Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

The Galar Championship match is underway!
Will the femme fatale princess Felicia defend her title as Champion, or will the new challenger create a new legend in Galar!?

The sound of the blaring crowd was emanated throughout the field, the stands, and the trainers, the green grass suddenly marred black as a brief lash of fire would strike them. The bright lights of the stadium would illuminate the battle unfolding before the crowd, the sound of their cheers beaten only by the impact of two flames. Each time the Cinderace's kick would meet the Blaziken's, the shockwave was enough to for just a moment, overtake the crowd, the grass below them would blow and sway as they traded blows.

"Cinderace, Pyro Ball!"

"Blaziken use Blaze Kick!"

The two Pokemon would jump back away, Cinderace kicking up some dirt that ignite in moments before it leaped into the air, a graceful spinning kick as it struck multiple embers, quickly turning into flaming balls of fire, flying straight for the fire fighting type. The Blaziken returned in kind, kicking the flames away before giving the last one a hard flame-accentuated kick. Like a comet the pyro ball was struck back at the Cinderace, but not losing a beat the flaming rabbit gave it yet another kick, and for a moment the Blaziken and Cinderace were in a deadly game of kick-ball. The stalemate was quickly broken by,

"Sky Uppercut", the Blaziken burst forth, striking the Pyro ball skyward, within moments the Blaziken began to be surrounded in energy, Mega Evolution. The Pyro Ball would land as soon as the Blaziken now Mega Evolved, took a stance, causing dust to pick up in the arena, for it to only clear in an instant as the two fire Pokemon's legs met once more with deadly force in the center.

Welcome to Chromis

"Welcome to the world of Pokemon, I am Champion Rylen of the Chromis League, and am here to proudly announce the commencement of the International League this year, which is being held in the Chromis Region. Every four or so years, trainers from all over the world converge onto a host region to compete in an extraordinarily competitive version of that league's Gym Challenge. However it's not a challenge just to find the best trainer in the region, no, it's a hot-blooded contest to find the world's strongest trainer, and it happens every four years! That means every trainer wishing to test their mettle is invited! From the trainer who has just obtained their first Pokemon, to another region's champion, all are invited!

So from henceforth I officially announce the beginning of the International League!"

Brittanium City Stadium

The air was electric with energy as the Champion of the Chromis region made his announcement to the world on the commencement of the International League. Trainers from all walks of life and all sorts of regions were here today to compete and take part in the league. The International League was originally brought about by the cooperation of the many regions in the world to foster good will and strengthen each other's trainers, originally being something like an exchange program, however as time went on, it became a full-fledged worldwide event.

This entire event was broadcast to all the regions, those here with family overseas or out of country can watch their progress through the specially streamed channels. As the crowds cheered upon the announcement, the Champion himself basked in the atmosphere, two hands pointed skyward, before slowly lowering them, the crowds cheering de-escalating in tandem.

"I am glad to see so many trainers here today for the opening ceremony, I'm sure you've already taken care of registration but if you have not, it's never too late to start!", this would probably assure any trainer who was late to the party, that all was not lost. Registration was simple, whichever region's trainer card they had, they were marked as that region's representative when registering.

"As some of you may know, the International League always runs through eight gyms, an Elite Four challenge, and then a Championship tournament. Fret not if you make it to our vaunted Elite Four and lose to them, for it will simply qualify you for one of two brackets. Those who beat the Elite Four move onto the Winners bracket, while those who lose will move onto the Losers bracket. In a high stakes elimination tournament at the very end, we will find once and for all who is this year's International Champion!", the crowd cheered in excitement as he explained the rules. So it seems after beating the eight gyms, they were still in the running for champion. There have been great upsets in the past, and they have never been any less than exciting.

"This year however we have a special surprise for all you Coordinators out there! In place of the Pokemon Contests, we have competitions at each of the gyms for the honor of showing off your talents as the closing ceremony for each of the gyms!", there was a bit of interested murmuring and cheering, but overall a positive reception. After all, the region's most famous coordinator was a gym leader.

"That being said, the first gym to be challenged will take place in Arsenic Island just off the shore from Brass Town, all challengers, you have one week to make your way there to begin your challenge! Remember, give it your all, for the eyes of the world are watching! Fret not for failure, as opportunity is always there for those who look for it,"

"Now then, let the International League, commence!"

The stadium went wild with cheering, but soon after all was concluded, everyone was back out onto the streets of Brittanium City. Crowds poured out, some were families of some of the competitors, while others were fans of particularly famous trainers in their own region, either way there were people from all kinds of regions here today, not just Chromis.

Brittanium City

The crown jewel of Chromis, and it's most populated city center, with beautiful ports and modern skyscrapers, as well as a giant stadium just off the shore where contests are conducted, as well as it being a Pokemon gym. It had boutiques, hair salons, big shopping malls, and the famous Arclight Company's headquarters are here, a leading company in technology and research. With the opening ceremony here today, everywhere was both crowded and energetic, even smaller districts enjoyed some measure of busy business, and the park in the center of the city was a great spot where people have begun having friendly battles. Regardless, today was a good day to be going sight-seeing in the big city.

Everyone who was participating had one week to make their way to a ferry at Brass Town, travelling on foot it would only take two days, while it'd be a half day Flying Taxi ride from Brittanium. Either way, they had a lot of time to either spend in Brittanium, or visit someplace nearby.

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by King Cosmos
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King Cosmos

Member Seen 23 hrs ago

Henrietta Durand

Arsenic Island

The Corviknight touched down at the Port of Arsenic Island, its powerful wings kicking up a fierce gale as it came in for the final landing, slowing its descent so as not to disturb the passenger riding on its back for this final stage of the journey. As the Flying-type came to a stop, said passenger hopped down from the Flying Taxi and surveyed her surroundings with a small, coy smile. She paid no mind as a handler for the company that ran the Flying Taxi service came over and took the Corviknight away, its job now complete as it had finished the half-day journey from Brittanium city to the isolated island.

