Howdy! I'm Yui, the self-proclaimed "Raincoat RPer". Once every now and again I get an itch to RP that simply can't be scratched by the group RPs on my usual site, and I come here to seek out 1x1 partners instead. This thread is to hopefully find someone that can help me scratch that itch. I'll get into important rules and info in a bit, but first, lemme cover the super-important rules and info real quick. I'm only in the market for FxF stuff, though can be convinced to do an MxF RP if I REALLY like what you're selling. I'm positively starving for 18+ lewd or even just pervy stuff, especially of the kink-heavy variety, meaning I'd like it if my partners were 18+ or clarified that they weren't. And my favorite breakfast cereal is Count Chocula.
All that said, let's get into the other important tidbits.

Your irl gender is irrelevant to me; I don't care if you're a guy, girl, frying pan, or half a banana that was left on the shelf overnight and now more closely resemble an expired Hershey product. As long as you can RP, I don't care. But since most people do tend to care for some superficial reason, I'm a dude. If you don't like guys RPing girls, sorry, but that's exactly what's happening in here.
Your average word count per post is also irrelevant to me, within certain boundaries. As long as your posts have something I can respond to and I'm not reading a whole-ass thesis, I can work with it. I have poor attention and short-term memory spans, so giving me a lot to digest at once is probably a bad call. For my own word count, I usually cough up at least two short paragraphs per post, but can write pretty lengthy posts if I'm feeling inspired and have a good reason to write a long thing.
OOC, I'm not very good at starting or holding conversations most of the time, but I do love to chat. I just have a very small social battery for people I haven't known very long is all. I may ramble from time to time - I'll probably end up doing it in this very thread if I haven't already - and can be a bit obsessive over some things, but I don't bite. Basically, don't be a stranger, because I'd love to get to know you!
Speaking of communication, if something's not working out, just let me know! Wanna stop RPing? No worries, it happens. Going on hiatus? I'll be waiting. You think I'm an incorrigible ass who ought to be beheaded? That's kinda rude and my feelings might get hurt just a bit, but that's okay too. I'll be sure to extend the same respect to you, too. If I'm not feeling it or want/need to disappear from the site for a few months, I'll be sure to let you know.
If it was raining outside, would you rather wear a raincoat, or carry an umbrella? Just curious. Lemme know which one you'd rather pick when you PM me. By the way, this thread? Don't post in it, please. Send me a PM if you're interested in starting something. For the sake of neatness, I'd like this thread to just be my post and any bumps I might slap onto it in the future.
Anime pics only please! Real-life faceclaims are an abomination and every time I see one I want to pick up a beautiful newborn baby and throw that little fucker out the fourth-story hospital window just to make sure they don't grow up to have their actual body unknowingly and unwillingly borrowed for someone else's fiction. Shit's creepy, man. If anything I've said in this thread is non-negotiable, it's this bit right here.
Remember how I said earlier that I'm super-hungry for pervy/lewd stuff? Just reiterating that real quick, because it's a bad enough hunger that I feel like I should mention it twice. This also gives me a chance to mention, whatever weird fetish shit you're into, just lay it all on me. I don't judge (with one exception), and if we pick up an RP of the kinky variety, I want to make sure both of us are getting the most we can out of it. You're almost done now. Sorry this thread got so long, but I wanted to be thorough!
Last but not least, bring a raincoat. It's probably gonna get real wet in here, so you're gonna need it. If you do not have a raincoat, one will be provided for you.

Well hopefully that wasn't so bad. We're at the end of the thread though, and this is the part you've probably been waiting for! Pairings! And fandoms and other stuff! To compensate for the above section being way longer than I'd like, let's make this one short and delve right in. Anything with a little umbrella next to it is a super-craving right now.
And that's all I got for ya in this thread. Let me know if you're interested in RPing together, and we can talk out the details then. See you then, potential future partner!