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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by DarckLeon
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Yukitamas@Seirei No Hai @Kala
Kitorai Valueleta

The Strip

"Gahaha! don't be fooled boy, all this shine and glitter just a facade for the crap underneath: drugs, alcohol and rampant gambling; i wouldn't bring my granddaughter here in a million years" language aside, Kitorai really believed what he said, call him old mannered but to him this really was a den of debauchery.

From the little he saw on the way here, he wouldn't care a little bit if any of these dozens and dozens of people milling about, some euphoric for their luck, others damning it, died as the result of the inminent war about to happen. They were utterly unimportant to him. As long as it didn't endanger the secrecy of the magus world, everything was permitted in his mind. He hoped his servant shared this opinion, after all, in the middle of a battle you should only care about the opponent in front of you.

"Mmhm?" His servant interrupted his thoughs. "Now they don't even care to mantain their cheap forgeries? Let me tell you, in my days that would get a lot of people fired!."
Contrary to his reaction, Kitorai mind was cold: even from here he could see the unnatural shape of the bent. This was not an accident... an invitation to conflict? If the answer was yes, then it would seem someone was eager to get this started, to show a fraction of their power in such brazen way they would have to be.

"Bah! don't treat me like i'm made of glass" he showed a token amount of effort in trying to pry the hand on his shoulder off (clink clink). "these bones may be old but they are not fragile!" he puffed his chest, as if trying to show he was telling the truth(clink clink). "if i were to tell you all the things they experienced oh boy, we would be here for a long time!... but you are right, i AM thirsty, a little drink wouldn't hurt, just don't go crying to mama when i drink you under the table"

As they were walking towards their destination, Kitorai said something, almost as an afterthough, in the same tone he talked all night long, but he expected his Servant to know the real meaning behind it. "Oh! and tell me if you see any shady characters, an old man like me and a pretty boy like you would attract pickpockets and crooks like moths to a flame, i tell you, they have no respect for hard earned money nowadays!
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Aoko Aozaki
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Aoko Aozaki Fifth Magician

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Bellagio Fountain, The Strip, Las Vegas

It truly was a majestic sight.

How water could combine and refract light in such miraculous ways seemed like magic. What was, ultimately, just a cheap trick based on light could be made into something that could mesmerize even a magus.

Or, was that the problem to begin with?

Something which looked like magic was ultimately made mundane by a modern explanation. Did knowing how it was done diminish her experience? No, not at all. However, any mystery that it once held was completely stomped out. It was nothing more than a petty trick, and that was the end of it.

She sighed.

What should have been a dazzling display to heighten her mood only soured it. Then again, she was always a bit like that.

Her attention returned to her Servant once she started speaking. She seemed to be mostly talking to herself, but Kamila quickly changed her mind once Caster cut off her own arm and the ichor sprayed around them.

She was in shock.

The blood(?) isn’t what bothered her, nor was the actual action of cutting off a limb. She was well conditioned for that, rather, Kamila couldn’t comprehend what it was her Servant was doing. The captain wanted to scream at her Servant for wasting this much mana, but she didn’t even want to risk gaining the attention of onlookers. Even if it was clear by this point, it just wasn’t a risk that Kamila wanted to take.

So, instead, without the ability to shout vocally, she shouted mentally.

“Are you insane?!”

Of course, yelling at her Servant was never going to accomplish much. They were always in their own world, so it was going to fall on deaf ears. Kamila likely knew this much, but venting was always healthy. More importantly, her Servant kept the same smug look they always seemed to have.

As Caster’s stance changed, Kamila was beginning to understand that whatever they were doing, it was intentional and part of some kind of plan. While the knight could have liked an alert ahead of time, at least her Servant remained serious. Or, whatever level of seriousness they seemed able to muster.

The question posed by Caster was odd, but the Knight Captain assumed this was just a test by her Servant. After all, a Caster of all classes should know this answer. Was that what the mocking aura was about? Or did it pick at something deeper? Kamila could never tell with this Servant.

“Hmmm, well Western Thaumaturgy is mostly based on the practices and ideas of the Greeks and Egyptians.

For the Greeks, it likely starts with the birth of Aphrodite, emerging from the sea foam of where Uranus’ genitals landed. Outside of that, water takes a centerpiece in the ideas of Thales. He believed water was the base element from which all were derived, meaning it was also the element which life sprouted from.

There’d be later philosophers, such as Herclitus, who argued for Fire as the basis, but Thales remained the most popular among them all. It wasn’t until Plato where all the elements were categorized, and Aristotle broke them down even further, as well as adding aether to the group. Aristotle’s writings would become the backbone for Alchemical thought going forward.

Egypt is a much simpler story. All of existence, including all of the Gods, sprouted from a single Lotus in the abyssal sea, Nun. I don’t feel the need to explain much further in regards to Egypt, as this explains enough, correct?

