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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

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Steph nodded at Benjamin's words, she closed her eyes again and focused, she flapped her wings slightly before she crouched.
She focused her muscles, before she sprung upwards. Something seemed to happen in her brain, the air rushed past her and she pushed her wings as she flew up higher. She spun before she stopped herself in the air after a spin, the sun shined off her wings before she looked down at how high she flew.

She had flown upwards to the height of the the mansions roof before she slowly floated down back to Benjamin with a large smile on her face.
"Okay so I can fly upwards." She started, her hair was messy. "That was fun, that was really fun."

The Female Agent left the Medical bay as she headed towards her room. She turned her shower on as she slipped out of her goo soaked clothing.
She didn't notice it at first, the four spider-like limbs weakly folded on her back felt like nothing to her. She walked to the mirror and moved her hair of of her face, revealing a smaller set of eyes just beside her main eyes.

For a moment a rush of panic echoed through her before she seemed to relax. This was... Normal, right? She had always been like this. The journey to the forest was to see... family, right?
She shrugged it off and headed into her shower with a happy mumble.

"Gun." One of the Angels uttered behind the main one, "Gun!"
The main angel lifted his head up and narrowed his eyes. "No, he's a full Angel. He's ours." He said as he sneered towards Morrison, "We found a demon but she got away due to another... Demon, and now we found an Angel which means we can take him to the Elders and get off this shitty fucking planet!"

The other, more silent Angel had slunk away from the other group, slipping around to the other side of the Alleyway to block them off.
"And if we bring two souls with us as well." The Main Angel started, "It means we get a better chance of leaving."
Jase spun around and noticed the other Angel and growled. "I've got this one." He said before he felt his hood dropping down, revealing his newly coloured hair and what looked to be some stone-like horns carving out of the head.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 3 days ago

"I'm glad you had fun with that," Benjamin said. "If you want to see if you can go forward, we can go around the mansion. I'll race you."
He was certain he would lose that race, but it was a challenge and he didn't mind the physical activity. He hadn't done enough of that lately, so this would be a good excuse.

"I will help you off this shitty fucking planet if you won't release Carl," Morrison growled, narrowing his eyes when they threatened to take Jase and himself to their Elders too. One move from that fucking fake angel and he'd shoot.
He glanced at Jase to see which one he was getting when he saw the hood drop. "What the fuck, Jase? What happened to you?"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Steph nodded happily at Benjamin's proposition. "Yeah!" She started before she flattened her wings and crouched in a starting position. She notioned with her eyes for Benjamin to get down beside her. "On the count of three?" She asked with a bigger grin.
She was ready, she was so ready. She could fly now, this was going to be amazing.

The whispers spoke to the person as they walked along. The man who held all of them in his body stayed silent as they walked up the stairs towards Mr. Johnson's office.
"We must recruit him." One of the whispers said, "He may help us with our goal. Get the Gems, Get the woman."

The figure paused at the door, lifting his arm up to gently knock on the door, hoping that he would remember about the agreement.

The two Angels facing Morrison stayed still, both not backing down or giving Carl back. The main Angel narrowed his eyes before he saw Jase's changes. "What." He said under his breath.
The third Angel was taken back by Jases' changes, watching the man more carefully. "Obviously you're going to be more of a fight." The once quiet Angel spoke to Jase. "Sadly this'll end bad for you."

Jase let out another growl, his jacket seemed to be flex and started to tear slightly. He moved slightly before bark-like spines broke through his jacket, a long wood-like slendered tail growing as well.
Jase didn't seem phased by his changes, he moved to charge towards the Angel he faced. He slammed into them and pushed them back, causing the first two Angels to step forward, not thinking about Morrisons words.

Carl slowly came to consciousness again, he lifted his head slowly and watched Morrison and Jase. His head hurt, his eyes crossing and uncrossing each minute. He tried to focus on Jase, confused on who it was.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 3 days ago

"Okay," Benjamin said as he took a starting position. "Three, two, one, go!" At 'go' he started running. He wasn't wearing the perfect clothes for that, but he didn't care. It was nice to run and have a friendly competition for once.