If Henrietta had a mind to look at the people standing around she would have seen them looking back at her, paying attention to her; people rarely came here unless they had a purpose, this out of the way island occupied mostly by forest an inhabited by hosts of poisonous Pokémon. For most of the year that meant very few people used the ferry or arrived by taxi at all, the exception being that period where the Pokémon League was in full swing and trainers showed up in large numbers to challenge the gym.

With the change to how things worked this year, the gyms now to be challenged in a specific order, aspiring trainers would descend upon this island en masse to challenge this, the first gym. The people who lived and worked here were probably prepared for it, realising ahead of time what the change meant, but they probably didn’t expect the challengers to arrive so soon, barely half a day after the opening ceremony had finished. Henrietta wondered how many trainers would do as she did, hailing a Flying Taxi as soon as she was able to after leaving the ceremony and flying directly to her first destination with no hesitation at all?

Perhaps it would have been more fun to take the scenic route, to take her time traversing the well-worn path from Brittanium City to Brass Town, maybe take a look at the Silumin Reserve before taking the ferry to Arsenic Island a few days before the challenge began. But taking the slow and leisurely path simply wasn’t Henrietta’s style; she had a goal in mind, a purpose to achieve and a plan of action that all led her here, so why should she waste time? The forest was before her and she had a week to prepare for the challenge the Poison Gym Leader would give her; Henrietta had a very clear image in mind of how best to do so.

Hitching her bag higher on her shoulder, Henrietta walked towards the edge of the port and found the path that would lead her towards the centre of the island and the greenhouse/gym. Before reaching that destination however the trainer left the path, ducking into the trees and into the wilder areas of the island.

It was time to see what her Pokémon and her battling style could do against what this island had to offer.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Ryik
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Ryik Wandering Phantasm

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Brittanium City

You stick around for just a little while to listen to the commencement ceremony before heading out with a skip in your step. What's there to say other than that you're excited for this? The dazzling performances and battles you've been watching online for the past week straight have been all you've been able to think about. It's gotten to the point where you're kept awake at night imagining ways you and your pokemon could do the same, about their abilities, typing, moves, everything. After all, the key to a perfect performance is in not cutting corners!

Still, no matter how grand your goals, the reality of the situation is that you're still a novice trainer. You want to dive right in to training for the performances you dream of, but even if your pokemon had the tools to learn them now, you fear you won't even have the experience to direct them. Battles are performances and performances in the pokemon world are competitive rather than strictly cooperative. You can't rely on your opponent to give you the opportunity to shine, and you've never actually battled to begin with.

You're not sure where you should even start, so you end up doing a little bit of sight-seeing to get your bearings, grabbing a few maps along the way, before finally winding up at the park in the center of Britannium City. It's not as if this was the first place you intended to go, but it's the first place to catch your eye with the excitement of pokemon battles all around. You make your way to the most interesting one you see and watch the back-and-forth of it from the sidelines.

Immediately, the differences in experience between you, the trainers before you, and the professional trainers in videos online are readily apparent. You can at least say you recognize the obvious areas in which these trainers are less experienced than gym leaders or champions, but they also exhibit an adaptability to the flow of battle that you find yourself struggling to keep up with. A lot of the professional trainer videos involve overwhelming their opponent with devastating efficiency, but in a more evenly-matched battle, there's a ton of back-and-forth. You start to put yourself in their shoes, imagining your own responses and options, when a young voice calls to you out of the blue.

"Hey lady, you like pokemon battles?"

You turn to find a young boy holding a pokeball, also watching the battle before you. "Why, yes, I've taken quite an interest in them." Without thinking, you take out one of your own pokeballs, thinking about finding someone to challenge in this park.

The boy saves you the trouble. "You're a pokemon trainer, right? Then you have to battle me!"

You only have time to give him one confused look before he backs away to a more open position and sends out his Rattata. It would appear that Youngster Mikey has challenged you to a battle! You can't help but admire his enthusiasm, so you oblige, turning away from the battle you were just watching to have one of your own.

Thankfully, he's a good sport, but he is pretty shocked by his loss. "Man, that's strange. I've beaten everyone else I've challenged."

"Have you fought many trainers?"

"No, but I always win against my friend!"

Hmm. "Well, still, thank you for the battle. It was a great experience."

"Oh sure, anytime! Oh, there he is now!" The youngster runs off towards another young boy who seems to have just arrived at the park. Cute kids. A decent warm-up. Still, you're not quite comfortable with battling yet. In any case, first thing's first, you head to the nearest pokecenter to heal up Sepher. Money is no object to you, but you figure you should take advantage of the pokecenter services anyway, considering they're so close by. As you get your pokemon back from Nurse Joy, you send them out in the lobby and offer them each a pokepuff to celebrate your first battle.

...Turns out you were wrong about Sepher. Although your intentions didn't get through to him like they did with Xi-on, he wasn't annoyed because of your orders, but because you kept asking him if he was okay or not while he was busy with battling. He has a point there, you guess. Truly, a learning experience.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

@King Cosmos
Arsenic Island

As the young Henrietta went about exploring the island, it didn't take long for her to be alone in this endeavor. Other trainers were too, but stuck to the main path. As she got deeper, pools of what appeared to be acid or poison chemicals were visible, and if she brought a book on poisonous plants, it'd be able to name most of the things here. Yet it was not a dark forest, light travelled through this place well enough, but wherever it was dark, it was dark.

She looked around and there were... Quite a few Pokemon. Some sleeping Zubats were hanging off a tree within her eyesight, there was a glimpse of a Toxicroak as it run between some bushes far off, but closer to her were some Nidoran both male and female who seemed curious to the newcomer, yet were not willing to approach or leave the safety of their bush. As naturally occuring as they were, various bug Pokemon were seen too, specifically those that also held the poison typing such as Wurmple, Weedle, and Venonat, and a Gloom was sleeping in a small grove of flowers.

