Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Flagg
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Flagg Strange. This outcome I did not foresee.

Member Seen 7 mos ago

The Bitter End

Welcome to the Bitter End. Elsewhere in the galaxy, it's the height of the Empire. Things are looking bad for the nascent Rebellion. Luke Skywalker is just a kid on Tatooine.

But here, the Confederacy of Independent Systems still rules. At least the pirate-lord of the asteroid city, a dashing drunk known as Adamantious Xen, insists it does, and he's fighting for it. He's a big thorn in the local Moff's side, raiding shipping lanes and under-manned Imperial bases with his rag-tag fleet of Lucrehulks and Providence cruisers. A few factories deep within the bowels of the End still churn out reliable old B1s, giving Xen something of a private army.

The Rebellion is wary of him, but he's proven a useful (if less than scrupulous) ally on more than one occasion.

The End isn't easy to find, but if you're a smuggler or a pirate or someone connected with the Hutts, it's not impossible either. It's become something of a hub for outlaw activity in recent years, the place to go if you're looking to hire a bounty hunter, contract with a team of mercenaries, contact Rebel intelligence, or maybe just lay low for awhile. Despite the security risks, Xen has been tolerant of his base becoming a hub in the galactic black market. He skims generously off the top, the better to fund his one-man fight for the Confederacy.

Question is: why are you here?

It's rhetorical. We know why. You're looking for him.

For Callidus.

Some say he's a Jedi who went rogue. Others, more versed in the occult, that he's a Sith, that he considers himself Darth Callidus, that he was a student of Plagueis. Maybe both rumors are true, perhaps neither. One thing is clear: the Empire is looking for him. There was a break-in, you see, in the Emperor's own vaults. A number of artifacts were stolen. Holocrons, some say.

We know you're here for Callidus. We know you're here because one of the artifacts taken from Palpatine's vaults-- the ancient lightsaber of to a venerable Jedi philosopher-- was recently sold in the auction houses of the Bitter End for a breathtaking sum of credits. What we don't know is who you are.

A Jedi, on the run, seeking allies?

A Rebel spy, searching for a man capable of stealing from the Emperor himself?

An Imperial Inquisitor, looking to get back what was stolen?

An aspiring dark side adept, hungry for forbidden truths?

A lackey of the pirate lord, keeping tabs on who comes and goes from the Bitter End?

A Hutt retainer, looking to make a deal on the Emperor's stolen property?

Bounty hunter? Assassin? Smuggler?

Who? Who are you, and why are you seeking the heretic Sith?


So you have pretty wide leeway in terms of character creation for this RP, which is set between Revenge of the Sith and Rogue One/A New Hope. I'm not too much of a Star Wars lore stickler, so we can take this plot in any direction players would like, though there will be an initial plot to get players pursuing various related goals. Any questions or to talk thru ideas, hit me up here, by PM, or on Discord. I encourage folks to collaborate to give characters shared backstory & existing connections.

Character Sheet:

Reason for being present in the Bitter End: some characters should be seeking Callidus, but I'm open to some players being at the End for other reasons.
Looks: (pictures acceptable)
Personality Description:
Character bio: in four bullets or less
Short IC scene (optional but welcomed): you can skip looks, history and personality description if you can write a brief scene that communicates some of the key info about your character.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Chev
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Chev The Pecking Order

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Name: Sovan Dran

Species: Weequay

Sex: Male

Profession: Bounty Hunter

Reason for being present in the Bitter End: He and his team work for Adamantious Xen at the moment but are currently thinking of moving on.




Personality Description: Sovan is considered an honorable hunter by many who know him. He refuses to accept contracts on people wanted for petty crimes or those who committed crimes while simply trying to survive in an unforgiving galaxy. He hates The Galactic Empire and Palpatine with a passion and has a deep respect for the now apparently vanquished Jedi Order as on two occasions he was indirectly saved by Jedi Knights during the Clone Wars. He has done his best to try and make a dent in Palpatine's armies by mostly taking contracts that harm the Empire. Although he does support the idea of the Rebellion, he won't support them directly or join their organization.

