Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Expolar
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Expolar ...just a tortle...

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Untitled Roles

World Map of Asembia

For this game:
  • It will involve D&D 5e and take place in a simple homebrew world. Perhaps the party members knew each other before, maybe only a pair of friends with the rest as strangers, or their all strangers to each other. Which ever the players decide on this is up to them. Just let me know if a character already knows another either in the backstory or just saying it somewhere as being a recent pairing or party that formed but now find themselves kept somewhere in an unfamiliar dungeon.
  • The game will begin with what may feel like a oneshot. The party finding themselves wake up locked in a dungeon, with the last thing that they remember was traveling the road before suddenly feeling weak and fall unconscious. Their goal, escape the dungeon. My hope here is that it gives time for people to get use to their and other characters. If the party escape the dungeon and the players still feel like continuing, then we can continue forward to explore the world. The party may find bigger plots that they find forming and taking actions, while also learning and developing their own characters as we go through a character’s own story plot.
  • For the name of the game, that will be decided once the OOC is made. But at the same time, I do like the vague and openness of how the current name can be interpreted.

The world
  • The world is still in development and imagine it will take between 2 to 3 weeks to finalize the map and plots. As the the days progress I will have update on this post revealing more the world and the plots that the party may find themselves in. I am mentioning this now as I very much want to make this feel as collaborative as it can be and open to ideas. So during this time, if there are any interests or ideas in particular that you would like to explore, just let me know and we can see how it can be added/integrated into the this world. Currently I plan to have this world to simply being the typical fantasy setting taking place on a pangea with 4 or 5 nations that each take up a notable region of the landmass. The dungeon escape may also give some idea of the world, but more of the world will be seen once and discovered once the party explore. The main plot that will be revealed more, but after the dungeon escape. The plot may also be influenced by the player’s ideas/interests and their character backstory too.

The 3 Pillars
  • The 3 pillars I have always enjoyed in ttrpgs, those being the exploration, social interactions, and combat. But how I would imagine the RP if and once this does run is the following:
  • Exploration, will have a bit of a sandbox feel to it where your characters are free go anywhere. But simply going anywhere for no reason doesn’t sound as fun. So as mention in the character requirement, please let me know of your character’s backstory it will help give us an idea of where they may plan to travel and we may discuss their eventual character arc. If there are pieces of their backstory that you want to be a secret, just PM me so we can further discuss plans on such ideas that they may be.
  • Social Interactions, for the most part, I may only post 2 to 4 paragraphs as I am more of a causal roleplayer with their post. This is mostly because of work likely being busy and having time after sit down to type a response to react to the party’s post. Basically, it would be like any other RP on this site, but I may ask for a skill check or something based on what the party members do.
  • Combat, won’t be too common unless the party is looking for a fight. But once a fight does occur, I do plan to do/note the following to help speed up combat.
    • I will roll everyone’s initiative and average the party and enemies’ separately. Base on the average initiative, will determine who will post first. If the party has the highest average, then anyone can post in what or when ever order they decide.
    • If a week has passed, then I will start the enemies turn, players that did not post their character’s action by this point I will consider they did not take a action. If for some reason you can’t post for that week, just let us know and me or someone with permission can basically give a simple action to the character for that turn.
    • If all the party members make a post before the end of that week, then maybe I can find time to make an early post to help quicken the combat.
  • General note: My posts may not be too long as I plan to simply react to how the party members behave based on what are described to them and how things react. But the size of the post will likely still be dependent on everyone's post.

Current Character Requirements:
    For now in the Interest Check, please only provide me with the following:
      Appearance (image and/or description):
      Likes and Dislikes: (at least two things of each)

    Once the OOC is up, then you can send the actual character sheet there.

    When planning for a build, please keep in mind the following requirements:
    • Characters will start out as level 3. Leveling will be based on milestones.
    • Will only allow the use of official sources from Wizard of the Coast books and Unearthed Arcana.
    • When starting ability scores,
      Roll 6 4d6s, for each of the 6 rolls, drop the lowest. (So basically the last part you mentioned)
      Once rolled, you can freely assign those resulting 6 values to which ever ability scores that you choose.
      To avoid possible bad rolls, you can roll for another set of 6 4d6s. But you must choose one of those 2 sets of rolls. You cannot mix the results between the two sets. And please do these rolls on the dice roller on this site.

