Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Yam I Am
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Yam I Am Indefinitely Retired

Banned Seen 1 yr ago



"I take it you received my message?"

"Senators being problematic, congress pondering your position, the Europan Council questioning your involvement within the alliance and if you're just helping me overthrow governmental power through militaristic gain. I see nothing different from any other period in history."

"Regardless of if you see it that way or not, we are facing quite the conundrum and we have nothing to show for it yet."

"So what do you want me to do?"

Shifting in his chair, the cane wielding chancellor brushed his goatee methodically, pressing one leg over the other. With a sigh the man turned his eyes to the Europan map in the west end of the General's quarters. Standing with the assistance of his cane the middle aged man approached the frontline and studied it quietly. Every inch of the shifting borders ingrained itself into his mind. He tapped upon the proposed destination for the operating base of Black Echo, ushering the General to his location.

"We need something to show for our efforts. We need intelligence."

"We also need Echo Black to press for advantages. I have a grand strategy in mind that will work brilliantly."

"Tell me more."

"With requisitions and funding. we will pressure the Imperials into an attack. We will purposefully lose our position until we can fish them into our net."

"And pray tell, what will Echo Black do against the divisions they will find themselves up against?"

"Their goal will be the command center that will be left lightly guarded as we begin our counter assault."

"Are you absolutely certain they will simply leave the command center unguarded? Headquarters are a foundation of the army, are they not?"

"What is more important than a headquarters is understanding your enemy. Spies have brought me information that tells me what I already knew. General Rangz is my opponent. He's a very aggressive man. I am preparing everything for this strategy. He will use armor as soon as we stall and that is when we will hold him down. As we speak my defenses and traps are being build prematurely. Once the command center is down... well... I'll let you read the rest in the newspaper."

"How do you intend to take lots of ground when you give it up?"

"I intend- to bleed them."

"You cannot be serious."

"Chancellor, we are soldiers. Regardless of morality, war is fought with manpower. If I can get them to lose a large swathe of men then we will be in a position to not only go on the offensive but pressure their other armies."

"Well... all things considered I believe the idea is brilliant, but I do hope this does not come back to harm us. Remember that the council will judge us on all accounts."

"Yes, but currently the council is afraid. I'm sure you can understand that a decisive victory that appeared to be a decisive loss that turned out to be actually in control..."

"Will strengthen their confidence and in turn provide more support to our organization's efficiency."

"More men..."

"More funding..."

With a nod the Chancellor traversed the refined floor, the tap of his boots ending abruptly as he slipped into the cushioning of the guest chair before the officer's desk. Ducasse was still pondering the situation at hand and found herself staring into space. There was much yet left to do and where to begin was the question. The pieces were set but where to begin? Thankfully, experience told her something rather valuable.

With the chancellor busy with his own thoughts on the situation, she moved to her chair, softly pressing herself into her own pedestal and loomed over the lives which laid before her. Her own personal project had come to fruition and with war on her mind she had to decide how to spend those precious drops of blood. She would never meet many of them. Some would even go home before she could ever come to examine the losses themselves.

"So, General, where are they now?"


"Alright boys, let's pack it up! Let's go! Let's go! General Ducasse wants us at the point at soon as possible!"

With a bold shout the command to march and ride was given. By the fireteams did the convoy move with a designated driver to each. Two fire teams to a supply truck, a fire team to a car, infantry to march alongside them on the way. Scouts lead the way.

"Come on gentlemen! Let's get a move on!" The brazen red hair shot, again, waving about his arms with yellow eyes piercing into a recruit or two.

"Give it a rest, Hamlock. We're not your subordinates."

"What of it Clover? You're as green as they come. I have experience!" The private insisted, nearly prodding the woman's curly dark green hair before her hand wafted it away.

"You're not a bright one are ye? Get in the fockin' convoy ye sorry bastard. Te think I'm going to be relying on you to relay information..."

"What's so wrong with that?"

"Be Janey! Ye can't honestly tell me yer not gonna sit there wavin' knob in hand over the first order that pee brain of yers can muster?"

"If you're going to insult a man speak the proper-"

"Both of you cut the chatter. Come on, we've a war to fight." As the sergeant entered the supply truck the two calmed their arguments, sitting upright within the vehicle as it began to move. Boasting a confirmation they were on their way.

"Ugh... I can't believe we get to march alongside the tank instead of sitting on it."

"Well, Sandra, we could always play cards to get it off your mind."

"With a trickster like you? No. No, I'd much rather shower in mud."

"Hey! I don't bite! I just like playing games."

"Yeah...I'm sure you do, creep."

"Alright, alright. Listen, how about this, I'll carry you for a bit and then when we're almost there you carry me on your back. How does that sound?"

"Uh- no. Not at all. Besides- it's not proper for regulation dimwit."

"Like riding on a tank when you're supposed to be marching to keep an eye on things? Leave it to the navy to take it easy."

"Yeah, I'm sure you army mutts pride yourself on licking glue and eating bugs."

"O-ho! A little bite on you."

"Sandra and Antonio, cut the bullshit. If we get deducted because of your behavior I will make your military careers hell. Do you understand? It's bad enough I have to listen to 'Sir Winston Hamlock' spout his lines about his high class escapades with servants of the ball. I don't want to hear you two talk loudly about how you plan to be fucking."

"We hear you, Uyless. Don't worry your Vinland head about any of this. After all, it's not your land you have to worry about is it?"

"Kiss my ass, Tony."

"It's beautiful isn't it?"


"The landscape... It's... so green. It's lush everywhere. It's so odd to experience a land so warm and free of the snow."

"Oh yeah, you're from the north, aren't you, Eija?"

"Yes, sir. Field medic, at your service."

"I heard your mother was an incredible servicewoman. Saved a lot of lives I bet."

"She still has the letters of thanks. I hope I can make her proud like she did so many others."

"Well, I'm sure. My name is Yhobi, by the way."

"Yhobi? Well I think that's a fantastic name."

"Thank you, would you like some chocolate?"

"I would love some!"

Heads were held high with the sounds of soldiers talking and marching. Where these men and women would end up was a matter of time, though there was no doubt in Ducasse's mind that they would be successful. They had to be. Given special permissions to operate as a highly valued asset tied to her word and reputation was nothing to scoff at and it certainly wasn't something that she intended to fail on delivering for. That's why she chose two very special lieutenants to the operation.

Maxi Höfler was an interesting choice. Even among her own officers a question would be raised over the order. "Make Maxi a core lieutenant for Echo Black?" It made no sense to a number of them. It ran by as another decision by another head boss that didn't know what they were doing in the slightest. Yet, like all of those in high management positions, she made the decisions and they had to follow them to the letter if they wanted to maintain their positions and grace. Ducasse simply saw it as an obvious choice. She was a misunderstood soldier. Not the most professional or even methodical in the typical sense, but pragmatic in her own mind. She would shoot out of bed with a bolt and understood what needed to be done. If there was a need for a bridge she was the type to simply make one instead of waiting for another. What lieutenant wouldn't be serviceable for such a high strung operation given the nature? Choices always went beyond that but that alone was always enough to make a questioning officer simply leave it be. Maxi is an elite, that much is clear. Besides, the general was no stranger to days of chaos.

Then there was Pyry Kyllo. He was perfect for the position in her mind. Records indicated survival with all limited resources upon encirclement being not nearly enough to last a week even with rationing and yet the man crawled his way through hell and caused strides of destruction where he went. Commando Elite and a fine one at that. Some could ask, "What makes a special operations team efficient?" Many meanings to the question, of course, but Ducasse knew what they asked. The question of how one who could survive for such a long time unaided and unseen for long periods with an entire squad with him... well... the answer was very easily given. Survival. It doesn't matter how much you give a soldier if they die immediately. It doesn't matter how elite the soldier if the common grunt can cut them off and finish them with ease. No, there was only one thing that officer needed to be able to do when the chips were down and the lines were cut. No further argument needed.

"I will be arriving later today. I take it you and Lt. Höfler will have everything ready when I come for inspection?"

"Yes, sir."

"Good. I will speak with you more then."

"And our mission?"

"Proceed as ordered."

"Yes, sir."

"Hopefully the lack of snow won't bother you much."

"I'll learn to live with it."

"As always. Now go meet with the others. Dismissed."

It was 4 in the morning, but Maxi looked and felt about as awake as she could have been at any other time of day. Rude awakenings were more or less par the course for the Rangers, and if this upcoming mission was half as important as the upper echelons had said it was, then Echo Black needed nothing short of perfect display. Even Maxi’s hair was done, neatly brushed and even sporting a cute red-and-white bow.

“...and last on the list, regulations...”

Maxi cast a wide grin across Squad C, quickly making eye contact with everyone as she scanned the crowd, left to right. The Lieutenant cracked a chuckle, then softly shook her head.

“Alright, look: I don’t think I need to beat anyone’s head over it, but just...don’t be an idiot. Alright, yeah, we can all have fun and chat, but the bigwigs are all on-site today and tomorrow, so we need to look and act the part. If you can’t act the part, then pretend the part the best you can.”

She took a few steps sideways, then returned her cocky, smiling gaze to the left of the room, starting off her mental checklist.