Character bio:
Sovan Dran never knew his parents and truth be told, he doesn't quite care what happened to them. Since the time he was young, he pretty much raised himself on the smuggler's moon known as Nar Shaddaa. Although he kept himself mostly out of trouble he still attracted attention from the Hutts once or twice but always managed to get away and vanish back into the depths of the moon before resurfacing after a few months. At the age of 18 though, he made a very serious mistake. After he became involved with a Weequay gang leader's daughter he was hunted like he had never been hunted before. No matter how how often he would disappear into Nar Shaddaa it seemed the moment he showed his face, he was fighting off gang members left and right. Although he was a capable fighter and he was able to outwit a number of the gang members it was still a very difficult situation he was in.

Eventually his luck ran out and he was brought before the Weequay leader who pointed a blaster pistol between his eyes and was prepared to pull the trigger when the door to the hideout was blown open and a cloaked figure wielding a green lightsaber began cutting down gang members left and right in an attempt to get at the gang leader. Although Sovan was able to escape during the battle, the Weequay gang leader was not as lucky. Sovan doesn't know what brought them to the Jedi's attention but he took it as a sign that he needed to get off of Nar Shaddaa and turn his life around.

It took a while and a number of credits stolen from the gang's hideout after sneaking back after the attack but Sovan was seven thousand credits richer and armed with a number of weapons stolen from the hideout before it was ransacked by scavengers. It took a few weeks but he was able to book passage off of Nar Shaddaa aboard a smuggler's vessel and ended up disembarking on Tatooine. It took a few years but Sovan was able to build up a small fortune and had created a small mercenary group consisting of himself, a re-programmed assassination droid known as RT-78 that was found in a crashed ship out in the desert that has no record of it's prior existence before Tatooine and a Trandoshan who called himself Slasskin who was rescued from slavery by Sovan and joined with the group out of gratitude.

The group made quite a name for themselves over the years on Tatooine and lived by a simple code.
Always with Honor
Never Cowardly

It took a while but they were able to buy a small four man vessel they named The Valor and were able to retrofit it into a somewhat deadly attack ship with the insignia of a Star with a Lightsaber through it on the side of the engines. This purchase nearly exhausted their supply of credits but they were able to make it to the location known as "The Bitter End" where they found work under the CIS loyalist Adamantious Xen providing work as Bounty Hunters and occasionally breaking up fights on the station. It's good work and for the moment they are satisfied with it but eventually they feel they will have to move on if Xen brings too much attention to himself.

Short IC scene:

Sovan grinned as Slasskin leaned forward and put his head on the table and shook his head. "You drink too much." The Weequay let out a loud belly laugh which caused the Trandoshan to wince and cover his head. It felt as though a thermal detonator had exploded inside his skull. "To be fair I was not aware the drink was that potent. Or that it contained alcohol." The Weequay shook his head once again and let out another laugh which caused the Trandoshan to groan in pain. Sovan looked up as a series of mechanical footsteps echoed through the cantina and a large droid approached the table. "I take it your efforts to talk with the B1 battle droids were unsuccessful." He asked sympathetically. The droid sat at the table. "I do not understand where the term "Roger, Roger" originated from. The B1 battle droids are incapable of any sort of intelligence." RT-78 stated in a mechanical tone that managed to express a hint of disbelief. "I consider them an insult to Droid-kind. With units such as those, it is no wonder the CIS lost the war."

Sovan simply laughed once again.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Wrathhog
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Wrathhog Not a wart

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Hannah 'Bel' Deccol
Species: Human
Sex: Female
Profession: Smuggler

Reason for being present in the Bitter End:

Word 'round the galaxy is that a fellow named Callidus has a hefty bounty on his head. She's not after him, though, Bounty Hunters are sure to come by the dozen. It's the artifact he's carrying that's got her interest. And you bet your plumpy behind that Bel's gonna take that job with a self-assured smirk firmly planted on her face.