This island was brimming with Pokemon, being rather untouched by the outside world thanks to the efforts of the gym leader who called this island home.

Brittanium City Park

The City of Brittanium was a lively city not just for people, but for Pokemon as well. Many Pokemon that had adjusted to modern conditions lived here, with no shortage of flying Pokemon, and some common bug Pokemon right there in the park. As Estelle just looked around she could already spot a bunch of Pidoves being fed by an old woman sitting at a bench, and the small nest of trees seemed to hold some Bug types such as Caterpie, along with some more perched flying types. In particular she spotted a Hoothoot sleeping, and a Sentret ruffling the long grass. There was also a particularly fluffy tail too... Minccino? No... The shape and colour was brown and thicker. She'd have to see what that is. Among other things there was also a small group of Hoppip flying peacefully, a Seedot sleeping by a tree, and an Emolga she just saw gliding to another tree.

Today in particular this place was brimming with Pokemon as if they had come out to meet the people who lived in this city. Based on Estelle spotting some children just having fun with some of the wild Pokemon, it seems the Pokemon here were quite friendly towards people.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by King Cosmos
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King Cosmos

Member Seen 23 hrs ago

Henrietta Durand

Arsenic Island

The forest, despite or even because of its poisonous nature, was teeming with life. The pools of acid and the toxic plants should have meant that the area was death for any form of life foolish enough to wander inside, a danger Henrietta was very aware of, but Pokémon, as always, could be found anywhere. Zubats in the trees, Wurmple in the undergrowth and Gloom in the flowers; the Poison Pokémon who made this island their home were thriving, flourishing even, and could be seen anywhere the young trainer looked.

It was the Nidoran that caught her attention the most however. Henrietta had come into this forest with the intention of training, yes, testing her Pokémon against the same Poison-type Pokémon that the first Gym leader would be using against her and the other challengers, but she was also thinking further ahead, towards the team she would use moving forward. A Nidoking or Nidoqueen was be a strong addition to her Ground-type team and Arsenic island was the perfect place to find the Poison-type Pokémon.

Reaching for her belt, Henrietta retrieved a Pokeball and tossed it lightly to the forest floor. The device split open and released a burst of light which coalesced into the four-legged shape of her Mudbray, Atlas, the donkey-like Pokémon looking around curiously as it dug at the ground with his front hooves. Pointing towards the Nidoran staring in her direction, Henrietta directed her Pokémon’s attention towards them as she gave her order. “Atlas, prepare for battle.”

The Ground-type Pokémon stamped his feet on the soft, loamy dirt of the forest floor, braying and making noise as he tried to sound as aggressive as a small donkey could in the face of a herd of Nidoran. Which ones would run and which ones would stay and fight the aggressor? Henrietta was looking for one with a little spirit.

@Sho Minazuki
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by KiwiHalcyon
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The screen on one of the PCs within the Pokemon Center filled the small area with it’s ringing, clashing with the sounds of activity as people went about their day inside. Caliso waited patiently for his professor to pick up, eager to tell her about his safe travels and get her insight as to how he should proceed. He took a deep breath, lightly slapping his cheeks to keep himself composed when the ringing stopped and the live chat began. He looked up, a smile appearing on his face as he saw his professor staring back at him with a confident smile.

“Hi there, I’ve been waiting for you to call Caliso! How’s the Chromis region so far, and did you enjoy the opening ceremony?” She asked, causing him to chuckle to himself for a small moment before smirking back at her.

“It’s definitely not what I was expecting, I’ll tell you that much. And I mean that in a good way, they’ve given us an entire week to get to the first gym, so I’m not that worried about getting there in time. Not sure if I should head straight there or not though.”

“Well, if that’s the case, why not stop by the Amalgam University? They’re researching coexistence at the moment, it’s an interesting topic that you may find useful as a starting trainer. I think one of my associates is also at the University, but I may be mistaken. Either way, it’s one of the many places you can stop by on your way to Brass Town. They also are in charge of the Silumin Reserve if you’re interested in bug or grass Pokemon.”

Caliso paused for a brief moment, considering what Professor Juniper had said, pulling out his rotom phone and bringing up the map on it. He’d have to go through that Silumin Reserve anyway to get back to Brass Town if he stopped by Amalgam University, and he would have enough time to do so too. Well, at the very least it couldn’t hurt to stop by.

“I’ll probably do just that, Professor. My Darumakas would probably get good training at the Reserve, so after this, I’ll be heading off to the University.”

“Excellent, I look forward to hearing your progress! Good luck in the International League!” And with that, she hung up on Caliso, more than likely on her way to research one thing or another. Caliso took a step back, checking his satchel one more time to ensure he had all the necessary materials for travel and when he confirmed everything was accounted for, he left the Pokemon Center on his way to route 9. He didn’t think this journey would be that easy, but he wouldn’t be here if he wasn’t up for it. It wasn’t long before he was facing the entrance to route 9, ready to officially begin.

Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Ryik
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Ryik Wandering Phantasm

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Brittanium City

After finishing up, you decide to get back on your feet and return to the park. It's not like you know of any other popular battling spots, and one battle is not nearly enough to make you feel confident in the capabilities of you and your pokemon.

When you do arrive, however, you're overwhelmed by the sheer variety of wild pokemon all over. You kind of want to battle them all, but not all of them seem up for it. You make your way between the trees, closer to a few of them. When they notice you, you slow down, coming to a stop in front of them and give them a smile full of charm. "Would any of you cuties care to help me learn my way around battles?"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Ryuzaki
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Ryuzaki Mad Prophet, and Herald of the Old Gods

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Lachlan left the ceremony with a wide smile on his face, excited to face the trials that the international league would bring. Dozens of other trainers walked out of the ceremony beside him, so many faces he couldn’t ever remember them all. Something felt slightly like it was tugging on his bag but he paid it no mind. He continued down the path back from the stadium to the hotel for a while longer before spotting a shopping mall that he hadn’t noticed before and began wandering in the general direction of it.

