"...♬ Tiny bubbles! ♬"
"Meifeng, be quiet."
The two girls walked alongside the seemingly endless road. With the only thing in sight being fields and fields of fucking nothing. Just desert. Meifeng wondered what made Cindy decide to take them this route. The road they walked alongside had an abandoned car or two, but they were long looted. The sun was coming down and the only thing on the two girls' mind was the setting sun. The last thing they wanted to be was caught out, in the dark, when the mist hits. So they needed to find shelter ASAP!
"I meeeeeeean..." Meifeng dragged out the word as she looked around. "We took a wrong left and ended up in the middle of bumfuck nowhere."
"Don't worry, I know where I'm going," Cindy said.
"Said the person that got lost during her land nav course, hehe."
"Meifeng, I'm starting to notice something," Cindy said as she turned on her heel at the middle part of this hill they were walking up. "You seem really blasé about everythin' that's been goin' on." She narrowed her eyes at Meifeng as she put her hands on the straps of the assault pack.
"So what's wrong with you, girl? Because something's got to be up."
Meifeng let out a puff of air as she rolled her eyes and looked off to avert eye contact even further. "Well, Cindy. My sister: missing. My mom: also missing. I'm pretty sure they're dead. Yeah. We're also probably gonna die before we find out. Some weird mist is gonna roll in and kill us." She sighed.
"So I'm just
tryna just keep my mind off that as we keep pushing," Meifeng finished - well, sort of, she had something else to say. "And I need tampons like
really badly. I feel like these shorts are gonna make the switch from black to red real soon." She gestured towards her black Nike shorts with the signature symbol asymmetrical on the one pants leg.
Cindy just shook her head, "I understand girl," Cindy started off, "Let's just keep moving."
They continue their way up the enormous hill until they reach the peak, but they see something that almost seems like a mirage in the distance.

Not another house in eyesight for miles, but it was huuuuge. It was the perfect place to stay for the night. Looked pretty intac-
"Get down!" Cindy whispered as she pushed Meifeng onto the ground.
As Meifeng was on her stomach, confused as to what was going, "What's going on?!"
"See them?" Cindy pointed at the people that were also approaching the house too that she spotted with her eagle eye.
"Looks like we're not the only ones with this idea," Meifeng said with a grin. "Let's get 'im! And don't give me that: "Let's avoid conflict" nonsense."
"Normally, I'd say let's let them have it," Cindy shook her head. "But, it's getting dark and I don't think neither of us wants to sleep in an empty car again."
But, little did they know there were more to this house than what met the eye.