Physical Description:

Tall, built like an Ox, Bel gets her nickname for the friendly smile no one's ever managed to wipe off her face. Even on your knees, staring down the barrel of her blaster, that dimpled grin is the last thing you'll see.

Personality Description:

Known to be the friendliest merc in the galaxy, Bel is also aloof at times. You could say she's amassed a reputation for being a clutz and unknowingly finding herself at the wrong place at the wrong time. All the time. But, Bel's tactical know-how and expertise are what has kept her alive all these years.

She trusts no one but her sister and hates having to rely on others to get the job done. Her word is gold and she'll never break a promise. If she tells you she's going to get you those hundred imperial riffles, you'll get your one hundred imperial riffles. It doesn't matter that she might have to fly and land her rundown ship in an asteroid field, or blast her way through mercs and bounty hunters—she'll get the job good and done, that you can be sure of.

She doesn't appreciate dishonesty, and if she was a fool to believe such lies then she'll be the first to congratulate whoever for playing her so well. While pointing the barrel of her gun at their forehead, of course. Maybe she'd throw a wink in there too.


Character bio:

Creds don't choose sides, and neither does Bel. The more strict the Galactic Empire gets, the better. If someone's willing to pay a small fortune for something as trivial as spices, Bel will happily oblige and deliver it straight to your door if you ask nicely.

Bel was adopted by a household compromised of a gentle mother and one rowdy older sister, Samantha. Bel became a smuggler, while her sister joined the Imperial Military. An unlikely duo to be sure, but family comes first, and together they've managed to become the most reputable military-grade weapon and armaments smugglers on their side of the galaxy.

Who ever said blood was thicker than water? Well, they were wrong.

Short IC scene:

Bel's found herself in restraints, arms tied in front of her, blaster taken by the imperial soldier currently leading her through the vast hangar bustling with activity. group of troopers march to her left and enter a large ship. A ship she knows damn well is holding enough goodies to get her the best luxury pad on Coruscant.

She scoffs. Plans change.

"The restraints are a little tight, Captain." Bel complains as the barrel of a rifle is pushed into her back to edge her along.

"Would you rather make the trip in a carbonite coffin?" The soldier replies drily.

"I'm telling mom," is followed by a heavy boot hitting her shin. "Ow."

Bel's sister is a bit of a method actor when it comes to role-playing in such situations.

"Prisoner?" Samantha's superior questions as they both come to a stop in front of him. He doesn't look up at either of them, preoccupied with something on the datapad he's scrolling through.

"Commander," Sam's using her formal voice, Bel notices. "I Found this low life smuggler in the hangar."

Bel scoffs again, rolling her eyes.

Yeah, real great method acting. You ass.

"Bring her to the holding cell. We'll send someone to interrogate her."

"Right away, sir."

They both sigh in relief as they walk past him and exit the hangar.

"That was too close."

"You didn't have to put 'em on so tight you know," Bel grumbles, rubbings the wrists now free of the restraints.

Sam shrugs, nonchalant. "It adds to the realism."

Bel's blue eyes narrow when they catch the subtle quirk of her sister's lips.

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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Auz
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

Name: Gin'ibak'aosame
Species: Chiss
Sex: Male

Profession: Gray Jedi, Jedi Sentinel/Investigator

Reason for being present in the Bitter End: Finishing the final job given to him by the Jedi Order, pursue Callidus to know if he has truly fallen to the Dark Side and if so, bring him to justice.

Personality Description:

During his younger days in the Order, Gin was always a bit of a larrikin, rebelling against his teachers in small, yet annoying ways. There was one master, however, whose teachings always resonated with the Chiss. What began out of a childlike fascination of a shared similarity in name, Qui-gon quickly became an idol for the young boy as Gin took a serious fascination with his work, including the masters criticisms of the order.

