The Black Manticores

The XVIII Legion
"We Bring The Dark."
Legion Strength: Approximately 85,000 Astartes.
Legion Organisation: Squad sizes vary depending on battlefield role; for example a standard Black Manticores tactical squad numbers 10 Astartes, while recon squads are smaller and squads tasked with holding positions are considerably larger. All squads are lead by a sergeant, and squads are grouped together into Platoons of 50 Astartes under the command of a Lieutenant. These platoons are grouped into Battalions made of 200 Astartes under the command of a Captain, and these battalions are grouped into companies of 1,000 marines under the command of a Praetor. The Praetors of each company answer directly to Tymos, forming a war council that collaborates to reach decisions on the legion's next move, although Tymos still holds an overriding say on the matter.
Each company acts as a functioning military unit with a specialised function, containing a mixture of battle line squads, support squads and specialist units. However, beyond the formality of providing a broad grouping, the company structure actually has very little bearing on the Legion. When the Manticores deploy they do so as a Battle Company under the command of the Primarch, or in his absence, a Praetor hand-chosen by the Primarch, and can contain any number of squads, platoons or companies with various battlefield roles. In doing so, the Manticores have created an incredibly fluid organisational structure that is highly adaptable to meet the demands of their campaigns and also makes it incredibly difficult to pre-empt their deployments. In this way, the Legion is able to tailor the forces they deploy to meet the needs of the challenge they face. Typically, the Manticores deploy smaller forces with an emphasis on waging a war of terror from the shadows, rarely taking to the field in large numbers unless it brings a tactical benefit or the situation otherwise demands it. Like all Astartes legions they do have the capacity to deploy significant numbers and substantial firepower if necessary, but will explore any and all alternative tactical approaches before resorting to doing so.
Genetics: The genetics of the Black Manticores legion are reasonably stable. Like their Primarch, the marines of the Black Manticores have sharp, angular features, an almost sickly pale skin tone and all have either very dark brown or entirely black hair. They all have the same eye colour, which is a warm brown tone with a dull red tint to it, making them seem almost daemonic and dead in appearance. Many believe they look like ghosts or vampires, adding to their fearsome aesthetics. Other than in appearance, there have been no noteworthy deviances in the gene seed of the Black Manticores thus far.
Armour Appearance
Tactical Doctrine: The Astartes of the Black Manticores are masters of psychological warfare and subterfuge. From the moment their training begins, the regimes of the legion focus heavily on achieving a profound understanding of the mind, and the ways in which it can be manipulated and dismantled. While obviously not frail beings, the gene-seed of the Manticores means the marines of the legion are leaner and lighter than those of their brother legions, giving rise to an adapted style of warfare that capitalises on their natural boons and emphasises speed and agility over raw strength. As such, the Black Manticores would seldom be seen marching towards their opponents without heavy mechanized support, preferring instead to wage an asymmetrical campaign that centres around the steady dismantling of the opposition with a combination of terror tactics and stealth operations.
Black Manticore combat operations typically begin with extensive reconnaissance carried out by highly trained teams. These squads are equipped with cameleoline camouflage cloaks, scanning and communication equipment and long-range scopes on their bolt rifles. The Black Manticores make extensive use of camouflage tactics when doing so would be beneficial, using a mixture of cameleoline cloaks and armour coverings to aid concealment. However, there are normally many occasions in which the Manticores opt to be seen. Once appropriate intelligence has been gathered and the Manticores have a firm understanding of numbers, supply lines, leaders and logistics, their terror campaigns can begin. Ritualistically adorning their armour with skulls, body parts and runic patterns, the Black Manticores mould themselves into conduits of fear and despair. Striking without warning and seemingly as if from thin air, the Black Manticores descend upon their hapless victims with indiscriminate brutality. Aspiring to plant fear and uncertainty deep into the hearts of their foes, the Manticores will butcher and mutilate with no mercy and no remorse, before vanishing as quickly as they came and leaving nothing but horror and gore, and a few survivors to tell the tale. The fact that these actions are carried out not because of insanity, but rather a calculated tactical choice, makes this all the more terrifying.