Ziggy had hopped out of Lachlan’s bag and was weaving his way through the feet of the trainers on the bridge to the familiar face he had spotted a ways back behind Lachlan. Within a few minutes he had found the boy he and Lachlan had sparred against a year ago and did a small circle around his feet before calling out to get the boy’s attention.

Alaric was feeling plenty smug after the ceremony, as usual. Arsenic Island wasn't somewhere he knew a lot about, and he wanted to know what sort of pokemon he'd encounter there, as perhaps he could expand his party. His train of thought was interrupted however by a familiar face, a Zigzagoon that he recognised almost immediately when he saw it. He'd almost tripped on it as it ran in circles around him before his attention was caught.

"Well, what a surprise! I didn't expect to see you here so early. But if you're here, then where's Lach?" Alaric enthusiastically spoke while rubbing the top of the pokemons head. He didn't expect to run into a familiar face before he'd even set out, but it was perfect for him. He could test his mettle against a worthy opponent already, and focus on shoring up his weak points afterwards.

Ziggy looked around at the mention of Lachlan, quickly realizing he had lost track of his trainer. He looked back at Alaric and then began to head back to where he had last seen Lachlan, sniffing the ground and moving slowly to try to get a trail on him. When he got to where he had abandoned the comfort of his trainer’s bag, Ziggy caught the scent and turned around to make sure Alaric was following him. The crowds were beginning to thin out and there would hopefully be enough space for the boy to follow him closely. He circled around the spot where he had left
Lachlan and sat there, then he tried to mime out himself spotting Alaric from in the bag and jumping out by standing on his hind legs and looking out around then at Alaric and jumping toward him.

Alaric had been following Zig fairly easily. His thin stature made it easy to get through the crowds. Before long, the pair arrived at Zigs intended destination but Alaric couldn't, for the life of him, figure out what the Pokemon was up to. It felt like he was trying to act out something, so he figured he'd just go with the flow, even if he couldn't quite understand what he was trying to show.

"Do you know where he might have gone?" Alaric questioned the pokemon. He wasn't exactly expecting a response but he figured that with that sense of smell, they'd eventually be able to find him.

The zigzagoon sniffed around and pointed himself toward the city and began to hurry off in that direction. He led Alaric down the main road following the crowds for the most part, from here Ziggy recognized the hotel that he and Lachlan had stayed in before and continued following the trail toward it. About 20 feet further he suddenly stops, surprised to notice that the trail did not continue toward the hotel but instead some other way. He turned toward Alaric and sniffed in the direction Lachlan had went then pointed at the hotel.

Meanwhile, Lachlan stood in the food court, he had just ordered some food for his pokemon and let Applin and Toxel out to eat when he realized Ziggy was gone. He had carefully taken everything out of his bag and put it back in to make sure he wasn’t pranking him. Panic was starting to set in. He had no idea when Ziggy had even run off.

Within 30 seconds however, Lachlan's rotom phone began ringing. He looked over at his two pokemon, who looked back at him expectantly. He picked up and said, “Hello?”
Alaric responded with a laugh. "Yo. I seem to have found your partner."
“Oi, Alaric, you found Ziggy? Thanks so much, I just noticed he was gone. Where are you guys?” Lachlan said, relieved.
"More like he found me, haha. Little fucker nearly tripped me up. We're at the hotel. I'll wait here with him." He chuckled a little as he spoke.
“Yeah, he gets excited sometimes, must have seen you and remembered our battle.” Lachlan laughed, “I just bought some food at the mall, be there in, i dunno, 10?”
"Making me wait huh. Tsk tsk. You better battle me to make up for it. I'll catch you in 10 then" He teased, as he hung up the phone. Alaric wasn't one to hold onto phone calls, and even if he was joking around, he was still a bit miffed that he had to wait even longer to get his rematch.

Lachlan was about to start talking when he heard the line disconnect and the *Bzzt* of the rotom phone locking. “Mate, imma make you pay for that, ya ass,” he chuckled, as he turned back to Applin and Toxel, who were just finishing their food. He quickly grabbed what he ordered for himself, recalled his pokemon, and began the walk back to the hotel while he ate.

Alaric sat down on a nearby bench, looking curiously at the zigzagoon. It'd obviously had some battle experience since they last met, and that meant that they were in store for a great battle. Figuring that it'd probably be boring for him to just sit there, Alaric sent out Lance, since the two were familiar and left them to play, while he messed around on his phone, occasionally tapping his foot and fidgeting like an impatient child.

Lachlan could see Alaric looking blankly at his phone as he came around the corner and whistled, which prompted Ziggy to drop what he was doing and run up onto his shoulder. “Oi, Alaric, you cant just hang up on me like that, bruv,” Lachlan said rather loudly, “I’ll oblige your battle, but when I win, you’d best not be such an ass again eh?”

Alaric put his phone back in his pocket and looked at Lachlan, giving him a small wave.
"That's implying that you can win! For I am the great Alaric. Once I remind you who is the greater duelist between us, you will address me as Sir until we battle next!" He exclaimed, grinning in expectation. He'd been looking forward to this.

After that the two brought their Pokemon to the Pokemon Center to heal. Once they were ready to go they headed out onto Route 2, both eager to encounter new Pokemon and people on their trip to Brass town. Who knows what awaits our two heroes, find out next time on Pokemon Chromis Chronicles.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

@King Cosmos
Arsenic Island

The bunch of Nidoran were among the only Pokemon in this forest in this immediate area that were not the most cautious of the young trainer, but as soon as she brought out her Mudbray they senses hostile intent and began to scatter. Yet only one remained, a female Nidoran. A bit different to what she expected, this Nidoran was not brave, but seemed paralyzed by fear. Before Henrietta could say anything though, another Nidoran ran in front of her, a male one at that, come to it's protection. It seemed most ready to fight, and it's grit and determination was perhaps what she was looking for.