The young Chiss had always understood why he was offered up by his parents to the Jedi for having ‘the Sight’, but did find himself at times missing being among those who resembled him. As such he spent a lot of time alone, choosing instead to tinker with his lightsaber and hone his force awareness skills.

As with most beings in the universe, the transition into adulthood was both abrupt and filled with hardships. Major heartbreak and the devastating loss of the Jedi Order has left Gin reeling and in pain. He has lost sight of the teachings of the Jedi, seeing the flaws in their ways as the reason for their ultimate destruction. Though to say he has fallen to the Dark Side would not be true. Instead he seeks balance, he is angry about the injustice done to the Order, he is passionate for his former lover and he seeks to do right in the galaxy, which has since become a cold and cruel place. Gin’s strong sense of duty is now what drives him, to finish what he started and find balance in the process.

With the title of Jedi Sentinel/Investigator, Gin also possesses the skills and knowledge of problem solving, critical thinking, attention to detail, keen understanding of sapient species behaviour and psychology and excellent tracking abilities. The majority of his force powers have been sharpened to exacerbate this.

Character Bio:

In the closing days of the Republic, hearsay snaked its way through the Order with word that Jedi Master Valens Sarethi was in fact alive. Impossible, the council was quick to dismiss such rumours as nothing but whispers in the dark, firmly believing that such nonsense would dissipate in the shadow of galactic war. They should’ve known better than to underestimate their former colleague as theories began to spread like wildfire in the Temple of Coruscant, with each iteration getting wilder and wilder. First he was a fallen Jedi who went by the name of Callidus, then a Sith Acolyte, then a Sith Lord and finally a Sith Lord, Darth Callidus, who was drawing up a new Order.

Preposterous, the Force did not echo with such darkness and so the council held true to their belief, until the theft of the Jedi Temple’s Vault. What was taken is still unknown to this day but the act was so blatant and audacious that it forced the Master's hand.

As such Jedi Shadow Ashuvehe was assigned a new, fresh faced Padawan, Gin'ibak'aosame and both were tasked with following Callidus into the Unknown Regions of the galaxy. Gin was chosen for both his emerging abilities as a Sentinel and Investigator, and the fact that Chiss were quite a common site in the Unknown Regions. Ashuvehe, a Mirialan, was a well renowned agent of the Jedi Shadow arm of the Order, despite being quite young herself, leaving the council quite confident in their ability to find the wayward Jedi.

Venturing into the unknown, the two quickly formed a bond with their skills as Jedi meshing together seamlessly. As their time pursuing Callidus went on, Gin and Ash slowly became infatuated with one another. With them being so far out from the Order and away from its strict teachings, love quickly blossomed. Gin was quick to stray, pointing out the flaws in their doctrines, while Ash was torn between the two, fearing that their love would lead to the Dark Side.

Despite the confusion, the two still remained effective in their pursuit, cornering Callidus on an urban world in the Unknown Region. They had narrowed down his location to a city on the planet's surface and were preparing for apprehension when a message from the order came through. The Masters had grown more desperate, sensing that a critical moment in the war was approaching and they needed all hands on deck to finish the fight. Ash was asked for an evaluation of Gin’s skills, if he was ready to become a Knight, then she would have to return to known space, while the Chiss would be ordered to follow Callidus but not to engage him. Once this critical moment had passed, Ash would return and together they would confront Callidus.

Gin protested this, saying that if they moved quickly, they could capture Callidus and return together. Ash was much more hesitant, telling Gin she could not disobey direct orders and that even if they returned together, this would mean they could no longer be a couple. The young Chiss raged at the notion and upended their room, cursing the Order. Ash’s fears had been realised, seeing that the Dark Side’s influence had begun to grow as a result of their love. In the middle of the night she left, leaving a small message as to why and stating that another Jedi would return to capture Callidus. She begged Gin not to follow her and keep to their teachings but also said she would always hold a special place in her heart for him.