Homebrew Rules:
  • Thrown melee weapons
    If a melee weapon has the thrown property, you can use STR or DEX mod for the attack and damage roll.
  • Extra skill proficiencies
    Based on the INT mod, this will represent additional points that you can add to a skill, tool, or language. Expertise can be gained with an already proficient skill or tool.
  • Increasing max HP
    At each new level after level 1, roll hit dice at advantage.
    Reroll if a 1 is rolled at any time.

So if there are any questions or ideas, please let me know.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

Member Seen 21 min ago

I'm interested.
I have a question: Are Unearthed Arcana subclasses allowed?
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by rush99999
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rush99999 Professional Oddball

Member Seen 18 min ago

Name: Angus MacAlister
Race: Human
Class: Barbarian
Backstory: Born in the Highlands of Dachaigh and raised by the hardy folk of Clan MacAlister, Angus grew up listening to tales of the great deeds performed by his ancestors. But of all the tales he was told, it was the tales of Fergus MacAlister, one of the greatest warriors Clan MacAlister had ever produced, that Angus enjoyed hearing the most. Fergus was well known not just for his skill with the blade, but also the blade he carried in question, the Whispering Claymore, a claymore that had a mind of its own according to the stories, and was said to have whispered warnings, encouragement, and advice into Fergus' mind during their adventures. Fergus' story ended when a green dragon captured him to add the legendary warrior and his sentient sword to its hoard of living treasure. Neither Fergus nor the Whispering Claymore were ever seen again. MacAlister warriors from every generation since then have embarked on quests to the dragon's lair to slay the beast and reclaim the lost relic of their clan. None have succeeded. But like all before him, Angus believes he can do it. And so to become strong enough to fight the dragon, Angus became an adventurer.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Expolar
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Expolar ...just a tortle...

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Interesting the backstory. I suppose my question to you to help further develop this is how many generations have there been since Fergus? Also besides within the Highlands of Dachaigh, how much interaction does Clan MacAlister with the rest of the world? Is there anything of note with how the clan behaves, especially to other folks outside of the clan?

But if there are anything that you want leave me to decide and surprise (this meaning for anyone else's character), just let me know.

I'm interested.
I have a question: Are Unearthed Arcana subclasses allowed?

Yes I am allowing Unearthed Arcana subclasses.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

Member Seen 21 min ago

Cool! Thank you!

One Warlock of the Genie Patron coming right up!
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

Member Seen 21 min ago

Name: Najila, “The Desert Rose”
Race: Variant Human
Class: Warlock (Patron: The Noble Genie, Djinn)
Mechanical Background: Entertainer
Backstory: Najila was born in the desert region of the world. As far as she can recall, her family was not one of nobility. At least not initially. One day her father came back home with news of their sudden riches. They had become nobility practically overnight! Najila was more confused then anything else at the news, but if it made her family happy, then she was happy. The family languished in their quickly earned gains and status for a year. However, a year later, her father’s demeanor changed.

He grew anxious and was constantly mumbling to himself. There were even times when he would explode with anger for the smallest thing. One night, he took a mannequin of a young girl, dressed it in Najila’s clothes, and left in the dark of night. He came back the next morning, despondent and the doll nowhere to be seen.

Najila would learn the truth the next night. Her father woke her up, told her to get dressed in her finest, brought her out into the desert with him. Najila asked about waking her mother and little brother, and where they were going, only to be silenced. Soon they reached the middle of the Great Desert, the middle of nowhere, and the father seemed to chant an incantation.

The winds picked up and a djinn appeared before him. The both of them spoke in Common, and Najila learned that her father was giving her to the djinn in return for the riches her family gained. While screaming, crying, and begging her father, the djinn magicked her and himself to the Elemental Plane of Air, where she would live a large majority of her life. She was 6 years old then.

As she grew up, she remained in the care of the Djinn. She learned many things about the world under his tutelage and she certainly wasn’t any worse off than before. If anything, she was lucky that she was with a djinn, instead of the genies of Fire and earth. The djinn became a second father, a mentor to her. Apparently they would have treated her worse than the djinn would.

