CS Thread
No longer accepting at this time. Feel free to post or send a PM though and you'll be notified if someone drops.
This is a Kingdom Hearts RP but one which will operate a little differently than most. Rather than having multiple worlds which the players will travel between, this RP takes place on a single world in effort to keep players from getting so spread out. However the world with its broken nature will still be able to have variety in areas. Should be fairly obvious but because of this there wont be any final fantasy or disney characters running around.
- Looking for at least 2-3 good paragraphs per post with everyone preferably having a post or two a week at least. Not a big deal if its not met every single time but at least try for it.
- If you think you cant post for a while or might be a little delayed, SAY SOMTHING! Really cant stress that enough. Not gonna bite anyones head off for it, just wanna know so everyones not held up waiting. Stuff can die that way. And dead Rps are sad Rps. Even if you want to drop out just say so, its better then leaving everyone hanging.
- Respect the players, no god moding, no meta-gaming, all that common sense stuff everyone probably knows already.
- GM is the law! Don't wanna be stepping on peoples toes but if something just doesn’t work, well, yeah
IC Introduction
A world, once vibrant and prosperous as it basked in the warmth of the light. For as long as it could be remembered the light would be a constant ally. A force to protect from those who would harm. An ever present force to be refined into energy to light the streets and keep the darkness at bay, to bring comfort to the homes of its people. Light, believed to be the essence of all hearts, a strong abundant force which would never falter.
The people, prosperous yet all too short sighted, too single minded. Enthralled by what could be created, too ambitious to see what could go awry. True, it was known that every light would cast a shadow; in response some sought to abolish the darkness by flooding the world with greater light. In the end, such an effort would prove utterly futile. The greater a light shines the larger its shadow becomes after all. So others would simply choose not to see the shadow that each light would cast. And some would face down the shadow, either by choice or by necessity, to walk within it even if it threatened to consume them. Never for a second did the people see what danger their single mindedness would invite. Never would they think everything they knew could be shattered in an instant.
It would come to be known as The Fracturing. The event which would bring about the fall of the world and its people. An event not ushered in by the shadow of darkness the world feared, but by the blanket of light it took comfort in. The ground trembles, the wind howls, the world itself straining until finally, a break. Great faults opening with a deafening screech and blinding pillars of light. The world around flaking away like dust to be drawn into the light. Though the initial havoc would fade the world would be far from safe. Buildings, streets, power plants, even the people themselves all indiscriminately broken into pieces by the overwhelming light, twisted and redeposited all about the world. The population decimated, cities and towns reduced to husks to be beset from all sides. The darkness, the great shadow of the light bathed world seeping out to claim hearts. The light overwhelming those who once basked in its protection. This world, whose name has been ripped from memory. Though it remains unknown to those left standing, countless hearts had been fractured by the overwhelming light of the world. The very heart of the world the first to fall prey. This world has been twisted, broken, and now only time will tell of its fate...
The people, prosperous yet all too short sighted, too single minded. Enthralled by what could be created, too ambitious to see what could go awry. True, it was known that every light would cast a shadow; in response some sought to abolish the darkness by flooding the world with greater light. In the end, such an effort would prove utterly futile. The greater a light shines the larger its shadow becomes after all. So others would simply choose not to see the shadow that each light would cast. And some would face down the shadow, either by choice or by necessity, to walk within it even if it threatened to consume them. Never for a second did the people see what danger their single mindedness would invite. Never would they think everything they knew could be shattered in an instant.
It would come to be known as The Fracturing. The event which would bring about the fall of the world and its people. An event not ushered in by the shadow of darkness the world feared, but by the blanket of light it took comfort in. The ground trembles, the wind howls, the world itself straining until finally, a break. Great faults opening with a deafening screech and blinding pillars of light. The world around flaking away like dust to be drawn into the light. Though the initial havoc would fade the world would be far from safe. Buildings, streets, power plants, even the people themselves all indiscriminately broken into pieces by the overwhelming light, twisted and redeposited all about the world. The population decimated, cities and towns reduced to husks to be beset from all sides. The darkness, the great shadow of the light bathed world seeping out to claim hearts. The light overwhelming those who once basked in its protection. This world, whose name has been ripped from memory. Though it remains unknown to those left standing, countless hearts had been fractured by the overwhelming light of the world. The very heart of the world the first to fall prey. This world has been twisted, broken, and now only time will tell of its fate...
OOC Introduction
So then welcome to this OOC where RP discussion and such can be had! CS template down below! Also Interest check over here.
CS Template