining of the Party, Dzhalus the elections would come. DNWSP would send its own representative to run for an election, a man named Galia. Though he was extremely skilled, he was not popular enough with the people to be elected. Instead, the man elected president would be a Brihadian populist named Auven. His reforms not only brought ruin to the military, it also brought disgrace to it as he extended olive branches to the Brihadian Party and the rebels in the midst of a complex military campaign Fliess was heading. He also quickly introduced social reforms that gave people more liberties than the Party thought were necessary, enraging more conservative elements in the Brihadian rebellion and prompting them to surrender. These reforms were passed too quickly to the point that several members of the DNWSP called for an investigation of Auven's actions as presidents. As a symbol to signify their resistance, the Party renamed itself the Iron Phalanx. The Blackcoats stated that it openly supported it whatever it did. With members of the Party in the government threatening Auven's grip on power and his grand plan, he secretly asked politicians from every other party to purchase the support of private militaries before he orders the arrest of every leader of the Phalanx. A week later, the order was given...
Ever since the Great Galactic War destroyed the Nine Principalities that governed all 72 of humanity's planets, the Republic of Arkad, born from the ashes of the Arkadi Admiralty, became the staple of human development. Standing against it was the Marshalate of Barkus, a power that rose after conquering various planets in part to spread the Brihadian Revolution and to defend its interests from the influence of Arkad. With the Marshalate of Barkus' destruction at the hands of reformists, the Third Republican Era began. The Republic of Arkad would become the galaxy's cultural hegemon, but other powers such as Barkus would still exist to fight its influence. Without a true ideological enemy, Arkad fell into cultural stagnation. Its economy and military are some of the strongest in the galaxy, yet its population grew corrupted by the stagnant social landscape. Many countries siding with Arkad during what was called the Troubles also fell into this trap, consumed by decay. One of these countries is our very own homeland, the Republic of Dzhalus, situated on the far reaches of the Galactic East, on the furthest fringes of the Rauntsui Region, a cluster of five stars each with their own nations.
Fearing the collapse of Dzhalus due to the growing indolence of the people and the corruption in government, as well as the renewed faith in the Brihadian System, discontented youths formed the Dzhali Nationalist Worker and Student Party, who, for the past seven years, has been gaining support from the populace. The Blackcoats, an organisation within the Dzhali Armed Forces adhering to the DNWSP's beliefs, began to grow in number as well. This was thanks to many officers, especially a general named Arnold Fliess. He lead the armed forces in their clash against Brihadian rebels when, two years ago, they gathered a sizeable force in the city of Kobaril in the province of the same name. This province bordered Marlevai, the southernmost city in the Capital Region. Within three months, the rebel strongholds fell one by one. For a moment, he worked as the superior of one of the DNWSP's founders, Larus Basil. He was convinced that the DNWSP would not only drain Brihadian manpower through their economics, but also improve the Republic as a whole. Therefore, he spoke with his employee, and would eventually become an official member of the Party.
In the year following Fliess' joining of the Party, Dzhalus the elections would come. DNWSP would send its own representative to run for an election, a man named Galia. Though he was extremely skilled, he was not popular enough with the people to be elected. Instead, the man elected president would be a Brihadian populist named Auven. His reforms not only brought ruin to the military, it also brought disgrace to it as he extended olive branches to the Brihadian Party and the rebels in the midst of a complex military campaign Fliess was heading. He also quickly introduced social reforms that gave people more liberties than the Party thought were necessary, enraging more conservative elements in the Brihadian rebellion and prompting them to surrender. These reforms were passed too quickly to the point that several members of the DNWSP called for an investigation of Auven's actions as presidents. As a symbol to signify their resistance, the Party renamed itself the Iron Phalanx. The Blackcoats stated that it openly supported it whatever it did. With members of the Party in the government threatening Auven's grip on power and his grand plan, he secretly asked politicians from every other party to purchase the support of private militaries before he orders the arrest of every leader of the Phalanx. A week later, the order was given...
Nobody except a few knew that it would come to this. The men now classified as the rebels thought that it would be a short coup d'etat. The 5th Mobile Brigade, under the command of General Arnold Fliess and Commander Larus Basil, would drive in from Kobaril and enter the Capital Region through Marlevai. Yet, the instigators of the coup failed to realise how heavy resistance could be. The private militaries arrived several days prior and had set a perimeter around the capital city of Cavanor. When the 56th Mobile Brigade arrived within firing range, the police force and the PMCs opened fire. Instead of pushing forward, Larus decided to retreat to Kobaril, where he rested for a few hours and helped evacuate his family and other supporters of the coup who feared arrest. They began their long march from Kobaril to the Magnus Mountain Range, a trip which took an entire day. In the city of Acradil, they rested after an entire day of travel. Larus contemplated long about his actions before receiving word that the entire navy and part of the air force was under Phalangite control. They were practically at a stalemate. Larus convinced the Council of the Phalanx to declare war and call up armies. The eastern half of the Great Continent of Alasendrios past the Magno Mountain Range was under rebel control. The continental government of Kara'eb also declared allegiance to the Phalanx, believing that their beliefs would be able to survive under its rule. Soon, the rebel capital would be established in Dakh.At first, the entire galaxy thought that there was absolutely no way that the Phalanx could survive. The great powers of Barkus and Arkad took interest, but not quite as much. The first month was nothing but a guerrilla war waged by both sides, but as they grew more emboldened, the tiny skirmishes turned into battles. Eventually, a regiment of 3,000 soldiers assembled in the city of Ampales along the Calye Acradil, prepared to strike at the weakly-garrisoned Acradil City with its 500 defenders when the 5th Mobile Brigade was pulled out to be reorganised into new military systems. The 3,000 soldiers were mostly militiamen with some former soldiers mixed in. The 500 defenders, however, were mostly from Acradil's police force and local militia, though some soldiers native to Acradil also participated and helped train the militia in accordance with the Phalanx's policies. When this was discovered by the press, supporters of the rebellion in Republican cities were distressed, feeling that there was no longer any hope. Yet, despite this, the 500 men under the command of Arnold Fliess and a 1,000-man reinforcement managed to not only hold off the attack, but also destroy the 3,000-man unit. Hope was restored, and the eyes of the great powers were cast. Arkad was the first to act. In the defence of freedom and democracy in Dzhalus, Arkad sent 100,000 guns, 20,000,000 bullets, 10 tanks and 5,000 Arkadi Marines as volunteers. Barkus would not let the Arkadi run free in Dzhalus, but they couldn't send their own soldiers to fight in case Marines and Barkus troops clash and cause an international incident. Barkus instead sent 200,000 guns, 50,000,000 bullets, 20 armoured vehicles, and a battalion of military researchers and engineers.