Brittanium City Park

As Estelle approached the Pokemon among the trees, and grass, they looked at her curiously. As they listened to her request, it is perhaps understandable that they mistook it for wanting to play with them, and they approached her playfully. A Caterpie and Sewaddle approached her while a Rookidee emerged from the canopy to a much closer branch to observe the young trainer, all the while an Eevee looked at her curiously from the tall grass just barely visible. Truly these were some very friendly Pokemon, but playing did not seem to be her intent. She would find herself awkwardly allowing them to prance around her for a little bit... At least that was until she heard a voice shout from behind her.

"Hey you! Very gorgeous lady!", it was a young boy, fair hair, and... A rose in his hand? He presented it to Estelle. Based on his posh clothes he seemed to be quite wealthy. The Pokemon around her scattered back behind the trees and grass except the Rookidee that remained on watch above.

"Yes, I think so indeed, perfect! Say lady! If I beat you in a Pokemon battle, how would you like to become my girlfriend?", the boy was quite young, barely half her age. This... Was not exactly what she was looking for, but a battle was a battle right?

Route 9

Caliso's journey was just about to begin, or well, already has as soon as she arrived to Chromis. She'd probably had about a day or two to enjoy Brittanium City before the opening ceremony, and now she was in her first route. A guide was readily available on all the routes of the region, and according to that guide, Route 9 was a forking path that in all parts of it was essentially a giant park by the lake. Even as she just looked around there were Pokemon and people everywhere having fun. An inordinate amount of battles were taking place too likely with the fervor of the International League. Various flying and normal types were immediately seen, a bit further in undergrowth she could see some grass and bug types, and by the lake were water types.

She was headed for Amalgam University, so... That means she turns right here. She went along the route for a bit, enjoying the pleasant atmosphere of the route, until she saw a young boy, blonde hair and blue and white jacket, just by the road talking to an Alolan Vulpix. The boy was sat beside a miscolored Froakie which obviously seemed like his Pokemon, but this other one was...

"Heeee you don't say", the Froakie patted his trainer and then did just as unintelligible sounds as the Vulpix did. And for some reason he immediately understood.

"Oooh, so you're lost! Gotcha! You're really far from home because there are only red Vulpix around here, did you want to go to Cobalt Island and-", the Froakie pat his trainer again and relayed more information that only he could understand.

"Oooooh, so your trainer is around here but you lost her? Okay! So let's go find her!... But... Where to start...?", the young boy began to contemplate... He seemed stuck.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Route 2

It was a beautiful day on Route 2, the sun was shining, the sky was cloudless, and the tall grass was absolutely rustling with wild pokemon ready to be fought and maybe even caught! But that didn't deter the stall owners, who were eager to make a pretty penny off all the fresh new faces who were surely looking for just a few more pokeballs, or maybe just one glass of Lemonade for the road! Yet the hustle and bustle so close to the city didn't deter the pokemon who watched from the edges of the path, curious Caterpie eyes peering from the forest paths and a Bunnelby or two wandering over from the plains to see what all the commotion was about.

Alaric and Lachlan would find more than a few Pokemon around as they explored the route, eventually deciding to split up so they could catch some fresh new Pokemon so they could get the edge the next time they battled. Alaric would find himself in the side paths leading to the forests of Route 2, a small conglomeration of trees and bushes that housed many Bug types, Grass types, and even a few Flying types nested in the trees that curiously watched him as he explored their home. Lachlan meanwhile would find himself in the rolling plains where patches of tall grass and puddles of mud lay scattered about, Ground types and Normal types making their home here along with a few Flying types overhead.

Route 2:Forest

As Lachlan pushed past the branches and shrubbery, he would soon find himself the center of attention for many Pokemon all around. It seemed most new trainers had gone for the plains rather than the forest for some unknown reason, but that just meant more eyes on Alaric as the Pokemon around investigated the newcomer. Seedots and Bounsweet hung from the trees with bleary eyes as they woke up and got ready for the day, a group of Sunkern feeding on the morning dew and watching him apprehensively. Many Bug types also watched the boy with curiosity, a group of Weedle eating a pile of fallen leaves under the shade of a tree nearby, Scatterbugs and Wurmples cautiously crawling around as they watched the newcomer to the forest.

Route 2: Plains

Alaric meanwhile found himself walking into the plains of Route 2, where the Ground types and Normal types made their nests amongst the tall grass and mud. There were a few more trainers wandering around the plains, but it was also a lot more open then the forests, so people would have to make a concerted effort to get in each other's way while catching wild Pokemon. The Pokemon here definitely seemed much more nonchalant about the trainers around, not nearly as apprehensive or anxious as the myriad Bug types that made their home in the nearby forest. A flock of Doduo casually waltz around looking for vulnerable bugs to pluck and eat, only to get into a fight with their other head as they go for the same food at the same time. Patrat watch the trainers all around like sentries, guarding their homes from would be intruders while a group of Rhyhorn stand around in a daze, having forgotten what they were doing or where they were going.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Ryik
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Ryik Wandering Phantasm

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Britannium City

"Hey you! Very gorgeous lady!"

You turn to see a young boy offering her a rose. It's quaint, if a bit embarrassing, considering his age.

"Yes, I think so indeed, perfect! Say lady! If I beat you in a Pokemon battle, how would you like to become my girlfriend?"

Ah, what was that? Could it be that you heard the barking of a feral dog passing by?

Nothing angers you like being summarily judged at a glance. In fact, you'd have to say it's your biggest professional weakness. You can handle some overly forward fans; even creeps can be flattering, but when people talk about you without knowing who you are, it really gets to you.

Normally you would have picked a foreign language and tell him what you really think of him with a smile on your face, but not today. Cameras or not, there's always the risk of being overheard by someone who could understand, and you strive to always do better. Now is a perfect opportunity, since, thinking rationally, it's just some child's crush. His definition of a relationship is much different than yours. At worst, he's just some brat lacking in "parental guidance." You don't consider yourself the motherly type, but perhaps you should give him a small lesson...