Mr. Johnsson looked up when he heard the knocking on the door. "Enter," he said, turning his attention back to his computer screen. He quickly checked the agenda and glanced at the securtiy images, scowling when he Benjamin and Steph on one of the outside camera's. He decided he had to push Mike a bit harder to get rid of that demon; Benjamin would not be willing to assist with that.

Morrison stared at Jase, not noticing the angels had stepped forward. What the fuck had happened to him? He looked like a fucking demon now.
He finally noticed the movement of the angels, but he also noticed some movement from Carl. Thinking about it for a second, he went to Carl. As he crouched down next to him, he looked at the angels, the gun in his hand ready to be aimed at the,. They would probably go after Jase and he'd have to help him if that was the case, but he had the time to quickly check Carl.
"Hey, Carl. Are you awake?"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 1 hr ago

When Benjamin said go, Steph suddenly took to the air and flew up slightly before arching over and moving to fly around the mansion. She completely forgot where she was, and she forgot she was even really 'competing' with Benjamin, her mind was set on just flying.
She span as she flew, surprising herself that she didn't give herself any motion sickness.

She didn't notice when she passed Benjamin, letting out a happy 'Whoop'! as she flew along. She span around happily before she narrowly dodged a few Agents, who- Surprisingly- instead of looking at her in disgust, were looking at her almost in wonder.

The figure looked up as Mr. Johnson invited them in, slowly opening one of the doors and stepping in slowly, their cloak flowing out behind them.
[i]"The woman. The Woman." The whisperes muttered over and over, the figure not paying attention to them as they stood in front of Mr. Johnson.

They stayed in silence for a moment before their ice blue eyes stared the man at his desk down.
"I hope. [i]We hope. Hope. I am not too early. [i]sub]Early early."[/sub][/i] Mr. Johnson wouldn't be able to hear the whispers as the figure talked. Not yet. No no, maybe in the future. If he accepts the Whispers. Or we force him, force him would be not good but it would be helpful.

Carl flinched when Morrison got close, He went to speak but coughed up blood with a grumble, leaning his head back to look up at Morrison with a weak smile.
"I'm... Sorry." He croaked quietly, through the bubbles of blood and shaky breathing, "Is... Jaseee...." Speaking was hard for him to do, he had to constantly pause to take a breathe. He coughed again, letting out a loud groan as he winced after coughing.

Jase didn't seem to be paying attention to Morrison and Carl now. He turned to see the other Angels running at him before he let out what sounded to be a winded wolf howl, before he swung his tail in their direction. Spines flung off his tail and slammed into the Angels, digging into their skin.
They both seemed to struggle for a bit as the third Angel seemed to try to sprint at Jase, before he turned and grabbed their neck and slammed them into the ground as he seemed to heave angrily.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 3 days ago

It didn't take long for Steph to overtake Benjamin, and he didn't mind either. He could see how happy she was and that made him happy too. He did his best to keep up, but she was faster than he was. He too passed the agents and grinned when he saw how awestruck they were.
Maybe it would work out after all, the others were getting used to demons like Gaia and Steph. Maybe she'd be accepted for who she was soon.

Mr. Johnsson looked at the man on the other side of his desk. "We talked on the phone," he recalled when he recognised the voice. "You wanted to talk about Gaia, right?" He hadn't written down the appointment, but it was hard to forget that strange phonecall.
He gestured to the chair. "Please, sit down. How can I help you?"

"Don't try to talk," Morisson berated Carl. "Take it easy. Jase is..." He looked at what Jase was doing. "Just take it easy, okay? I'll handle it."
He jumped up when he saw Jase slam an angel into the ground. "Fucking hell, Jase! That's enough!" He walked forward, carefully. "I think they learned their lesson now." He glanced at the angels with spikes in their skin. "Right?"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Stephs' brain went haywire for a moment, she was focused on showing off her flying but something else brimmed at her mind of what she could show off.
She spun as she flew, suddenly moving to fly straight upwards. She flew up above the headquarters; and as she did so, sparks of light seemed to etch from her wings, creating a glittery trail behind her as she span while flying upwards. Her spinning speed increased until she hit the spot that the sun stood, sudden shards of rainbow light suddenly shot outwards.

The shards of light seemed to fizzle outwards as she seemed to come back into focus. She blinked as she seemed to stay in the air for a moment before gently floating down.