The father of Alchemy, Hermes Trismegistus, would mix both Greek and Egyptian ideals into what the West considers Alchemy today. This is where the Alchemists of Atlas differ, as their version of alchemy is an evolution of the original Egyptian Metallurgy from which Alchemy draws from.

Now, Hebrew tradition has Fire as the basis of Life, which is something Christianity continued, if you discount that minor blip with John the Baptist. So, if you asked me, I’d answer Fire to that question.”

It was far more long winded than it needed to be, but hopefully that was an acceptable answer for her Ser-

She was cutting herself again.

Was this going to be a running problem?

Of course, once her Servant had done it and the pigeons began to appear, Kamila was able to piece it together. The explanation she was giving was wrong.

Well, not wrong exactly. They were correct. However, they were not the answer that her Servant was looking for.

“All life, from plants to humans, rely on water. If that is the case, how can any other element be associated with life?”

She was still pro-fire, of course.

“...I can fix you up, if you want. I don’t really want all of your...blood? Leaking onto my car seats.”

And so, the one armed plant Caster and the deeply confused Knight Captain stared at one another while the water and light show continued to mesmerize the crowd.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by GreenGoat
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GreenGoat Harmless Flower Person

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Vanessa F. Meriweather

"Throw... everything away, huh?" She did not react as the Angel walked off the roof.

That's right. What use was clinging to her humanity now? She had to focus on winning, regardless of the cost. Vanessa was already chosen, it would be unworthy to back down now.

Following the angel, she stepped off the top, feeling the rush of wind, and the sense of impending death, before she rapidly slowed down her descent, landing on the ground with barely any trouble.

"There..." she pointed towards the direction of the Strip. "I can feel it there. I'm going there."

All of this was so new to her, her abilities, this odd twilight world where magical hunters came after you, but so far her instincts had always lead her true. She felt drawn to the hospital, and there an angel was sent to her. There was something in the Strip, and she felt very drawn to it. Perhaps the invisible hand of God?
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Yukitamas
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Kala @seirei no hai @DarckLeon
Red Archer

Las Vegas Strip - Coming Closer

“Oh, here they come.”

Really, sure they weren’t hiding themselves. But it was rude, timid for them to not make a show of themselves. To Archer it clicked. This wasn’t a rival, not yet anyway. This was prey.

Half the drink was gone by the time Archer rose to his feet. Walking against the crowd, people parting in the wake of the massive man. He made a show of himself, raising a fist into the air. A guts pose, a clenched arm showing off his body and declaring a victory.

“Hey, there. You’ve come to fight, right?”

Appearing before the two he was without a doubt a servant. Holding no weapon, and surprisingly relaxed, filled with openings. Confidence and power. Clearly itching for a fight and yet not in a stance prepared for one. Despite all that he was obviously eyeing Lancer head to toe. A wild glint evaluated him like a beast on the hunt, and yet his eyes wandered to the space around them as well.

Really, what was up with this guy?

"Because I've been waiting. Let's go, huh?"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by KatKook
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KatKook Mic muted

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"You have word."

Summerlin Bellagio

"Being careful is a virtue they do not possess." said Nakano as she shifted her body, crossing her legs as she listened to her master yet again, her words were final, and she was thankful that her masters' wishes do not entirely override hers. Once Nenet started talking about saying that their ideals did not align her shoulders slumped down and let out inaudible sigh.

Suddenly shadows filled the room, and Nakano suddenly felt uneasy, the room had gotten colder as soon as they showed but yet they moved to listen to her master, she trusted her master would not have those shadows thrust onto her, she had full trust in her master no matter what would happen.

Her master then stated that she would be the one to grant her wish. Nakano then stood up from the words of her master, her eyes started to light up as a determined smiled grew on her face. She clutched her fist to her chest and nodded at her, "Yosh! Then you have my full respect and trust, whatever your orders are, I offer my life to follow. Tomoe shall see me as her equal!" She stood up, now in a better mood, she walked with the shadows and responded to her master once more, "Some fun? What do you propose we do?" asked Nakano as she stepped forward, now at her master's side.

Whatever the plan is, she trusted her master would make the right call, whatever it may be it should be the best for her since she does feel like her master knows very well what she is doing. She truly believed that they could win this war, but she does not know of her enemies, will there be another bullet that would end her life just like in her legend, she hoped not.


Interactions: @Mr President
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Breo
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Member Seen 25 days ago

Centennial —> The Strip

Oh? She was following? Instead of staying still and hiding away at their base, she was actually falling in line behind him?

Well, it looked like being bound to a human might actually suck less than he’d expected. Just for that, he reevaluated his opinion and bumped her just that teeny bit higher on his mental checklist.

Ain’t he benevolent?