"Le coup de foudre, n'est-ce pas? Désolé de dire que je ne suis pas croyant."

"Uh... What? Do you speak English, lady?"

"Mais si c'est juste une bataille que vous recherchez, je suis heureux de vous obliger." You wink as you say it and pull out a pokeball.

"Wait, so you accept then?"

"Allons-y! Xi-on!"

(Estelle vs. Rich Kid Roy)

As Rich Kid Roy is summarily defeated, he drops his rose the ground and you give him a wide smile, as if taunting him. "How can I be your girlfriend when we don't even speak the same language?"

"Well, I guess you're ri-WAIT, HEY!"

You can't help but giggle. "Ah, well, it's too bad you couldn't beat me. I guess I can't be your girlfriend now."

Rich Kid Roy blushes, but his brow lowers in irritation. "Hey, if you say it like that, then I'm going to take it as a promise, alright!?"

Ah, such an innocent kid. "Ah, Well, I think you're a bit too young for me, but maybe if you can show me a battle I can't forget, I'll give it some thought when you grow up. That good enough for you?" You don't want to play with his feelings, but outright denying someone is a big no-no in your profession. After all, where would you be without the love of your fans? That being said, you'd love a rematch after he trains up some more, though you don't expect anything special, even if he manages to win.

He seems upset, but you're not sure if it's because you've hurt his pride or because you turned him down. "I'll be back! I'll beat you yet! You'll be begging to be my girlfriend, you'll see!" With that, he stomps off, cheeks still red.

Haha, fat chance.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by King Cosmos
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King Cosmos

Member Seen 23 hrs ago

Henrietta Durand

Arsenic Island

Disappointingly, rather than stay and face up to the challenge she presented most of the Nidoran instead chose to scatter and flee. A single individual did stay behind, but not in the way the young trainer had hoped; a small and timid looking female had remained, apparently paralysed in fear and certainly not displaying any desire to fight.

Henrietta couldn’t help but feel a little dejected at the result, her usual smile falling away and a slight frown creasing her brow. She supposed that was to be expected when dealing with the younger examples of the species; a Nidorino or a Nidoqueen would have like stuck around to fight off an aggressor and to defend their territory, while for the younger Nidoran it made more sense to run. Nonetheless she was hoping to find at least one among the bunch who showed the spirit and vigour of their larger brethren.

Then, as if in response to her wishes, another Nidoran appeared to stand between her and the female; male, small like the other one was, but certain not timid. It had a few small marks that she could see, perhaps scars from previous fights, as It stared down her Atlas with exactly the kind of determination that she was looking for. “Bien. Very good. A knight comes to defend the fair lady; such valour should be rewarded. I guess it’s up to us to play the villain, hmm, Atlas?”

“That’s enough Atlas. Come back.” Henrietta didn’t return her Pokémon just yet, instead calling him back to her side as she walked towards the defeated Nidoran. It had fought well, but the difference in size and weight, the type disadvantage and the fact that Atlas only grew tougher with each hit served to make it something of a one-sided arrangement. Nonetheless she wore a wide smile as she approached the fallen Pokémon, crouching down as she neared its side, and reached out a hand to stroke along its side. “You fought well little knight. A knight who will one day become a king. I’ll have to think of a suitable name for you.”

Reaching into her bag Henrietta pulled out a Pokeball and pressed it to the Nidoran’s side. The Pokémon turned into red light in an instant and was sucked inside the device, the ball shaking three times in Henrietta’s hand as a light in its centre pulsed intermittently before both shaking and pulsing light ceased. Still with the smile on her face the trainer stood and turned towards the female Nidoran, who was still frozen in fear in the same spot as before. It was unlikely to be feeling any less afraid after witnessing the battle that had just taken place.

“Run along little one. Go back to your friends.”

@Sho Minazuki
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

@King Cosmos
Arsenic Island

As the battle concluded, and the purple Nidoran was added to Henrietta's lineup, the young blue Nidoran was still sitting there in fear. Her gaze was fixed upon the Pokeball in her hand. It was the Nidoran's. Perhaps she should feel bad about what she'd done, but there was an equal determination in this Nidoran's eyes, albeit a lot softer. She tried to take one step forward, but the shaking was visible even from the distance it was away from Henrietta, before it would turn and run, disappearing into the bushes. She thought she may have seen some tears... Though the Nidoran had fled, she had some kind of gut feeling this wouldn't be the last time she saw her.

Brittanium City Park

The park was pretty big to say the least, it took about half an hour to get from one end to the other. Soon she reached a rather popular meeting spot, or a safe assumption as one at least. A big fountain, with a statue of a knight riding a Rapidash holding a saber. Supposedly it depicts a man who rode around the Chromis Region on a Rapidash, and was the region's first ever courier. A strange profession to be glorifying, but there was likely more history to it.

Though that wasn't what she was interested in, Estelle wanted more battles. A young child would not test her mettle, but coming to this fountain seemed like a good idea. There were already groups of trainers conducting battles here, amidst the chatter she could make out, it seems most trainers present were taking part in the International League. She recognized common fashion styles sourced from various regions here, Kanto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, even a few Alolan shirts. Perhaps this was a good chance to get her fill of battle.

It seemed to just be a matter of stepping up after a battle was over, for the moment, people swapped in and out rather quickly, no one lasted more than maybe 2 battles in a row. She can pick her time when to step in if she'd like. There were a couple trainers looking raring to go. A young girl who seemed to be in highschool chatting with some friends, an older guy who seemed a bit confident given his expression, and among others too. There were a lot and anyone could seem like a possible opponent.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Ryik
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Ryik Wandering Phantasm

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Britannium City

As you come to watch the battles around the fountain, you find herself in awe. Sure, they aren't the most spectacular of battles, but you can't blame them for not comparing favorably to professionals, and there are so many battles going on at once that it's hard to find a dull moment. You wonder how difficult it would be to conduct multiple battles at once before dismissing the idea. Let's not get ahead of ourselves here, you can barely hold your own in a normal battle. Still, there is always double battles...

