I called you here today because we face dire circumstances. Our intelligence has confirmed the existence of a new threat that is unlike any we have seen before. This organization has the ability to carry out attacks anywhere in the world. They are highly lethal, indiscriminate of age, religion, or nationality. Our only choice of action is to meet force with force. As of this moment my program is reactivated. No matter how or where our enemies strike, no matter what defenses they cower behind, team RAINBOW must stand ready.
The year is 2035, the world is in turmoil. Widespread ecological damage has forced nations to look inward, the past rivalries and conflicts of major world powers pushed to the wayside as each deal with their own internal strife and crises. From the chaos a new global threat emerges, taking advantage of nations struggling to regain a sense of normalcy in such a radically shifting world.
Born from the collective ideals of a firebrand, what started as an independent environmentalist push has since been twisted into a radicalized network of terror disillusioned with the institutions of the old world. Protests became acts of sabotage, recruitment became indoctrination, and ends justified the means. This culminated in an incident that shook the very fabric of the developed world, as the group's self-proclaimed leader detonated a thermonuclear warhead in the heart of the abandoned island of Manhattan, the flooded city a monument to the sins and failures of the leaders of the world. The organization emerged from the fireball anew, the so called Talons of Viridios, named after the martyr of their cause.
Team RAINBOW is the first line of defense against this new threat, with operators selected from the best and brightest of the world's nations, all working towards a common goal once again. The organization’s reactivation after such a long period of inactivity brings with it challenges of its own, as a new generation tackles the new threats of the time.
Born from the collective ideals of a firebrand, what started as an independent environmentalist push has since been twisted into a radicalized network of terror disillusioned with the institutions of the old world. Protests became acts of sabotage, recruitment became indoctrination, and ends justified the means. This culminated in an incident that shook the very fabric of the developed world, as the group's self-proclaimed leader detonated a thermonuclear warhead in the heart of the abandoned island of Manhattan, the flooded city a monument to the sins and failures of the leaders of the world. The organization emerged from the fireball anew, the so called Talons of Viridios, named after the martyr of their cause.
Team RAINBOW is the first line of defense against this new threat, with operators selected from the best and brightest of the world's nations, all working towards a common goal once again. The organization’s reactivation after such a long period of inactivity brings with it challenges of its own, as a new generation tackles the new threats of the time.

While RAINBOW is supported by a number of personnel in a multitude of different fields, the organization’s primary tools of action are Operators. Recruited from the various military and paramilitary organizations across the globe, they represent the best humanity has to offer. The elite of the elite, each Operator utilizes their own specialized skills to work in tandem with others and form an efficient fighting force. Backed by nearly every major power, RAINBOW Operators have access to cutting edge technology and resources, the latest weaponry and gear, for their own use.
Operators report directly to Six, the acting head of the organization, and are tasked with missions varying from hostage rescue to intel gathering, and everything in between. With an emphasis on lean mission flexibility, teams of RAINBOW Ops are unparalleled in their effectiveness.
Operators report directly to Six, the acting head of the organization, and are tasked with missions varying from hostage rescue to intel gathering, and everything in between. With an emphasis on lean mission flexibility, teams of RAINBOW Ops are unparalleled in their effectiveness.

The organization’s base of operations, while partially abandoned in the years following the end of the White Mask threat and subsequent deactivation of the RAINBOW Program, it has since been refurbished and once again serves as an all encompassing facility for the team. Located in Elis, Greece the geography offers a comfortable Mediterranean climate.
The most prominent building of the complex, the aptly named Arena is the stadium itself. In previous years onlookers could watch Operators take part in competitive sim-munition killhouse clearing scenarios against each other. While the crowds are gone, the games still continue.
Seating surrounds the playfield, at the center of which sits the killhouse. Built from prefabricated sections, it is easily configurable to a whole host of different combat situations. Cameras and sensors integrated throughout the building allows for playback of telemetry from runs through scenarios, while the recent inclusion of holographic projection technology gives Operators the opportunity to combat against computer-generated hostile situations.
Seating surrounds the playfield, at the center of which sits the killhouse. Built from prefabricated sections, it is easily configurable to a whole host of different combat situations. Cameras and sensors integrated throughout the building allows for playback of telemetry from runs through scenarios, while the recent inclusion of holographic projection technology gives Operators the opportunity to combat against computer-generated hostile situations.
Situated next to the Area, in the center of the Stadium complex. The Barracks, while no longer state of the art, still offer plenty of amenities for Operators stationed there. Decidedly more pragmatically built than say a lavish resort, Operators still have plenty of space for individual, and individualized, living conditions. Approximately on par with a decently sized apartment.
Team RAINBOW uses every advantage it can get, and technological superiority is no exception. The R&D Lab is an engineer’s dream, having been restocked and refitted with the latest state-of-the-art technology since the organization’s reactivation. Here the various pieces of gear and technology used by Operators are maintained and built, with no small amount of innovation and ingenuity being thrown around within the facility’s walls.
Here intelligence is gathered, reviewed, and operation decisions are made. Tied into the intelligence gathering organizations of many of the world’s major powers, RAINBOW’s central command has near unparalleled access to information across the globe. Teams of Operators are tasked from here, and if possible, operations directed in real time. Also serves as the communications hub for RAINBOW, with a direct satellite uplink allowing for almost continuous coverage over the globe.
By no means exhaustive, provides a description of Operators currently stationed out of The Stadium.
Callsign: (Many Operators select a callsign for ease of identification.)
Appearance: (Physical description of Operator, pictures provide clarity but are not necessary.)
Personality: (Note that there is a vetting process involved, Operators who aren’t capable of working as a team don’t make the cut in RAINBOW.)
Skills: (All RAINBOW Operators are effective warfighters, what makes them stand out from the rest in terms of skills and abilities?)
Equipment: (Weapons, gadgets, other equipment they are trained to use. RAINBOW has access to cutting-edge technology, and while mission-specific gear is available, every Operator has their personal kit. To simplify things the tech level is approximately around that as seen in game, essentially near-future tech.)
Bio: (Who are they, where are they from, how did they get recruited into the organization?)