To forgive is to accept.
To forgive is to accept.
To forgive is to accept.
To forget is to reject.
To forget is to reject.
To forget is to reject.
══════ C H A R A C T E R P O R T R A I T ══════ _______________________________________________ ![]() _______________________________________________ ═══════ C H A R A C T E R S U M M A R Y ══════ Marlene "Mars" Antony, Witchbane _______________________________________________ 25 | ♀ | Breton _______________________________________________ Templar, Freelance Hero, Witch Hunter ▼ P H Y S I C A L T R A I T S ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ ► Build - Lean and athletic; built for endurance and agility. ► Skin Color - Fair ► Hair Color - Light brown, dirty blonde. ► Eye Color - Blue. ► Other - ▼ D O S S I E R ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ ► Birthplace - Jehanna, High Rock. ► Birthsign - The Lady ► Biggest Regret - Mary wishes she handled the dissolving of her church and her excommunication with the higher religious community with a little more grace. ► Mary's Goal - To perform great, honorable deeds to redeem the name of the Trifecta Templars. ▼ F A V O R E D A T T R I B U T E S ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ ► Major Willpower ► Minor Endurance ▼ S K I L L S ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ ► Shield - Adept ► One-Handed (Blade) - Adept ► Medium Armor - Adept ► Restoration - Adept ► Mysticism (Negation) - Adept ► Athletics - Apprentice ► Hand to Hand - Apprentice ► Communication (Speech) - Apprentice ▼ S P E L L S ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ ► Restoration - Close Wounds, Heal Other, Stendarr's Aura, Turn Undead ► Mysticism - (Greater) Dispel, (G) Dispel Other, Life Detection, Clairvoyance ▼ E Q U I P M E N T ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ ► Weapons - A steel longsword and a silver dagger of banishing. ► Armor - Metal reinforced wood shield, chain mail over a blue gambeson, leather gauntlets, and leather boots. ► Containers - A satchel which hangs from her shoulder and a 32 oz. waterskin. ► Food, Drink, Potions - A pouch which contains another pouch, a cheese cloth full of nuts, seeds, and dried fruits and vegetable chips such as apple chips, strawberries, kale, collards, potatoes, and snap peas. The only kind of meat she carries with her are small strips of salt cod. ► Miscellaneous - Her belt and bracers are adorned with dozens of multi-colored braids of fabric, ribbons, and hemp; a collection of favors. Also affixed to her belt is a pouch filled with small trophies; werewolf claws, vials of vampire ashes, and troll teeth get lost among the collection of hagravan talons. | ══════ A P P E A R A N C E ══════ The Bretons of High Rock are often a fair folk, and Mary is no exception. There might be some Nord somewhere in that blood of hers like most of those in Jehanna, since her fair skin, blue eyes, dirty blonde hair, and sharp features seem all too Nordic in appearance, but they are softened by the serene expression ever present in her face. Like many Bretons, she is short in stature at 5’6”, but she is fit and athletic like many warriors tend to be. She also weighs in approximately 135 pounds, she isn’t rippling with muscle like many warriors tend to be, and her toning is quite poor, but it takes a bit of muscle to carry arms and armor over mountains and the course of many miles. Her posture is tall and proud, and she stands with a sense of duty and obligation whenever she's armed and armored. Her hair is fair and wispy and usually floats around her shoulder, and one side of her head is usually lightly plaited into small braids. It frames her square jaw, a somewhat distinct feature in the midst of more conventionally feminine traits such as smooth skin, high cheekbones, and a thin and upturned nose above her pink lips. Her glowing countenance and lack of obvious scarring on her person denotes a successful career if not a proficiency in Restoration magic, though it disguises many years of bruising and battered bones. The most obvious scars are the knicks, cuts, and calluses on her hands from years of practice and wrestling with nasty beasts, and a few slashes on her upper arms, which are usually covered by clothes and her gambeson anyways. When donning her equipment, Mary opts for chain mail armor layered over a long noble blue gambeson that stretches down to her knees while a gorget covers her neck and part of her shoulders. She also wears leather gauntlets and bracers which are affixed with metal plates for further protection. Likewise, she wears knee high leather boots with plates of metal affixed to the shins, vamps, and toes via buckled straps. Her shield looks battered, but still has plenty of battles in its future. Once painted white with a red flower over its face, this metal-reinforced and fire-hardened wooden shield has its paint chipped off and shreds of wood splintered off. Most notable among this damage are four long claw marks scraping from one end to the next. She also wears a leather belt around her chain from which her sword sheath hangs from, and a sheath for her silver dagger rests just above her tailbone. The belt itself is adorned with dozens of multi-colored braids of fabric, ribbons, and hemp; a collection of favors she has accumulated over her years of questing and performing heroic deeds for the poor country folk -- some of them she even ties around her bracers. Also