Ah, well, it seems one of the battles has come to a close, giving you an opportunity to join in. It's just what you need to focus on the things in front of you. "Mind taking me on?"

The lass responds in kind. "If you think you can take me!"

After her loss, all she has to say is, "Aw, darn."

You try to comfort her with words of encouragement. You figure it's what you'd like were you in the same position. "It was a good battle. Your Taillow is pretty strong."

Before she can respond though, one of the spectators is quick to step in, taking her place. "If I may cut in~"

Lass Michele doesn't seem to mind and simply nods. "I've been beat. Go ahead." You don't seem to have any say in this, but you suppose going for another battle is par for the course.

Whew. After a long battle, you manage to pull out a victory. You may have won, but it was your first time fighting such a tough opponent, and to be honest, you think it's time to take a breather. You come to realize you might be in a little over your head when a couple try to step in for a third round double battle. As much as you'd like to take them up on their offer, you're down to one pokemon, so you regretfully decline. You thank Tenson for the battle before retreating to the pokemon center and taking stock on your pokemon's condition.

Xi-on is raring to go.
Sepher is feeling more comfortable with your commands.
Demetori hungers for the blood of his enemies.

Now that your pokemon feel better, you do as well. You were thinking of taking a break, but maybe you should keep going. There's still so much to improve on after all, and progress is coming in spades... You could get used to being a trainer.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by King Cosmos
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King Cosmos

Member Seen 23 hrs ago

Henrietta Durand

Arsenic Island

Regarding the Nidoran with curious eyes, Henrietta watched as the little Pokémon tried to steel itself for something. It was still afraid, probably more than ever now that her knight had been defeated, but there was something else in its eyes now that hadn’t been there before that caught the trainers interest; a kind of muted determination hidden underneath the fear, that existed in spite of the fear, that was different from the grit and spirit the male had shown her. The Nidoran took a tentative step forward, or tried to at least, only to turn and run without making it any further as her courage failed her.

Had it been her imagination, or were there tears in the little Pokémon’s eyes are it turned away? Perhaps she should have felt bad about that, for scaring her and for capturing her friend, but battling and catching wild Pokémon was what a trainer did; she would raised and care for the Nidoran she had caught and that was the best she could do. Maybe she could have caught the female as well so that they would not be separated, assuming there was anything ties between them in the first place, but the fact of the matter was she didn’t have a need for a Pokémon who was too fearful to battle.

That might have been a cruel stance to take, that certain Pokémon were worth less to her if they weren’t able to battle, but wouldn’t it be equally cruel to force a Pokémon into a life of battles and training and challenges if they weren’t suited for it? The male she had caught was a fighter, she could tell, and would likely adapt well to being a trainer’s Pokémon. The timid little female would not.

But perhaps she would surprise Henrietta in the end. That look in the female Nidoran’s eye before it had fled, the spark that was not quite determination or courage but was something close to it; perhaps she would see the Nidoran again before she left this island and perhaps Henrietta would catch her after all, if she had found her spirit by then.

But these were thoughts for another time. She had but a week to prepare for her upcoming Gym challenge and she had four Pokemon to train now if she included her new friend; there was no time to waste if she wanted her team to be battle ready and capable of winning against this islands Gym Leader. “Come on Atlas. I want to fight a few more battles before we stop for the day; let’s see what we can find.” Turning away from the bushes where the Nidoran had disappeared, Henrietta began to walk away with Atlas at her side. She would travel deeper into the forest and see what she could turn up that wasn’t a Flying type or a Grass type that would serve as a good opponent for her current team.

@Sho Minazuki
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Typical
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Essie Hietz

Brittanium City || Day 1: Morning

“Wow. I mean, wow, I saw Champion Rylen live. Like in-person, onstage,” Essie said, still a little stunned as she left the stadium. Walking along at her side was Todd, who was pretty used to her ramblings by now, and on her shoulder, Mica squawked.

“Right, Mica? Like, wow. He’s so cool! The champion of the Chromis League… If I get to fight him… I can’t even imagine it,” she said, sighing. Todd uttered a slow word of disagreement, prompting a laugh from her. “Yeah, Todd, you’re right.”

Looking at the trainers disbanding around her, she grinned again. “Man, there’re so many cool people here, and all of them are trainers!” Would she be able to befriend any of them? Would they see her as nice enough, cool enough to be a friend?

“Tooor,” Todd said again.

“Right, right. Where we’re going, um, what were the options again? Arsenic Island’s the gym, and we have, um, one week to get there, right?” she asked. Todd nodded, Mica squawking a note that may or may not have been agreement, and Essie nodded. “Alright then, well, we have some time? No need to head to the island right now, so let’s take a look around the city! This place is so fancy—is this what all cities are like? I mean, Violet City’s pretty big, but not this big, right?”

“Tooor,” Todd repeated yet again.

“Okay, you’re right, let’s go,” Essie said, making for the main street. “Wasn’t there a park or something in town? Maybe that’ll be a good first stop before we hit the road. We can even get a battle or two in while we’re around a Center. What do you say, Mica? Todd?”

Mica squawked, fluffing her feathers, and Todd uttered a slow word of assent.

“Sweet, race you there, Todd!” Essie said, grinning as she broke out into a run. In reponse, Todd puffed some smoke, withdrawing back into his shell and spinning off after her. Luckily for Essie, the main street was pretty big, though she soon stopped running when strangers started to stare.