But it was lonely and boring in this plane, and she couldn’t really explore any place outside of the djinn’s palace. The djinn tried to cure the loneliness by bringing in other mortals. But more often than not, it was against their will, and Najila always ended up hurt in some way.

So, at the age of 22, Najila asked the djinn to send her back to the material plane. He would, under one condition. He wanted her to make a pact with him. He would let her go back, and give her some form of protection against the various dangers, but only if she fulfilled his requests, tell him with her stories when they speak again, and returned to the Elemental Plane of Air when he calls her to come back.

Najila agreed and the pact was forged. Her first few days in the mortal world was rough, but she was eventually able to find her living in performing at taverns and inns, and adventuring throughout the world. For her performances, she was quickly named, “The Desert Rose”. Just as she was traversing through the desert, she felt weak and fell unconscious.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by rush99999
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rush99999 Professional Oddball

Member Seen 18 min ago

Interesting the backstory. I suppose my question to you to help further develop this is how many generations have there been since Fergus? Also besides within the Highlands of Dachaigh, how much interaction does Clan MacAlister with the rest of the world? Is there anything of note with how the clan behaves, especially to other folks outside of the clan?

Countless generations have passed since the time of Fergus MacAlister.

Clan MacAlister is located closer to the center of Dachaigh, so they don't get as much interaction with the rest of the world as the clans closer to the boarders do. But they get enough through the aforementioned clans to stay up to date with the goings on of the world.

As for how the clan behaves, they revere their ancestors the same way other folks revere the gods. As you can probably guess from this fact, Clan MacAlister has a lot of ancestral guardian barbarians, Angus being one of them. They also have a steady supply of great old one warlocks due to their close proximity to the Great Loch and the great old one who lives in the lake, known as Old Greta to the Highlanders and the Great Loch Monster to everyone else. With all the stories of great MacAlister heroes being passed around in the clan, many MacAlisters become adventurers to go out, see the world, and possibly make some stories of their own. Though all are expected to return to the clan at the age of 30 to settle down, contribute to the clan, and help create and raise the next generation.

When it comes to how they behave with outsiders, Clan MacAlister maintain friendly to neutral relations with most other clans in Dachaigh. However, they do have a heated rivalry with the nearby Clan MacManus that goes all the way back to the very beginnings of the two clans. For the rare people visiting as perilous a land as Dachaigh from beyond the Highlands' boarders, Clan MacAlister have a 'you don't bother us and we won't bother you' attitude towards most. Those who prove themselves true friends of the clan can expect to be treated to warm hospitality and the finest haggis in all the Highlands.

They hate dragons. Without exception. Even the noble-hearted metallic dragons are despised by the clan. They also dislike half-dragons, kobolds, dragonborns, lizardfolk, and anything else that resembles or associates with dragons, including the dragon gods Tiamat and Bahamut. They loathe the green dragon that stole away Fergus and the Whispering Claymore most of all, with many MacAlister warriors from every generation embarking on what they refer to as The Quest, which involves them venturing into the dragon's lair to face the beast in combat to avenge the death of Fergus MacAlister and return the Whispering Claymore to its rightful place.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by rush99999
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rush99999 Professional Oddball

Member Seen 18 min ago


How many people do you want on board before you decide it's time to weigh the anchor?
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Expolar
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Expolar ...just a tortle...

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


How many people do you want on board before you decide it's time to weigh the anchor?

I was waiting of at least a 3rd player before starting. Although I was also planning to allow more people to possibly join once we start, but there may be a bit of wait for when their character can jump in depending of where the party is and their current situation. If you or @Guardian Angel Haruki have anyone you would like to join and think they would be interested too, then just let them know. Currently I'm just trying to flesh out the world a bit more and make a map.

Since I'm still trying to write things about the world, are there any thing of general interest that you as character or player that you wish to explore (figuratively and literally) we play through?

I do want to ask, did you already have something in mind for how Angus know where to search for the dragon lair? Because I was thinking that he could have heard of someone part of Fergus's party that was still alive and could help guide where the dragon may be lairing. This person being a old elven spell spellcaster named Aimon. Also did you have a particular name for the dragon or are you okay if I name it?

