Howdy folks! Welcome to "The Morrison Trail" - a Western RP loosely based on "The Oregon Trail" (both the video game and actual events), alongside a hint of Red Dead Redemption, and being heavily inspired by illustrations made by Shaun Keenan in his art book "Dinosaurs of the Wild West" (you can see more of his stuff on his instagram, seriously a great artist).
The setting takes place on a fictitious continent - with technology stemming around the mid 19th-century - where you are a pioneer migrating west down the fabled Morrison Trail to start your life again in the town of Lakewood. Tagging alongside you is a dinosaur (or some other prehistoric creature) mount that you'll be taking care of, with it helping you on your way as you travel with a merry band of other fellow pioneers.
Of course, this journey will be far from easy. Within your 2,000+ mile trip, you'll encounter a wide variety of events that threaten to sway you off the established path to paradise. You have antagonistic raiders who want to rob you of your possessions, cautious natives eying your every move, wild creatures to fend off, dealing with disease, and a whole bunch of other things that can go wrong. Yet overall, there's so much uncharted land for one to explore! Perhaps you'll stop to do some side-exploration like exploring a cave or ruins for treasure; or stop by a town to accomplish quests for the locals?
Just what will you discover down the Morrison Trail?

1). - Follow the overall RPG rules - no godmodding, metagaming, etc.
2). - I will limit the initial party size up to 5 - 6 additional players. Once accomplished, recruitment will be closed until the party approaches a checkpoint (a town, village, fort, etc), where recruitment will temporarily open with a limit (number pending). This will help with replacing any players lost during the trip and to add more to the humble posse.
If anyone throws their interest to play when the RP is closed, they will be put on a waitlist until the next checkpoint (unless said otherwise). First come, first served.
3). - One main character per person, meaning that the character you make will be the one that you'll play for the entirety/majority of your run. NPCs may be permitted depending on their relationship with your main character (ie: family members or friends), but they cannot have a separate steed themselves (however one of them may own a companion creature if the MC doesn't have one). If you want to make another MC, you'll have to let your previous character go (ie: killing it, or having it leave the convoy, go missing, etc).
4). - You can pick any prehistoric animals to fit the role of your mount, with the exception of medium to large avian creatures (because that would just be too easy). However, I will also limit people picking the same species and family of creatures down to two spots (or 1 for huge creatures) for the sake of variety. The more unique your pioneer's mount is the better.
For example, instead of two people sporting Triceratops mounts, one other person should instead go for a different ceratopsian like, say, Styracosaurus. And once two people have claimed ceratopsian mounts, the niche is closed until the respected character dies/leaves/etc. Exceptions may be provided given the case - talk to me for more details. For example, if someone wants a Psittacosaurus companion (a primitive ceratopsian), it's still valid as it's not a steed and is different enough to not simply be a "clone".
5). - GM updates will happen weekly or bi-weekly depending on how fast everyone posts. Posting requirements aren't too strict, but please try to include more quality instead of quantity in your posts. It really goes a long way.
6). - Being as how the journey on foot will take about multiple "in-game" months, there will be situations where a short time skip will be initiated (often being a few hours to a week depending on the circumstance). This will help move the plot if things are getting slow, or after a major event ends.
7). - I would love to have an active and consistent crew. Please be as active as you can! If you are unable to post for sometime, need an extension, or want to leave due to whatever reason, PLEASE tell me sooner rather than later. We don't want to wait for others lagging behind and stagger the RP.
8). - If you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions regarding the RP, please don't hesitate to ask me or the CO-GMs.
9). - And of course, have fun pardner!
2). - I will limit the initial party size up to 5 - 6 additional players. Once accomplished, recruitment will be closed until the party approaches a checkpoint (a town, village, fort, etc), where recruitment will temporarily open with a limit (number pending). This will help with replacing any players lost during the trip and to add more to the humble posse.
If anyone throws their interest to play when the RP is closed, they will be put on a waitlist until the next checkpoint (unless said otherwise). First come, first served.
3). - One main character per person, meaning that the character you make will be the one that you'll play for the entirety/majority of your run. NPCs may be permitted depending on their relationship with your main character (ie: family members or friends), but they cannot have a separate steed themselves (however one of them may own a companion creature if the MC doesn't have one). If you want to make another MC, you'll have to let your previous character go (ie: killing it, or having it leave the convoy, go missing, etc).
4). - You can pick any prehistoric animals to fit the role of your mount, with the exception of medium to large avian creatures (because that would just be too easy). However, I will also limit people picking the same species and family of creatures down to two spots (or 1 for huge creatures) for the sake of variety. The more unique your pioneer's mount is the better.
For example, instead of two people sporting Triceratops mounts, one other person should instead go for a different ceratopsian like, say, Styracosaurus. And once two people have claimed ceratopsian mounts, the niche is closed until the respected character dies/leaves/etc. Exceptions may be provided given the case - talk to me for more details. For example, if someone wants a Psittacosaurus companion (a primitive ceratopsian), it's still valid as it's not a steed and is different enough to not simply be a "clone".
5). - GM updates will happen weekly or bi-weekly depending on how fast everyone posts. Posting requirements aren't too strict, but please try to include more quality instead of quantity in your posts. It really goes a long way.
6). - Being as how the journey on foot will take about multiple "in-game" months, there will be situations where a short time skip will be initiated (often being a few hours to a week depending on the circumstance). This will help move the plot if things are getting slow, or after a major event ends.
7). - I would love to have an active and consistent crew. Please be as active as you can! If you are unable to post for sometime, need an extension, or want to leave due to whatever reason, PLEASE tell me sooner rather than later. We don't want to wait for others lagging behind and stagger the RP.
8). - If you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions regarding the RP, please don't hesitate to ask me or the CO-GMs.
9). - And of course, have fun pardner!

Below is a list of descriptions revolving around the stats of your chosen prehistoric steed and/or companion. Please take into effect of what creature your character has and pick the best stats that would fit it. If you're not sure, you can always ask.
1 CO-GM spot is currently open! (First spot taken by @Scarlet Loup)
Mapmaker Wanted!
Contact me if you are interested in either or.
Mapmaker Wanted!
Contact me if you are interested in either or.