In This Fine Town Of Arkham
A Night At Wilde Hall

"What lay behind our joint love of shadows and marvels was, no doubt, the ancient, mouldering, and subtly fearsome town in which we live – witch-cursed, legend-haunted Arkham, whose huddled, sagging gambrel roofs and crumbling Georgian balustrades brood out the centuries beside the darkly muttering Miskatonic." - H. P. Lovecraft
Avery Wildes is old money. It is said that her ancestor was one of the first to set foot in the place that would become Arkham, and her families history has been intertwined with the city ever since. Her family has always been close to the beating heart of the city, and Avery is no exception. The balls and parties hosted at Wilde Hall are near-legendary, and by brushing shoulders with the rich and powerful of Arkham, Avery has ensured that her family will not fade into obscurity. Her husband's recent sudden death has done nothing to dampen these gatherings, in fact they seem only to have spurred the hostess onwards.
You have heard of these parties, perhaps you have even crossed paths with the Wildes family, but you were still not expecting to find an invitation arriving at your door. Somehow, you have caught Avery's attention, and as the night of the gathering approaches, you find your attention turning towards who else might have received these mysterious invitations. The only information you have received is a date, a time of arrival, and an instruction that this particular event will be a masquerade ball, and that your title for the evening has already been chosen for you. But you know there is more to it than that. Invitation or not, there is something you need in Wilde Hall, something that is calling to you, haunting your very dreams...

Setting: Lovecraft's Arkham, and the surrounding area
Time Frame: 1920's Prohibition-era America
RP Tags: Historical, High Casual, Advanced, Large Group, Eldritch Horror, Mystery, Tabletop
Characters: Journalists, students, professors, detectives, criminals, socialites, private investigators
Themes: A period mystery drama, with a heavy dose of Lovecraftian horror. Your character will have their own personal motivations for attending the Wilde Hall ball, as well as goals as a group with your fellow PC's.
Style: I'm looking for three or four paragraphs per post as a minimum. I'm not too fussed if this ends up in the Casual or Advanced sections, but I'll still be expecting regular and engaging posts.
Thank you to everyone that's taken the time to read this far! This is an Interest Check for an idea I've been playing with for a while. This RP will be drawing inspiration from the roleplaying system Call of Cthulhu, as well as from the Lovecraftian mythos as a whole, but with my own spin on things. Expect mystery, suspense, and horror that is terrifying to behold! I've tried not to overload with information, so consider this a taster. If you have any more questions, please do ask away, and I'll do my best to provide some answers! Looking forward to hearing from you all.