“That means; Rosie, no sprinting around base...Vicky, don’t break anything…”

Maxi’s eyes darted across each and every person she called out, exchanging with them a sly smirk, as if to say she didn’t really expect them to - or rather, would not be surprised if they did not - heed her advice.

“...and Yori, try to be less...grim. Lighten up, jeez~!” she chortled. Soon after, she returned to the center of the room, and stood tall. Her hand swiftly reached the top of her head, standing pridefully as she gestured the room to salute.

“Atten-shun!” She hailed, gesturing upright, “Squad C! Dis-missed!”

Maxi swiftly signaled, exhaling as quickly as her form relaxed.


She sighed quickly, glancing over with a half-tired smile.

“Breakfast, anyone?”
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by dwyer austin
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dwyer austin

Member Seen 6 mos ago

So today was the day eh? The big shots were coming in and they all needed to be perfect and squeaky clean. That was not going to be happening most likely. If he’s learned anything about these people around him in the short time they have known each other, it was that they were anything but sane people. Not like Austin could really say anything about it, he was as crazy as they were. He despised war and yet here he was in an elite team of specialists most likely headed past the frontline and into the enemy backlines. But the pay would help family back home so he was in it for the long haul.

However, one thing he will NEVER get used to, is waking up before the crack of damn dawn. No matter how early he slept, not matter how much care he took into going to sleep quickly, he always woke up and was tired for at least a solid hour. It was hell, and his little secret companion didn’t make it easier on him, trying to keep him hidden and out of sight at all times was a bitch and a half in itself. Austin let out a yawn but covered his mouth as to make sure it wasn’t too loud, as to not disturb the others around him.

They all had their orders, be nice and proper so the big wigs can come in, do what they need to do, and leave. Nice and simple, yet Austin felt like it wouldn’t be as easy as it should be. He stood up and stretched a bit as Maxi asked if anyone wanted breakfast, now she was speaking his language. “Yes, breakfast sounds lovely. Maybe that will wake me up quicker and make me stop looking like a tired old prude as you so delicately put it Maxi.” He shot her a small smile to show he was just messing around, eager to get some food in his gut and get his body working for the day.

Austin was wondering what the big wigs were even doing here. Not a lot of them like getting up from their chairs and actually interacting with their soldiers, at least, the arrogant ones didn’t. Whatever was going on had to be important he knew that much, and hopefully they would not be checking the beds...... Seeing as his little companion Bastian was currently hiding under the sheets resting his little kitty head. Once he got some food he’d be sure to bring some back for his little buddy, can’t leave him on an empty stomach after all.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Conscripts
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Conscripts An Atom Trying to Understand Itself

Member Seen 1 mo ago

“Why’d you join?”


“I thought you hate war. You aren’t called, are you?”

“...Yeah, It was voluntary.”

“So why? You have a good life. A loving family and a fantastic career. Why risk it all?”



“...If you think I’m crazy-“

“I don’t. You’re more well-grounded than so many. I just want to make sense.”

“...It wouldn’t make sense. As of now, it wouldn’t.”

“Why does it necessarily have a time period to it?”

“For now, just keep this in mind as we go. There’s more than just what orbits around you.”

“Hello? Enemy tank eight hundred meters to your right.”


The call of his former teacher brought him back to the land called Europa. To a narrow dirt road somewhere in the countryside, and to a small hatch that he found half his body under it. The sound of gnarling Ragnite igniting with one another, the tremor feeling of the engine on the entire vehicle, and the sight of his tracks printed onto the dirt. It took Andrew a few seconds to realize that he was on his military assigned tank, on his march toward the new base. A quick alarm went off in his mind before he realized that he was almost bamboozled.

“Sod off...” Andrew replied as he wiped the sand in his eyes and readjusted himself firmly on his hatch. His last night sleep was horrible to say the least. He couldn’t even have his head placed correctly within his metallic home, let alone stretch his legs. Even the harsh Ranger training routine weren’t this bad. But hey, he wasn’t strangers to a poor night sleep, and he probably wasn’t the worst who took it last night. In fact having a place to catch up some Zs were already a blessing comparing to them.

“Hey Philippe. You hanging in there?” Andrew ducked into his hatch and peered down to his left leg’s direction, where sat perfectly uniformly the man who made this into a moving vehicle and not just a metallic box.

“I’m fine. It’s just a distance away now. No need to halt the column.” Philippe responded, still very awake despite rising way earlier than the sun.

Andrew then looked to his right. The short brown-haired lady who made this moving vehicle a deadly beast was still trying to catch up with her sleep next to the huge gun barrel. They seemed alright. The machine’s also in top-shaped. Good.

“How's the new engine modification I give you guys, Andrew?”

"Sorry?" Andrew popped his head out of the hatch again before Michael repeated the question. "Oh yeah, it's functioning okay for now. The heat is well-circulated and...well the protection against Lancers, that we will know soon enough I guess."

"At least it doesn't stick out like a sore thumb that's for sure." Michael said. "And, if you have the means, you can have a clean metallic plate on top of the thing and make a cooking pan out of it."

"How convenient..." Andrew said, unsurprised. His former teacher was a Ragnite engineer for a reason.

“With that note in mind though, I'm a little hungry.”

It was a quite a while since his last meal, and he unfortunately didn't have the benefit of sleeping through the crawling stomach until the sun finally wakes up.

“Well, we ain’t that further away. But if you can’t wait...” Andrew reached for the small box he had, opened it and threw Michael a red apple. “A farmer’s sweats and tears are in it.”

“Thanks, but please, don’t feed me with that image.” The Edinburghian noble laughed as he rolled the apple in his arm, looking it top down before turning left and right to nearby soldiers marching with him. “Anybody have a knife?”

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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Landaus Five-One
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Landaus Five-One The Sadist Insaneous One

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

In terms of everything, she didn’t get much sleep mostly because of her constant flashback to that day with her father and the rigorous training of becoming a Ranger. If it wasn’t for certain people within Echo Black, she might have given up before she got that far. Her nerves was definitely still a bit shaking if she was forced to fire, which she would definitely miss. ”I hope Anna is alright...” Fiona thought to herself, with a slight look on her face. However, what she was going to additionally think about was stopped when she heard a bit of a warning bell in her head but it was a false alarm. Mostly because of the tank driver saying words of like are you serious but a bit more like sod off. She couldn’t help but giggle at what what transpiring, basically a noble being a troll. At least its better than the alternative to say the least, her father Richard Averring Donster.

She did remember his name, Michael Daunte because he was their tech guy. And very friendly too, however, she never really interacted with him other than a few his and what not, basically what a tech guy does. Fiona did giggle quietly not to interrupt Micheal and Andrew’s chat. She stayed listening carefully to what they were saying, however, she had no idea about what goes into tanks. It was a bit scary seeing a tank since the tanks she saw were at the Donster Estate and armed with Imperial Grade Weaponry. However, her father’s tanks were definitely much more intimidating than the Federation’s. It took her a bit to realize the entire conversation went to food, it made her a bit hungry herself. She blinked a bit blankly at what Andrew joked towards Micheal. However, then it came up to the question that Michael asked. ”Uhh, I have a knife you can use, Michael.” Fiona said, trying to get his attention.

Fiona pulled out her Ceremonial Knife, with the Donster name inscribed on it. She stared at it with a slight look of dread on her face. However, her father did say you can use it as long as you don’t lose it or sell it. It means borrowing it out to people is alright, she hopes. ”...I hope it comes in handy with that apple, Michael.” Fiona said, with a smile. However, in the back of her mind and her nerves was a bit shaking but at least her hold on the knife wasn’t and she was holding it properly too.

Diana was basically trying to stay behind the tank, while walking she wanted to take it easy. However, she did keep an eye on all the new recruits, since she is a Sergeant in the Rangers. There’s so many kids that need to be helped into their roles as of usual. She did notice Fiona talking to one of her EW1 buddies, ala, Michael Daunte. ”Aww, Fiona, its nice you are talking to the smartest of all my EW1 buddies. He was a bit shocked that Luke and me got married.” Diana thought to herself, with a smile on her face. She was definitely happy that Fiona was trying to get out of her shell, guess that last meeting with her father definitely stung her. She didn’t really notice anything about what Fiona was carrying, she only cared for the mental health of the kids, and Fiona had it worse of everyone in this squad.

Every single day, she worries about her mother Rebecca and her father Gavin. It’s a bit much to deal with mostly because of the fact that Richard Averring Donster has three military vehicles, which are tanks. She hopes that Richard isn’t planning anything devious to harm her mother and father. She opens her pocket and takes out her flask and takes a sip. It is needed to keep her in shape. However, she deeply sighs. She closes the flask and puts the flask back up in her pocket. She’s definitely grateful for Luke’s family taking care of her children, she absolutely adores Emma and Luther. ”Even though a Sergeant shouldn’t be saying this… but how long do we have, Andrew?” Diana asked with a curious question and a bit loud since she’s one of those people that enjoys talking louder than a machine can be. It shows she hasn’t really lost her flare only gained an elegance of being a mother and what not. She shook her head in a bit of annoyance since she knows it isn’t really proper way a sergeant should act but its all she got. Diana was the only person that basically got a good night sleep compared to most of the people on this journey.