The figure gave a small smile and moved to sit on the chair, they sat rather.. Awkwardly, as if they had never properly sat in a chair before.
"We believe we can come to an... Agreement with you guys about the Beast." The figure spoke, their voice hiding no emotion of their excitement, "We are Aware that... You are not a fan of our creation."

The whispers stayed silent. They didn't want to ruin this moment, they could get closer to their goal...

Carl gave a single nod to Morrisons words, looking over to Jase with a neutral expression. A small smile slowly slipped over his face as he almost gave a chuckle but ended up hacking and coughing.

Jase turned to Morrison as he yelled at him, moving to let out a growl before he noticed that Carl was watching him to, the spines on his back seemed to shrink a little before he slowly trotted over to both of them and pressed his head gently onto the side of Carls', who winced only in response.

The taller angel who was covered in spikes nodded at the mans words. He stammered over his words for a second before he started to speak, sounding a whole lot different to what he originally did.
"L...Look w... w we mean no harm okay?" He started, his eyes never leaving Jase but he was speaking to Morrison, "W...We weren't a a aware y...you had A...a timberfae. I...If we known w we definitely wouldn't h...have fucked with youses."
Jase lifted his head up with a growl at the word of what he was, causing the two upright Angels to flinch.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 3 days ago

Benjamin slowed down when he saw Steph go up and stopped when the sun hit her wings. Mesmerized he watched the sparkles and the rainbow shards. He wanted the moment to last forever; it was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.
When he lights fizzled out he walked to the place she would land if she'd continue to descent as she was.

"She has her value," mr. Johnsson carefully said, "but she is an unpredictable factor. We know very little of her." He folded his hands as he leaned on his desk. "The question is: what do you want with the beast? Do you consider her dangerous or valuable?"
He took note of the strange behaviours of this person, like the way he sat in the chair. Maybe it was best not to mention their beast was somewhere away from here now. Of course they still tracked her, but he wasn't sure if he wanted to let them know that.

"Look, you guys shouldn't be causing trouble regardless of people having a... timberfae." Whatever the fuck that was. Morrison decided it didn't matter for now. "Our agency has to deal with beings that are a threat to humans. If you want to get off this fucking planet, help us kill demons or do some good deeds or shit like that, but don't cause any trouble for humans. Lay low, they don't need to know Angels and Demons are real." He eyes the troublemakers. "Am I making myself clear?"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Steph landed quietly, coming to terms with what she had just done. Her eyes were wide and her body seemed to tingle, her wings had gotten a bit bigger; they had filled out a bit more.
She stood for a moment before dropping to her knees due to sudden exhaustion, her vision blurred for a moment. She felt her entire body tremble and shake.

The figures' thin lips slowly twisted into a maniac looking smile as Mr. Johnson spoke.
"That is... A difficult question to answer." He started, "She is a tool that escaped our grasp before we could... Attune her to our desires." He danced around the wording, "She is controllable, it just is a matter of getting her into a position to control her."

Did he know the things that Mr. Johnson was trying to hide?

The main angel nodded at Morrisons words, shivering as their eyes focused on Carl for a second before the other one who was covered in thorns suddenly ran off.
"Hey!" The original Angel yelled out to him before his friend had disappeared from everyones view. "Shit." He mumbled before he looked towards his friend who was slammed into the ground.

Jase gave a snarl as they didn't answer Morrison's question. The Angel jumped and trembled even more.
"L...look I get it." He started, "J...just don't hurt u...us anymore please."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 3 days ago

Benjamin rushed to Steph's side and put a hand on her back. "I think you overdid it," he said friendly. "Take a moment to catch your breath." He thought about what else he could do for her. At first he thought about offering a sports drink, a sudden fatigue after exercise was often cured by hydrating, with sugar and electrolytes, but Steph wasn't human. As a Succubus she could need something else.

"Yes," mr. Johnsson said, nodding slowly. "We too are investigating ways to maximise our control over her. It would be well if we would work together so we can minimise the potential danger she poses. Do you want her back, or are you okay with her working for us?"
This man was a strange one, and he felt he had to be careful with him. His years in the field had given him a gut-feeling when things were off or not. And this man, while he couldn't pinpoint exactly how he knew it, didn't seem entirely human.