Gin, though heartbroken, did as commanded. It was only when a massive disturbance among the force was felt, as well as Ash being in pain, that Gin abandoned his post. Returning to known space, the young Chiss quickly learned that the order had been destroyed, receiving the message from Obi-Wan to hide and survive. Gin attempted to look for Ash but the destruction of the Republic and the ruthless nature of the Empire left little evidence of any sort of trail.

Accepting defeat, Gin did as he was asked, hiding on backwater worlds and surviving by any means necessary. All until the rumours of Callidus’s infamy surfaced once again, once again he had stolen something of value but from the Emperor himself. Gin wasted no time in taking up pursuit once more, hopeful that if Ash was still alive, she would do the same but also seeking redemption in the eyes of his dead brothers and sisters.

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Flagg
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Flagg Strange. This outcome I did not foresee.

Member Seen 7 mos ago

@Auz accepted!
Hidden 4 yrs ago 3 mos ago Post by DELETED


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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Flagg
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Flagg Strange. This outcome I did not foresee.

Member Seen 7 mos ago

@Fiscbryneaccepted. I have a few minor thoughts I’ll share on discord
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by seonhyang
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Sira Hayan
Species: Zeltron
Sex: Female
Profession: Rebel Spy | Smuggler (cover)
Reason for being present in the Bitter End: Sira is a frequent sight in the Bitter End, contacting her peers in Rebel Intelligence and running supplies for her comrades from the criminal hub. As of late, she’s been looking for Callidus in the hope that he can be persuaded to share secrets stolen from the Empire.

Looks: A Zeltron woman of modest height with a warm disposition, Sira smiles easily and is quick to laugh. Her long violet hair usually hangs straight and loose, framing soft features; her face lacks the deep creases of weathered spacefarers, making her age rather difficult to determine at first glance. Though she cuts an unimposing figure in the den of iniquity that is the Bitter End, she walks confidently, with a sway in her step.

Rarely seen disheveled or dirty, she prefers to dress rather flamboyantly for a smuggler. Sira’s brightly-colored jackets, short-heeled boots, and tailored clothes nod to her people’s fondness for the finer things in life while stopping short of ostentatiousness. She carries her blaster and knife discreetly and rarely wears anything under which she could not conceal a weapon.

While Sira presents a colorful face to the world, she can change her demeanor as easily as she changes clothes. She has entered the Bitter End under various names in the past, as a grimy fixer, a struggling merchant, and a mute dancer in a Hutt’s retinue.

Personality Description:
On the surface, Sira is sunny and confident. She eagerly provides an ear to listen to just about anyone looking to share their story over a few drinks. Her empathy makes her a social chameleon, easily mirroring the dispositions of those around her. While her wit can be dry and cynical - not unusual among criminals - she doesn’t use it as a shield. Even commiseration is an opportunity to connect with others and break down the walls between people. Despite her apparent confidence, she is slow to object when other people underestimate her. After all, she is all too accustomed to - and even expects - the assumption that she is too airheaded, impulsive, or decadent to be a threat.

Beneath her calm façade, Sira is shaken by the struggles of the Rebellion: poor, beholden to criminals, beset on all sides. Her empathy magnifies her comrades’ depression; she copes with hopelessness by indulging in simple pleasures like clothes and expensive drinks. Though she used to do as she pleased without questioning herself too thoroughly, she has found herself troubled by the moral quagmire of her occupation as of late. As a result, she has turned to Jomu Sathwe for spiritual advice. She isn’t quite sure that she believes everything that he talks about, but she wants to believe in something.