The only worry she has is her family that still lives in Castleton and all the Darscens that live there too. Because they are in danger if Richard tries anything funny, and they are all the way in Europa fighting against the Imperials again. If it wasn’t obvious she didn’t much like this but if it wasn’t for her husband or Victoria, she would’ve still be at her home in Hamburg taking care of her children. ”The Federation better have a better plan than they did… in EW1. Because God damn. That was an absolute bloody disaster to say the least.” Diana thought to herself. It was obvious she didn’t much enjoy the Federation for the atrocities they committed in EW1.

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Ithradine
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Ithradine A Rouge Machine

Member Seen 2 days ago

Rosie had smiled sheepishly as Maxi informed her not to be sprinting all over the base. There was just too many things to do and places to see, but knowing her luck she would probably crash right into one the most important person here and knock them over. Of course that meant that the chance for any shenanigans was completely out of the window. The last thing she wanted is to make their superiors mad at Maxi. Though by the look on big sis's face, that order was more of a suggestion than a absolute command. Even so, Rosie was going to try her absolute best to behave because she didn't want to her leave the friends she made her already. Those thoughts were quickly supplanted by the call of breakfast.

"Yes! I wonder what on the menu? Pancakes? Oooohh maybe eggs? AHHHhhh what if its eggs ANNNDDDD bacon?" She excitedly exclaimed walking up to Maxi.

"Don't feel so bad, Austin! You're not old yet!" A small giggled escaped her lips as she darted towards the hall.

It didn't matter how many times that it was not eggs and bacon, Rosie was always hopefully optimistic that it would be waiting for her in the mess hall. Waking up Rosie was like turning on a switch. The energetic soldier slept like a rock with very few ways of actually waking her up. However, Rosie practically would spring out of bed the moment you did get her awake with a tank full of energy. The idea that some very powerful people were walking the grounds of the base didn't really float around in her mind save for Maxi's orders. Besides that, this was just another day. Once Breakfast was over, she was going to go for her morning run which normally was around 3 kilometers before hitting the showers. That was on a normal day. With special circumstances like today, she might have to cut it down to 2 kilometers.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Marlowe
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Marlowe Exiled Moondrinker

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

There was something about waking up at four o clock in the morning that absolutely thrilled him. Now, was it the befuddlement he felt because of his heavy head and empty stomach or was it the fact that Maxi was already telling them what and what not to do? Yori couldn't tell, mostly because of the fact that their lieutenant had already called him out. Oh, how she loved teasing him. He wondered if she should make it a sport of hers, if it wasn't already. Despite his typical sour mood, he had listened silently to her commands, his hands crossed over his chest as he watched her with his blue glare. His hair had been a little more messed up than usual, mostly because he didn't bother combing it for the squad meeting. The thought of breakfast did rumble his stomach, and he cocked his head to the side after his salute, watching Austin and Rosie before glancing back up at Maxi.

"I guess I could grab a bite to eat," he muttered before punctuating his statement with a yawn. "Don't care what it is as long as it's good and I can eat it in peace without Maxi driving me insane."

"Ooo, eggs and bacon sound delicious. Maybe we can even have some potatoes on the side! Or some baked bread!" a blonde girl chimed in alongside Rosalia.

Yori tossed a glare at her. As if they could afford to eat such a lavish breakfast. He wanted to call both of them out for mentioning such idiotic things, but maybe when Maxi wasn't around. He could prey on the newest recruits, although Maxi was the type to go after him if he was being a soursop.

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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Smike


Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Victoria hadn't minded the marching. Two decades of loyal service to the Federation had given her plenty of time to practice getting from point A to B without falling off a bridge or something. She had hadn't enjoyed listening to a pair of perfectly dense soldiers complain about walking and cards and mud and whatever dumb shit came to their minds (such as they were), but they had at least been shut up pretty quick. Besides, sooner or later they would end up under fire and Vicky would get the pleasure of watching them piss themselves. As long as she had her flask she could put up with them and obnoxious tramping of boots and her daughter cooing and whispering to that stupid cat. It was easy once you were used to it: just keep putting one foot in front of the other, try not breath in the clouds of dirt blown up by tanks and trucks, and for the love of God don't stop drinking. That was the most important part.

Getting up at Go Fuck Yourself o'clock was honestly completely fine. She hadn't regularly slept a full night since the first war so this was entirely normal. Wake up, get dressed, scream at the people who were still trying to sleep and then get into formation. Easy. She didn't even have to do anything except listen to her boss read off the list of bullshit regulations and let her know she heard them loud and clear. "Eat shit, cunt." Spoken like a professional soldier. The words were harsh but her tone was light, a rare smile stretched across her slashed up face. Maxi was probably the only officer in existence that wasn't brain-dead. In a strange way she reminded Vicky of herself in her younger years.

This of course meant that she was probably as intelligent as a cow, but that was just how kids were.

Really she found most parts of army life more or less agreeable, able to be endured for the sake of a paycheck and a pension. Today though she'd be dealing with the parts that weren't: the food and the officer corp. Vicky had grown up mixing sawdust in with old flour and helping her mom cook meat she had managed to buy when a draft horse needed to be put down. She prided herself on being able to turn ingredients of little-to-no quality into food that was actually pretty good! Or at the very least, edible. And that's was made the slop being served to her so insulting. All the fucking money the Feds were taking out of her paycheck as taxes and they couldn't afford a half-way decent cook?

It was the fault of those goddamn bigwigs roaming about, fat old fucks whose idea of intensity was a rousing day at the horse races with their wives and mistresses. It was their fault that the food was awful, tightfisted cunts who couldn't bear to approve a penny more of pay raise unless it went directly into their own pockets. The best and brightest of Vinland, Francia, Edinburgh and the other shitholes that made up this proud alliance. Just being near them pissed her off to no end, and she dealt that anger with the same way she dealt with all her problems.

Another heavy gulp of cheap whiskey helped prepare her stomach for mouthfuls of rubbery eggs and nearly curdled milk as she sidled up to some of her fellow Rangers trying to harass Maxi. "Hate to break it to you, but whatever it is will be awful." Rosie and Paloma were already at their routine of being too cheery for the morning, but that was preferable to Yori's permanent case of bitch face. Could he make any expression besides a grimace?"Watch it there Yori, you put any more sunshine in that famous smile of yours and people might actually think you're happy to be alive!"

He always looked as if he couldn't decide whether he was more disgusted with himself or his comrades.

Me too kid. Me fuckin' too.


Not for the first time Elizabeth was bemoaning her decision to sign up and fight her way through the Ranger selection process. Her hare-brain attempt at showing her mother that she was capable was turning out to be a dismal failure, Victoria having made little notice of her making it through sniper school or being placed in her unit. If anything she had seemed upset, like she couldn't believe Liz had managed it and wished she hadn't. It hadn't been good enough, just like everything else. Liz spent most of her time away from her now, unable to figure what she should or even could do to try and make up for her existence. It was the same today, the younger White slipping away from her mother's spot in the convoy. Best for both of them that they didn't talk too much.

She was good at that sort of thing, quietly fading into the background and disappearing before she could attract too much adverse attention. It was a skill she had picked up from dealing with a family of drunks and never quite fitting in with her peers, Liz carefully backtracking through the convoy until she spotted at least a couple of familiar faces. One of her mother's old comrades who she didn't really know, and her aunt! The sight of Mrs. Godfrey could usually cheer her up, but she had to be careful around her. She was motherly almost to the point of smothering, such a far cry from Vicky that it was almost a shock to the system. There was such a thing as being too affectionate after all.

"Hello Auntie."

Her voice was a near whisper, Liz keeping her eyes on the road ahead of her as she wrapped an arm around the shorter woman. "You doing okay?" The question had been addressed to Diana but answered by someone else entirely, a gentle "Mraow?" echoing out from the confines of her jacket. There was visible bulge moving from within the garment, climbing up from her stomach and along her ribs it popped out at her collar, Soot making his presence known with another curious meow. "Soot says hi as well." She giggled, a musical noise quickly cut short as if out of habit.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Conscripts
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Conscripts An Atom Trying to Understand Itself

Member Seen 1 mo ago

"Oh? Thank you very much miss."

Michael took the young lady's offer with a light bow, before taking the knife by the blade. After a spin by the finger, the hilt was now firmly in his palm. A sleek aesthetic-pleasing shape covered in silver and gold evenly split along the edge, while the handle was marbled with the royal indigo symbol of the ancient centuries old empire. Its extravagant craftsmanship was obviously and blatantly not designed for cutting apples, nor for battlefield combat, and more like a relic of prestige, a symbol of wealth and power. And it is one. Michael was secretly pitying this piece of artwork, for when he flipped the blade to the other side, the name that tarnished this mastercraft was carved into it: Donster.

He had heard of that name. Way before Michael even knew about war. A name that made a spiritual idol that was his mother to curse. A stain to the upper classes of Edinburgh. Perhaps little did the girl knew that Michael also held his own inner hatred for that snake as well, but at least they never bothered enough of each other. The Viscount's son probably didn't tick enough boxes for him to release his shenanigans on him.

Looking over to one of his old squadmate and yes, it made sense. Some sense.

"Do you really need to be that pedantic?"

He heard Andrew asked as Michael sliced the apple in half from the top, using his palm as a stopping point. Then he kept the apple just in place and split two into four. After finally getting rid of the core with a few more slices, he finally gave his answer, in a form of an apple slice to the man in the hatch.