"If you won't hurt us or other humans, we won't hurt you," Morisson promised. "Right?" This time he had his eyes on Jase when he asked for the confirmation.
After this he had to figure out what had happened to Jase, and how dangerous he was. Fuck this, this was not how he had planned to spend the afternoon before going to hunt those bloody vampires.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Steph blinked before she looked to Benjamin, "I'm okay." She started, her heart rate slowly going back to normal. She looked over to Benjamin before she didn't notice herself getting lost in his eyes. "I'm... very okay." She tilted her head with a small smile.
Her wings flexed as they folded in, her tail swaying. Steph didn't notice the changes to her body, they were relatively small, but they were visible.

The figure grinned, "We would love her back." He started before he tilted his head, "But of course, if she is useful to you than we are more than willing to allow her to stay with you guys."
They listened before nodding quietly, "What have you tried with calming her?" They asked, they had a tone to their voice hiding something as if they had something to tell.

Jase seemed to notice Morrisons glance before he gave a small nod, he watched the Angel slowly stammer and nod quickly.
"Yeah yeah yeah." He started, "Sorry, I promise we'll not endanger humans again."
Carls' breathing slowly started to stabilize, "S...Sorry Morr...y..." He managed to breathe out with a bit of a shudder.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 3 days ago

"Good," Benjamin said, gently touching Steph's cheek. "I don't like seeing you get hurt." He leaned in to give her a kiss on her lips.

Mr Johnsson looked at his guest, contemplating how much he could tell them. "There has been some testing by my agents, but I have yet to receive the report what they did and what the results are. We heard about certain herbs that could influence her, but we're still in the testing stages at this point." He paused as he opened a drawer. "We did find some promising leads regarding sounds and frequencies, an ally gave us the information. Since she is yours, is this perhaps part of your reports?"
He put a sheet of paper on the desk and pushed it to his guest. It was a copy of one of the pages the vampire had given him. He didn't want to show all his cards, but if this was in fact the scientist who had created her he could learn a lot from him.

"Good enough for me," Morrison said. "Now scram. I'm a busy man." He glared at the angel and then turned his back at him, showing this conversation was done.
He glanced at Carl. "You better be sorry, getting injured like a damn novice," he grumbled. Being angry came easier than showing worry, but he was glad to see Carl stabilising.

A metallic click sounded, the safety of a gun was off. Morisson held his gun with the nuzzle aimed at the ground, but it was loaded and now ready to be used. He had his eyes on Jase. "Are you still human in there?" he asked, taking in his appearance.
If there was any indication Jase was now a threat to humans, like those bloody werewolves, he would take him out, right here, right now. But since Jase had nodded to his question and had shown he could still understand humans, he'd give him a chance, one, to show he was still Jase and not a monster.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Steph immediately leaned into the kiss completely, her wings twitching as she felt energy rush over her body before she slowly pulled away with a smile and a blush.
"T...Thank you." She said as her tail seemed to wag, "I liked that." She moved to press her forehead against Benjamins' with a smile.

The man moved to grab the paper slid towards him. He lifted it up to his eyeline before he narrowed his eyes, a sneer slipped over his lips before he placed it down on the desk.
"A vampire gave it to you, yes?" He started with a tilt of his head.

The final Angel ran off quickly, scampering away, stumbling a few minutes before he disappeared from view.
Carl gave a weak laugh, wincing. "Yeah, definitely not the best." He said before his attention was turned to the gun clicking, before he tried to move to shuffle in front of Jase just to be safe.

"Stay still Carl." Jase said slowly, his voice was normal, if not a bit stronger than it usually was. He turned his eyes towards Morrison as he spoke again, "I'm still human. Don't worry." He said as he glanced to himself, the spines over his body had shrunk even more into his body.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 3 days ago

"Me too," Benjamin said, closing his eyes as they pressed their foreheads together. "Now that we learned you can fly, what do you want to do next?" he asked, rising to his feet and holding out his hand to help her up too.

"That is true," mr. Johnsson admitted. This was turning into an interesting conversation. Judging by the non-verbal reactions this man showed the vampire was not an ally. Intriguing. "We got a visit from him out of the blue and he had some information from us. What can you tell me about him? How did he get the information he had?"

