Ch. 1 - A Day in Damacia

The sun was shining, birds were chirping... and magic was specifically not in the air. Damacia, a shining city of white and silver, and the main power fighting against Noxus to the East. Damacia had its own problems of course, namely that they saw magic as an absolute crime and imprisoned anyone who was so much as capable of using it. That excluded special outsiders, who were granted permission to enter the city, so long as they did not use their magic, and did not prolong their stay any more than was necessary.
One such purpose which allowed magical guests, was taking on jobs from the local Adventuring Guild. Anything from small time work, to bigger, much more serious threats were laid out for anyone to take on, so long as they understood the risk to their own lives.
This particular branch of the Damacian Adventuring Guild... which was also the headquarters of it, had put out a call for Champions across Runeterra who would take up whatever means of combat they could to protect not just Damacia, but the whole of Runeterra. It promised challenge, fame, glory, and most of all... wealth. After all you couldn't draw people in to go fight bandits and monsters on a baker's salary.
And so, the Guild waited... waited for the day Champions would arrive to take on the jobs listed, and make the land a safer place. They just hoped that whoever showed up were actual Champions, and not some of the local farmers with sharpened pitchforks... again.
One such Champion was a Fox... but a particularly magical fox who had given herself human form. It didn't get rid of the fox ears, nor the nine tails swaying about behind her, but she was human enough. In fact, many people recognized her from legends and stories travelers from far to the East told. The Fox of Ionia, a magical creature protecting the land with incredible powers. Of course, many of those stories were exaggerated by farmers or travelers who, being from Damacia, hadn't seen much magic whatsoever.
But the legends were enough to excite the Adventuring Guild, quickly trying to get the fox to sign on and start taking jobs. Before she was willing to do that though... she wanted to know what other sorts of people this offer had drawn in.
@twannyman@Shovel@Stern Algorithm@Skwint