"You don't wanna share an apple when eaten whole."

Besides, they taste better when cut.

"Well we sure don't." Andrew chuckled, as he promptly showed Michael the hand. "I'm alright. I don't move enough."

"No?" Michael instead turned back to the Darcsen girl behind him, handed her back the knife and one slice of apple. "You want some?"

Meanwhile, Andrew's boredom of constantly having to sit watching the sceneries were interrupted by the Sergeant walking behind his vehicle. She did mention about not acting like a Sergeant, but he didn't see much of a difference. It was just a petty rank. He had seen even higher brasses acting with recruit's mentalities. Yet they were there. Hopefully it meant something.

"I'd say another twenty-minute walk, from what they told us. But the road ahead might be a little rough for vehicles, but I think we'll be just fine."

He just turned away a little and back, and suddenly someone was already sneaking up to the Sergeant earlier. He couldn't hear what they were saying to each other due to the engine right behind him, but they seemed like intimate fellows. That's nice and dandy. Then something popped up from within her clothes through her collar. A tiny little furball of fluff, with strangely starry eyes that were seemingly begging him for something. It's kinda...kinda...

"That's a cute cat." Michael said, also noticing the little guest on the convoy. "Right Andrew? You used to own cats, don't you?"

"What?" Andrew was caught off-guard by Michael's calling. "Ah, no. It was my workplace's pet. And yeah..." His eyes turned back to the small cat still on her collar. "I like...his cute little eyes."
@Landaus Five-One@Smike
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Landaus Five-One
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Landaus Five-One The Sadist Insaneous One

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

Fiona had a smile on her face, with a slight underlying nervousness to her. It was mostly because of the horribleness of her father, Richard A. Donster’s cruelty. ”No problem, Michael.” Fiona said, in response to what Michael said. She blinked a bit when Michael amazingly took the blade and spin it perfectly in his palm to hold it via its handle. It made her a bit relieved in handing the knife specifically to Michael. However, she specifically knew of certain things that her father said about the other nobles in Edinburgh. It was obvious, to a point that all Richard wanted was to be left alone and he wouldn’t talk or involve himself in their regions as long as they do the same. Basically felt like a non-aggression or non-interference policy was in place, even if most of the nobles absolutely hated the Donsters. However, she did notice that Michael looked back towards Diana Elana Godfrey.

She held a higher regard for Diana, since Astra did take her to Diana’s home in Hamburg a few times. The Godfrey Family was a better family and loved each other deeply, while the Donster Estate was completely the opposite. Richard’s evil knew no bounds in how he treated everyone in his home, which wasn’t his daughter Cornelia. Basically treated everyone else like they didn’t exist or only existed as breaking them down and rebuilding them in away to his own ends. She heard Andrew speak and kinda giggled at what he said. ”Uhh, how do you two know each other? Andrew and Michael.” Fiona asked, curiously. It was mostly for curiosity sake since she didn’t really ask about anything really. There was reasons for that mostly had to involve her father Richard, he never really allowed her to know anything but mental traumas.

Fiona continued to listen to the two talk, until Michael gave back the knife and an apple slice. ”Y-Yeah, thank you, Michael.” Fiona said, a bit nervously as she held the knife in one hand and the apple slice in the other. She put the knife back into its beautifully ornate and beautiful seethe. It didn’t really take her off guard mostly, but apples did taste better when cut. She decided to take a bite of the apple and it was indeed definitely good. It was a bit cute to see her feel a bit of an ounce of joy from being away from her evil father. ”I-I must say… everyone that Diana knows is so wonderfully the opposite of my father Richard Averring Donster, its a bit… shocking.” Fiona said, with truth in her words.

It was definitely a hard pill to swallow to be honest, her father always showed her nothing but hatred towards the fact she is a Darscen. She deeply sighs and still remember his words to her when she joined the Europa’s Second War, ”You’re pitiful existence will end or begin with a single action. I chose to join the Europa’s First War because of my plans outweighed anything else. However, you must choose to come crawling back to me as a pathetic waste of life or… buried in some forgotten wasteland burned by the Imperial Alliance.” These words will always live with her because they were terrifying to say the least. It was like, he wanted to get the last word in before she went out to join the Rangers. ”You’re reign of terror will end one of these days, Father.” Fiona thought to herself, with a firm grip of wanting her family freed of his grasp. Something caught her off guard, however, it was when Michael said cute cat. It made her a bit weirded out since she was never really allowed to have a pet because of her overbearing cruel father. She look behind her and saw the cat, which was in the clothes of their sniper, Elizabeth White. ”Aww, that is a cute little kitty… too bad I never had a chance to own one...” Fiona said, with an awe struck look on her face.

Diana had much on her mind, however, the one important thing was how long it would take to get to their destination. The answer soon arrived with Andrew answering her question, which gave her a smile on her face. ”Oh that’s wonderful news to hear, Andrew. I thought it would’ve taken longer to be honest. Y-Yeah, that is definitely true on that front this trek is a bit rough for vehicles.” Diana responded, as loudly as she asked the question. It’s pretty much her shtick at this point, however, she tries not to be too annoying in certain things. However, she knows the pain staking annoyance is to deal with sometimes in terms of her usual demeanor. In terms of the overbearing mother, who looks after the younger soldiers when it so requires her expertise in that matter.

However, she went back to deep within her own thoughts of everything that happened previously and what not. Someone helped her out of these thoughts, which was a familiar and kind voice she always adores hearing. Specifically Elizabeth White, which is always a pleasure talking to. ”Hello Liz. It’s always a pleasure to see you. You’ve always helped out at the home.” Diana replied quietly. It’s always a pleasure to have an extra hand at the Godfrey Home, which is in Hamburg. However, when Liz wrapped her arms around her she giggled slightly. Then Liz asked an important question, which made her lose her usual demeanor of being in a good mood. However, a cute little meow from Liz’s jacket happened and she saw Soot and that made her smile. ”Liz, I-I’m doing okay. It’s always a joy to see Soot. He’s adorable and I can see why you like cats so much. It’s probably a reason why Emma wanted a kitty so badly.” Diana said, with a definite smile back on her face. Elizabeth White and Soot definitely had a way with keeping her mood in a positive light over what she could have been.

Diana in the back of her mind, was definitely still worried about her mother and father in Castleton. ”I guess, I am still a bit worried about Rebecca and Gavin. Even though they constantly reassure me not to worry about the plans of a nobleman with a stick up his ass.” Diana said, with basically saying this quietly towards Liz. She wasn’t truly okay since she’s constantly worried about her parents even more so than most people would. However, she can act differently to most people that shows she’s much more human than that Donster Bastard is. She never once really enjoyed being separated from her parents, but at least she always has the pendant necklace around her neck to remind herself of them. It’s a miracle Richard hasn’t even made a move yet, which is a bit scary to be honest.

Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by dwyer austin
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dwyer austin

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Austin had listened to everyone speaking up after he himself got up to head to the mess hall. Rosie and Paloma were as excitable as always. A welcome sight in a gritty situation. Although he had no idea where they got all their energy from. He assumed drugs would be the source but then again, they wouldn’t be here if they had any so that was out of the question for now. He chuckled and rolled his eyes when Rosie said he wasn’t old, he knew this and it was all supposed to be a joke, but he found it nice and reassuring to hear someone trying to confort him about it.

“Rosie she told you not too- and there she goes....... Where do you guys get your energy anyways? I’m tired as hell......” He was right in assuming that some of them would ignore the orders they were given, seeing as Rosie just bolted towards the mess hall for food. At least she’s got the right priorities in place. He wasn’t much better himself seeing as his stomach was grumbling a bit to get some food in his gut. “Alright guys come on. As much as I’d love eggs and bacon, let’s be real, it most likely won’t happen, let’s at least hope it’s something edible. Though we should be getting decent food at least..... You’d think with us putting our lives on the line, the higher ups would at least put some money into getting us some half decent food.... We are the ones saving their asses after all and fighting to protect our homes.”

With that statement said he began heading towards the mess hall to eat and get some food in his gut, he very much needed it. As did his little buddy hiding in his bed. No way he could ever let him go hungry no sir! So he hoped they could at least get a little bit of meat for him to save for little Bastian..... As long as Bastian remained in cover and in hiding from the rest of the crew. He had no idea that there were other animals around seeing as he kept mostly to himself to avoid his own little buddy from being discovered, for fear that they may take him away and put him down...

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Yam I Am
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Yam I Am Indefinitely Retired

Banned Seen 1 yr ago

Judging by the apparent reaction of the small crowd assembled at her suggestion, Maxi engaged a smile toward the group. Visibly rather excited in regards to the supposition, she, too, began her steady march toward the Mess Hall, looking over the group. Paloma and Rosie's sheer exuberance meshed with Austin's awkward supposition forced a grin out of her, any onlooker who knew her well knowing full well that she was keenly observing Austin, evaluating when and what to strike. How he sluggishly trailed along with everyone else, to how he constantly bemused their boundless energy, all of which only made Maxi chuckle. Yori, Maxi knew, was just the prickly type. Hard to get ones hands around, but once the outer shell is gone, there is but a pleasant interior in which one may finally bask their fingers in. At least, Maxi had assumed this was the case, for she had the secret hope within her that Yori wasn't just Killjoy Boy all along. Austin? Well, he was just green, and there wasn't much of any manner of practical solution for greenness than old-fashioned experience. The way she figured, Austin would be singing a whole different tune after his first few weeks in the Corps, a jolly brother in this merry little band. As for Victoria...