Morrison examined Jase and eventually nodded. "Let's get Carl back to base, so they can check his injuries. I'll drive." He put his gun away and turned to Carl to help him up. "Do they know about this?" he added. "If not I'll have to report it."
He had never heard of a timberfae before, so it was possible the agency didn't know about Jase being one either. And if that was the case they would have to investigate and examine Jase to assess the potential threat he'd pose to the other agents and humans. Not that he wanted to put Jase through all that, but it was policy and the safety of humans was priority number one.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Steph blinked at the question, she thought quietly to herself. "I... Don't know?" She started with a tilt of her head. "I haven't really... Thought forward enough for this... What... What do you want to do?" She grabbed his hand gently and pulled herself up with his help.

The figure hesitated, counting his words and quieting the whispers about to yell loudly.
"He was... Part of our plan to get her back into containment." He started, "He was taking an interest in the beast, so we used that to ensure his help," He continued, furrowing his brow, "It worked up until a point and then he decided to betray us and ran off with some files. We barely lost the Beast because of his idiocy."

Jase nodded and moved to stand up, Carl grabbing Morrison's hand to pull himself up. "I put in a notice that I had a suspicion of what was wrong with me." He started, "I suspected it simply as some sort of lycanthropy, cause the full moon a few days ago caused me to feel... Jumpy."
"We'll just..." Carl started, "Mention to them to take more tests when you get back." He mumbled as light headedness hit him again.

Gaia opened her eyes and lifted herself off the ground as she woke up. She stood on all fours before moving onto her legs, dust and sand slowly falling off her body and to the floor. She fanned her wings out as she let out a bit of a yawn, before she ran and took off into the air back towards the Mansion.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 3 days ago

Benjamin remained silent after Steph had asked him what he wanted to do. He had almost blurted out 'leave the agency', but he reminded himself that it wasn't because he didn't fit in like his friends that he couldn't do important work here. "I think I'll go read those files and be a bit more productive," he started. "It's not high priority, but at one point the boss will want an answer from me. And maybe you can..." he paused and sighed. "Mike seems to think it's dangerous for me to be around you; he tried to warn me earlier today and I did not take that well. Maybe you can talk with him, debunk some misconceptions he may have picked up."

Mr. Johnson nodded. "I see. I will give you back what he stole from you," he offered. Of course he would keep the copy he had made of the files, he wasn't a fool. "And if you want her back I will give her to you again." He would rather see the beast dead... maybe he had to speed that up a little. Ethan was still at the base, if she would be back before his next mission, he could make her wild. That way her current owner would probably agree she was uncontrollable and would need to be put down, like a dog.

"Yes, well, we'll let the higher-ups decide about that," Morrison said. "I'll testify Jase is in control of himself, if that's needed."
He started going back to the car, supporting Carl along the way.
At least the situation with the angels was dealt with, which meant he still had some time to rest before doing a nightshift to hunt vampires.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Stephs' eyes widened at Bens' words about Mike. They had... just started to become friends? Why had he suddenly changed his opinion on her?
Was it... Something she did? Something she had said?
Her brain went into hyperdrive, trying to calculate everything she could in hopes of finding something to give her the answer.
"I'll... Try." She only managed to say before she turned away from Benjamin, she hesitated on moving for a second before she looked towards her friend once more, "I..." She looked at her hands and sighed, holding back tears, "I'm sorry I'm like this." She moved her arms back down before she ran towards the house.

She mainly wanted to get away from Ben before he saw the tears, she moved inside quickly and up the stairs. She stumbled and slammed her knees on a few of the stairs as she went, her eyes becoming blurry and unfocused before she got to Mikes room.
She hesitated for a second, her hand up to knock on his door. How was she going to start this? Was he even going to listen to him? What if... He didn't?
She knocked twice, and waited.

The figure took the notes, tucking them away into their robes. As they pulled their robes away, they showed a bit of their figure, they were frail; their ribs showing through their skin and clothes.
"We feel..." He started, thinking, "As much as it would be great to have her back. You already seem to have a plan." They stated, their tone changed slightly, instead of their original tone of being breezy and lighthearted, they seemed a lot more serious.

"We understand you may want to dispose of her." They continued, their voice low as they leaned closer to the desk with narrowing eyes, "But mark our words, she will not be hard to kill. You are better off making her a mindless weapon for your cause. The whispers and I can help you do this to her."
They dropped all of their hiding of the whispers, they could sense Gaia coming back and having them on the premise would be an incredibly bad thing to have happen when she arrived back.