@Guardian Angel Haruki
Did you have a name for the djinn or you okay if I choose a name. Also is Najila's goal now that she is in the material plane simply to explore make up those lost years when she was stuck in the plane of air?
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by rush99999
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rush99999 Professional Oddball

Member Seen 18 min ago

I do want to ask, did you already have something in mind for how Angus know where to search for the dragon lair? Because I was thinking that he could have heard of someone part of Fergus's party that was still alive and could help guide where the dragon may be lairing. This person being a old elven spell spellcaster named Aimon. Also did you have a particular name for the dragon or are you okay if I name it?

On where the dragon keeps its lair, I was thinking Clan MacAlister would already know that, they'd have to if a large portion of the clan's warriors from every generation from approximately the last few centuries embark on ill fated quests to slay the beast. As for the dragon's name, I was thinking something along the lines of Faerguaine. That sounds like a cool dragon name, right?
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Vixen58
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Is past dnd experience important? Because I'd love to join, but this would be my first dnd rp so I just want to check if me kind of being a noob would be a bother?

If my noob status is not a bother though, I already have a character idea, hopefully I didn't mess anything up while creating him and I'm definitely willing to edit this if this clashes with the map or anything!

Name: Aron
Race: Human
Class: Fighter
Backstory: Seperated from his parents and twin brother at the age of five when he fell from the ship they were traveling on during a horrible storm, Aron was pulled aboard the ship of a group of traveling merchants. They had planned on sending him to an orphanage once they reached shore, but the captain of the ship called in a favor with an old friend. Which is how Ilsur, a dwarven smith in the small town they docked at, gained a new apprentice. It was rough-going at first, them having to adjust to each-other, but eventually they bonded, the old dwarf finally having someone to tell stories to about his adventuring days. Aron loved hearing his guardian's stories of adventure and as he grew, often went out to try and create ones of his own - which more often than not, led to him getting himself into stupid situations/causing trouble. In order to stop his fool apprentice from burning down the town, Ilsur started giving him fighting lessons whenever they weren't working at the forge, hoping to leave him too tired for anything other than sleep. Surprisingly enough, Aron showed promise for the blade and when he was fifteen, forged his own personal longsword by himself. His feet has become restless though, his gaze traveling ever outwards, so once he reached twenty one, Ilsur helped him with the necessary preparations, before telling him to get out and not to come back without at least one story to tell. He has since been traveling for three years and loving every second of it. He was planning on stopping by Ilsur's forge, to check up on the old fellow when he suddenly felt weak and fell unconscious.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

Member Seen 21 min ago

I am 100% OK with you picking the name for the djinn.
As for her goals, I would say that she’s there not just to make up for lost time. She would also look for something that would be interesting/entertaining to send the djinn in hopes that it would keep him from calling her back to the Elemental plane of air. She would also want to find her family and learn what happened to them after her disappearance.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Expolar
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Expolar ...just a tortle...

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Sure, if you are still interested, I can provide some assistance:
Things to look into:
  • Character Sheet:
    There are a few online character sheets that you can use, but DiceCloud is one that I like as it helps with calculating some numbers. Also to help understand how to use the DiceCloud, I would recommend this tutorial that you can read through to help.
  • Race:
    For human, you can choose one of these 2:
    Standard - which increase all of there ability score up by 1.
    Variant - which increase two ability scores of your choice, choose one skill to be proficient in, and choose one feat of your choice.
  • Class:
    As you already stated Aron being a fighter, you can try looking on this page at a what you can have as a fighter at level 3. One of those things being a subclass, so you can try to choose one that you feel fits for Aron.
  • Background:
    Background list
    From what you mentioned in Aron's backstory, I feel his background could be a "Guild Artisan" as it includes smithing.

This is just a general information to get an idea of what you can choose from as mentioned from your previous. If you have any questions, just let me know.

@Guardian Angel Haruki
The djinn's name would be Ralim, the Ever Curious Curator. I also had some fun writing about Ralim and thought I would share. Please let me know what you think and if you're okay with it.