...well, there was no satisfying Victoria. One could bring down the sky for her, and she would likely shrug at the gesture and suggest you find better people to please.

"Ah, cheer up!" she turned, addressing the "concerns" of Yori and Victoria both with a slight grin, "There's been a lot of talk about swapping out the rations after all the field reports."

As one approached the rather unceremonious entrance to the Mess Hall, adjacent to the door was the daily chalkboard upon which the daily chow was scribbled. Just after, everyone knew, would be the receiving window upon which requests and trays would be distributed. Moving closer, the faint, flickering light of the base above flashed into fullness, illuminating the darkness of the black chalkboard in a yellowish light. And the menu would be...

Maxi smiled, placing her hands on her hips and turning back to the small crowd with clear glee. Truth be told, she was waiting for Rosie or Paloma to explode all over Yori and maybe drown him in some optimistic, sugary sweetness. Perhaps it wouldn't make his morning, hour, minute, or even second, but perhaps Yori and Victoria might show something aside from omnipresent glumness.

"See? They're giving us rations so good even Vincenzo's cooking can't screw it up!" Maxi laughed, shamelessly opening the doors with both hands as if unveiling some grand display.

"Another word like that, and ya' gonna' be eating week-old salt-and-bread for the rest of ya' time here."

For four in the morning, Vincenzo was, as perhaps expected for an army cook, less than excited to need to prepare so early in the morning. His sullen, baggy eyes traced around his sockets not dissimilar to a raccoon's marks, lazily plucking a lit cigarette into his mouth while he took a long drag.

"Vincenzo? Wasn't your shift over at 22-hundred?"

"Quartermaster told me i'm on double time now." he addressed, the acidity in his remark clear that their decision came at his expense, "I'm off at 5 today."

"Ah...Anyway, what's in Vinny's Surprise?"

"It's a surprise."

"Oooh~...I like surprises." she taunted. Her face etched a, "Try me"-grin that stretched from eye to eye, cheek to cheek. Unenthused, Vinny unceremoniously crouched below the counter, grunting a bit as he went down.

As he came back up, he plopped a red meal tray, atop it a giant bowl of some combination of beans and meat in a thick, dark broth, the contents splattering unto the countertop as he dropped it. Maxi's grin evaporated into consternation, her brow sharpening as she inspected the "breakfast" up for service.

"Wait...Vinny, this is just last night's dinner!" she gently prodded a finger into it. The deepening of her frown on an already displeased demeanor suggested the meal was heated to a lukewarm temperature, at best.


The lieutenant glanced back slowly at Yori, Paloma, Vicky, and Rosie. Her unamused face told it all: "Whatever you do, don't get the Surprise."
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by dwyer austin
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dwyer austin

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Austin sighed and grumbled as he kept walking at this slower pace towards the mess hall, he was definitely eager to eat, but he was still very tired all around. However he wasn’t tired enough to not notice Maxi staring at him. Not really aware of her prancing nature due to how new he was, he merely shrugged it off as a girl being a girl. He stretched his arms out and felt a shoulder pop and he sighed contently, so that was the uncomfortable feeling he had this morning. With that all over and done with they soon arrived at the mess hall and he looked at the menu when the lights decided to kick in.

Well at least it wasn’t just regular slop and shit, so hopefully it would have a decent taste. He walked towards where the chef was and listened to the conversation between him and Maxi. He soon laughed when it turned out the “Vinny’s Surprise“ was just last nights dinner. Now, Maxi was stuck with it. He patted her on the shoulder. “Ah thank you for your sacrifice Maxi we will all make sure to not repeat your mistake.”

He then turned to Vinny, poor bastard got stuck with double time and likely no extra compensation for his efforts. Such was the army and all that bullshit. “Sorry to hear you got stuck with double time Vinny. I hope you get some rest soon man. Don’t worry, you’re not the only tired one here today. I’ll take the egg ham and mushroom breakfast casserole please.” He turned to look at the rest of the group, Wondering how they’d respond to whole scenario...... He also just wanted to hear them get all excited again. Honestly, he could go for some casual excitement.

@Yam I Am @Ambra @Ithradine
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Ithradine
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Ithradine A Rouge Machine

Member Seen 2 days ago

"That's right Paloma...never lose hope!" Rosie spoke dramatically as she held a clutched fist close her chest, imitating the act of crying to accentuate the performance.

Rosie knew full well that asking for something as luxurious as bacon in wartime rations was wishful thinking, but she wouldn't let it stop her from dreaming. It didn't matter if today's breakfast had bacon or even baked bread. The mere possibility made put a smile on her face. She would be happy with anything as long as she could have it with her extended her family, even Yori and Victoria who could sometimes be a prickly...just like a cactus! She imagined their faces planted on a giant cactus and suppressed the following giggle by quickly placing her own hand on her lips. She waited for Maxi to enter the mess hall before following close behind to get some food.

Rosie gave a sharp salute towards Maxi as she received the surprise "There goes our fearless leader....gone too soon." She spoke as though Maxi was already dead.

Despite there not being any bacon, the menu was not all that bad "I'll take the potato cakes and apple sauce, please!" Rosie happily spoke as she approached Vinny with a bright smile. While he certainly gave some people a hard time, Vinny was always nice to her. He even gave her a little extra in her rations at times so he wasn't such a bad guy!

After receiving her food, she pratically skipped over to Yori beaming that same smile "Look Yori! It may not be as glorious as bacon, but it's not bad right? At least not as bad as Vinny's surprise." She let out a small giggle, looking over at Maxi "So, how about we sit together and enjoy it? Ya know, Maxi might just lay off ya for a little..." Rosie wagged her finger in the air and gave him a not-so-discreet wink.

There was enough with the war going on to be sad or bitter about so it was important to have fun where possible. While her father never told her everything about EW1, she knew enough to understand it was going to be tough. Hell, it might be the toughest experience she will ever go through. She took a look around at all the familiar faces that surrounded her right now. No matter happens, she would never give up on any of them. Was it wrong to want to be there for them even when the fighting was over? Rosie wanted to show everyone that it was possible to keep a positive outlook, even when in the darkest of times. Time would tell if Rosie's beliefs would last under the fires of war.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by CFProxy
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CFProxy Für Gott und Kaiser

Member Seen 9 mos ago



Screams ensued as the truck jumped along the rock infested valley of trees and springs. A roar errupted from the private in the back before instantly being cut short from passing out. Bump! Bump! Bump! BAM!

Like the majestic eagle, so too did this bird of prey take flight in pursuit of its most succulent prey. Unyielding and bold, it would fly into the eye of this hurricane- much to its crew's dismay.






Amidst the chaos, Lieutenant Kyllo loosened his flask, taking a sip of alcohol before bracing himself for the next slam which threatened to take him into the abyss and yet despite such implications he could only help to think on one thing...

"Lt. Kyllo."

"General Ducasse."

"I am counting on you and Lt. Höfler to leave a strong impression on the men and women at your disposal. Ideally, we must make them believe that we are capable of anything. I have been regarded as a dangerous and reckless general, but yet still I have been admired by many as a skilled and respectful warrior. Unpredictable is a trait that I pride myself on. Courageous a precious compliment. However, I do want to make it very clear to you that despite these things I would ask this of you-"


"Don't frighten them too much. Alright?"



Dust exploded into the air. Coughs were audible and true. Burning through the minds of many were what the source of this noise was- burning through the pants of others- a relief to simply be alive.

"We've made it boys! Just in time for grub!" Bursting from his seat Wilby exited the vehicle, confidently walking around the front of the vehicle until another audible pop came from the hood of the truck with a tire rolling into a nearby soldier. The grinning soldier only now drew forth the expression of guilt and conviction as the mechanical companion sputtered its dying breaths. "Oh- Oh Sally, what have I done to you? Speak to me darling, let me know you'll be alright."

A sputtering coughed from the worn vehicle. A hand extended from Wilby to rub its hot and dangerously situated hood.

"There, there- Rest now, I'll fix you up soon."

Stepping out from the vehicle with a vomiting private carefully positioned to his side- the Lieutenant gazed upon the bystanders before giving his word. "A mission was completed with new intel in our hands. I want engineers on this truck- and a medic for the... sick. As you were."


"Clover, could you not cause such a racket-"




Surprise to some? A fresh Echo Black, perhaps has never experienced such an uproar. But this appeared to be a scene all to familiar for the unfortunate ones like Uyless who listened to the droning of these two bicker back and forth like a static television broadcasting the ever so persistent signal of nothing at all. The constant clashing of red and green persisted yearly much like the left over decorations of a wintery holiday of love, sharing, and cheer. However, as all knew, they were the ironic deposition that was left over from the hand picked eyes of General Ducasse.

Clover shoved Hamlock aside for the moment, breaking away from the presence of the man to line up for a decent meal.
"Oi! Boiler! What've ya got with some punch to it? Got te start my day off right!"

"You'll be the death of us all, Clover..."

