About 360 feet in the air, a brilliant flash of light went off. The light was quite large and extended very far, able to be seen by anyone who was in the general vicinity. Following the light was the appearance of a spaceship, which seemed to snap into view in the blink of an eye. The ship was around the size of a battleship, it appeared to be military of some kind with its black utilitarian shape, and it almost looked like a pistol if you squinted at it. Most importantly though, it was on fire and in the process of crashing. Down and down it fell at an alarming speed before impacting on the ground with an earthshatting quake
::Chief! Chief! Are you alright?::
Master Chief opened his eyes to a blank, bright sky. As he slowly came to, he tried to comprehend what the sky looked like. He wasn't sure what to make of it, it looked foregin to him, like he had never seen it before. He then shifted his head to the left and saw a series of buildings, but...they looked off. Nothing like the buildings he was used to seeing. They looked like they were made of pure, solid cement, and had no doors or any kinds of markings on them. What more was that there weren't even any streets or sidewalks around them, it was just solid pavement all around. Where in the world was he? As Chief climbed to his feet, he tried to recall what happened. The last thing he remembered was jumping onto the Forward Unto Dawn with the warthog to escape the destruction of Installation 08. After that...total blank. As Chief thought about what was going on, he continued to survey his surroundings and noticed what appeared to be the Foward Unto Dawn lying down and burning in a broken heap. That image immediately snapped Chief out his his dazed state. He shook his head and stretched it left and right a little bit to get his bearings, and then walked over to the burning wreck
::Well, I guess that answers my question:: said Cortana
As Chief stepped closer to the Foward Unto Dawn, he started examining it. He wasn't an engineer, but he didn't need to be to know that the ship was in a pretty abysmal state. It was on fire and the middle section was on the brink of collapsing in on itself. As he was looking around, he spied something strange on the floor. There seemed to be some kind of...poker chips next to the hangar door? Chief was curious, so reached down to pick them up. As soon as soon as his hand touched the chips, suddenly the HUD on his helmet visor sprang to life and started typing out some text. It read:
Chief...wasn't sure what to make of this. Was this text telling him how these "token" things worked? Was he in some kind of...game or something? No, of course not, that sounded ridiculous. However...he had no idea what was going on and had no memory of how he got where he was, so he couldn't rule out anything completely. Not yet, anyway. ::So...what's your call, cowboy?:: Cortana asked Chief. Chief figured that there were more pressing matters at hand and he didn't have time to worry about this right now. "We just need to figure out where we are and if anyone can find us. We'll figure this out later" Chief responded as he made his way onto the hangar door of the Forward Unto Dawn which made a light metallic groan as he took his first step on it. "We need a vehicle"

Somewhere in the Crossroads, there was an unassuming little building sitting alone. It was a small building, only one story, and had a red neon sign above the door that read "Devil May Cry" in big, cursive lettering. A loud yawn could be heard coming from inside the building, as a young man with long white hair, wearing a pair of brown pants and black boots with no shirt stepped out from the building's bathroom and into the main office. His name was Dante, he had just finished getting out of the shower and was getting ready to go out and kill a demon that a client hired him for yesterday. About time too, he hadn't had any pizza in, like, 3 weeks. He was just about to step outside and get a breath of fresh air when something caught his eye: a piece of paper and what looked like some poker chips left on his desk. Dante thought about this for a second. Did one of his clients leave it there? Did they really think poker chips were a legitimate currency? Hell no, you can't buy pizza with poker chips! Now immensely curious, Dante stepped over to the desk and picked up the piece of paper, hoping it would shed some light on the subject. The paper read:
Dante read through a single rule and scoffed. This was obviously some kind of stupid prank. Some snot nosed kids probably left this on his desk last night or something. Dante paid it no mind and turned around to drop the paper in the trash bin behind the desk. However, just as he did, he happened to catch a glimpse of the outside from the window to his left and noticed something...off about it. It didn't look like the outside he was used to seeing out of the window, usually there was a view of the city streets that Devil May Cry resided in, but...that wasn't there. Instead, when Dante stepped closer to get a better view, he could see that Devil May Cry wasn't even on a city street, but instead was...in some kind of desert? What the hell? Dante stood there stunned for a moment, trying to decide how to even react to this. Confusion? Surprise? Fear? So many emotions and questions raced through his head all at once, but as he did, something just hit him. No city meant no demon or client. No demon or client meant no money, and no money meant...
...no pizza
"Aaaagh!" Dante yelled angrily, as he kicked the door next to the window so hard that it slammed open. "What's a half-demon gotta do to get a damn pizza?!" he shouted to nobody, but loud enough for anyone in the near vicinity to hear him. Alright, he thought, now it was personal. He then quickly walked over to the coat rack to put on his red coat, followed by grabbing the tokens and dropping them in the pocket of his coat. He picked up his sword and his guns, immediately placing them in their holsters with an angry shove, and then stormed his way out of the shop

Peter Parker slowly started to regain consciousness. As he opened his eyes, he expected to see the foot of his bed. Instead, the image that greeted him was the roof of a building, along with a city skyline. Wait, what? This shocked Peter awake immediately, and as he slowly climbed to his feet, he started to notice he was still in his costume. Oh jeez, did he accidentally fall asleep on the top of a building again after his patrol last night? Peter started to feel embarrassed, but before he could follow that line of thinking, he noticed something weird about the city skyline. First of all, it didn't look like the Queens he new at all, the layout was all wrong. But more importantly, out beyond the city limits looked like...well, he could only describe it as a random hodgepodge of things. Directly in front of the city where Peter was facing was a vast desert, but to the left of that it was a patch of snowy woodlands, and then to the other side of the desert looked like...some kind of medieval castle, or something? Peter admitted that this wasn't quite the weirdest thing he had seen in his lifetime, but it certainly came close. Peter started to think, what in the world was going on here? Maybe it was some kind of alien invasion or something? No, that made no sense. Was this Mysterio's doing? He certainly wouldn't put it past the old fishbowl, this was certainly weird enough to be his type of thing. Hmm...maybe it was--
'Ring ring!'
Peter quickly snapped out of his deep thought as he heard his phone alerting him of a text. Oh good, someone was messaging him. Maybe he could ask them for help, or maybe it was a clue as to what was going on. He eagerly pulled out his phone and read the message:
Unfortunately, this only left Peter with even more questions. First of all, he was pretty sure that message was over the character limit. Second of all, what were these so called "token" things it was talking about? He had no idea what was...oh wait a minute, Peter suddenly noticed some poker chip things lying on the ground in front of where he woke up. As he leaned down to pick them up, he noticed they had Spider-Man's face in the center of them. Man this was really freaking weird, Peter thought as he placed these "tokens" or whatever they were in a pouch on his suit, along with his phone
Well, he wasn't gonna get any answers by standing around and being weirded out, Peter figured. He took a running start towards the edge of the building before making a large leap off of it. He let himself drop about 40 feet down the building before using his web shooters to cast a webline at the very top of the building, and using his momentum to swing to the left of the building. As he reached the apex of the swing, he cut off the webline, did a small backwards spin in the air before shooting another web to the building next to him and repeated the process. Peter figured he'd go exploring this bizarre place, hoping it would lead to some answers