Larus made a name for himself too. He waged a nine-month-long bloody guerrilla war in the north of the continent, and sent an assassin named Alphus Esquadrillo to cripple the military might of the Republicans by pretending to be a skilled officer for the Republic. When invited to a meeting involving a majority of the officers, he used a bomb to kill most of them. However, his rival, a highly skilled tactician and Republican officer named Felix Dekker, survived. The two were classmates, friendly rivals with almost equal skill in tactics. They had similar interests but otherwise different philosophies.
Now, the stage has been set. Larus' guerrilla war has ended. In an unexpected move, Larus switched to a conventional strategy. His power had grown, and so had his armies. With 30,000 men under his command, he crushed the Republican army in and around the port city of Rohotul, bringing the entire region under his control. With his popularity increased, he became the de facto governor of Teresopol and Endignos, the two northernmost regions of the continent with their defensible hills and good agricultural land in the lowlands. Fliess occupied the city of Rulun, the gateway to the capital from the province of Teresopol, with 12,000 men. However, rumours have been spreading. They say that a 75,000-man army under the command of two Republican generals was gathering in the city of Dzhalipol Norte, the northernmost city in the Capital Region. The attack would be two-pronged; one attack, with 45,000 men, aimed to take Rulun and use it as a supply base to reconquer Teresopol. The other, with the remaining 30,000, would attempt to cross the River Arcos, which would lead them directly to Calye Acradil. They properly assumed that the Phalangites would not be able to muster a force that could defeat them.
Their assumption was correct, but giving up was not an option. The richest soil in the planet was in Kara'eb, but the richest soil in the continent was in the northern provinces. To lose the northern provinces would not only mean losing food; it would be strengthening the supply of the Republicans and allowing them to strike into Phalangite territory. Larus only had his 30,000 men (two themes, one legion) to spare from his previous campaign, and much to his disdain, he was ordered by the Phalangite Council to stand by in the city of Eleper, which was in between Balata (the city on the eastern bank of the Arcos) and Rulun, and forced to give up the 5th Theme to be sent to Fliess. A weak force of 12,000, composed of the First Engineering Theme, was also mustered in Ampales, mainly composed of military and civil engineers with substantial training in combat. They were sent to defend Arcos. Larus was disappointed that he could not actively defend, hoping to beat back the 30,000 men invading Arcos and attack the rest of the army from the flanks. The Engineering Theme under a general named Tempe repelled dozens of attempts to cross the Arcos after their engineers built terrible fortresses on the bridges. To break through, the general of the river-bound army called upon the general of the Rulun-bound army. Confident in his ability, the northbound general agreed to send an additional 10,000 soldiers. He attacked Fliess' 24,000 troops with 35,000. Fliess was valiant and his officers were skilled, but he was pushed from his defensive positions all the way to the outskirts of the city. Larus decided to assist Fliess, for the north was more important than Ampales. At this point, the fragile balance of power was tipping. To which side was up to the skill of these heroes.
Though the war is not yet in full swing, peace is no longer an option. It could only escalate from there.
You are a citizen of Dzhalus or maybe even a foreign a mercenary for hire, forced to take a side as armies finally begin to march. What do you believe in? Do you have what it takes to survive in these perilous times?
Battle was on the horizon. The enemy was only a day's drive away. To many of the troops participating, it would be their baptism of fire; to many, it would be their first real battle. As the alarms were sounded, soldiers on both sides scrambled to prepare. Larus knew he was outnumbered; he had to employ cunning to decisively defeat the Republicans and tip the scale of power in favour of not only the Phalanx, but him as well. He spoke with Alphus Esquadrillo and Arnold Fliess. Fliess' Legions would work with Larus' to drive the enemy beyond the outskirts of the city whilst Alphus' specialised Legion would strike the rear of the enemy and secure the main road to the Capital if possible.
A day's drive away, Felix Dekker sat inside his commander's command vehicle, being briefed on the plan. It was an insane plan to drive deep into the heart of city with all of the armoured vehicles at their disposal. He had grown overconfident of his victory over the great captain. There was no way to save the entire army in the event that they are beaten, but there might be a way to save the lives of the men he commanded. He feared Alphus' skill in battle, but he knew Alphus was wary of him too. He had an inkling of what the enemy might be doing. He dispatched a quarter of the 4th Division to act as a mobile rearguard.
Nobody knew how the battle would turn out, but it was certain that history would look down favourably upon whoever was victorious. The fate of the Republic hangs in the balance.

The New Republican Flag
The Republic of Dzhalus was the single legitimate government of the Planet Dzhalus before the war started. The first instance of a modern governmental structure came when Klarinios, under the command of Prince Dzharaleus the Great, colonised the planet and its inhabitants. In reality, Dzhalus was first settled by humanity in 2184. The native Dzhali as they were called became primitive and tribal after decades of isolation during the Dahrib War of 2187-2232. After the war, they were largely forgotten, and by the 2300s, they were completely lost to time. It was conquered by Arkad in 2898 during the first year of the Great Galactic War.