From the title and living under his care, Najila would that has quite the varied collection of things that he basically made a museum/house to store and categorize them all. He would mention that it began about 250 years ago when mortal was kind enough to use their wish to release him from his lamp. Ever since then decided explore and see various places than the simple interior of his prison of a lamp. After enjoying exploring the world and planes enough, he decided to take souvenirs to remember those places, eventually forming his museum, the Cosmological Sanctum.

The Cosmological Sanctum, home to wonders and mundane things across the plane. It is likely here that Najila learned many things of the world as there are many, many, many displays of things to show. Although there are other planes, not all were shown, as those rooms can be quite dangerous for a simple mortal to enter in as there are a few rooms that simulate the planes the house. But he would usually say that the room material plane is a bit easier to relax in after working in the other one. For the material plane rooms, Najila would typically be allowed to usually wonder freely, one of these being Najila's own room.

When it comes to business, would you know that Ralim hates being requested to do the typical genie wish. But depending on on the person and the wish, he may go along with listening and doing the request, then he will try to make a spin on the wish to basically prank the person, either temporarily or permanent.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

Member Seen 21 min ago

I love what you wrote! XD Ralim sounds awesome! And it gave me a better idea of what kind of pact Najila would choose at Level 3!

Would it be okay if I started on my character sheet and roll my stats?
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Expolar
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Expolar ...just a tortle...

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

As I was plotting some things, I thought I should ask as I feel Clan MacAlister would be knowledgeable of this. During Fergus confrontation with Faerguaine and his eventual capture by the dragon, I feel it should be known among the clan that Faerguaine, like most green dragons, is cunning and was able to subdue Fergus, not by strength but by magic and mind, tricking and allowing Fergus to be vulnerable enough to leave him open to be captured. Over the generations, it has been described that although Faerguaine has grown, its strength and body as whole is not as comparable to other dragons its age, but its expertise in magic has very much grown, especially given its life span to learn and gain more knowledge.

I love what you wrote! XD Ralim sounds awesome! And it gave me a better idea of what kind of pact Najila would choose at Level 3!

Would it be okay if I started on my character sheet and roll my stats?

Thanks for the feed back and sure, that's fine.

To anyone who is making a character sheet, please also note the following rules that I would like to include so you know when filling out the your character sheet:
  • Extra skill proficiencies
    Based on the INT mod, this will represent additional points that you can add to a skill, tool, or language. Expertise can be gained with an already proficient skill or tool.
  • Increasing max HP
    At each new level after level 1, roll hit dice at advantage.
    Reroll if a 1 is rolled at any time.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

Member Seen 21 min ago

Awesome. Thank you!

Just to double check, are the stats all 4d6? Or is it 4d6 and drop the lowest? If it’s the latter, what’s your policy for players who rolled terribly?
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Expolar
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Expolar ...just a tortle...

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Just finished the world map to have a nice visual on the first post. My mind and mood was set on map making these past few days, but I have been writing notes of parts of the world and its history. Next is finishing that portion and then I will notify and add it to the first post once finished. But if there are any questions about the world, then please ask :D

Awesome. Thank you!

Just to double check, are the stats all 4d6? Or is it 4d6 and drop the lowest? If it’s the latter, what’s your policy for players who rolled terribly?

I was actually thinking about that as I started wondering if I specified my rule for rolling stats lol.

My rule for rolling stats is the following:
  • Roll for Stats:
    Roll 6 4d6s, for each of the 6 rolls, drop the lowest. (So basically the last part you mentioned)
    Once rolled, you can freely assign those resulting 6 values to which ever ability scores that you choose.
    To avoid possible bad rolls, you can roll for another set of 6 4d6s. But you must choose one of those 2 sets of rolls. You cannot mix the results between the two sets.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

Member Seen 21 min ago

Thank you! That really helps! XD

Hopefully my second set will yield better results. ^^”

EDIT: I’m definitely going with the second set.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Expolar
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Expolar ...just a tortle...

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I just updated the first post, but I would also like an appearance of the characters that are planned to be played. The appearance can be an image or description, but I would very much appreciate an image. If only plan to have a description, could you still please have an image so I can have a visual reference as a nice base for when I read the character's description?
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

Member Seen 21 min ago

This is very close to what I had in mind for Najila.
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