“Whoops,” she said, flashing anyone who’d turned to stare an apologetic smile. Cities—she couldn’t wait to get out.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Typical
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Essie Hietz

Brittanium City || Day 1: Morning

Arriving at the park, Essie was pleased to find that many trainers had the same idea as her. Trainers engaged in battle speckled the sprawling park, and Essie didn’t make it five steps in before someone approached her and her Pokemon.

“Human trainer, I challenge you!” a boy in a green dinosaur outfit said, raising his gloved arms up and baring the costume’s dull claws dramatically.

“Accepted! And sweet costume! But, um, what are you supposed to be, exactly?” Essie asked. The costume reminded her of a Larvitar, but the outfit was too green and didn’t have any of the telltale red and black.

“I am insulted by your disrespectfulness! I am obviously a Larvitar!” the boy said, huffing. “Prepare to suffer the consequences of your actions! You face Larvitar Frank!

Essie laughed and, realizing that she’d just angered the boy more, cleared her throat, backing up. “Right, um, the battle. Here is fine, right?”

The trip to the Pokemon Center was a short one, which Essie figured was about right given that they were smack-dab in the middle of town. Why build the Pokemon Center any further from where all the trainers were sure to gather? So, as soon as she got Todd healed and out of his ball, she was back at the park, this time with the mind to avoid anyone who looked like they had an over-the-top get-up. While she didn’t mind Frank’s enthusiasm, his whole schtick got kinda old towards the end, and Essie still wasn’t sure if his comments had been purely part of his act. If they were, he was a pretty amazing actor, the odds of which didn’t make Essie feel any better.

“Hey, you looking for a battle?” Essie asked a girl who was standing around talking to her Aipom.

She looked up, glancing at the Pokemon at Essie’s side, and smiled. “Sure! Kylie, pleased to meet’cha,” she said, holding out a hand.

“Essie,” Essie said, grinning as she shook Kylie’s hand. Finally, a normal—

“Prepare to lose,” Kylie said, grabbing onto Essie’s hand as she tried to withdraw it. Her smile widened, and Essie recoiled, tugging on her hand desperately until she managed to snap out of Kylie’s grip.


“Good luck!” Kylie said, giggling as she skipped a short distance away. Essie stared at her until her Aipom hopped onto the field, the movement shaking her out of her stupor.

“Yeah, um, Mica? You ready?” she asked, looking to her Wingull. Mica squawked happily, taking off with a strong beat of her wings.

“Are there no normal people around here?” she asked Todd when they were out of earshot. Todd gave a sympathetic ‘Tor,’ and she sighed. “Well, I hope there are more normal trainers on the road. Maybe it’s just the city—it attracts crazy.”

Brittanium City || Day 1: Late Morning

A Pokemon Center trip later, Mica was again squawking happily on her shoulder, and Todd spruced up at her side. Essie, however, was focused on the map on her Pokedex, a frown on her face. “Huh, Arsenic Island is the first gym, right? But it looks closer to Brass Town than to Brittanium City. Why not just head to Brass Town first, then?”

She looked between her Pokemon, both whom were in no position to give her a response. Mica, though, gave her a happy squawk anyway, prompting a laugh from her.

“Thanks, Mica. Alright, it’s settled then. To Route 2 we go!” she said, pointing to the way out of town. “Let’s see if what kinds of cool wilds are around this place. Hopefully we see some rare Pokemon we don’t see back home!” she said, grinning. “Maybe we’ll even find someone to join the team! What do you think about a new teammate, Todd, Mica?”

Todd gave a slow ‘Tor,’ which wasn’t exactly a no, while Mica gave her usual happy squawk.

“I hear you, Todd, but I’m just saying, what if we find the one? Or maybe, if we’re lucky, the two?” Essie asked, at her Torkoal. Todd puffed some smoke, repeating his answer, and Essie sighed. “Yeah, you’re right Todd. But, I mean, still, what if?”

As Essie continued her discussion with Todd, Mica squawked happily on her shoulder, settling into a pitchy song that was more improvisation that what was necessarily needed. Thankfully, the city’s outer edges had fewer people, but Essie still had to ask her to tone it down a few times. As soon as they were out of the town boundaries, though, Essie ended her discussion with Todd in favor of joining Mica in her song. It was nonsensical, but it was fun, and Todd dealt with it by walking to what was probably the beat, much to both Essie and Mica’s delight

Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Ryuzaki
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Ryuzaki Mad Prophet, and Herald of the Old Gods

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Lachlan was amazed by the number of different bug pokemon that he saw as he wandered deeper into the forest, Pushing through low-hanging branches and bushes. When he came to the other side of a bush, he suddenly found a Combee was on his arm where the teal accents were on his sleeves. After a second it flew away from him and buzzed angrily, upset that the boy was not a flower. Lachlan jumped back a bit in suprise, Zigs taking note of the angry bug type and jumping off Lach's shoulder, ready to battle.

"Great idea, Zigs! Lets show 'em." Lach said, assuming a stance where he would be more prepared to command his pokemon.

(Showdown Replay)

Lachlan dusted off his shoulders and looked at Zigs. "See he wasnt nothin." He said while patting the zigzagoon. "You guys took some hits that fight, here," Lachlan said, sending out toxel and reaching into his bag. He retrieved 2 potions from inside and used one on each pokemon. "Alright, lets get back to business." Lach said, returning toxel to her ball and continuing a bit deeper into the forest.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Route 2:Forest

As Mica made her way onto Route 2, she eventually found her way to the forest after observing the various stalls around the beginning of the route. As it so happens, she had entered from a different path than another certain young man who had come to the forest looking for a new friend, so she found a whole new variety of Pokemon wandering the forests and going about their lives. Burmy hung from the trees lazily as they photosynthesized and gathered leaves to make themselves a pretty coat, a group of Yungoose dashed by aggressively chasing after a Rattata, a Snubbul arguing with a Smeargle about the painting(?) it was making on a nearby rock. It was all so beautiful, that it was almost easy to miss the shrill cry piercing through the air and that a Starly was flying DIRECTLY AT MICA'S FACE!

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