affixed to her belt is a pouch filled with small trophies. Aside from these favors and her amulets, she has few other accessories on her person. Not even so much as a piercing in her ear or a tattoo on her skin. In her downtime, she dresses down as humble as she seems in what is usually a linen blouse or men’s shirt and, surprising to most of those who meet her, a thin ankle length skirt. These garments are typical white, off white, or cream in color; very simple and very modest, and as a jarring addition to this dainty outfit are her leather riding boots without their armor affixed to them. However, under the skirt she often wears well-fitted equestrian's pants that are formed to her figure. Her posture when she dresses down is lot more humble than when she wears her armor, which goes to show how she was trained to present a sort of persona whenever she is "on duty." Even so, her real, down-to-Nirn self isn't so different with the exception of her confidence. She comes off as much more subdued and humble, and it becomes clear that she truly sees herself as little more than a servant to others. However, one thing that doesn't change are the three enchanted amulets tangled around her neck, each representing her gods of choice: a four-pointed star for Mara, a horn for Stendarr, and a triangle for Julianos. ═══════ P E R S O N A L I T Y ══════ First impressions? Serene, calm, satisfied, humble, and at peace. There’s a certain air about her that radiates a sense of goodness and benevolence that makes people feel naturally inclined to trust her. A pious woman, certainly, and she makes no attempt at hiding it and her regular mention of the Divines and the breadth of their influence of the world, which may be one of the few things that could be a seen as a fault by her worst critics. The belief that the gods will provide instills a sort of complacency in any man, woman, or mer, and this still holds true for Mary. Even so, she sees herself as a sort of tool or servant of the Divines. She acts in what she believes to be their will, so she isn’t the type to stand idly by in the face suffering or injustice. She takes initiative in almost all aspects of her life and shows herself to be very disciplined in her faith and daily routines. People often mistake her for being a knight, which she does not hesitate in correcting. Mary is difficult to anger and usually meets aggression with diplomacy and deliberation. She possesses a strong sense of justice and attempts to balance it with love and wisdom. She’s ever the optimist, perhaps even to the point of naivety, and she’s okay with that. Mary acknowledges that she’s still young and embraces it, even if she’s seasoned and was forced to grow up a bit sooner than others, choosing to not lord her experience over her friends and colleagues. It’s kind of difficult to stay mad at her -- she’s such a kind and free spirit without an ill bone in her body, aspiring to be the best possible version of herself at all times and seeking happiness through the betterment of others. You’d be forgiven for thinking that she’s being a martyr -- because you’re quite possibly right. The former templar once felt a significant sense of betrayal that shook her to her core. She feels an unbearable sense of shame for her association with a particular temple in High Rock that no longer exists and for having devoted herself so intensely to its clergy. She sees her journey partially as a sort of pilgrimage or path towards redemption, or perhaps she simply seeks to do as much good as possible before she dies a death worthy of forgiveness in the eyes of her gods. She burdens herself with the sense of sharing the same shame and guilt of her former church and seeks to redeem the reputation of the templars through her actions. |
══════ C H A R A C T E R P O R T R A I T ══════ _______________________________________________ ![]() _______________________________________________ ═══════ C H A R A C T E R S U M M A R Y ══════ Praesius "Finch" Vindicari _______________________________________________ 24 | ♂ | Imperial _______________________________________________ Sneak-Thief ▼ P H Y S I C A L T R A I T S ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ ► Build - Lithe and skinny. ► Skin Color - Olive and Mediterranean ► Hair Color - Black and oily. ► Eye Color - Amber. ► Other - ▼ D O S S I E R ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ ► Birthplace - Bravil, Cyrodiil. ► Birthsign - The Thief ► Biggest Regret - Casting the first stone. ► Finch's Goal - Stay alive. Find someone who can tutor him in magic. Save his first kill for whomever killed his parents. ▼ F A V O R E D A T T R I B U T E S ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ ► Agility ► Speed ▼ S K I L L S ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ ► Unarmored - Expert ► Stealth - Adept ► Legerdemain (Pickpocket) - Adept ► Athletics - Adept ► Acrobatics - Adept ► One-Handed (Blade) - Novice ▼ S P E L L S ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ ► N/A ▼ E Q U I P M E N T ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ ► Weapons - A steel shortsword; looks old and its edges are slightly chipped and weathered by sea spray, but yet remains to be stained by blood. ► Armor - N/A ► Containers - A 32 oz. waterskin. ► Food, Drink, Potions - Whatever's in his hands. ► Miscellaneous - Probably dirt or sand. | ══════ A P P E A R A N C E ══════ A stringy physique