She even appeared to be receptive regarding his wisdom! This was a better start than he’d expected, really. Still…

“You hear the words but you don’t get ‘em,” He was blunt in his assessment, brow furrowed. But then he shrugged and turned his gaze forward, dismissive. “Well, doesn’t really matter. I ain’t gonna hold your hand when it comes to living your life.”

Hands stuffed in his pockets, Berserker simply picked up the pace, eyes scanning people as second nature.

Trash, trash, trash. Boring, boring, boring.

Man, how long did it take to run into something fun in the modern world?

His scowl became more and more pronounced the more time that passed — and of course, that resulted in more people steering away from him.

He scoffed. Of course, it was full of weaklings too. What, can’t even handle a bad look? Then again, considering how Berserker took challenges, it might be for the best that he didn’t run into anyone headstrong enough to actually play chicken with him.

Unfortunately, he could still feel frustration.

Doubly unfortunately, a frustrated Berserker was still a dangerous Berserker regardless.

But then—

He looked off to the side, slightly upward, and cocked his head slightly at the bent-out-of-shape replica of the Eiffel Tower.

“...That ain’t how it’s meant to look, I take it?”

Well, his frown had certainly been turned upside down surprisingly quickly with just one event. Without missing a beat, he started walking in that direction.

“Hey, girl, tell me if those things in the back of your hand start hurtin’ or something. That means another set’s nearby.”

His hands finally left his pockets, if only so he could start cracking his knuckles. Of course, there was always the possibility that it had been an honest accident, but he wanted to trust his gut on this one.

“Alright then, let’s kick things off strong!”

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Reflection
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Reflection Slightly Stressed but Flawless

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Excalibur Hotel, Paradise


"One can only wonder what it would be like if knowledge was something they didn't care for, without knowledge what would the world be like today."

Silence. Ashurbanipal didn't say anything. Rather, he was chillingly silent. As if the very concept of such a thing was an insult. None the less... He shelved the Epic of Gilgamesh, and forced a smile. "Why, if that was the case... I'd have to kill everybody on this planet, wouldn't I?" He said it as if that was the most obvious solution. "After all, what would be the point of humanity if we had abandoned our most important core. It is the role of the enlightened to subjugate those who refuse to accept the role of civilization in their lives. I'd sooner make a beast into a rug, than converse with one."

He turned his attention briefly to the door he had constructed, and the limo driver currently walking through it. The room he entered was empty, and yet, before it closed, Valentina could see it was already starting to change. A golden room, with panels shifting, and the floor already starting to shift and slide. A liquid dribbling from the ceiling... And then the door slammed shut.
"Oh by the way, please remove your control of his body, it's no fun if they don't fight. Though the psychological pain must be delicious." He pulled a tablet from the wall, a blank one, and began to quickly carve that down onto the clay. "If used in small doses of course. If it reaches a point of true helplessness, then the torture becomes meaningless." He was a collector of knowledge after all.

"Summoner, you and I shall be going for a ride today." Ashurbanipal said. It was simple enough to be honest. He wasn't about to let her stay in their base all war, where she could be hurt in the crossfire if he wasn't around to protect her. But, he also had to collect his resources, and thus would have to leave the house to gather his materials. A conundrum if there ever was. It reminded him of a puzzle one of his mentors had given him. Though the puzzle's solution was rather easy, and in this case it was simple. The Emperor would merely have to play a chauffeur.

"Though, we shall have to be careful." He added. Already, he could feel other servants starting to gather along the Vegas Strip. Perhaps setting up in the center of the war had been a poor idea. But, it was also the greatest collection of bodies, and if they avoided attention, they could very well see every pair pass through. It also made any but the most brazen of masters and servants turn away, as some might be less inclined to risk attention in the most busy location. Though, he could only make assumptions right now about the brazen man who had just shot an arrow at the eiffel tower... How tacky. "I suspect there might be somebody out there attempting to draw other other servants. I am not ready yet, or at least not ready to entertain the insects."

He was already moving towards the elevator, making sure to lock the door in the process. "We shall move to the basement, where the limo is kept, and we shall make our way to one of these locations." He said, holding up a map of the local jurisdictions. A red X on several spots, as he had been keeping track of some very specific locations while on the morning drive.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Kala
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Las Vegas Strip

A little patience had paid off, already could he feel more and more figures drawing closer to their position. Ahmicqui found that he could not stop smiling as already the war was starting to become interesting for them. He chuckled with mirth, turning his head towards Archer to regard him.

“We are not surrounded by cowards after all. We have tasted of the modern world, but let us now taste an experience that has prevailed through all of history.”

Blood, and the spilling of it. An expression of love unmatched even now. Two to meet and one to leave, a test of one’s talents and fortune. An opportunity to know love and to offer it in return. It had been rare to ever battle in his new life, at least something that resembled one rather than an one-sided slaughter.

Archer of course had already departed, and he did not blame him. Instead by the time the ageless master caught up, he came with two drinks in his hands. Both poured in eiffel-tower shaped cups, a pair of straws trapped between his lips as he lazily sucked down his drinks at the same time. Plop.

