It has been fifteen years since the rise of the evil GALACTIC EMPIRE. The galaxy lays within its crushing fist with no opposition.
The capital world of CORUSCANT is the center of the galaxy, the wealthy and powerful thriving on the surface. 2000 levels from the planet core, below the surface is the UNDERCITY. An anarchy filled place of crime and violence.
As the Imperials rule, the people suffer. Those unlucky enough to find themselves in in the underworld must fight every single day to survive....

The Undercity is a crime-ridden place, a far cry from its dazzling surface. It is a place where one can get lost, becoming another seedy face in the crowd. Illegal merchandise of all kinds can be found within it. Gangs fight over the streets, the promise of riches and a getaway from their miserable lives is too much for many. The massive ventilation shaft is the sole entrance to the level, located in the northern most part of the undercity.
The police force is underfunded and rift with corruption. The Empire has no true presence down here, though if one is to believe the rumors their eyes are never far from it. The undercity is enormous in its scale, it is recommended to stay within its walls. It is the only lighted area on the entire level, massive fans keeping the air breathable. Criminals fill the streets, though good people do live there too. Many have just been thrust into a terrible situation by more terrible consequences. Bounty hunters, smugglers, mercenaries and assassins are a common sight, there is money to made by shaking the right hands. Life can be made for those that wish to make it.

This is a reboot of one of my roleplayers from several years ago with some updates and changes. Any returning players are more than welcome, as well as any and all newcomers! I intend for this to be the sort of RP which never closes its applications. There's room for many people in it. My only requirements are that you are eager to write, open to collaborating with others and interested in building a vibrant, enthralling story with me!
- The usual rules that everyone knows apply here.
- This RP is character driven with an emphasis on freedom for characters to forge their own path in the underworld. There will be a central plot driving the main story forward but there is plenty of room to create other intriguing, intertwining storylines.
- This is intended to be mature RP. Swearing, violence, gore and the likes are to be expected. This is the dark side (no pun intended) of Star Wars. The scummiest part of the galaxy is the focus here.
- There will be a lot of cyberpunk influence in the RP.
- There will (probably) not be Jedi or Sith running around. I may allow Jedi (or general force users) to be in the RP, but I would have to be convinced. The extinguished Jedi Order will be mentioned though, not often in a positive light.
- No limit to the amount of characters you can make. Just make sure you can handle having multiple if you go that route.
Character Sheet
So, anyone interested?