This is possible due to the mandatory training of every Astartes in the art of ‘Shadowstepping’. While many suspect this power to be of technological or psychic origin, it is actually derivative of the talents of native huntsman on Ictar. Using a combination of stealth skills, psychological manipulation and clever utilisation of one’s surrounding environment, it is possible for the marines of the Black Manticores to manipulate the perception of their foes. While easily put into practice by those trained in it, marines can control their own concealment with immense effect, seemingly appearing from the shadows and vanishing as quickly as they came. This is an incredibly powerful tool in both stealth operations and terror operations; armour-clad marines covered in skulls and blood can appear in an instant, butcher a foe, and vanish as quickly as they came. After witnessing the Shadowstepping tactics of a Black Manticores terror strike, it is impossible for one to feel comfortable in their surroundings, constantly looking over one’s shoulder and double checking the corner of every room for hidden foes. By leaving victims to tell the tale, the Black Manticores instil paranoia and fear, as well as publicising their actions and making sure the enemy knows who hit them, and that they cannot prevent it from happening again.
This manner of waging psychological warfare is just one way that the Black Manticores seek to gain an advantage over their enemies. They will seek any and all advantages, looking to dismantle their enemies piecemeal and win the war before battle even commences using intense psychological warfare, sabotage, assassination, ambushes and all manner of disruptive covert operations. To the Black Manticores, the best battles are the overtly one-sided ones created by their own persistent work. The Black Manticores fight loyally for the Imperium and will do whatever is necessary to achieve victory in the Emperor’s name. If a single knife in the right back will do the job, then fine, but this is seldom the case, and there is no such thing as excessive force in the dictionary of the Black Manticores. Excessive violence and butchery are common themes of Black Manticore operations, drawing disdain from many of the prouder and honourable Astartes legions. The Black Manticores believe that they are loyal servants of the Imperium and are simply willing to do whatever needs to be done, not constrained by moral codes or foolish concepts like honour. However, there are constant swirling rumours that the Black Manticores revel in slaughter and the infliction of pain upon their foes, and these rumours have more than a grain of truth to them. If victory necessitates the slaughter of millions, the Black Manticores will shoulder the grim responsibility without hesitation and deliver the Emperor’s wrath without mercy.
The Black Manticores rarely conquer quickly, instead protracting their campaigns in order to grind an enemy down over time until their final assault is opposed only by the remnants of a tattered, poorly-supplied and persistently terrorised force, already on the brink of breaking. When the time for the final push does come, the Manticores make use of purposefully imprecise artillery bombardments to shatter the morale of their foes as they advance, driving fear deep into the heart of even the hardiest defender. When the Manticores descend, a blur of ferocity and gore, many turn and run, and the others are slaughtered where they stand. As a result of their tactics the Manticores rarely take heavy losses. Their methods are terribly effective; the advantage to their slow and protracted methods is near guaranteed compliance, but the indiscriminate and violent methods they favour have lead to a fearsome reputation and a certain level of notoriety among their fellow Astartes. Furthermore, those among the legions who believe in honour have called the Manticores cowardly. They favour results over speed, and so will drag out their campaigns for as long as necessary to achieve the result they desire.
Covert operations make up a large part of the operations of the Black Manticores. Extensive reconnaissance paves the way for extremely effective and highly trained specialist covert units to conduct assassination and sabotage missions. Acting with composure and restraint, the Manticores are able to wage sophisticated and complex covert campaigns. In the field, the Astartes of the Black Manticores have been known to utilise a unique sign language that allows marines to communicate without activating vox technology or talking to one another. The combination of specialised armour, training and equipment, such as that counteracting enemy scanners and communication equipment, allows incredibly effective stealth operations. Killing key figures, depriving fortified positions of supplies, ambushing patrols and turning an enemy’s own technology against them are all common features of their operations that feed into the psychological aspect of their doctrine. Sleep deprivation, starvation and thirst all amplify the effects of Manticore raids a thousand fold. Arming slaves and provoking rebels are not common tactics but have been implemented by the Legion before. Overall, the marines of the Manticores are highly trained, intelligent, remorseless killers, and are extremely good at what they do.
Favoured Wargear: Ultimately, necessity dictates the right tool for the job and to that end, the Black Manticores can be flexible. However, there are obvious trends and preferences in their Wargear. The legion evidently favours projectile weaponry over energy weaponry, utilising heavy bolters, combi-bolters, shotguns, grenade launchers, missile launchers, rotary cannons, autocannons and frag cannons much more commonly than energy, laser, melta or flame weaponry. Most troops are equipped with smoke and flashbang grenades as standard alongside fragmentation grenades. Equipment aimed at disrupting enemy scanners and communications is extremely commonplace. There is a strong emphasis on getting maximum effectiveness from even basic kit, and to that end Astartes are drilled with an emphasis on effective use of their bolters and bolt pistols. Where the Black Manticores really make their equipment their own, is in their melee implements.