“Oh ho? Hello there.. Hello to you. On a beautiful night do we meet, the most auspicious of signs is it not..” He snickered with delight while he made his way to stand next to the red Archer. The bronze-skinned man inspecting Lancer, though even if his sunglasses made it harder to see his eyes, it was clear there was a palpable curiosity spilling from his being.

He turned his attention towards Archer once more. “‘Tis my dearest hope I need not utter it, but do not go all out.. This is a war I wish to savour.”
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Sunset Manor
Fashionably Late To The Party

There was much to do in the City of Sin, and little time to do it. Many of the Master and Servants had surely shown up ahead of time, setting up their Workshops, making what preparations they could to tip the odds in their favor. Calculating innumerable possibilities and pruning undesirable variables, taking hold of the Leylines that littered the city, anything and everything they could to make use of what little time they had. So surely the final pair to arrive had taken similar precautions, prepared extra well for the coming battles. Hence why they had shown up so late. Right?

Not even close.

"You could have paid for those you know. You had literally no reason to steal them. You have a credit card with no limit, you have bought every single dumb thing that's caught your eye." A set of red eyes peered from a shadow on the back seat, stern and annoyed with the driver of the Mercedes Benz. Simon didn't bother responding, too pleased with his newly acquired sunglasses as he drove down the highway at speeds that were most certainly unsafe and against the law.

"They were five dollars Simon. Five dollars. And you took them without paying, for no reason whatsoever." A set of crossed arms emerged from the shadows, really laying it on thick on how disappointed he was with his partner. Simon finally sighed as he took off the sunglasses, an exasperated look on his face as he turned to look over his shoulder at Phobia.

"I don't know why you're still on about this Phobia, this was an hour ago. What do you want me to do, turn around and give the sunglasses back?" Simon asked as he took a hand off the wheel to motion questioningly, much to the chagrin of Phobia.


"Relax man, I'm not crashing into anything, there's not a single car on the road." Simon rolled the steering wheel to the left slightly, just narrowly avoiding careening off the road and into the desert as he barely stayed on the asphalt.

""YOU'RE MISSING THE POINT!" Phobia roared, a shadowy hand reaching over and smacking Simon in the side of the head before forcing him to look back at the road.

"Ow! There's no need to fucking slap me you bastard!" Simon complained as he rubbed the side of his head, eyes on the road as he grumbled under his breath about grumpy shadows. Phobia growled for a moment, before stopping and sighing in the most tired tone he could muster.

"God, you know what, forget it. Whatever, you're right, too late to give em back." Phobia sunk back into the shadows, leaving the car in an awkward silence as Simon continued to drive. Things continued like this for a few minutes, nothing but the sound of the engine and wheels rumbling over a shitty road.

"...you are such a fucking baby." Simon muttered as he took off the sunglasses and tossed them out the window, the accessory now tainted by Phobia throwing a temper tantrum over it. "You can turn on the radio if you want dude. Just don't play anything shitty." Simon said as he looked to the passenger seat, where his Servant was sitting and doing... something. Simon hadn't been paying much attention to the guy admittedly, spending more time driving and arguing with Phobia then had actually talking to his new companion.

"Don't listen to him, play whatever you want. If it were up to him the only radio station in existence would be classic rock." Phobia piped up, the shadowy creature emerging once more to start digging through the many plastic bags all over the floor of the backseat.

"Oh shut the fuck up, you like violin bullshit you have no right to talk." Simon shot back, his eyes darting to the rearview mirror to check on Phobia. "Hey you better not be eating my fucking chips."

Phobia did not bother responding as he took out a bag of Fritos, tearing it open and grabbing a handful as he flipped off Simon. Such was the norm for the two, constant arguing and insults being flung back and forth throughout the entire drive.

"And for the record, classic rock is badass. Queen knew how to fucking rock."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Mr President
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Mr President Just Some Turtle

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Nenet Isis Titania


A laugh was just barely held back, upon seeing the unease of her Servant at the sight of that clay|Hollow. Right, Saber was a 'demon', but of a completely different make and model- really, calling what she was and calling what Nenet created by the same word was solely a factor of language, rather than function. "Don't worry about these, Saber. I told you, right? My magecraft is about 'wishes'. A wish is something that we dream up, a blessing|curse we let loose onto the world. A humanity without wishes grows stagnant, keels over, and dies from neglect. This unit|self of mine, this magecraft|defiance I have created, is designed to prevent such a thing. Using this clay|falsehood, I grant|materialize wishes." The hazy 'thing' she had ben shaping floated down, down near those devices that were bubbling out more of the stuff, as a new design process began. "Our first orders of business are simple. We amass knowledge, we prepare calculations, and we empower you into a being who can realize her own wish without the use of the Holy Grail. Once that's done, we can begin the fun. We can rage around as we please, we can trade blows with legends, we can see everything they're able to dredge out. As you clash with those titans and realize your wish, then, I will witness their prayers and realize my own. Of course, we should also make some like-minded friends, since this is an invaluable networking opportunity. And if, at the end of the day, we find that we've managed to acquire that wishgranting device, all the better, but we'll have won even without it."