Character bio:
Born Mana Vystra, Sira would only come to change her name much later in life. Growing up on Zeltros, her parents were entertainers who earned their keep catering to wealthy off-world tourists, Sira longed to escape the world of dancing and pouring drinks. When she learned that politicians and aides would loosen their lips after enough drinks served with a wink and a smile, she made a small business selling secrets. After raising enough money to escape her homeworld and taking a one-way flight to Huttspace, where she used her charm to worm her way through the ranks. Gathering and selling intelligence for various employers came easily to her when she adopted the unassuming guise of a servant or a performer. Back then, her loyalty only belonged to the highest bidder. Over a few years, she was able to earn a decent amount of credits, and with a little wise investment and lucky gambling, she managed to live a lavish lifestyle, attending luxurious parties and schmoozing with criminals from around the Galaxy.

Her charmed life ended when two of her former employers met and discovered that the same Zeltron had worked for them both, selling the secrets of each to the other. Both crime lords cornered her, and Sira feared that she would have lived the rest of her life in chains had a Rebel admiral not paid them off and taken her off their hands. Impressed with her record, he had decided that her skills could serve the Rebellion and offered her a deal: she could keep her freedom as long as she signed up with Rebel Alliance Intelligence. She agreed.

Though she was reluctant at first, the idealistic sentiment of the Rebel Alliance grew on her over time. The Rebellion promised a freer, fairer world in which people like her would not have to resort to crime in order to escape a life of entertaining petty bureaucrats and voracious drug lords. She took the alias “Sira Hayan” and stepped into her new life as if Mana Vystra had never existed. Sira has now been smuggling for years in the shadier corners of the galaxy, but she keeps a low profile, rarely lingering anywhere long enough to make much of a name for herself. The Bitter End, her favorite haunt, is the sole exception. There she's known for her amiable professionalism and for buying drinks for drifters and strangers with stories to tell, including the mendicant Jomu Sathwe, whom she considers to be her drinking buddy.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Flagg
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Flagg Strange. This outcome I did not foresee.

Member Seen 7 mos ago

@seonhyang accepted!
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Blitzy
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Zejinn Xasur
Species: Falleen
Sex: Male
Profession: Crime Lord
Reason for being present in the Bitter End: Runs a large crime syndicate from the End that operates in local space.


Personality Description: Zejinn is a shrewd opportunist, with little concept of morality or loyalty. His decision making is whimsical and simply dictated by who is benefitting him most at the time, financially or otherwise. While he is friendly, sarcastic and endearing when spoken to alone, thanks in no small part to the powerful infatuating pheromones the Falleen can secrete, people who believe he is no threat often only live to make the mistake of doing so once. It is easy to think you have Zejinn figured out, but as soon as you do, he is like to do something unpredictable purely for the sake of keeping you guessing. A meeting with Zejinn could end with a handshake as easily as it could end with a blaster bolt to the back of the head.

He is the head of the End's single largest crime syndicate, with a number of people on his payroll from petty thieves and smugglers to professional mercenaries and gunrunners. Much of the illegal activity conducted on the End goes through him, or his people. If there is something illegal to be done, Zejinn has people doing it. Anything from selling pirated holo-tapes to providing hit services and selling narcotics is covered by Zejinn's expansive network, having already absorbed many of the smaller gangs on the asteroid into the fold of his own syndicate. Zejinn is no up-jumped smuggler prince playing at being the king; a unique combination of intelligence, charm, business sense and near sociopathic fixation on power and control make Zejinn an incredibly dangerous figure in the End's criminal underworld.

Character Bio:

Zejinn was born on the planet of Falleen in the Mid Rim, the second son of the minor noble House of Xasur. His father served as a courtier to a prominent Falleen nobleman, while his mother was the retainer of the same nobleman's wife, and it was through their occupations that the two met, bonded and eventually gained titles and prestige. Even from a young age, the signs were there for what Zejinn Xasur would become. He craved control and respect, and hated competition, refusing to submit to life in the shadow of his older brother. His motivations were mostly financial, and he had a fantastic nose for an opportunity and an even better sense for gauging risk. Zejinn showed little interest in the intrigue and politics of the Falleen courts. He studied cybernetics and medicine at a higher level, qualifying as a certified medical practitioner and showing great promise with his advances in scientific study.