Quietly, Pyry entered behind the bickering soldiers and cleared his throat. "Attention- you don't need to stand for this-" He interrupted himself- stopping a collection from attempting to properly enact their training. "The damage outside is nothing to be concerned with. We have some hours before some VIPs come to examine what we have to offer so in the meantime enjoy the meal, refrain from blowing up the truck outside, and stay at the ready for assignment. Dismissed."

With his brief announcement concluded, the lieutenant resigned to placing an arm behind his back and moving to get some food for his gut.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Yam I Am
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Yam I Am Indefinitely Retired

Banned Seen 1 yr ago

A broad lip stretched with echoes of its thoughts ringing through the dark cave. Bursting like bats from the darkness came the demands for attention as the soldier slammed a hand onto the counter like anchor to the ocean floor. Helpless, the red headed man behind her took hold of her arm for the moment in an attempt to sway her to pull from her course of action, but the stubborn one had made her choice.

"Clover-" Hamlock pleaded, tugging at her arm as she half vaulted the counter.

"Oi! Boiler! What've you tossed up today? Can'te giveahint at what ye've made- Maybe some whiskey on the side for te lack of flavor!"

"There is a menu above you-"

"Nobody's talkin- te you knobcomber."

Hamlock exhaled audibly, red flushed face blowing smoke as he placed his arms behind his back to see how this would play out. Who knows, maybe this insufferable personality would be dealt with. "You commoners..."

Clover dropped back down after getting a brief look over counter to nothing that particularly grabbed her interest with a wide grin and an expectant mind for playful banter.

As soon as her distinctive voiced graced his ears - and "graced" was a term he used generously to describe the drudge Vincenzo experienced whilst near Clover - Vincenzo near-instinctively swallowed the drag of his cigarette, for a mouthful of ash and tar was a far better taste than another bout with Clover.

His eyebrows entrenched into his gaze. Turned to face the pair, he lazily looked back at the woman, too, casting a sideway glance toward Hamlock.

"Actually...i'm not sure what's on the menu today, Clover." he replied, leaning into the counter, "Because after what you owe me, i'm not even sure if i'm supposed to feed you, or if i'm supposed to let you go hungry and call our debt even."

Well...this was problematic. The dark green hair gave a chuckle, sweetening up her voice a bit as she gave a half shrug.

"Hey, noowww, let's not get too upset here, Vinny. I told ye- I'm good fer it! I just need a bit of time and you'll have yer share! Sides- ye wouldn't leave yer fellow man with a gut empty. No?"

"A fellow man...maybe."

He heaped a platter of breakfast bake upon a pristine white platter, and promptly handed Hamlock his breakfast.

"A woman as slippery as you, though?" Vinny shrugged.

"Thank you, Vincenzo." Hamlock nodded. "I'll be looking forward to the meal." As the soldier walked by Clover, he gave her one more bit of advice in a whisper: "Don't make things worse for yourself!"

There was a certain look of defeat in Clover's eyes as the man she despised made off with her meal. There was a certain burning inside to do what was right... overshadowed by the rage egged on by pride. Turning her broken gaze from Hamlock to Vincenzo, she took a slightly more aggressive tone.

"Look- Vince- I went through the training like everyone else. I'm a lass you can depend on- but I don't see the point in bein' heartless. Now- and I'm askin' ye nice- please, can I have a plate of somethin te eat?"

Sighing, Vinny turned around, apparently working quite hard behind the window of the mess hall. Clover could make out a few clangs and scrapes, an occasional clink of silverware against what she could only hope was another meal...God, the smell was nearly irresistible. Leave it to Vincenzo and those Zwellians to find out how to make something made of grains and tomatoes taste so damn good. When he really wanted to, Vinny could produce miracles in that mess hall setup; Even a few stray cigarette ashes were almost like a sweet spice when in one of that man's productions.

Then Clover smelled...burning? Like a sour smoke, or like papers coated in acrid oil now being ignited...

Vincenzo turned around, and it hit her.

On the dinner plate designated as hers sat her breakfast: It was the usual egg breakfast bake, all right, perfectly fluff and scrumptiously coated in a healthy glistening of cheese and olive oil.

Upon its top, three cigarettes had been stuck in, fired and ignited like they were her birthday candles.

"Here." Vinny brusquely addressed, "I made it *special."*

He held the plate upon his fingertips and leaned forth upon the counter, putting his whole mass between her and her breakfast, soon to be dripping generously with cigarette ash.

Now there was a beautiful taste to her nose! It reminded her of a special feeling she hadn't felt in so long. Was it the romance of a first love? Was it the embrace of a red faced mother elated to find that her daughter was still in one piece? Mortality transcended to another plane as the divines touched fingertips with the limits of humanity to create something so beautiful. All it took- was one bite from the forbidden fruit to turn it so blackened and corrupt. What once was beautiful- was now lost.

This- this was no meal. This was an abomination that was so ungraciously handed to her. She was no saint- she was no pure maiden of golden heart and taintless soul- but this- this was wrong!

Blood surged like lightning to a rod- anger beyond reason consumed as the eruption of a sleeping volcano threatened the peace of so many around her.


"You'll what?"

A hand upon her shoulder quickly silenced the blazing woman. Who else could it have been other than her commanding officer? Who else- but one of the lieutenants.

"I'll..." She bit her tongue, giving a flustered grind of the teeth and taking her plate with a harsh swipe. "Enjoy the fucking meal."

Lieutenant Kyllo watched the young soldier bitterly march off- giving her only a few blinks before turning to face the cook. "Is there a problem, Vincenzo?"

"Aside from the usual?" Vincenzo snarled, sneering at the woman going by. He had had plenty to do with an unfavorable sort - all in goodwill of his fellow soldiers, of course - and by many metrics, Clover was far from the worst of his headaches. If anything, Vincenzo would - by his own admission - rather be chained to a bed with Clover than have another 20 hour shift.

"Eh, it's nothing." he dismissed, giving a defeatist shrug, "Just some old business that hasn't quite been settled yet, and Clover's a b-...not familiar with Zwollian humor."

Kyllo could tell Vincenzo could only hush out his last correction by the bite of his tongue.

The officer simply nodded in turn, allowing that to be as it was.
"Clover is... a bit dense. I think. But I also think that maybe she could come to learn that humor in time. You know?" He gave a slight shrug, smiling softly as he progressed their conversation. "Well- maybe we can take a look at some Zwollian cooking, hm? How are our supplies?"

Vinny leaned back from the counter, raising his eyebrows at the inquiry.

"They're a'lright, yeah. Been a lot better since we got the req memo about Signora Generala." he quoted. His tone was rather uppity, sarcastically ecstatic.

"What'll it be, then?" Vincenzo asked, returning his lean to the counter.

The lieutenant gave a soft chuckle, grinning as he pondered the reaction. Though he supposed that there wasn't often a difference between units in the military. They were given a budget, but he was told it would be better as time went on. Even now- it seemed like the general was at least holding up her end of the bargain and given that she wanted to give a presentation of her fine collection he supposed it was only expected. Only time would tell if she would be so generous as to continue and donate to her project.

"I'll take the Casserole. Just try not to sneer too much at the VIPs with the general when she comes and maybe things will go a bit more smoothly when I talk to her about getting you a decent break from army life. At the very least we could discuss getting more ingredients regularly."

"You try getting any other of these guys to cook. I'd rather just start eating trench mushrooms." For an Zwollian, Vincenzo had an odd dryness to the delivery of all of his jest. Even for one who had not and was unlikely to see any frontline fighting, his usual tone never deviated far from a certain cynicism which might be more routine amongst a veteran caste.

Regardless, he grasped the largest metal spoon from the rack above his head (The spade itself, Pyry noted, could easily be an entrenching tool in its own right), and dug into the great batch of breakfast, heaping generous amounts of a most pleasingly noxious assortment onto a spare plate. Long, gooey strings of pungent cheese clung to the spoon as he heaped each time onto the virtual pile of food, dripping with a hearty aroma with each clang.

"Here y' are." Quickly, Vincenzo displayed the plate before the LT with a furrowed, fumed glance, as if an artist showcasing a work which most displeased him to an art collector who found his worst work most intriguing.

He respected that the Zwollian wanted to uphold the things he held dear to him. Even for as rough as the man talked and for as hardened as he seemed there was a heart there that took pride in the things he sheltered. Even suggesting that nobody else could take his place- perhaps- was simply a way of saying that he took care of the people he was in charge of. Unwilling to take the time off...

With a softhearted tip of the hat the lieutenant tipped his cap and took his meal.
"I see. Good man- Vincenzo." There would still be much to learn from the man, but that was for another time.

The captivating smell lured him down a path he wasn't so certain of. Was it of the spring fields in the morning? A conversation with a woman in the land standing upon the sun? It wasn't so familiar to home, but its exploration warranted a passionate walk down a lane with civilian clothes and a newspaper with the words 'The War Is Over' neatly spread across its proud casing. Loved ones coming from their homes to meet their tired beloved embracing them at the doorstep. A parade held for the fortunate ones spilling across the color filled streets. Flowing through the hearts of many a prayer that this peace would last forever. So sleepy from a day well spent and nothing but the moment to live for. Captivating... That is how one would would describe it. With eyes closed shut and a silence with feeling... something he couldn't quite describe other than being magical...