"Oh, things are already getting exciting." Myriad thought-lines were allocated to the proceedings immediately outside, as Servants began to converge on the same location. The alchemist let out a quiet laugh at the nearby proceedings, shaking her head a bit as she thought, transmitting those thoughts to her Servant, just so the Saber was at least aware of what she was thinking. "Let's see, quite a few futures where we're noticed, become collateral damage, or something like that. And- hm? My, my, these Servants really are interesting." The laugh that slipped past her lips wasn't something she could help- the nature of these beings was muddling her calculations. Fate resistance, was that it? It wasn't that such a thing invalidated her calculations, but more that they added 'error bars'. That was fine, though. For a lesser alchemist, this would introduce more variables than could be reasonably assured, but in this case, it simply meant that she had more work to do before she reached her ideal state.

"Some observation is being blocked, like at that one place earlier. What a brutish method, but they've actually managed to catch me, so I can't say I'm not impressed." Her brow furrowed. An interesting puzzle to crack.




"Anyway, Saber, this ties into what I mentioned earlier. If there's no 'victory', a member of Atlas won't fight. I'm sure that we have victories available in the possible futures here, but we don't have enough information to where I can manage all of them accordingly, so we'll be avoiding personal conflict for the time being. I realize that's a little dull, but I ask you to bear with me for the time being. If push comes to shove and we're personally attacked, we're leaving and slapping them with a parting gift to gather some more data. It won't be satisfying for us or for them, but it's better than taking an undue risk."




"For now, though, let's send out someone to make us a friend and watch the festivities! I'll let you pick, what's your favorite small animal?"

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Seirei No Hai
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Seirei No Hai

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"And my next line is..."

There's no doubt about this. This red-haired reject was no idiot, he could see the immortal man that was Lancer as clear as day. If this guy wanted to pick a fight with literally everyone on the Strip, there would have been some sort of commotion by now. He was like an untamed beast... a beast that needs- no, that must know his place.

But first off-

"Sir- it seems you're quite the jinx. These "shady people" that you speak of just minutes ago appeared right in front of us and are looking to make our high life here more difficult. Wouldn't it be better if I dealt with the uncouth savage while you sit back and enjoy yourself? Wouldn't want your children to worry about you, right?" Of course if his Master were to continue playing the idiot, he'd obviously continue playing the caretaker who knows how to deal with thugs.

This big chiseled man didn't look or act particularly Evil, it was more like an animal looking for some fun and fun it shall have...

...now how to lure this "thing" out of possible casualties? Quite difficult in a city like this. Guess it can't be helped. Lancer took off his dapper coat and left it on a convenient pole as he cracked his knuckles and fists.

"I must warn you, I have been wrestling with animals larger than me. If it's a battle between Men you want then it's a battle you shall have."

Honoring this duel, he sprints forward with an inhuman burst as slight shockwaves vibrated the area around where he stood. He quickly reappeared in front of the Red Predator with a launching fist headed straight for his own gut in an effort to quickly grapple him and throw him against the ground.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by DarckLeon
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Yukitamas@Kala@Seirei No Hai
Kitorai Valueleta

The Strip

The first time he saw his servant Kitorai inmediately knew he was special, a beatiful, lithe, otherwordly man that oozed confidence in a somehow elegant kind of manner.

The man in front of him was the total antithesis of that. The only similarity between them was the confidence they both exuded. But while Lancer did it in a calm, detached way, the enemy servant instead,because he had to be one, it was the only way to explain the sheer presence he had, showed it with every motion of his body.

The first thing he noticed was the red, how could he not? Red hair, from head to toes, covered most of his body. A red beast eyed them like prey. Every movement, every step denoted the strenght in his body, every sentence stained with the promise of bloodshed. Kitorai mind was racing. Maybe a primitive instinct activated in his brain. "This man was dangerous", it said. But even in a moment like this he was analyzing the situation. Caster and Assassin were obviously out, That left Rider, Saber, Archer or Berserker...and from looks alone hed bet on the last option. But appearances could be deceiving, he knew that, to fall for such a trap would be hypocrite of him.

“Hey, there. You’ve come to fight, right?”

The red man said after raising an arm to the air. Kitorai suspected that he was the one responsable for the state of that tower. He didn't have any proof, but it hardly mattered anyway.

Then, from behind the red man, another one appeared. This more similar to his own servant, less savage looking. A white and green haired man with bronze skin and a shirt of many colours, animals, Kitorai mind added as an afterthough.

“Oh ho? Hello there.. Hello to you. On a beautiful night do we meet, the most auspicious of signs is it not..”