It supports Auven's claim to the leadership of the Dzhali people. It runs in a semi-Brihadian economic system with an extremely liberalised society. There are fifty senators to represent the entire Republic (pre-war, 16 were part of the Phalanx) and five hundred congressmen. Majority of the government is populated by Auven's party, the Dzhali Neodemocratic Party. Originally, they also stood for less gun restrictions, but with the rebellion in full swing, they restricted many firearms with the citizens being able to only own one pistol per family with only two magazines full of ammunition maximum. Those that refused to give up their rifles were persuaded or coerced to sign up for the militia. Many members of the DNP joined up after they were promised more money and less restrictions. The prospects of the citizenry being preoccupied by their own newfound rights and liberties was tasteful for them. Before the war began, he was also in the middle of peace talks with the Brihadian Party to stop the rebellion, much to the disdain of the military who were in the middle of a vengeful campaign to wipe them out once and for all.
Despite its claims to unity, the Republic is very much divided. Its military's members range from anarchists to Brihadian rebels, to militiamen who fight for what they perceive to be their rights, as well as soldiers loyal to the constitution. There is frequent infighting, and many of the failures of the Republic thus far is the extreme plurality of its citizens. Despite territory being vast, it was also difficult to find willing soldiers as many of its citizens avoided draft by leaving the country or by going to areas which were not as afflicted by the war. Those that remained, however, fought fiercely against the Phalanx. One of their most talented generals and political philosophers, Felix Dekker, despised human depravity, but still believed that power should remain with the people despite his hatred of the Republic's current political and social climate. The Republic is supported heavily by Arkad, which hopes to curb the rise of autocracy in the region and keep Dzhalus loyal to itself.

Phalangite State Imperial Banner, Influenced by the Medinian Empire's Flag

The Phalangite State Governmental Flag
The Phalangite State of Dzhalus is the result of the Phalangite Coup. It was born in late 109 SRE, though the idea was born back in 102 SRE when five students, who are the current leaders of the Phalangite Council, joined to fight against the Brihadian Scare by stealing their manpower from under them, promoting some socialistic principles. This new organisation was called the Dzhali Nationalist Worker and Student Party. They were not fond of the government and society either. They wanted reform. They decided that some rights ought to be taken away so that Dzhalus could be made great. In the middle of 109 SRE, the Republic of Dzhalus came to be ruled by Rickard Auven after beating Jonson Galia, the DNWSP representative. After the arrest of many leaders of the DNWSP, now called the Phalanx, near the end of 109 SRE, the coup began, and with the coup came the war. It was here that the Phalangite State was born in the far-off city of Dakh. It divides the provinces under its control into politico-military provinces called themes, from which entire units are drawn up.
The Phalanx is ruled by the Phalangite Council, a twelve-man organisation which includes Larus Basil and Arnold Fliess, who are considered the main heads of the Council due to their actions in the frontlines. It boasts an industrialising state capitalist economy, with the economic elite chained by the political elite to prevent them from acting against the will of the Phalanx. They have their own version of the senate, which acts as congress as well. There are three hundred members. To represent the will of the people, however, they allowed for the introduction of tribunes, who are democratically elected local leaders with great power in the senate. It has a strict conscription law, but refuses to send undertrained personnel to the front. Its laws are punitive in nature, as the main goal of the Phalangite movement is to preserve Dzhali civilisation through the reformation of society, and to forge a new path for Dzhalus that would lead them to a greatness that would threaten even Arkad.
Though it is small, the Phalangite State is strong. However, despite its strength, the Council itself is divided. Some would like a return to the Republic once it wins, though some wish to keep their current form of government. Some individuals are also more ambitious than others, seeking greater power. The Phalangite Council might seem united in purpose, but deep inside, they knew that after the war, they would come into blows with one another. The Phalanx is supported by Barkus, who wish to see Arkad lose more allies to lessen its influence.

The Blackgold Adventuring Company Banner, Influenced by the Medinian Empire's Flag
The Blackgold Adventuring Company is one of the most expensive private military contractors in the galaxy. However, it was not born as a private military company. It was born as the First Legion of Medinius in 2613, and founded by none other than Imperator Medinius Aurelius. Born in Terra, homeworld of humanity and the academic centre of the galaxy, Medi Ari was a scholar with ambitions of his own. He moved to Mars in an attempt to complete a thesis on the history of the Martians and their martial prowess when the Martian Revolution broke out, upholding semi-republican values. Instead of turning back, he instead decided to test whether or not their version of republicanism would work. He quickly became an officer, advancing through the ranks until he became a renowned general as the forces of the Dahrib Empire tried to quell him. He saw the cracks in the system, but instead of helping the Republic, he marched on Mars' capital, taking over and becoming dictator. Medi would call upon the strongest-bred men of Mars and formed the First Legion, which would be the spearhead of his campaigns to conquer the galaxy. When his conquest was done, he named himself Imperator Medinius Aurelius.
When Medinius died at the ripe old age of 115, his Empire broke apart into the Nine Principalities. One of the Nine Principalities was the Principality of Medinia was centred in the former capital of mankind's past Empire, Iove Magnus. The Legion remained loyal to Medinia, fighting its wars as the most capable of the country's soldiers. It was Medinia's very first army, and it would be the last one standing. As the Great Galactic War came to an end, the Principalities fractured as republicanism was reborn. The Medinian Republic was founded, but the Legion remained loyal. A descendant of Medinius himself and heir to the throne of the Principality, Aries Medinius, lead the Legion in rebellion against the Republic, but they were too few, and trust in the empire was long gone. The rebellion failed. They retreated to Iove Magnus' moon where they would fight against the Republic for years. Eventually, the Republic would invade the moon to put an end to the Legion's guerrilla war. The Legion, numbering 8,000, was outnumbered. Aries lead his troops from the front to rally them, but the price of his bravery was death. He left no heirs. The Legion would end up defeating the Republic's invasion force, but with their will lost, they sent a peace treaty. It was agreed that the Legion could have the moon. The Legion, known for its black and gold panoplies, named their colony the Sovereign Blackgold Order. Their engineers would create a city with arable land, eventually attracting people. Though there was peace, the Legion still thirsted for war. They established the Blackgold Adventuring Company to bypass restrictions preventing them to raise a military. Deep inside, however, they yearned for the return of the Medinian Empire, or at least something close to it.