doesn't serve Finch very well to deter anyone who would seek to harm him, and standing at 5'7", most warriors would stand taller than him and weigh nearly twice as much. Years of impoverished living and begging on the streets of the Imperial City left him a malnourished childhood that affected his metabolism later in life. Work as hard as he may, there is only so much muscle this skinny man can pack onto his frame. Even the years of sailing, which contributed to many a scar to his hands and knees, did little more than tone his body and condition his muscular endurance. Maybe soaking wet and after a large meal could he weigh enough to give you trouble picking him up -- but having light feet has its applications, and the young man makes good use of this with his skittish disposition. He always looks ready to disappear from sight at the drop of a hat or swipe something from under your nose, and fox-trotting is as easy and natural to him as walking. His mousy, scampering steps are as silent as a cat's, even if they are deprived of all confidence. Finch's Nibenese skin is dark olive, akin to that of Mediterranean sailors, and as a sailor himself he matches this profile perfectly. Perhaps the only thing keeping him from being mistaken as a redguard is his skin being a few shades too light and ashy, his Roman nose, and his black, greasy shoulder-length hair being too straight. One would think that the hardships of his life would prematurely age a boy into looking older than he is, but on the contrary, Finch looks younger than he really is. Perhaps the smudges of dirt and unshaven and thin, uneven growth of stubble on his lower face might convince others he's long entered his adulthood, instead of the boy he appears to be. In fact, everything about him seems unkempt. His aforementioned greasy hair is rarely brushed, and for the longest time he simply relied on lake water, rain, or sea-spray to wash it for him. When bored, he may occasionally braid a few stray sections of hair into skinny braids, but beyond that there is very little that is impressive about his appearance. Notably devoid of any sort of jewelry or accessories, he's become accustomed to living with very little. Even his dark-brown eyes seem unremarkable, which are as fidgety as his fingers, constantly scanning whichever room he's in and occasionally caught a thousand-yard stare. His clothes, which once were rags and patches, have been replaced by "newer" garments (truly, used hand-me-downs) that are slightly ill-fitting and very much attributive to that of sailors, dockworkers, and commoners. He makes no effort to disguise himself as anything more than that; with no delusions of grandeur or re-obtaining lost prestige or glamour, he finds its easier to remain unnoticed and inconspicuous. In his experience, those who make a point of making themselves appear important in any capacity put a target on their backs (whether that's to be killed or robbed from). A breezy white linen shirt that's a size or two too big on him is tucked lazily into brown breeches secured by a leather belt. His brown leather boots are worn and weathered from years of service and salty water, but no holes have appeared yet and the seams are only slightly loose. Having spent many years under the hot sun, and being a Nibenese Imperial more prone to tanning than burning, has come to appreciate the cool touch of the breeze against his skin and prefers to wear his collar untied. ═══════ P E R S O N A L I T Y ══════ A rather complex fellow as one might imagine. Being orphaned and forced to beg can do a lot for a man's perspective -- to say nothing of the irreparable damage to a child's psyche, he has formed a very detached and anti-materialistic view of the world and of living. What's the difference between a silver dinner plate and a rock or stick? Virtually none; dignity doesn't come before eating. Being forced to beg and steal from a young age, he has lots of pessimism to go around, but he keeps it contained and tries to direct that energy towards his goals. He uses that spite as a sort of motivation to stay alive and spit in the face of the stars. He tries to face the trials of everyday life with a smile, even if it's only a meager thing. At his core, Finch is well-meaning, but the unforgiving nature of the world has made him distant to strangers. He wants to make friends, but doesn’t, and he generally paints all people with the same brush until a personal relationship is formed and the old Finch starts to shine through. After then, Finch is naturally generous and honest and he would share what little has with you without further consideration. If you have a favor, he’ll do it without asking too many questions. He'll give you the shirt off his back, or steal something from the market without a second thought (which speaks to his relationship with the law as a whole). Perhaps it might have something to do with naivety, since normal life as he knew it stopped before his teen years and any semblance of normalcy might cause him to fall back on what he knows. This doesn't help in making him appear any older. Another reason is that he’s just so desperate for a meaningful relationship he'll just pour all of his emotions into a listening ear. Finch has had a hard life over the past decade and while he keeps a strong face, there is no doubt he’s suffering because of it. |
[A]lways managing to find high ground to those she invites to her company.