The legion favours savage weaponry that will cause maximum terror, making use of chainaxes, chainglaives and lightning claws most commonly. Many non-melee orientated Astartes will have claw-like implements attached to one of their wrists that provides a last-line melee weapon if needed. As well as this, all Black Manticores carry long-bladed, cruel looking flaying knives. While mostly ceremonial, they see extensive use in units like Haunter and Tormentor squads. Terminator armour is a rare sight in the legion outside of fabled specialist units. Black Manticores have been known to make some use of throwing knives, poisoned darts and venom coating on their weapons, ensuring the kill and maximum suffering even in the event of their death. The collection of weapons and trinkets with personal value and sentiment is extremely common among the Astartes, with such collections being a matter of great pride for many of the marines.
Armour: The Black Manticores primarily make use of Mark IV pattern power armour. However, these suits are highly modified. To favour their style of warfare, the Black Manticores have modified their armour suits in such a way that they sacrifice large amounts of the protection they afford in order to facilitate a much more quiet and agile style of warfare. Enhanced sound dampening technology, thinner more lightweight plating and more balanced weight distribution has created a suit that co-operates with the extensive stealth training of the Black Manticores to allow the armoured Astartes to move in near silence. Cameleoline cloaks and armour coverings see some use, but all armour is given a matte finish that absorbs light rather than reflecting it, making these marines very difficult to spot in low light conditions, hence why many of their operations are conducted at night-time. Bare metals are entirely absent on Black Manticore armour. The Black Manticores decorate their armour with runic patterns, terrifying imagery and gory trophies to inspire fear in those they allow to lay eyes on them, and the process of doing so is ritualistic among the brothers of the legion. The legion does maintain heavy Mark II power armour suits so that the legion is not left disadvantaged if unfortunate enough to have to withstand a siege or heavy frontal engagement. Furthermore, the Black Manticores are one chapter who have been trialling the use of Mark V armour suits on behalf of the Mechanicum. These suits are quieter than the Mark IV suits even before modification. The Legion possesses around 1,000 of these armour suits, which are distributed to veteran Astartes that operate in specialist squads in order to get the most use of them.
Vehicles: As they are deemed counterintuitive to their style of warfare, the legion makes little use of heavy vehicles compared to other legions. When tanks and dreadnoughts are bought into use, they are decorated like the armour of the Astartes, covered with gory images and horrifying trophies, up to and including entire corpses. The legion makes much more use of landspeeders as recon vehicles and sometimes small unit transports, as these can easily be modified to favour stealth and concealment. For transports, the legion avoids the use of drop pods, instead favouring the precise delivery of aerial transports and gunships. In particular, the legion uses a unique variant of Stormbird that is outfitted with stealth technology to evade sensor detection and deliver Astartes to the drop zone in near silence. Ground transports are used commonly but the Astartes will normally disembark some distance from their target and then approach on foot in relative quiet. Artillery support comes almost entirely from the Imperial Army.
Specialist Units:- Excrucio Squads: Among the best kept secrets of the Black Manticores legion are the Excrucio squads. Outside of the legion, there are practically none that know of their existence, and those that do will only do so because they have the trust of the Primarch. Operating even outside of the conventions of the Black Manticores style of warfare, Excrucio squads are interrogation specialists. They take to the field among the ranks of their brothers in raids, indiscriminate from any other troop. Yet their mission is to find a target and extract information. This is achieved with an unimaginable cycle of sadistic and purely cruel torture methods, using powerful stimulants to prevent their victims from dying and ensuring they can feel every single kiss of the knife. They are incredibly few in number, with maybe only thirty to forty Excrucio marines currently in the legion. How exactly these squads came to be is a matter of mystery, but were they not so effective at their role, Tymos would have abolished them long ago.