A soft yet strong voice that, for some reasons, sent shivers down his spine. Kitorai was an old man, and in his long life he saw a lot of things, yet few made him feel what the man in front of him currently did. If the servant was a hunter of beasts, then, the master, he felt, was a hunter of men. The same instinctive voice in his brain warned him again "this man is dangerous". It repeated.

Then his servant, faithfully maintaning his paper, after a few words to him and to the man in red, before he could say anything, sprinted so fast that Kitorai, who was standing right besides him, could feel the slight shockwaves this charge forward generated, without a doubt aiming for the enemy.

Kitorai knew that what it seemed like a fairly inoffensive brawl could turn into an event that broke the rules of his world. He could not permit that. And so he tried his best to steer this away from the crowd already gathering to see the spectacle.

"Dammit you foolish boy, don't do this in front of so many people! if someone recognizes me my reputation would shatter! You're going to give this old man a heart attack!"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Argonaut
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Argonaut Mostly Dead BTW

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The Streets of Las Vegas Strip-
Move over, David Blaine.there's a new magician in town.


Welcome to viva Las Vegas. Home of the high stake gamblers, debauchery galore and the lawless temptation masking itself underneath the neon-bright lights of the city. Oh, How sweet it is to bask in life's forbidden pleasures in these modern times.

It's time to party.

It's called sin city and sin we shall.

Assassin lives for this moment. He thrives in it. He started to mingle with the common folks of the streets, doing street magic for shit and giggles -- pretending to a vagrant street performer, masking his status as a servant. For someone who has a rank-D Presence Concealment, this is probably the most suitable option to do some covert scouting of the other participants.

Assassin puts on a small show for the people just like in the old days. like transforming a bunch of leaves into a school of fish that swam into the lake, I swear it’s the funniest thing ever and people were losing their minds when he does that back in his time.

They were amazed by it and the Trickster loves the attention all the same. The magecraft he conjures wasn't even short considered as magecraft, it was nothing more than a sleight of hand and cheap party tricks for their simple minds to digest. Anything above that would just blow his cover or perhaps damage people's psyche permanently.

He continues to perform, as he is very observant of his surroundings like his master for told him to do. The trickster can almost see the look on his master's face when he finds out he was fooling around his job. He can tell, his anchor to this world is a cruel, cruel old man and should not be taken lightly like the great Papiyas himself. A bit polarizing of his carefree nature.

Either way, it didn't hinder for Assassin to enjoy the festivities, having a gut feeling something entertaining is about to go down.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Yukitamas
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Kala @seirei no hai @DarckLeon
Red Archer

Las Vegas Strip - Fists and Men

“Oh, here they come.”

He felt it, he knew it. It was coming.

"That the master there? What do you think of him?" He asked Ahmicqui over their link as Lancer disrobed. The display and action brought a quirk of Archer's brow, but he simply took it in stride as he spared a moment to look over the older man that held a certain poise and backbone that was evident to the eye. Still, he was old, and more than that he felt old. It was a different kind of age, of a man in comparison to an ancient when he looked at the two masters in comparison. Not that his master was as old as some he had met in in life whether beast or "man" mind.

Still his attention was primarily on his "equal", the man he sought to prove himself mightier than. The primordial man shifted as Lancer moved, yet despite the intent and power that came at him his grin did not falter. "You're pretty fast! A wrestler too... well, it's funny."

The punch swung into empty air as Archer shifted, twisting his body and holding out his elbow while clenching his fist against his hip so as to allow it to sail into the empty gap. His grin only grew as he closed it off, wrapping around and squeezing down on Lancer’s wrist. The predicted strike was both negated and countered in a single response as he moved to pin down and invite Lancer into the grapple he so wanted, the red man’s hand grasping Lancer’s elbow and giving him a tug back to force the Lancer off his footing and pulling him into Archer’s space.

“I’m not my brother who likes to drag people down by their ankles, but I’ve beat down a lot of beasts myself.”

Archer’s right hand swung out in a punch, aiming for his chest, aiming for the breast that was exposed by his pinned arm and position.

His Red flowed and rushed, his skin danced with lightning and his instinct was loud and clear about this servant. He was strong, this would be a good fight. This was not a battle between two wild beasts, but rather men surrounded by them. Men of the earth, men of savage civilization. Nation and King clashed with their fists. A keen eye against a keen sense.

“Come on, show me what you’ve got!”

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Seirei No Hai
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Seirei No Hai

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Predator v Predator

"Hahaha! Do not worry, sir! I take full responsibility!" Despite the high-speed caliber of battle between two powerful men showing off their prowess in a manner of fists, grapples and throw-downs, he was caught in the Savage King's hold but he stood and refused to go down from the counter-attack he devised. The savage throws a fist forward, traveling toward Lancer's chest and took it like a man with a loud grunt accompanied by the cringing of the growing crowd.