As the lieutenant opened his eyes next to his fellow officer, he gave a sigh of relief. Eyes traced to his gloves as he swallowed the last of his spoonful. It was only a moment of freedom. It was only an ounce of a dream. Even so... It was one they could always make a reality- were it not so then the power of word would not be true. The works of the hand- an alternate reality. Was that not what they were there for? Just like any one person going to the local diner for a meal- all wanted a warm meal- a feeling- that they could enjoy in peace.

Even as he finished his second spoon he felt this to be true. It wasn't just him- but his team who could make this a reality. And- hopefully- both sides could find a warm life when all of this was over.

"Do you believe in them, lieutenant?" Pyry spoke softly to Höfler, ensuring it was for her ears only.

Maxi tilted over, glancing a sideways smile at her fellow lieutenant. His words reached her ears almost with an audible thunk to them, like Maxi had just run face-first into a wall, pressing her smile into awkward fixture. It made her chuckle - nervously - but chuckle nevertheless.

"What kind of question is that?!" Höfler confidently remarked, "What kind of lieutenant would I be if I didn't think our Rangers couldn't live up to their names? Not a very good one!"

She laughed a bit more, an uneasy happiness to her exuberance as if to express some manner of relief, or guilt. Maxi had no qualms nor doubts over the brave lads and lasses under her command. Many of them were veterans of the Great War, she knew; And she knew many of them had more experience under their belts than she had in her entire long years at school. The Imperialette may have been the trickster, but Pyry could unshroud it so well. She was a bit...nervous.

"You think...it'll be like the last war?" she expressed back at him, curious at what his response could be.

Pyry nodded with a smile of his own to show to her response, taking it rather well and hopeful as she continued to express herself. A capable officer. He believed that. She believed in her own soldiers and that alone was cause for relief as he understood what was expected from her. Why- it was hardly something that he had questioned himself- but he did want to hear it from her mouth. You couldn't rely on what you thought all the time. Sometimes you had to rely on what you were told. Even then- nothing is certain- but it was enough for him. And for her question?

"Yes. But, I also think it will be nothing like the last war. Where we are now... We're all just a bunch of soldiers doing what we think is right. I heard in the last war there was so much respect passed around with the sheer desire to return home. That- I believe- is what we may face here... Or so my father told me. If that is true- and from what I've seen both out there and in here... I'm sure it will be for the right reasons. But even we are something experimental and new. In that way- I think we will simply need to have faith in each other in this new war."

"Yes, quite~!" She seemed to suddenly spring into another phase, like another person or another place were simply inserted as simply as the turn of a page. It was far from the previous unease, Pyry could note; Her body straightened, poised upright with confidence. Her tone was chipper, more clear.

"They've been very sort of...selective about this. The generals, I mean." The Lieutenant went on, "We have our briefing and orders, but, you know there 've been a lot of changes between the last war and now, especially up-top. You know, the whole Belaire Convention."

"Maybe they're all more on-edge now. Or, maybe they're just trying to find a way to make the Ruzhians get involved again." she laughed.

Pyry blinked at the shift- though it had to be expected at this point. She was a strange individual but he could say that of himself. Despite such thoughts, he would move on as would be needed. Besides- it was always good to see another in a good mood. Though the thoughts of why they decided to make so many changes were really a question that he couldn't answer but if the last war was any indication...

"You could be correct." He chuckled. "But whatever the reason I only hope it means a quick war and a great progression. I feel... odd about the general herself, but I think we're fortunate to have her. Do you think the troops are ready to meet with her today?"

Maxi shrugged, even casting a playful grin to go along with it. Perhaps "readiness" wasn't what she was aiming for. After all, the fighter never became tense in the face of danger: Only ready.

"Sure!" the lieutenant chimed back, "I think they'll get along with her. Besides, it helps when they know that I have to answer to someone, too!"

"I can only hope you're right. The last thing we need is daily inspections to tell us where our funding stands based on behavior... but onto more serious business." With that lighthearted conversation over, Pyry pulled out some notes on a sheet of folded paper which he unraveled to show unto his fellow officer. "I think you're right Maxi. The locals have been odd and we have found some evidence of foreign activity scattered around our recon objectives. It's a bit early to say- but even campsites show differences and it typically results in one being rather uniform. Similar imprints and I managed to find this at one of the campsites."

Pulling out the end of the smoked stick from his pocket the lieutenant offered it to the other- giving her the opportunity to scan the graphic marking. "Imperial?"

Her grin rapidly evaporated. Peering over the documents, she glazed over each segment one at a time, scanning with an intrigued, scrupulous eye. Occasionally, it raised, yet more apropos the papers were telling an out-of-age joke than one of concern. She tapped the Northwest corner - Pyry could tell from indirect attention alone - then slowly traced a finger down, as if following some hidden outline in the paper.

"It could be...hrm. . ." Maxi mused, pursing her lips while she thought. Their ambiance turned silent. She slowly rolled her eyes back upon Pyry.

"We should bring this up at the briefing later...I think the General will want to know about this before we move out."

With a nod, Pyry turned his attention to the soldiers and placed a hand to his chin. "For now, we ought to see how the men are doing. I will speak with you more later. Hm? Oh- and keep an eye on Clover. She seems a little aggravated today." He chuckled, standing up and moving to his quarters while enjoying another trip into the land of dreams.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by dwyer austin
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dwyer austin

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Austin would turn to see the whole scene go down...... Wow. He had no idea they were like that.... Or at least he had no idea the lady was like that. One hell of an accent too. Ah well. It will all work out in the end. They’re all in the same unit after all. So they had to work together and get over their differences to bring peace and prosperity to their homes and families. If they worked together, there would be nothing, absolutely nothing that they can’t d- WHACK!

Austin froze in place for a moment....... He then immediately put down his food on the closest table and he sat down on seat and held his foot and silently shook and cursed up profanities quietly, but repeatedly..... Apparently he had whacked his toe against the metal of one of the tables and crushed his pinky toe in his damn steel toed boot. No matter how resilient one might be, the unexpected will always hurt. How he did this not even he knows, but all he knew was that it hurt like fucking hell in a hand-basket.

After a few moments of agonizing pain, it soon faded and he turned in his seat to face the table and began eating his food. Trying to play it off and not embarrass himself in front of absolutely everyone and his superiors in fear of getting kicked off the team for non-professionalism. Because the last thing he could afford to do was get sent home without a way to actually get home. Though..... Being home wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world. He missed his family and being able to help them around the house..... Sure a they didn’t live in great large buildings and had commodities out the ass, but it was a nice little home and they worked for what they had, so, he was happy with it. Any meat found in his meal, he would take out and set aside for later for his little buddy hiding in bed.

Speaking of buddies, anyone who hasn’t taken a seat to eat their food, Austin would wave them over to come and sit with him to eat. He hoped he could get to know the team a little bit before the big wigs arrived and ruined all the fun. Right now they could freely speak, at least, that’s what he figured due to the relaxed nature some of the higher ups seemed to have that were already here. He wanted to enjoy the moment, before the moment became all about this god forsaken war that is.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Landaus Five-One
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Landaus Five-One The Sadist Insaneous One

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

Fiona was a bit exhausted but nonetheless needed something to eat, which would be the only place for it would be the Mess Hall. If it wasn’t for the fact she kinda had another flashback of how smug and evil her father Richard was. It was a bit much for her but she joined the military to save her family from Richard. However, she had regained her smile when noticing the menu for breakfast and remembering the name of the one who cooks their food. It was obvious since the last thing on the menu was Vinny’s Surprise. She was more interested in something else over what could be the most strangest thing ever. ”H-Hello, Vinny. Can I please have Potato Cakes with Apple Sauce and Sour Cream. That would be wonderful...” Fiona said, with a slight nervous tick in her voice with a slight elegance to it.

”I hope I did the correct thing, in politely asking for my food.” Fiona thought to herself. She hopefully did the right thing since she knows how annoying it would be to be angry at someone for no particular reason. The only person that deserves that anger and hate would be her father Richard for being an utter cruel bastard. ”E-Enjoying your day?” Fiona asked, curiously. She was a bit late in waking up so she didn’t really see all the excitement a bit earlier aka, all the angry people. If it wasn’t super obvious to how she’s been acting, it was always a quirk of hers to be a bit depressive. However, she did have some friends in this regiment alike Rosie for instance.

Fiona sighed a bit only because she should really stop trying to being stuck on the past. It’s kinda hard to deal with that problem, which is how her mother is being treated mostly. ”...I need to get stronger to free everyone from Richard’s evil including myself. One step at a time, I suppose...” Fiona thought to herself, with slightly deep in it. However, not so much to get blindsided by anything from when Vinny responds to her anyways. She’s here and going to try her best for once, however, she did notice that Rosie wasn’t here. Probably because Rosie was doing her running thing again. ”H-How does she keep her energy so up? I couldn’t really sleep that well because of that… nightmare so to speak. Dad, I-I hate you.” Fiona thought to herself again. However, the last part of her thought was spoken a bit quietly from her lips about hating her father.

Diana wasn’t really enjoying herself when she walked into the mess hall, which was because she felt like woke up on the wrong side of the bed. However, she wasn’t really hungry at the moment since she was more into wanting to talk to Maxi. If it wasn’t for the fact she was irritable and annoyed slightly. ”How’s the weather everyone? Every time I see you Vincenzo, my mood turns around very quickly. I hope you are having a wonderful day.” Diana questioned, basically asking everyone in the mess hall. Loud as ever, she liked it that way since she has family back home. If anything, it is like she had definitely grown up with a bit of a loudness to her voice. However, her stomach growled, which made her sigh and roll her eyes a bit.

