The Galar Championship match is underway!
Will the femme fatale princess Felicia defend her title as Champion, or will the new challenger create a new legend in Galar!?
The sound of the blaring crowd was emanated throughout the field, the stands, and the trainers, the green grass suddenly marred black as a brief lash of fire would strike them. The bright lights of the stadium would illuminate the battle unfolding before the crowd, the sound of their cheers beaten only by the impact of two flames. Each time the Cinderace's kick would meet the Blaziken's, the shockwave was enough to for just a moment, overtake the crowd, the grass below them would blow and sway as they traded blows.
"Cinderace, Pyro Ball!"
"Blaziken use Blaze Kick!"
The two Pokemon would jump back away, Cinderace kicking up some dirt that ignite in moments before it leaped into the air, a graceful spinning kick as it struck multiple embers, quickly turning into flaming balls of fire, flying straight for the fire fighting type. The Blaziken returned in kind, kicking the flames away before giving the last one a hard flame-accentuated kick. Like a comet the pyro ball was struck back at the Cinderace, but not losing a beat the flaming rabbit gave it yet another kick, and for a moment the Blaziken and Cinderace were in a deadly game of kick-ball. The stalemate was quickly broken by,
"Sky Uppercut", the Blaziken burst forth, striking the Pyro ball skyward, within moments the Blaziken began to be surrounded in energy, Mega Evolution. The Pyro Ball would land as soon as the Blaziken now Mega Evolved, took a stance, causing dust to pick up in the arena, for it to only clear in an instant as the two fire Pokemon's legs met once more with deadly force in the center.
Will the femme fatale princess Felicia defend her title as Champion, or will the new challenger create a new legend in Galar!?
The sound of the blaring crowd was emanated throughout the field, the stands, and the trainers, the green grass suddenly marred black as a brief lash of fire would strike them. The bright lights of the stadium would illuminate the battle unfolding before the crowd, the sound of their cheers beaten only by the impact of two flames. Each time the Cinderace's kick would meet the Blaziken's, the shockwave was enough to for just a moment, overtake the crowd, the grass below them would blow and sway as they traded blows.
"Cinderace, Pyro Ball!"
"Blaziken use Blaze Kick!"
The two Pokemon would jump back away, Cinderace kicking up some dirt that ignite in moments before it leaped into the air, a graceful spinning kick as it struck multiple embers, quickly turning into flaming balls of fire, flying straight for the fire fighting type. The Blaziken returned in kind, kicking the flames away before giving the last one a hard flame-accentuated kick. Like a comet the pyro ball was struck back at the Cinderace, but not losing a beat the flaming rabbit gave it yet another kick, and for a moment the Blaziken and Cinderace were in a deadly game of kick-ball. The stalemate was quickly broken by,
"Sky Uppercut", the Blaziken burst forth, striking the Pyro ball skyward, within moments the Blaziken began to be surrounded in energy, Mega Evolution. The Pyro Ball would land as soon as the Blaziken now Mega Evolved, took a stance, causing dust to pick up in the arena, for it to only clear in an instant as the two fire Pokemon's legs met once more with deadly force in the center.

Welcome to Chromis
"Welcome to the world of Pokemon, I am Champion Rylen of the Chromis League, and am here to proudly announce the commencement of the International League this year, which is being held in the Chromis Region. Every four or so years, trainers from all over the world converge onto a host region to compete in an extraordinarily competitive version of that league's Gym Challenge. However it's not a challenge just to find the best trainer in the region, no, it's a hot-blooded contest to find the world's strongest trainer, and it happens every four years! That means every trainer wishing to test their mettle is invited! From the trainer who has just obtained their first Pokemon, to another region's champion, all are invited!
So from henceforth I officially announce the beginning of the International League!"
Brittanium City Stadium
The air was electric with energy as the Champion of the Chromis region made his announcement to the world on the commencement of the International League. Trainers from all walks of life and all sorts of regions were here today to compete and take part in the league. The International League was originally brought about by the cooperation of the many regions in the world to foster good will and strengthen each other's trainers, originally being something like an exchange program, however as time went on, it became a full-fledged worldwide event.
This entire event was broadcast to all the regions, those here with family overseas or out of country can watch their progress through the specially streamed channels. As the crowds cheered upon the announcement, the Champion himself basked in the atmosphere, two hands pointed skyward, before slowly lowering them, the crowds cheering de-escalating in tandem.
"I am glad to see so many trainers here today for the opening ceremony, I'm sure you've already taken care of registration but if you have not, it's never too late to start!", this would probably assure any trainer who was late to the party, that all was not lost. Registration was simple, whichever region's trainer card they had, they were marked as that region's representative when registering.
"As some of you may know, the International League always runs through eight gyms, an Elite Four challenge, and then a Championship tournament. Fret not if you make it to our vaunted Elite Four and lose to them, for it will simply qualify you for one of two brackets. Those who beat the Elite Four move onto the Winners bracket, while those who lose will move onto the Losers bracket. In a high stakes elimination tournament at the very end, we will find once and for all who is this year's International Champion!", the crowd cheered in excitement as he explained the rules. So it seems after beating the eight gyms, they were still in the running for champion. There have been great upsets in the past, and they have never been any less than exciting.
"This year however we have a special surprise for all you Coordinators out there! In place of the Pokemon Contests, we have competitions at each of the gyms for the honor of showing off your talents as the closing ceremony for each of the gyms!", there was a bit of interested murmuring and cheering, but overall a positive reception. After all, the region's most famous coordinator was a gym leader.
"That being said, the first gym to be challenged will take place in Arsenic Island just off the shore from Brass Town, all challengers, you have one week to make your way there to begin your challenge! Remember, give it your all, for the eyes of the world are watching! Fret not for failure, as opportunity is always there for those who look for it,"
"Now then, let the International League, commence!"
The stadium went wild with cheering, but soon after all was concluded, everyone was back out onto the streets of Brittanium City. Crowds poured out, some were families of some of the competitors, while others were fans of particularly famous trainers in their own region, either way there were people from all kinds of regions here today, not just Chromis.
Brittanium City
The crown jewel of Chromis, and it's most populated city center, with beautiful ports and modern skyscrapers, as well as a giant stadium just off the shore where contests are conducted, as well as it being a Pokemon gym. It had boutiques, hair salons, big shopping malls, and the famous Arclight Company's headquarters are here, a leading company in technology and research. With the opening ceremony here today, everywhere was both crowded and energetic, even smaller districts enjoyed some measure of busy business, and the park in the center of the city was a great spot where people have begun having friendly battles. Regardless, today was a good day to be going sight-seeing in the big city.
Everyone who was participating had one week to make their way to a ferry at Brass Town, travelling on foot it would only take two days, while it'd be a half day Flying Taxi ride from Brittanium. Either way, they had a lot of time to either spend in Brittanium, or visit someplace nearby.