The Company and, by extension, the colony are commanded by Grandmaster Argus Climent. He was one of the first to be contacted by the Dzhali government. Thinking that it would just be another peacekeeping mission, he was surprised to see that they were going to be fighting a full-scale civil war. Finally, he would be able to test his troops' mettle once more.

The Republic of Arkad is the galaxy's greatest superpower and its cultural hegemon. The ideals of the Neodemocratic Party came from Arkad's greatest liberal minds. It boasts the world's strongest military, with its navies sweeping across the galaxy, policing for disorder. It acts on behalf of the Interstellar Union of Nations, acting as its strongest asset. In reality, however, the IUN is a puppet for Arkad, whose interests are keeping its allies in order.
Arkad was first discovered in 2152. It was insignificant back then. However, it was in Arkad that the first republicans of the galactic era were born. The former rulers of mankind, the Dominion of Man, did nothing to stop the spread of its ideals. It almost rebelled at one point if not for the concessions done by the ruling council of Arkad. However, when Darius Dahrib, a Persian noble, was wrongly accused of assassination, he rebelled. His rebellion was joined by countless others, including Arkad and its neighbouring planets at the edge of the galaxy. The rebellion, however, turned into the Dahrib War as a massive fleet of 4,000 spewed out from his homeworld. The galaxy would be conquered by Darius, and he would proclaim himself the Shahanshah, the King of Kings, establishing the Dahrib Empire. The Arkadi were brutally crushed and their ideals suppressed by Darius and the Grand Satrap of Arkad.
The republicans grew in popularity once more when Mars' revolution began. They thought that when Medi Ari would conquer them, he would turn the entire galaxy into a republic. Instead, the dictator became emperor, and Arkad was once more defeated, feeling bitter. Many of its citizens turned to terrorism and rebellion, prompting Medinius to appoint one of his favoured admirals to govern it. Throughout Medinius' life, Arkad was the biggest thorn in his side, the most lawless land in the galaxy. Arkad became an independent Principality during the Imperial Age. Medinius' admiral was liberal, and so were his descendants and successors. At the outbreak of the Great Galactic War, they conquered Dzhalus from Klarinios, along with many of its other colonies. Eventually, Arkad was victorious, but at great cost. Arkad's cities were levelled, and its economy crashed. Blaming the monarchy, Arkadi protestors were able to force the Grand Admiral to abdicate. He would soon be murdered by revolutionaries as the Republic of Arkad was born. After the Great War, their new enemy was the Marshalate of Barkus, whose authoritarian ideals were against theirs.
For a long time, Arkad would fight Barkus through trade wars or through proxy wars. Barkus, for all its might, collapsed when republican reformers took over the government. Thus began Arkad's slow descent into madness. Without an enemy to fight, Arkad's populace grew relaxed, and new ideals displaced the old ones. Civic virtue was thrown out the door as citizens grew complacent. Its leaders wish to retain power by keeping them complacent, and they wished to keep many other countries under their thumb. It is ruled by President John Espel, a highly interventionist leader who wants nothing more than to defeat Barkus once and for all to Arkad to achieve complete cultural hegemony, hence the heavy support for the Republicans in the Dzhali Civil War.

Flag of Barkus
The Republic of Barkus is one of the world's great powers, and the arch-rival of Arkad since its days as a Brihadian superpower. Its allies are not unified in spirit, but unified in defiance against Arkad and its allies. Their morals and values differ greatly. While they are a republic, they believe strongly in civic action and responsibility. They boast a massive military, but it is not quite as powerful as Arkad's. They have a massive fleet, but its fleet serves only as a frontier force to protect its borders.
Barkus was once a semi-Brihadian state, though it was not always so. Barkus was discovered later than Arkad in the year 2233, after Darius Dahrib's conquest of the galaxy. Barkus was terraformed to be filled with fertile lands for farming, as it would become one of the Dahrib Empire's greatest treasures. It became close to becoming the second capital of the empire, but refusing to grant near-equal power to any of his satraps, Darius instead focused his efforts on turning Iove Magnus into the galaxy's economic and cultural capital. Feeling robbed of his opportunity for greater power, the satrap rebelled. However, he was unprepared. His men bravely fought the Shahanshah's soldiers, but in the end, they lost. They swore fealty to the Shahanshah. Darius considered punishing the entirety of Barkus, but decided that their loyalty would be a greater boon for him. For centuries until the fall of his empire, Barkus would be the main recruitment stations for the Shahanshah's famed Immortals due to the seemingly superior breeding of Barkus' men.
Some of the greatest points of resistance during Medi Ari's conquest was Barkus. As he could not beat them on land, Medi Ari resorted to a strategy that even he considers ignoble: orbitally bombarding them until they submitted, removing their only source of livelihood. With majority of the lands turned to glass and the remaining arable land poorly distributed, Brihad, a socialist thinker, devised a new socialist ideology to fit the interstellar age. Many would soon follow Brihad's ideology, but most were unconvinced, especially after Medinius, in an act of kindness, terraformed the land to make it more arable once again. The care of Barkus fell to one of Medinius' generals. When Barkus' economy was crippled during the Great Galactic War, Brihadianism found its way into the hearts of the people once again, but not all were willing to accept it as a whole. A compromise was made between the Brihadians and the Grand Marshal. The Grand Marshal could keep his power, but he had to introduce Brihadian reforms and spread the Brihadian ideal. The Marshalate, which was spiralling into an extremely authoritarian system, however, was unsustainable in the long run due to its isolationist policies, the failure of Brihadian reform, and its fear of being corrupted by Arkad. Republican reformists, influenced by the Arkadi, took over and ousted the last Grand Marshal. However, the people were pessimistic about these reformists. It did not take long for traditionalists to take over once again.