I assume I can simply copy paste if I'm using my patented Redgaurd and Argonian combo again?
![]() | Oren Bandeli 7'2'' | 400 lbs. | 27 Male | Redguard | The Lover STRENGTH | Agility Rihad, Hammerfell |
§ Cash & Valuables
| § Keys & Lockpicks None |
§ Tools & Crafting Materials None | § Clothing, Armor & Jewelry
§ Weapon & Ammo None | § Potion & Arcane Supplies
§ Books & Documents
| § Consumables & Ingredients
§ Bags & Containers
| § Other
![]() | Sagax Speculatus 5'6" | 178 lb | 29 Years Old Male | Imperial | The Tower SPEED | agility Imperial City, Cyrodiil |
§ Cash & Valuables 30 gold coins | § Keys & Lockpicks Ten lockpicks, all placed on his belt like decorations. |
§ Tools & Crafting Materials None | § Clothing, Armor & Jewelry Over his new plain white cotton shirt is a leather cuirass made of hardened, layered leather, with a hem of chainmail that drapes from his waist to just above his knees. Atop the cuirass rests a set of leather pauldrons of the same make, covering Sagax's shoulders and part of his upper arms. Replacing his old wool kneeguards are a pair of hard leather greaves, wrapping around his calves and part of his thighs, with brown cotton trousers below. His footwear consists of hard leather boots, made to resist all manner of weather conditions, and his gloves are made of more flexible leather and have rough palms and fingers, perfect for acquiring and maintaining a grip on several surfaces. The Imperial can sometimes be seen wearing a hooded fur cloak that drapes around him and reaches below his hips. |
§ Weapon & Ammo Steel short sword, Dwarven dagger | § Potion & Arcane Supplies Two healing potions and a magicka potion |
§ Books & Documents Several letters addressed to him from his mother and sister and friends in the Imperial City. | § Consumables & Ingredients Three portions of hardtack and a canteen of water |
§ Bags & Containers One bag which is sectioned for convenience and holds most of his things and two pouches strapped to his waist. | § Other A basic fire starting kit, a fur bedroll, an inkwell and quill, a bundle of four sheets of parchment, a roll of cotton used as a pillow and a salvaged Dwemer gyro. |
![]() | Name 6'1" | 212 lb | 25 Years Old Female | Imperial | The Lord ENDURANCE | strength Imperial City, Cyrodiil |
§ Cash & Valuables 20 gold coins, Redoran amulet crafted in memory of Uradras Dreleth | § Keys & Lockpicks None |
§ Tools & Crafting Materials A smithing hammer, whetstone, and a steel ingot | § Clothing, Armor & Jewelry Piper's everyday attire consists of black cotton trousers with a leather belt, basic leather boots and a gray cotton long-sleeved shirt, with her blacksmithing apron and leather gloves on top of that when working. The medallion she crafted is always around her neck, and she watches it like a hawk. Over Piper's normal attire is her steel armor, crafted in her master's workshop just a day before his passing. The aesthetic of the armor itself is distinctly Cyrodillic, like the kind you'd find in illustrations of knights in popular fiction. A "bucket" helmet completes the set, resting atop a chainmail coif. |
§ Weapon & Ammo Steel longsword, an iron dirk and a teardrop shield, emblazoned with the signet of the Imperial Dragon | § Potion & Arcane Supplies Two potions of healing, and two potions of stamina |
§ Books & Documents Uradras' journal and the letters of correspondence to a mysterious person known only as "C", all written in Dunmeris | § Consumables & Ingredients Water canteen, four slices of dried meat, and three pieces of hardtack |
§ Bags & Containers A large backpack, and a harness consisting of four pouches she attaches to her cuirass | § Other One fur bedroll, a bar of soap and two wash rags, and a torch |