"I refuse to go down like that, I will admit though... you hit like a Great Iron Gray." Whether it was an insult or a compliment depends on the Redborn. Iron Gray horses had powerful kicks in their time and taking them head-on as a child was almost nothing for the Fairy King of Bumba, so Lancer lifts his left knee to strike at his exposed hips wondering if that would be enough to loosen the savage's hold on his arm long enough for him to break free and engage in proper fisticuffs. His eyes glowed bright, utilizing his Glam Sight. After all with speed like that, it's proper that he uses it.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Yukitamas
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@Kala @seirei no hai @DarckLeon
Red Archer

Las Vegas Strip - Fists and Men [2]

He felt the other servant's body creak and break under his fist. But he still stood. Of course, of course. He wouldn't be a worthy opponent if he was too hobbled by one blow. A good hit, a damaging hit, but hardly crippling.

In his senses Archer was superior. But as they warned him to break away, Archer letting out a grunt as he broke off his grasp and shifted to blunt the strike of the knee, backing away and also bringing his own feet up to push away at the side of his leg to redirect the blow. The knee skirted the side of Archer, not striking directly, half gliding off at speeds no normal mortal could follow. Pain blared as despite it being a glancing blow...

Ah, he was stronger. In terms of physical power and the weight behind his blow, Lancer was much stronger. But it was ok. He wouldn't lose.

"Now that's something." he cooed, quite clearly impressed. "But all it takes is one ill aimed hit and the frail will go flying. But not that you care, right? Of course you don't care, it's hardly important. What matters is yourself. Not what you're born into, not what people say you're tied to. Your strength, your own talents, your own wants. Isn't that what we should chase instead of rules we never agreed to?"

That said he didn't mind moving to another location for other reasons.

"Still... let's go."

He broke away, first at a slow pace that wasn't all that odd for a human, but he began to accelerate, more and more as he rushed through the streets and crowds of the lit Las Vegas, exiting the strip. His fists flew and exchanged with Lancer when he followed, and weaving and striking, the two sent cracks through walls in passing, blew craters into the streets from their footwork and broke glass with the force of their redirected and parried fists.

Such a clash was enough to work up a sweat as a warm up.

But now they could go all out.


Las Vegas Strip -> Spring Valley Community Park.

As the two entered a park, they broke the streets and ripped apart the small pockets of green that pleased the locals in the desert. But it was when they entered a playing ground that Archer made his first notable move. retreating near a swing, he swept at it with his palm to send it flying towards Lancer's face while he himself followed through on the motion, bringing his arm back in a elbow strike towards his foe's center.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Seirei No Hai
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Seirei No Hai

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

To whoever works at the park, I am sorry.

Spring Valley Community Park @DarckLeon @Kala @Yukitamas

The park wasn't packed at this time, everyone else would have been busy wasting all their money in the big casinos. This was a good opportunity for a battle without needless killing or suspicion, however... it's a shame to let a beautiful park like this be a playground to Kings with the strength of monsters, you can't please everyone.

Brown dirt staining the beautiful green of the park gardens, cracked pavements and paths, cracks in the columns, glass and cement walls. Their fight was showing signs of it everywhere and as Archer quickly retreated behind a swing set, sweeping it off its hinges and sending the metal part over to Lancer's face, he quickly grabbed it... sliding backwards from the immense power poured into it and used it as a shield to protect himself from the Red Savage's powerful elbow strike which was enough to split the rusted metal in half, still... this didn't stop Lancer from improvising.

Using the two halves of the metal swing, he gave them a few swings of his own aimed at the Red Man's arms to keep him from striking the Lancer with a fatal blow especially since his Glam Sight was useful in high-speed fights like this. Once he found an opening, he'd throw one of the halves toward the Archer and throwing another as he leapt backwards. It wasn't a true aim like an Archer but it's enough of a distraction for him to lift the screwed metal bench he just so happened to find beside him and use it as a two-handed weapon, going for a full swing from the left to knock the Redborn toward a building.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by DarckLeon
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@Yukitamas@Kala@Seirei No Hai
Kitorai Valueleta

The Strip

So this is a battle between servants...they are truly deserving of being called heroic spirits.

Their battle was fast, very fast, each blow was answered by a counter, followed by a feint that led to another strike that is answered once again, all this in a matter of seconds. Kitorai wasn't ashamed to say that he almost lost sight of the skirmish. But he wasn't a master of reinforcement for nothing, and while his specialization resided in the use of it in objects, one do not learn a trick or two at his age.

He switched his magic circuits on, the ever present image of a statue being erected in his mind, and reinforced what few dared: his brain, more precisely, the "speed" in which his brain processed the perceived information through his eyes. Now it was better, much better. The two servants were truly master of their craft, trading punches and reversing grabs like it was nothing. He wouldn't have a chance against these monsters alone...but he wasn't alone, he weared his dreams and hopes in his body, he was sure that with it he would lean the scale in his favour, he HAD to be sure.

