"Years spent tucked behind strong shields can lower one's guard. As soon as it is dropped, complacent to its defences, the harsh reality of the horrific would bare its fangs and sink them into one's neck."
Humanity has been on its heels for countless years, holding on to what little ground they had against a foe far too horrific to many. A land, once rich in agricultural success, housed a thriving civilisation only to see it torn from its foundations by gargantuan beasts, humanoids with a taste for blood and no lust for remorse. Titans. Towering over humanity's previous defences, the surviving members of such an onslaught were forced to raise three walls of great proportion, hiding in its shadows as the beasts clawed at its gates, bricks and stone. For many, they considered this the resolution to the problem. The threat of the Titan onslaught wasn't quelled, only suppressed and set aside. A branched military structure stood at the forefront of it all, maintaining order, holdings its assets and venturing out into the world beyond, hoping to gain from what they had lost. The world bled itself dry of misery, subjugating mankind into its desolate state of unjust stability. And then...silence.
Today, Mankind stands in a somewhat orderly fashion. Titans occasionally stop by the walls, clawing at the dwellers on its topside to consume. Expeditions go out and come back mortified whilst the internal political violence remains on the down-low, out of sight and out of mind for a vast majority of the Wall's inhabitants. Enter the 112th Trainee Corps, the latest batch of aspiring soldiers, scouts and policemen bracing for a bright and well-paid future in the military. Though still a threat to the exterior Wall Maria, the Titan fear has been set aside for common political reign, everyday issues and regular social negativeness, such as crime and hunger. Life had retained a normality, even when pressed to near extinction. Many lived on, many even passed, without ever seeing the disgruntled grin of a Titan, looking down upon them before consumption. Those were the lucky ones, of course. And now, in the midst of their training, the 112th Trainee Corps is left to set its own path in the military, right in the face of the biggest crisis since the Titan's first manifestation - The Western Siege.

Now the backbone to Humanity's survival, the defenders of the walls, of peace and of hope all come together to forge the Military, aptly split into four groups respectively - The Scouting Legion, the Military Police, the Stationary Guard and the Trainee Corps. Each specialises in its own set of skills, roles and ideals for the survival of humanity, all whilst maintaining the flexibility to fulfil the majority of its needs if required. All are sworn into allegiance to mankind, whilst the specialities of the Military Police directly serve the King and his endeavours. Though their reputation remains imbalanced by the citizens who depend on their watchful eye, and the seeds of corruption always find their way into the ranks and files of their superiors, the Military remains a prominent power to keep humanity on a path of redemption.
The Scouting Legion, also known as the Survey Corps, consists of some of the most deadly roles in the military, experiencing on average the highest mortality rate and creating many empty households because of it. Their primary role is to partake in regular expeditions outside of the walls, for a plethora of meanings such as base deployment, titan interception, research and scouting for new land useful to humanity's struggle. The Scouting Legion is split into four Regional Forces, the Northern, Southern, Eastern and Western Legions respectively. In their plight stems well trained soldiers, at least out of the regular survivors, whilst their reputation retains a strong controversy from a long line of failures, loss of life and little gains to justify it all.
The Military Police stand as the supposed Elite of the Military, taking the form of peacekeepers and dealing with the extensive task of maintaining social order when needed. Though the least likely to encounter a Titan, there are still instances of pursuits on the exterior walls ending in a clash with lonesome beasts roaming across its base. The Military Police is entirely made up of those within the Top 10 Graduates of the Trainee Corps, as only they get the certain honour of joining. Many seek to join the Military Police for its pay, safety and advanced lifestyle, making the Trainee Corps competition all the more intense. Whilst having the usual four Regional Forces, the Military Police has an additional fifth dedicated to the centre of the walls, dutifully sworn to the King's words and no one else's, known as the King's Guard.
The Stationary Guard, also known as the Garrison, makes up the vast majority of the Military, being the foundation for all of its defences, assets and the walls themselves. Unlike the Scouts, who tend to be more flexible in open-combat, the Garrison's soldiers are mostly adapted to urban environments, yet unlike the Military Police they also have experience outside of the walls plugging the gaps left in the wake of Scouting missions. Their duties are also aligned with cannon operation, crisis response, city evacuation, security detail and rifle usage. They act as the group with the most spectrum, though the other two are more focused in their training on specific skill sets under humanity's demands. The Stationary Guard has an average mortality rate before the Western Siege but have been known to collaborate when numbers are stretched thin.
The Trainee Corps is where every soldier is born and bred, stemming from spriteful teenagers to young adults simply wanting to make their way into the older branches. Each trainee corps is divided and spread across the entirety of the Walls' regions, forming many classes under each numbered rendition of the Corps. Currently the Trainee Corps is on its 112th Batch, preparing the newest generation of soldiers for something they don't know is coming - something that may silence their lives before graduation is upon them.

Welcome, Ladies and Gentlemen, to the Western Siege, an Attack on Titan RP scenario separate from the canonical story. Taking liberties to its plot, lore and upcoming events, here we aim to deliver an engaging chance to create and forge characters through their trials, tribulations and relationships in a horrific world that dares not to challenge them. The plan for this scenario is one of openness blended with a set plot, one that can be altered by the actions of characters throughout. Territorial Reclamation is going to be a large focus of the RP's segmentation, where missions created by the players and sub-plotlines will drive the characters on their journeys to survive the titan onslaught as the Western Siege unfolds. Starting in the 112th Trainee Corps, our characters will begin in an era like any other, only for it to be plunged into chaos as a sudden and unprecedented breach on the western walls sprouts chaos throughout the land, creating a battle for survival spread across all of humanity's remaining holdouts. Once the characters graduate, providing their survive both their training and incursions, they will split into their respective branches (or join together) depending on player input and how their character develops throughout. From here, the second stage of the roleplay will kick off.
The Western Siege can be a multitude of things - a scenario for characters to make their way through, a larger mould for characters to develop within and a large multitude of events to keep things exciting for the players. Once you've entered the branch of your choice, following the training arc, you will have the choice to commit to as many or as little missions and storylines as you'd like, as well as taking the backseat to it all and looking at the interactions, relationships, developments and lifestyles of the characters beyond the frontline. If there's anything that you'd think might alter the plot or other players quite majorly, you can feel free to discuss it with the group and formulate a solid situation for the RP for them. Whether it is an upcoming NPC death, a simple story, a fun life event or a brooding sense of reflection upon all that has happened, me and @wolverbells are happy to discuss the upcoming ideas you guys will bring to the table. First of all, we'd need to get through the training arc, which will have a few events that we might do together as a group. Overall, I'm hoping that we can spread out and come back together at our own wills, telling more than just one story and blending them together where appropriate.
For the character sheet below, feel free to edit your sheet to look and contain whatever you think helps set out the character with one condition - necessary information should be included regardless of how you mould it. Not everything here is necessary, but I will highlight if its an optional pointer. Keep in mind you are not restricted to one character. Though the "main cast" will start in the Trainee Corps, secondary characters, NPCs and older characters are just as acceptable, who can start in the other branches already.
That should wrap everything in the intro up. Expect there to be some mature themes throughout the RP itself, and to not shy away from the possibility of character deaths if you so please. We will not force anyone to kill off any character though, that would be a bit shitty of us. I hope you've enjoyed reading and I hope you enjoy the Roleplay if you wish to join. I look forward to seeing the character submissions that come this way!