Because Barkus almost came to ruin multiple times, the national spirit became that of fear. Barkus feared the death of its civilisation. The republic born from the ashes of the Marshalate was authoritarian. The only difference is that the republic worked. Seeing that Arkad's new direction was that of collapse, Barkus sought to curb its influence. If Arkad collapses with its great influence over the galaxy intact, then so will its allies, and so will all of Barkus' trade partners. Because of this, the two rivals became enemies once again. Barkus' leader is Grand Marshal Josef Pilos, an idealistic Barkic leader who seems to have taken on the mantle of saving human civilisation from collapsing in on itself.
The New Republican Flag
The Republic of Dzhalus was the single legitimate government of the Planet Dzhalus before the war started. The first instance of a modern governmental structure came when Klarinios, under the command of Prince Dzharaleus the Great, colonised the planet and its inhabitants. In reality, Dzhalus was first settled by humanity in 2184. The native Dzhali as they were called became primitive and tribal after decades of isolation during the Dahrib War of 2187-2232. After the war, they were largely forgotten, and by the 2300s, they were completely lost to time. It was conquered by Arkad in 2898 during the first year of the Great Galactic War.
It supports Auven's claim to the leadership of the Dzhali people. It runs in a semi-Brihadian economic system with an extremely liberalised society. There are fifty senators to represent the entire Republic (pre-war, 16 were part of the Phalanx) and five hundred congressmen. Majority of the government is populated by Auven's party, the Dzhali Neodemocratic Party. Originally, they also stood for less gun restrictions, but with the rebellion in full swing, they restricted many firearms with the citizens being able to only own one pistol per family with only two magazines full of ammunition maximum. Those that refused to give up their rifles were persuaded or coerced to sign up for the militia. Many members of the DNP joined up after they were promised more money and less restrictions. The prospects of the citizenry being preoccupied by their own newfound rights and liberties was tasteful for them. Before the war began, he was also in the middle of peace talks with the Brihadian Party to stop the rebellion, much to the disdain of the military who were in the middle of a vengeful campaign to wipe them out once and for all.
Despite its claims to unity, the Republic is very much divided. Its military's members range from anarchists to Brihadian rebels, to militiamen who fight for what they perceive to be their rights, as well as soldiers loyal to the constitution. There is frequent infighting, and many of the failures of the Republic thus far is the extreme plurality of its citizens. Despite territory being vast, it was also difficult to find willing soldiers as many of its citizens avoided draft by leaving the country or by going to areas which were not as afflicted by the war. Those that remained, however, fought fiercely against the Phalanx. One of their most talented generals and political philosophers, Felix Dekker, despised human depravity, but still believed that power should remain with the people despite his hatred of the Republic's current political and social climate. The Republic is supported heavily by Arkad, which hopes to curb the rise of autocracy in the region and keep Dzhalus loyal to itself.

Phalangite State Imperial Banner, Influenced by the Medinian Empire's Flag

The Phalangite State Governmental Flag
The Phalangite State of Dzhalus is the result of the Phalangite Coup. It was born in late 109 SRE, though the idea was born back in 102 SRE when five students, who are the current leaders of the Phalangite Council, joined to fight against the Brihadian Scare by stealing their manpower from under them, promoting some socialistic principles. This new organisation was called the Dzhali Nationalist Worker and Student Party. They were not fond of the government and society either. They wanted reform. They decided that some rights ought to be taken away so that Dzhalus could be made great. In the middle of 109 SRE, the Republic of Dzhalus came to be ruled by Rickard Auven after beating Jonson Galia, the DNWSP representative. After the arrest of many leaders of the DNWSP, now called the Phalanx, near the end of 109 SRE, the coup began, and with the coup came the war. It was here that the Phalangite State was born in the far-off city of Dakh. It divides the provinces under its control into politico-military provinces called themes, from which entire units are drawn up.
The Phalanx is ruled by the Phalangite Council, a twelve-man organisation which includes Larus Basil and Arnold Fliess, who are considered the main heads of the Council due to their actions in the frontlines. It boasts an industrialising state capitalist economy, with the economic elite chained by the political elite to prevent them from acting against the will of the Phalanx. They have their own version of the senate, which acts as congress as well. There are three hundred members. To represent the will of the people, however, they allowed for the introduction of tribunes, who are democratically elected local leaders with great power in the senate. It has a strict conscription law, but refuses to send undertrained personnel to the front. Its laws are punitive in nature, as the main goal of the Phalangite movement is to preserve Dzhali civilisation through the reformation of society, and to forge a new path for Dzhalus that would lead them to a greatness that would threaten even Arkad.
Though it is small, the Phalangite State is strong. However, despite its strength, the Council itself is divided. Some would like a return to the Republic once it wins, though some wish to keep their current form of government. Some individuals are also more ambitious than others, seeking greater power. The Phalangite Council might seem united in purpose, but deep inside, they knew that after the war, they would come into blows with one another. The Phalanx is supported by Barkus, who wish to see Arkad lose more allies to lessen its influence.

