Jude Styles, Age 19
Appearance: Jude is a gangly sort with large hands and shaggy hair. He's not much taller than average but is thin and soft, lacking muscle definition. He almost always wears pants instead of shorts and only his only footwear is a pair of dress shoes. He's got kind of a baby-face and it features the tiniest bit of stubble. He's almost got a blank thousand-yard stare expression.
Personality: Jude is a quiet young man with a rich internal dialogue that seems to absolutely hate him and the world at large. He is intensely negative and often feels inferior to others. Jude tries to suppress this depressive self-talk in actual conversation but often comes off as humble, lacking in self-confidence, pessimistic, and just generally not very fun to be around. Despite this, he's a genuinely kind-hearted individual who goes out of his way to make other's lives better, even if he really doesn't do social pleasantries. This also extends to him speaking out against injustice he sees, or following his own path even if other people see it as wrong. He hasn't found a career that really speaks to him yet, and constantly picks up and drops various hobbies. Currently, he's into comic books and studying law part-time, though he's thinking it's probably not for him.
Background: Jude is an only child, and mostly grew up taken care of only by his mother-- his parents divorced when he was just five. He discovered his epithet very early on in his life actually, when he was not allowed to get a toy from the store, the overwhelming sense of "I need that" all little kids are born with allowed Jude to tap into his ability to replicate objects. Despite her son having an epithet, and one he learned of early, his mother kept Jude in a standard school. Keeping to himself often and not excelling in any particular area meant he had few friends, adults didn't need to reprimand or praise him, and his mother wasn't around that often. Loneliness consumed him and he withdrew. This bred a very negative outlook, especially in combination with his Epithet. At best he could do what everyone else did, just poorly.
Jude floated through school, a solid C- student. At his guidance counselor's assistance, his mother started sending him to counseling, but progress has been slow going. Currently he's 19 and has no goals or prospects. He bounces around doing community college classes and online courses, or did until his mother sent him off to Otterholt Point. It was a bit of a belated graduation present, and an opportunity for him to get out into the world and see some people, have some fun. Jude reluctantly agreed, and here we are.
Motivation: Jude has come to Otterholt Point at his mother's insistence that it would be a fun, happy time that would allow him to meet new people. He doesn't want his mother's money to go to waste or otherwise disappoint her.
Assets:- Quick Study: Jude is a fast learner, able to pick up skills much faster than the average man.
- Pride: Jude has a strong internal moral compass, and will always fight for what he thinks is right.
- Epithet Practice: Unlocking his Epithet at a young age and regular use and experimentation has lead to reduced stamina consumption with Epithet abilities.
Flaws: - Melancholia: Jude is often sad and anxious. It's very hard for him to see anything but the negatives in most situations.
- Shut-in: Jude doesn't exercise and he doesn't socialize. Non-epithet related stamina drain is much harsher, and social faux-pas are quite common from him.
- Clumsy: Jude is a bit of a butterfingers, with two left feet. Any complex, fast movements are near impossible for him, his balance is poor, and he often drops things when surprised.
Epithet: Remix
- Remake: Jude can expend stamina to create a permanent copy of an object. The objects cost all of their stamina up front-- more than the average for object creation abilities, but the objects stick around without needing to expend more stamina. All objects created this way are fairly fragile and of below-average quality (think Chinese bootlegs) but have a unique green-gold color scheme and are emblazoned with 'Styles' somewhere on them. When a remade object breaks or otherwise becomes unusable, it dissipates into dust. Remake does not working on living creatures.
- Remaster: By focusing on, expending constant stamina, and touching an object, Jude can alter its properties by increasing one part or property at the expense of others. Objects keep their remastered state as long as Jude keeps expending his stamina even if they aren't being touched by him.
- Reboot: Jude can rewind and objects state in time. The farther back he sends it, the more stamina it would take. The larger the object, the more stamina it takes as well.
- Parody: When Jude sees someone performing a certain mundane action or skill he can keep it in mind, and expend constant stamina to mimic their skill level at said thing. Jude can only keep one skill in mind at a time.