Due to his contempt for the feudal way of life that his parents expected him to grow into, Zejinn was eventually sent on a tour of the Mid Rim and Galactic Core. A common practice for young Falleen nobles, tours such as these were often employed to expose the Falleen to the filth that occupied other worlds and help to reinforce the deep prejudices and sense of racial superiority that was instilled in them from birth. While his parents hoped Zejinn would return with a new-found sense of superiority and a drive to engage with the lifestyle they had chosen for him, they were left disappointed. Zejinn never returned to Falleen. Having seen the galaxy away from the pressures of his own society, Zejinn was awestruck by the diversity of galactic civilisations and decided to turn his back on his people and their isolationist attitudes, sensing the opportunity to claim freedom, power and wealth away from his homeworld. He nomadically travelled the galactic core, working on Corellia, Duro, Chandrila, Alderaan and many more, gaining experience and insight.

Zejinn was eventually appointed a Science Officer and tasked with leading a research team developing combat cybernetics to improve upon the abilities of Republic soldiers. Stationed initially on Brentaal IV, the team was eventually moved closer and finally to Coruscant itself. Zejinn despised his position. He was earning money disproportionately low for the time and effort put in and was constantly reporting and bowing to superiors who did their best to control the rogue researcher and restrict his brilliance. Partly out of spite, and partly sensing a lucrative financial opportunity, Zejinn put feelers out into the underworld on Coruscant. All of a sudden, state-of-the-art Republic tech started to find its way onto X-tier black market trading platforms, and thanks to a complicated network of associates, it was never traced back to Zejinn. Not bound by any ties to family or faction, even despite his work for the Republic, he had absolutely no qualms and about selling tech or info to the highest bidder, regardless of whom that bidder was working for, as long as the risk posed to himself was nominal. Over a decade, Zejinn amassed substantial wealth and began to gain repute in Coruscant's criminal underworld. Eventually, he fell in with the Confederacy of Independent Systems, earning lucrative money by developing tech for the Republic, and then selling it to the other side under the table.

Alas, all good things must come to an end. After almost five decades of extortion, bribery and black market dealing, Zejinn Xasur was exposed by a Republic Intelligence operation. Calling on a network of contacts, Zejinn managed to vanish from Republic space, smuggled far away from Coruscant and into C.I.S. space. Not long after, the Clone Wars erupted, and the Republic fell to be replaced by the first Galactic Empire, under the control of the Sith. Zejinn settled on the Bitter End, an asteroid=based city under C.I.S. control with a reputation for its roaring black market trade in Kyber. Sensing opportunity knock once again, Zejinn quickly set about establishing himself using what he had learned from his criminal involvements on Coruscant, putting money in the right pockets and a knife in the right backs until he found himself at the head of his very own syndicate, dominating the End's criminal underworld and ensuring a healthy share of his profits landed in the pocket of his most generous patron, Adamantious Xen, all in the good name of the Rebellion. Zejinn has maintained comfortable control, amassing fortune and prestige, but recently, rumours of the arrival of Callidus have put Zejinn on high alert
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Wrathhog
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Wrathhog Not a wart

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

All done! Let me know if it's alright with you.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Flagg
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Flagg Strange. This outcome I did not foresee.

Member Seen 7 mos ago

@Wrathhog accepted!
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Flagg
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Flagg Strange. This outcome I did not foresee.

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Flagg
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Flagg Strange. This outcome I did not foresee.

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Hi all- apologies for my relative radio silence, been a busy time over Christmas and New Years. Great posts so far, will try to get things moving this week and be more available on Discord. In the meantime, feel free to post!
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by KaiserElectric
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KaiserElectric Spaghetti Enthusiast

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Thinking about contributing to this, looks fun. ^_^
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by seonhyang
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Sorry I've been quiet here lately. On Monday I had a death in the family, so I've been a bit out of it. @Fiscbryne, @Auz and I have started our next collab and we'll post as soon as we can.
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