And then, the two of them began to separate from the crowd, slow enough not to raise awareness, but he knew through the link between master and servant that he, and probably his opponent, started to ramp up their speed considerably once they were out of sight

There was a brief lull in the street. Kitorai observed the enemy master... he didn't know why but the way he just smiled throughout all that set him on edge, but for now it seemed he just contented himself to just smile and watch.

"GAHAHA! what a foolish attendant i have, drinking a little and wanting to start a fight with the first punk that crossed his way! I better go see if he doesn't trip with a branch or something, i swear that boy always looking for trouble!

With the amount of people present, he couldn't hypnotize them all to forget this incident, and even if he sended some of his employees to do it, by the time the deed was done they would have already talked, so he tried to pass it off as just two drunkards figthing for this or that, not a strange sight in this city...and besides it wasn't too bad, more likely than not this incident would just be forgotten in some days if his hunch was correct and the servants destroyed some other place devoid of people in their fight, that would be more of an interesting gossip after all.

And so, before he started to follow his servant, he spared a last glance to the smiling enemy master, his human survival instinct telling him to not lose him out of sight, prepared for anything he would try.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Scallop
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Excalibur Hotel, Paradise

Perfect. With that reply from her Partner, Valentina allowed an almost inhuman smile cross across her face, the edges of her mouth just a little to wide before she stared at Rider with a blank expression in her one eye, unable to fully put any emotion in her eye. She knew his love for knowledge would be what would carry them through this war, that and his magnificent Library, a testament to his power.

"Of course! I know little of this task, breaking people is somehing that my magic does for me automatically, never have I had to draw someone out of their natural being. That is more of your wheelhouse, now of course" Her control dropped from the limo driver, his fate sealed as she glimpsed the room that Rider had created, a devilish smirk on her lips as the door slammed front in front of her. Truly this was the partnership she had been needing.

She glided alongside her servant as he discussed the expedition, giving his map a good look before nodding. "Truth be told, my preparations needed much more work and I apologise for such. Enemies are nearby and I feel my misunderstanding of this city's layout has led us to the heart of the storm. Perhaps this may prove beneficial in the long run." She let herself explain to him, sending off another ragged patchwork creature, sending them all in the direction of the two powerful presences she was feeling.

As they stepped into the elevator she dusted herself off and eyed up her Partner again, before shaking her head. A normal outfit would barely suit him, and right now, she couldn't care much for blending in. "Those locations are suitable. I look forward to seeing your skill of Riding, Ancient King! This war is full of surprises, even now with just you, I feel like my goal is finally in reach!" They stepped out of the elevator and she motioned for him to follow as they approached the limo.

"If we encounter any trouble on our way, for tonight we should attempt to keep your identity secret. If there is a battle that can be won, I say we should attempt, but I cannot afford to lose you if we have any unfortunate failures, I hope this is understandable?"

With that she slid into the long passenger compartment of the Limo, sitting just behind the driver's seat, crossing her legs and humming slightly, very much in the mood to find another Magus to see just how well they cope with a familiar that could rip them to shreds.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by KatKook
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KatKook Mic muted

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"You have word."

Summerlin Bellagio

Nakano moved closer to her master at the mention of battles, a small smile appearing on her face, moving her lips and the scar attached to it, "Sounds like a grand time! May I ask you if you know what exactly we are up against?" Asked Nakano as she moved closer to her master now standing rather intimidatingly (Not on purpose) next to her. Her hand rested on the chair's back rest as she raised a brow awaiting an answer. Though as her master was making calculations, Nakano moved to an area where she could kneel down and meditate for now, because it would appear that her master is not planning for the two of them to engage just yet.

"Interesting?" Nakano asked, "How interesting?" She added as she began to kneel down, her Naginata now appearing in her hands from seemingly a small flash of blue, her master then went on to say that they would be avoiding conflict for the time being, and Nakano was fine with that, not worried at all because of the aforementioned trust of her partner. "Then I suppose this gives me ample time to mediate on my thoughts, say a few prayers to Tomoe for the time being." Soon she slowly placed her weapon in front of her and placed both of her palms down on to the carpet followed by her head now also being tilted down, it would appear she was showing respect as she meditated.

Though seconds after it began, it was interrupted by her master who asked her what her choice of small animal was, now this was a rather tough decision, after her master asked that her head was still down a few moments but that did not mean she was being disrespectful, she was simply thinking of an answer, then raised her head, "Hummingbird." She let out, she admired the speed of their wings, she wished before that her speed could match that but that does not seem possible. "I apologise master but no other creature is coming into mind." Said Nakano, she then went back to meditating, only letting a out whispers and mumbles of her prayers, though the sound of it was next to silent, only audible if ears themselves were pressed against her mouth.


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