- Haunter Squads: While many of the marines of the Black Manticores can fill several roles, Haunter marines are the dedicated terror troops of the legion, existing for the sole purpose of sowing dread and horror among their foes. Often using chainaxes or lightning claws, Haunter squads are deployed to carry out the most savage and barbaric actions imaginable without mercy. They are notorious for toying with their prey, often prioritising non-lethal hits like the dismemberment of a limb and leaving their victim to bleed to death in agony while watching their comrades suffer similar fates. Among the ranks of the Black Manticores, Haunter marines are typically the most violent and mentally unstable of the Astartes, and as such can not be trusted to conduct covert ops that require finesse and discipline and thus have been entirely outfitted to delivery death and horror upon the legion's foes.
- Morsus Terminators: Little is known about the Morsus Terminator cults that exist among the Black Manticores legion, primarily because anyone who has witnessed first hand their actions in the battlefield is either a fellow Black Manticore, or dead. Unlike most Terminators, the Morsus are not a combat role given specifically to veterans. Instead, Morsus Terminators are specifically conditioned for the sole purpose of destruction. Most Morsus Terminators are recruited from the Berserker Cults of Ictar exclusively for this role. Deploying only by teleport strike, these terminators are few in number and are deployed only when the scenario warrants the utter devastation of a target in a short space of time. Placed at the centre of the maelstrom, these berserker terminators will set about their task of delivering annihilation with absolutely zero concern for their personal safety, fighting with uncontrollable rage and ferocity. Most terminators will shrug off mortal wounds, continuing to wreak havoc only to succumb once the fervour for war and blood that enthrals them has subsided. Morsus Terminators are rarely used, filling the role of a glass cannon; they are undeniably effective but will likely be destroyed in the process.
- Shrike Bombers: Taking the opposite approach to their usual technology, Shrikes are specially outfitted close-support aircraft that are designed to travel extremely fast while emitting an unbearable high-pitched shriek. Colloquially called screamers or banshees, these fast and agile bombers make use of much smaller bombs but in greater number, with their operations designed to be long-term bombardments that chip away at the morale of their enemies. Shrike bombings have been known to go on for hours, filling the sky with a cacophony of shrieks and explosions that can cause immense psychological damage to the target over time. Shrike bombings are usually used to strike at targets that are difficult for infantry units to access, or as a preliminary strike before a larger assault by Black Manticore forces.
- Stinger Squads: These are the specialised assassin squads of the Black Manticores. Typically consisting some of the legion's most composed and ruthless warriors, these lethal soldiers are deployed in groups of anywhere from two to five marines to eliminate important personnel. They are selected from a very early stage in their training and given a unique training pattern that indoctrinates and prepares them for their future battlefield role. With access to a wide array of weapons to meet their needs, these marines are the most likely among the Black Manticores to make use of poisons, and prefer to kill up close where they can take trophies of their kill and collect any important personal effects from the target like vidlogs or files.
- Tormentor Squads: Tormentor marines are elite heavy weapons specialists. Typically these marines are used in ambush attacks on enemy vehicle and infantry convoys, causing disruption and panic, and fleeing the scene before the enemy can mount an effective response. Typically their weapon choice will befit the situation, choosing autocannons for demolishing light vehicle columns, frag cannons or heavy bolters for infantry and missile launchers for heavier targets. As heavy weapons teams they can be comfortably deployed in standard battlefield scenarios as well, and have been employed in raids that require the destruction of a hard target such as a certain building or vehicle.
- Wraith Pattern Stormbirds: A heavily modified version of the Stormbird vessels commonly used as gunships and transports deployed to suit the stealth operations of the Black Manticores. This particular pattern trades out two of its four lascannons turrets and four of its six dreadstrike missiles to free up weight. The vessel is painted black by default, although cameleoline has been used to paint the underside of the vessel in some engagements. Fitted with cutting-edge stealth technologies, Wraith Pattern Stormbirds are substantially quieter and harder to detect than standard transports, allowing the legion to drop squads of marines practically on top of their target with minimal chance of being noticed. They are undetectable to most forms of scanners and sensors and make use of sound-dampening technologies to aid in their concealment. This pattern of Stormbird is the favoured method of deployment for the Black Manticores.
Legion Culture and Relationships
Legion Homeworld: The homeworld of Tymos is Ictar, and this is where the legion's primary residence is. Their primary fortress monastery resides on this world and most of the legion's recruitment comes from here and surrounding systems. However, due to their suspicious nature, the Black Manticores refrain from dedicating to a single centralised location due to fear of that one location being lost, and instead have a smattering of smaller holdings across the stars, the locations of many of which are a deliberately guarded secret.