Carl nodded gently to Morrisons words, "That is incredibly kind of you." He said with a weak smile before he looked to Jase, who was following close behind while keeping an eye out on any potential creatures of people that would or could jump them.
Carl adn Jase both stayed quiet before they got to the car, Jase starting to speak up.
"Carl." He started, getting the attention of his injured coworker and his best friend.

"What... Did they mean back there?"
"The stuff about getting off the planet?" Carl asked before he gave a pained, hollow laugh, "there's always been mentions on fallen angels getting back up to heaven if they find a soul of another, non-fallen angel." He said, his voice serious, "I don't remember the circumstances of it, but I don't want to leave my team behind."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 3 days ago

Benjamin watched Steph leave. Why was she sorry for being like that? He had seen the changes in her body language; her posture, the way she held her head, the movements of her tail, the way she turned away from him before speaking. It looked to him she was affected more by this than she wanted to admit. He thought about her as he walked back to the mansion too.

An agent walked through the corridor when he noticed Steph. "He may not be in his room," he said when he noticed she had knocked on the door. "The last place I saw him was in the library." After he passed her he muttered under his breath: "What does that demon even want from him?"

Mike was in the library, walking between the bookcases as he scanned the titles of the books.

Mr. Johnson looked at his guest; apparently he had guessed his true motive. But he didn't have proof of that, so he wouldn't freely admit that. Not yet anyway.
He narrowed his eyes at the mention of the whispers. "What whispers?" he asked. While there was a possibility this man was just insane, suffering from auditory hallucinations or voices in their head. However, he had seen enough paranormal things to keep an open mind, and the way this man spoke didn't give him the idea this man was insane.

"So, they are fallen angels then?" Morrison asked as he continued to the car. He unlocked the door and gestured to Jase to open the door at the passenger side. They would have to lower the back of the seat so Carl could lie back and they could properly secure him there, which wasn't the case on the backseat.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Steph glanced to the Agent as he spoke to her, she registered his words and went to thank him, only to hear the mumble. She felt tears well in her eyes for a moment, she shook her head- she wasn't going to let this get to her. Not this time, Benjamin loved her for what she was, that was all that mattered.

Her wings flexed, her dark feather-scales glistened before she headed towards the Library. She walked quicker now, she wanted to get to Mike, she wanted to convince him she was good... She didn't understand why she needed to, but she just did.
She sped into the Library quickly, pausing at the rows of books and focused for a second, trying to pinpoint her... what she considered a friend.

She quickly paced down the isles to get to him, stopping about three feet away from him before she quietly cleared her throat.
"Hey Mike..." She said with a low whisper, "I know you're probably busy but... Could I talk to you?" She asked, she could feel the knot in her throat grow slightly. She could feel her worries and self-hatred bubble over again.

The man smiled as Mr. Johnson asked about the Whispers.
"I'm glad you asked." He said, moving his hand into his cloak, he pulled out a small grey book. The book itself had a ghostly Aura to it, it was ripped and torn in several places. The man placed it in front of him before he gently closed his eyes.
"The Whispers are a manifest of several twisted spirits." He started, "Ones who were killed, great minds who were slaughtered. They are the key to my success." He opened the book, revealing unknown writing. He slid it over to Mr. Johnson, almost expectantly.

"And they are willing to help you." He started, tilting his head forward. "They know a lot about all the different beasts you are trying to tame and kill." His voice grew to a proper serious tone, his words chilling and the intent unknown. He seemed to know everything that Mr. Johnson wanted to do. "If you help them, they will help you."

Jase nodded and moved to open the door and lower the seat down. He stepped out of the way for Morrison to place Carl down, Jase's tail swayed with worry as he watched carefully.
Carl only gave a small painful nod to Morrisons' question. Nodding even started to hurt now, the thumping in his head returning. He glanced to Jase and held out his hand for the timberfae to take, Jase moved quickly and gently squeezed Carls' hand.

"He says that they would have to have been fallen Angels." Jase said, blinking as he heard Carls' words come from his mouth. He seemed surprised at first, but allowed his friend to talk through him, "A normal angel would be able to head back without needing a soul to go back."
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