Name: Roger Martin
Age: 28
Rog stands at approximately 182cm (6 feet) and weighs approximately 68kg (152lbs). With a lean body type, he is adept in surviving at long periods in the outback. He has a small black 'X' tattooed on his right hand, in between his index finger and thumb - a mark of being a slave.
Personality: A drunkard, a womanizer, and a total degenerate. In older times, he would've been called a rake. But these days he is considered slightly above the usual standard of Australians. He has a strict code of honor, however, which has been given form with his service to the Order.
Background: Roger Martin was born somewhere in the Sunshine Coast, just near Nambour. His community was primarily scavengers, who made a living selling salvage to the Order and to other communities in the region. When he was just ten years old, however, the community was entirely destroyed by raiders from Nambour who took him and the other children as slaves, killing the adults mercilessly. Rog would spend the next ten years as a slave to the local warlord, eventually gaining such favor to be appointed as his personal bodyguard.
It would be the most fatal decision the warlord ever took.
Soon after his appointment, Rog led a slave revolt within the compound, killing the warlord before making his escape into the Outback. Barely making it out with his life, Rog was found by Bushrangers on patrol and quickly taken in as one of their own. He quickly gained a reputation for vicious drinking and partying, but also of total commitment in his duties. He has spent the last eight years, however, stuck in limbo at the rank of a Junior Ranger, unable to become a full Ranger due to the Slave Mark that haunts him to this day.
Weapons: L1A1 Self-Loading Rifle with a bayonet, Webley Revolver.