The Blackgold Adventuring Company Banner, Influenced by the Medinian Empire's Flag
The Blackgold Adventuring Company is one of the most expensive private military contractors in the galaxy. However, it was not born as a private military company. It was born as the First Legion of Medinius in 2613, and founded by none other than Imperator Medinius Aurelius. Born in Terra, homeworld of humanity and the academic centre of the galaxy, Medi Ari was a scholar with ambitions of his own. He moved to Mars in an attempt to complete a thesis on the history of the Martians and their martial prowess when the Martian Revolution broke out, upholding semi-republican values. Instead of turning back, he instead decided to test whether or not their version of republicanism would work. He quickly became an officer, advancing through the ranks until he became a renowned general as the forces of the Dahrib Empire tried to quell him. He saw the cracks in the system, but instead of helping the Republic, he marched on Mars' capital, taking over and becoming dictator. Medi would call upon the strongest-bred men of Mars and formed the First Legion, which would be the spearhead of his campaigns to conquer the galaxy. When his conquest was done, he named himself Imperator Medinius Aurelius.
When Medinius died at the ripe old age of 115, his Empire broke apart into the Nine Principalities. One of the Nine Principalities was the Principality of Medinia was centred in the former capital of mankind's past Empire, Iove Magnus. The Legion remained loyal to Medinia, fighting its wars as the most capable of the country's soldiers. It was Medinia's very first army, and it would be the last one standing. As the Great Galactic War came to an end, the Principalities fractured as republicanism was reborn. The Medinian Republic was founded, but the Legion remained loyal. A descendant of Medinius himself and heir to the throne of the Principality, Aries Medinius, lead the Legion in rebellion against the Republic, but they were too few, and trust in the empire was long gone. The rebellion failed. They retreated to Iove Magnus' moon where they would fight against the Republic for years. Eventually, the Republic would invade the moon to put an end to the Legion's guerrilla war. The Legion, numbering 8,000, was outnumbered. Aries lead his troops from the front to rally them, but the price of his bravery was death. He left no heirs. The Legion would end up defeating the Republic's invasion force, but with their will lost, they sent a peace treaty. It was agreed that the Legion could have the moon. The Legion, known for its black and gold panoplies, named their colony the Sovereign Blackgold Order. Their engineers would create a city with arable land, eventually attracting people. Though there was peace, the Legion still thirsted for war. They established the Blackgold Adventuring Company to bypass restrictions preventing them to raise a military. Deep inside, however, they yearned for the return of the Medinian Empire, or at least something close to it.
The Company and, by extension, the colony are commanded by Grandmaster Argus Climent. He was one of the first to be contacted by the Dzhali government. Thinking that it would just be another peacekeeping mission, he was surprised to see that they were going to be fighting a full-scale civil war. Finally, he would be able to test his troops' mettle once more.

The Republic of Arkad is the galaxy's greatest superpower and its cultural hegemon. The ideals of the Neodemocratic Party came from Arkad's greatest liberal minds. It boasts the world's strongest military, with its navies sweeping across the galaxy, policing for disorder. It acts on behalf of the Interstellar Union of Nations, acting as its strongest asset. In reality, however, the IUN is a puppet for Arkad, whose interests are keeping its allies in order.
Arkad was first discovered in 2152. It was insignificant back then. However, it was in Arkad that the first republicans of the galactic era were born. The former rulers of mankind, the Dominion of Man, did nothing to stop the spread of its ideals. It almost rebelled at one point if not for the concessions done by the ruling council of Arkad. However, when Darius Dahrib, a Persian noble, was wrongly accused of assassination, he rebelled. His rebellion was joined by countless others, including Arkad and its neighbouring planets at the edge of the galaxy. The rebellion, however, turned into the Dahrib War as a massive fleet of 4,000 spewed out from his homeworld. The galaxy would be conquered by Darius, and he would proclaim himself the Shahanshah, the King of Kings, establishing the Dahrib Empire. The Arkadi were brutally crushed and their ideals suppressed by Darius and the Grand Satrap of Arkad.
The republicans grew in popularity once more when Mars' revolution began. They thought that when Medi Ari would conquer them, he would turn the entire galaxy into a republic. Instead, the dictator became emperor, and Arkad was once more defeated, feeling bitter. Many of its citizens turned to terrorism and rebellion, prompting Medinius to appoint one of his favoured admirals to govern it. Throughout Medinius' life, Arkad was the biggest thorn in his side, the most lawless land in the galaxy. Arkad became an independent Principality during the Imperial Age. Medinius' admiral was liberal, and so were his descendants and successors. At the outbreak of the Great Galactic War, they conquered Dzhalus from Klarinios, along with many of its other colonies. Eventually, Arkad was victorious, but at great cost. Arkad's cities were levelled, and its economy crashed. Blaming the monarchy, Arkadi protestors were able to force the Grand Admiral to abdicate. He would soon be murdered by revolutionaries as the Republic of Arkad was born. After the Great War, their new enemy was the Marshalate of Barkus, whose authoritarian ideals were against theirs.
For a long time, Arkad would fight Barkus through trade wars or through proxy wars. Barkus, for all its might, collapsed when republican reformers took over the government. Thus began Arkad's slow descent into madness. Without an enemy to fight, Arkad's populace grew relaxed, and new ideals displaced the old ones. Civic virtue was thrown out the door as citizens grew complacent. Its leaders wish to retain power by keeping them complacent, and they wished to keep many other countries under their thumb. It is ruled by President John Espel, a highly interventionist leader who wants nothing more than to defeat Barkus once and for all to Arkad to achieve complete cultural hegemony, hence the heavy support for the Republicans in the Dzhali Civil War.

Flag of Barkus
The Republic of Barkus is one of the world's great powers, and the arch-rival of Arkad since its days as a Brihadian superpower. Its allies are not unified in spirit, but unified in defiance against Arkad and its allies. Their morals and values differ greatly. While they are a republic, they believe strongly in civic action and responsibility. They boast a massive military, but it is not quite as powerful as Arkad's. They have a massive fleet, but its fleet serves only as a frontier force to protect its borders.