Legion Culture: The Astartes of the Black Manticores have been shaped by the teachings and ideology of their Primarch Tymos. As such, they are a ritualistic and superstitious people, with many of them recruited directly from the warrior tribes of Ictar itself. The Black Manticores have little regard for the concept of honour, seeing no value to the concept of engaging ones’ foe honourably when engineering tactical advantages is clearly a superior military strategy. Like Tymos, they prize loyalty and individual strength above all else. Having watched the fractured and warlike nature of the Ictaran people all his life, Tymos instilled in his legion a deep sense of brotherhood and a singular, uniting sense of purpose.
That purpose is war on behalf of the Imperium. Each and every marine is fiercely loyal to the Emperor, willing to fight to the last man and do whatever needs to be done to achieve victory in His name. While many legions are loyal, the Black Manticores know no limits, going as far to commit horrific atrocities and enormous casualties in the name of the Imperium, going far beyond where most other legions would draw the line. The tactical basis for the horror they inflict comes from their deeply disturbing emphasis on psychological warfare and terror that stems from the strategic teachings of the Ictaran tribe Tymos grew up amongst.
The legion still carries many of the rituals and traditions that the Ictaran people held dear before they were brought into the Imperial fold. Berserkers, among the most ferocious warriors, are recruited directly into the cults of the Morsus Terminators. The hunting traditions of the Ictaran people have been adapted and built upon using the transhuman physiology of the Astartes and psychological manipulation to develop the Shadowstepping art that every Astartes is versed in. The decoration of ones’ armour both for the purpose of intimidation and as a rite of passage has been instilled in the legion as a ritualistic process; the progression of a marine’s armour occurs when they become a fully fledged Astartes, limited to a handful of adornments that are built upon as an Astartes gathers more trophies from their operations. In a similar way, runic patterns drawn on armour can tell a soldier’s tale, and in this vein, veterans typically have heavily patterned armour suits compared to comparatively newer Astartes. This is furthered by the tendency of the Astartes to collect weapons with personal attachments and sentiments, leading to each marine having a collection of favourite armaments.
Some Ictaran traditions and superstitions have been maintained despite the fact that other Imperial forces deeply disapprove of them. The bloodletting of captives is a common practice in which prisoners of war are drained of their blood by a legion Warpriest, and the collected blood is then used to draw runic patterns on the armour of present Astartes. The blood runes and accompanying litanies are believed to confer various boons to those who wear them, bringing luck and protection. Flaying and dismemberment of foes are common and ritual executions are implemented as part of their terror ops. Fallen brothers are collected as a matter of priority and cremated in ritual ceremonies on great pyres. Their ashes are collected and used as fertiliser for the soils of the gardens in the legion’s monasteries, allowing the death of their brothers to give rise to new life. In terms of leadership, Warpriests, Lorekeepers and Fleshmenders are held in extremely high regard by the Astartes.
The ritualistic Black Manticores are mysterious and secretive, paranoid and untrusting to many outside of their legion. As a result, the legion is careful about what information about them is disclosed. The reputation they hold is largely a matter of self-engineering, with the legion choosing to make public their violent and brutal actions in order to synonymise their name with terror. Furthermore, the identities of many high-ranking officers are kept guarded, and the legion will never go out of its way to make specific members known. Especially, the existence of units like Morsus Terminators and Excrucio Squads, who would be heavily frowned upon, are closely guarded secrets.
Relationships: The Black Manticores view themselves as humble workhorses, carrying out the gritty work that the other legions won't sully themselves with. As a result, the Manticores often find themselves deployed to tackle particularly troublesome worlds where a psychological approach will be effective, or as a supplementary force to aid other legions with their shadow ops. No one can dispute the effectiveness of the Manticores, but not all agree with their methods and not all are happy to be deployed with Black Manticores alongside them. The Manticores are pragmatic enough to acknowledge that the strength of the legion does not lie in its combat prowess in an open field. As such, they usually dedicate more resources and troops to upping the ante on their psychological warfare campaigns while allied Astartes forces fight the battles in the field. As such, there is normally only a small Battle Company of Black Manticores fighting alongside any other Astartes legion at a time.