She stopped herself a bit and noticed Fiona at the place to get her own food, which kinda made her go a bit awe. ”I’m into getting the same thing as Sweet Little Fiona, please Vincenzo.” Diana said, with a slight cuteness in her voice. She always enjoyed Fiona’s presence at her home when her sister came to visit anyways. However, she had her hands full with her two children, her husband Luke and taking care of Liz. She was definitely one of those people who love children, but she loved her alcohol a bit more. It didn’t help she still had her worries about her mother and father living in Castleton.

It took a bit but Fiona was struck by the what people would call a deep sigh at the fact, Diana basically want the same thing she’s having. This was always slightly annoying but Diana did have a talent of baking things and usually her food was so good nonetheless. ”H-Hi Diana, why do you always pick the same thing I eat?” Fiona asking curiously since she was always a bit of an annoyed at it. Even though, the Godfrey’s were twenty times better than her father Richard since they were always loving. It was a bit sweet to be honest, she wished her father wasn’t so heartless.

Diana giggled slightly, which made her enjoy Fiona’s questions, showed the fact she is still a bit naive. ”Just because Fiona, I am still a child at heart even though… I’m an adult. I still like apple sauce, deary. If anything, you should be eating a bit more.” Diana said, only because she knows how badly she was treated by Richard. Only because of the fact, she’s a growing girl and she would never do that to her children. If anything it was just cruel for how Richard treated everyone at that Estate, the cruelest historic estate in Castleton. It was the one thing she always saw in Fiona’s eyes, the sadness, determination and wanting to get stronger but couldn’t when living there. The only good thing about Diana she knows how children acts since she has two of her own. She takes out her flask and takes a drink from it since its always better to be a bit buzzed from time to time. ”I hope this war doesn’t be alike the first one, that was horrible.” Diana thought to herself, with an annoyed look on her face.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by CFProxy
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CFProxy Für Gott und Kaiser

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Perhaps not long after did there come a set of steps. Down sat down the woman of emerald hair. An echo of the past. Young and hopeful with a string of flowers woven into the braid of her hair. Bright blue eyes calling out to the darkness as a beam. Where else did they land but to the ship calling from sea? The northern europan studied her new friend, taking in his obsidian hair and crimson lens. Just as alluring, the pendant upon his neck.

“I will take your invitation!” She gleefully announced, seeping into her seat with a folded leg and open expression. Though the plate before her was steaming she allowed it to cool, placing it off to the side for a moment so she could speak with her fellow man. “I am Eija Penttilä. I’m a field medic and I don’t think we’ve properly met. Private Dwyer was it?”

The smile did not betray her nature even as it widened. Innocence was perhaps the tone. One could argue blissful ignorance. A certain radiance did embrace her even under the shade of shelter. To those who knew her mother- it would be all too clear up close. Upon her own neck laid there a cruxian symbol of faith. Niche as it was, it remained a proclamation of her unwavering faith to a god that many believed simply did not exist.
@dwyer austin

For the daughter and mother would come a difference in the mood of their conversation. For among the joys of consuming apple sauce and patricide came a newcomer to the moment. Now you wouldn’t want to hold your breath at absurdity for it wouldn’t serve you well. The lack of reason folded by the genius of ingenuity would amaze you. Blink and you’d miss it. Stare and you’d wish you hadn’t seen it. There in all its splendor was a young man in a camo coated one piece swimsuit covering him from elbow to ankle sitting with legs crossed on the table. Socks flowing just above the ankle were plastered with ducks of varied designs and upon his light toned head a patch of Darscen hair. He tilted his head, his elegant body quietly shifting. An eye closed. Spoon and jar of peanut butter parachuted to the surface of the table by his hands. Fingers emulated mirrored ‘L’s as he took a mental picture.

“Family.” He spoke softly, mimicking the click of a camera before leaning himself to the right for a different angle.

Now that Ludwig was allowed to roam the earth- there was no telling what Maxi would be enduring.

The man rolled off the table, landing upon his left toes which held him up effortlessly as he took in their expressions and made another click noise. “Sisters in cause. Sisters… in food.” From seemingly nowhere he drew a notepad from his person swiftly and drew a notepad upon it. He drew arms to hold the notepad and an extremely simplified stick figure of the two women behind the notepad in a perspective drawing. He drew lines above their heads, breathing in calmly as he turned the paper for them to see and laid the notebook down on the table with his pen laid on top of it. Even for as crudely simple as the drawings were- it was still obvious as to who was who. To Diana and Fiona, he offered them this opportunity to present what he desired on paper. “Your names?”
@Landaus Five-One
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by dwyer austin
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dwyer austin

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Austin would look up from his food to see the women addressing him take her seat. He smiled lightly, well at least he wouldn’t be eating alone. He just hoped she didn’t see him whack his toe just moments earlier. “Eija, a very nice name. Yes I am Private Dwyer. But you may just call me Austin. A pleasure to meet you properly.” He was unaware as to who exactly her mother was as he smiled at her. However he did notice the symbol of faith that rested around her neck, it was quite a well done piece that reminded him of the pendant around his own neck.

“A field medic eh? I feel like we will get along very well. I myself am a fire brigadier, so I will likely be very far on the front lines taking out tanks. It will be good to know that I got someone on the field to count on to keep me alive.” He would take another bite of his food, he always preferred to have his food while it’s nice and hot, he disliked cold food as it tasted stale, dry and overly unpleasant to attempt eating. After swallowing the piece he was chewing upon he once again gazed upon the symbol on her neck. “Are you a women of faith? Or does the symbol you bear represent something else for you? You don’t have to answer if you don’t wish to do so.”

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Landaus Five-One
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Landaus Five-One The Sadist Insaneous One

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

Fiona just sighed slightly at what Diana exactly said. It was a bit odd to say the least, that a woman like Diana would be still a kid at heart. ”I-I am trying… its just hard.” Fiona said, with a slight confused look on her face. Diana constantly gets her a bit confused with what she says but at least she’s really nice. If anything, she’s grateful for Diana’s support out of all the things, the Godfrey Family is very friendly.

”I wonder where I can sit to talk to my fellow soldiers. If the Godfreys weren’t there I would have probably couldn’t deal with the sight of those tanks...” Fiona thought to herself, with a slight deal of fear. Those tanks were always in the back of her head, with what her father was planning, which scared her. However, she noticed someone approach Diana and her with a notebook and he was also a Darscen. She gained a smile slightly since she enjoys being around fellow Darscens. However, he asked their names, which made her smile kindly. ”M-My name is Fiona, what is yours?” Fiona asked, with a nervous tick but with a smile.

She did wonder what he was writing in that notebook and was a bit curious to say the least. It took awhile for her to clear her thoughts a bit and basically look passingly at the notebook in question. ”U-Umm, what are you writing in that notebook?” Fiona questioned curiously. She enjoys writing or drawing, even though she’s not that amazing as other people in the latter. At least, she can at least draw certain things well, which specifically terrify her mostly.

Fiona finally figured out where she was going to sit, at least. Even though she had to wait for her food, which she wasn’t really impatient that is. ”Wait, what is Diana doing? Why is she face palming…? She never does that unless she remembers something.” Fiona thought to herself, with an odd look at Diana. It’s always a quirk of Diana’s its probably because she’s a mother nonetheless. Diana always does that when she cooks its a bit of a bit of a strange thing anyways. However, she wasn’t cooking right now and why would she use her home cooking homely feeling and care to something that the military has. It must mean she knows of something of the Darscen that asked them their names.

Diana couldn’t help but giggle at Fiona’s sigh and what she said definitely made her go a bit awed. ”At least you are trying, Fiona. If anything you are doing better than most people who has a father like yours. I think everyone would love to boil him in acid with how cruel he is.” Diana said, with a reassuring tone to her voice. If anything she was truthful in that since she would so like to kill Richard herself. However, her family isn’t really much about violence since they wanted nothing to do with it.

”It would probably at least allow her to sit by someone who’s around her age. Even though I was mostly going to sit where Maxi was.” Diana thought to herself, with slight annoyed look on her face. It was mostly because she wanted to chat to Maxi and the others in the mess hall. However, she noticed someone approach Fiona and her and kinda recognized him. How he was acting kinda remind her of someone in her squad all those years ago, mostly an excellent drawer. Even though, it was a bit hard to pick on whom he reminds her of. ”My name? That’s simple, Diana Elana Godfrey and yeah I have to agree with sweet little Fiona, what’s yours? Also, you remind me of someone...” Diana said, with a slight feeling of who he is.

Diana was always a bit forgetting who he is, but she did remember all her old squad mates did go to Luke and hers wedding. However, it took her a bit to remember that two Darscens in her squad did get married and had a bloody hell a lot of children. ”Wait… no way, isn’t that Ines and Franz’s Son? Uhh… Damn, why did I forget that? Guess I had too much on my plate to remember exactly.” Diana thought to herself, with a slight face palm of forgetting the resemblance. However, she kept quiet so he could reintroduce himself but this was going to be embarrassing when her lazy husband gets here.

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