Barkus was once a semi-Brihadian state, though it was not always so. Barkus was discovered later than Arkad in the year 2233, after Darius Dahrib's conquest of the galaxy. Barkus was terraformed to be filled with fertile lands for farming, as it would become one of the Dahrib Empire's greatest treasures. It became close to becoming the second capital of the empire, but refusing to grant near-equal power to any of his satraps, Darius instead focused his efforts on turning Iove Magnus into the galaxy's economic and cultural capital. Feeling robbed of his opportunity for greater power, the satrap rebelled. However, he was unprepared. His men bravely fought the Shahanshah's soldiers, but in the end, they lost. They swore fealty to the Shahanshah. Darius considered punishing the entirety of Barkus, but decided that their loyalty would be a greater boon for him. For centuries until the fall of his empire, Barkus would be the main recruitment stations for the Shahanshah's famed Immortals due to the seemingly superior breeding of Barkus' men.
Some of the greatest points of resistance during Medi Ari's conquest was Barkus. As he could not beat them on land, Medi Ari resorted to a strategy that even he considers ignoble: orbitally bombarding them until they submitted, removing their only source of livelihood. With majority of the lands turned to glass and the remaining arable land poorly distributed, Brihad, a socialist thinker, devised a new socialist ideology to fit the interstellar age. Many would soon follow Brihad's ideology, but most were unconvinced, especially after Medinius, in an act of kindness, terraformed the land to make it more arable once again. The care of Barkus fell to one of Medinius' generals. When Barkus' economy was crippled during the Great Galactic War, Brihadianism found its way into the hearts of the people once again, but not all were willing to accept it as a whole. A compromise was made between the Brihadians and the Grand Marshal. The Grand Marshal could keep his power, but he had to introduce Brihadian reforms and spread the Brihadian ideal. The Marshalate, which was spiralling into an extremely authoritarian system, however, was unsustainable in the long run due to its isolationist policies, the failure of Brihadian reform, and its fear of being corrupted by Arkad. Republican reformists, influenced by the Arkadi, took over and ousted the last Grand Marshal. However, the people were pessimistic about these reformists. It did not take long for traditionalists to take over once again.
Because Barkus almost came to ruin multiple times, the national spirit became that of fear. Barkus feared the death of its civilisation. The republic born from the ashes of the Marshalate was authoritarian. The only difference is that the republic worked. Seeing that Arkad's new direction was that of collapse, Barkus sought to curb its influence. If Arkad collapses with its great influence over the galaxy intact, then so will its allies, and so will all of Barkus' trade partners. Because of this, the two rivals became enemies once again. Barkus' leader is Grand Marshal Josef Pilos, an idealistic Barkic leader who seems to have taken on the mantle of saving human civilisation from collapsing in on itself.
The Blackgold Adventure Company, I Legion, III Century is a heavy infantry unit of 80 soldiers. Its troops are deadly accurate, having been trained in the arts of some of history's greatest warriors. Despite the usual view of the Blackgold troops, majority of the soldiers in this unit are actually lightly-armoured scouts equipped with deadly rifles. However, the face of the BAC's legions are the Blackgold Legionnaires. They wear expensive sets of heavy armour which are mostly impenetrable by mid-range rifle fire, but penetrable by high-calibre guns. They are large pieces of armour with distinguishable adornments made of leather and cloth. On occasion, they use deployable shields in urban combat. Though they are noted for their tactical skill, they are also noted for their bravery and their capability of withstanding automatic fire, hence the reason why they are deployed as weaker, slower, and nimbler tanks, rushing towards the enemies with shields raised. This particular Century is noted for being composed of non-Medinians, most notably Martians and Dzhali soldiers of fortune. On behalf of Legatus Reland Josephus, the platoon is commanded by Centurion Antonius Aleman, a charismatic and very disciplined leader with a tight leash on his men, whom he treats as his own children.
The Republican Guard, 4th Cavalry Division, 3rd Battalion is an infantry platoon of 500 soldiers. It is composed of highly-trained Republican troops. Unlike the regular militia, the Republican Guard is highly organised, consisting of former elite soldiers and trained militiamen who wish to uphold classical republican values. They are also not as radical as the militias. Unlike the Blackgold Legionnaires, the Republican Guard is considered the true shield of republicanism in Dzhalus. Equipped and trained by the Arkadi Marines, and with the entire division under the command of General Felix Dekker, they are some of the best units that Dzhalus could have ever fielded. Under this battalion is a company of fourteen light armoured vehicles, one of which is a six-legged Scarab, four of which are bipedal mechs, and rest being light tanks. The 7th Company is commanded by Lt. Colonel Rodrigo Sanchez, a charming young officer whose tactical skill is unmatched by most of Dekker's officers.
The Caput Mortis, I Legion, I Century is the most elite unit in the Phalangite forces composed of 100 soldiers. It is a cavalry platoon, one of the first of its kind in Dzhalus. While there are many infantrymen, the entire century is complemented by three APCs and two IFVs, with approximately a fifth of the troops being provided mounts for scouting. Its soldiers are naturally flexible, and every soldier can reliably transition from fighting a pitched battle to fighting a guerrilla war. Many of its soldiers are also trained in the art of sabotage and spying. They specialise in different kinds of specialised warfare. They are extremely difficult to train, with most undergoing six months of training instead of the usual four. They are light and very mobile troops, being equipped with armour that can withstand mid- to long-range assault rifle fire. They are distinguishable by their black panoplies and grey skulls painted onto the visors of their oxygen masks. On behalf of General Alphus Esquadrillo, I Century is led by Centurion Gario Esteban. Like his general, Esteban is a young man with Machiavellian tendencies trumped only by his leader's. The difference is that Gario is less sterner. While Alphus is adored by his men because of his mystery and capability of leading his men into battle, Gario is loved because he is like a brother to his troops, but that makes him no less of a disciplinarian.