Soldiers of the Imperial Army consider an assignment alongside the Manticores to be a safe one; the Imperial forces are usually utilized as labour while the Manticores wage their war of terror, and by the time the army is put to use in a final assault their foes are normally already beaten. The legion's relationship with the other legions and with the Emperor is difficult to discern; the dedication of the Black Manticores to the Lord of Mankind and his Imperium is unquestionable and the Manticores have never given reason to be distrusted, but the extremity of their methods and severity of their actions walks a fine line and a much darker path than many other Astartes legions, and exactly how this is viewed is difficult to determine. It has been said, however, by Imperial Army soldiers and other Astartes alike, that to be in the presence of a squad of Black Manticores is an incredibly unsettling experience. The Manticores barely consider Xenos as separate species, choosing instead to see a single enemy of the Imperium and one that simply cannot be allowed to fester.
The relationship between the Black Manticores and the Mechanicum is a unique one. The Manticores recognize the importance of the Mechanicum's work and are constantly petitioning them for experimental weapons. However, generally favour projectile weapons and melee, meaning they are dismissive of many of the Mechanicum's creations. Their distrusting nature also prevents the Manticores from widely adopting new weapons and tech until they have been extensively tested in combat and proven that they are worth utilizing. How the Mechanicum feels about the Manticores is unknown, but the Manticores see the Mechanicum as useful servants of the Imperium. They do not view them as equals, but appreciate the essential nature of the work they do and so are only too happy to help them in their technological developments.
- Praetor Morael, the Moon-Born: The captain of Tymos' personal retinue, Morael is a fearsome warrior and one of Tymos' closest companions. Before the coming of the Emperor, Morael fought at Tymos' side in over a dozen wars between clans. As close friends and allies, one of Tymos' principal conditions for agreeing to come with the Emperor was that Morael be allowed to accompany him. Morael was eventually inducted as an Astartes and subjected to the necessary procedures, becoming a member of Tymos' legion. Earning renown on the battlefield, Morael continued to serve alongside his friend Tymos, eventually rising to command the First Company of the Black Manticores as a Praetor. From this position, Tymos made Morael the founding member of his personal bodyguards and allowed Morael to select nine other worthy Astartes to complete the unit.
- Praetor Leonarys Morressius: Leonarys was one of the legion's most accomplished leaders before Tymos was reunited with his sons. After heavily vetting his commanders, Tymos found a deep sense of admiration for Leonarys. His strength of will, quick mind and unquestionable loyalty were all traits that quickly saw him become one of Tymos' favoured Praetors. While Morael will always remain by the Primarch's side, there are few that Tymos would choose to lead a Battle Company over Leonarys. A veteran battlefield commander experiences beyond compare within the legion, time and time again Leonarys has proven a competent and valuable asset and one that Tymos considers utterly irreplaceable.
- Praetor Sevris, the Red Sting: The most feared assault leader among the Black Manticores, Sevris is the Praetor overseeing the Black Manticores Third Company, nicknamed the Obsidian Angels. One of Tymos' favoured Praetors, Sevris is a ruthless murderer and an excellent commander, commonly chosen to lead Battle Companies that Tymos cannot. Following a particularly brutal campaign in which Sevris lead a solo assassination mission against the leader of a heretical cult, a miscalculation led to Sevris being confronted by dozens of guards. Slaughtering most of the guards single-handedly, by the time Sevris reached his target he had slain so many that his black armour had literally been painted red, prompting the remaining guards to flee and his target to fall before him, begging for mercy. Rumours spread of the so-called Red Sting, and recognizing the value of having Sevris as an icon of fear among the enemy, Tymos approved for Sevris and his men to have bespoke sets of red armour made. To this day, the sight of red marines among the black marines of the Manticores is enough to make men break and flee.
- Chief Lorekeeper Ophiel Mectus: Ophiel Mectus is a veteran Astartes and the equivalent of the Black Manticores Chief Librarian. Lorekeepers are charged with upholding the history of the legion and chronicling their actions to be passed down so that their heritage can never be lost. Ophiel in particular is not one for crawling battlefields. Instead, Ophiel Mectus has developed a reputation as a bookworm, persistently trawling through data repositories in hope of new information that might help unlock some great secret of the universe or improve the tactical effectiveness of the legion. When Mectus takes to the field it is normally for reasons of self-interest, and despite his undying love for his brothers, Ophiel sees his work as more important than that of a rank-and-file Astartes and can be both condescending and arrogant.