The Regulares Legions, I Mechanised Theme, I Droungos, consisting of 500 men is the spearhead of the Phalangite forces under Larus Basil's command. The Regulares Legion, like the Republican Guard, are the regular troops for their respective side. There are also militiamen in the Phalangite forces, and many of them accepted training and admission into the Regulares Legion. This Mechanised Theme is the first of its kind. It employs its own company of armoured vehicles: ten light tanks, one Scarab, and three SPGs. However, the core of this spearhead is the infantry. As this theme was drawn up in Acradil, the men here are trained in the art of mountain and city warfare, with many of its soldiers being former rebels who, through service, were granted amnesty. They are also composed of soldiers from Acradil, as well as the five hundred who stood defiant almost a year ago when the Republicans tried to take the city by force. This Droungos, however, is noted for its bravery and skill in tactics, thanks to training from Barkic troops and the leadership of skilled officers. On behalf of General Larus Basil, the I Droungos is lead by Commander Luke del Mundo.
The Republican Guard, 4th Cavalry Division, 3rd Battalion is an infantry platoon of 500 soldiers. It is composed of highly-trained Republican troops. Unlike the regular militia, the Republican Guard is highly organised, consisting of former elite soldiers and trained militiamen who wish to uphold classical republican values. They are also not as radical as the militias. Unlike the Blackgold Legionnaires, the Republican Guard is considered the true shield of republicanism in Dzhalus. Equipped and trained by the Arkadi Marines, and with the entire division under the command of General Felix Dekker, they are some of the best units that Dzhalus could have ever fielded. Under this battalion is a company of fourteen light armoured vehicles, one of which is a six-legged Scarab, four of which are bipedal mechs, and rest being light tanks. The 7th Company is commanded by Lt. Colonel Rodrigo Sanchez, a charming young officer whose tactical skill is unmatched by most of Dekker's officers.
The Caput Mortis, I Legion, I Century is the most elite unit in the Phalangite forces composed of 100 soldiers. It is a cavalry platoon, one of the first of its kind in Dzhalus. While there are many infantrymen, the entire century is complemented by three APCs and two IFVs, with approximately a fifth of the troops being provided mounts for scouting. Its soldiers are naturally flexible, and every soldier can reliably transition from fighting a pitched battle to fighting a guerrilla war. Many of its soldiers are also trained in the art of sabotage and spying. They specialise in different kinds of specialised warfare. They are extremely difficult to train, with most undergoing six months of training instead of the usual four. They are light and very mobile troops, being equipped with armour that can withstand mid- to long-range assault rifle fire. They are distinguishable by their black panoplies and grey skulls painted onto the visors of their oxygen masks. On behalf of General Alphus Esquadrillo, I Century is led by Centurion Gario Esteban. Like his general, Esteban is a young man with Machiavellian tendencies trumped only by his leader's. The difference is that Gario is less sterner. While Alphus is adored by his men because of his mystery and capability of leading his men into battle, Gario is loved because he is like a brother to his troops, but that makes him no less of a disciplinarian.
The Regulares Legions, I Mechanised Theme, I Droungos, consisting of 500 men is the spearhead of the Phalangite forces under Larus Basil's command. The Regulares Legion, like the Republican Guard, are the regular troops for their respective side. There are also militiamen in the Phalangite forces, and many of them accepted training and admission into the Regulares Legion. This Mechanised Theme is the first of its kind. It employs its own company of armoured vehicles: ten light tanks, one Scarab, and three SPGs. However, the core of this spearhead is the infantry. As this theme was drawn up in Acradil, the men here are trained in the art of mountain and city warfare, with many of its soldiers being former rebels who, through service, were granted amnesty. They are also composed of soldiers from Acradil, as well as the five hundred who stood defiant almost a year ago when the Republicans tried to take the city by force. This Droungos, however, is noted for its bravery and skill in tactics, thanks to training from Barkic troops and the leadership of skilled officers. On behalf of General Larus Basil, the I Droungos is lead by Commander Luke del Mundo.
1. Respect one another. If an issue comes up between any of you, approach me and I'll do my best to settle it.
2. No godmodding. I think this is pretty obvious. Everyone plays as a human being. Even Blackgold Legionnaires can get injured and die.
3. No metagaming. Your characters only know what they know. Officers cannot know what other officers know based on other characters' posts.
4. Please post regularly. At least once per week is fine with me! Otherwise your characters might be killed off or autopiloted, whichever serves the plot better.
5. Post your CSs in the OOC for approval before submitting it in the character tab.
6. Write as legibly as possible! I'm not an English speaker myself, and I am prone to mistakes, and so is everyone out there, but try to follow this rule as best as you can.
7. Write at least one paragraph per post.
2. No godmodding. I think this is pretty obvious. Everyone plays as a human being. Even Blackgold Legionnaires can get injured and die.
3. No metagaming. Your characters only know what they know. Officers cannot know what other officers know based on other characters' posts.
4. Please post regularly. At least once per week is fine with me! Otherwise your characters might be killed off or autopiloted, whichever serves the plot better.
5. Post your CSs in the OOC for approval before submitting it in the character tab.
6. Write as legibly as possible! I'm not an English speaker myself, and I am prone to mistakes, and so is everyone out there, but try to follow this rule as best as you can.
7. Write at least one paragraph per post.
(Feel free to reformat this yourself as much as you want, but below is the general guideline for what needs to be in the character sheet)
[img]Photos are optional[/img]
[b]Loyalty:[/b] (Either the Republic or the Phalanx)
[b]Rank in the Military:[/b]
[b]Role in the Military:[/b] [sniper, scout, infantryman, tank commander (limited to three people), commissioned officer, etc.]
(paragraph form; include height, weight, body shape, distinguishing features, etc.)
(paragraph form; include likes and dislikes, personality, beliefs, etc.)
(paragraph form; from civilian life to the military)